___________________________________ HEALTH AND RETIREMENT STUDY, WAVE I Public Release Data May 8, 1995 ___________________________________ Household Listing ___________________________________ VAR # _____ 8301 Line number ____________________________________________________________ (For household members) 00. Line number not used/present Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V8301 4993 3.76 3.53 3.00 73.00 8302 Person number (001-999) ____________________________________________________________ (See PERSON NUMBER MASTER CODE) Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V8302 20268 84.81 167.58 1.00 964.00 8303 Coded relationship to Primary Respondent (01-99) ____________________________________________________________ (See RELATIONSHIP MASTER CODE) V8303 Code Frequency -------------------- 1 7702 2 5165 3 164 4 5 10 4842 11 7 12 249 13 143 15 27 19 3 20 1127 25 20 (continued) Page HHL-002 V8303 Code Frequency -------------------- 30 274 32 2 35 62 40 2 50 87 52 1 53 14 55 76 60 8 63 1 65 15 70 12 71 18 74 3 75 5 76 2 79 3 80 90 81 21 89 21 90 3 91 19 92 54 93 9 97 11 99 1 8304 Sex ____________________________________________________________ 1 Male 2 Female 9 NA V8304 Code Frequency -------------------- 1 9726 2 10523 9 19 8305 Age ____________________________________________________________ 01-94 1 day to 94 years of age 95 95 years of age or older 99 Not Ascertained (NA) Page HHL-003 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V8305 20211 43.93 18.86 0.00 95.00 8306 Married pair (Married pair: assigned to each member of all married pairs residing in HU) ____________________________________________________________ 0 Not applicable 1 Married Pair 2 Second Married Pair 3 Third Married Pair V8306 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 9280 1 10819 2 165 3 4 8307 Householder ("Householder" indicator: person in whose name the lease or mortgage is held) ____________________________________________________________ 0 Not a householder 1 Householder V8307 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 8171 1 12097 8308 Month of birth (used for R1 and R2 only) ____________________________________________________________ 01-12 January-December 98 DK 99 NA 00 Inap, not an R1 or R2 Page HHL-004 V8308 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 7237 1 1102 2 957 3 1086 4 1037 5 1065 6 1025 7 1121 8 1100 9 1068 10 1077 11 960 12 1041 98 3 99 389 8309 Day of birth (used for R1 and R2 only) ____________________________________________________________ 00 Masked for confidentiality V8309 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 20268 8310 Year of birth (used for R1 and R2 only) ____________________________________________________________ 1900-1970 Year of birth 9998 DK 9999 NA 0000 Inap, not an R1 or R2 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V8310 12893 1936.47 5.66 1907.00 1969.00