Family Data » Creating Parent Files with One Record Per Respondent »

Creating 2000, 1998, or 1996 Parent Files with One Record Per Respondent

In 1996, 1998, and 2000 Section D parent information was asked of the designated family respondent. She (or he) provided information about her (or his) mother, father and, if married or partnered, mother-in-law and father-in-law. These variables are distributed in a household-level file, which contains the PN of the family respondent and of the non-family respondent, if any.

In order to create the standardized file, up to two records will need to be generated from this record with the parent variables and parent-in-law variables in a standard output position. The appropriate value will need to be assigned to the PN and xPN_SP variables from xPN_FAM or xPN_NFAM (where x represents the year�s prefix: 2000=G, 1998=F, 1996=E). The steps required to create the standardized parents file for any of these years are described in detail below using 2000 as an example (Overview Flowchart).

Step 1: Create a File with Parent Information for the Family Respondent�s Parents

Create a file containing parent information about the family respondent�s parents. Select records from the Section D household-level file, H00D_H, where GPN_FAM is not null. Assign PN the value of GPN_FAM and GPN_SP the value of GPN_NFAM.  Keep identification variables (HHID, PN) and parent variables of interest.  See the appropriate Parent to Parent-in-Law Variable Cross-Reference Table for a listing of parent and equivalent parent-in-law variables in 2000, 1998, and 1996. Variables that do not have equivalents are designated as "NOT ASKED" in these tables.

Step 2: Create a File with Parent Information for the Non-Family Respondent�s Parents

Create a file containing parent information about the non-family respondent�s parents.  Select records from the Section D household-level file, e.g., H00D_H, where GPN_NFAM is not null.  Assign PN the value of GPN_NFAM and GPN_SP the value of GPN_FAM. Copy the parent-in-law variables to output (parent) variables. Keep identification variables (HHID, PN) and parent variables of interest.

Step 3: Combine these Two Files

Concatenate the two files created in steps 1 and 2 above.  Sort the resulting file by HHID and PN.

Step 4: Inspect Output Records

The values of the variables in the first 20 records in the resulting files will look something like this.

                      Listing of 2000 Parents File

        Obs    HHID      PN     GPN_SP    GSUBHH    G2122    G2132

          1    000002    010                0         .        .
          2    000003    010     020        0         .        .
          3    000003    020     010        0         .        .
          4    010001    010                0         .        .
          5    010003    030                0         .        1
          6    010004    010     040        0         1        .
          7    010004    040     010        0         1        .
          8    010013    010                2         .        .
          9    010013    040                1         1        .
         10    010038    010     040        0         .        .
         11    010038    040     010        0         5        .
         12    010050    010                0         1        .
         13    010059    020     030        0         .        .
         14    010059    030     020        0         .        .
         15    010075    020     030        0         5        .
         16    010075    030     020        0         5        .
         17    010083    010     020        0         1        .
         18    010083    020     010        0         .        5
         19    010097    040                0         1        .
         20    010109    030                0         .        .

                      Listing of 1998 Parents File

        Obs    HHID      PN     FPN_SP    FSUBHH    F1906    F1916

          1    000002    010                0         .        .
          2    000003    010     020        0         .        .
          3    000003    020     010        0         .        .
          4    010001    010                0         .        .
          5    010003    020     030        0         5        5
          6    010003    030     020        0         .        1
          7    010004    010     040        0         1        .
          8    010004    040     010        0         1        .
          9    010013    010                2         .        .
         10    010013    040                1         1        .
         11    010038    010     040        0         .        .
         12    010038    040     010        0         1        .
         13    010050    010                0         1        .
         14    010059    020     030        0         .        .
         15    010059    030     020        0         .        .
         16    010075    020     030        0         1        .
         17    010075    030     020        0         1        .
         18    010083    010     020        0         1        5
         19    010083    020     010        0         5        8
         20    010097    040                0         1        5

                      Listing of 1996 Parents File

      Obs    HHID      PN     EPN_SP    ESUBHH    E1557_1    E1566_1

        1    000002    010                0          .          .
        2    000003    010     020        0          .          .
        3    000003    020     010        0          .          .
        4    010001    010                0          .          .
        5    010003    020     030        0          .          .
        6    010003    030     020        0          5          1
        7    010004    010     040        0          1          5
        8    010004    040     010        0          1          .
        9    010013    010                2          .          .
       10    010013    040                1          1          .
       11    010038    010     040        0          .          .
       12    010038    040     010        0          1          .
       13    010050    010                0          1          .
       14    010059    020     030        0          .          .
       15    010059    030     020        0          .          .
       16    010063    010                0          .          .
       17    010075    020     030        0          1          .
       18    010075    030     020        0          1          .
       19    010083    020                0          1          8
       20    010097    040                0          1          1


Overview Flowchart

Sample code in SAS, SPSS, or Stata is available.
