HRS 1992 (Wave 1) Documentation

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Section J: Disability (Part 3) VAR # _____ 4419 J71a. How long did they continue to do that? ____________________________________________________________ Code # (01-95) 96. Still doing it [Inap in V4420] 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01, 06 in V4342; 5-9 in V4411; 5, 8-9 in V4418 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4419 11 4.18 4.00 1.00 12.00 4420 J71a. WKS/MOS/YRS ____________________________________________________________ 2. Week 4. Month 6. Year 7. Other [NOTE: Make card] 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01, 06 in V4342; 5-9 in V4411; 5, 8-9 in V4418; 96 in V4419 V4420 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12639 4 4 6 7 9 2 4421 J72. (Did your employer) allow you more breaks and rest periods? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4422-V4423] 8. DK [Inap in V4422-V4423] 9. NA [Inap in V4422-V4423] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01, 06 in V4342; 5-9 in V4411; V4421 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12609 1 22 5 21 4422 J72a. How long did they continue to do that? ____________________________________________________________ Code # (01-95) 96. Still doing it [Inap in V4423] 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01, 06 in V4342; 5-9 in V4411; 5, 8-9 in V4421 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4422 20 4.70 4.51 1.00 18.00 4423 J72a. WKS/MOS/YRS ____________________________________________________________ 2. Week 4. Month 6. Year 7. Other [NOTE: Make card] 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01, 06 in V4342; 5-9 in V4411; 5, 8-9 in V4421; 96 in V4422 V4423 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12630 4 6 6 14 9 2 4424 J73. (Did your employer) arrange for special transportation? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4425-V4426] 8. DK [Inap in V4425-V4426] 9. NA [Inap in V4425-V4426] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01, 06 in V4342; 5-9 in V4411; V4424 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12609 1 2 5 41 4425 J73a. How long did they continue to do that? ____________________________________________________________ Code # (01-95) 96. Still doing it [Inap in V4426] 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01, 06 in V4342; 5-9 in V4411; 5, 8-9 in V4424 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4425 2 4.50 0.71 4.00 5.00 4426 J73a. WKS/MOS/YRS ____________________________________________________________ 2. Week 4. Month 6. Year 7. Other [NOTE: Make card] 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01, 06 in V4342; 5-9 in V4411; 5, 8-9 in V4424; 96 in V4425 V4426 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12650 6 2 4427 J74. (Did your employer) change the job to something you could do? ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: Use same codes for V4428-V4429.] 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01, 06 in V4342; 5-9 in V4411; V4427 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12609 1 14 5 29 4428 J75. (Did your employer) help you learn new job skills? ____________________________________________________________ V4428 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12609 1 15 5 28 4429 J76. (Did your employer) get you special equipment for the job? ____________________________________________________________ V4429 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12609 1 5 5 38 4430 J77. Did your employer do any other things to help you out? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4431-V4432] 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01, 06 in V4342; 5-9 in V4411; V4430 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12609 1 8 5 35 4431 J77a. What other things? 4432 ____________________________________________________________ 11. Employer or others gave assistance at tasks when needed 12. Emotional support; understanding/kindness 21. Medical care provided (or arranged for) either by company or employer personally 22. Paid medical leave time 23. Time off when needed (unpaid or NA if paid) 31. Parking made easier/closer 32. Adapted/changed working environment Helped to LEAVE job: 81. Offered early retirement 82. Helped get R worker's compensation/disability 97. Other [NOTE: Make card] 98. DK 99. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01, 06 in V4342; 5-9 in V4411; 5, 8-9 in V4430; no second mention V4431 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12644 11 2 23 2 97 1 99 3 V4432 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12651 12 1 4434 J78. How long did you stay (with that employer/self-employed)? ____________________________________________________________ Code # (01-95) 96. Still working for that employer/still self-employed [Inap in V4435] 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01 in V4342 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4434 235 20.03 33.12 1.00 96.00 4435 J78. WKS/MOS/YRS ____________________________________________________________ 2. Week 4. Month 6. Year 7. Other [NOTE: Make card] 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01 in V4342; 96 in V4434 V4435 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12421 2 15 4 58 6 125 9 33 R NOT WORKING WHEN LIMITATION BEGAN�EMPLOYER BEFORE LIMITATION 4436 J79. Before your health began to limit your ability to work, were you working for someone else, were you self-employed, or what? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Someone else 2. Self-employed 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01 in V4342 V4436 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12563 1 74 2 4 5 1 9 10 4437 J80. What sort of work did you do on that job? (Tell me a little more about what you did.) ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: These data have been masked for confidentiality. The values in parentheses indicate the original U.S. Census codes, as found in the Master Codes section of the codebook.] 001. Managerial specialty operation (003-037) 002. Professional specialty operation and technical support (043-235) 003. Sales (243-285) 004. Clerical, administrative support (303-389) 005. Service: private household, cleaning and building services (403-407) 006. Service: protection (413-427) 007. Service: food preparation (433-444) 008. Health services (445-447) 009. Personal services (448-469) 010. Farming, forestry, fishing (473-499) 011. Mechanics and repair (503-549) 012. Construction trade and extractors (553-617) 013. Precision production (633-699) 014. Operators: machine (703-799) 015. Operators: transport, etc. (803-859) 016. Operators: handlers, etc. (863-889) 017. Member of Armed Forces (900) 999. NA; missing 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01 in V4342 V4437 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12563 1 2 2 2 3 5 4 18 5 3 6 1 7 16 8 2 9 4 10 2 11 2 14 14 15 1 16 3 17 1 999 13 4438 J81. What kind of business or industry did you work in --that is, what did they make or do at the place where you worked? ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: These data have been masked for confidentiality. The values in parentheses indicate the original U.S. Census codes, as found in the Master Codes section of the codebook.] 001. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing (010-031) 002. Mining and Construction (040-060) 003. Manufacturing: Non-durable (100-222) 004. Manufacturing: Durable (230-392) 005. Transportation (400-572) 006. Wholesale (500-571) 007. Retail (580-691) 008. Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (700-712) 009. Business and Repair Services (721-760) 010. Personal Services (761-791) 011. Entertainment and Recreation (800-802) 012. Professional and Related Services (812-892) 013. Public Administration (900) 999. NA; missing 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01 in V4342 V4438 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12563 1 2 2 2 3 9 4 12 5 7 7 18 8 3 9 5 10 9 12 8 13 2 999 12 4439 J82. About how many employees worked for that company or organization at all locations? ____________________________________________________________ Code # OF EMPLOYEES (001-990) 001-990. [Inap in V4440] 998. DK 999. NA [Inap in V4440] 000. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01 in V4342 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4439 45 135.64 282.73 1.00 990.00 4440 J82a. (RB, BOTTOM OF P. 8) Was it fewer than 5, 5 to 14, 15 to 24, 25 to 99,100 to 499, or 500 or more? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Fewer than 5 2. 5 to 14 3. 15 to 24 4. 25 to 99 5. 100 to 499 6. 500 or more 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01 in V4342; all except 998 in V4439 V4440 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12607 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 9 6 20 8 1 9 12 4441 J83. What were you earning before deductions? (Was that 14441 per hour, week, month or year?) [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: Assume amount here is coded to 2 decimal places (cents) when the next (PER) var = '1. Hour.'] Code actual $ amount (0 000 001 - 9 999 979) or from Range Card (9 999 980 - 9 999 989) 0 000 000. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01 in V4342; Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4441 89 543.40 1392.43 15.00 12000.00 4442 J83. PER [IMPUTED] 14442 ____________________________________________________________ 1. Hour 2. Week 3. Every 2 weeks 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year 7. Other [NOTE: Make card] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01 in V4342; V4442 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12563 1 35 2 40 3 5 4 8 6 1 4443 J84. How many hours a week did you usually work for that employer? ____________________________________________________________ Code HOURS PER WEEK (01-95) 95. 95 or more 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01 in V4342; Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4443 76 38.82 12.29 8.00 85.00 4444 J85. Counting paid vacation as weeks of work, how many weeks per year did you usually work? ____________________________________________________________ Code # WEEKS PER YEAR (01-52) 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01 in V4342; Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4444 74 47.51 12.36 10.00 96.00 4445 J86. Were you covered by a union or employee-association contract? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4226; 01-99 in V4227; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 01 in V4342; V4445 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12563 1 13 5 63 8 1 9 12 R NOT WORKING WHEN LIMITATION BEGAN�FIRST EMPLOYER AFTER LIMITATION 4501 J87. Did you work after your health began to limit your 14501 ability to work? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4502-V4537, V4601-V4612] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340 V4501 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12361 1 42 5 249 4502 J88. Did you tell me the details of that job--the first 14502 one you had when you returned to work--earlier in the interview? [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4503] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501 V4502 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12611 1 34 5 7 4503 J88a. Which company or organization was that? [IMPUTED] 14503 ____________________________________________________________ 01. Current employer (AT F3a) [Inap in V4504-V4514] 02. "Last" Employer (AT G3a) [Inap in V4504-V4514] 03. "Previous" Employer (AT H3a) [Inap in V4504-V4514] 06. Self-employed [place 0 in V4504-V4536] 97. Other 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 5, 8-9 in V4502 V4503 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12618 1 8 2 22 3 1 6 3 4504 J89. Did you work for someone else, were you self-employed or what? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Someone else 2. Self-employed 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 01-03, 06 in V4503 V4504 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12645 1 7 4505 J90. What sort of work did you do on that job? (Tell me a little more about what you did.) ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: These data have been masked for confidentiality. The values in parentheses indicate the original U.S. Census codes, as found in the Master Codes section of the codebook.] 001. Managerial specialty operation (003-037) 002. Professional specialty operation and technical support (043-235) 003. Sales (243-285) 004. Clerical, administrative support (303-389) 005. Service: private household, cleaning and building services (403-407) 006. Service: protection (413-427) 007. Service: food preparation (433-444) 008. Health services (445-447) 009. Personal services (448-469) 010. Farming, forestry, fishing (473-499) 011. Mechanics and repair (503-549) 012. Construction trade and extractors (553-617) 013. Precision production (633-699) 014. Operators: machine (703-799) 015. Operators: transport, etc. (803-859) 016. Operators: handlers, etc. (863-889) 017. Member of Armed Forces (900) 999. NA; missing 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 01-03, 06 in V4503 V4505 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12645 3 1 4 1 7 1 14 1 15 2 999 1 4506 J91. What kind of business or industry did you work in --that is, what did they make or do at the place where you worked? ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: These data have been masked for confidentiality. The values in parentheses indicate the original U.S. Census codes, as found in the Master Codes section of the codebook.] 001. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing (010-031) 002. Mining and Construction (040-060) 003. Manufacturing: Non-durable (100-222) 004. Manufacturing: Durable (230-392) 005. Transportation (400-572) 006. Wholesale (500-571) 007. Retail (580-691) 008. Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (700-712) 009. Business and Repair Services (721-760) 010. Personal Services (761-791) 011. Entertainment and Recreation (800-802) 012. Professional and Related Services (812-892) 013. Public Administration (900) 999. NA; missing 000. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 01-03, 06 in V4503 V4506 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12645 2 1 7 2 9 1 11 1 12 1 999 1 4507 J92. About how many employees worked for that company or organization at all locations? ____________________________________________________________ Code # OF EMPLOYEES (001-990) 001-990. [Inap in V4508] 998. DK 999. NA [Inap in V4508] 000. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 01-03, 06 in V4503 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4507 3 6.00 3.61 3.00 10.00 4508 J92a. (RB, BOTTOM OF P. 8) Was it fewer than 5, 5 to 14, 15 to 24, 25 to 99,100 to 499, or 500 or more? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Fewer than 5 2. 5 to 14 3. 15 to 24 4. 25 to 99 5. 100 to 499 6. 500 or more 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 01-03, 06 in V4503; all except 998 in V4507 V4508 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12649 4 2 5 1 4509 J93. What were you earning at that job before deductions? 14509 (Was that per hour, week, month or year?) [IMPUTED] ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: Assume amount here is coded to 2 decimal places (cents) when the next (PER) var = '1. Hour.'] Code actual $ amount (0 000 001 - 9 999 979) 0 000 000. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 01-03, 06 in V4503 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4509 7 380.57 240.60 75.00 800.00 4510 J93. PER [IMPUTED] 14510 ____________________________________________________________ 1. Hour 2. Week 3. Every 2 weeks 4. Month 6. Year 7. Other [NOTE: Make card] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 01-03, 06 in V4503 V4510 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12645 1 4 2 2 3 1 4511 J94. How many hours a week did you usually work for that employer? ____________________________________________________________ Code HOURS PER WEEK (01-95) 95. 95 or more 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 01-03, 06 in V4503 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4511 6 29.83 13.86 10.00 45.00 4512 J95. Counting paid vacation as weeks of work, how many weeks per year did you usually work? ____________________________________________________________ Code # WEEKS PER YEAR (01-52) 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 01-03, 06 in V4503 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4512 6 41.50 15.16 13.00 52.00 4513 J96. Were you covered by a union or employee-association contract? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 01-03, 06 in V4503 V4513 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12645 5 6 9 1 4514 J97. When did you leave that employer? ____________________________________________________________ Code YEAR (1910-1993) 9998. DK 9999. NA 0000. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 01-03, 06 in V4503 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4514 5 1984.20 7.09 1972.00 1989.00 4515 J98. Did that employer do anything special to help you out so that you could stay at work? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4516-V4536] 7. R was self-employed [Inap in V4516-V4536] 8. DK [Inap in V4516-V4536] 9. NA [Inap in V4516-V4536] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503 V4515 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12515 1 23 5 100 7 7 9 7 4516 J99. Did your employer get someone to help you? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4517-V4518] 8. DK [Inap in V4517-V4518] 9. NA [Inap in V4517-V4518] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503 V4516 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12629 1 8 5 15 4517 J99a. How long did they continue to do that? ____________________________________________________________ Code # (01-95) 96. Still doing it [Inap in V4518] 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; 5, 8-9 in V4516 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4517 7 56.86 48.83 3.00 96.00 4518 J99a. WKS/MOS/YRS ____________________________________________________________ 2. Week 4. Month 6. Year 7. Other [NOTE: Make card] 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; 5, 8-9 in V4516; 96 in V4517 V4518 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12648 4 1 6 2 9 1 4519 J100. Did your employer shorten your work day? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4520-V4521] 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; V4519 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12629 1 9 5 14 4520 J100a. How long did they continue to do that? ____________________________________________________________ Code # (01-95) 96. Still doing it [Inap in V4521] 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4520 7 83.14 34.02 6.00 96.00 4521 J100a. WKS/MOS/YRS ____________________________________________________________ 2. Week 4. Month 6. Year 7. Other [NOTE: Make card] 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; 96 in V4520 V4521 Code Frequency ------------ -------- 0 12649 4 1 9 2 4522 J101. (Did your employer) allow you to change the time you came to and left work? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4523-V4524] 8. DK [Inap in V4523-V4524] 9. NA [Inap in V4523-V4524] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; V4522 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12629 1 10 5 13 4523 J101a. How long did they continue to do that? ____________________________________________________________ Code # (01-95) 96. Still doing it [Inap in V4524] 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; 5, 8-9 in V4522 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4523 9 85.44 31.67 1.00 96.00 4524 J101a. WKS/MOS/YRS ____________________________________________________________ 2. Week 4. Month 6. Year 7. Other [NOTE: Make card] 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; 5, 8-9 in V4522; 96 in V4523 V4524 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12650 6 1 9 1 4525 J102. (Did your employer) allow you more breaks and rest periods? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4526-V4527] 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; V4525 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12629 1 9 5 14 4526 J102a. How long did they continue to do that? ____________________________________________________________ Code # (01-95) 96. Still doing it [Inap in V4527] 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; 5, 8-9 in V4525 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4526 7 56.71 49.03 1.00 96.00 4527 J102a. WKS/MOS/YRS ____________________________________________________________ 2. Week 4. Month 6. Year 7. Other [NOTE: Make card] 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; 5, 8-9 in V4525; 96 in V4526 V4527 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12647 4 1 6 2 9 2 4528 J103. (Did your employer) arrange for special transportation? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4529-V4530] 8. DK [Inap in V4529-V4530] 9. NA [Inap in V4529-V4530] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515 V4528 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12629 1 1 5 22 4529 J103a. How long did they continue to do that? ____________________________________________________________ Code # (01-95) 96. Still doing it [Inap in V4530] 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; 5, 8-9 in V4528 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4529 1 96.00 . 96.00 96.00 4530 J103a. WKS/MOS/YRS ____________________________________________________________ 2. Week 4. Month 6. Year 7. Other [NOTE: Make card] 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; 5, 8-9 in V4528; 96 in V4529 V4530 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12652 4531 J104. (Did your employer) change the job to something you could do? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; V4531 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12629 1 5 5 17 9 1 4532 J105. (Did your employer) help you learn new job skills? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; V4532 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12629 1 5 5 17 9 1 4533 J106. (Did your employer) get you special equipment for the job? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; V4533 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12629 1 2 5 21 4534 J107. Did your employer do any other things to help you out? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4535-V4536] 8. DK [Inap in V4535-V4536] 9. NA [Inap in V4535-V4536] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; V4534 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12629 1 3 5 20 4535 J107a. What other things? 4536 ____________________________________________________________ 11. Employer or others gave assistance at tasks when needed 12. Emotional support; understanding/kindness 21. Medical care provided (or arranged for) either by company or employer personally 22. Paid medical leave time 23. Time off when needed (unpaid or NA if paid) 31. Parking made easier/closer 97. Other [NOTE: Make card] 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or 4201; 9996 in V4225; 96 in V4333; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 06 in V4503; 5, 7-9 in V4515; 5, 8-9 in V4534; no second mention V4535 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12649 12 1 23 2 V4536 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12652 *Text is missing for J108 checkpoint V4537 Code Frequency ------------ -------- 0 12154 1 170 2 328 4601 J109. Does your employer currently do anything special to make it easier for you to stay at work? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4602-V4612] 8. DK [Inap in V4602-V4612] 9. NA [Inap in V4602-V4612] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 2 in V4537 V4601 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12243 1 105 5 293 9 11 4602 J109a. Does your employer get someone to help you? ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: Use same code for V4603-V4609] 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 2 in V4537; 5, 8-9 in V4601 V4602 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12547 1 59 5 45 9 1 4603 J109b. Does your employer shorten your work day? ____________________________________________________________ V4603 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12547 1 36 5 68 9 1 4604 J109c. (Does your employer) allow you to change the time you came to and left work? ____________________________________________________________ V4604 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12547 1 49 5 55 9 1 4605 J109d. (Does your employer) allow you more breaks and rest periods? ____________________________________________________________ V4605 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12547 1 51 5 53 9 1 4606 J109e. (Does your employer) arrange for special transportation? ____________________________________________________________ V4606 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12547 1 6 5 98 9 1 4607 J109f. Has your employer changed the job to something you could do? ____________________________________________________________ V4607 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12547 1 39 5 64 9 2 4608 J109g. Has your employer helped you learn new job skills? ____________________________________________________________ V4608 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12547 1 32 5 72 9 1 4609 J109h. (Does your employer) get you special equipment for the job? ____________________________________________________________ V4609 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12547 1 24 5 80 9 1 4610 J109j. Does your employer do any other things to help you out? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4611-V4612] 8. DK [Inap in V4611-V4612] 9. NA [Inap in V4611-V4612] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 2 in V4537; 5, 8-9 in V4601 V4610 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12547 1 22 5 82 9 1 4611 J109k. What other help does your employer give you? 4612 ____________________________________________________________ 11. Employer or others gave assistance at tasks when needed 12. Emotional support; understanding/kindness 21. Medical care provided (or arranged for) either by company or employer personally 22. Paid medical leave time 23. Time off when needed (unpaid or NA if paid) 31. Parking made easier/closer 32. Adapted/changed working environment Helped to LEAVE job: 81. Offered early retirement 82. Helped get R worker's compensation/disability 97. Other [NOTE: Make card] 98. DK 99. NA 0o. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4336; 2-9 in V4340; 5, 8-9 in V4501; 2 in V4537; 5, 8-9 in V4601 or V4610; no second mention V4611 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12630 11 3 12 5 21 1 23 7 97 4 99 2 V4612 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12650 11 1 23 1 J110. (RB, TOP OF P. 9) Now I would like to go back to your work before your health began to limit your ability to work and ask about the demands of your work at that time. For each one, tell me whether it was true for your job all or almost all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, or none or almost none of the time. Did your job require... 4613 J110a. ...a lot of physical effort--(all or almost all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, or none or almost none of the time)? ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: Use same code for V4614-V4619] 1. All or almost all of the time 2. Most of the time 3. Some of the time 4. None or almost none of the time 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225 V4613 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10607 1 918 2 417 3 339 4 333 8 3 9 35 4614 J110b. ...lifting heavy loads? ____________________________________________________________ V4614 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10607 1 613 2 317 3 502 4 575 8 2 9 36 4615 J110c. ...stooping, kneeling, or crouching? ____________________________________________________________ V4615 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10607 1 686 2 387 3 551 4 383 8 2 9 36 4616 J110d. ...having good eyesight? ____________________________________________________________ V4616 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10607 1 1255 2 519 3 154 4 74 8 3 9 40 4617 J110e. ...intense concentration or attention? ____________________________________________________________ V4617 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10607 1 1174 2 536 3 220 4 74 8 4 9 37 4618 J110f. Did your work require you to keep up with the pace set by others? ____________________________________________________________ V4618 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10607 1 935 2 367 3 239 4 461 8 3 9 40 4619 J110g. Did your work require skill in dealing with people? ____________________________________________________________ V4619 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10607 1 1192 2 363 3 242 4 210 8 2 9 36 4620 J111. Not using the booklet, did your job require making decisions about pay and promotion of others? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4621] 8. DK [Inap in V4621] 9. NA [Inap in V4621] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225 V4620 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10607 1 356 5 1660 8 1 9 28 4621 J111a. For how many employees? [ACCEPT A RANGE] ____________________________________________________________ Code NUMBER (01-95) 95. 95 or more 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4620 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4621 355 19.49 25.88 1.00 95.00 4622 J112. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT (SEE P.134, J57a AND P.138, J87) ____________________________________________________________ 1. "No" at J57a or J87; R did not work after health limitation [Inap in V4623-V4631] 2. All others 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225 V4622 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10607 1 704 2 1341 J113. (RB, STILL ON TOP OF P. 9) Now I want to ask about the demands of the work you were doing after your health limitation began to affect your work. For each requirement tell me whether it was true for your job all or almost all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, or none or almost none of the time? Did the work you were doing afterwards require... 4623 J113a. ...a lot of physical effort? ____________________________________________________________ [NOTE: Use same code for V4624-V4629] 1. All or almost all of the time 2. Most of the time 3. Some of the time 4. None or almost none of the time 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 1 in V4622 V4623 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11311 1 332 2 248 3 249 4 330 9 182 4624 J113b. ...lifting heavy loads? ____________________________________________________________ V4624 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11311 1 196 2 147 3 302 4 514 9 182 4625 J113c. ...stooping, kneeling, or crouching? ____________________________________________________________ V4625 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11311 1 245 2 194 3 397 4 323 9 182 4626 J113d. ...having good eyesight? ____________________________________________________________ V4626 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11311 1 675 2 320 3 104 4 59 9 183 4627 J113e. ...intense concentration or attention? ____________________________________________________________ V4627 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11311 1 640 2 323 3 139 4 56 9 183 4628 J113f. Did your work require you to keep up with the pace set by others? ____________________________________________________________ V4628 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11311 1 441 2 218 3 170 4 328 9 184 4629 J113g. Did your work require skill in dealing with people? ____________________________________________________________ V4629 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11311 1 687 2 224 3 147 4 100 9 183 4630 J114. Did your job require making decisions about the pay and promotion of others? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4631] 8. DK [Inap in V4631] 9. NA [Inap in V4631] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 1 in V4622 V4630 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11311 1 232 5 938 9 171 4631 J114a. For how many employees? [NOTE: Accept a range] ____________________________________________________________ Code NUMBER (01-95) 95. 95 or more 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 1 in V4622; 5, 8-9 in V4630 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4631 230 17.13 23.83 1.00 95.00 4632 J115. We're interested in what ways your health has affected your family. Were you married at the time your health started to affect your work? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4633-V4637] 8. DK [Inap in V4633-V4637] 9. NA [Inap in V4633-V4637] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225 V4632 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10607 1 1562 5 470 8 1 9 12 4633 J116. Was your (wife/husband) working at that time? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4634-V4637] 8. DK [Inap in V4634-V4637] 9. NA [Inap in V4634-V4637] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4632 V4633 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11090 1 1035 5 520 8 3 9 4 4634 J116a. How many hours a week did (she/he) usually work then? ____________________________________________________________ Code HOURS PER WEEK (01-95) 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4632 or V4633 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4634 1018 41.17 10.60 5.00 95.00 4635 J116b. How many weeks per year did (she/he) usually work then? ____________________________________________________________ Code WEEKS PER YEAR (01-52) 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4632 or V4633 Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ V4635 1015 50.18 5.30 10.00 52.00 4636 J116c. How long had (she/he) worked at that job? ____________________________________________________________ Code # (01-95) 98. DK 99. NA 00. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4632 or V4633 V4636 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11617 1 42 2 82 3 68 4 37 5 63 6 41 7 42 8 34 9 15 10 87 11 17 12 30 13 18 14 17 15 49 16 16 17 21 18 27 19 11 20 62 21 7 22 7 23 9 24 7 25 29 26 10 27 7 28 9 29 6 30 31 31 1 32 10 33 8 34 2 35 8 36 2 37 10 38 7 39 2 40 5 47 1 60 1 98 53 99 24 4637 J116c. WKS/MOS/YRS ____________________________________________________________ 2. Week 4. Month 6. Year 7. Other [NOTE: Make card] 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4632 or V4633 V4637 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 11617 2 3 4 38 6 864 9 130 4638 J117. After your health started to affect your ability to work, did anyone in your family living with you [including your (husband/wife/partner)] begin to work, stop working, or change their work hours due to your health? ____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 5. No [Inap in V4639-V4646] 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225 V4638 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 10607 1 193 5 1822 8 1 9 29 J118. Who did this? [Check "mentioned" or "not mentioned" for each relationship below.] 4639 J118a. HUSBAND/WIFE/PARTNER ____________________________________________________________ 1. Mentioned 5. Not mentioned [Inap in V4640] 6. No spouse/partner at that time [Inap in V4640] 8. DK [Inap in V4640] 9. NA [Inap in V4640] 0. Inap, 2 in V4016; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4017; 5-6, 8-9 in V4025; 5, 8-9 in V4031; 1, 4, 8-9 in V4101; 5-6, 8-9 in V4111; 5, 8-9 in V4117 or V4201; 9996 in V4225; 5, 8-9 in V4638 V4639 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 12459 1 158 5 28 6 2 9 5 [Return to Beginning] [Table of Contents] [Previous Section] [Next Section]