HRS 1992 (Wave 1) Documentation

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Section K: Retirement Plans VAR # _____ 4901 K1. We are interested in what people think about retirement, whether they themselves are retired or not. At this time do you consider yourself partly retired, completely retired, or not retired at all? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Completely retired 3. Partly retired 5. Not retired at all [Inap in V4902-V4936] 7. Question not relevant to R; doesn't work for pay or is homemaker; hasn't worked for 10 or more years [Inap in V4902-V4936, V5001-V5002] 8. DK [Inap in V4902-V4936] 9. NA [Inap in V4902-V4936] 0. Inap, Proxy Iw, 1 in V32 [Inap in V4902-V4936, V5001-V5032, V5101-V5126] V4901 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 633 1 1804 3 813 5 8142 7 1260 4902 K1a. (Remind me again...) In what month and year did you (partly/completely) retire?--MONTH ____________________________________________________________ Code MONTH (01-12) 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0, 5, 7-9 in V4901 V4902 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10040 1 214 2 149 3 172 4 156 5 185 6 315 7 178 8 162 9 197 10 176 11 124 12 201 98 126 99 257 4903 K1a. (Remind me again...) In what month and year did you (partly/completely) retire?--YEAR ____________________________________________________________ Code YEAR (1920-1993) 9998. DK 9999. NA 0000. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0, 5, 7-9 in V4901 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4903 2591 1986.66 5.94 1940.00 1993.00 4904 K2. Thinking back to the time you (partly/completely) retired, was that something you wanted to do or something you felt you were forced into? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Wanted to do 2. Forced into 3. Part wanted, part forced 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0, 5, 7-9 in V4901 V4904 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10040 1 1241 2 1159 3 202 8 1 9 9 4905 K3. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT (See K1, boxes 1 and 3) ____________________________________________________________ 1. R is completely retired [Inap in V5001-V5030] 2. R is partly retired [Inap in V4906-V4936] 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0, 5, 7-9 in V4901 K4. (RB, BOTTOM OF P. 11) I'm going to read you a list of reasons why some people retire. Please tell me whether, for you, these were very important reasons for retirement, moderately important, somewhat important, or not important at all. V4905 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10035 1 1804 2 813 4906 K4a. Poor health. (Was this reason very important, moderately important, somewhat important, or not important at all?) ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: Use same code for V4907-V4915] 1. Very important 2. Moderately important 3. Somewhat important 4. Not important at all 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0, 5, 7-9 in V4901; 2 in V4905; not married (V4914 only) V4906 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 779 2 66 3 92 4 859 9 6 4907 K4b. The health of other family members. ___________________________________________________________ V4907 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 162 2 76 3 114 4 1438 9 12 4908 K4c. Wanted to do other things. ____________________________________________________________ V4908 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 362 2 228 3 229 4 968 8 1 9 14 4909 K4d. Didn't like the work. ____________________________________________________________ V4909 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 86 2 99 3 147 4 1453 9 17 4910 K4e. Didn't get along with the boss. ____________________________________________________________ V4910 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 82 2 50 3 84 4 1561 9 25 4911 K4f. Didn't need to work � had enough income. ____________________________________________________________ V4911 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 177 2 182 3 210 4 1211 8 3 9 19 4912 K4g. Couldn't find any work. ____________________________________________________________ V4912 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 98 2 33 3 50 4 1592 8 2 9 27 4913 K4h. My work was not appreciated. ____________________________________________________________ V4913 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 99 2 51 3 102 4 1532 9 18 4914 K4j. [IF MARRIED:] My (husband/wife/partner) was about to retire. ____________________________________________________________ V4914 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11188 1 121 2 28 3 40 4 1249 9 26 4915 K4k. Employer policy toward older workers. ____________________________________________________________ V4915 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 97 2 59 3 70 4 1552 8 2 9 22 4916 K5. Not using the booklet ... before you retired, how much had you thought about retirement � a lot, some, a little, or hardly at all? ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: Use same code in V4917-V4918] 1. A lot 2. Some 3. A little 4. Hardly at all 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0, 5, 7-9 in V4901; 2 in V4905 V4916 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 528 2 316 3 163 4 787 9 8 4917 K6. [IF MARRIED:] How much had you discussed retirement with your (husband/wife/partner)? (A lot, some, a little, or hardly at all?) ____________________________________________________________ V4917 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11188 1 443 2 286 3 176 4 531 9 28 4918 K7. (How much had you discussed retirement) with your friends or co-workers? (A lot, some, a little, or hardly at all?) ____________________________________________________________ V4918 Code Frequency ---------------------- 0 10850 1 262 2 331 3 247 4 952 9 10 4919 K8. Had you ever attended any meetings on retirement or retirement planning? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4920] 8. DK [Inap in V4920] 9. NA [Inap in V4920] 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0, 5, 7-9 in V4901; 2 in V4905 V4919 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 455 5 1334 8 1 9 12 4920 K8a. Were any of these meetings organized by your [or your (husband's/wife's/partner's)] employer? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0, 5, 7-9 in V4901; 2 in V4905; 5, 8-9 in V5919 V4920 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12197 1 368 5 85 9 2 4921 K9. All in all, would you say that your retirement has turned out to be very satisfying, moderately satisfying, or not at all satisfying? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Very satisfying 2. Moderately satisfying 3. Not at all satisfying 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0, 5, 7-9 in V4901; 2 in V4905 V4921 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 783 2 641 3 363 8 2 9 13 4922 K10. Thinking about your retirement years compared to the years just before you retired, would you say the retirement years have been better, about the same, or not as good? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Better 3. About the same 5. Not as good 6. Retired less than 1 year ago 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0, 5, 7-9 in V4901; 2 in V4905 K11. (RB, STILL ON BOTTOM OF P. 11) I am going to read you a list of things that some people say are good about retirement. For each one, please tell me if, during your retirement, they have been very important, moderately important, somewhat important, or not important at all. V4922 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 649 3 486 5 518 6 132 8 4 9 13 4923 K11a. Being your own boss. (Is this very important to you, moderately ..., somewhat ..., or not ... at all?) ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: Use same code for V4924-V4930] 1. Very important 2. Moderately important 3. Somewhat important 4. Not important at all 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0, 5, 7-9 in V4901; 2 in V4905; not married (V4926 only) V4923 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 747 2 302 3 229 4 508 8 3 9 13 4924 K11b. Lack of pressure. ____________________________________________________________ V4924 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 883 2 270 3 257 4 372 8 2 9 18 4925 K11c. Being able to take it easy. ____________________________________________________________ V4925 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 857 2 344 3 283 4 293 8 2 9 23 4926 K11d. [IF MARRIED] Having more time with (husband/wife/partner). ____________________________________________________________ V4926 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11188 1 780 2 306 3 199 4 157 8 1 9 21 4927 K11e. Spending more time with children. ____________________________________________________________ V4927 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 673 2 292 3 280 4 505 8 1 9 51 4928 K11f. Spending more time on hobbies or sports. ____________________________________________________________ V4928 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 549 2 375 3 305 4 556 8 1 9 16 4929 K11g. Having more time for volunteer work (church, civic organizations, etc.) ____________________________________________________________ V4929 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 261 2 254 3 343 4 928 8 1 9 15 4930 K11h. Having the chance to travel. ____________________________________________________________ K12. (RB, TOP OF P. 12) Now for things that some people say are bad about retirement. Please tell me if, during your retirement, they have bothered you a lot, somewhat, a little, or not at all. ____________________________________________________________ V4930 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 588 2 337 3 260 4 595 8 2 9 20 4931 K12a. Being bored, having too much time on your hands. ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: Use same code for V4932-V4936] 1. Bothered a lot 2. Bothered somewhat 3. Bothered a little 4. Bothered not at all 8. DK 9. NA 0. Didn't work (V4933 only); Inap, Proxy Iw; 0, 5, 7-9 in V4901; 2 in V4905 V4931 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 234 2 259 3 237 4 1059 8 2 9 11 4932 K12b. Not doing anything productive or useful. ____________________________________________________________ V4932 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 301 2 256 3 261 4 972 8 1 9 11 4933 K12c. Missing people you worked with. ____________________________________________________________ V4933 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10922 1 270 2 461 3 367 4 619 8 1 9 12 4934 K12d. Illness or disability. ____________________________________________________________ V4934 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 570 2 191 3 166 4 861 8 1 9 13 4935 K12e. Not having enough income to get by. ____________________________________________________________ V4935 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 476 2 289 3 307 4 719 8 1 9 10 4936 K12f. Inflation and the cost of living. ____________________________________________________________ V4936 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10850 1 659 2 379 3 324 4 424 8 4 9 12 5001 K13. When do you think you will retire (completely)? ____________________________________________________________ Code YEAR (1992-2050) 9996. Never [0 in V5002-V5030] 9997. Question not relevant to R [0 in V5002] 9998. DK; Haven't thought about it [0 in V5002] 9999. NA [0 in V5002] 0000. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0, 7 in V4901; 1 in V4905 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V5001 6315 2000.60 5.51 1992.00 2049.00 5002 K14. [IF MARRIED:] Do you expect your spouse to retire at about the same time that you do? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 7. Spouse not working 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw, 0, 7 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996-9999 in V5001; not married V5002 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 7618 1 2081 5 1672 7 1049 8 131 9 101 5003 K15. When you [and your (husband/wife/partner)] do retire, are you likely to move to a different location, stay where you are, or what? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Move 5. Stay 6. Divide time between present/other location 7. Already moved to retirement location 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996 in V5001 V5003 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 2192 5 5753 6 180 7 41 8 679 9 102 5004 K16. How much have you thought about retirement � a lot, some, a little, or hardly at all? ____________________________________________________________ 1. A lot 2. Some 3. A little 4. Hardly at all 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996 in V5001 V5004 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 2465 2 2095 3 1350 4 2943 8 3 9 91 5005 K17. [IF MARRIED:] How much have you discussed retirement with your (husband/wife/partner)? (A lot, some, a little, or hardly at all?) ____________________________________________________________ 1. A lot 2. Some 3. A little 4. Hardly at all 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996 in V5001; not married V5005 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 5450 1 1712 2 1940 3 1275 4 2188 9 87 5006 K18. (How much have you discussed retirement) with your friends or co-workers? (A lot, some, a little, or hardly at all?) ____________________________________________________________ 1. A lot 2. Some 3. A little 4. Hardly at all 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996 in V5001 V5006 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 925 2 1689 3 1396 4 4832 8 1 9 104 5007 K19. Have you ever attended any meetings on retirement or retirement planning? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [0 in V5008] 8. DK [0 in V5008] 9. NA [0 in V5008] 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996 in V5001 V5007 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 1360 5 7503 8 2 9 82 5008 K19a. Were any of these meetings organized by your [or your (husband's/wife's/partner's)] employer? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996 in V5001; 5, 8-9 in V5007 V5008 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11292 1 958 5 394 8 1 9 7 5009 K20. When you think about the time when you [and your (husband/wife/partner)] will (completely) retire, are you looking forward to it, are you uneasy about it, or what? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Looking forward 3. Pro-con 5. Uneasy 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996 in V5001 K21. (RB, BOTTOM OF P. 12) I am going to read you a list of things that some people say are good about retirement. For each one, please tell me if, for you, they are very important, moderately important, somewhat important, or not important at all. V5009 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 5402 3 1338 5 1839 8 148 9 220 5010 K21a. Being your own boss. (Is this very important to you, moderately ..., somewhat ..., or not ... at all?) ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: Use same code for v5011-v5017] 1. Very important 2. Moderately important 3. Somewhat important 4. Not important at all 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996 in V5001 V5010 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 3747 2 1824 3 1383 4 1849 8 16 9 128 5011 K21b. Lack of pressure. ____________________________________________________________ V5011 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 4541 2 1608 3 1417 4 1220 8 27 9 134 5012 K21c. Being able to take it easy. ____________________________________________________________ V5012 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 4147 2 2092 3 1786 4 778 8 10 9 134 5013 K21d. [IF MARRIED] Having more time with (husband/wife/ partner). ____________________________________________________________ V5013 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 5450 1 4353 2 1522 3 910 4 298 8 6 9 113 5014 K21e. Spending more time with children. ____________________________________________________________ V5014 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 3610 2 2017 3 1716 4 1304 8 8 9 292 5015 K21f. Spending more time on hobbies or sports. ____________________________________________________________ V5015 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 2817 2 2546 3 2069 4 1376 8 7 9 132 5016 K21g. Having more time for volunteer work (church, civic organizations, etc.) ____________________________________________________________ V5016 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 1632 2 2017 3 2957 4 2210 8 8 5017 K21h. Having the chance to travel. ____________________________________________________________ V5017 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 3858 2 2072 3 1699 4 1188 8 7 9 123 K22. (RB, TOP OF P. 13) Now for things that worry some people about retirement. Please tell me if they worry you a lot, somewhat, a little, or not at all. 5018 K22a. Being bored, having too much time on your hands. ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: Use same code for V5019-V5023] 1. Worry a lot 2. Worry somewhat 3. Worry a little 4. Worry not at all 8. DK 9. NA 0. DON'T WORK (V5020 only); Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996 in V5001 V5018 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 789 2 1287 3 1468 4 5286 8 3 9 114 5019 K22b. Not doing anything productive or useful. ____________________________________________________________ V5019 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 1011 2 1560 3 1571 4 4672 8 9 9 124 5020 K22c. Missing people you work with. ____________________________________________________________ V5020 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 5294 1 503 2 1634 3 1984 4 3083 8 2 9 152 5021 K22d. The prospect of illness or disability. ____________________________________________________________ V5021 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 2055 2 2482 3 2221 4 2052 8 5 9 132 5022 K22e. Not having enough income to get by. ____________________________________________________________ V5022 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 2801 2 2370 3 1980 4 1671 8 5 9 120 5023 K22f. Inflation and the cost of living. ____________________________________________________________ V5023 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 3385 2 2573 3 1746 4 1119 8 7 9 117 5024 K23. When you [and your (husband/wife/partner)] decide to retire, do you expect your living standards to increase a lot, increase somewhat, stay about the same as now, decline somewhat, or decline a lot? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Increase a lot 2. Increase somewhat 3. Stay same as now 4. Decline somewhat 5. Decline a lot 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996 in V5001 V5024 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 3705 1 122 2 619 3 4379 4 3016 5 607 8 56 9 148 5025 K24. Not counting IRA, Keogh, or any pension fund assets that you [and your (husband/wife/partner)] may have, roughly how much savings and reserve funds do you expect to have accumulated by the time you decide to retire? ____________________________________________________________ 0 000 000. Nothing [0 in V5026-V5030] Code actual $ amount (0 000 001 - 9 999 979) or from Range Card (9 999 980 - 9 999 989) 0 000 001 - 9 999 989. [0 in V5026-V5030] 9 999 995. Refused 9 999 998. DK 9 999 999. NA 9 999 996. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996 in V5001 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V5025 8947 100227.06 300590.02 0.00 9000000.00 5026 K24a. Would it be more than $10,000? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [0 in V5027] 8. DK [0 in V5027-V5029] 9. NA [0 in V5027-V5029] 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996 in V5001; any except refused, DK, NA in V5025 V5026 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 8560 1 2625 5 986 8 146 9 335 5027 K24b. More than $50,000? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes [0 in V5028] 5. No [0 in V5028-V5029] 8. DK [0 in V5028-V5029] 9. NA [0 in V5028-V5029] 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996 in V5001; any except refused, DK, NA in V5025; 5, 8-9 in V5026 V5027 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10027 1 1184 5 1339 8 62 9 40 5028 K24c. More than $2,500? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes [0 in V5029] 5. No [0 in V5029] 8. DK [0 in V5029] 9. NA [0 in V5029] 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901; 1 in V4905; 9996 in V5001; any except refused, DK, NA in V5025; 8-9 in V5026; 1, 5, 8-9 in V5027 V5028 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11666 1 743 5 195 8 31 9 17 5029 K24d. More than $250,000? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in 4901; 1 in 4905; 9996 in 5001; any except refused, DK, NA in 5025; 8-9 in 5026; 5, 8-9 in 5027; any except 0 in 5028 V5029 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11468 1 282 5 851 8 29 9 22 5031 K25. Some people think of their work as important mainly because of the money. Others think of the money as less important than the work itself. What about you? (Do you think of work as important mainly because of the money, or of money as less important than the work itself?) ____________________________________________________________ 1. Work important mainly because of the money 2. Work itself the most important thing 3. Pro-con 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901 V5031 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 634 1 5369 2 4122 3 2383 8 40 9 104 5032 K26. Some people want to stop paid work entirely when they retire, while others would like to continue doing some paid work � what about you? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Stop paid work entirely 2. Continue some paid work 8. DK; question not applicable 9. NA 0. Inap, Proxy Iw; 0 in V4901 V5032 Code Frequency ------------------- 0 634 1 2733 2 7443 8 1765 9 77 [Return to Beginning] [Table of Contents] [Previous Section] [Next Section]