Family Data » Creating Parent Files with One Record Per Respondent »
The 1992 PARENTS distribution file contains two or four records per household with information about a mother or father, and, for households with a married (or partnered) couple, a mother-in-law or father-in-law. As identifiers this file contains HHID (HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER), PN (PERSON NUMBER), and ATYPEPAR (MOM OR DAD).
In order to create the standardized file, two records, a mother record and a father record, will need to be combined into a single parent record. The mother variables and father variables will need distinct names, or locations, in the output file. The steps required to create the standardized parents file are described below (Overview Flowchart).
Step 1: Sort PARENTS File
The 1992 PARENTS file has up to four records per household:
mother of Section E respondent,
father of Section E respondent,
mother of spouse/partner of Section E respondent, and
father of spouse/partner of Section E respondent.
Sort the PARENTS file by HHID and PN. The output file will have 25,444 records and fifty-four variables.
Step 2: Create File with Mother Records
Create a file including only mother records. Select records where ATYPEPAR equals 1. Rename these variables: V8201- V8224, V18205-V18211, and V18213-V18224, e.g., V8201=V8201M. Keep these identification variables: HHID PN ASUBHH APN_SP AFAMR AFINR V1 V2 V3 and these renamed variables: V8201- V8224, V18205-V18211, and V18213-V18224; do not keep ATYPEPAR. The output file will have 12,722 records and fifty-two variables.
Step 3: Create File with Father Records
Create a file including only father records. Select records where ATYPEPAR equals 2. Create father variables using an analogous procedure to that used to create mother variables, e.g., rename variables V8201=V8201F. The output file will have 12,722 records and fifty-two variables.
Step 4: Merge Mother and Father Files to Create Respondent-level File with Information about Each Parent
Merge these two files by HHID and PN to create a parents-level file; this is a one-to-one match, both input files will have 12,722 records. The output file will have 12,722 records and ninety-five variables.
Step 5: Inspect Output Records
The variables in the first twenty-five records in this file should look something like this the listing provided below.
Note that for households consisting of a married (or partnered) pair of respondents, if only one of the respondents provided an interview, APN_SP will not have a value and AFAMR will only have a valid value for the respondent who provided a 1992 interview. See HHID 010075 in the listing below for an example.
Listing of 1992 Parents File Obs HHID PN AFAMR APN_SP V8201M V8202M V8208M V8201F V8202F V8208F 1 000001 010 1 1 1 1991 1 2 1965 2 000002 010 1 1 1 1988 1 2 1988 3 000003 010 5 020 2 1 1987 2 2 1962 4 000003 020 1 010 1 1 1964 1 2 1968 5 010001 010 1 1 1 1991 1 2 1965 6 010003 020 5 030 2 1 1990 2 2 1972 7 010003 030 1 020 1 1 . 1 2 . 8 010004 010 5 040 2 1 . 2 2 . 9 010004 040 1 010 1 1 . 1 2 1952 10 010013 010 5 040 2 1 1953 2 2 1971 11 010013 040 1 010 1 1 . 1 2 1971 12 010038 010 5 040 2 1 1960 2 2 1973 13 010038 040 1 010 1 1 . 1 2 1973 14 010050 010 1 1 1 . 1 2 1982 15 010059 020 1 030 1 1 1969 1 2 1979 16 010059 030 5 020 2 1 1975 2 2 1975 17 010063 010 1 1 1 1938 1 2 1972 18 010075 020 1 1 1 . 1 2 1973 19 010075 030 . 2 1 . 2 2 1973 20 010083 010 . 2 1 . 2 2 . 21 010083 020 1 1 1 . 1 2 . 22 010090 010 1 1 1 . 1 2 1982 23 010094 010 1 1 1 1961 1 2 . 24 010097 010 5 040 2 1 . 2 2 . 25 010097 040 1 010 1 1 . 1 2 .
Overview Flowchart
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