HRS 1992 (Wave 1) Documentation

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Section J: Disability VAR # _____ 4001 J1. Now I want to ask how your health affects paid work activities. Do you have any impairment or health problem that limits the kind or amount of paid work you can do? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4002-V4007, V4016-V4033, V4101-V4138] 8. DK 9. NA V4001 Code Frequency --------------------- 1 2717 5 9907 9 28 4002 J1a. What health condition causes this impairment or 4003 problem? 4004 [NOTE: If more than one condition, ask: What condition is the main cause of this impairment or problem? Record all mentions and underline main cause.] ____________________________________________________________ Use Health Conditions Master Code 000. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; no further mentions V4002 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 9935 101 64 102 10 103 5 111 376 112 556 113 212 114 27 115 25 116 13 117 2 119 83 121 350 122 56 123 80 124 5 129 37 131 16 132 53 133 20 134 66 139 60 141 97 142 2 144 7 149 12 151 30 152 7 153 21 154 1 155 2 156 1 161 71 162 34 163 47 164 4 165 8 169 47 173 2 179 1 181 4 182 1 183 25 189 52 191 1 193 3 194 74 195 1 196 1 595 4 596 21 997 8 998 2 999 10 V4003 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11612 101 13 102 3 103 6 111 145 112 137 113 113 114 7 115 10 116 6 119 41 121 76 122 64 123 15 124 6 129 27 131 8 132 21 133 14 134 14 139 30 141 61 142 6 144 6 149 5 151 15 152 6 153 19 154 3 155 6 156 1 159 2 161 26 162 12 163 7 164 2 165 1 169 24 179 7 181 5 183 10 189 21 194 21 196 1 595 2 596 11 997 4 V4004 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12239 101 4 102 3 103 2 111 58 112 32 113 23 114 6 115 1 116 9 119 21 121 35 122 33 123 5 124 1 129 2 131 3 132 10 133 3 134 9 139 9 141 19 142 3 144 5 149 2 151 16 152 5 153 13 154 2 155 2 156 1 159 3 161 16 162 4 163 1 164 1 169 12 173 1 179 3 183 3 189 18 193 1 194 4 196 1 595 2 596 3 997 3 4005 J1a. Main/Underlined Cause ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: If only one condition in J1a, code here (as MAIN) as well as in V4002.] Use same code as for V4002-V4004, except: 999. NA; main cause is not indicated/underlined by Iwer 000. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 V4005 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 9935 101 62 102 10 103 4 111 318 112 487 113 178 114 24 115 20 116 14 117 1 119 73 121 296 122 33 123 71 124 3 129 31 131 15 132 39 133 21 134 48 139 47 141 70 142 1 144 6 149 7 151 28 152 7 153 22 154 1 155 3 156 1 161 55 162 31 163 40 164 2 165 8 V4005 Code Frequency --------------------- 169 37 173 1 179 2 181 4 183 26 189 44 191 1 193 2 194 61 196 1 595 3 596 19 997 8 998 2 999 429 4006 J1b. Is this a temporary condition that will last for 14006 less than three months? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes, temporary 5. No, not temporary [Inap in V4007-V4015] 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 V4006 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 9935 1 105 5 2612 4007 J1c. Have you had this condition before? [IMPUTED] 14007 ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes [Inap in V4008-V4015] 5. No [Inap in V4008-V4033, V4101-V4138] 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 or V4006 V4007 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12548 1 33 5 71 4008 J1d. Does any impairment or health problem limit the kind or amount of work you can do around the house? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes [Inap in V4009] 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4006; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4007 V4008 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 2717 1 437 5 9461 9 37 4009 J1e. Are you limited in any way in activities because of an impairment or problem? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4010-V4015] 8. DK [Inap in V4010-V4015] 9. NA [Inap in V4010-V4015] 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4006; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4007; 1 in V4008 V4009 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3154 1 567 5 8898 9 33 4010 J1f. What health condition causes this impairment or 4011 problem? [NOTE: If more than one condition, ask: 4012 What condition is the main cause of this impairment or problem? Record all mentions and underline main cause.] ____________________________________________________________ Use Health Conditions Master Code 000. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4006; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4007; 5, 8-9 in V4009; no further mentions V4010 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11648 101 15 102 1 103 3 111 181 112 263 113 135 114 3 115 4 116 11 119 36 121 75 122 12 123 2 124 1 129 7 131 21 132 33 133 6 134 14 139 24 141 9 142 1 144 13 149 1 151 7 152 2 153 3 154 2 155 4 159 1 161 20 162 10 163 8 169 7 179 2 V4010 Code Frequency --------------------- 183 4 189 2 192 1 194 29 195 1 595 3 596 12 997 4 999 11 V4011 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12499 101 1 103 1 111 22 112 32 113 26 116 1 119 13 121 5 122 5 123 1 129 1 131 3 132 6 133 2 139 5 141 7 144 3 161 2 162 1 169 4 179 1 194 4 595 2 596 4 997 1 V4012 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12638 101 2 111 1 112 1 113 2 114 1 122 1 129 1 141 1 144 1 169 2 194 1 4013 J1f. Main/Underlined Cause ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: If only one condition at J1f, code it here (as MAIN) as well as in V4010.] Use same code as for V4010-4012, except: 999. NA; main cause is not indicated/underlined by Iwer 000. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4006; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4007; 5, 8-9 in V4009 V4013 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11648 101 14 102 1 103 4 111 168 112 242 113 135 114 3 115 4 116 10 119 33 121 70 122 9 123 2 129 6 131 16 132 31 133 6 134 14 139 25 141 8 142 1 144 12 149 1 151 6 152 1 153 2 154 2 155 3 159 1 161 18 162 9 163 8 169 6 179 1 V4013 Code Frequency --------------------- 183 3 189 2 192 1 194 24 195 1 595 3 596 12 997 5 999 81 4014 J1g. When did the impairment or health problem you just mentioned first begin to bother you? ____________________________________________________________ Code YEAR (1910-1993) 9996. Condition present at birth 9998. DK 9999. NA 0000. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4006; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4007; 5, 8-9 in V4009 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4014 984 2126.28 1074.87 1934.00 9996.00 4015 J1h. When did it begin to interfere with (the work you can do around the house/your activities)? ____________________________________________________________ Code YEAR (1910-1993) 9996. Never; hasn't interfered at home/with other activities 9998. DK 9999. NA 0000. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4006; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4007; 5, 8-9 in V4009 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4015 947 2270.15 1491.73 1934.00 9996.00 4016 J2. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT [NOTE: See p.66, F2 and p.94, G1] ____________________________________________________________ 1. R is currently working ("yes" to F2) 2. R has never worked ("NO" TO G1) [Inap in V4017-V4033, V4101-V4138, V4201-V4239, V4301-V4329, V4301-V4342, V4401-V4445, V4501-V4536, V4601-V4648] 3. All others [Inap in V4017-V4033] 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 or V4007 V4016 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10006 1 774 2 199 3 1673 4017 J3. Did this impairment or health problem begin to 14017 affect your activities before you started working regularly, after you started working regularly or what? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Before started work [Inap in V4101-V4138, V4201-V4239, V4301-V4329, V4301-V4342, V4401-V4445, V4501-V4536, V4601-V4648] 2. After started work [Inap in V4018-V4033, V4101-V4119 3. After stopped work [Inap in V4018-V4033, V4101-V4119 4. Never worked regularly [Inap in V4018-V4033, V4101-V4138, V4201-V4239, V4301-V4329, V4301-V4342, V4401-V4445, V4501-V4536, V4601-V4648] 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 or V4007; 2 or 3 in V4016 V4017 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11878 1 172 2 590 3 5 4 7 IMPAIRMENT PRECEDED WORK 4018 J4. Are you able to work full-time or can you work only part-time? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Full-time 2. Part-time 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 or V4007; 2 or 3 in V4016; 2-4, 8-9 in V4017 V4018 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12482 1 130 2 40 4019 J5. Are you able to work regularly or can you only work occasionally? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Regularly 2. Occasionally 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 or V4007; 2 or 3 in V4016; 2-4, 8-9 in V4017 V4019 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12482 1 149 2 21 4020 J6. When did this impairment or health problem first begin to bother you? ____________________________________________________________ Code YEAR (1910-1993) 9996. Condition present at birth [Inap in V4021-V4024] 9998. DK 9999. NA 0000. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 or V4007; 2 or 3 in V4016; 2-4, 8-9 in V4017 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4020 168 2734.68 2362.97 1934.00 9996.00 4021 J7. Do you expect this condition to get worse within the next few years? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 or V4007; 2 or 3 in V4016; 2-4, 8-9 in V4017; 9996 in V4020 V4021 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12498 1 67 5 62 8 25 4022 J8. Was the impairment or health problem you just mentioned the result of an accident or injury? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4023-V4024] 8. DK [Inap in V4023-V4024] 9. NA [Inap in V4023-V4024] 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 or V4007; 2 or 3 in V4016; 2-4, 8-9 in V4017; 9996 in V4020 V4022 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12498 1 38 5 114 8 1 9 1 4023 J9. Did the accident or injury occur at work, at home, or somewhere else? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Work 2. Home 3. Elsewhere 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 or V4007; 2 or 3 in V4016; 2-4, 8-9 in V4017; 9996 in V4020; 5, 8-9 in V4022 V4023 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12614 1 8 2 6 3 24 4024 J10. Was it the result of an automobile accident? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 or V4007; 2 or 3 in V4016; 2-4, 8-9 in V4017; 9996 in V4020; 5, 8-9 in V4022 V4024 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12614 1 9 5 29 4025 J11. Does your employer do anything special to help you 14025 out so that you can continue working? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4026-V4033, V4101-V4138, V4201-V4239, V4301-V4329, V4301-V4342, V4401-V4445, V4501-V4536, V4601-V4648] 6. Self-employed [Inap in V4026-V4033, V4101-V4138, V4201-V4239, V4301-V4329, V4301-V4342, V4401-V4445, V4501-V4536, V4601-V4648] 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 or V4007; 2 or 3 in V4016; 2-4, 8-9 in V4017 V4025 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12482 1 34 5 104 6 32 4026 J11a. Does your employer have someone help you out? ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: Use same codes in V4027-V4030.] 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 or V4007; 2 or 3 in V4016; 2-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025 V4026 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12618 1 21 5 12 9 1 4027 J11b. (Does your employer) give you a shorter work day? ____________________________________________________________ V4027 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12618 1 10 5 23 9 1 4028 J11c. (Does your employer) allow you more breaks and rest periods? ____________________________________________________________ V4028 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12618 1 15 5 18 9 1 4029 J11d. Arrange for special transportation? ____________________________________________________________ V4029 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12618 1 5 5 28 9 1 4030 J11e. Get you special equipment for the job? ____________________________________________________________ V4030 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12618 1 7 5 26 9 1 4031 J11f. Does your employer do anything else to help you 14031 out? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4032-V4033, V4101-V4138, V4201-V4239, V4301-V4329, V4301-V4342, V4401-V4445, V4501-V4536, V4601-V4648] 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 or V4007; 2 or 3 in V4016; 2-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025 V4031 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12618 1 8 5 26 4032 J11g. What other help are you given? 4033 ____________________________________________________________ 01. Changed time R came or left work; allowed flexibility of hours 02. Changed job content; modified job tasks to suit R's abilities 03. Helped R learn new job skills; provided training 11. Employer or others gave assistance at tasks when needed 12. Emotional support; understanding/kindness 21. Medical care provided (or arranged for) either by company or employer personally 22. Paid medical leave time 23. Time off when needed (unpaid or NA if paid) 31. Parking made easier/closer 32. Adapted/changed working environment Helped to LEAVE job: 81. Offered early retirement 82. Helped get R worker's compensation/disability 97. Other [NOTE: Make card] 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001 or V4007; 2-3 in V4016; 2-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; no second mention V4032 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12643 1 1 2 3 11 1 21 2 31 1 32 1 V4033 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12651 21 1 4101 J12. Did this impairment or health problem begin to 14101 affect your activities before you started working regularly, after you started working regularly or what? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Before started work [Inap in V4102, V4201-V4239, V4301-V4329, V4301-V4342, V4401-V4445, V4501-V4536, V4601-V4648] 2. After started work 3. After stopped work 4. Never worked regularly [Inap in V4102-V4138, V4201-V4239, V4301-V4329, V4301-V4342, V4401-V4445, V4501-V4536, V4601-V4648] 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031 V4101 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10979 1 149 2 1266 3 232 4 26 4102 J12a. Does it keep you from working altogether? [IMPUTED] 14102 ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes [Inap in V4103-V4126] 5. No [Inap in V4103-V4119, V4127-V4132] 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101 V4102 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11167 1 1166 5 319 IMPAIRMENT PRECEDED WORK 4103 J13. Does this limitation keep you from working altogether? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes [Inap in V4104-V4105] 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4102 V4103 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12503 1 96 5 53 4104 J13a. Are you able to work full-time or can you work only part-time? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Full-time 2. Part-time 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4102; 1 in V4103 V4104 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12599 1 30 2 22 9 1 4105 J13b. Are you able to work regularly or can you only work occasionally? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Regularly 2. Occasionally 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4102; 1 in V4103 V4105 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12599 1 33 2 18 9 2 4106 J14. When did this impairment or problem first begin to bother you? ____________________________________________________________ Code YEAR (1910-1993) 9996. Condition present at birth [Inap in V4107-V4110] 9998. DK 9999. NA 0000. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4102 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4106 148 2669.45 2281.33 1926.00 9996.00 4107 J15. Do you expect this condition to get worse within the next few years? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4102; 9996 in V4106 V4107 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12516 1 81 5 34 8 20 9 1 4108 J16. Was the impairment or health problem you just mentioned the result of an accident or injury? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4109-V4110] 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4102; 9996 in V4106 V4108 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12516 1 40 5 93 8 3 4109 J16a. Did the accident or injury occur at work, at home, or somewhere else? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Work 2. Home 3. Elsewhere 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1, 5, 8-9 in v4102; 9996 in V4106; 5, 8-9 in V4107 V4109 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12612 1 5 2 9 3 26 4110 J16b. Was it the result of an automobile accident? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1, 5, 8-9 in v4102; 9996 in V4106; 5, 8-9 in V4107 V4110 Code Frequency -------------- ------ 0 12612 1 13 5 27 4111 J17. Did your last employer do anything special to help 14111 you out so that you could continue working? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4112-V4138, V4201-V4239, V4301-V4329, V4301-V4342, V4401-V4445, V4501-V4536, V4601-V4648] 6. Self-employed [Inap in V4112-V4138, V4201-V4239, V4301-V4329, V4301-V4342, V4401-V4445, V4501-V4536, V4601-V4648] 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4102 V4111 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12652 4112 J17a. Did your employer have someone help you out? ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: Use same codes in V4113-V4116.] 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111 V4112 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12631 1 15 5 6 4113 J17b. (Did your employer) give you a shorter work day? ____________________________________________________________ V4113 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12631 1 9 5 12 4114 J17c. (Did your employer) allow you more breaks and rest periods? ____________________________________________________________ V4114 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12631 1 8 5 13 4115 J17d. Arrange for special transportation? ____________________________________________________________ V4115 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12631 1 1 5 20 4116 J17e. Get you special equipment for the job? ____________________________________________________________ V4116 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12631 1 1 5 20 4117 J17f. Did your employer do anything else to help you out? 14117 [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4118-V4138, V4201-V4239, V4301-V4329, V4301-V4342, V4401-V4445, V4501-V4536, V4601-V4648] 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111 V4117 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12631 1 9 5 12 4118 J17g. What other help were you given? 4119 ____________________________________________________________ 01. Changed time R came or left work; allowed flexibility of hours 02. Changed job content; modified job tasks to suit R's abilities 03. Helped R learn new job skills; provided training 11. Employer or others gave assistance at tasks when needed 12. Emotional support; understanding/kindness 21. Medical care provided (or arranged for) either by company or employer personally 22. Paid medical leave time 23. Time off when needed (unpaid or NA if paid) 31. Parking made easier/closer 32. Adapted/changed working environment Helped to LEAVE job: 81. Offered early retirement 82. Helped get R worker's compensation/disability 97. Other [NOTE: Make card] 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1-4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1, 5, 8-9 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; no second mention V4118 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12643 1 1 2 5 11 1 12 1 97 1 V4119 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12651 1 1 R CAN STILL DO SOME WORK 4120 J18. Are you now able to do the same kind of work you did before your health limitation began? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 V4120 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11741 1 464 5 438 8 1 9 8 4121 J19. Are you now able to work full time or can you work only part time? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Full-time 2. Part-time 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 V4121 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11741 1 612 2 276 8 3 9 20 4122 J20. Are you now able to work regularly or can you only work occasionally or irregularly? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Regularly 2. Occasionally or irregularly 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 V4122 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11741 1 676 2 214 8 5 9 16 4123 J21. When did the impairment or health problem you mentioned first begin to bother you?--MONTH ____________________________________________________________ Code MONTH (01-12) 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in 4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 V4123 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11741 1 47 2 29 3 33 4 36 5 54 6 46 7 40 8 55 9 46 10 47 11 40 12 42 98 152 99 244 4124 J21. When did the impairment or health problem you mentioned first begin to bother you?--YEAR ____________________________________________________________ Code YEAR (1910-1993) 9998. DK 9999. NA 0000. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4124 894 1982.01 8.67 1942.00 1992.00 4125 J22. When did it begin to interfere with your work? --MONTH ____________________________________________________________ Code MONTH (01-12) 96. Never did interfere 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 V4125 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11741 1 51 2 32 3 36 4 35 5 38 6 44 7 47 8 48 9 43 10 44 11 36 12 35 96 61 98 119 99 242 4126 J22. When did it begin to interfere with your work?--YEAR ____________________________________________________________ Code YEAR (1910-1993) 9996. Never did interfere 9998. DK 9999. NA 0000. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4126 865 2585.52 2113.55 1951.00 9996.00 R CAN'T WORK AT ALL 4127 J23. When did the impairment or health problem you just mentioned first begin to bother you? (When did it happen?)--MONTH ____________________________________________________________ Code MONTH (01-12) 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 V4127 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11486 1 68 2 55 3 47 4 58 5 67 6 86 7 58 8 68 9 53 10 58 11 58 12 51 98 197 99 242 4128 J23. When did the impairment or health problem you just mentioned first begin to bother you? (When did it happen?)--YEAR ____________________________________________________________ Code YEAR (1910-1993) 9998. DK 9999. NA 0000. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4128 1142 1981.24 9.12 1937.00 1993.00 4129 J24. When did it begin to interfere with your work? --MONTH ____________________________________________________________ Code MONTH (01-12) 96. Never did interfere 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 V4129 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11486 1 65 2 60 3 54 4 53 5 71 6 76 7 52 8 66 9 48 10 57 11 52 12 53 96 33 98 164 99 262 4130 J24. When did it begin to interfere with your work?--YEAR ____________________________________________________________ Code YEAR (1910-1993) 9996. Never did interfere 9998. DK 9999. NA 0000. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4130 1104 2222.10 1365.23 1942.00 9996.00 4131 J25. When did it begin to prevent you from working altogether? --MONTH ____________________________________________________________ Code MONTH (01-12) 96. Never prevented from working 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 V4131 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11486 1 61 2 73 3 61 4 56 5 78 6 80 7 49 8 72 9 71 10 72 11 50 12 66 96 15 98 111 99 251 4132 J25. When did it begin to prevent you from working altogether? --YEAR ____________________________________________________________ Code YEAR (1910-1993) 9996. Never prevented from working 9998. DK 9999. NA 0000. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 1 in V4102; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4132 1110 2092.96 925.42 1941.00 9996.00 4133 J26. Do you expect this condition to improve enough within the next few years so that it will no longer be a problem for your working? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes [Inap in V4134] 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 V4133 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10575 1 189 5 1741 8 137 9 10 4134 J26a. Do you expect this condition to get worse within the next few years? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117; 1 in V4133 V4134 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10764 1 1128 5 640 8 104 9 16 4135 J27. Was the impairment or health problem you just mentioned the result of an accident or injury? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4136-V4137] 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 V4135 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10575 1 661 5 1392 8 8 9 16 4136 J27a. Did the accident or injury occur at work, at home, or somewhere else? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Work 2. Home 3. Elsewhere 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117; 5, 8-9 in V4135 V4136 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11991 1 435 2 66 3 158 8 2 4137 J27b. Was it the result of an automobile accident? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117; 5, 8-9 in V4135 V4137 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11991 1 124 5 532 8 1 9 4 4138 J28. Was this impairment or health problem in any way caused by the nature of your work? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in V4001; 5, 8-9 in V4007; 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 V4138 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10575 1 784 5 1252 8 28 9 13 4201 J29. Did any (other) impairment or health problem ever 14201 limit the kind or amount of paid work that you could do? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4202-V4239, V4301-V4329, V4301-V4342, V4401-V4445, V4501-V4536, V4601-V4648, V4701-V4752, V4801-V4848] 0. Inap, 2 in V4106; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 V4201 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 2646 1 729 5 9277 4202 J29a. What health condition caused this impairment or 4203 problem? [NOTE: If more than one condition, ask: 4204 What condition was the main cause of this impairment or problem? Record all mentions and underline main cause.] ____________________________________________________________ Use Health Conditions Master Code 000. Inap, 2 in V4106; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117; 5, 8-9 in V4201; no further mentions V4202 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11924 101 28 102 3 103 4 111 18 112 160 113 46 114 3 115 1 116 22 119 20 121 78 122 7 123 10 124 1 129 18 131 3 132 4 133 3 139 11 141 3 142 5 144 2 149 4 151 13 152 4 153 8 154 8 155 1 156 1 161 32 162 10 163 4 164 3 V4202 Code Frequency --------------------- 169 10 171 6 179 15 181 6 183 7 189 11 192 2 193 6 194 115 195 1 595 1 596 2 997 1 999 7 V4203 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12580 103 1 111 3 112 6 113 11 114 1 116 4 119 3 121 1 122 2 129 1 132 1 133 2 139 2 141 3 151 1 152 2 153 1 154 2 159 1 161 1 162 1 169 2 171 1 179 4 181 1 183 1 189 2 194 11 V4204 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12642 101 1 113 1 121 1 161 1 169 1 173 1 183 1 194 3 4205 J29a. Main/Underlined Cause ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: If only one condition in J29a, code here (as MAIN) as well as in V4202.] Use same code as for V4202-V4204, except: 999. NA; main cause is not indicated/underlined by Iwer 000. Inap, 2 in V4106; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117; 5, 8-9 in V4201 V4205 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11924 101 26 102 3 103 3 111 15 112 157 113 46 114 3 115 1 116 18 119 20 121 76 122 6 123 10 124 1 129 16 131 3 132 4 133 4 139 11 V4205 Code Frequency --------------------- 141 3 142 4 144 2 149 4 151 12 152 4 153 7 154 4 156 1 161 32 162 11 163 4 164 3 169 9 171 6 179 16 181 4 183 6 189 11 192 2 193 5 194 114 195 1 595 1 596 2 997 1 999 36 4206 J29b. Did it ever prevent you from working altogether? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4106; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117; 5, 8-9 in V4201 V4206 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11924 1 464 5 262 9 2 4207 J29c. When did this impairment or health problem first begin to bother you? ____________________________________________________________ Code YEAR (1910-1993) 9998. DK 9999. NA 0000. Inap, 2 in V4106; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117; 5, 8-9 in V4201 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4207 719 1977.73 12.65 1931.00 1992.00 4208 J29d. How long did this limitation last? ____________________________________________________________ Code # (01-95) 96. Still present; permanent condition 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4106; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117; 5, 8-9 in V4201 V4208 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11924 1 111 2 101 3 99 4 38 5 46 6 116 7 14 8 23 9 14 10 18 11 5 12 10 13 5 14 2 15 2 V4208 Code Frequency --------------------- 16 2 17 1 18 11 19 4 20 6 21 2 22 6 24 1 25 4 26 1 27 1 28 2 29 1 30 5 32 2 34 3 35 1 37 1 40 1 42 1 44 1 45 1 46 1 48 1 52 1 55 1 60 2 61 1 96 35 98 2 99 22 4209 J29d. # OF ____________________________________________________________ 2. Weeks 4. Months 6. Years 7. Other [NOTE: Make card] 9. DK/NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4106; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117; 5, 8-9 in V4201 V4209 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11924 2 173 4 282 6 214 7 1 9 58 [Return to Beginning] [Table of Contents] [Previous Section] [Next Section]