___________________________________ HEALTH AND RETIREMENT STUDY, WAVE I Public Release Data May 8, 1995 ___________________________________ Children Information ___________________________________ VAR # _____ 8001 FLAG: Does the child live at home or away? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Child does not live at home 2. Child lives at home (or is temporarily away at school) V8001 Code Frequency -------------------- 1 19696 2 5001 8002 Line number (03-09) ____________________________________________________________ Line Number preprinted in booklet. 00. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V8002 24697 18.78 7.86 3.00 39.00 8003 Person number (101-399) ____________________________________________________________ Person Number Master Code Precoded in green by Editor 00. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V8003 24697 167.57 68.46 101.00 313.00 Page KIDS-002 8004 [IWER: ASK IF NOT KNOWN:] Is (NAME) male or female? 18004 [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Male 2. Female 9. NA 0. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children V8004 Code Frequency -------------------- 1 12535 2 12162 8005 How old is (NAME)? [IMPUTED] 18005 ____________________________________________________________ Age (01-50) 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V8006 24697 28.80 7.17 1.00 60.00 8006 What is (his/her) relationship to you? [IMPUTED] 18006 ____________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIP Master Code, except the relationship of the child to the R who answered Section E, not to the Primary R 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children V8006 Code Frequency --------------------- 10 21420 11 65 12 3201 13 5 19 6 Page KIDS-003 8007 [IWER: ASK ONLY IF R LIVES WITH (HUSBAND/PARTNER):] 18007 What is (his/her) relationship to your (husband/ partner)? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIP Master Code, except the relationship of the child to the spouse/partner who answered Section E, not to the Primary R 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children; no spouse/partner V8007 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 6533 10 14808 11 84 12 3266 13 4 15 1 19 1 8008 [FOR CHILDREN OF AGE 18 OR OLDER...] 18008 Is (NAME) in school and living with you, away at school, or not in school? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ User Note: There is a problem with the codes for V8008 in Section E of HRS Wave 1. The question asks for children of age 18 or older: "Is (NAME) in school and living with you, away at school, or not in school?" The confusion is that for children who were living away from home, R was asked "Is he/she still in school?" with responses of 1=Yes and 5=No. If a child was listed as a household resident, R was asked the above question. Thus, codes 3 and 5 are really "No, child is not in school," and codes 1 and 2 are "Yes, child is in school." 1. In school and living with R 2. Away at school 3. Not in school 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children; no children 18 years or older; child is not 18 years or older V8008 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 1648 1 2376 2 399 3 2257 5 18017 Page KIDS-004 8009 [FOR CHILDREN OF AGE 18 OR OLDER...] 18009 What is the highest grade or year of school (he/she) has completed? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ Grade (00-17) 98. DK 99. NA 00. None; Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children; no children 18 years or older; child is not 18 years or older V8009 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 1684 1 3 2 19 3 19 4 15 5 31 6 158 7 105 8 290 9 545 10 1067 11 1181 12 10348 13 1517 14 2331 15 932 16 3253 17 1199 8010 [FOR CHILDREN OF AGE 18 OR OLDER...] 18010 Is (he/she) working 30 or more hours per week, under 30 hours, or not at all? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. 30 or more 2. Under 30 3. Not working 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children; no children 18 years or older; child is not 18 years or older Page KIDS-005 V8010 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 1650 1 15990 2 2211 3 4846 8011 [FOR CHILDREN OF AGE 18 OR OLDER...] 18011 Is (he/she) married now? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children; no children 18 years or older; child is not 18 years or older V8011 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 1648 1 12187 5 10862 8012 [FOR CHILDREN OF AGE 18 OR OLDER...] 18012 Does (he/she) have any children? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in next variable] 8. DK [Inap in next variable] 9. NA [Inap in next variable] 0. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children; no children 18 years or older; child is not 18 years or older V8012 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 1648 1 13393 5 9656 Page KIDS-006 8013 [FOR CHILDREN OF AGE 18 OR OLDER...] 18013 How many are under age 18? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ Number (01-15) 0. None 96. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children; no children 18 years or older; child is not 18 years or older 98. DK 99. NA V8013 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 317 1 4695 2 4920 3 2185 4 688 5 212 6 71 7 38 8 12 9 244 10 6 11 1 12 1 15 3 96 11304 8014 [FOR CHILDREN OF AGE 18 OR OLDER...] 18014 Has (he/she) always lived with you? (NOTE: Count time temporarily away at school as living with you.) [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes [Inap in next four variables] 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children; no children 18 years or older; child is not 18 years or older V8014 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 21084 1 2650 5 963 Page KIDS-007 8015 [FOR CHILDREN OF AGE 18 OR OLDER...] 18015 Did (he/she) move in with you, or did you move in with (him/her)? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. (Name) moved 2. R moved 7. Other 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children; no children 18 years or older; child is not 18 years or older; 1 in V1216 V8015 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 23734 1 868 2 80 7 15 8016 [FOR CHILDREN OF AGE 18 OR OLDER...] 18016 In what year did that move take place? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ Year (1940-1993) 9996. Never lived with R 9998. DK 9999. NA 0000. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children; no children 18 years or older; child is not 18 years or older; 1 in V1216 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V8016 963 1989.63 3.27 1964.00 1993.00 Page KIDS-008 8017 [FOR CHILDREN OF AGE 18 OR OLDER...] 18017 Would you say the move was made mainly to help (him/her) out, to help you out, or because it would be helpful to both of you? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Help him/her 2. Help R 3. Help both 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children; no children 18 years or older; child is not 18 years or older; 1 in V1216 V8017 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 23734 1 669 2 63 3 231 8018 [FOR CHILDREN OF AGE 18 OR OLDER...] 18018 Does (he/she) own a home? [NOTE: If owns part of a home, mark "yes"] [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children; no children 18 years or older; child is not 18 years or older; 1 in V1216 V8018 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 4298 1 8473 5 11926 Page KIDS-009 8019 [FOR CHILDREN OF AGE 18 OR OLDER WHO LIVE AWAY FROM 18019 HOME...] Does (NAME) live within 10 miles of you? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children; no children 18 years or older; child is not 18 years or older; child lives at home (or is temporarily away at school) V8019 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 5261 1 7884 5 11552 8020 [FOR CHILDREN OF AGE 18 OR OLDER WHO LIVE AWAY FROM 18020 HOME...] Is (his/her) annual (family) income under $10,000, between $10,000 and $25,000, or over $25,000? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Under $10K 2. $10K-$25K 3. Over $25K 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, not a Section E Respondent; no children; no children 18 years or older; child is not 18 years or older; child lives at home (or is temporarily away at school) V8020 Code Frequency -------------------- 0 5261 1 4094 2 7021 3 8321 Page KIDS-010 (NOTE: This page is blank.)