b'A glimpse of life as we age in HRS is . America after almost30 years &40,000+ storiesHow We AgeHRS began in 1992 when the very first participants agreed to share their stories with us. Nearly 30 years later, we now have over 40,000 stories that together paint a portrait of life as we age in America. As time goes on, some things change and some things stay the same, for better and for worse. Sharing your stories with us over the years helps us know the difference. This is important because this information can help the people who are trying to make things better, whether its doctors or policy makers. About LifeOur lives are made up of so many parts. And life is complicated. Understanding all those parts and trying to unravel some of the mysteries is what HRS is all about. It means we ask a lot of questions to be able to tell the story of aging in America. 2'