Section: F     Level: Sibling         Type: Character  Width: 6   Decimals: 0

         6196           000003-213479. Household Identification Number

PN RESPONDENT PERSON IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 2610 010. Person Identifier 210 011. Person Identifier 7 012. Person Identifier 1643 020. Person Identifier 59 021. Person Identifier 4 022. Person Identifier 569 030. Person Identifier 27 031. Person Identifier 032. Person Identifier 1036 040. Person Identifier 29 041. Person Identifier 2 042. Person Identifier
HSUBHH 2002 SUB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 5643 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 281 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 217 2. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 9 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 46 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite
GSUBHH 2000 SUB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 5797 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 224 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 167 2. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 5 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 3 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite
HPN_SP 2002 SPOUSE/PARTNER PERSON NUMBER Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 2167 010. Person Identifier 164 011. Person Identifier 3 012. Person Identifier 1534 020. Person Identifier 52 021. Person Identifier 022. Person Identifier 360 030. Person Identifier 48 031. Person Identifier 032. Person Identifier 668 040. Person Identifier 30 041. Person Identifier 7 042. Person Identifier 1 811. New Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 821. New Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 831. New Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 841. New Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 1162 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
HCSR 2002 WHETHER COVERSHEET RESPONDENT Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 3989 1. YES 127 3. 2nd Coverscreen R, answers not retained 2080 5. NO
HFAMR 2002 WHETHER FAMILY RESPONDENT Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 4291 1. Family R 1 3. 2nd Family R, answers not retained 1904 5. Non-Family R
HFINR 2002 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 3623 1. Financial R 8 3. 2nd Financial R, answers not retained 2565 5. Non-Financial R
OPN OTHER PERSON NUMBER Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 6160 041-995. Other Person Number 36 997. Data Not Available for this Release
Ask: IF (NOT (NOT (((piRTab1X013AMaAlive_V = YES) OR (piRTab1X015APaAlive_V = YES)) OR ((Parents.F001_F020.F001_MaAlive = YES) OR (Parents.F001_F020.F011_PaAlive = YES))))) AND (StopFlag = 1) HF083 MONTH SIBLING DIED Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BF_SIBDIED.F083_MoSibDie Ref 2000: G2217 In what month and year did ([BROTHER/SISTER] [DEAD SIBLING NAME]) die? MONTH: .................................................................................. 30 1. JAN 24 2. FEB 28 3. MAR 32 4. APR 30 5. MAY 24 6. JUN 26 7. JUL 15 8. AUG 30 9. SEP 24 10. OCT 29 11. NOV 17 12. DEC 58 98. DK (Don't Know) 2 99. RF (Refused) 5827 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piX007AFinFam IN [FINANCIAL_FAMILYR, FAMILYR]) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (((piRelations_A020TSameSpP_A <> NO) AND (RESPONDENTS1_Couplenss <> OTHER)) OR (piSCVXNewSP IN [YES, NESSPP]))) AND (((piRTab2X013AMaAlive_V = YES) OR (piRTab2X015APaAlive_V = YES)) OR ((ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F001_MaAlive = YES) OR (ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F011_PaAlive = YES))) AND (StopFlag = 1) HF084 YR SIBLING DIED Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BF_SIBDIED.F084_YrSibDie Ref 2000: G2218 (In what month and year did ([BROTHER/SISTER] [DEAD SIBLING NAME] die?) YEAR: .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 347 1946 2002 1998.77 6.17 5827 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 20 9998. DK (Don't Know) 2 9999. RF (Refused)
Ask: IF (((piX007AFinFam IN [FINANCIAL_FAMILYR, FAMILYR]) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (((piRelations_A020TSameSpP_A <> NO) AND (RESPONDENTS1_Couplenss <> OTHER)) OR (piSCVXNewSP IN [YES, NESSPP]))) AND (((piRTab2X013AMaAlive_V = YES) OR (piRTab2X015APaAlive_V = YES)) OR ((ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F001_MaAlive = YES) OR (ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F011_PaAlive = YES))) HF086 SIB AGE Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BF_SibAdded.F086_AgeSib Ref 2000: G2220 How old is ([BROTHER/SISTER]/[SIBLING NAME])? AGE: .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1068 0 84 53.11 10.90 5019 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 91 98. DK (Don't Know) 18 99. RF (Refused)
Ask: IF (NOT (NOT (((piRTab1X013AMaAlive_V = YES) OR (piRTab1X015APaAlive_V = YES)) OR ((Parents.F001_F020.F001_MaAlive = YES) OR (Parents.F001_F020.F011_PaAlive = YES))))) AND (StopFlag = 1) HF087 NUM CHILDREN- SIB Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BF_SibAdded.F087_NumSibKid Ref 2000: G2221 How many children does ([BROTHER/SISTER]/[SIBLING NAME]) have? .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1094 0 16 2.43 1.81 5019 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 66 98. DK (Don't Know) 17 99. RF (Refused)
Ask: IF (((piX007AFinFam IN [FINANCIAL_FAMILYR, FAMILYR]) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (((piRelations_A020TSameSpP_A <> NO) AND (RESPONDENTS1_Couplenss <> OTHER)) OR (piSCVXNewSP IN [YES, NESSPP]))) AND (((piRTab2X013AMaAlive_V = YES) OR (piRTab2X015APaAlive_V = YES)) OR ((ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F001_MaAlive = YES) OR (ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F011_PaAlive = YES))) HF088 NUM GRANDKIDS- SIB Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BF_SibAdded.F088_NumSibGKid Ref 2000: G2222 How many grandchildren does ([BROTHER/SISTER]/[SIBLING NAME]) have? .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1009 0 30 1.92 3.17 5019 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 150 98. DK (Don't Know) 18 99. RF (Refused)
Ask: IF (((piX007AFinFam IN [FINANCIAL_FAMILYR, FAMILYR]) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (((piRelations_A020TSameSpP_A <> NO) AND (RESPONDENTS1_Couplenss <> OTHER)) OR (piSCVXNewSP IN [YES, NESSPP]))) AND (((piRTab2X013AMaAlive_V = YES) OR (piRTab2X015APaAlive_V = YES)) OR ((ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F001_MaAlive = YES) OR (ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F011_PaAlive = YES))) AND (StopFlag = 1) HF092 SIB WORK HRS PER WEEK Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BF_Sibling.F092_NumHrSibWk Ref 2000: G2227 Is ([BROTHER/SISTER]/[SIBLING NAME]) working 30 or more hours per week, under 30 hours, or not at all? .................................................................................. 2370 1. 30+ HOURS 359 2. <30 HOURS 1722 3. NOT AT ALL 236 8. DK (Don't Know) 38 9. RF (Refused) 1471 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piX007AFinFam IN [FINANCIAL_FAMILYR, FAMILYR]) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (((piRelations_A020TSameSpP_A <> NO) AND (RESPONDENTS1_Couplenss <> OTHER)) OR (piSCVXNewSP IN [YES, NESSPP]))) AND (((piRTab2X013AMaAlive_V = YES) OR (piRTab2X015APaAlive_V = YES)) OR ((ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F001_MaAlive = YES) OR (ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F011_PaAlive = YES))) AND (StopFlag = 1) HF093 HHM UNDER 18 LIV W/SIB Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BF_Sibling.F093_SibLivWith Ref 2000: G2228 Does (he/she) have anyone under 18 living with (him/her)? .................................................................................. 682 1. YES 3239 5. NO 122 8. DK (Don't Know) 34 9. RF (Refused) 2119 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piX007AFinFam IN [FINANCIAL_FAMILYR, FAMILYR]) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (((piRelations_A020TSameSpP_A <> NO) AND (RESPONDENTS1_Couplenss <> OTHER)) OR (piSCVXNewSP IN [YES, NESSPP]))) AND (((piRTab2X013AMaAlive_V = YES) OR (piRTab2X015APaAlive_V = YES)) OR ((ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F001_MaAlive = YES) OR (ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F011_PaAlive = YES))) AND (StopFlag = 1) AND (((piF029_ParLivWSib <> 38) AND (piF045_MaLivWSib <> 38)) AND (piF061_PaLivWSib <> 38)) AND (piF001_MaAlive = YES) HF096 SIB LIVE W/IN 10 MI FROM PARENTS/MOTHER Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BF_Sibling.F096_SibLiv10Mi Ref 2000: G2231 Does (he/she) live within 10 miles of your (parents/mother)? .................................................................................. 978 1. YES 1657 5. NO 105 6. (VOL) LIVES WITH PARENT(IN-LAWS)(S) 49 8. DK (Don't Know) 22 9. RF (Refused) 3385 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (NOT (NOT (((piRTab1X013AMaAlive_V = YES) OR (piRTab1X015APaAlive_V = YES)) OR ((Parents.F001_F020.F001_MaAlive = YES) OR (Parents.F001_F020.F011_PaAlive = YES))))) AND ((piF011_PaAlive = YES) AND (piF021_StillMarr <> YES)) HF097 SIB LIVE W/IN 10 MI FROM FATHER Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BF_Sibling.F097_SibLiv10MiPa Ref 2000: G2232 Does (he/she) live within 10 miles of your father? .................................................................................. 140 1. YES 395 5. NO 4 6. (VOL) LIVES WITH PARENT(IN-LAWS)(S) 20 8. DK (Don't Know) 6 9. RF (Refused) 5631 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (NOT (NOT (((piRTab1X013AMaAlive_V = YES) OR (piRTab1X015APaAlive_V = YES)) OR ((Parents.F001_F020.F001_MaAlive = YES) OR (Parents.F001_F020.F011_PaAlive = YES))))) AND (StopFlag = 1) HF098 SIB HIGHEST GRADE Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BF_Sibling.F098_SibHiGrade Ref 2000: G2233 What is the highest grade of school or year of college (he/she) completed? 0 NO FORMAL EDUCATION 1-11 GRADES 12 HIGH SCHOOL 13-15 SOME COLLEGE 16 COLLEGE GRAD 17 POST COLLEGE (17+ YEARS) .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67 1 17 12.30 2.86 6121 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 8 98. DK (Don't Know) 99. RF (Refused)
Ask: IF (((piX007AFinFam IN [FINANCIAL_FAMILYR, FAMILYR]) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (((piRelations_A020TSameSpP_A <> NO) AND (RESPONDENTS1_Couplenss <> OTHER)) OR (piSCVXNewSP IN [YES, NESSPP]))) AND (((piRTab2X013AMaAlive_V = YES) OR (piRTab2X015APaAlive_V = YES)) OR ((ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F001_MaAlive = YES) OR (ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F011_PaAlive = YES))) AND (StopFlag = 1) AND (piX074AChanged = ADDED) AND (((F098_SibHiGrade < 13) OR (F098_SibHiGrade = DONTKNOW)) OR (F098_SibHiGrade = REFUSAL)) HF099 SIB GET HS DIPLOMA/GED Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BF_Sibling.F099_SibHSDipl Ref 2000: G2234 Did (he/she) get a high school diploma or pass a high school equivalency test? .................................................................................. 25 1. YES, DIPLOMA 4 2. YES, EQUIVALENCY [GED] 16 5. NO 8 8. DK (Don't Know) 9. RF (Refused) 6143 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piX007AFinFam IN [FINANCIAL_FAMILYR, FAMILYR]) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (((piRelations_A020TSameSpP_A <> NO) AND (RESPONDENTS1_Couplenss <> OTHER)) OR (piSCVXNewSP IN [YES, NESSPP]))) AND (((piRTab2X013AMaAlive_V = YES) OR (piRTab2X015APaAlive_V = YES)) OR ((ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F001_MaAlive = YES) OR (ParentsInLaw.F001_F020.F011_PaAlive = YES))) AND (piX074AChanged = ADDED) HF100 SIB GET COLLEGE DEGREE Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BF_Sibling.F100_SibCollDeg Ref 2000: G2235 (Did (he/she) get a college degree?) .................................................................................. 13 1. YES 9 5. NO 8. DK (Don't Know) 9. RF (Refused) 6174 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (NOT (NOT (((piRTab1X013AMaAlive_V = YES) OR (piRTab1X015APaAlive_V = YES)) OR ((Parents.F001_F020.F001_MaAlive = YES) OR (Parents.F001_F020.F011_PaAlive = YES))))) AND (F100_SibCollDeg = YES) HF101M SIB HIGHEST DEGREE- MASKED Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BF_Sibling.F101_SibHiDeg Ref 2000: G2236M (What is the highest degree (he/she) earned?) User Note: Code categories have been collapsed to protect participant confidentiality. .................................................................................. 1 1. LESS THAN BACHELORS 8 2. BACHELORS 2 3. MASTERS/MBA 1 6. MD, PHD, LAW 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 9. RF (Refused) 6183 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (NOT (NOT (((piRTab1X013AMaAlive_V = YES) OR (piRTab1X015APaAlive_V = YES)) OR ((Parents.F001_F020.F001_MaAlive = YES) OR (Parents.F001_F020.F011_PaAlive = YES))))) AND (StopFlag = 1) AND (piCouplenss <> OTHER) HF103 SIB SP WORK HRS PER WEEK Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BF_Sibling.F103_Work30Hrs Ref 2000: G2237 Is ([BROTHER/SISTER]/[SIBLING NAME])'s (husband/wife/partner) working 30 or more hours per week, under 30 hours, or not at all? .................................................................................. 1609 1. 30+ HOURS 269 2. <30 HOURS 1307 3. NOT AT ALL 209 8. DK (Don't Know) 30 9. RF (Refused) 2772 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
HVERSION 2002 DATA RELEASE VERSION Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 6196 2. Second Data Release
HQNR BLAISE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: F Level: Sibling Type: Character Width: 11 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 6196 00000300010-21347900020. Blaise Identification Number
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