========================================================================================== Cross-Year Deceased Sopuse Benefits File Note to Users: This codebook is designed to match the distribution dataset. Codebook metadata are derived from the data collection instrument. If you have questions concerning codebook layout or content please bring them to the attention of the HRS staff at hrsquestions@umich.edu. Printing recommendation: Set margins (left/right/top/bottom) to .5 inch; print in portrait orientation using a mono-space 10-point font. ========================================================================================== Section A: MASTER BENEFIT RECORD LEVEL 1 (Deceased Spouse) ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household identifier. Use this variable in conjunction with person number to uniquely identify a respondent. ................................................................................. 1463 000002-959738. Household identifier range ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Person Number. Indentifies a respondent within a household. ................................................................................. 823 010. Person Identifier 37 011. Person Identifier 3 012. Person Identifier 1 013. Person Identifier 437 020. Person Identifier 13 021. Person Identifier 022. Person Identifier 023. Person Identifier 62 030. Person Identifier 4 031. Person Identifier 032. Person Identifier 80 040. Person Identifier 3 041. Person Identifier 042. Person Identifier ========================================================================================== SOURCE YEAR PERMISSION GIVEN FLAG Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 4 Decimals: 0 Most recent permission year for this respondent. 1993: Permissions obtained in 1993 or 1995 from AHEAD cohort members; most recent information is from 1992 1999: Permissions obtained 1998 or 2000 from CODA and War Baby cohort members as well as new spouses; most recent information is from 1999 2004: Permissions obtained in 2004 from EBB and HRS cohort members, new spouses, and War Baby 1998/2000 refusers; most recent information is from 2003 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012: Prospective permissions obtained from face-to-face interviewees in one or more of the respective waves indicated; most recent information is from 2012 ................................................................................. 249 1993. AHEAD cohort permissions (1993/1995) 10 1999. CODA/War Baby cohort permissions (1998/2000) 308 2004. 2004 Permissions (EBB and others) 84 2006. 2006 Prospective Permissions 483 2008. 2008 Prospective Permissions 271 2010. 2010 Prospective Permissions 58 2012. 2012 Prospective Permissions ========================================================================================== OTBENCOD PRIMARY: OTHER BENEFIT INDICATOR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other benefit indicator (0=one record, 1=two records) ................................................................................. 1106 0. One record 98 1. Two records 9. Unknown 259 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SEX PRIMARY: SEX Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Sex of beneficiary (if known). ................................................................................. 1247 1. M - MALE 215 2. F - FEMALE 1 9. Unknown Blank. Not available/no data ========================================================================================== RACE PRIMARY: RACE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Race of beneficiary (if known). ................................................................................. 1203 1. WHITE 178 2. BLACK 62 3. OTHER 4. UNKNOWN 17 7. Other (recode to 4) 3 Blank. Not available/no data ========================================================================================== BDOB_MO PRIMARY: MONTH OF BENEFICIARY BIRTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Data: Month of Beneficiary Birth . ................................................................................. 119 1. January 100 2. February 107 3. March 87 4. April 103 5. May 106 6. June 91 7. July 107 8. August 94 9. September 93 10. October 99 11. November 98 12. December 259 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== BDOB_YR PRIMARY: YEAR OF BENEFICIARY BIRTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Data: Year of Beneficiary Birth. ................................................................................. 1204 1891-1988. Year range 259 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BDOD_MO PRIMARY: MONTH OF BENEFICIARY DEATH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Month of beneficiary death. ................................................................................. 0. Unknown 123 1. January 119 2. February 111 3. March 96 4. April 96 5. May 116 6. June 117 7. July 122 8. August 102 9. September 114 10. October 126 11. November 104 12. December 117 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== BDOD_YR PRIMARY: YEAR OF BENEFICIARY DEATH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Year of beneficiary death. ................................................................................. 1346 1965-2014. Year range 117 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== CIS1 PRIMARY: COMPUTATION/INSURED STATUS CODE ONE (PRE-2008) Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Computation and Insured Status Code One flags the following situations: Folder reference required, disability freeze involved, new start computation used, compensation/megacap offset has been involved in the past. ................................................................................. 41 1. * = CIS Code bit pattern: (B bit ON) ALL THE TIME; (8 bit ON) IF DISABILITY FREEZE INVOLVED; (2 bit ON) IF WORKERS COMPENSATION/MEGACAP OFFSET HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED 55 2. - = CIS Code bit pattern: (B bit ON) ALL THE TIME; (8 bit ON) IF DISABILITY FREEZE INVOLVED; (4 bit ON) IF NEW START COMPUTATION USED; (1 bit ON) 3. 0 = CIS Code bit pattern: (B bit ON) ALL THE TIME; (A bit ON) IF FOLDER REFERENCE REQUIRED 5 4. ; = CIS Code bit pattern: (B bit ON) ALL THE TIME; (A bit ON) IF FOLDER REFERENCE REQUIRED; (8 bit ON) IF DISABILITY FREEZE INVOLVED; (2 bit ON) IF WORKERS COMPENSATION/MEGACAP OFFSET HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED; (1 bit ON) 1 5. Undocumented 6. K = CIS Code bit pattern: (8 bit ON) IF DISABILITY FREEZE INVOLVED; (2 bit ON) IF WORKERS COMPENSATION/MEGACAP OFFSET HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED; (1 bit ON) 197 7. M = CIS Code bit pattern: (8 bit ON) IF DISABILITY FREEZE INVOLVED; (4 bit ON) IF NEW START COMPUTATION USED; (1 bit ON) 5 9. O = CIS Code bit pattern: (8 bit ON) IF DISABILITY FREEZE INVOLVED; (4 bit ON) IF NEW START COMPUTATION USED; (2 bit ON) IF WORKERS COMPENSATION/MEGACAP OFFSET HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED; (1 bit ON) 4 10. Q = CIS Code bit pattern: (B bit ON) ALL THE TIME; (1 bit ON) 11. } = CIS Code bit pattern: (B bit ON) ALL THE TIME; (A bit ON) IF FOLDER REFERENCE REQUIRED; (8 bit ON) IF DISABILITY FREEZE INVOLVED; (4 bit ON) IF NEW START COMPUTATION USED; (1 bit ON) 1155 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDCO PRIMARY: DIRECT DEPOSIT CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Direct deposit code. ................................................................................. 450 1. C - Checking 48 3. S - Savings 965 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOB_MO PRIMARY: MONTH OF BIRTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Data: Primary date of birth - Month. ................................................................................. 138 1. January 114 2. February 125 3. March 105 4. April 119 5. May 125 6. June 111 7. July 133 8. August 112 9. September 122 10. October 121 11. November 120 12. December 18 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== DOB_YR PRIMARY: YEAR OF BIRTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Data: Primary date of birth - year. ................................................................................. 1445 1882-2014. Year range 18 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOCA_MO PRIMARY: EFFECTIVE MONTH OF DATE OF SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Month of credit action. ................................................................................. 106 1. January 120 2. February 110 3. March 105 4. April 95 5. May 121 6. June 97 7. July 125 8. August 86 9. September 102 10. October 162 11. November 92 12. December 142 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== DOCA_YR PRIMARY: EFFECTIVE YEAR OF DATE OF SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Year of credit action. ................................................................................. 1321 1963-2014. Year range 142 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DODP_MO PRIMARY: MONTH OF DEATH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Month of death of primary beneficiary. ................................................................................. 128 1. January 120 2. February 112 3. March 97 4. April 102 5. May 118 6. June 116 7. July 127 8. August 106 9. September 119 10. October 128 11. November 105 12. December 85 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== DODP_YR PRIMARY: YEAR OF DEATH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Year of death of primary beneficiary. ................................................................................. 1378 1942-2014. Year range 85 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOEC_MO PRIMARY: MONTH OF CURRENT (MOST RECENT) ENTITLEMENT TO BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Month of current (most recent) entitlement. ................................................................................. 268 1. January 103 2. February 101 3. March 100 4. April 98 5. May 114 6. June 103 7. July 112 8. August 92 9. September 110 10. October 100 11. November 102 12. December 60 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== DOEC_YR PRIMARY: YEAR OF CURRENT (MOST RECENT) ENTITLEMENT TO BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Year of current (most recent) entitlement. ................................................................................. 1403 1953-2014. Year range 60 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOECBIC PRIMARY: BENEFICIARY IDENTIFICATION CODE AT DOEC Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Beneficiary Identification Code at date of current entitlement. ................................................................................. 1413 1. A - PRIMARY CLAIMANT 18 2. B - AGED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 3. B1 - AGED HUSBAND, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 3 4. B2 - YOUNG WIFE, WITH A CHILD IN HER CARE (1ST CLAIMANT) 5. B3 - AGED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 7. B5 - YOUNG WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 8. B6 - DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 3 26. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 27. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 1 28. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 29. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 1 30. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 1 31. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 32. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 1 33. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 34. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 2 46. D - AGED WIDOW, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 47. D1 - AGED WIDOWER, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 48. D2 - AGED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 1 50. D4 - WIDOW (REMARRIED AFTER ATTAINMENT OF AGE 60) (1ST CLAIMANT) 52. D6 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 53. D7 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 54. D8 - AGED WIDOW (3RD CLAIMANT) 55. D9 - REMARRIED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 64. DM - SURVIVING DIVORCED HUSBAND (2ND CLAIMANT) 76. E - MOTHER (WIDOW) (1ST CLAIMANT) 77. E1 - SURVIVING DIVORCED MOTHER (1ST CLAIMANT) 78. E2 - MOTHER (WIDOW) (2ND CLAIMANT) 80. E4 - FATHER (WIDOWER) (1ST CLAIMANT) 96. F1 - FATHER 113. J1 - PRIMARY PROUTY ENTITLED TO HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS (HIB) (LESS THAN 3 QUARTERS OF COVERAGE (Q.C.) (GENERAL FUND) 4 137. M - UNINSURED BENEFICIARY (NOT QUALIFIED FOR AUTOMATIC HIB) 9 139. T - UNINSURED BENEFICIARY OR RENAL DISEASE BENEFICIARY ONLY 3 140. TA - MEDICARE QUALIFIED GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT (MQGE) PRIMARY BENEFICIARY 172. W - DISABLED WIDOW, AGE 50 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 174. W2 - DISABLED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 178. W6 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (1ST CLAIMANT) 179. W7 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOECTOB PRIMARY: TYPE OF BENEFIT AT DOEC Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Type of benefit code at date of current entitlement. ................................................................................. 1088 1. Retired worker 282 2. Disabled worker 19 3. Aged Spouse 2 4. Spouse caring for minor children 5 5. Aged widow(er) 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disables widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 3 9. Student child 4 10. Minor child 11. Other, specified 12. Other, non-specified 46 13. Unknown 14 99. Medicare covered, but not an OASDI recipient Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOEI_MO PRIMARY: EARLIEST MONTH OF INITIAL ENTITLEMENT TO BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Month of initial entitlement to benefits. ................................................................................. 278 1. January 101 2. February 105 3. March 103 4. April 100 5. May 107 6. June 96 7. July 102 8. August 98 9. September 103 10. October 110 11. November 100 12. December 60 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== DOEI_YR PRIMARY: EARLIEST YEAR OF INITIAL ENTITLEMENT TO BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Year of initial entitlement to benefits. ................................................................................. 1403 1952-2014. Year range 60 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOEIBIC PRIMARY: BENEFICIARY IDENTIFICATION CODE AT DOEI Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Beneficiary Identification Code at date of initial entitlement. ................................................................................. 1413 1. A - PRIMARY CLAIMANT 17 2. B - AGED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 3. B1 - AGED HUSBAND, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 4 4. B2 - YOUNG WIFE, WITH A CHILD IN HER CARE (1ST CLAIMANT) 5. B3 - AGED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 7. B5 - YOUNG WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 8. B6 - DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 3 26. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 27. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 1 28. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 29. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 1 30. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 1 31. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 32. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 1 33. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 34. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 3 46. D - AGED WIDOW, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 47. D1 - AGED WIDOWER, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 48. D2 - AGED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 50. D4 - WIDOW (REMARRIED AFTER ATTAINMENT OF AGE 60) (1ST CLAIMANT) 52. D6 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 53. D7 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 54. D8 - AGED WIDOW (3RD CLAIMANT) 55. D9 - REMARRIED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 64. DM - SURVIVING DIVORCED HUSBAND (2ND CLAIMANT) 76. E - MOTHER (WIDOW) (1ST CLAIMANT) 77. E1 - SURVIVING DIVORCED MOTHER (1ST CLAIMANT) 78. E2 - MOTHER (WIDOW) (2ND CLAIMANT) 80. E4 - FATHER (WIDOWER) (1ST CLAIMANT) 96. F1 - FATHER 113. J1 - PRIMARY PROUTY ENTITLED TO HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS (HIB) (LESS THAN 3 QUARTERS OF COVERAGE (Q.C.) (GENERAL FUND) 4 137. M - UNINSURED BENEFICIARY (NOT QUALIFIED FOR AUTOMATIC HIB) 9 139. T - UNINSURED BENEFICIARY OR RENAL DISEASE BENEFICIARY ONLY 3 140. TA - MEDICARE QUALIFIED GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT (MQGE) PRIMARY BENEFICIARY 172. W - DISABLED WIDOW, AGE 50 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 174. W2 - DISABLED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 178. W6 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (1ST CLAIMANT) 179. W7 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOEITOB PRIMARY: TYPE OF BENEFIT AT DOEI Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Type of benefit at date of initial entitlement. ................................................................................. 941 1. Retired worker 429 2. Disabled worker 18 3. Aged Spouse 3 4. Spouse caring for minor children 5 5. Aged widow(er) 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disables widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 9. Student child 7 10. Minor child 11. Other, specified 12. Other, non-specified 46 13. Unknown 14 99. Medicare covered, but not an OASDI recipient Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOST_MO PRIMARY: MONTH OF SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION DEATH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Month of suspension or termination. ................................................................................. 128 1. January 115 2. February 115 3. March 95 4. April 94 5. May 117 6. June 118 7. July 119 8. August 101 9. September 120 10. October 126 11. November 105 12. December 110 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== DOST_YR PRIMARY: YEAR OF SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION DEATH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data: Year of suspension or termination. ................................................................................. 1353 1963-2014. Year range 110 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ERC PRIMARY: EARNINGS RECOMPUTATION CYCLE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Data: Earnings recomputation cycle (CCYY). ................................................................................. 560 0-2014. Earnings Recomputation Cycle (CCYY) 903 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== RCC PRIMARY: RECOMPUTATION CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Data: Recomputation code. ................................................................................. 18 0. ADJUSTMENT OF REDUCTION FACTOR ONLY 1. RECOMPUTATION TO INCLUDE MILITARY SERVICE CREDITS AFTER 1956 61 2. 1965 AND/OR 1967 RECOMPUTATION 3 3. RECOMPUTATION TO INCLUDE MILITARY SERVICE CREDITS BEFORE 1957 AND AFTER 1956 3 4. REDETERMINATION OF WORKERS COMPENSATION OFFSET 98 5. ALL RECOMPUTATIONS NOT DESCRIBED SEPARATELY 7. RECOMPUTATION TO INCLUDE MILITARY SERVICE CREDIT 1280 Blank. DEFAULT VALUE FOR DATA-PURIFICATION ========================================================================================== TOC PRIMARY: TYPE OF CLAIM - PRE-2008 DATA Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Processing information: Generated by Daily Update and Master Aaccounting System (DUMAS). ................................................................................. 2 0. SURVIVOR CASE WHERE THE BENEFICIARY IS: A. YOUNG CHILD; B. WIDOW(ER) WHOSE BENEFIT IS LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; C. WIDOW(ER), REMARRIED WIDOW OR SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE WHOSE BENEFIT IS NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; D. MOTHER/FATHER ENTITLED BECAUSE OF YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; E. PARENT; F. WIDOW(ER), REMARRIED WIDOW OR SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE WHOSE BENEFIT IS NOT ACTUARIALLY REDUCED (OR ACTUARIAL REDUCTION IS INVOLVED BUT THE BENEFIT AMOUNT IS LIMITED BY THE PRIMARY'S AMOUNT.) 63 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 134 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 3 3. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH DRC; B. DISABLED CHILD OF DECEASED PRIMARY; C. MOTHER/FATHER ENTITLED SOLELY FOR DISABLED ADULT CHILD (DAC) IN CARE 25 4. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE WITH DRC; B. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED SOLELY FOR DAC IN CARE; C. DISABLED ADULT CHILD 76 5. DISABILITY CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. DISABLED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD 2 6. DISABILITY CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. DISABLED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE 7. DISABILITY CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED SOLELY FOR DAC IN CARE; B. DISABLED ADULT CHILD 8. SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS STUDENT CHILD 9. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS STUDENT CHILD 1158 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== NHTOC PRIMARY: NUMBER OF TYPES OF CLAIM Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Number of Types of Claim For 2006-2012 permission sets ................................................................................. 885 1-11. Claim type count 578 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC01 PRIMARY: TYPE OF CLAIM - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 2 0. SURVIVOR CASE WHERE THE BENEFICIARY IS: A. YOUNG CHILD; B. WIDOW(ER) WHOSE BENEFIT IS LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; C. WIDOW(ER), REMARRIED WIDOW OR SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE WHOSE BENEFIT IS NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; D. MOTHER/FATHER ENTITLED BECAUSE OF YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; E. PARENT; F. WIDOW(ER), REMARRIED WIDOW OR SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE WHOSE BENEFIT IS NOT ACTUARIALLY REDUCED (OR ACTUARIAL REDUCTION IS INVOLVED BUT THE BENEFIT AMOUNT IS LIMITED BY THE PRIMARY'S AMOUNT.) 135 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 430 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 16 3. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH DRC; B. DISABLED CHILD OF DECEASED PRIMARY; C. MOTHER/FATHER ENTITLED SOLELY FOR DISABLED ADULT CHILD (DAC) IN CARE 91 4. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE WITH DRC; B. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED SOLELY FOR DAC IN CARE; C. DISABLED ADULT CHILD 200 5. DISABILITY CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. DISABLED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD 8 6. DISABILITY CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. DISABLED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE 7. DISABILITY CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED SOLELY FOR DAC IN CARE; B. DISABLED ADULT CHILD 3 8. SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS STUDENT CHILD 9. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS STUDENT CHILD 578 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC01DT PRIMARY: START DATE OF CLAIM 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 5 11999- 122013. Month/Year range for this variable 1458 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC02 PRIMARY:TYPE OF CLAIM - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 0. SURVIVOR CASE WHERE THE BENEFICIARY IS: A. YOUNG CHILD; B. WIDOW(ER) WHOSE BENEFIT IS LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; C. WIDOW(ER), REMARRIED WIDOW OR SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE WHOSE BENEFIT IS NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; D. MOTHER/FATHER ENTITLED BECAUSE OF YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; E. PARENT; F. WIDOW(ER), REMARRIED WIDOW OR SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE WHOSE BENEFIT IS NOT ACTUARIALLY REDUCED (OR ACTUARIAL REDUCTION IS INVOLVED BUT THE BENEFIT AMOUNT IS LIMITED BY THE PRIMARY'S AMOUNT.) 1 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 1 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 3. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH DRC; B. DISABLED CHILD OF DECEASED PRIMARY; C. MOTHER/FATHER ENTITLED SOLELY FOR DISABLED ADULT CHILD (DAC) IN CARE 4. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE WITH DRC; B. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED SOLELY FOR DAC IN CARE; C. DISABLED ADULT CHILD 3 5. DISABILITY CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. DISABLED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD 6. DISABILITY CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. DISABLED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE 1458 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC02DT PRIMARY: START DATE OF CLAIM - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 4 11988- 122013. Month/Year range for this variable 1459 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC03 PRIMARY:TYPE OF CLAIM - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 3. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH DRC; B. DISABLED CHILD OF DECEASED PRIMARY; C. MOTHER/FATHER ENTITLED SOLELY FOR DISABLED ADULT CHILD (DAC) IN CARE 4. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE WITH DRC; B. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED SOLELY FOR DAC IN CARE; C. DISABLED ADULT CHILD 5. DISABILITY CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. DISABLED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD 6. DISABILITY CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. DISABLED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC03DT PRIMARY: START DATE OF CLAIM - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 12000- 122013. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC04 PRIMARY:TYPE OF CLAIM - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 3. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH DRC; B. DISABLED CHILD OF DECEASED PRIMARY; C. MOTHER/FATHER ENTITLED SOLELY FOR DISABLED ADULT CHILD (DAC) IN CARE 5. DISABILITY CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. DISABLED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC04DT PRIMARY: START DATE OF CLAIM - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 22009- 122010. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC05 PRIMARY:TYPE OF CLAIM - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 4. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE WITH DRC; B. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED SOLELY FOR DAC IN CARE; C. DISABLED ADULT CHILD 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC05DT PRIMARY: START DATE OF CLAIM - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 32007- 122010. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC06 PRIMARY:TYPE OF CLAIM - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC06DT PRIMARY: START DATE OF CLAIM - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 82005- 102005. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC07 PRIMARY:TYPE OF CLAIM - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC07DT PRIMARY: START DATE OF CLAIM - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 52002- 62006. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC08 PRIMARY:TYPE OF CLAIM - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC08DT PRIMARY: START DATE OF CLAIM - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 82005- 102005. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC09 PRIMARY:TYPE OF CLAIM - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOC09DT PRIMARY: START DATE OF CLAIM - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 52002- 62006. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BCLMAF60 PRIMARY: ADJUSTED RETIREMENT FACTOR MONTHS AGE 50 - 60 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Contains the number of adjusted retirement factor months between ages 50 and 60. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1144 0 0 0.00 0.00 319 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== BCLMAF62 PRIMARY: ADJUSTED RETIREMENT FACTOR MONTHS AGE 60 - 62 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Contains the number of adjusted retirement factor months between age 60 and age 62. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1144 0 0 0.00 0.00 319 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== BCLMAFRA PRIMARY: ADJUSTED RETIREMENT FACTOR MONTHS AGE 62 - FRA Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Contains the number of adjusted retirement factor months between 62 and full retirement age (FRA). ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1144 0 37 0.92 3.61 319 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== BCLMAPPR_MO PRIMARY: MONTH BENEFICIARY FILED FOR BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 The month that the application for benefits is received. ................................................................................. 1. January 2 2. February 2 3. March 7 4. April 1 5. May 4 6. June 2 7. July 7 8. August 7 9. September 1 10. October 4 11. November 5 12. December 1421 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== BCLMAPPR_YR PRIMARY: YEAR BENEFICIARY FILED FOR BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 The year that the application for benefits is received. ................................................................................. 42 1980-2014. Year range 1421 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BCLMBIC PRIMARY: BENEFICIARY IDENTIFICATION CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Current Beneficiary Claim Data: BIC - POSITION ONE AND TWO ................................................................................. 1112 1. A - PRIMARY CLAIMANT 17 2. B - AGED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 3. B1 - AGED HUSBAND, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 2 4. B2 - YOUNG WIFE, WITH A CHILD IN HER CARE (1ST CLAIMANT) 5. B3 - AGED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 7. B5 - YOUNG WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 8. B6 - DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 3 26. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 27. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 1 28. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 29. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 1 30. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 1 31. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 32. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 1 33. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 34. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 2 46. D - AGED WIDOW, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 47. D1 - AGED WIDOWER, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 48. D2 - AGED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 1 50. D4 - WIDOW (REMARRIED AFTER ATTAINMENT OF AGE 60) (1ST CLAIMANT) 52. D6 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 53. D7 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 54. D8 - AGED WIDOW (3RD CLAIMANT) 64. DM - SURVIVING DIVORCED HUSBAND (2ND CLAIMANT) 76. E - MOTHER (WIDOW) (1ST CLAIMANT) 77. E1 - SURVIVING DIVORCED MOTHER (1ST CLAIMANT) 78. E2 - MOTHER (WIDOW) (2ND CLAIMANT) 80. E4 - FATHER (WIDOWER) (1ST CLAIMANT) 96. F1 - FATHER 172. W - DISABLED WIDOW, AGE 50 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 174. W2 - DISABLED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 178. W6 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (1ST CLAIMANT) 179. W7 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 319 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BCLMCEC PRIMARY: HISTORICAL CURRENT ENTITLEMENT CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Current Beneficiary Claim Data: Historical current entitlement code ................................................................................. 264 1. B - DISABLED 2. F -Favorable determination following provisional payments-benefit continuation 3 4. S - SCHOOL CHILD 1196 Blank. BLANK - NO CONDITIONS APPLY ========================================================================================== BCLMCERT_MO PRIMARY: HISTORICAL CURRENT ENTITLEMENT MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Elected month to receive reduced benefits. ................................................................................. 153 1. January 51 2. February 41 3. March 45 4. April 49 5. May 45 6. June 29 7. July 39 8. August 48 9. September 35 10. October 34 11. November 39 12. December 855 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== BCLMCERT_YR PRIMARY: HISTORICAL CURRENT ENTITLEMENT YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Elected month to receive reduced benefits. ................................................................................. 608 1964-2014. Year range 855 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BCLMDOE_MO PRIMARY: MONTH OF ENTITLEMENT FOR BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 First month of entitlement in this iteration of BCLM data mandatory. ................................................................................. 206 1. January 89 2. February 84 3. March 85 4. April 82 5. May 97 6. June 85 7. July 82 8. August 80 9. September 90 10. October 81 11. November 83 12. December 319 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== BCLMDOE_YR PRIMARY: YEAR OF ENTITLEMENT FOR BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 First year of entitlement in this iteration of BCLM data mandatory. ................................................................................. 1144 1957-2014. Year range 319 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BCLMDOET_MO PRIMARY: HISTORICAL MONTH OF ENTITLEMENT TERMINATION Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Termination month for entitlement based on this iteration of BCLM data. ................................................................................. 106 1. January 103 2. February 92 3. March 80 4. April 79 5. May 97 6. June 103 7. July 89 8. August 77 9. September 99 10. October 103 11. November 85 12. December 350 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== BCLMDOET_YR PRIMARY: HISTORICAL YEAR OF ENTITLEMENT TERMINATION Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Termination year for entitlement based on this iteration of BCLM data. ................................................................................. 1113 1964-2014. Year range 350 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BCLMDOF_MO PRIMARY: MONTH OF FILING FOR BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 The month that the beneficiary filed application for benefits mandatory. ................................................................................. 101 1. January 103 2. February 105 3. March 92 4. April 89 5. May 85 6. June 90 7. July 74 8. August 84 9. September 110 10. October 105 11. November 94 12. December 331 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== BCLMDOF_YR PRIMARY: YEAR OF FILING FOR BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 The year that the beneficiary filed application for benefits mandatory. ................................................................................. 1132 1960-2014. Year range 331 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BCLMLMET PRIMARY: LAST MONTHLY EARNINGS TEST YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Last monthly earnings test year. ................................................................................. 1144 0-2014. PRIMARY: LAST MONTHLY EARNINGS TEST YEAR 319 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BCLMMOE PRIMARY: MONTH OF ENTITLEMENT CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Indicates the month of entitlement type. ................................................................................. 11 1. A - BENEFICIARY CHOSE THE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS MOE 38 2. B - BENEFICIARY CHOSE THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE MOE WITHOUT REDUCTION 28 3. C - BENEFICIARY SELECTED THE MONTH OF ENTITLEMENT 2 4. D - THIS IS AN UNREDUCED BENEFICIARY 5. E - AUX DIB SPOUSE WHO IS BETWEEN AGE 61 AND 9 MONTHS AND AGE 66 AT THE TIME OF FILING AND HAS A CHILD-IN-CARE AND HAS THE SAME DOE AS THE NUMBER HOLDER 1384 Blank. Blank - Does not Apply ========================================================================================== BCLMORF PRIMARY: ORIGINAL REDUCTION FACTOR MONTHS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Current Beneficiary Claim Data: Original reduction factor months: Contains the number of original reduction factor months ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1144 0 199 15.43 18.05 319 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== BCLMOTSI PRIMARY: ENTITLEMENT OUTSIDE THE MAX INDICATOR) Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Outside the max indicator. If Y then beneficiary's rates are not subject to the family maximum during this period of enrollment. If blank, does not apply. ................................................................................. 1 1. Y - BENEFICIARY'S RATES ARE NOT SUBJECT TO THE FAMILY MAXIMUM DURING THIS PERIOD OF ENROLLMENT 1462 Blank. Blank - Does not Apply ========================================================================================== DENYAPPR_MO PRIMARY: APPLICATION RECEIPT MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month the application for benefits is received. ................................................................................. 1 1. January 1 2. February 1 3. March 1 4. April 1 5. May 2 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 1 10. October 1 11. November 1 12. December 1453 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== DENYAPPR_YR PRIMARY: APPLICATION RECEIPT YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year the application for benefits is received. ................................................................................. 10 1991-2014. Year range 1453 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DENYBIC PRIMARY: DATE OF SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION DEATH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Beneficiary denial/disallowance data group: BIC code. ................................................................................. 57 1. A - PRIMARY CLAIMANT 2. B - AGED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 3. B1 - AGED HUSBAND, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 4. B2 - YOUNG WIFE, WITH A CHILD IN HER CARE (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 26. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 27. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 28. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 29. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 30. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 46. D - AGED WIDOW, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 47. D1 - AGED WIDOWER, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 48. D2 - AGED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 52. D6 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 76. E - MOTHER (WIDOW) (1ST CLAIMANT) 80. E4 - FATHER (WIDOWER) (1ST CLAIMANT) 96. F1 - FATHER 1 137. M - UNINSURED BENEFICIARY (NOT QUALIFIED FOR AUTOMATIC HIB) 1 139. T - UNINSURED BENEFICIARY OR RENAL DISEASE BENEFICIARY ONLY 140. TA - MEDICARE QUALIFIED GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT (MQGE) PRIMARY BENEFICIARY 172. W - DISABLED WIDOW, AGE 50 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1402 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DENYCEC PRIMARY: HISTORICAL CUEERNT ENTITLEMENT CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Beneficiary denial/disallowance data group: Historical current entitlement code ................................................................................. 41 1. B - DISABLED 1422 Blank. Blank - Does not Apply ========================================================================================== DENYDDO_MO PRIMARY: DISABILITY ONSET MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month of disability onset. ................................................................................. 3 1. January 2 2. February 3 3. March 2 4. April 3 5. May 5 6. June 5 7. July 4 8. August 2 9. September 4 10. October 2 11. November 6 12. December 1422 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== DENYDDO_YR PRIMARY: DISABILITY ONSET YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year of disability onset. ................................................................................. 41 1948-2014. Year range 1422 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DENYDOF_MO PRIMARY: APPLICATION FILING MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month the beneficiary filed application for benefits mandatory. ................................................................................. 3 1. January 2 2. February 5 3. March 8 4. April 6 5. May 5 6. June 6 7. July 5 8. August 2 9. September 5 10. October 3 11. November 6 12. December 1407 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== DENYDOF_YR PRIMARY: APPLICATION FILING YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year the beneficiary filed application for benefits mandatory. ................................................................................. 56 1974-2014. Year range 1407 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DENYLOD PRIMARY: LEVEL OF DENIAL Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Level of denial mandatory. ................................................................................. 49 1. 1 - INITIAL 8 2. 2 - RECON 4 3. 3 - HEARING 6. Undefined 1402 Blank. Blank - Does not Apply ========================================================================================== DENYRDD PRIMARY: REASON FOR DISABILITY DENIAL Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Beneficiary denial/disallowance data group: Disallowance denial reason for this claim. ................................................................................. 16 260. 026 = DISALLOWANCE DUE TO LACK OF INSURED STATUS NOT TRACEABLE TO COVERAGE EXCLUSIO OR WAGE QUESTION 1 270. 027 = WIFE OR CHILD FILING - NUMBERHOLDER NOT ENTITLED 280. 028 = CLAIMANT HAS NOT ATTAINED REQUIRED AGE - DATE OF BIRTH ESTABLISHED 290. 029 = DEATH OF NUMBER HOLDER NOT ESTABLISHED 300. 030 = NOT THE SPOUSE/WIDOWER, UNDER STATE LAW OR DEEMED MARRIAGE PROVISION 330. 033 = STEP RELATIONSHIP NOT WITHIN TIME LIMIT 360. 036 = NOT MARRIED AT LEAST 10 YEARS IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THE DATE OF DIVORCE 1 440. 044 = FAILURE TO ESTABLISH REQUIRED AGE 620. 062 = ENTITLED TO RECEIVE OTHER BENEFITS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN BENEFITS PAYABLE ON THIS NUMBERHOLDER SSN 640. 064 = FAILURE TO ESTABLISH OTHER REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTITLEMENT 650. 065 = OTHER DISALLOWANCE FOR MONTHLY BENEFITS ACTION (SHOW REASON IN 'REMARKS') 13 900. 090 = DIB INSURED STATUS NOT MET AT OR AFTER AOD 1 980. Undocumented 1000. 100 = NOT ATTAINED AGE FRA (SHOW DOB ESTABLISHED IN REMARKS) 1 1070. 107 = SMI APPLICATION NOT FILED DURING ENROLLMENT PERIOD 1100. 110 = NOT INSURED FOR HI - USE TO DISALLOW T CLAIMS NOTE: CAPS DOES NOT ACCEPT CODE 026 FOR HI 1 2000. 200 = CLAIMANT WILL CONTINUE TO WORK (UNCONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL) 2010. 201 = OTHER (CONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL) 2020. 202 = CONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL 2030. 203 = CLAIMANT WILL CONTINUE TO WORK (UNCONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL) 2040. 204 = OTHER (UNCONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL) 3010. OE1 = IMPAIRMENT NO LONGER SEVERE AT TIME OF ADJUDICATION & DID NOT LAST 12 MONTHS (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3020. OE2 = IMPAIRMENT NO LONGER SEVERE AT TIME OF ADJUDICATION & DID NOT LAST 12 MONTHS (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3 3030. OE3 = IMPAIRMENT IS SEVERE AT TIME OF ADJUDICATION BUT NOT EXPECTED TO LAST 12 MON (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3035. OE4 =IMPIARMENT IS SEVERE AT TIME OF ADJUDICATION BUT NOT EXPECTED TO LAST 12 MONTHS 3110. OF1 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 7 3120. OF2 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 7 3310. OH1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 2 3320. OH2 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 4 3410. OJ1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - OTHER WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3420. OJ2 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - OTHER WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 2 3510. OL1 = FAILURE/REFUSAL SUBMIT TO CONSULTATIVE EXAM (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) 3520. OL2 = FAILURE /REFUSAL SUBMIT TO CONSULTATIVE EXAM 3600. OM1 = 3605. OM3 = CLAIMANT DOES NOT WANT TO CONTINUE DEV OF CLAIM - WANTS DECISION BASED ON EVIDENCE IN FILE 3610. OM5 = INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE FURNISHED (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3620. OM6 = INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE FURNISHED (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 3625. OM7 = CLAIMANT DOES NOT WANT TO CONTINUE DEV OF CLAIM - DOES NOT INIDI THAT DECISION BE MADE ON EVIDENCE IN FILE 1 3710. ON1 = ENGAGING IN SGA DESPITE IMPAIRMENT (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3720. ON2 = ENGAGING IN SGA DESPITE IMPAIRMENT (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 3810. OS1 = CLAIMANT HAS FILED DWB CLAIM & WAS PREVIOUSLY DENIED ON SUBSTATIVE BASIS AFT LAST POINT AT WHICH LAST MET PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQ.PRIOR CLAIM WAS FAILED 01/86 OR LATER 3847. OX1 = CLAIMANT ALLEGES DISABILITY WITHIN 5 MONTHS ATTAINMENT OF FRA & NO EARLIER ONSIDE IS POSS 1 3850. OX3 = DISABILITY DENIAL - NO OTHER DENIAL CODE APPLIES 3920. OZ2 = DAA IS MATERIAL TO THE DETERMINATION OF DISABILITY 1402 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== INSDCISH PRIMARY: CURRENTLY INSURED HAS QCS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Total QC count for currently insured test. ................................................................................. 1150 0. TEST DID NOT APPLY ON CURRENT CLAIM 4. Undefined 6. Undefined 7. Undefined 9. Undefined 10. Total QC count for currently insured test 11. Total QC count for currently insured test 12. Total QC count for currently insured test 13. Undefined 313 Blank. BLANK - TEST DID NOT APPLY ON CURRENT CLAIM ========================================================================================== INSDCISR PRIMARY: CURRENTLY INSURED TEST REQUIRED QCS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Quarters of coverage for health benefits insured test. ................................................................................. 1150 0. TEST DID NOT APPLY ON CURRENT CLAIM 6. Insured status currently insured test required QCs 313 Blank. BLANK - TEST DID NOT APPLY ON CURRENT CLAIM ========================================================================================== INSDCLMT PRIMARY: CLAIM TYPE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Insured status met data group: Insured status claim type. ................................................................................. 91 1. D - DISABILITY 240 2. R - RETIREMENT 688 3. S - SURVIVOR 125 4. L - LUMP SUM DEATH PAYMENT (LSDP) 2 5. E - END STAGE RENAL DISEASE (ESRD) 4 6. U - UNINSURED MEDICARE 313 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== INSDDCF_MO PRIMARY: MONTH CLAIM FILED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Insured status date claim filed - month. ................................................................................. 99 1. January 98 2. February 93 3. March 89 4. April 84 5. May 77 6. June 93 7. July 72 8. August 89 9. September 80 10. October 81 11. November 81 12. December 427 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== INSDDCF_YR PRIMARY: YEAR CLAIM FILED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Insured status date claim filed - year. ................................................................................. 1036 1968-2014. Year range 427 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== INSDDIBH PRIMARY: DIB TEST HAS QUARTERS OF COVERAGE REQUIRED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Total QC count for disabilty test. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1150 0 40 0.11 1.87 313 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== INSDDIBR PRIMARY: DIB TEST QUARTERS OF COVERAGE REQUIRED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 QCs required for disability test. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1150 0 20 0.07 1.18 313 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== INSDFISH PRIMARY: FULLY INSURED HAS QCS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Total QC count for fully insured status test. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1150 0 40 38.88 5.38 313 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== INSDFISR PRIMARY: QCS REQUIRED FOR FULLY INSURED TEST Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 QCs required for fully insured test. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1150 0 40 34.04 7.05 313 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== NDIB PRIMARY: NUMBER OF DISABILITY FIELDS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 364 1-8. # of disability fields 1099 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== INSDFSTM_MO PRIMARY: FIRST MONTH INSURED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month insured status is first met for this insured status test. ................................................................................. 64 1. January 51 2. February 49 3. March 51 4. April 39 5. May 50 6. June 44 7. July 47 8. August 32 9. September 53 10. October 43 11. November 48 12. December 892 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== INSDFSTM_YR PRIMARY: FIRST YEAR INSURED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year insured status is first met for this insured status test. ................................................................................. 571 1961-2014. Year range 892 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== INSDLSTM_MO PRIMARY: LAST MONTH INSURED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month insured status is last met for this insured status test. ................................................................................. 1. January 2. February 2 3. March 1 6. June 9. September 1 10. October 2 12. December 1457 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== INSDLSTM_YR PRIMARY: LAST YEAR INSURED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year insured status is last met for this insured status test. ................................................................................. 6 1969-2023. Year range 1457 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== INSDSTBL PRIMARY: STATUTORY BLINDNESS ESTABLISHED INDICATOR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Statutory blindness established indicator. ................................................................................. 2 1. Y - DISABILITY DETERMINATION LISTING AND BASIS CODES ESTABLISH STATUTORY BLINDNESS FOR CLAIMANT 1461 Blank. BLANK - NO STATUTORY BLINDNESS INVOLVEMENT ========================================================================================== INSDWPSD_MO PRIMARY: WAITING PERIOD START MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 First month of the waiting period on a disability claim. ................................................................................. 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 1 5. May 1 6. June 1 7. July 8. August 9. September 1 10. October 11. November 1 12. December 1458 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== INSDWPSD_YR PRIMARY: WAITING PERIOD START YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 First year of the waiting period on a disability claim. ................................................................................. 5 1981-2014. Year range 1458 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DESC1 PRIMARY: DUAL ENTITLEMENT STATUS CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Purpose used for Title II. Processing information for triple entitlement cases (TOD = 4), dual entitlement status code (DESC) is based on the Primary (A) and Auxiliary (B) claims. It is assumed that the Survivor (D) benefit is in the payment status as the primary payment status. ................................................................................. 0. 0 = NEITHER BENEFIT IN CURRENT PAYMENT STATUS 10. 1 = SMALLER BENEFIT ONLY IN CURRENT PAYMENT STATUS 20. 2 = LARGER BENEFIT ONLY IN CURRENT PAYMENT STATUS 3 30. 3 = BOTH BENEFITS ELIGIBLE FOR CURRENT PAYMENT STATUS (CHECKS MAY BE COMBINED OR SEPARATE) 50. 5 = LARGER BENEFIT IS SUBJECT TO FULL GP/WC OFFSET 60. S = DUAL ENTITLEMENT SUSPENDED, TECHNICAL ENTITLEMENT EXISTS 63 70. T = DUAL ENTITLEMENT TERMINATED 1397 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LEMBA1 PRIMARY: EXCESS AMOUNT PAYABLE ON LARGER MBA Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Reflects the excess amount payable on the larger excess monthly benefit amount (LEMBA). Operational considerations in the case of triple entitlement, LEMBA in the first dual entitlement field is for the Auxiliary (B) claim, and LEMBA in the second dual entitlement field is for the Survivor (D) claim. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 69 0 830 164.49 172.36 1394 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== LFMBA1 PRIMARY: LARGER MBA REDUCED FOR FMAX Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Reflects the larger full monthly benefit amount (LFMBA) reduced for family maximum. In the case of triple entitlement, LFMBA in the first dual entitlement field is for the Auxiliary (B) claim, and LFMBA in the second dual entitlement field is for the survivor (d) claim. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 69 250 1670 701.16 283.91 1394 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OTBIC1 PRIMARY: OTHER BIC Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the type of beneficiary on the other account. ................................................................................. 1. A - PRIMARY CLAIMANT 57 2. B - AGED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 3 3. B1 - AGED HUSBAND, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 4. B2 - YOUNG WIFE, WITH A CHILD IN HER CARE (1ST CLAIMANT) 5. B3 - AGED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 7. Undefined 8. B6 - DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 11. B9 - DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 22. BR - DIVORCED HUSBAND (1ST CLAIMANT) 26. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 27. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 6 46. D - AGED WIDOW, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 2 47. D1 - AGED WIDOWER, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 48. D2 - AGED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 50. D4 - WIDOW (REMARRIED AFTER ATTAINMENT OF AGE 60) (1ST CLAIMANT) 52. D6 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 53. D7 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 55. Undefined 57. DC - SURVIVING DIVORCED HUSBAND (1ST CLAIMANT) 76. E - MOTHER (WIDOW) (1ST CLAIMANT) 172. W - DISABLED WIDOW, AGE 50 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 173. W1 - DISABLED WIDOWER, AGE 50 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 174. W2 - DISABLED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 178. W6 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (1ST CLAIMANT) 179. W7 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 1394 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTDOE1_MO PRIMARY: OTHER MONTH OF ENTITLEMENT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month of other date of entitlement. ................................................................................. 15 1. January 2 2. February 5 3. March 7 4. April 7 5. May 7 6. June 3 7. July 7 8. August 4 9. September 2 10. October 5 11. November 5 12. December 1394 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OTDOE1_YR PRIMARY: OTHER YEAR OF ENTITLEMENT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year of other date of entitlement. ................................................................................. 69 1956-2014. Year range 1394 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC1 PRIMARY: OTHER OFFICE CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Reflects the other office (PSC) code in multiple entitlement accounts. ................................................................................. 10 10. 1 - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 12 20. 2 - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 9 30. 3 - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 16 40. 4 - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 4 50. 5 - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 17 60. 6 - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 70. 7 - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 80. 8 - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 110. A - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION WHEN WAGE EARNER IS DISABLED 1 120. B - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION WHEN WAGE EARNER IS DISABLED 130. C - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION WHEN WAGE EARNER IS DISABLED 140. D - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION WHEN WAGE EARNER IS DISABLED 150. E - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION WHEN WAGE EARNER IS DISABLED 160. F - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION WHEN WAGE EARNER IS DISABLED 170. G - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION WHEN WAGE EARNER IS DISABLED 180. H - PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION WHEN WAGE EARNER IS DISABLED 1394 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTPIA1 PRIMARY: OTHER PRIMARY INSURANCE AMOUNT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Reflects the controlling primary insurance amount (PIA) for payment on the other claim, whether average monthly wage or special minimum. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 69 270 2050 1256.52 339.26 1394 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OTRIA1 PRIMARY: OTHER RETIREMENT INSURANCE AMOUNT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Processing information otria will appear only if the controlling primary insurance amount (PIA) reflects the average monthly wage PIA for the other claim. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 69 0 0 0.00 0.00 1394 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== SAMBA1 PRIMARY: SMALLER MBA REDUCED FOR MAXIMUM AND AGE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Reflects the smaller monthly benefit amount reduced for maximum and age (SAMBA). In the case of triple entitlement, SAMBA in the first dual entitlement field is for the Primary (A) claim, and SAMBA in the second dual entitlement field is blank. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 69 30 1010 386.09 204.88 1394 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== SFMBA1 PRIMARY: SMALLER MBA REDUCED FOR FMAX Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This field contains the smaller full monthly benefit amount (SFMBA) reduced for family maximum. In the case of triple entitlement, SFMBA in the first dual entitlement field is for the Primary (A) claim, and SFMBA in the second dual entitlement field is blank. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 69 40 1190 448.99 218.96 1394 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== TOD1 PRIMARY: TYPE OF DUAL ENTITLEMENT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Reflects Title II type of dual entitlement on master beneficiary record (MBR). Function insures that all dual entitlement numbers are posted. ................................................................................. 69 1. PRIMARY/AUXILIARY (OR SURVIVOR) 2. SURVIVOR/AUXILIARY 1394 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== CC PRIMARY: CUSTODY CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Representative Payee Data: Custody code -- a code designating the living situation of a beneficiary who has or has had a representative payee. ................................................................................. 4 10. A = BENEFICIARY DIRECT (SEL) 2 20. B = SPOUSE (SPO) 30. C = NATURAL OR ADOPTIVE FATHER (FTH) 40. H = NATURAL OR ADOPTIVE CHILD OR STEPCHILD (CHD) 50. I = OTHER RELATIVE (REL) 60. J = FEDERAL NONMENTAL INSTITUTION (FDO) 2 70. L = STATE OR LOCAL NON MENTAL INSTITUTION (SLO) 1 80. M = STATE OR LOCAL MENTAL INSTITUTION (SLM) 9 90. N = PRIVATELY-OWNED NONMENTAL INSTITUTION (PRO) 100. O = PRIVATELY-OWNED MENTAL INSTITUTION (PRO) 3 110. P = NONPROFIT NON MENTAL INSTITUTION (NPO) 1 115. T = PUBLIC OFFICIAL (OFF) 1 120. U = OTHER (OTH) 27 130. V = IN PAYEE'S CUSTODY (PYE) 1413 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOS_MO PRIMARY: MONTH OF SELECTION Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month of date of selection. ................................................................................. 4 1. January 3 2. February 7 3. March 3 4. April 4 5. May 6 6. June 7 7. July 5 8. August 3 9. September 4 10. October 2 11. November 2 12. December 1413 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== DOS_YR PRIMARY: YEAR OF SELECTION Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year of date of selection. ................................................................................. 50 1961-2014. Year range 1413 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== GS PRIMARY: GUARDIAN STATUS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Representative Payee Data: Guardian status. ................................................................................. 46 10. N = NO GUARDIAN HAS BEEN APPOINTED 18. S = GUARDIAN STATUS NO LONGER APPLICABLE (OBSOLETE) 20. U = UNKNOWN 3 30. Y = PAYEE IS THE GUARDIAN 40. O = BENEFICIARY HAS A GUARDIAN, BUT THE PAYEE IS NOT THE GUARDIAN 1414 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOP PRIMARY: TYPE OF PAYEE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Representative Payee Data: Type of payee. ................................................................................. 6 10. A = BENEFICIARY DIRECT (SEL) 32 20. B = SPOUSE (SPO) 30. C = NATURAL OR ADOPTIVE FATHER (FTH) 1 40. D = NATURAL OR ADOPTIVE MOTHER (MTH) 50. G = GRANDPARENT (GPR) 4 60. H = NATURAL OR ADOPTIVE CHILD OR STEPCHILD (CHD) 3 70. I = OTHER RELATIVE (REL) 78. L = STATE OR LOCAL NON MENTAL INSTITUTION (SLO) 1 80. N = PRIVATELY-OWNED NONMENTAL INSTITUTION (PRO) 85. Q = NONPROFIT MENTAL INSTITUTION (NPM) 90. S = SOCIAL AGENCY (AGY) 95. T = PUBLIC OFFICIAL 2 100. U = OTHER (OTH) 110. W = UNKNOWN FOR MINOR CHILD 1 120. P = NONPROFIT NONMENTAL INSTITUTION (NPO) 180. Y = PAYEE IS THE GUARDIAN 1413 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== PIARA PRIMARY: PIA REDUCTION AMOUNT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Delayed retirement credit data: PIA (Primary Insurance Amount) reduction amount. Reflects the amount of reduction to be applied to the Primary Insurance Amount prior to applying the Delayed Retirement Credit. This field is used in situations where prior entitlement causes a reduction in benefits upon another account number. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 70 0 250 28.14 51.45 1393 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== CRIMC PRIMARY: CURRENT CUMULATIVE RETIREMENT INCREMENT MONTHS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Delayed retirement credit data: Current cumulative retirement increment months. Reflects the total number of delayed retirement increment months used in the present benefit computation. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 186 1 84 21.38 22.09 1277 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== DRCY PRIMARY: DELAYED RETIREMENT COMP YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Delayed retirement credit data: Delayed retirement computation year (CCYY). ................................................................................. 187 0-2014. PRIMARY: DELAYED RETIREMENT COMP YEAR 1276 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== AMOFSTAR_MO PRIMARY: AMOUNT OFFSET BEGIN MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 First month of offset mandatory. ................................................................................. 4 1. January 2. February 3. March 3 4. April 1 5. May 3 6. June 1 7. July 1 8. August 9. September 2 10. October 11. November 4 12. December 1444 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== AMOFSTAR_YR PRIMARY: AMOUNT OFFSET BEGIN YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 First year of offset mandatory. ................................................................................. 19 1969-2014. Year range 1444 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== AMOFSTOP_MO PRIMARY: AMOUNT OFFSET END MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Last month of offset. ................................................................................. 1 1. January 2 2. February 3. March 3 4. April 4 5. May 2 6. June 7. July 1 8. August 1 9. September 10. October 1 11. November 3 12. December 1445 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== AMOFSTOP_YR PRIMARY: AMOUNT OFFSET END YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Last Year of offset. ................................................................................. 18 1972-2017. Year range 1445 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== AMOFPDBO PRIMARY: AMOUNT OF PDB OFFSET Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest amount offset data: Amount of PBD Offset ($$$$): The amount of PBD offset that is subtracted each month during the period reflected in the start and stop dates can be zero if AMOF-WC-ONLY is present. When the value is zero query will display PBD only $0.00 if AMOF-WC-ONLY is greater than zero. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 19 0 700 123.16 202.62 1444 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== AMOFWCON PRIMARY: AMOUNT OF WC OFFSET Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest amount offset data: Amount of WC Offset ($$$$): The amount of WC offset that is subtracted each month during the period reflected in the start and stop dates. Can be zero if AMOF-PDB-ONLY is present. When the value is zero, query will display WC-ONLY $0.00 if AMOF-PDB-ONLY is greater than zero. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 19 0 670 190.53 222.00 1444 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== GPMSTART_MO PRIMARY: GOVERNMENT PENSION MONTHLY START DATE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 The first month of offset for this occurrence mandatory. ................................................................................. 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 6. June 1 7. July 8. August 9. September 1 12. December 1461 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== GPMSTART_YR PRIMARY: GOVERNMENT PENSION MONTHLY START YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 The first Year of offset for this occurrence mandatory. ................................................................................. 2 1978-2014. Year range 1461 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== GPMSTOPR_MO PRIMARY: OVERNMENT PENSION MONTHLY END DATE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest government pension offset data: Government pension monthly end date. Last month of offset for this occurrence. ................................................................................. 1 2. February 3. March 5. May 6. June 9. September 12. December 1462 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== GPMSTOPR_YR PRIMARY: OVERNMENT PENSION MONTHLY END YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest government pension offset data: Government pension monthly end date. Last year of offset for this occurrence. ................................................................................. 1 2006-2014. Year range 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== GPMTOTAL PRIMARY: TOTAL MONTHLY GOVERNMENT PENSION AMOUNT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest government pension offset data: Total monthly government pension amount ($$$$$$). Total amount of government pension(s) after any conversion of the recurring pension amount and addition of the monthly prorated lump sum, if applicable. Two-thirds of this amount will be the maximum offset amount for this occurrence mandatory. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 2 2960 150000 76480.00 103972.98 1461 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== GPMWTHLD PRIMARY: GOVERNMENT PENSION MONTHLY AMOUNT WITHHELD Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest government pension offset data: Government pension monthly amount withheld ($$$$). The actual amount withheld from each month's SS benefit. It may be less than the maximum GP offset amount because it cannot be larger than the MBA mandatory unless GPM-CONV = Y. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 2 0 0 0.00 0.00 1461 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== HIBASIS PRIMARY: HOSPITAL INSURANCE BASIS TYPE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: Basis for hospital insurance coverage. ................................................................................. 845 1. A - AGE 153 2. D - DISABILITY 8 3. E - END-STAGE RENAL 457 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== HIPERIOD PRIMARY: HOSPITAL INSURANCE ENROLLMENT PERIOD TYPE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: Type of enrollment period in which hospital insurance coverage established ................................................................................. 20. G - GEP 30. I - IEP 40. N - NOT WITHIN ANY ENROLLMENT PERIOD 1 50. Q - QMB ENROLLMENT 60. R - REINSTATED FOLLOWING APPEAL 2 90. U - UNKNOWN (FOR CONV. CASES ONLY) 1 110. W - 1459 Blank. BLANK - DEFAULT VALUE ========================================================================================== HISTART_MO PRIMARY: HOSPITAL INSURANCE ENROLLMENT START MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: Hospital insurance enrollment start month. First month of a period of hospital insurance coverage. ................................................................................. 82 1. January 80 2. February 84 3. March 84 4. April 78 5. May 85 6. June 99 7. July 95 8. August 76 9. September 75 10. October 82 11. November 85 12. December 458 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== HISTART_YR PRIMARY: HOSPITAL INSURANCE ENROLLMENT START YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: Hospital insurance enrollment start month. First year of a period of hospital insurance coverage. ................................................................................. 1005 1966-2014. Year range 458 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== HITERM_MO PRIMARY: HOSPITAL INSURANCE TERMINATION MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: Hospital insurance termination month. Date in which the termination of the period of hospital insurance coverage is effective ................................................................................. 2 1. January 2. February 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 1461 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== HITERM_YR PRIMARY: HOSPITAL INSURANCE TERMINATION YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: Hospital insurance termination month. Date in which the termination of the period of hospital insurance coverage is effective ................................................................................. 2 1975-2017. Year range 1461 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SMIBASIS PRIMARY: SMI BASIS TYPE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: Basis for having SMI coverage. Mandatory entry - blank not valid. ................................................................................. 846 1. A - AGE 153 2. D - DISABILITY 8 3. E - END-STAGE RENAL 456 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SMINONCO PRIMARY: SMI NON COVERAGE REASON TYPE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: Reason a period of SMI coverage is not in effect. ................................................................................. 2 20. C - DIB CESS 30. D - DENIED 1 40. Undocumented code 43 50. R - REFUSAL 60. N - NO LONGER RENAL 2 70. P - PREMIUM NON PAYMENT 4 100. W - ENROLLMENT WITHDRAWAL 120. X - CLAIM WITHDRAWN FOR APPLICATION 1411 Blank. BLANK- DEFAULT VALUE ========================================================================================== SMIPERIO PRIMARY: SMI ENROLLMENT PERIOD TYPE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: Type of enrollment period in which SMI coverage was established or requested. ................................................................................. 1 10. A - AEP 42 30. G - GEP 881 40. I - IEP 50. N - NOT ANY ENROLLMENT PERIOD 70. R - REINSTATED FOLLOWING APPEAL 16 80. S - SEP 62 90. U - UNKNOWN (FOR CONV. CASES ONLY) 461 Blank. BLANK - EMPTY VALUE ========================================================================================== SMISTART_MO PRIMARY: SMI ENROLLMENT EFFECTIVE MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: SMI enrollment effective month. Date of enrollment for a period of SMI coverage (the first month of coverage). ................................................................................. 71 1. January 79 2. February 77 3. March 80 4. April 75 5. May 80 6. June 136 7. July 81 8. August 69 9. September 69 10. October 68 11. November 79 12. December 499 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== SMISTART_YR PRIMARY: SMI ENROLLMENT EFFECTIVE YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: SMI enrollment effective month. Date of enrollment for a period of SMI coverage (the first year of coverage). ................................................................................. 964 1966-2014. Year range 499 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SMITERM_MO PRIMARY: SMI TERMINATION MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: SMI termination month. Date in which the termination of this period of SMI coverage is effective (the first month of non-coverage). ................................................................................. 2 1. January 1 2. February 2 3. March 4. April 5. May 1 6. June 1 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 2 11. November 12. December 1454 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== SMITERM_YR PRIMARY: SMI TERMINATION YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: SMI termination month. Date in which the termination of this period of SMI coverage is effective (the first year of non-coverage). ................................................................................. 9 1975-2016. Year range 1454 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SMTPCATE PRIMARY: SMI THIRD PARTY CATEGORY TYPE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: Category of an SMI third party. ................................................................................. 3 1. C - CIVIL SERVICE 2. P - PRIVATE THIRD PARTY 139 3. S - STATE BILLING 1321 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SMTPCODE PRIMARY: SMI THIRD PARTY IDENTIFICATION CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: Identification code of an SMI third party. Mandatory entry - zeroes not valid. ................................................................................. 1 100. 010 = STATE BILLING 1 300. 030 = STATE BILLING 3 400. 040 = STATE BILLING 21 500. 050 = STATE BILLING 4 600. 060 = STATE BILLING 2 700. 070 = STATE BILLING 800. 080 = STATE BILLING 900. 090 = STATE BILLING 21 1000. 100 = STATE BILLING 7 1100. 110 = STATE BILLING 1200. 120 = STATE BILLING 4 1400. 140 = STATE BILLING 3 1500. 150 = STATE BILLING 1600. 160 = STATE BILLING 1700. 170 = STATE BILLING 1800. 180 = STATE BILLING 2 1900. 190 = STATE BILLING 2000. 200 = STATE BILLING 1 2100. 210 = STATE BILLING 2 2200. 220 = STATE BILLING 4 2300. 230 = STATE BILLING 5 2400. 240 = STATE BILLING 5 2500. 250 = STATE BILLING 2600. 260 = STATE BILLING 2800. 280 = STATE BILLING 2900. 290 = STATE BILLING 3000. 300 = STATE BILLING 3 3100. 310 = STATE BILLING 3200. 320 = STATE BILLING 4 3300. 330 = STATE BILLING 6 3400. 340 = STATE BILLING 3500. 350 = STATE BILLING 6 3600. 360 = STATE BILLING 3700. 370 = STATE BILLING 2 3800. 380 = STATE BILLING 2 3900. 390 = STATE BILLING 1 4100. 410 = STATE BILLING 1 4200. 420 = STATE BILLING 4300. 430 = STATE BILLING 4 4400. 440 = STATE BILLING 12 4500. 450 = STATE BILLING 4 4900. 490 = STATE BILLING 3 5000. 500 = STATE BILLING 3 5100. 510 = STATE BILLING 2 5200. 520 = STATE BILLING 5300. 530 = STATE BILLING 3 7000. 700 = CIVIL SERVICE BILLING 8010. A87 = PRIVATE THIRD PARTY BILLING 8020. B70 = PRIVATE THIRD PARTY BILLING 8030. J81 = PRIVATE THIRD PARTY BILLING 8050. P34 = PRIVATE THIRD PARTY BILLING 1321 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SMTPSTAR_MO PRIMARY: SMI THIRD PARTY START MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: SMI third party start month. First month the third party is responsible for paying the premium for a period of SMI coverage. ................................................................................. 14 1. January 10 2. February 13 3. March 13 4. April 14 5. May 11 6. June 9 7. July 8 8. August 15 9. September 11 10. October 12 11. November 12 12. December 1321 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== SMTPSTAR_YR PRIMARY: SMI THIRD PARTY START YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: SMI third party start month. First month the third party is responsible for paying the premium for a period of SMI coverage. ................................................................................. 142 1969-2014. Year range 1321 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SMTPSTOP_MO PRIMARY: SMI THIRD PARTY STOP MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: SMI third party stop month. Last month in which the third party has responsibility for the SMI premium. ................................................................................. 6 1. January 12 2. February 16 3. March 13 4. April 9 5. May 10 6. June 11 7. July 6 8. August 7 9. September 12 10. October 14 11. November 10 12. December 1337 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== SMTPSTOP_YR PRIMARY: SMI THIRD PARTY STOP YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data: SMI third party stop month. Last month in which the third party has responsibility for the SMI premium. ................................................................................. 126 1975-2014. Year range 1337 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== FMAX PRIMARY: FAMILY MAXIMUM Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest PIA History: Family maximum ($$$$). Reflects the maximum monthly benefits payable for this PIA period for this claim. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1170 0 6020 1978.09 1037.93 293 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== PIA PRIMARY: PRIMARY INSURANCE AMOUNT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest PIA History: Primary insurance amount ($$$$). ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1170 60 3440 1260.55 477.39 293 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== PIED_MO PRIMARY: PRIMARY INSURANCE EFFECTIVE DATE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest PIA History: PIA effective date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of PIA effective date. ................................................................................. 1. January 2. February 2 3. March 1 4. April 5. May 6. June 1 7. July 8. August 10. October 1166 12. December 293 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== PIED_YR PRIMARY: PRIMARY INSURANCE EFFECTIVE YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest PIA History: PIA effective date. Year of PIA effective date. ................................................................................. 1170 1978-2014. Year range 293 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== PIFC PRIMARY: PRIMARY INSURANCE FACTOR CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest PIA History: Primary insurance factor code ................................................................................. 10 10. 5 = MODIFIED NEW START WINDFALL PIA 18 20. 7 = 1990 NEW START 1 30. Undocumented code 151 40. B = AVERAGE MONTHLY WAGE 41. C = SPECIAL MINIMUM 1 50. K = PRORATED (TOTALIZED) PIA 949 60. L = AVERAGE INDEXED MONTHLY EARNINGS 70. M = MINIMUM PIA IF GREATER THAN AVERAGE INDEXED MONTHLY EARNINGS (AIME) 13 80. N = NEW START GUARANTEE PIA 12 90. O = OLD START GUARANTEE PIA 15 100. S = SUBSEQUENT DISABILITY INSURANCE BENEFIT (DIB) GUARANTEE PIA 110. V = MODIFIED OLD START WINDFALL PIA 293 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== RFCP PRIMARY: REASON FOR CHANGE IN PRIMARY INSURANCE AMOUNT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest PIA History: Reason for change in primary insurance amount. ................................................................................. 10. RECOMPUTATION (MILITARY SERVICE CREDITS AFTER 1956) 20. PIA RECOMPUTED UNDER 1965,1967 OR 1978 NEW LAW PROVISIONS 50. UPWARD RECALCULATION OF THE INITIAL PIA OR A SUMMARY 1165 130. K - BENEFIT RATE INCREASE 298 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOM PRIMARY: TYPE OF MAXIMUM Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest PIA History: Represents type of family maximum applicable. ................................................................................. 2 1. C - COMBINED FAMILY MAXIMUM 21 2. D - DISABILITY MAXIMUM 1979 AMENDMENTS 3. S - SAVINGS CLAUSE MAXIMUM 1093 4. T - TABLE MAXIMUM 347 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCIS1 OTHER: COMPUTATION/INSURED STATUS CODE ONE (PRE-2008) Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Data (Other): Computation and Insured Status Code (One). Possible-values: B bit - 1 all the time; A bit - 1 if folder reference required; 8 bit - 1 if disability freeze involved; 4 bit - 1 if new start computation used; 2 bit - 1 if workers compensation/megacap offset has ever been involved; 1 bit - not in use. ................................................................................. 1 1. * = CIS Code bit pattern: (B bit ON) ALL THE TIME; (8 bit ON) IF DISABILITY FREEZE INVOLVED; (2 bit ON) IF WORKERS COMPENSATION/MEGACAP OFFSET HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED 2. - = CIS Code bit pattern: (B bit ON) ALL THE TIME; (8 bit ON) IF DISABILITY FREEZE INVOLVED; (4 bit ON) IF NEW START COMPUTATION USED; (1 bit ON) 1 4. ; = CIS Code bit pattern: (B bit ON) ALL THE TIME; (A bit ON) IF FOLDER REFERENCE REQUIRED; (8 bit ON) IF DISABILITY FREEZE INVOLVED; (2 bit ON) IF WORKERS COMPENSATION/MEGACAP OFFSET HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED; (1 bit ON) 1 6. K = CIS Code bit pattern: (8 bit ON) IF DISABILITY FREEZE INVOLVED; (2 bit ON) IF WORKERS COMPENSATION/MEGACAP OFFSET HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED; (1 bit ON) 29 7. M = CIS Code bit pattern: (8 bit ON) IF DISABILITY FREEZE INVOLVED; (4 bit ON) IF NEW START COMPUTATION USED; (1 bit ON) 9. O = CIS Code bit pattern: (8 bit ON) IF DISABILITY FREEZE INVOLVED; (4 bit ON) IF NEW START COMPUTATION USED; (2 bit ON) IF WORKERS COMPENSATION/MEGACAP OFFSET HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED; (1 bit ON) 10. Q = CIS Code bit pattern: (B bit ON) ALL THE TIME; (1 bit ON) 11. } = CIS Code bit pattern: (B bit ON) ALL THE TIME; (A bit ON) IF FOLDER REFERENCE REQUIRED; (8 bit ON) IF DISABILITY FREEZE INVOLVED; (4 bit ON) IF NEW START COMPUTATION USED; (1 bit ON) 1431 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODDCO OTHER: DIRECT DEPOSIT CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): DIRECT DEPOSIT CODE ................................................................................. 27 1. C - Checking 4 3. S - Savings 1432 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODOECBIC OTHER: BENEFICIARY IDENTIFICATION CODE AT DOEC Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): BENEFICIARY IDENTIFICATION CODE AT DATE OF CURRENT ENTITLEMENT ................................................................................. 67 2. B - AGED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 6 3. B1 - AGED HUSBAND, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 6 4. B2 - YOUNG WIFE, WITH A CHILD IN HER CARE (1ST CLAIMANT) 5. B3 - AGED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 7. B5 - YOUNG WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 8. B6 - DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 11. B9 - DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 22. BR - DIVORCED HUSBAND (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 25. BY - YOUNG HUSBAND (1ST CLAIMANT) 26. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 2 27. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 28. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 29. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 30. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 31. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 32. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 33. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 34. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 7 46. D - AGED WIDOW, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 4 47. D1 - AGED WIDOWER, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 48. D2 - AGED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 50. D4 - WIDOW (REMARRIED AFTER ATTAINMENT OF AGE 60) (1ST CLAIMANT) 51. D5 - WIDOWER (REMARRIED AFTER ATTAINMENT OF AGE 60)(1ST CLAIMANT) 52. D6 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 53. D7 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 54. D8 - AGED WIDOW (3RD CLAIMANT) 57. DC - SURVIVING DIVORCED HUSBAND (1ST CLAIMANT) 71. DV - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (3RD CLAIMANT) 2 76. E - MOTHER (WIDOW) (1ST CLAIMANT) 77. E1 - SURVIVING DIVORCED MOTHER (1ST CLAIMANT) 78. E2 - MOTHER (WIDOW) (2ND CLAIMANT) 2 80. E4 - FATHER (WIDOWER) (1ST CLAIMANT) 172. W - DISABLED WIDOW, AGE 50 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 173. W1 - DISABLED WIDOWER, AGE 50 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 174. W2 - DISABLED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 178. W6 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (1ST CLAIMANT) 179. W7 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 1364 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODOECTOB OTHER: TYPE OF BENEFIT AT DOEC Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): TYPE OF BENEFIT CODE AT DATE OF CURRENT ENTITLEMENT ................................................................................. 73 3. Aged Spouse 5 4. Spouse caring for minor children 12 5. Aged widow(er) 4 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disables widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 1 9. Student child 1 10. Minor child 3 13. Unknown 1364 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODOEIBIC OTHER: BENEFICIARY IDENTIFICATION CODE AT DOEI Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): BENEFICIARY IDENTIFICATION CODE AT DATE OF INITIAL ENTITLEMENT ................................................................................. 67 2. B - AGED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 6 3. B1 - AGED HUSBAND, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 7 4. B2 - YOUNG WIFE, WITH A CHILD IN HER CARE (1ST CLAIMANT) 5. B3 - AGED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 7. B5 - YOUNG WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 8. B6 - DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 11. B9 - DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 22. BR - DIVORCED HUSBAND (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 25. BY - YOUNG HUSBAND (1ST CLAIMANT) 26. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 2 27. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 28. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 29. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 30. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 31. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 32. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 33. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 34. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 5 46. D - AGED WIDOW, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 4 47. D1 - AGED WIDOWER, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 48. D2 - AGED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 50. D4 - WIDOW (REMARRIED AFTER ATTAINMENT OF AGE 60) (1ST CLAIMANT) 51. D5 - WIDOWER (REMARRIED AFTER ATTAINMENT OF AGE 60)(1ST CLAIMANT) 52. D6 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 53. D7 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 54. D8 - AGED WIDOW (3RD CLAIMANT) 57. DC - SURVIVING DIVORCED HUSBAND (1ST CLAIMANT) 71. DV - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (3RD CLAIMANT) 3 76. E - MOTHER (WIDOW) (1ST CLAIMANT) 77. E1 - SURVIVING DIVORCED MOTHER (1ST CLAIMANT) 78. E2 - MOTHER (WIDOW) (2ND CLAIMANT) 2 80. E4 - FATHER (WIDOWER) (1ST CLAIMANT) 172. W - DISABLED WIDOW, AGE 50 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 173. W1 - DISABLED WIDOWER, AGE 50 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 174. W2 - DISABLED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 178. W6 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (1ST CLAIMANT) 179. W7 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 1364 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODOEITOB OTHER: TYPE OF BENEFIT AT DOEI Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): TYPE OF BENEFIT AT DATE OF INITIAL ENTITLEMENT ................................................................................. 72 3. Aged Spouse 6 4. Spouse caring for minor children 10 5. Aged widow(er) 5 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disables widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 9. Student child 2 10. Minor child 1 12. Other, non-specified 3 13. Unknown 1364 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OERC OTHER: EARNINGS RECOMPUTATION CYCLE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Data (Other): Earnings recomputation cycle (CCYY). ................................................................................. 31 1961-2013. Earnings Recomputation Cycle (CCYY) 1432 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ORACE OTHER: RACE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): RACE ................................................................................. 86 1. WHITE 11 2. BLACK 1 3. OTHER 4. UNKNOWN 1 7. Other (recode to 4) 1364 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ORCC OTHER: RECOMPUTATION CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Data (Other): Recomputation code. ................................................................................. 2 0. ADJUSTMENT OF REDUCTION FACTOR ONLY 1. RECOMPUTATION TO INCLUDE MILITARY SERVICE CREDITS AFTER 1956 4 2. 1965 AND/OR 1967 RECOMPUTATION 3. RECOMPUTATION TO INCLUDE MILITARY SERVICE CREDITS BEFORE 1957 AND AFTER 1956 4. REDETERMINATION OF WORKERS COMPENSATION OFFSET 4 5. ALL RECOMPUTATIONS NOT DESCRIBED SEPARATELY 7. RECOMPUTATION TO INCLUDE MILITARY SERVICE CREDIT 9. Undefined 1453 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSEX OTHER: SEX Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): SEX ................................................................................. 33 1. F - FEMALE 66 2. M - MALE 9. Unknown 1364 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ONHTOC OTHER: NUMBER OF TYPES OF CLAIM Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Number of Types of Claim ................................................................................. 98 0-9. Number of types of claims 1365 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC01 OTHER:TYPE OF CLAIM - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 9 0. SURVIVOR CASE WHERE THE BENEFICIARY IS: A. YOUNG CHILD; B. WIDOW(ER) WHOSE BENEFIT IS LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; C. WIDOW(ER), REMARRIED WIDOW OR SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE WHOSE BENEFIT IS NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; D. MOTHER/FATHER ENTITLED BECAUSE OF YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; E. PARENT; F. WIDOW(ER), REMARRIED WIDOW OR SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE WHOSE BENEFIT IS NOT ACTUARIALLY REDUCED (OR ACTUARIAL REDUCTION IS INVOLVED BUT THE BENEFIT AMOUNT IS LIMITED BY THE PRIMARY'S AMOUNT.) 12 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 39 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 3. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH DRC; B. DISABLED CHILD OF DECEASED PRIMARY; C. MOTHER/FATHER ENTITLED SOLELY FOR DISABLED ADULT CHILD (DAC) IN CARE 4. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE WITH DRC; B. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED SOLELY FOR DAC IN CARE; C. DISABLED ADULT CHILD 4 5. DISABILITY CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. DISABLED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD 1 6. DISABILITY CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. DISABLED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE 1 8. SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS STUDENT CHILD 9. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS STUDENT CHILD 1397 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC01DT OTHER: START DATE OF CLAIM - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 12010- 122013. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC02 OTHER:TYPE OF CLAIM - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 0. SURVIVOR CASE WHERE THE BENEFICIARY IS: A. YOUNG CHILD; B. WIDOW(ER) WHOSE BENEFIT IS LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; C. WIDOW(ER), REMARRIED WIDOW OR SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE WHOSE BENEFIT IS NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; D. MOTHER/FATHER ENTITLED BECAUSE OF YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; E. PARENT; F. WIDOW(ER), REMARRIED WIDOW OR SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE WHOSE BENEFIT IS NOT ACTUARIALLY REDUCED (OR ACTUARIAL REDUCTION IS INVOLVED BUT THE BENEFIT AMOUNT IS LIMITED BY THE PRIMARY'S AMOUNT.) 1 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 6. DISABILITY CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. DISABLED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC02DT OTHER: START DATE OF CLAIM - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 1 11987- 122013. Month/Year range for this variable 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC03 OTHER:TYPE OF CLAIM - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC03DT OTHER: START DATE OF CLAIM - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 12008- 122004. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC04 OTHER:TYPE OF CLAIM - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 0. SURVIVOR CASE WHERE THE BENEFICIARY IS: A. YOUNG CHILD; B. WIDOW(ER) WHOSE BENEFIT IS LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; C. WIDOW(ER), REMARRIED WIDOW OR SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE WHOSE BENEFIT IS NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; D. MOTHER/FATHER ENTITLED BECAUSE OF YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; E. PARENT; F. WIDOW(ER), REMARRIED WIDOW OR SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE WHOSE BENEFIT IS NOT ACTUARIALLY REDUCED (OR ACTUARIAL REDUCTION IS INVOLVED BUT THE BENEFIT AMOUNT IS LIMITED BY THE PRIMARY'S AMOUNT.) 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC04DT OTHER: START DATE OF CLAIM - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 12008- 112010. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC05 OTHER:TYPE OF CLAIM - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC05DT OTHER: START DATE OF CLAIM - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 12008- 112010. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC06 OTHER:TYPE OF CLAIM - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC06DT OTHER: START DATE OF CLAIM - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 12008- 112010. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC07 OTHER:TYPE OF CLAIM - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 1. LIFE CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY NOT REDUCED FOR AGE OR INCREASED BY DELAYED RETIREMENT CREDIT (DRC) (MBR AND LBI); B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND NOT REDUCED FOR AGE; C. YOUNG WIFE ENTITLED FOR YOUNG CHILD-IN-CARE; D. YOUNG CHILD; E. PROUTY BENEFICIARY OR SPOUSE 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC07DT OTHER: START DATE OF CLAIM - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 12008- 12008. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC08 OTHER:TYPE OF CLAIM - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 2. LIFE OR SURVIVOR CASE WHERE BENEFICIARY IS: A. RETIRED PRIMARY REDUCED FOR AGE WITH NO DRC; B. AGED OR DIVORCED WIFE/HUSBAND REDUCED FOR AGE; C. WIDOW(ER) REDUCED FOR AGE BUT NOT LIMITED BY PRIMARY'S AMOUNT; D. DISABLED WIDOW(ER) 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC08DT OTHER: START DATE OF CLAIM - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 12008- 12008. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC09 OTHER:TYPE OF CLAIM - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Type of Claim ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOC09DT OTHER: START DATE OF CLAIM - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Claim start date ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OBCLMBIC OTHER: BENEFICIARY IDENTIFICATION CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Current Beneficiary Claim Data (Other): BIC - POSITION ONE AND TWO ................................................................................. 67 2. B - AGED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 6 3. B1 - AGED HUSBAND, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 4 4. B2 - YOUNG WIFE, WITH A CHILD IN HER CARE (1ST CLAIMANT) 5. B3 - AGED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 7. B5 - YOUNG WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 8. B6 - DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 11. B9 - DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 22. BR - DIVORCED HUSBAND (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 25. BY - YOUNG HUSBAND (1ST CLAIMANT) 26. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 2 27. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 28. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 29. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 30. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 31. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 32. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 33. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 34. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 7 46. D - AGED WIDOW, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 3 47. D1 - AGED WIDOWER, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 48. D2 - AGED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 50. D4 - WIDOW (REMARRIED AFTER ATTAINMENT OF AGE 60) (1ST CLAIMANT) 51. D5 - WIDOWER (REMARRIED AFTER ATTAINMENT OF AGE 60)(1ST CLAIMANT) 52. D6 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 53. D7 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 57. DC - SURVIVING DIVORCED HUSBAND (1ST CLAIMANT) 2 76. E - MOTHER (WIDOW) (1ST CLAIMANT) 77. E1 - SURVIVING DIVORCED MOTHER (1ST CLAIMANT) 2 80. E4 - FATHER (WIDOWER) (1ST CLAIMANT) 172. W - DISABLED WIDOW, AGE 50 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 173. W1 - DISABLED WIDOWER, AGE 50 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 174. W2 - DISABLED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 178. W6 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (1ST CLAIMANT) 179. W7 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 1368 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBCLMMOE OTHER: MONTH OF ENTITLEMENT CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Indicates the month of entitlement type. ................................................................................. 3 1. A - BENEFICIARY CHOSE THE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS MOE 2 2. B - BENEFICIARY CHOSE THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE MOE WITHOUT REDUCTION 4 3. C - BENEFICIARY SELECTED THE MONTH OF ENTITLEMENT 4. D - THIS IS AN UNREDUCED BENEFICIARY 1454 Blank. Blank - Does not Apply ========================================================================================== OBCLMORF OTHER: ORIGINAL REDUCTION FACTOR MONTHS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Current Beneficiary Claim Data (Other): Original reduction factor months: Contains the number of original reduction factor months ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 95 0 60 19.07 17.72 1368 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== ODENYBIC OTHER: BENEFICIARY IDENTIFICATION CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Beneficiary denial/disallowance data group (Other): BIC code. ................................................................................. 2. B - AGED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 3. B1 - AGED HUSBAND, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 2 4. B2 - YOUNG WIFE, WITH A CHILD IN HER CARE (1ST CLAIMANT) 5. B3 - AGED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 7. B5 - YOUNG WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 8. B6 - DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 11. B9 - DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 25. BY - YOUNG HUSBAND (1ST CLAIMANT) 26. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 27. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 28. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 29. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 31. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 46. D - AGED WIDOW, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 47. D1 - AGED WIDOWER, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 48. D2 - AGED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 52. D6 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 53. D7 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 54. D8 - AGED WIDOW (3RD CLAIMANT) 76. E - MOTHER (WIDOW) (1ST CLAIMANT) 78. E2 - MOTHER (WIDOW) (2ND CLAIMANT) 80. E4 - FATHER (WIDOWER) (1ST CLAIMANT) 172. W - DISABLED WIDOW, AGE 50 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 1 173. W1 - DISABLED WIDOWER, AGE 50 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 174. W2 - DISABLED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 178. W6 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (1ST CLAIMANT) 179. W7 - DISABLED SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 1460 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODENYCEC OTHER: HISTORICAL CURRENT ENTITLEMENT CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Beneficiary denial/disallowance data group (Other): Historical current entitlement code. ................................................................................. 1 1. B - DISABLED 1462 Blank. Blank - Does not Apply ========================================================================================== ODENYLOD OTHER: LEVEL OF DENIAL Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Level of denial mandatory. ................................................................................. 3 1. 1 - INITIAL 2. 2 - RECON 1460 Blank. Blank - Does not Apply ========================================================================================== ODENYRDD OTHER: REASON FOR DISABILITY DENIAL Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Beneficiary denial/disallowance data group (Other): Disallowance denial reason for this claim. Mandatory. ................................................................................. 260. 026 = DISALLOWANCE DUE TO LACK OF INSURED STATUS NOT TRACEABLE TO COVERAGE EXCLUSIO OR WAGE QUESTION 2 270. 027 = WIFE OR CHILD FILING - NUMBERHOLDER NOT ENTITLED 280. 028 = CLAIMANT HAS NOT ATTAINED REQUIRED AGE - DATE OF BIRTH ESTABLISHED 290. 029 = DEATH OF NUMBER HOLDER NOT ESTABLISHED 300. 030 = NOT THE SPOUSE/WIDOWER, UNDER STATE LAW OR DEEMED MARRIAGE PROVISION 310. 031 = DOES NOT MEET THE DURATION OF MARRIAGE REQUIREMENT 360. 036 = NOT MARRIED AT LEAST 10 YEARS IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THE DATE OF DIVORCE 410. 041 = STUDENT NOT IN FULL-TIME ATTENDANCE 420. 042 = WIFE, WIDOW, MOTHER OR SURVIVING DIVORCED MOTHER DOES NOT HAVE CHILD IN CARE 440. 044 = FAILURE TO ESTABLISH REQUIRED AGE 510. 051 = CHILD NOT ELIGIBLE OR ENTITLED TO BENEFITS 580. 058 = NOT RECEIVING 1/2 SUPPORT FROM THE NUMBERHOLDER 620. 062 = ENTITLED TO RECEIVE OTHER BENEFITS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN BENEFITS PAYABLE ON THIS NUMBERHOLDER SSN 640. 064 = FAILURE TO ESTABLISH OTHER REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTITLEMENT 650. 065 = OTHER DISALLOWANCE FOR MONTHLY BENEFITS ACTION (SHOW REASON IN 'REMARKS') 930. 093 = DISABLED WIDOW BENEFICIARY CLAIMANT AOD IS AFTER END OF PRESCRIBED PERIOD 2000. 200 = CLAIMANT WILL CONTINUE TO WORK (UNCONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL) 2010. 201 = OTHER (CONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL) 2020. 202 = CONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL 2030. 203 = CLAIMANT WILL CONTINUE TO WORK (UNCONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL) 2040. 204 = OTHER (UNCONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL) 2050. 205 = CONDITIONAL WITHDRAWN 3030. OE3 = IMPAIRMENT IS SEVERE AT TIME OF ADJUDICATION BUT NOT EXPECTED TO LAST 12 MON (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 1 3110. OF1 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3120. OF2 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 3210. OG1 = 3310. OH1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3320. OH2 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3410. OJ1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - OTHER WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 1460 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCC OTHER: CUSTODY CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Representative Payee Data (Other): Custody code -- a code designating the living situation of a beneficiary who has or has had a representative payee. ................................................................................. 10. A = BENEFICIARY DIRECT (SEL) 40. H = NATURAL OR ADOPTIVE CHILD OR STEPCHILD (CHD) 50. I = OTHER RELATIVE (REL) 90. N = PRIVATELY-OWNED NONMENTAL INSTITUTION (PRO) 1 110. Undocumented code 120. U = OTHER (OTH) 130. V = IN PAYEE'S CUSTODY (PYE) 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OGS OTHER: GUARDIAN STATUS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Representative Payee Data (Other): Guardian status. ................................................................................. 1 10. N = NO GUARDIAN HAS BEEN APPOINTED 20. U = UNKNOWN 30. Y = PAYEE IS THE GUARDIAN 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOP OTHER: TYPE OF PAYEE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Representative Payee Data (Other): Type of payee ................................................................................. 10. A = BENEFICIARY DIRECT (SEL) 1 20. B = SPOUSE (SPO) 30. C = NATURAL OR ADOPTIVE FATHER (FTH) 40. D = NATURAL OR ADOPTIVE MOTHER (MTH) 44. E = STEPFATHER (SFT) 50. G = GRANDPARENT (GPR) 60. H = NATURAL OR ADOPTIVE CHILD OR STEPCHILD (CHD) 70. I = OTHER RELATIVE (REL) 78. L = STATE OR LOCAL NON MENTAL INSTITUTION (SLO) 80. N = PRIVATELY-OWNED NONMENTAL INSTITUTION (PRO) 90. S = SOCIAL AGENCY (AGY) 95. T = PUBLIC OFFICIAL 100. U = OTHER (OTH) 110. W = UNKNOWN FOR MINOR CHILD 120. P = NONPROFIT NONMENTAL INSTITUTION (NPO) 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCRIMC OTHER: CURRENT CUMULATIVE RETIREMENT INCREMENT MONTHS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Delayed retirement credit data (Other): Other current cumulative retirement increment months. Reflects the total number of delayed retirement increment months used in the present benefit computation. ................................................................................. ========================================================================================== ODRCY OTHER: DELAYED RETIREMENT COMP YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Delayed retirement credit data (Other): DELAYED RETIREMENT COMP YEAR ................................................................................. 1971-2013. OTHER: DELAYED RETIREMENT COMP YEAR 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OPIARA OTHER: PIA REDUCTION AMOUNT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Delayed retirement credit data (Other): Other PIA (Primary Insurance Amoutn) reduction amount Reflects the amount of reduction to be applied to the Primary Insurance Amount prior to applying the Delayed Retirement Credit. This field is used in situations where prior entitlement causes a reduction in benefits upon another account number. ................................................................................. ========================================================================================== OHIBASIS OTHER: HOSPITAL INSURANCE BASIS TYPE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): Basis for hospital insurance coverage mandatory entry - blank not valid ................................................................................. 16 1. A - AGE 2. D - DISABILITY 3. E - END-STAGE RENAL 1447 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OHIPERIOD OTHER: HOSPITAL INSURANCE ENROLLMENT PERIOD TYPE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Hospital insurance enrollment period type. ................................................................................. 10. Undefined 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OFMAX OTHER: FAMILY MAXIMUM Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest PIA History (Other): Family maximum ($$$$). Reflects the maximum monthly benefits payable for this PIA period for this claim. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 98 0 4280 2258.88 871.25 1365 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OPIA OTHER: PRIMARY INSURANCE AMOUNT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest PIA History (Other): Primary insurance amount ($$$$). ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 98 250 2440 1326.73 447.56 1365 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OPIFC OTHER: PRIMARY INSURANCE FACTOR CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest PIA History (Other): Primary insurance factor code ................................................................................. 1 10. 5 = MODIFIED NEW START WINDFALL PIA 2 20. 7 = 1990 NEW START 30. 8 = 1990 OLD START 14 40. B = AVERAGE MONTHLY WAGE 41. C = SPECIAL MINIMUM 77 60. L = AVERAGE INDEXED MONTHLY EARNINGS 70. M = MINIMUM PIA IF GREATER THAN AVERAGE INDEXED MONTHLY EARNINGS (AIME) 3 80. N = NEW START GUARANTEE PIA 1 90. O = OLD START GUARANTEE PIA 100. S = SUBSEQUENT DISABILITY INSURANCE BENEFIT (DIB) GUARANTEE PIA 1365 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ORFCP OTHER: REASON FOR CHANGE IN PRIMARY INSURANCE AMOUNT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest PIA History (Other): Reason for change in primary insurance amount. ................................................................................. 20. Unknown 98 130. K - BENEFIT RATE INCREASE 1365 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOM OTHER: TYPE OF MAXIMUM Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest PIA History (Other): Represents type of family maximum applicable. ................................................................................. 1 1. C - COMBINED FAMILY MAXIMUM 4 2. D - DISABILITY MAXIMUM 1979 AMENDMENTS 3. S - SAVINGS CLAUSE MAXIMUM 93 4. T - TABLE MAXIMUM 1365 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODOED DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB (MMCCYY) - OTHER Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 000000. WILD CODE 000000. NA Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OOTOC1 OTHER: OTHER OFFICE CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Reflects the other office (PSC) code in multiple entitlement accounts. ................................................................................. 7 10. 1 = CODE FOR PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 9 20. 2 = CODE FOR PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 10 30. 3 = CODE FOR PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 17 40. 4 = CODE FOR PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 6 50. 5 = CODE FOR PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 18 60. 6 = CODE FOR PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 70. 7 = CODE FOR PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 1 80. 8 = CODE FOR PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION 100. A = CODE FOR PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION (WAGE EARNER IS DISABLED) 110. B = CODE FOR PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION (WAGE EARNER IS DISABLED) 120. C = CODE FOR PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION (WAGE EARNER IS DISABLED) 130. D = CODE FOR PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION (WAGE EARNER IS DISABLED) 140. E = CODE FOR PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION (WAGE EARNER IS DISABLED) 150. F = CODE FOR PC THAT HAS JURISDICTION (WAGE EARNER IS DISABLED) 160. G = 1395 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDO01 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY OFFSET - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability onset. Month, day and year (MMDDYY) of date of disability onset. DIB fields are sequenced by DDO. An MBR can have multiple DIB fields with the same DDO. ................................................................................. 504 11960- 12312010. Month/Year range for this variable 959 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDO02 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY OFFSET - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability onset. Month, day and year (MMDDYY) of date of disability onset. DIB fields are sequenced by DDO. An MBR can have multiple DIB fields with the same DDO. ................................................................................. 61 11981- 12312009. Month/Year range for this variable 1402 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDO03 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY OFFSET - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability onset. Month, day and year (MMDDYY) of date of disability onset. DIB fields are sequenced by DDO. An MBR can have multiple DIB fields with the same DDO. ................................................................................. 13 11989- 12312009. Month/Year range for this variable 1450 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDO04 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY OFFSET - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability onset. Month, day and year (MMDDYY) of date of disability onset. DIB fields are sequenced by DDO. An MBR can have multiple DIB fields with the same DDO. ................................................................................. 4 11995- 12312009. Month/Year range for this variable 1459 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDO05 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY OFFSET - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability onset. Month, day and year (MMDDYY) of date of disability onset. DIB fields are sequenced by DDO. An MBR can have multiple DIB fields with the same DDO. ................................................................................. 1 12004- 12251996. Month/Year range for this variable 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDO06 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY OFFSET - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability onset. Month, day and year (MMDDYY) of date of disability onset. DIB fields are sequenced by DDO. An MBR can have multiple DIB fields with the same DDO. ................................................................................. 12013- 12312002. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDO07 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY OFFSET - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability onset. Month, day and year (MMDDYY) of date of disability onset. DIB fields are sequenced by DDO. An MBR can have multiple DIB fields with the same DDO. ................................................................................. 12002- 8312000. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDO08 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY OFFSET - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability onset. Month, day and year (MMDDYY) of date of disability onset. DIB fields are sequenced by DDO. An MBR can have multiple DIB fields with the same DDO. ................................................................................. 42002- 6142002. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDO09 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY OFFSET - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability onset. Month, day and year (MMDDYY) of date of disability onset. DIB fields are sequenced by DDO. An MBR can have multiple DIB fields with the same DDO. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== DAC01 PRIMARY: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 44 10. A = HEALTH INSURANCE/SUPPLEMENTAL MEDICAL INSURANCE (HI/SMI) ENTITLEMENT BASED UPON DISABILITY ON ANOTHER CLAIM NUMBER 3 20. C = RETIREMENT INSURANCE BENEFIT/DISABILITY INSURANCE BENEFIT (RIB/DIB) ENTITLEMENT 23. F = FAVORABLE DECISION FOR DIB RE ENTITLEMENT 9 30. K = INVALID CODE ENTERED 3 40. L = 1972 BLIND PROVISION 43. N = BLIND, 1967 DEFINITION 44. Undefined 50. R = INSURED UNDER SPECIAL INSURED STATUS PROVISION FOR YOUNG DISABLED 2 70. X = NO WAITING PERIOD 1402 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAC02 PRIMARY: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1 10. A = HEALTH INSURANCE/SUPPLEMENTAL MEDICAL INSURANCE (HI/SMI) ENTITLEMENT BASED UPON DISABILITY ON ANOTHER CLAIM NUMBER 20. C = RETIREMENT INSURANCE BENEFIT/DISABILITY INSURANCE BENEFIT (RIB/DIB) ENTITLEMENT 23. F = FAVORABLE DECISION FOR DIB RE ENTITLEMENT 1 40. L = 1972 BLIND PROVISION 50. R = INSURED UNDER SPECIAL INSURED STATUS PROVISION FOR YOUNG DISABLED 2 70. X = NO WAITING PERIOD 1459 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAC03 PRIMARY: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1 10. A = HEALTH INSURANCE/SUPPLEMENTAL MEDICAL INSURANCE (HI/SMI) ENTITLEMENT BASED UPON DISABILITY ON ANOTHER CLAIM NUMBER 23. F = FAVORABLE DECISION FOR DIB RE ENTITLEMENT 40. L = 1972 BLIND PROVISION 1 70. X = NO WAITING PERIOD 1461 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAC04 PRIMARY: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 10. A = HEALTH INSURANCE/SUPPLEMENTAL MEDICAL INSURANCE (HI/SMI) ENTITLEMENT BASED UPON DISABILITY ON ANOTHER CLAIM NUMBER 23. F = FAVORABLE DECISION FOR DIB RE ENTITLEMENT 70. X = NO WAITING PERIOD 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAC05 PRIMARY: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 70. X = NO WAITING PERIOD 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAC06 PRIMARY: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAC07 PRIMARY: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAC08 PRIMARY: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAC09 PRIMARY: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAC10 PRIMARY: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAC11 PRIMARY: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAC12 PRIMARY: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LOD01 PRIMARY: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Level of Denial Code: LOD may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 117 1. 1 - INITIAL 58 2. 2 - RECONSIDERATION 8 3. 3 - HEARING 5. 5 - COURT 6. 6 - 1280 Blank. BLANK - DEFAULT VALUE FOR DATA PURIFICATION ========================================================================================== LOD02 PRIMARY: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Level of Denial Code: LOD may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 17 1. 1 - INITIAL 10 2. 2 - RECONSIDERATION 2 3. 3 - HEARING 1434 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LOD03 PRIMARY: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Level of Denial Code: LOD may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 4 1. 1 - INITIAL 3 2. 2 - RECONSIDERATION 1 3. 3 - HEARING 5. 5 - COURT 1455 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LOD04 PRIMARY: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Level of Denial Code: LOD may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 3 1. 1 - INITIAL 2. 2 - RECONSIDERATION 3. 3 - HEARING 1460 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LOD05 PRIMARY: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Level of Denial Code: LOD may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 1 1. 1 - INITIAL 2. 2 - RECONSIDERATION 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LOD06 PRIMARY: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Level of Denial Code: LOD may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 1. 1 - INITIAL 2. 2 - RECONSIDERATION 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LOD07 PRIMARY: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Level of Denial Code: LOD may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 1. 1 - INITIAL 2. 2 - RECONSIDERATION 3. 3 - HEARING 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LOD08 PRIMARY: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Level of Denial Code: LOD may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 1. 1 - INITIAL 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LOD09 PRIMARY: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Level of Denial Code: LOD may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LOD10 PRIMARY: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Level of Denial Code: LOD may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LOD11 PRIMARY: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Level of Denial Code: LOD may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LOD12 PRIMARY: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Level of Denial Code: LOD may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOED01 PRIMARY: MEDICARE DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 248 11963- 122012. Month/Year range for this variable 1215 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOED02 PRIMARY: MEDICARE DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 37 11985- 122013. Month/Year range for this variable 1426 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOED03 PRIMARY: MEDICARE DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 6 11991- 122013. Month/Year range for this variable 1457 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOED04 PRIMARY: MEDICARE DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 2 11991- 122011. Month/Year range for this variable 1461 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOED05 PRIMARY: MEDICARE DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 1 11998- 122010. Month/Year range for this variable 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOED06 PRIMARY: MEDICARE DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== DOED07 PRIMARY: MEDICARE DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 92009- 92009. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DOED08 PRIMARY: MEDICARE DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== T2DOED01 PRIMARY: TITLE II DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB (1ST OCCURRENCE) - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 223 11968- 122012. Month/Year range for this variable 1240 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== T2DOED02 PRIMARY: TITLE II DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB (1ST OCCURRENCE) - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 35 11985- 122013. Month/Year range for this variable 1428 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== T2DOED03 PRIMARY: TITLE II DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB (1ST OCCURRENCE) - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 6 11991- 122013. Month/Year range for this variable 1457 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== T2DOED04 PRIMARY: TITLE II DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB (1ST OCCURRENCE) - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 2 12009- 122011. Month/Year range for this variable 1461 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== T2DOED05 PRIMARY: TITLE II DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB (1ST OCCURRENCE) - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 1 11998- 122010. Month/Year range for this variable 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== T2DOED06 PRIMARY: TITLE II DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB (1ST OCCURRENCE) - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== T2DOED07 PRIMARY: TITLE II DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB (1ST OCCURRENCE) - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 92009- 92009. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== T2DOED08 PRIMARY: TITLE II DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB (1ST OCCURRENCE) - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== DDBC01 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY BENEFIT CESSATION - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability benefits cessation. Month and year (MMCCYY) of date of disability benefits cessation. Reflects the first month of non-entitlement to benefits for reason of disability (similar to Date Of Suspension Or Termination (DOST)). ................................................................................. 18 11970- 122004. Month/Year range for this variable 1445 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDBC02 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY BENEFIT CESSATION - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability benefits cessation. Month and year (MMCCYY) of date of disability benefits cessation. Reflects the first month of non-entitlement to benefits for reason of disability (similar to Date Of Suspension Or Termination (DOST)). ................................................................................. 2 11997- 122009. Month/Year range for this variable 1461 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDBC03 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY BENEFIT CESSATION - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability benefits cessation. Month and year (MMCCYY) of date of disability benefits cessation. Reflects the first month of non-entitlement to benefits for reason of disability (similar to Date Of Suspension Or Termination (DOST)). ................................................................................. 12005- 121987. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDBC04 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY BENEFIT CESSATION - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability benefits cessation. Month and year (MMCCYY) of date of disability benefits cessation. Reflects the first month of non-entitlement to benefits for reason of disability (similar to Date Of Suspension Or Termination (DOST)). ................................................................................. 32005- 32005. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDBC05 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY BENEFIT CESSATION - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability benefits cessation. Month and year (MMCCYY) of date of disability benefits cessation. Reflects the first month of non-entitlement to benefits for reason of disability (similar to Date Of Suspension Or Termination (DOST)). ................................................................................. 1995- 101995. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DDBC06 PRIMARY: DATE OF DISABILITY BENEFIT CESSATION - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Date of disability benefits cessation. Month and year (MMCCYY) of date of disability benefits cessation. Reflects the first month of non-entitlement to benefits for reason of disability (similar to Date Of Suspension Or Termination (DOST)). ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== DSD01 PRIMARY: DISABILITY ADJUDICATION DATE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Disability adjudication date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of disability adjudication date. Reflects the month and year that a disability award or denial was posted to the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) (adjudicated). The DSD is not present on all records. MCS and MADCAP do not generate the DSD on all records. ................................................................................. 332 11970- 122013. Month/Year range for this variable 1131 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DSD02 PRIMARY: DISABILITY ADJUDICATION DATE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Disability adjudication date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of disability adjudication date. Reflects the month and year that a disability award or denial was posted to the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) (adjudicated). The DSD is not present on all records. MCS and MADCAP do not generate the DSD on all records. ................................................................................. 44 11985- 122013. Month/Year range for this variable 1419 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DSD03 PRIMARY: DISABILITY ADJUDICATION DATE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Disability adjudication date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of disability adjudication date. Reflects the month and year that a disability award or denial was posted to the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) (adjudicated). The DSD is not present on all records. MCS and MADCAP do not generate the DSD on all records. ................................................................................. 9 11997- 122013. Month/Year range for this variable 1454 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DSD04 PRIMARY: DISABILITY ADJUDICATION DATE - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Disability adjudication date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of disability adjudication date. Reflects the month and year that a disability award or denial was posted to the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) (adjudicated). The DSD is not present on all records. MCS and MADCAP do not generate the DSD on all records. ................................................................................. 3 11992- 122013. Month/Year range for this variable 1460 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DSD05 PRIMARY: DISABILITY ADJUDICATION DATE - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Disability adjudication date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of disability adjudication date. Reflects the month and year that a disability award or denial was posted to the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) (adjudicated). The DSD is not present on all records. MCS and MADCAP do not generate the DSD on all records. ................................................................................. 1 12006- 122012. Month/Year range for this variable 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DSD06 PRIMARY: DISABILITY ADJUDICATION DATE - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Disability adjudication date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of disability adjudication date. Reflects the month and year that a disability award or denial was posted to the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) (adjudicated). The DSD is not present on all records. MCS and MADCAP do not generate the DSD on all records. ................................................................................. 12005- 122011. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DSD07 PRIMARY: DISABILITY ADJUDICATION DATE - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Disability adjudication date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of disability adjudication date. Reflects the month and year that a disability award or denial was posted to the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) (adjudicated). The DSD is not present on all records. MCS and MADCAP do not generate the DSD on all records. ................................................................................. 12007- 122007. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DSD08 PRIMARY: DISABILITY ADJUDICATION DATE - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Disability adjudication date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of disability adjudication date. Reflects the month and year that a disability award or denial was posted to the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) (adjudicated). The DSD is not present on all records. MCS and MADCAP do not generate the DSD on all records. ................................................................................. 22011- 122011. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DSD09 PRIMARY: DISABILITY ADJUDICATION DATE - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Disability adjudication date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of disability adjudication date. Reflects the month and year that a disability award or denial was posted to the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) (adjudicated). The DSD is not present on all records. MCS and MADCAP do not generate the DSD on all records. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== HDD01 PRIMARY: HEARING DECISION DATE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Hearing decision date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of hearing decision date. Reflects the date the hearing decision was rendered. ................................................................................. 2 11996- 121994. Month/Year range for this variable 1461 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== HDD02 PRIMARY: HEARING DECISION DATE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Hearing decision date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of hearing decision date. Reflects the date the hearing decision was rendered. ................................................................................. 1 11997- 111996. Month/Year range for this variable 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== HDD03 PRIMARY: HEARING DECISION DATE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Hearing decision date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of hearing decision date. Reflects the date the hearing decision was rendered. ................................................................................. 61997- 61997. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== HDD04 PRIMARY: HEARING DECISION DATE - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Hearing decision date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of hearing decision date. Reflects the date the hearing decision was rendered. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== SDS01 PRIMARY: SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY DISABILITY CESSATION - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: SGA disability payment suspension date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of SGA disability payment suspension date. Reflects the future month/year that benefits should be suspended because of substantial gainful activity after the initial 3 months of the extended period of entitlement. This field is flagged as missing for all records in this data set; it is included for informational purposes only. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== ADC01 PRIMARY: APPLICANTS DISABILITY CESSATION - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Applicant disability cessation date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of applicant disability cessation date. Reflects the date the applicant's disability ceased (not when benefits ceased.) ................................................................................. 11996- 122002. Month/Year range for this variable ========================================================================================== ADC02 PRIMARY: APPLICANTS DISABILITY CESSATION - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Applicant disability cessation date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of applicant disability cessation date. Reflects the date the applicant's disability ceased (not when benefits ceased.) ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 2 82000 121998 101999.00 28282.86 1461 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11996- 122000. Month/Year range for this variable ========================================================================================== ADC03 PRIMARY: APPLICANTS DISABILITY CESSATION - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Applicant disability cessation date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of applicant disability cessation date. Reflects the date the applicant's disability ceased (not when benefits ceased.) ................................................................................. 11996- 122004. Month/Year range for this variable ========================================================================================== ADC04 PRIMARY: APPLICANTS DISABILITY CESSATION - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Applicant disability cessation date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of applicant disability cessation date. Reflects the date the applicant's disability ceased (not when benefits ceased.) ................................................................................. 11996- 32013. Month/Year range for this variable ========================================================================================== ADC05 PRIMARY: APPLICANTS DISABILITY CESSATION - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Applicant disability cessation date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of applicant disability cessation date. Reflects the date the applicant's disability ceased (not when benefits ceased.) ................................................................................. Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== APS01 PRIMARY: APPEALS - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Appeals decision date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of appeals decision date. Reflects the date the appeals decision was rendered in a Title II cessation or, the date of filing for benefit continuation during the appeal of a Title II medical cessation. ................................................................................. 11989- 111997. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== APS02 PRIMARY: APPEALS - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Appeals decision date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of appeals decision date. Reflects the date the appeals decision was rendered in a Title II cessation or, the date of filing for benefit continuation during the appeal of a Title II medical cessation. ................................................................................. 1 12000- 111997. Month/Year range for this variable 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== APS03 PRIMARY: APPEALS - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Appeals decision date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of appeals decision date. Reflects the date the appeals decision was rendered in a Title II cessation or, the date of filing for benefit continuation during the appeal of a Title II medical cessation. ................................................................................. 42007- 91987. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== APS04 PRIMARY: APPEALS - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Appeals decision date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of appeals decision date. Reflects the date the appeals decision was rendered in a Title II cessation or, the date of filing for benefit continuation during the appeal of a Title II medical cessation. ................................................................................. 42001- 42001. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== APS05 PRIMARY: APPEALS - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Appeals decision date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of appeals decision date. Reflects the date the appeals decision was rendered in a Title II cessation or, the date of filing for benefit continuation during the appeal of a Title II medical cessation. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== BDC01 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Reflects the denial code, if applicable. BDC is a derivative of the denial codes in the RDD (deny data) and usually contains the last 2 positions of the RDD. BDC may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 1 40. 04 = (FAMILY EMPLOYMENT) OR (OTHER (UNDCONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL)) 120. 12 = (AGRICULTURAL LABOR) OR (CLAIMANT AGE 62 YRS AND 7 MONTHS AS OF DOO AND NO PRIOR PERIOD WITHIN 60 MONTHS OF THE BEGINNING DATE OF THE CURRENT DISABILITY FOR THE NUMBERHOLDER, OR 84 MONTHS) 28 900. 90 = DIB INSURED STATUS NOT MET AT OR AFTER AOD 3 980. 98 = OTHER DIB DISALLOWANCE (SHOW REASON IN 'REMARKS') 3 3010. E1 = IMPAIRMENT NO LONGER SEVERE AT TIME OF ADJUDICATION & DID NOT LAST 12 MONTHS (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3020. E2 = IMPAIRMENT NO LONGER SEVERE AT TIME OF ADJUDICATION & DID NOT LAST 12 MONTHS (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 12 3030. E3 = IMPAIRMENT IS SEVERE AT TIME OF ADJUDICATION BUT NOT EXPECTED TO LAST 12 MON (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3031. E4 = 11 3110. F1 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 14 3120. F2 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 32 3310. H1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 5 3320. H2 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 14 3410. J1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - OTHER WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 2 3420. J2 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - OTHER WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3430. K1 = 3520. L2 = 5 3540. L1 = FAILURE/REFUSAL SUBMIT TO CONSULTATIVE EXAM (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3600. M1 = 3605. M3 = 3608. M4 = 3610. M5 = INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE FURNISHED (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3620. M6 = INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE FURNISHED (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 3625. Undefined 3 3710. N1 = ENGAGING IN SGA DESPITE IMPAIRMENT (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3720. N2 = ENGAGING IN SGA DESPITE IMPAIRMENT (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 2 3810. S1 = CLAIMANT HAS FILED DWB CLAIM & WAS PREVIOUSLY DENIED ON SUBSTATIVE BASIS AFT LAST POINT AT WHICH LAST MET PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQ.PRIOR CLAIM WAS FAILED 01/86 OR LATER 3850. X1 = CLAIMANT ALLEGES DISABILITY W/IN 5 MONTHS ATTAINMENT OF AGE 65 & NO EARLIER ONSET IS POSSIBLE 3860. X2 = DDS HAS ESTABLISHED ONSET DATE W/IN 5 MONTHS OF ATTAINMENT OF AGE 65 3870. X3 = 3910. Z1 = 3920. Z2 = DAA IS MATERIAL TO THE DETERMINATION OF DISABILITY 1328 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BDC02 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Reflects the denial code, if applicable. BDC is a derivative of the denial codes in the RDD (deny data) and usually contains the last 2 positions of the RDD. BDC may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 420. Undefined 6 900. 90 = DIB INSURED STATUS NOT MET AT OR AFTER AOD 980. 98 = OTHER DIB DISALLOWANCE (SHOW REASON IN 'REMARKS') 3010. E1 = IMPAIRMENT NO LONGER SEVERE AT TIME OF ADJUDICATION & DID NOT LAST 12 MONTHS (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 1 3030. E3 = IMPAIRMENT IS SEVERE AT TIME OF ADJUDICATION BUT NOT EXPECTED TO LAST 12 MON (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3031. E4 = 3110. F1 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 1 3120. F2 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 4 3310. H1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 2 3320. H2 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3 3410. J1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - OTHER WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 1 3420. J2 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - OTHER WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 1 3540. L1 = FAILURE/REFUSAL SUBMIT TO CONSULTATIVE EXAM (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3605. M3 = 1 3610. M5 = INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE FURNISHED (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 1 3620. M6 = INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE FURNISHED (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 3625. Undefined 1 3710. N1 = ENGAGING IN SGA DESPITE IMPAIRMENT (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3810. S1 = CLAIMANT HAS FILED DWB CLAIM & WAS PREVIOUSLY DENIED ON SUBSTATIVE BASIS AFT LAST POINT AT WHICH LAST MET PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQ.PRIOR CLAIM WAS FAILED 01/86 OR LATER 1 3870. X2 = 1440 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BDC03 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Reflects the denial code, if applicable. BDC is a derivative of the denial codes in the RDD (deny data) and usually contains the last 2 positions of the RDD. BDC may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 900. 90 = DIB INSURED STATUS NOT MET AT OR AFTER AOD 3020. E2 = IMPAIRMENT NO LONGER SEVERE AT TIME OF ADJUDICATION & DID NOT LAST 12 MONTHS (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3030. E3 = IMPAIRMENT IS SEVERE AT TIME OF ADJUDICATION BUT NOT EXPECTED TO LAST 12 MON (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 1 3110. F1 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3120. F2 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 3 3310. H1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3320. H2 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3410. J1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - OTHER WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3420. J2 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - OTHER WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 2 3540. L1 = FAILURE/REFUSAL SUBMIT TO CONSULTATIVE EXAM (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3610. M5 = INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE FURNISHED (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3620. M6 = INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE FURNISHED (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 3710. N1 = ENGAGING IN SGA DESPITE IMPAIRMENT (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 1 3810. S1 = CLAIMANT HAS FILED DWB CLAIM & WAS PREVIOUSLY DENIED ON SUBSTATIVE BASIS AFT LAST POINT AT WHICH LAST MET PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQ.PRIOR CLAIM WAS FAILED 01/86 OR LATER 3920. Z2 = DAA IS MATERIAL TO THE DETERMINATION OF DISABILITY 1456 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BDC04 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Reflects the denial code, if applicable. BDC is a derivative of the denial codes in the RDD (deny data) and usually contains the last 2 positions of the RDD. BDC may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 900. 90 = DIB INSURED STATUS NOT MET AT OR AFTER AOD 3030. E3 = IMPAIRMENT IS SEVERE AT TIME OF ADJUDICATION BUT NOT EXPECTED TO LAST 12 MON (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3110. F1 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 1 3120. F2 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 3310. H1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3320. H2 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 1 3410. J1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - OTHER WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3610. M5 = INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE FURNISHED (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3620. M6 = INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE FURNISHED (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 3710. N1 = ENGAGING IN SGA DESPITE IMPAIRMENT (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3810. S1 = CLAIMANT HAS FILED DWB CLAIM & WAS PREVIOUSLY DENIED ON SUBSTATIVE BASIS AFT LAST POINT AT WHICH LAST MET PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQ.PRIOR CLAIM WAS FAILED 01/86 OR LATER 1461 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BDC05 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Reflects the denial code, if applicable. BDC is a derivative of the denial codes in the RDD (deny data) and usually contains the last 2 positions of the RDD. BDC may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 900. 90 = DIB INSURED STATUS NOT MET AT OR AFTER AOD 3120. F2 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 3310. H1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3710. N1 = ENGAGING IN SGA DESPITE IMPAIRMENT (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3810. S1 = CLAIMANT HAS FILED DWB CLAIM & WAS PREVIOUSLY DENIED ON SUBSTATIVE BASIS AFT LAST POINT AT WHICH LAST MET PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQ.PRIOR CLAIM WAS FAILED 01/86 OR LATER 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BDC06 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Reflects the denial code, if applicable. BDC is a derivative of the denial codes in the RDD (deny data) and usually contains the last 2 positions of the RDD. BDC may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 900. 90 = DIB INSURED STATUS NOT MET AT OR AFTER AOD 3310. H1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3410. J1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - OTHER WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3810. S1 = CLAIMANT HAS FILED DWB CLAIM & WAS PREVIOUSLY DENIED ON SUBSTATIVE BASIS AFT LAST POINT AT WHICH LAST MET PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQ.PRIOR CLAIM WAS FAILED 01/86 OR LATER 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BDC07 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Reflects the denial code, if applicable. BDC is a derivative of the denial codes in the RDD (deny data) and usually contains the last 2 positions of the RDD. BDC may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 900. 90 = DIB INSURED STATUS NOT MET AT OR AFTER AOD 3120. F2 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 3420. J2 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - OTHER WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3810. S1 = CLAIMANT HAS FILED DWB CLAIM & WAS PREVIOUSLY DENIED ON SUBSTATIVE BASIS AFT LAST POINT AT WHICH LAST MET PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQ.PRIOR CLAIM WAS FAILED 01/86 OR LATER 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BDC08 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Reflects the denial code, if applicable. BDC is a derivative of the denial codes in the RDD (deny data) and usually contains the last 2 positions of the RDD. BDC may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 3810. S1 = CLAIMANT HAS FILED DWB CLAIM & WAS PREVIOUSLY DENIED ON SUBSTATIVE BASIS AFT LAST POINT AT WHICH LAST MET PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQ.PRIOR CLAIM WAS FAILED 01/86 OR LATER 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BDC09 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Reflects the denial code, if applicable. BDC is a derivative of the denial codes in the RDD (deny data) and usually contains the last 2 positions of the RDD. BDC may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BDC10 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Reflects the denial code, if applicable. BDC is a derivative of the denial codes in the RDD (deny data) and usually contains the last 2 positions of the RDD. BDC may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BDC11 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Reflects the denial code, if applicable. BDC is a derivative of the denial codes in the RDD (deny data) and usually contains the last 2 positions of the RDD. BDC may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BDC12 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Reflects the denial code, if applicable. BDC is a derivative of the denial codes in the RDD (deny data) and usually contains the last 2 positions of the RDD. BDC may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== CDR01 PRIMARY: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Cessation of disability reason ................................................................................. 1. E - TWP SGA CESSATION (EPE) 2. F - FAILURE TO COOPERATE 3. M - MEDICAL CESSATION 4. N - DA&A TERMINATION (12 CONSECUTIVE MONTHS OF NONCOMPLIANCE AND TERMINATION EFFECTIVE 1/97 FOR P.L. 104-121) 5. S - SGA CESSATION - NO TWP 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== CDR02 PRIMARY: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Cessation of disability reason ................................................................................. 1 1. E - TWP SGA CESSATION (EPE) 2. F - FAILURE TO COOPERATE 1 3. M - MEDICAL CESSATION 4. N - DA&A TERMINATION (12 CONSECUTIVE MONTHS OF NONCOMPLIANCE AND TERMINATION EFFECTIVE 1/97 FOR P.L. 104-121) 1461 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== CDR03 PRIMARY: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Cessation of disability reason ................................................................................. 1. E - TWP SGA CESSATION (EPE) 3. M - MEDICAL CESSATION 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== CDR04 PRIMARY: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Cessation of disability reason ................................................................................. 1. E - TWP SGA CESSATION (EPE) 3. M - MEDICAL CESSATION 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== CDR05 PRIMARY: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Cessation of disability reason ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== CDR06 PRIMARY: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Cessation of disability reason ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== CDR07 PRIMARY: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Cessation of disability reason ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== CDR08 PRIMARY: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Cessation of disability reason ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== CDR09 PRIMARY: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Cessation of disability reason ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== CDR10 PRIMARY: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Cessation of disability reason ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== CDR11 PRIMARY: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Cessation of disability reason ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== CDR12 PRIMARY: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Cessation of disability reason ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SGA01 PRIMARY: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the disabled beneficiary's current substantial gainful activity (SGA) status during the extended period. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SGA02 PRIMARY: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the disabled beneficiary's current substantial gainful activity (SGA) status during the extended period. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SGA03 PRIMARY: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the disabled beneficiary's current substantial gainful activity (SGA) status during the extended period. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SGA04 PRIMARY: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the disabled beneficiary's current substantial gainful activity (SGA) status during the extended period. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SGA05 PRIMARY: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the disabled beneficiary's current substantial gainful activity (SGA) status during the extended period. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SGA06 PRIMARY: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the disabled beneficiary's current substantial gainful activity (SGA) status during the extended period. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SGA07 PRIMARY: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the disabled beneficiary's current substantial gainful activity (SGA) status during the extended period. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SGA08 PRIMARY: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the disabled beneficiary's current substantial gainful activity (SGA) status during the extended period. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SGA09 PRIMARY: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the disabled beneficiary's current substantial gainful activity (SGA) status during the extended period. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SGA10 PRIMARY: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the disabled beneficiary's current substantial gainful activity (SGA) status during the extended period. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SGA11 PRIMARY: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the disabled beneficiary's current substantial gainful activity (SGA) status during the extended period. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SGA12 PRIMARY: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the disabled beneficiary's current substantial gainful activity (SGA) status during the extended period. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== PRY01 PRIMARY: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Pending appeals review: Indicates level of a pending appeal with or without payment continuation, or reflects final decision on a Title II cessation. ................................................................................. 1. A - RECON REQUEST WITH PAYMENT CONTINUATION INVOLVED 2. B - ALJ HEARING REQUEST WITH PAYMENT CONTINUATION INVOLVED 4. D - RECON REQUEST WITHOUT PAYMENT CONTINUATION 8. H - ALJ HEARING DECISION 9. I - INITIAL DETERMINATION - NO APPEAL FILED 11. X - UNFAVORABLE DECISION REVERSED TO FAVORABLE DECISION 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== PRY02 PRIMARY: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Pending appeals review: Indicates level of a pending appeal with or without payment continuation, or reflects final decision on a Title II cessation. ................................................................................. 8. Undefined 9. Undefined 1 11. Undefined 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== PRY03 PRIMARY: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Pending appeals review: Indicates level of a pending appeal with or without payment continuation, or reflects final decision on a Title II cessation. ................................................................................. 1. Undefined 8. Undefined 9. Undefined 11. Undefined 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== PRY04 PRIMARY: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Pending appeals review: Indicates level of a pending appeal with or without payment continuation, or reflects final decision on a Title II cessation. ................................................................................. 11. Undefined 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== PRY05 PRIMARY: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Pending appeals review: Indicates level of a pending appeal with or without payment continuation, or reflects final decision on a Title II cessation. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== PRY06 PRIMARY: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Pending appeals review: Indicates level of a pending appeal with or without payment continuation, or reflects final decision on a Title II cessation. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== PRY07 PRIMARY: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Pending appeals review: Indicates level of a pending appeal with or without payment continuation, or reflects final decision on a Title II cessation. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== PRY08 PRIMARY: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Pending appeals review: Indicates level of a pending appeal with or without payment continuation, or reflects final decision on a Title II cessation. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== PRY09 PRIMARY: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Pending appeals review: Indicates level of a pending appeal with or without payment continuation, or reflects final decision on a Title II cessation. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== PRY10 PRIMARY: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Pending appeals review: Indicates level of a pending appeal with or without payment continuation, or reflects final decision on a Title II cessation. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== PRY11 PRIMARY: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Pending appeals review: Indicates level of a pending appeal with or without payment continuation, or reflects final decision on a Title II cessation. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== PRY12 PRIMARY: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Pending appeals review: Indicates level of a pending appeal with or without payment continuation, or reflects final decision on a Title II cessation. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAA01 PRIMARY: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Drug Addiction/Alcoholism Code of disability: reflects the DA&A status for the beneficiary ................................................................................. 1. A = ALCOHOL 2. N = NOT MATERIAL 1 3. W = NOT A DA&A CONDITION 4. X = ALCOHOLISM INVOLVED - NOT MATERIAL TO DETERMINATION OF DISABILITY 5. Z = BOTH ALCOHOLISM & DRUG ADDITION INVOLVED - NOT MATERIAL TO DETERMINATION OF DISABILITY 1462 Blank. BLANK = DEFAULT ========================================================================================== DAA02 PRIMARY: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Drug Addiction/Alcoholism Code of disability: reflects the DA&A status for the beneficiary ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAA03 PRIMARY: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Drug Addiction/Alcoholism Code of disability: reflects the DA&A status for the beneficiary ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAA04 PRIMARY: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Drug Addiction/Alcoholism Code of disability: reflects the DA&A status for the beneficiary ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAA05 PRIMARY: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Drug Addiction/Alcoholism Code of disability: reflects the DA&A status for the beneficiary ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAA06 PRIMARY: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Drug Addiction/Alcoholism Code of disability: reflects the DA&A status for the beneficiary ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAA07 PRIMARY: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Drug Addiction/Alcoholism Code of disability: reflects the DA&A status for the beneficiary ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAA08 PRIMARY: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Drug Addiction/Alcoholism Code of disability: reflects the DA&A status for the beneficiary ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAA09 PRIMARY: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Drug Addiction/Alcoholism Code of disability: reflects the DA&A status for the beneficiary ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAA10 PRIMARY: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Drug Addiction/Alcoholism Code of disability: reflects the DA&A status for the beneficiary ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAA11 PRIMARY: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Drug Addiction/Alcoholism Code of disability: reflects the DA&A status for the beneficiary ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DAA12 PRIMARY: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data: Drug Addiction/Alcoholism Code of disability: reflects the DA&A status for the beneficiary ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DIG01 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 504 0-9999. See Appendix D 959 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DIG02 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 61 0-9999. See Appendix D 1402 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DIG03 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 13 0-9999. See Appendix D 1450 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DIG04 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 4 0-9999. See Appendix D 1459 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DIG05 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 1 0-9999. See Appendix D 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DIG06 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DIG07 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DIG08 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DIG09 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DIG10 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DIG11 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== DIG12 PRIMARY: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SDIG01 PRIMARY: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 504 0-9999. See Appendix D 959 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SDIG02 PRIMARY: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 61 0-9999. See Appendix D 1402 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SDIG03 PRIMARY: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 13 0-9999. See Appendix D 1450 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SDIG04 PRIMARY: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 4 0-9999. See Appendix D 1459 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SDIG05 PRIMARY: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 1 0-9999. See Appendix D 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SDIG06 PRIMARY: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SDIG07 PRIMARY: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SDIG08 PRIMARY: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SDIG09 PRIMARY: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SDIG10 PRIMARY: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SDIG11 PRIMARY: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== SDIG12 PRIMARY: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OOTBENCOD OTHER: OTHER BENEFIT INDICATOR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other benefit indicator (0=one record, 1=two records) ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODOB_MO OTHER: MONTH OF BIRTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): DATE OF BIRTH - Month. ................................................................................. 0. Unknown 4 1. January 1 2. February 5 3. March 4 4. April 7 5. May 3 6. June 4 7. July 3 8. August 8 9. September 5 10. October 2 11. November 3 12. December 1414 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== ODOB_YR OTHER: YEAR OF BIRTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): DATE OF BIRTH - Year ................................................................................. 49 1895-1964. Year range 1414 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODODP_MO OTHER: MONTH OF DEATH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): DATE OF DEATH OF PRIMARY - Month. ................................................................................. 2 1. January 3 2. February 1 3. March 2 4. April 5 5. May 2 6. June 4 7. July 3 8. August 6 9. September 3 10. October 4 11. November 2 12. December 1426 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== ODODP_YR OTHER: YEAR OF DEATH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): DATE OF DEATH OF PRIMARY - Year ................................................................................. 37 1945-2014. Year range 1426 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODOEI_MO OTHER: EARLIEST MONTH OF INITIAL ENTITLEMENT TO BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): DATE INITIAL ENTITLEMENT TO BEN - Month. ................................................................................. 22 1. January 3 2. February 6 3. March 9 4. April 6 5. May 6 6. June 6 7. July 9 8. August 11 9. September 4 10. October 5 11. November 9 12. December 1367 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== ODOEI_YR OTHER: EARLIEST YEAR OF INITIAL ENTITLEMENT TO BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): DATE INITIAL ENTITLEMENT TO BENEFIT - Year ................................................................................. 96 1951-2014. Year range 1367 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODOEC_MO OTHER: MONTH OF CURRENT (MOST RECENT) ENTITLEMENT TO BENEFITS. Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): DATE of MOST RECENT ENTITLEMENT - Month. ................................................................................. 21 1. January 2 2. February 5 3. March 9 4. April 7 5. May 7 6. June 5 7. July 10 8. August 12 9. September 4 10. October 7 11. November 7 12. December 1367 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== ODOEC_YR OTHER: YEAR OF CURRENT (MOST RECENT) ENTITLEMENT TO BENEFITS. Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): DATE of MOST RECENT ENTITLEMENT - Year ................................................................................. 96 1955-2014. Year range 1367 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBDOB_MO OTHER: MONTH OF BENEFICIARY BIRTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Data (Other): Beneficiary date of birth - Month. ................................................................................. 8 1. January 8 2. February 9 3. March 7 4. April 8 5. May 7 6. June 12 7. July 6 8. August 3 9. September 6 10. October 15 11. November 9 12. December 1365 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OBDOD_MO OTHER: MONTH OF BENEFICIARY DEATH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): Death date of beneficiary - Month. ................................................................................. 0. Unknown 8 1. January 4 2. February 8 3. March 6 4. April 9 5. May 4 6. June 7 7. July 7 8. August 4 9. September 11 10. October 8 11. November 3 12. December 1384 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OBDOB_YR OTHER: YEAR OF BENEFICIARY BIRTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Data (Other): Beneficiary date of birth - Year ................................................................................. 98 1908-1981. Year range 1365 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBDOD_YR OTHER: YEAR OF BENEFICIARY DEATH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): Death date of beneficiary - Year. ................................................................................. 79 1983-2014. Year range 1384 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODOST_MO OTHER: MONTH OF SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION DEATH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): DATE OF SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION - Month. ................................................................................. 10 1. January 5 2. February 8 3. March 8 4. April 12 5. May 5 6. June 9 7. July 7 8. August 8 9. September 10 10. October 7 11. November 4 12. December 1370 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== ODOST_YR OTHER: YEAR OF SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION DEATH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): DATE OF SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION - Year ................................................................................. 93 1962-2014. Year range 1370 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODOCA_MO OTHER: EFFECTIVE MONTH OF DATE OF SUSPENSION OF TERMINATION Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): DATE OF CREDIT ACTION - Month. ................................................................................. 10 1. January 8 2. February 7 3. March 8 4. April 9 5. May 7 6. June 7 7. July 8 8. August 7 9. September 11 10. October 5 11. November 5 12. December 1371 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== ODOCA_YR OTHER: EFFECTIVE YEAR OF DATE OF SUSPENSION OF TERMINATION Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data (Other): DATE OF CREDIT ACTION - Year ................................................................................. 92 1965-2014. Year range 1371 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBCLMDOE_MO OTHER: MONTH OF ENTITLEMENT FOR BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 First month of entitlement in this iteration of BCLM data mandatory. ................................................................................. 21 1. January 2 2. February 5 3. March 9 4. April 7 5. May 7 6. June 5 7. July 10 8. August 11 9. September 4 10. October 7 11. November 7 12. December 1368 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OBCLMDOE_YR OTHER: YEAR OF ENTITLEMENT FOR BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 First yearof entitlement in this iteration of BCLM data mandatory. ................................................................................. 95 1955-2014. Year range 1368 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBCLMDOF_MO OTHER: MONTH OF FILING FOR BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 The date that the beneficiary filed application for benefits mandatory - Month. ................................................................................. 9 1. January 3 2. February 2 3. March 5 4. April 6 5. May 2 6. June 4 7. July 5 8. August 4 9. September 2 10. October 9 11. November 5 12. December 1407 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OBCLMDOF_YR OTHER: YEAR OF FILING FOR BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 The year that the beneficiary filed application for benefits mandatory. ................................................................................. 56 1966-2014. Year range 1407 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBCLMCERT_MO OTHER: HISTORICAL CURRENT ENTITLEMENT MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Elected month to receive reduced benefits. ................................................................................. 14 1. January 2 2. February 3 3. March 6 4. April 4 5. May 4 6. June 3 7. July 9 8. August 5 9. September 2 10. October 3 11. November 4 12. December 1404 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OBCLMCERT_YR OTHER: HISTORICAL CURRENT ENTITLEMENT YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Elected year to receive reduced benefits. ................................................................................. 59 1973-2014. Year range 1404 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBCLMOTSI OTHER: ENTITLEMENT OUTSIDE THE MAX INDICATOR) Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Outside the max indicator. If Y then beneficiary's rates are not subject to the family maximum during this period of enrollment. If blank, does not apply. ................................................................................. 1. Y - BENEFICIARY'S RATES ARE NOT SUBJECT TO THE FAMILY MAXIMUM DURING THIS PERIOD OF ENROLLMENT 1463 Blank. Blank - Does not Apply ========================================================================================== OBCLMLMET OTHER: LAST MONTHLY EARNINGS TEST YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Last monthly earnings test year. ................................................................................. 65 0-2014. OTHER: LAST MONTHLY EARNINGS TEST YEAR 1398 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBCLMAF60 OTHER: ADJUSTED RETIREMENT FACTOR MONTHS AGE 50 - 60 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Contains the number of adjusted retirement factor months between ages 50 and 60. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 65 0 0 0.00 0.00 1398 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OBCLMAF62 OTHER: ADJUSTED RETIREMENT FACTOR MONTHS AGE 60 - 62 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Contains the number of adjusted retirement factor months between age 60 and age 62. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 65 0 4 0.06 0.50 1398 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OBCLMAFRA OTHER: ADJUSTED RETIREMENT FACTOR MONTHS AGE 62 - FRA Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Contains the number of adjusted retirement factor months between 62 and full retirement age (FRA). ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 65 0 16 0.92 3.04 1398 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OBCLMDOET_MO OTHER: HISTORICAL MONTH OF ENTITLEMENT TERMINATION Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Termination month for entitlement based on this iteration of BCLM data. ................................................................................. 10 1. January 5 2. February 8 3. March 8 4. April 12 5. May 5 6. June 9 7. July 7 8. August 7 9. September 10 10. October 7 11. November 4 12. December 1371 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OBCLMDOET_YR OTHER: HISTORICAL YEAR OF ENTITLEMENT TERMINATION Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Termination yearfor entitlement based on this iteration of BCLM data. ................................................................................. 92 1962-2014. Year range 1371 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODENYDOF_MO OTHER: APPLICATION FILING MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month the beneficiary filed application for benefits mandatory. ................................................................................. 1. January 1 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 1 10. October 1 11. November 12. December 1460 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== ODENYDOF_YR OTHER: APPLICATION FILING YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year the beneficiary filed application for benefits mandatory. ................................................................................. 3 1976-2013. Year range 1460 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBCLMAPPR_MO OTHER: MONTH BENEFICIARY FILED FOR BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 The date that the application for benefits is received - Month. ................................................................................. 1 1. January 2. February 3. March 1 4. April 1 5. May 6. June 1 7. July 8. August 1 9. September 10. October 2 11. November 12. December 1456 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OBCLMAPPR_YR OTHER: YEAR BENEFICIARY FILED FOR BENEFITS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 The date that the application for benefits is received - Year ................................................................................. 7 1977-2014. Year range 1456 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODENYAPPR_MO OTHER: APPLICATION RECEIPT MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month the application for benefits is received. ................................................................................. 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODENYAPPR_YR OTHER: APPLICATION RECEIPT YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year the application for benefits is received. ................................................................................. 1980-2013. Year range 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODENYDDO_MO OTHER: DISABILITY ONSET MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month of disability onset. ................................................................................. 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 1 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 12. December 1462 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== ODENYDDO_YR OTHER: DISABILITY ONSET YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year of disability onset. ................................................................................. 1 1959-2012. Year range 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OINSDCLMT OTHER: CLAIM TYPE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Insured status met data group (Other): Insured status claim type. ................................................................................. 7 1. D - DISABILITY 43 2. R - RETIREMENT 11 3. S - SURVIVOR 4. L - LUMP SUM DEATH PAYMENT (LSDP) 1 5. E - END STAGE RENAL DISEASE (ESRD) 6. U - UNINSURED MEDICARE 1401 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OINSDDCF_MO OTHER: MONTH CLAIM FILED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Insured status date claim filed - Month. ................................................................................. 9 1. January 6 2. February 11 3. March 10 4. April 11 5. May 2 6. June 4 7. July 12 8. August 6 9. September 7 10. October 6 11. November 6 12. December 1373 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OINSDDCF_YR OTHER: DATE CLAIM YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Insured status date claim filed (MMDDYYYY). ................................................................................. 90 1966-2014. Year range 1373 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OINSDFSTM_MO OTHER: FIRST MONTH INSURED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month insured status is first met for this insured status test. ................................................................................. 4 1. January 2. February 1 3. March 2 4. April 3 5. May 6. June 3 7. July 1 8. August 1 9. September 3 10. October 11. November 12. December 1445 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OINSDFSTM_YR OTHER: FIRST YEAR INSURED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year insured status is first met for this insured status test. ................................................................................. 18 1961-2013. Year range 1445 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OINSDLSTM_MO OTHER: LAST MONTH INSURED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month insured status is last met for this insured status test. ................................................................................. 3. March 6. June 12. December 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OINSDLSTM_YR OTHER: LAST YEAR INSURED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year insured status is last met for this insured status test. ................................................................................. 1982-2017. Year range 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OINSDWPSD_MO OTHER: WAITING PERIOD START MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 First month of the waiting period on a disability claim. ................................................................................. 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OINSDWPSD_YR OTHER: WAITING PERIOD START YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 First year of the waiting period on a disability claim. ................................................................................. 2002-2013. Year range 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OINSDDIBR OTHER: DIB TEST QUARTERS OF COVERAGE REQUIRED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 QCs required for disability test. ................................................................................. 62 0. TEST DID NOT APPLY ON CURRENT CLAIM 20. Insured status currently insured test required QCs 39. Insured status currently insured test required QCs 1401 Blank. BLANK - TEST DID NOT APPLY ON CURRENT CLAIM ========================================================================================== OINSDDIBH OTHER: DIB TEST HAS QUARTERS OF COVERAGE REQUIRED Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Total QC count for disabilty test. ................................................................................. 62 0. TEST DID NOT APPLY ON CURRENT CLAIM 28. Undefined 33. Undefined 34. Undefined 37. Undefined 38. Total QC count for currently insured test 39. Total QC count for currently insured test 40. Total QC count for currently insured test 1401 Blank. BLANK - TEST DID NOT APPLY ON CURRENT CLAIM ========================================================================================== OINSDFISR OTHER: QCS REQUIRED FOR FULLY INSURED TEST Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 QCs required for fully insured test. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 62 15 40 34.23 6.28 1401 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OINSDFISH OTHER: FULLY INSURED HAS QCS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Total QC count for fully insured status test. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 62 24 40 39.61 2.26 1401 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OINSDCISR OTHER: CURRENTLY INSURED TEST REQUIRED QCS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Quarters of coverage for health benefits insured test. ................................................................................. 61 0. TEST DID NOT APPLY ON CURRENT CLAIM 1 6. Unknown 1401 Blank. BLANK - TEST DID NOT APPLY ON CURRENT CLAIM ========================================================================================== OINSDCISH OTHER: CURRENTLY INSURED HAS QCS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Total QC count for currently insured test. ................................................................................. 61 0. TEST DID NOT APPLY ON CURRENT CLAIM 1 12. Unknown 1401 Blank. BLANK - TEST DID NOT APPLY ON CURRENT CLAIM ========================================================================================== OINSDSTBL OTHER: STATUTORY BLINDNESS ESTABLISHED INDICATOR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Statutory blindness established indicator. ................................................................................. 1. Y - DISABILITY DETERMINATION LISTING AND BASIS CODES ESTABLISH STATUTORY BLINDNESS FOR CLAIMANT 1463 Blank. BLANK - NO STATUTORY BLINDNESS INVOLVEMENT ========================================================================================== OTOD1 OTHER: TYPE OF DUAL ENTITLEMENT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Reflects Title II type of dual entitlement on master beneficiary record (MBR). Function insures that all dual entitlement numbers are posted. ................................................................................. 68 1. PRIMARY/AUXILIARY (OR SURVIVOR) 2. SURVIVOR/AUXILIARY 1395 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OOTAN1 OTHER: OTHER ACCOUNT NUMBER Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other account number. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OOTBIC1 OTHER: OTHER BIC Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the type of beneficiary on the other account. ................................................................................. 68 1. A - PRIMARY CLAIMANT 2. B - AGED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 8. B6 - DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 62 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 28. CHILD (INCLUDES MINOR, STUDENT OR DISABLED CHILD) 46. D - AGED WIDOW, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 48. D2 - AGED WIDOW (2ND CLAIMANT) 50. D4 - WIDOW (REMARRIED AFTER ATTAINMENT OF AGE 60) (1ST CLAIMANT) 52. D6 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE, AGE 60 OR OVER (1ST CLAIMANT) 53. D7 - SURVIVING DIVORCED WIFE (2ND CLAIMANT) 137. M - UNINSURED BENEFICIARY (NOT QUALIFIED FOR AUTOMATIC HIB) 1395 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OOTDOE1_MO OTHER: OTHER MONTH OF ENTITLEMENT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month of other date of entitlement. ................................................................................. 9 1. January 4 2. February 11 3. March 7 4. April 6 5. May 5 6. June 3 7. July 8 8. August 2 9. September 2 10. October 4 11. November 7 12. December 1395 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OOTDOE1_YR OTHER: OTHER YEAR OF ENTITLEMENT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year of other date of entitlement. ................................................................................. 68 1971-2014. Year range 1395 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OOTPIA1 OTHER: OTHER PRIMARY INSURANCE AMOUNT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Reflects the controlling primary insurance amount (PIA) for payment on the other claim, whether average monthly wage or special minimum. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 68 40 1190 448.53 219.91 1395 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OLFMBA1 OTHER: LARGER MBA REDUCED FOR FMAX Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Reflects the larger full monthly benefit amount (LFMBA) reduced for family maximum. In the case of triple entitlement, LFMBA in the first dual entitlement field is for the Auxiliary (B) claim, and LFMBA in the second dual entitlement field is for the survivor (d) claim. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 68 250 1670 702.06 286.14 1395 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OOTRIA1 OTHER: OTHER RETIREMENT INSURANCE AMOUNT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Processing information otria will appear only if the controlling primary insurance amount (PIA) reflects the average monthly wage PIA for the other claim. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 68 0 0 0.00 0.00 1395 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OLEMBA1 OTHER: EXCESS AMOUNT PAYABLE ON LARGER MBA Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Reflects the excess amount payable on the larger excess monthly benefit amount (LEMBA). Operational considerations in the case of triple entitlement, LEMBA in the first dual entitlement field is for the Auxiliary (B) claim, and LEMBA in the second dual entitlement field is for the Survivor (D) claim. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 68 0 830 165.00 173.59 1395 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OSFMBA1 OTHER: SMALLER MBA REDUCED FOR FMAX Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This field contains the smaller full monthly benefit amount (SFMBA) reduced for family maximum. In the case of triple entitlement, SFMBA in the first dual entitlement field is for the Primary (A) claim, and SFMBA in the second dual entitlement field is blank. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 68 40 1190 448.09 220.52 1395 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OSAMBA1 OTHER: SMALLER MBA REDUCED FOR MAXIMUM AND AGE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Reflects the smaller monthly benefit amount reduced for maximum and age (SAMBA). In the case of triple entitlement, SAMBA in the first dual entitlement field is for the Primary (A) claim, and SAMBA in the second dual entitlement field is blank. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 68 30 1010 384.41 206.05 1395 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== ODESC1 OTHER: DUAL ENTITLEMENT STATUS CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Purpose used for Title II. Processing information for triple entitlement cases (TOD = 4), dual entitlement status code (DESC) is based on the Primary (A) and Auxiliary (B) claims. It is assumed that the Survivor (D) benefit is in the payment status as the primary payment status. ................................................................................. 0. 0 = NEITHER BENEFIT IN CURRENT PAYMENT STATUS 10. 1 = SMALLER BENEFIT ONLY IN CURRENT PAYMENT STATUS 20. 2 = LARGER BENEFIT ONLY IN CURRENT PAYMENT STATUS 3 30. 3 = BOTH BENEFITS ELIGIBLE FOR CURRENT PAYMENT STATUS (CHECKS MAY BE COMBINED OR SEPARATE) 50. 5 = LARGER BENEFIT IS SUBJECT TO FULL GP/WC OFFSET 60. S = DUAL ENTITLEMENT SUSPENDED, TECHNICAL ENTITLEMENT EXISTS 63 70. T = DUAL ENTITLEMENT TERMINATED 1397 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODOS_MO OTHER: MONTH OF SELECTION Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month of date of selection. ................................................................................. 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 1 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 1462 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== ODOS_YR OTHER: YEAR OF SELECTION Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year of date of selection. ................................................................................. 1 1963-2014. Year range 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OAMOFSTAR_MO OTHER: AMOUNT OFFSET BEGIN MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 First month of offset mandatory. ................................................................................. 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 1 8. August 9. September 12. December 1462 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OAMOFSTAR_YR OTHER: AMOUNT OFFSET BEGIN YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 First year of offset mandatory. ................................................................................. 1 1969-2013. Year range 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OAMOFSTOP_MO OTHER: AMOUNT OFFSET END MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Last month of offset. ................................................................................. 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 7. July 8. August 9. September 1 10. October 11. November 12. December 1462 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OAMOFSTOP_YR OTHER: AMOUNT OFFSET END YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Las year of offset. ................................................................................. 1 1974-2013. Year range 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OAMOFPDBO OTHER: AMOUNT OF PDB OFFSET Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest amount offset data (Other): Amount of PBD Offset ($$$$). The amount of PBD offset that is subtracted each month during the period reflected in the start and stop dates can be zero if AMOF-WC-ONLY is present. When the value is zero query will display PBD only $0.00 if AMOF-WC-ONLY is greater than zero. ................................................................................. ========================================================================================== OAMOFWCON OTHER: AMOUNT OF WC OFFSET Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest amount offset data (Other): Amount of WC Offset ($$$$). The amount of WC offset that is subtracted each month during the period reflected in the start and stop dates. Can be zero if AMOF-PDB-ONLY is present. When the value is zero, query will display WC-ONLY $0.00 if AMOF-PDB-ONLY is greater than zero. ................................................................................. ========================================================================================== OGPMSTOPR_MO OTHER: GOVERNMENT PENSION MONTHLY END MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest government pension offset data (Other): Government pension monthly end date. Last month of offset for this occurrence. ................................................................................. 2. February 3. March 4. April 6. June 1 10. October 1462 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OGPMSTOPR_YR OTHER: GOVERNMENT PENSION MONTHLY END YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest government pension offset data (Other): Government pension monthly end date. Last year of offset for this occurrence. ................................................................................. 1 2003-2014. Year range 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OGPMTOTAL OTHER: TOTAL MONTHLY GOVERNMENT PENSION AMOUNT Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest government pension offset data (Other): Total monthly government pension amount ($$$$$$). Total amount of government pension(s) after any conversion of the recurring pension amount and addition of the monthly prorated lump sum, if applicable. Two-thirds of this amount will be the maximum offset amount for this occurrence mandatory. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 4 2250 15000 7275.00 5832.08 1459 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OGPMWTHLD OTHER: GOVERNMENT PENSION MONTHLY AMOUNT WITHHELD Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest government pension offset data (Other): Government pension monthly amount withheld ($$$$). The actual amount withheld from each month's SS benefit. It may be less than the maximum GP offset amount because it cannot be larger than the MBA mandatory unless GPM-CONV = Y. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 4 0 0 0.00 0.00 1459 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OHISTART_MO OTHER: HOSPITAL INSURANCE ENROLLMENT START MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): Hospital insurance enrollment start month. First month of a period of hospital insurance coverage. ................................................................................. 1. January 2. February 3. March 1 4. April 1 5. May 3 6. June 3 7. July 1 8. August 2 9. September 1 10. October 2 11. November 2 12. December 1447 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OHISTART_YR OTHER: HOSPITAL INSURANCE ENROLLMENT START YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): Hospital insurance enrollment start month. First year of a period of hospital insurance coverage. ................................................................................. 16 1973-2014. Year range 1447 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OHITERM_MO OTHER: HOSPITAL INSURANCE TERMINATION MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): Hospital insurance termination month. Date in which the termination of the period of hospital insurance coverage is effective ................................................................................. 2. February 7. July 9. September 10. October 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OHITERM_YR OTHER: HOSPITAL INSURANCE TERMINATION YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): Hospital insurance termination month. Year in which the termination of the period of hospital insurance coverage is effective ................................................................................. 1980-2010. Year range 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSMISTART_MO OTHER: SMI ENROLLMENT EFFECTIVE MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): SMI enrollment effective month. Date of enrollment for a period of SMI coverage (the first month of coverage). ................................................................................. 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 1 5. May 3 6. June 3 7. July 1 8. August 2 9. September 1 10. October 1 11. November 2 12. December 1449 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OSMISTART_YR OTHER: SMI ENROLLMENT EFFECTIVE YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): SMI enrollment effective month. Year of enrollment for a period of SMI coverage (the first month of coverage). ................................................................................. 14 1973-2014. Year range 1449 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSMITERM_MO OTHER: SMI TERMINATION MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): SMI termination month. Date in which the termination of this period of SMI coverage is effective (the first month of non-coverage). ................................................................................. 2. February 1 5. May 6. June 7. July 10. October 1462 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OSMITERM_YR OTHER: SMI TERMINATION YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): SMI termination month. Year in which the termination of this period of SMI coverage is effective (the first month of non-coverage). ................................................................................. 1 1981-2007. Year range 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSMIBASIS OTHER: SMI BASIS TYPE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): Basis for having SMI coverage. Mandatory entry - blank not valid. ................................................................................. 11 1. A - AGE 2. D - DISABILITY 3. E - END-STAGE RENAL 1452 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSMIPERIO OTHER: SUPPLEMENTAL MEDCIAL INSURANCE ENROLLMENT PERIOD TYPE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): Type of enrollment period in which SMI coverage was established or requested. ................................................................................. 10. A - AEP 20. D - 1 30. G - GEP 13 40. I - IEP 60. Q - QMB ENROLLMENT 1 80. S - SEP 1 90. U - UNKNOWN (FOR CONV. CASES ONLY) 1447 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSMINONCO OTHER: SUPPLEMENTAL MEDICAL INSURANCE NON COVERAGE REASON TYPE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): Reason a period of SMI coverage is not in effect. ................................................................................. 20. C - DIB CESS 2 50. R - REFUSAL 1 70. P - PREMIUM NON PAYMENT 100. W - ENROLLMENT WITHDRAWAL 120. X - CLAIM WITHDRAWN FOR APPLICATION 1460 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSMTPSTAR_MO OTHER: SMI THIRD PARTY START MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): SMI third party start month. First month the third party is responsible for paying the premium for a period of SMI coverage. ................................................................................. 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 1 7. July 8. August 9. September 1 10. October 11. November 1 12. December 1460 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OSMTPSTAR_YR OTHER: SMI THIRD PARTY START YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): SMI third party start month. First year the third party is responsible for paying the premium for a period of SMI coverage. ................................................................................. 3 1981-2014. Year range 1460 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSMTPSTOP_MO OTHER: SMI THIRD PARTY STOP MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): SMI third party stop month. Last month in which the third party has responsibility for the SMI premium. ................................................................................. 1. January 2. February 3. March 2 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 1 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 1460 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OSMTPSTOP_YR OTHER: SMI THIRD PARTY STOP YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): SMI third party stop month. Last year in which the third party has responsibility for the SMI premium. ................................................................................. 3 1983-2013. Year range 1460 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSMTPCODE OTHER: SMI THIRD PARTY IDENTIFICATION CODE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): Identification code of an SMI third party. Mandatory entry - zeroes not valid. ................................................................................. 100. 010 = STATE BILLING 300. 030 = STATE BILLING 1 400. 040 = STATE BILLING 500. 050 = STATE BILLING 600. 060 = STATE BILLING 700. 070 = STATE BILLING 900. 090 = STATE BILLING 1000. 100 = STATE BILLING 1100. 110 = STATE BILLING 1400. 140 = STATE BILLING 1500. 150 = STATE BILLING 1600. 160 = STATE BILLING 1900. 190 = STATE BILLING 2100. 210 = STATE BILLING 2200. 220 = STATE BILLING 2300. 230 = STATE BILLING 2400. 240 = STATE BILLING 2500. 250 = STATE BILLING 2600. 260 = STATE BILLING 2800. 280 = STATE BILLING 3000. 300 = STATE BILLING 3100. 310 = STATE BILLING 1 3300. 330 = STATE BILLING 3400. 340 = STATE BILLING 3600. 360 = STATE BILLING 3700. 370 = STATE BILLING 3900. 390 = STATE BILLING 4200. 420 = STATE BILLING 4400. 440 = STATE BILLING 4500. 450 = STATE BILLING 1 4700. 470 = STATE BILLING 4900. 490 = STATE BILLING 5000. 500 = STATE BILLING 5200. 520 = STATE BILLING 8020. B70 = PRIVATE THIRD PARTY BILLING 8040. J82 = PRIVATE THIRD PARTY BILLING 1460 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSMTPCATE OTHER: SMI THIRD PARTY CATEGORY TYPE Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Medicare Data (Other): Category of an SMI third party. ................................................................................. 2. P - PRIVATE THIRD PARTY 2 3. S - STATE BILLING 1461 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OPIED_MO OTHER: PRIMARY INSURANCE EFFECTIVE MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest PIA History (Other): PIA effective date. Month of PIA effective date. ................................................................................. 1. January 3. March 6. June 98 12. December 1365 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OPIED_YR OTHER: PRIMARY INSURANCE EFFECTIVE YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest PIA History (Other): PIA effective date. Year of PIA effective date. ................................................................................. 98 1978-2014. Year range 1365 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OGPMSTART_MO OTHER: GOVERNMENT PENSION MONTHLY START MONTH Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 The first month of offset for this occurrence mandatory. ................................................................................. 1. January 3. March 2 4. April 1 5. May 6. June 1 7. July 8. August 9. September 11. November 1 12. December 1458 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OGPMSTART_YR OTHER: GOVERNMENT PENSION MONTHLY START YEAR Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 The first year of offset for this occurrence mandatory. ................................................................................. 5 1978-2014. Year range 1458 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ONDIB OTHER: NUMBER OF DISABILITY FIELDS Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Number of disability fields (Other) ................................................................................. 1-8. # of disability fields 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODDO01 OTHER: DATE OF DISABILITY OFFSET - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Date of disability onset. Month, day and year (MMDDYY) of date of disability onset. DIB fields are sequenced by DDO. An MBR can have multiple DIB fields with the same DDO. ................................................................................. 1 11986- 12311999. Month/Year range for this variable 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODDO02 OTHER: DATE OF DISABILITY OFFSET - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Date of disability onset. Month, day and year (MMDDYY) of date of disability onset. DIB fields are sequenced by DDO. An MBR can have multiple DIB fields with the same DDO. ................................................................................. 11995- 12251996. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODDO03 OTHER: DATE OF DISABILITY OFFSET - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Date of disability onset. Month, day and year (MMDDYY) of date of disability onset. DIB fields are sequenced by DDO. An MBR can have multiple DIB fields with the same DDO. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAC01 OTHER: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 10. A = HEALTH INSURANCE/SUPPLEMENTAL MEDICAL INSURANCE (HI/SMI) ENTITLEMENT BASED UPON DISABILITY ON ANOTHER CLAIM NUMBER 30. K = INVALID CODE ENTERED 70. X = NO WAITING PERIOD 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAC02 OTHER: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAC03 OTHER: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAC04 OTHER: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAC05 OTHER: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAC06 OTHER: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAC07 OTHER: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAC08 OTHER: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAC09 OTHER: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAC10 OTHER: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAC11 OTHER: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAC12 OTHER: DISABILITY AWARD CODE - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Represents type of disability award. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLOD01 OTHER: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Level of Denial Code: LOD may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 1 1. 1 - INITIAL 2. 2 - RECONSIDERATION 3. 3 - HEARING 1462 Blank. BLANK - DEFAULT VALUE FOR DATA PURIFICATION ========================================================================================== OLOD02 OTHER: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 See OLOD01 ................................................................................. 1. 1 - INITIAL 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLOD03 OTHER: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 See OLOD01 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLOD04 OTHER: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 See OLOD01 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLOD05 OTHER: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 See OLOD01 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLOD06 OTHER: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 See OLOD01 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLOD07 OTHER: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 See OLOD01 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLOD08 OTHER: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 See OLOD01 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLOD09 OTHER: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 See OLOD01 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLOD10 OTHER: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 See OLOD01 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLOD11 OTHER: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 See OLOD01 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLOD12 OTHER: LEVEL OF DENIAL CODE - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 See OLOD01 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODOED01 OTHER: MEDICARE DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Month and year (MMYY) of date of entitlement to disability reflects the date the beneficiary became entitled or deemed entitled to disability benefits. Operational considerations: This does not necessarily mean there is current Disability Insurance Benefit (DIB) entitlement. ................................................................................. 11966- 122006. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODOED02 OTHER: MEDICARE DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 12013- 82007. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODOED03 OTHER: MEDICARE DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OT2DOED01 OTHER: TITLE II DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 11966- 122006. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OT2DOED02 OTHER: TITLE II DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 12013- 82007. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OT2DOED03 OTHER: TITLE II DATE OF ENTITLEMENT TO DIB - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== ODDBC01 OTHER: DATE OF DISABILITY BENEFIT CESSATION - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Date of disability benefits cessation. Month and year (MMCCYY) of date of disability benefits cessation. Reflects the first month of non-entitlement to benefits for reason of disability (similar to Date Of Suspension Or Termination (DOST)). ................................................................................. 71980- 112013. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODDBC02 OTHER: DATE OF DISABILITY BENEFIT CESSATION - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== ODSD01 OTHER: DISABILITY ADJUDICATION DATE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Disability adjudication date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of disability adjudication date. Reflects the month and year that a disability award or denial was posted to the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) (adjudicated). The DSD is not present on all records. MCS and MADCAP do not generate the DSD on all records. ................................................................................. 11982- 122007. Month/Year range for this variable 11993. Month/year 12001. Month/year 12006. Month/year 12007. Month/year 12011. Month/year 12013. Month/year 12014. Month/year 21986. Month/year 21993. Month/year 22003. Month/year 22004. Month/year 22005. Month/year 22006. Month/year 22010. Month/year 31999. Month/year 32001. Month/year 32005. Month/year 32007. Month/year 32008. Month/year 32009. Month/year 32011. Month/year 41999. Month/year 42002. Month/year 42003. Month/year 42004. Month/year 42005. Month/year 42006. Month/year 42009. Month/year 42010. Month/year 42011. Month/year 42013. Month/year 52000. Month/year 52009. Month/year 52011. Month/year 61978. Month/year 61993. Month/year 61996. Month/year 61998. Month/year 62000. Month/year 62003. Month/year 62006. Month/year 62008. Month/year 62010. Month/year 71991. Month/year 71992. Month/year 71997. Month/year 72006. Month/year 72008. Month/year 72012. Month/year 72013. Month/year 81985. Month/year 82000. Month/year 82002. Month/year 82007. Month/year 82011. Month/year 91997. Month/year 91998. Month/year 92000. Month/year 92002. Month/year 92003. Month/year 92006. Month/year 92007. Month/year 92008. Month/year 92011. Month/year 101983. Month/year 102006. Month/year 102011. Month/year 102012. Month/year 111993. Month/year 112002. Month/year 112009. Month/year 112011. Month/year 121982. Month/year 121990. Month/year 121992. Month/year 121993. Month/year 121998. Month/year 122002. Month/year 122005. Undefined 122007. Undefined 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODSD02 OTHER: DISABILITY ADJUDICATION DATE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 32006- 122005. Month/Year range for this variable 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODSD03 OTHER: DISABILITY ADJUDICATION DATE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OHDD01 OTHER: HEARING DECISION DATE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Hearing decision date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of hearing decision date. Reflects the date the hearing decision was rendered. This field is flagged as missing for all records in this data set; it is included for informational purposes only. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OSDS01 OTHER: SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY DISABILITY CESSATION - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): SGA disability payment suspension date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of SGA disability payment suspension date. Reflects the future month/year that benefits should be suspended because of substantial gainful activity after the initial 3 months of the extended period of entitlement. This field is flagged as missing for all records in this data set; it is included for informational purposes only. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OADC01 OTHER: APPLICANTS DISABILITY CESSATION - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Applicant disability cessation date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of applicant disability cessation date. Reflects the date the applicant's disability ceased (not when benefits ceased.) This field is flagged as missing for all records in this data set; it is included for informational purposes only. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OAPS01 OTHER: APPEALS - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Appeals decision date. Month and year (MMCCYY) of appeals decision date. Reflects the date the appeals decision was rendered in a Title II cessation or, the date of filing for benefit continuation during the appeal of a Title II medical cessation. This field is flagged as missing for all records in this data set; it is included for informational purposes only. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Missing ========================================================================================== OBDC01 OTHER: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Reflects the denial code, if applicable. BDC is a derivative of the denial codes in the RDD (deny data) and usually contains the last 2 positions of the RDD. BDC may be present on an active DIB field if there was a previous denial. ................................................................................. 270. 27 = WIFE OR CHILD FILING - NUMBERHOLDER NOT ENTITLED 300. 30 = 510. 51 = 640. 64 = 930. 93 = DWB CLAIMANT AOD IS AFTER END OF THE PRESCRIBED PERIOD 3030. E3 = IMPAIRMENT IS SEVERE AT TIME OF ADJUDICATION BUT NOT EXPECTED TO LAST 12 MON (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 1 3110. F1 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3120. F2 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 3210. G1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - VOCATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 3310. H1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3320. H2 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - CUSTOMARY PAST WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3410. J1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - OTHER WORK (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3520. L2 = FAILURE/REFUSAL SUBMIT TO CONSULTATIVE EXAM (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 3540. L1 = FAILURE/REFUSAL SUBMIT TO CONSULTATIVE EXAM (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) 3610. M5 = INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE FURNISHED (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3720. N2 = ENGAGING IN SGA DESPITE IMPAIRMENT (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBDC02 OTHER: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 3110. F1 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 3120. F2 = SLIGHT IMPAIRMENT - MEDICAL CONSIDERATION ALONE (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET PRIOR DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT NOT MET ON/AFTER OF CURRENT DECISION) 3210. G1 = CAPACITY FOR SGA - VOCATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 3610. M5 = INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE FURNISHED (EARNINGS REQ LAST MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURR DECISION) OR (PRESCRIBED PERIOD REQUIREMENT MET ON/AFTER DATE OF CURRENT DECISION) OR (CDB DENIAL) 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBDC03 OTHER: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBDC04 OTHER: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBDC05 OTHER: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBDC06 OTHER: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBDC07 OTHER: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBDC08 OTHER: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBDC09 OTHER: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBDC10 OTHER: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBDC11 OTHER: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBDC12 OTHER: BASIS FOR DENIAL CODE - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCDR01 OTHER: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Cessation of Disability Reason ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCDR02 OTHER: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCDR03 OTHER: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCDR04 OTHER: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCDR05 OTHER: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCDR06 OTHER: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCDR07 OTHER: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCDR08 OTHER: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCDR09 OTHER: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCDR10 OTHER: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCDR11 OTHER: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OCDR12 OTHER: CESSATION OF DISABILITY REASON - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSGA01 OTHER: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Represents the disabled beneficiary's current substantial gainful activity (SGA) status during the extended period. ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSGA02 OTHER: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSGA03 OTHER: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSGA04 OTHER: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSGA05 OTHER: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSGA06 OTHER: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSGA07 OTHER: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSGA08 OTHER: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSGA09 OTHER: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSGA10 OTHER: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSGA11 OTHER: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSGA12 OTHER: CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OPRY01 OTHER: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Pending Appeals Review ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OPRY02 OTHER: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OPRY03 OTHER: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OPRY04 OTHER: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OPRY05 OTHER: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OPRY06 OTHER: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OPRY07 OTHER: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OPRY08 OTHER: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OPRY09 OTHER: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OPRY10 OTHER: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OPRY11 OTHER: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OPRY12 OTHER: PENDING APPEALS REVIEW - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAA01 OTHER: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Latest Disability Data (Other): Drug Addiction/Alcoholism Code of disability: reflects the DA&A status for the beneficiary ................................................................................. 2. N = NOT MATERIAL 3. W = NOT A DA&A CONDITION 1463 Blank. BLANK = DEFAULT ========================================================================================== ODAA02 OTHER: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAA03 OTHER: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAA04 OTHER: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAA05 OTHER: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAA06 OTHER: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAA07 OTHER: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAA08 OTHER: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAA09 OTHER: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAA10 OTHER: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAA11 OTHER: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODAA12 OTHER: DRUG ADDICTION/ALCOHOLISM CODE - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODIG01 OTHER: DIAGNOSIS CODE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 1 0-9999. See Appendix D 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODIG02 OTHER: DIAGNOSIS CODE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODIG03 OTHER: DIAGNOSIS CODE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODIG04 OTHER: DIAGNOSIS CODE - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODIG05 OTHER: DIAGNOSIS CODE - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODIG06 OTHER: DIAGNOSIS CODE - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODIG07 OTHER: DIAGNOSIS CODE - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODIG08 OTHER: DIAGNOSIS CODE - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODIG09 OTHER: DIAGNOSIS CODE - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODIG10 OTHER: DIAGNOSIS CODE - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODIG11 OTHER: DIAGNOSIS CODE - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== ODIG12 OTHER: DIAGNOSIS CODE - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSDIG01 OTHER: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 01 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 1 0-9999. See Appendix D 1462 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSDIG02 OTHER: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 02 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSDIG03 OTHER: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 03 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSDIG04 OTHER: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 04 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSDIG05 OTHER: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 05 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSDIG06 OTHER: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 06 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSDIG07 OTHER: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 07 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSDIG08 OTHER: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 08 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSDIG09 OTHER: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 09 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSDIG10 OTHER: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 10 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSDIG11 OTHER: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 11 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OSDIG12 OTHER: SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS CODE - 12 Section: A Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Secondary code for mental or physical disability. See Data Description Appendix D for code information ................................................................................. 0-9999. See Appendix D 1463 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== Section B: BENEFIT PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR (Deceased Spouse) ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household identifier. Use this variable in conjunction with person number to uniquely identify a respondent. ................................................................................. 59106 000003-959738. Household identifier range ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Person Number. Indentifies a respondent within a household. ................................................................................. 28824 010. Person Identifier 1833 011. Person Identifier 144 012. Person Identifier 51 013. Person Identifier 20469 020. Person Identifier 636 021. Person Identifier 022. Person Identifier 023. Person Identifier 2982 030. Person Identifier 195 031. Person Identifier 032. Person Identifier 3837 040. Person Identifier 135 041. Person Identifier 042. Person Identifier ========================================================================================== YEAR BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - YEAR Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year indicator (Key=HHID + PN + YEAR) ................................................................................. 1214 1962. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1963. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1964. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1965. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1966. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1967. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1968. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1969. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1970. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1971. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1972. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1973. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1974. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1975. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1976. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1977. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1978. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1979. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1980. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1981. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1982. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1983. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1984. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1985. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1986. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1987. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1988. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1989. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1990. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1991. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1992. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1993. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1994. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1995. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1996. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1997. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1998. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1999. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2000. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2001. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2002. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2003. Benefit reporting year. 902 2004. Benefit reporting year. 902 2005. Benefit reporting year. 902 2006. Benefit reporting year. 902 2007. Benefit reporting year. 902 2008. Benefit reporting year. 902 2009. Benefit reporting year. 902 2010. Benefit reporting year. 902 2011. Benefit reporting year. 902 2012. Benefit reporting year. ========================================================================================== SOURCE YEAR PERMISSION GIVEN FLAG Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 4 Decimals: 0 Most recent permission year for this respondent. 2004: Permissions obtained in 2004 from EBB and HRS cohort members, new spouses, and War Baby 1998/2000 refusers; most recent information is from 2003 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012: Prospective permissions obtained from face-to-face interviewees in one or more of the respective waves indicated; most recent information is from 2012 ................................................................................. 13104 2004. 2004 Permissions (EBB and others) 4284 2006. 2006 Prospective Permissions 24837 2008. 2008 Prospective Permissions 13923 2010. 2010 Prospective Permissions 2958 2012. 2012 Prospective Permissions ========================================================================================== BPD01 BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - JAN Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Paid Designation Indicator JAN: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1211 0. Default value 12196 1. Benefit paid or credited 45699 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BPD02 BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - FEB Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Paid Designation Indicator FEB: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1177 0. Default value 12210 1. Benefit paid or credited 45719 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BPD03 BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - MAR Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Paid Designation Indicator MAR: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1153 0. Default value 12221 1. Benefit paid or credited 45732 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BPD04 BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - APR Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Paid Designation Indicator APR: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1146 0. Default value 12227 1. Benefit paid or credited 45733 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BPD05 BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - MAY Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Paid Designation Indicator MAY: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1138 0. Default value 12238 1. Benefit paid or credited 45730 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BPD06 BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - JUN Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Paid Designation Indicator JUN: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1134 0. Default value 12257 1. Benefit paid or credited 45715 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BPD07 BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - JUL Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Paid Designation Indicator JUL: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1114 0. Default value 12256 1. Benefit paid or credited 45736 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BPD08 BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - AUG Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Paid Designation Indicator AUG: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1090 0. Default value 12257 1. Benefit paid or credited 45759 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BPD09 BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - SEP Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Paid Designation Indicator SEP: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1067 0. Default value 12273 1. Benefit paid or credited 45766 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BPD10 BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - OCT Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Paid Designation Indicator OCT: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1080 0. Default value 12268 1. Benefit paid or credited 45758 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BPD11 BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - NOV Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Paid Designation Indicator NOV: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1081 0. Default value 12265 1. Benefit paid or credited 45760 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== BPD12 BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - DEC Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit Paid Designation Indicator DEC: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1057 0. Default value 12267 1. Benefit paid or credited 45782 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBPD01 OTHER BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - JAN Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid Designation Indicator JAN: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1189 0. Default value 217 1. Benefit paid or credited 57700 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBPD02 OTHER BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - FEB Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid Designation Indicator FEB: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1186 0. Default value 215 1. Benefit paid or credited 57705 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBPD03 OTHER BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - MAR Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid Designation Indicator MAR: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1187 0. Default value 216 1. Benefit paid or credited 57703 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBPD04 OTHER BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - APR Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid Designation Indicator APR: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1190 0. Default value 216 1. Benefit paid or credited 57700 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBPD05 OTHER BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - MAY Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid Designation Indicator MAY: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1194 0. Default value 211 1. Benefit paid or credited 57701 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBPD06 OTHER BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - JUN Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid Designation Indicator JUN: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1195 0. Default value 207 1. Benefit paid or credited 57704 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBPD07 OTHER BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - JUL Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid Designation Indicator JUL: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1195 0. Default value 209 1. Benefit paid or credited 57702 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBPD08 OTHER BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - AUG Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid Designation Indicator AUG: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1198 0. Default value 209 1. Benefit paid or credited 57699 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBPD09 OTHER BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - SEP Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid Designation Indicator SEP: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1200 0. Default value 210 1. Benefit paid or credited 57696 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBPD10 OTHER BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - OCT Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid Designation Indicator OCT: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1197 0. Default value 212 1. Benefit paid or credited 57697 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBPD11 OTHER BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - NOV Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid Designation Indicator NOV: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1193 0. Default value 211 1. Benefit paid or credited 57702 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OBPD12 OTHER BENEFITS PAID DESIGNATION INDICATOR - DEC Section: B Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid Designation Indicator DEC: Indicates that a benefit was paid or credited. ................................................................................. 1196 0. Default value 212 1. Benefit paid or credited 57698 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== Section C: MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT (BASED ON PIA) (Deceased Spouse) ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household identifier. Use this variable in conjunction with person number to uniquely identify a respondent. ................................................................................. 67454 000002-959738. Household identifier range ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Person Number. Indentifies a respondent within a household. ................................................................................. 36430 010. Person Identifier 1833 011. Person Identifier 144 012. Person Identifier 51 013. Person Identifier 21211 020. Person Identifier 636 021. Person Identifier 022. Person Identifier 023. Person Identifier 2982 030. Person Identifier 195 031. Person Identifier 032. Person Identifier 3837 040. Person Identifier 135 041. Person Identifier 042. Person Identifier ========================================================================================== YEAR MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - YEAR Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year indicator (Key=HHID + PN + YEAR) ................................................................................. 1473 1962. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1963. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1964. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1965. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1966. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1967. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1968. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1969. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1970. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1971. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1972. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1973. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1974. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1975. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1976. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1977. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1978. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1979. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1980. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1981. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1982. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1983. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1984. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1985. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1986. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1987. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1988. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1989. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1990. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1991. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1992. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1993. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1994. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1995. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1996. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1997. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1998. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1999. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2000. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2001. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2002. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2003. Benefit reporting year. 902 2004. Benefit reporting year. 902 2005. Benefit reporting year. 902 2006. Benefit reporting year. 902 2007. Benefit reporting year. 902 2008. Benefit reporting year. 902 2009. Benefit reporting year. 902 2010. Benefit reporting year. 902 2011. Benefit reporting year. 902 2012. Benefit reporting year. ========================================================================================== SOURCE YEAR PERMISSION GIVEN FLAG Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 4 Decimals: 0 Most recent permission year for this respondent. 1993: Permissions obtained in 1993 or 1995 from AHEAD cohort members; most recent information is from 1992 1999: Permissions obtained 1998 or 2000 from CODA and War Baby cohort members as well as new spouses; most recent information is from 1999 2004: Permissions obtained in 2004 from EBB and HRS cohort members, new spouses, and War Baby 1998/2000 refusers; most recent information is from 2003 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012: Prospective permissions obtained from face-to-face interviewees in one or more of the respective waves indicated; most recent information is from 2012 ................................................................................. 7968 1993. AHEAD cohort permissions (1993/1995) 380 1999. CODA/War Baby cohort permissions (1998/2000) 13104 2004. 2004 Permissions (EBB and others) 4284 2006. 2006 Prospective Permissions 24837 2008. 2008 Prospective Permissions 13923 2010. 2010 Prospective Permissions 2958 2012. 2012 Prospective Permissions ========================================================================================== MBA01 MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - JAN Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) JAN The Monthly Benefit Amount (MBA) is determined by the PIA. It is the amount payable after reduction of the PIA, if necessary, for age, family maximum, earnings in excess of the earnings test, the government pension offset (affecting widows) and other reasons, but before any deductions of the Medicare Part B (or SMI) premium. Any increase due to the delayed retirement credit is also reflected in the MBA. Use with the Ledger Account File (LAF) code. If the Ledger Account File (LAF) status in the month is C or C2, then a benefit has been paid on that account for that month. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2460 165.41 336.89 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBA02 MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - FEB Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) FEB ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2460 165.08 336.16 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBA03 MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - MAR Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) MAR ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2460 164.62 335.34 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBA04 MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - APR Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) APR ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2460 164.30 334.56 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBA05 MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - MAY Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) MAY ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2460 163.94 333.72 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBA06 MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - JUN Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) JUN ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2460 164.97 334.16 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBA07 MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - JUL Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) JUL ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2340 164.40 333.25 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBA08 MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - AUG Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) AUG ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2340 163.82 332.24 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBA09 MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - SEP Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) SEP ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2340 163.54 331.73 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBA10 MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - OCT Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) OCT ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2340 163.30 331.13 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBA11 MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - NOV Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) NOV ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2340 162.90 330.33 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBA12 MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - DEC Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) DEC ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2440 166.47 338.22 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBA01 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - JAN Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) JAN The Monthly Benefit Amount (MBA) is determined by the PIA. It is the amount payable after reduction of the PIA, if necessary, for age, family maximum, earnings in excess of the earnings test, the government pension offset (affecting widows) and other reasons, but before any deductions of the Medicare Part B (or SMI) premium. Any increase due to the delayed retirement credit is also reflected in the MBA. Use with the Ledger Account File (LAF) code. If the Ledger Account File (LAF) status in the month is C or C2, then a benefit has been paid on that account for that month. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1080 4.94 45.49 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBA02 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - FEB Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) FEB ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1080 4.92 45.51 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBA03 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - MAR Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) MAR ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1080 4.90 45.38 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBA04 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - APR Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) APR ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1080 4.92 45.43 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBA05 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - MAY Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) MAY ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 4.89 45.16 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBA06 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - JUN Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) JUN ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 4.88 45.19 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBA07 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - JUL Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) JUL ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 4.88 45.10 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBA08 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - AUG Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) AUG ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 4.89 45.14 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBA09 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - SEP Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) SEP ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 4.90 45.18 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBA10 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - OCT Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) OCT ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 4.90 45.19 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBA11 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - NOV Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) NOV ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 4.91 45.33 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBA12 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFIT AMOUNT - DEC Section: C Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Amount (Based on PIA) DEC ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1070 5.02 46.20 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== Section D: MONTHLY BENEFIT CREDITED (MBA ROUNDED DOWN) (Deceased Spouse) ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household identifier. Use this variable in conjunction with person number to uniquely identify a respondent. ................................................................................. 67454 000003-959738. Household identifier range ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Person Number. Indentifies a respondent within a household. ................................................................................. 36430 010. Person Identifier 1833 011. Person Identifier 144 012. Person Identifier 51 013. Person Identifier 21211 020. Person Identifier 636 021. Person Identifier 022. Person Identifier 023. Person Identifier 2982 030. Person Identifier 195 031. Person Identifier 032. Person Identifier 3837 040. Person Identifier 135 041. Person Identifier 042. Person Identifier ========================================================================================== YEAR MONTHLY BENEFIT CREDITED - YEAR Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year indicator (Key=HHID + PN + YEAR) ................................................................................. 1473 1962. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1963. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1964. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1965. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1966. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1967. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1968. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1969. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1970. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1971. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1972. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1973. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1974. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1975. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1976. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1977. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1978. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1979. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1980. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1981. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1982. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1983. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1984. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1985. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1986. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1987. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1988. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1989. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1990. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1991. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1992. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1993. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1994. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1995. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1996. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1997. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1998. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1999. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2000. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2001. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2002. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2003. Benefit reporting year. 902 2004. Benefit reporting year. 902 2005. Benefit reporting year. 902 2006. Benefit reporting year. 902 2007. Benefit reporting year. 902 2008. Benefit reporting year. 902 2009. Benefit reporting year. 902 2010. Benefit reporting year. 902 2011. Benefit reporting year. 902 2012. Benefit reporting year. ========================================================================================== SOURCE YEAR PERMISSION GIVEN FLAG Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 4 Decimals: 0 Most recent permission year for this respondent. 1993: Permissions obtained in 1993 or 1995 from AHEAD cohort members; most recent information is from 1992 1999: Permissions obtained 1998 or 2000 from CODA and War Baby cohort members as well as new spouses; most recent information is from 1999 2004: Permissions obtained in 2004 from EBB and HRS cohort members, new spouses, and War Baby 1998/2000 refusers; most recent information is from 2003 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012: Prospective permissions obtained from face-to-face interviewees in one or more of the respective waves indicated; most recent information is from 2012 ................................................................................. 7968 1993. AHEAD cohort permissions (1993/1995) 380 1999. CODA/War Baby cohort permissions (1998/2000) 13104 2004. 2004 Permissions (EBB and others) 4284 2006. 2006 Prospective Permissions 24837 2008. 2008 Prospective Permissions 13923 2010. 2010 Prospective Permissions 2958 2012. 2012 Prospective Permissions ========================================================================================== MBC01 MONTHLY BENEFIT CREDITED - JAN Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) JAN The MBC is the amount the beneficiary would pay taxes on. Under law, the MBC is calculated by first subtracting the Part B Medicare (or SMI) Premium (if any) from the MBA, then rounding the result down to the nearest whole dollar, and adding the part B premium to the rounded amount. If the Ledger Account File (LAF) status in the month is C or C2, then a benefit has been paid on that account for that month. Use with the Ledger Account File (LAF) code. For periods prior to June 1982, Title II MBA and MBC are equal. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2460 165.33 336.75 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBC02 MONTHLY BENEFIT CREDITED - FEB Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) FEB ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2460 165.00 336.02 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBC03 MONTHLY BENEFIT CREDITED - MAR Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) MAR ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2460 164.54 335.20 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBC04 MONTHLY BENEFIT CREDITED - APR Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) APR ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2460 164.22 334.42 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBC05 MONTHLY BENEFIT CREDITED - MAY Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) MAY ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2460 163.86 333.58 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBC06 MONTHLY BENEFIT CREDITED - JUN Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) JUN ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2460 164.89 334.02 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBC07 MONTHLY BENEFIT CREDITED - JUL Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) JUL ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2340 164.32 333.11 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBC08 MONTHLY BENEFIT CREDITED - AUG Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) AUG ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2340 163.74 332.10 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBC09 MONTHLY BENEFIT CREDITED - SEP Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) SEP ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2340 163.45 331.59 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBC10 MONTHLY BENEFIT CREDITED - OCT Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) OCT ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2340 163.22 330.99 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBC11 MONTHLY BENEFIT CREDITED - NOV Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) NOV ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2340 162.82 330.19 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBC12 MONTHLY BENEFIT CREDITED - DEC Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) DEC ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2440 166.38 338.07 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBC01 OTHER MONTH CREDITED - JAN Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) JAN The MBC is the amount the beneficiary would pay taxes on. Under law, the MBC is calculated by first subtracting the Part B Medicare (or SMI) Premium (if any) from the MBA, then rounding the result down to the nearest whole dollar, and adding the part B premium to the rounded amount. If the Ledger Account File (LAF) status in the month is C or C2, then a benefit has been paid on that account for that month. Use with the Ledger Account File (LAF) code. For periods prior to June 1982, Title II MBA and MBC are equal. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1080 4.94 45.48 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBC02 OTHER MONTH CREDITED - FEB Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) FEB ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1080 4.92 45.51 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBC03 OTHER MONTH CREDITED - MAR Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) MAR ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1080 4.90 45.38 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBC04 OTHER MONTH CREDITED - APR Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) APR ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1080 4.91 45.42 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBC05 OTHER MONTH CREDITED - MAY Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) MAY ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 4.89 45.16 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBC06 OTHER MONTH CREDITED - JUN Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) JUN ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 4.88 45.19 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBC07 OTHER MONTH CREDITED - JUL Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) JUL ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 4.87 45.09 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBC08 OTHER MONTH CREDITED - AUG Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) AUG ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 4.88 45.13 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBC09 OTHER MONTH CREDITED - SEP Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) SEP ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 4.90 45.17 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBC10 OTHER MONTH CREDITED - OCT Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) OCT ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 4.90 45.19 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBC11 OTHER MONTH CREDITED - NOV Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) NOV ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 4.91 45.33 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBC12 OTHER MONTH CREDITED - DEC Section: D Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Credited (MBA rounded down) DEC ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1070 5.02 46.19 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== Section E: MONTHLY BENEFIT PAID (MBC PART B PREMIUM) (Deceased Spouse) ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household identifier. Use this variable in conjunction with person number to uniquely identify a respondent. ................................................................................. 67454 000002-959738. Household identifier range ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Person Number. Indentifies a respondent within a household. ................................................................................. 36430 010. Person Identifier 1833 011. Person Identifier 144 012. Person Identifier 51 013. Person Identifier 21211 020. Person Identifier 636 021. Person Identifier 022. Person Identifier 023. Person Identifier 2982 030. Person Identifier 195 031. Person Identifier 032. Person Identifier 3837 040. Person Identifier 135 041. Person Identifier 042. Person Identifier ========================================================================================== YEAR MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - YEAR Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year indicator (Key=HHID + PN + YEAR) ................................................................................. 1473 1962. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1963. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1964. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1965. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1966. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1967. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1968. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1969. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1970. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1971. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1972. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1973. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1974. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1975. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1976. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1977. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1978. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1979. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1980. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1981. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1982. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1983. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1984. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1985. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1986. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1987. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1988. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1989. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1990. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1991. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1992. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1993. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1994. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1995. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1996. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1997. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1998. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1999. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2000. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2001. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2002. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2003. Benefit reporting year. 902 2004. Benefit reporting year. 902 2005. Benefit reporting year. 902 2006. Benefit reporting year. 902 2007. Benefit reporting year. 902 2008. Benefit reporting year. 902 2009. Benefit reporting year. 902 2010. Benefit reporting year. 902 2011. Benefit reporting year. 902 2012. Benefit reporting year. ========================================================================================== SOURCE YEAR PERMISSION GIVEN FLAG Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 4 Decimals: 0 Most recent permission year for this respondent. 1993: Permissions obtained in 1993 or 1995 from AHEAD cohort members; most recent information is from 1992 1999: Permissions obtained 1998 or 2000 from CODA and War Baby cohort members as well as new spouses; most recent information is from 1999 2004: Permissions obtained in 2004 from EBB and HRS cohort members, new spouses, and War Baby 1998/2000 refusers; most recent information is from 2003 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012: Prospective permissions obtained from face-to-face interviewees in one or more of the respective waves indicated; most recent information is from 2012 ................................................................................. 7968 1993. AHEAD cohort permissions (1993/1995) 380 1999. CODA/War Baby cohort permissions (1998/2000) 13104 2004. 2004 Permissions (EBB and others) 4284 2006. 2006 Prospective Permissions 24837 2008. 2008 Prospective Permissions 13923 2010. 2010 Prospective Permissions 2958 2012. 2012 Prospective Permissions ========================================================================================== MBP01 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - JAN Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) JAN The MBP is the MBC minus the Part B (or SMI) premium (if any) and reflects the dollar amount of the check or direct deposit that the respondent actually received. If the Ledger Account File (LAF) status in the month is C or C2, then a benefit has been paid on that account for that month. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2420 150.50 318.24 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBP02 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - FEB Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) FEB ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2420 150.49 317.76 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBP03 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - MAR Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) MAR ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2420 150.38 317.34 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBP04 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - APR Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) APR ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2420 150.16 316.55 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBP05 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - MAY Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) MAY ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2420 150.05 316.08 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBP06 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - JUN Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) JUN ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2290 150.84 316.10 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBP07 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - JUL Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) JUL ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2290 150.55 315.49 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBP08 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - AUG Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) AUG ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2290 150.41 315.14 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBP09 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - SEP Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) SEP ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2290 150.28 314.69 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBP10 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - OCT Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) OCT ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2290 150.06 314.10 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBP11 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - NOV Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) NOV ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2290 149.59 313.14 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MBP12 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - DEC Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) DEC ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 67205 0 2350 152.86 320.32 249 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBP01 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - JAN Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) JAN The MBP is the MBC minus the Part B (or SMI) premium (if any) and reflects the dollar amount of the check or direct deposit that the respondent actually received. If the Ledger Account File (LAF) status in the month is C or C2, then a benefit has been paid on that account for that month. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1080 0.16 20.61 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBP02 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - FEB Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) FEB ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1080 0.16 20.82 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBP03 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - MAR Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) MAR ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1080 0.16 20.81 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBP04 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - APR Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) APR ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 0.13 20.09 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBP05 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - MAY Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) MAY ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 0.11 19.92 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBP06 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - JUN Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) JUN ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 0.10 19.87 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBP07 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - JUL Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) JUL ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 0.11 19.95 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBP08 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - AUG Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) AUG ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 0.08 19.41 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBP09 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - SEP Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) SEP ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 0.12 20.06 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBP10 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - OCT Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) OCT ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 0.12 20.06 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBP11 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - NOV Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) NOV ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1050 0.12 20.10 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== OMBP12 OTHER MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - DEC Section: E Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Benefit Paid (MBC Part B Premium) DEC ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 47377 -1 1070 0.14 20.56 20077 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== Section F: MONTHLY LEDGER ACCOUNT FILE (LAF) STATUS (Deceased Spouse) ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household identifier. Use this variable in conjunction with person number to uniquely identify a respondent. ................................................................................. 67205 000003-959738. Household identifier range ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Person Number. Indentifies a respondent within a household. ................................................................................. 36203 010. Person Identifier 1833 011. Person Identifier 144 012. Person Identifier 51 013. Person Identifier 21189 020. Person Identifier 636 021. Person Identifier 022. Person Identifier 023. Person Identifier 2982 030. Person Identifier 195 031. Person Identifier 032. Person Identifier 3837 040. Person Identifier 135 041. Person Identifier 042. Person Identifier ========================================================================================== YEAR MONTHLY LAF STATUS - YEAR Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year indicator (Key=HHID + PN + YEAR) ................................................................................. 1473 1962. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1963. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1964. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1965. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1966. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1967. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1968. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1969. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1970. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1971. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1972. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1973. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1974. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1975. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1976. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1977. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1978. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1979. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1980. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1981. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1982. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1983. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1984. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1985. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1986. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1987. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1988. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1989. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1990. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1991. Benefit reporting year. 1473 1992. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1993. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1994. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1995. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1996. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1997. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1998. Benefit reporting year. 1224 1999. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2000. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2001. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2002. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2003. Benefit reporting year. 902 2004. Benefit reporting year. 902 2005. Benefit reporting year. 902 2006. Benefit reporting year. 902 2007. Benefit reporting year. 902 2008. Benefit reporting year. 902 2009. Benefit reporting year. 902 2010. Benefit reporting year. 902 2011. Benefit reporting year. 902 2012. Benefit reporting year. ========================================================================================== SOURCE YEAR PERMISSION GIVEN FLAG Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 4 Decimals: 0 Most recent permission year for this respondent. 1993: Permissions obtained in 1993 or 1995 from AHEAD cohort members; most recent information is from 1992 1999: Permissions obtained 1998 or 2000 from CODA and War Baby cohort members as well as new spouses; most recent information is from 1999 2004: Permissions obtained in 2004 from EBB and HRS cohort members, new spouses, and War Baby 1998/2000 refusers; most recent information is from 2003 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012: Prospective permissions obtained from face-to-face interviewees in one or more of the respective waves indicated; most recent information is from 2012 ................................................................................. 7719 1993. AHEAD cohort permissions (1993/1995) 380 1999. CODA/War Baby cohort permissions (1998/2000) 13104 2004. 2004 Permissions (EBB and others) 4284 2006. 2006 Prospective Permissions 24837 2008. 2008 Prospective Permissions 13923 2010. 2010 Prospective Permissions 2958 2012. 2012 Prospective Permissions ========================================================================================== LAF01 MONTHLY LAF STATUS - JAN Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status JAN ................................................................................. 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 14906 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 24 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 3 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 287 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 228 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 623 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 3 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 782 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 1 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 80 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 86 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 32 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 24 122. TA - Terminated status: Advanced filing claim terminated before maturity 39 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 999. SX - Other 50087 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LAF02 MONTHLY LAF STATUS - FEB Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status FEB ................................................................................. 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 14932 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 18 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 3 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 268 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 214 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 623 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 3 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 784 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 1 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 80 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 85 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 32 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 24 122. TA - Terminated status: Advanced filing claim terminated before maturity 37 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 50101 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LAF03 MONTHLY LAF STATUS - MAR Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status MAR ................................................................................. 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 14933 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 16 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 3 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 260 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 210 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 614 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 3 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 799 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 1 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 81 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 84 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 32 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 26 122. TA - Terminated status: Advanced filing claim terminated before maturity 37 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 50106 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LAF04 MONTHLY LAF STATUS - APR Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status APR ................................................................................. 1 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 14960 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 12 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 3 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 252 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 201 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 1 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 1 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 615 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 3 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 796 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 81 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 84 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 32 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 26 122. TA - Terminated status: Advanced filing claim terminated before maturity 38 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 50099 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LAF05 MONTHLY LAF STATUS - MAY Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status MAY ................................................................................. 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 14976 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 11 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 3 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 243 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 199 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 1 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 1 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 609 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 3 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 1 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 809 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 82 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 86 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 32 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 26 122. TA - Terminated status: Advanced filing claim terminated before maturity 37 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 50086 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LAF06 MONTHLY LAF STATUS - JUN Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status JUN ................................................................................. 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 14988 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 12 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 3 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 232 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 189 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 1 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 1 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 624 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 3 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 824 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 82 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 86 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 32 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 26 122. TA - Terminated status: Advanced filing claim terminated before maturity 37 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 50065 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LAF07 MONTHLY LAF STATUS - JUL Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status JUL ................................................................................. 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 14998 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 9 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 1 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 3 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 211 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 180 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 1 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 1 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 624 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 4 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 831 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 82 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 88 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 33 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 26 122. TA - Terminated status: Advanced filing claim terminated before maturity 33 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 50080 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LAF08 MONTHLY LAF STATUS - AUG Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status AUG ................................................................................. 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 14995 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 9 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 3 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 202 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 174 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 1 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 1 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 618 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 4 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 1 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 846 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 82 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 89 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 33 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 26 122. TA - Terminated status: Advanced filing claim terminated before maturity 33 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 50088 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LAF09 MONTHLY LAF STATUS - SEP Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status SEP ................................................................................. 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 15011 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 8 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 3 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 194 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 165 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 1 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 1 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 607 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 4 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 857 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 84 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 90 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 33 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 26 122. TA - Terminated status: Advanced filing claim terminated before maturity 31 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 50090 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LAF10 MONTHLY LAF STATUS - OCT Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status OCT ................................................................................. 1 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 15007 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 1 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 3 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 181 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 172 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 1 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 631 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 5 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 1 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 859 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 85 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 90 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 33 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 26 122. TA - Terminated status: Advanced filing claim terminated before maturity 32 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 50077 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LAF11 MONTHLY LAF STATUS - NOV Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status NOV ................................................................................. 1 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 14997 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 7 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 4 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 179 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 166 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 1 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 628 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 5 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 1 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 884 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 84 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 90 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 34 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 26 122. TA - Terminated status: Advanced filing claim terminated before maturity 30 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 50068 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== LAF12 MONTHLY LAF STATUS - DEC Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status DEC ................................................................................. 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 14999 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 15 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 1 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 3 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 175 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 150 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 620 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 4 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 1 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 892 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 84 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 91 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 34 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 26 122. TA - Terminated status: Advanced filing claim terminated before maturity 29 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 50081 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLAF01 OTHER MONTHLY LAF STATUS - JAN Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status JAN ................................................................................. 637 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 211 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 42 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 5 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 10 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 389 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 1 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Dependent terminated due to death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 64 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 1 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 46 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 65799 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLAF02 OTHER MONTHLY LAF STATUS - FEB Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status FEB ................................................................................. 636 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 209 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 42 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 5 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 10 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 387 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 1 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Dependent terminated due to death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 64 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 47 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 65804 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLAF03 OTHER MONTHLY LAF STATUS - MAR Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status MAR ................................................................................. 634 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 210 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 42 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 5 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 10 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 389 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 2 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 64 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 47 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 65802 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLAF04 OTHER MONTHLY LAF STATUS - APR Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status APR ................................................................................. 639 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 209 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 41 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 5 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 10 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 390 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 1 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 64 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 47 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 65799 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLAF05 OTHER MONTHLY LAF STATUS - MAY Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status MAY ................................................................................. 637 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 205 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 41 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 4 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 10 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 393 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 4 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 65 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 46 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 65800 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLAF06 OTHER MONTHLY LAF STATUS - JUN Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status JUN ................................................................................. 642 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 201 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 41 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 4 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 1 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 10 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 390 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 1 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 65 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 47 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 65803 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLAF07 OTHER MONTHLY LAF STATUS - JUL Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status JUL ................................................................................. 638 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 202 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 41 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 2 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 1 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 11 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 391 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 5 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 66 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 47 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 65801 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLAF08 OTHER MONTHLY LAF STATUS - AUG Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status AUG ................................................................................. 641 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 203 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 41 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 2 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 11 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 395 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 66 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 48 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 65798 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLAF09 OTHER MONTHLY LAF STATUS - SEP Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status SEP ................................................................................. 642 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 205 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 41 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 2 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 11 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 391 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 4 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 67 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 1 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 47 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 65794 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLAF10 OTHER MONTHLY LAF STATUS - OCT Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status OCT ................................................................................. 633 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 207 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 41 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 82. S1 - Suspense status: Worked outside the United States (U.S.) 3 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 11 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 398 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 3 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 67 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 46 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 65796 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLAF11 OTHER MONTHLY LAF STATUS - NOV Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status NOV ................................................................................. 635 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 205 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 40 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 3 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 10 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 396 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 2 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 67 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 46 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 65801 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OLAF12 OTHER MONTHLY LAF STATUS - DEC Section: F Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other Monthly Ledger Account File (LAF) Status DEC ................................................................................. 637 10. A - Withdrawal for adjustment [AHD] 207 30. C - Current payment status (except railroad payment) 31. C2 - Current payment status (Other) 60. N - Disallowed claim (technical disallowance) 70. P - Pending claim (adjudication pending) (no beneficiary in this claim is in a LAF other than B, N, P, T, U or X) (low order LAF is equal to LAF S low order positions) used with delayed claims to show that upon final adjudication the beneficiary is to be placed in LAF S with the same subscript. For example, LAF P2 would indicate that upon adjudication the LAF will become S2 [AHD] 41 80. S - Conditional payment status [AHD] 3 83. S2 - Suspense status: Worked inside the U.S. 84. S3 - Suspense status: Insured person worked in the U.S. 85. S4 - Suspense status: Failure to have child-in-care 88. S7 - Suspense status: Prisoner suspension; suspension due to extended trial work period (EPE SGA); or suspension for refusing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Due to legislation, VR refusal suspensions have been eliminated effective January 2001 90. S9 - Suspense status: All other suspension reasons not specifically defined (miscellaneous suspension) 91. SD - Suspense status: Technical entitlement 10 93. SH - Suspense status: Prouty beneficiary receiving government pension 100. SW - Suspense status: WC offset 395 110. T - Terminated status [AHD] 111. T& - Terminated status: Claim withdrawn; DIB attained 65/converted to rib [AHD] 112. T0 - Terminated status: Benefits payable by some other agency 1 113. T1 - Terminated status: Death of beneficiary 114. T2 - Terminated status: Death of primary beneficiary 115. T3 - Terminated status: Divorce, marriage, remarriage 67 116. T4 - Terminated status: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled; mother/ father terminated based on last childs attainment of age 18 117. T5 - Terminated status: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger 118. T6 - Terminated status: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school 120. T8 - Terminated status: DIB no longer disabled; mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled 121. T9 - Terminated status: All other termination reasons 47 180. Y - Other (no definition available) 65797 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== Section G: MONTHLY BENEFITS AND HI-SMI CHARGES (Deceased Spouse) ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household identifier. Use this variable in conjunction with person number to uniquely identify a respondent. ................................................................................. 52450 000003-959738. Household identifier range ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Person Number. Indentifies a respondent within a household. ................................................................................. 25656 010. Person Identifier 1717 011. Person Identifier 122 012. Person Identifier 51 013. Person Identifier 18269 020. Person Identifier 570 021. Person Identifier 022. Person Identifier 023. Person Identifier 2542 030. Person Identifier 189 031. Person Identifier 032. Person Identifier 3243 040. Person Identifier 91 041. Person Identifier 042. Person Identifier 101. Person Identifier ========================================================================================== YEAR BENEFITS PAID - YEAR Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year indicator (Key=HHID + PN + YEAR) ................................................................................. 902 1962. Benefit reporting year. 902 1963. Benefit reporting year. 902 1964. Benefit reporting year. 902 1965. Benefit reporting year. 902 1966. Benefit reporting year. 902 1967. Benefit reporting year. 902 1968. Benefit reporting year. 902 1969. Benefit reporting year. 902 1970. Benefit reporting year. 902 1971. Benefit reporting year. 902 1972. Benefit reporting year. 902 1973. Benefit reporting year. 902 1974. Benefit reporting year. 902 1975. Benefit reporting year. 902 1976. Benefit reporting year. 902 1977. Benefit reporting year. 902 1978. Benefit reporting year. 902 1979. Benefit reporting year. 902 1980. Benefit reporting year. 902 1981. Benefit reporting year. 902 1982. Benefit reporting year. 902 1983. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1984. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1985. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1986. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1987. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1988. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1989. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1990. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1991. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1992. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1993. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1994. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1995. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1996. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1997. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1998. Benefit reporting year. 1227 1999. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2000. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2001. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2002. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2003. Benefit reporting year. 902 2004. Benefit reporting year. 902 2005. Benefit reporting year. 902 2006. Benefit reporting year. 902 2007. Benefit reporting year. 902 2008. Benefit reporting year. 902 2009. Benefit reporting year. 902 2010. Benefit reporting year. 902 2011. Benefit reporting year. 902 2012. Benefit reporting year. ========================================================================================== SOURCE YEAR PERMISSION GIVEN FLAG Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 4 Decimals: 0 Most recent permission year for this respondent. 1999: Permissions obtained 1998 or 2000 from CODA and War Baby cohort members as well as new spouses; most recent information is from 1999 2004: Permissions obtained in 2004 from EBB and HRS cohort members, new spouses, and War Baby 1998/2000 refusers; most recent information is from 2003 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012: Prospective permissions obtained from face-to-face interviewees in one or more of the respective waves indicated; most recent information is from 2012 ................................................................................. 208 1999. CODA/War Baby cohort permissions (1998/2000) 6240 2004. 2004 Permissions (EBB and others) 4284 2006. 2006 Prospective Permissions 24837 2008. 2008 Prospective Permissions 13923 2010. 2010 Prospective Permissions 2958 2012. 2012 Prospective Permissions ========================================================================================== DPAY01 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - JAN Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - JAN In order to preserve respondent confidentiality, MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID fields are rounded as follows: A code of zero (0) represents a true zero dollar amount. A code of ten (10) represents an amount between 0.01 and 10 dollars, inclusive. A code of negative ten (-10) represents an amount between -0.01 and -10.00 dollars, inclusive. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 14610 249.03 494.79 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== DPAY02 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - FEB Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - FEB (See DPAY01 for rounding details) See DPAY01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 2880 239.70 371.51 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== DPAY03 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - MAR Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - MAR (See DPAY01 for rounding details) See DPAY01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 13510 245.58 440.53 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== DPAY04 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - APR Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - APR (See DPAY01 for rounding details) See DPAY01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 3750 238.84 372.28 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== DPAY05 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - MAY Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - MAY (See DPAY01 for rounding details) See DPAY01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 24280 246.44 496.93 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== DPAY06 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - JUN Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - JUN (See DPAY01 for rounding details) See DPAY01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 4200 240.01 376.21 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== DPAY07 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - JUL Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - JUL (See DPAY01 for rounding details) See DPAY01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 6490 244.00 395.40 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== DPAY08 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - AUG Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - AUG (See DPAY01 for rounding details) See DPAY01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 4170 238.81 372.44 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== DPAY09 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - SEP Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - SEP (See DPAY01 for rounding details) See DPAY01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 43060 247.00 662.55 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== DPAY10 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - OCT Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - OCT (See DPAY01 for rounding details) See DPAY01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 87530 250.30 1149.28 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== DPAY11 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - NOV Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - NOV (See DPAY01 for rounding details) See DPAY01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 16270 240.38 435.52 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== DPAY12 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - DEC Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY BENEFITS PAID - DEC (See DPAY01 for rounding details) See DPAY01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 21120 240.22 460.46 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MED01 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - JAN Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - JAN In order to preserve respondent confidentiality, MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES fields are rounded as follows: A code of zero (0) represents a true zero dollar amount. A code of ten (10) represents an amount between 0.01 and 10 dollars, inclusive. A code of negative ten (-10) represents an amount between -0.01 and -10.00 dollars, inclusive. Amounts with an absolute value of more than $10.00 were rounded to the nearest $10.00 dollars. Absolute values ending in $0.01 to $4.99 were rounded down, and absolute values ending in $5.00 to $9.99 were rounded up. Note: Monthly payments are reported in nominal dollars. Monthly Benefits Paid is the net amount after deducting the Medicare premiums. The HI/SMI Amount includes the payment for Part D Drugs as well as Parts B and C. Thus, the analysts must sum both monthly amounts to calculate the total benefits paid in the month by Social Security to the beneficiary. These are the actual amounts issued by the Department of the Treasury in the month. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 140 9.83 18.06 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MED02 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - FEB Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - FEB (See MED01 for rounding details) See MED01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 140 9.78 17.98 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MED03 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - MAR Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - MAR (See MED01 for rounding details) See MED01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 140 9.79 17.94 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MED04 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - APR Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - APR (See MED01 for rounding details) See MED01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 140 9.73 17.87 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MED05 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - MAY Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - MAY (See MED01 for rounding details) See MED01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 140 9.71 17.82 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MED06 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - JUN Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - JUN (See MED01 for rounding details) See MED01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 140 9.67 17.75 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MED07 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - JUL Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - JUL (See MED01 for rounding details) See MED01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 130 9.72 17.77 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MED08 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - AUG Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - AUG (See MED01 for rounding details) See MED01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 130 9.62 17.67 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MED09 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - SEP Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - SEP (See MED01 for rounding details) See MED01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 130 9.63 17.64 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MED10 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - OCT Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - OCT (See MED01 for rounding details) See MED01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 130 9.58 17.58 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MED11 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - NOV Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - NOV (See MED01 for rounding details) See MED01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 130 9.53 17.50 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== MED12 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - DEC Section: G Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 MONTHLY HI-SMI CHARGES - DEC (See MED01 for rounding details) See MED01 for additional content information. ................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 6448 0 130 9.49 17.46 46002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================================== Section J: TYPE OF BENEFIT (Deceased Spouse) ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household identifier. Use this variable in conjunction with person number to uniquely identify a respondent. ................................................................................. 59106 000003-959738. Household identifier range ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Person Number. Indentifies a respondent within a household. ................................................................................. 28824 010. Person Identifier 1833 011. Person Identifier 144 012. Person Identifier 51 013. Person Identifier 20469 020. Person Identifier 636 021. Person Identifier 022. Person Identifier 023. Person Identifier 2982 030. Person Identifier 195 031. Person Identifier 032. Person Identifier 3837 040. Person Identifier 135 041. Person Identifier 042. Person Identifier ========================================================================================== YEAR TYPE OF BENEFIT - YEAR Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Year indicator (Key=HHID + PN + YEAR) ................................................................................. 1214 1962. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1963. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1964. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1965. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1966. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1967. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1968. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1969. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1970. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1971. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1972. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1973. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1974. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1975. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1976. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1977. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1978. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1979. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1980. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1981. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1982. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1983. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1984. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1985. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1986. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1987. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1988. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1989. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1990. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1991. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1992. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1993. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1994. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1995. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1996. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1997. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1998. Benefit reporting year. 1214 1999. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2000. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2001. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2002. Benefit reporting year. 1214 2003. Benefit reporting year. 902 2004. Benefit reporting year. 902 2005. Benefit reporting year. 902 2006. Benefit reporting year. 902 2007. Benefit reporting year. 902 2008. Benefit reporting year. 902 2009. Benefit reporting year. 902 2010. Benefit reporting year. 902 2011. Benefit reporting year. 902 2012. Benefit reporting year. ========================================================================================== SOURCE YEAR PERMISSION GIVEN FLAG Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Character Width: 4 Decimals: 0 Most recent permission year for this respondent. 2004: Permissions obtained in 2004 from EBB and HRS cohort members, new spouses, and War Baby 1998/2000 refusers; most recent information is from 2003 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012: Prospective permissions obtained from face-to-face interviewees in one or more of the respective waves indicated; most recent information is from 2012 ................................................................................. 13104 2004. 2004 Permissions (EBB and others) 4284 2006. 2006 Prospective Permissions 24837 2008. 2008 Prospective Permissions 13923 2010. 2010 Prospective Permissions 2958 2012. 2012 Prospective Permissions ========================================================================================== TOB01 TYPE OF BENEFIT - JAN Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data - Type of benefit for - January ................................................................................. 16937 1. Retired Worker 6263 2. Disabled Worker 423 3. Aged Spouse 49 4. Spouse caring for minor children 102 5. Aged Widow(er) 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 112 9. Student child 146 10. Minor child 11. Undefined 12. Other reason 2 35074 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOB02 TYPE OF BENEFIT - FEB Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data - Type of benefit for - February ................................................................................. 17000 1. Retired Worker 6283 2. Disabled Worker 426 3. Aged Spouse 49 4. Spouse caring for minor children 102 5. Aged Widow(er) 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 113 9. Student child 145 10. Minor child 11. Undefined 12. Other reason 2 34988 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOB03 TYPE OF BENEFIT - MAR Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data - Type of benefit for - March ................................................................................. 17060 1. Retired Worker 6309 2. Disabled Worker 427 3. Aged Spouse 49 4. Spouse caring for minor children 104 5. Aged Widow(er) 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 113 9. Student child 146 10. Minor child 11. Other reason 1 12. Other reason 2 34898 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOB04 TYPE OF BENEFIT - APR Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data - Type of benefit for - April ................................................................................. 17121 1. Retired Worker 6333 2. Disabled Worker 428 3. Aged Spouse 49 4. Spouse caring for minor children 104 5. Aged Widow(er) 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 114 9. Student child 145 10. Minor child 11. Other reason 1 12. Other reason 2 34812 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOB05 TYPE OF BENEFIT - MAY Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data - Type of benefit for - May ................................................................................. 17189 1. Retired Worker 6345 2. Disabled Worker 429 3. Aged Spouse 50 4. Spouse caring for minor children 104 5. Aged Widow(er) 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 115 9. Student child 144 10. Minor child 11. Other reason 1 12. Other reason 2 34730 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOB06 TYPE OF BENEFIT - JUN Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data - Type of benefit for - June ................................................................................. 17254 1. Retired Worker 6372 2. Disabled Worker 432 3. Aged Spouse 50 4. Spouse caring for minor children 104 5. Aged Widow(er) 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 115 9. Student child 144 10. Minor child 11. Other reason 1 12. Other reason 2 34635 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOB07 TYPE OF BENEFIT - JUL Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data - Type of benefit for - July ................................................................................. 17309 1. Retired Worker 6393 2. Disabled Worker 432 3. Aged Spouse 50 4. Spouse caring for minor children 104 5. Aged Widow(er) 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 115 9. Student child 145 10. Minor child 11. Other reason 1 12. Other reason 2 34558 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOB08 TYPE OF BENEFIT - AUG Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data - Type of benefit for - August ................................................................................. 17367 1. Retired Worker 6407 2. Disabled Worker 435 3. Aged Spouse 50 4. Spouse caring for minor children 105 5. Aged Widow(er) 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 115 9. Student child 145 10. Minor child 11. Other reason 1 12. Other reason 2 34482 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOB09 TYPE OF BENEFIT - SEP Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data - Type of benefit for - September ................................................................................. 17427 1. Retired Worker 6428 2. Disabled Worker 436 3. Aged Spouse 50 4. Spouse caring for minor children 106 5. Aged Widow(er) 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 115 9. Student child 145 10. Minor child 11. Other reason 1 12. Other reason 2 34399 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOB10 TYPE OF BENEFIT - OCT Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data - Type of benefit for - October ................................................................................. 17496 1. Retired Worker 6441 2. Disabled Worker 437 3. Aged Spouse 50 4. Spouse caring for minor children 106 5. Aged Widow(er) 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 115 9. Student child 146 10. Minor child 11. Other reason 1 12. Other reason 2 34315 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOB11 TYPE OF BENEFIT - NOV Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data - Type of benefit for - November ................................................................................. 17546 1. Retired Worker 6479 2. Disabled Worker 440 3. Aged Spouse 51 4. Spouse caring for minor children 107 5. Aged Widow(er) 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 115 9. Student child 147 10. Minor child 11. Other reason 1 12. Other reason 2 34221 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== TOB12 TYPE OF BENEFIT - DEC Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Benefit data - Type of benefit for - December ................................................................................. 17604 1. Retired Worker 6499 2. Disabled Worker 440 3. Aged Spouse 51 4. Spouse caring for minor children 107 5. Aged Widow(er) 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 115 9. Student child 147 10. Minor child 11. Other reason 1 12. Other reason 2 34143 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOB01 OTHER TYPE OF BENEFIT - JAN Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other benefit data - Type of other benefit for - January ................................................................................. 1217 3. Aged Spouse 180 4. Spouse caring for minor children 211 5. Aged Widow(er) 128 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 37 9. Student child 55 10. Minor child 22 12. Other reason 2 57256 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOB02 OTHER TYPE OF BENEFIT - FEB Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other benefit data - Type of other benefit for - February ................................................................................. 1219 3. Aged Spouse 180 4. Spouse caring for minor children 211 5. Aged Widow(er) 128 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 37 9. Student child 56 10. Minor child 22 12. Other reason 2 57253 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOB03 OTHER TYPE OF BENEFIT - MAR Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other benefit data - Type of other benefit for - March ................................................................................. 1225 3. Aged Spouse 180 4. Spouse caring for minor children 211 5. Aged Widow(er) 128 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 37 9. Student child 56 10. Minor child 22 12. Other reason 2 57247 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOB04 OTHER TYPE OF BENEFIT - APR Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other benefit data - Type of other benefit for - April ................................................................................. 1231 3. Aged Spouse 180 4. Spouse caring for minor children 215 5. Aged Widow(er) 128 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 37 9. Student child 56 10. Minor child 22 12. Other reason 2 57237 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOB05 OTHER TYPE OF BENEFIT - MAY Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other benefit data - Type of other benefit for - May ................................................................................. 1236 3. Aged Spouse 180 4. Spouse caring for minor children 216 5. Aged Widow(er) 128 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 37 9. Student child 56 10. Minor child 22 12. Other reason 2 57231 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOB06 OTHER TYPE OF BENEFIT - JUN Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other benefit data - Type of other benefit for - June ................................................................................. 1243 3. Aged Spouse 179 4. Spouse caring for minor children 216 5. Aged Widow(er) 128 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 37 9. Student child 56 10. Minor child 22 12. Other reason 2 57225 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOB07 OTHER TYPE OF BENEFIT - JUL Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other benefit data - Type of other benefit for - July ................................................................................. 1246 3. Aged Spouse 180 4. Spouse caring for minor children 217 5. Aged Widow(er) 129 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 37 9. Student child 56 10. Minor child 22 12. Other reason 2 57219 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOB08 OTHER TYPE OF BENEFIT - AUG Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other benefit data - Type of other benefit for - August ................................................................................. 1256 3. Aged Spouse 180 4. Spouse caring for minor children 217 5. Aged Widow(er) 129 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 37 9. Student child 56 10. Minor child 21 12. Other reason 2 57210 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOB09 OTHER TYPE OF BENEFIT - SEP Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other benefit data - Type of other benefit for - September ................................................................................. 1263 3. Aged Spouse 181 4. Spouse caring for minor children 218 5. Aged Widow(er) 130 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 38 9. Student child 55 10. Minor child 21 12. Other reason 2 57200 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOB10 OTHER TYPE OF BENEFIT - OCT Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other benefit data - Type of other benefit for - October ................................................................................. 1266 3. Aged Spouse 181 4. Spouse caring for minor children 218 5. Aged Widow(er) 131 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 38 9. Student child 55 10. Minor child 21 12. Other reason 2 57196 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOB11 OTHER TYPE OF BENEFIT - NOV Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other benefit data - Type of other benefit for - November ................................................................................. 1270 3. Aged Spouse 181 4. Spouse caring for minor children 218 5. Aged Widow(er) 131 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 38 9. Student child 56 10. Minor child 21 12. Other reason 2 57191 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ========================================================================================== OTOB12 OTHER TYPE OF BENEFIT - DEC Section: J Level: Deceased Spouse Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Other benefit data - Type of other benefit for - December ................................................................................. 1274 3. Aged Spouse 185 4. Spouse caring for minor children 219 5. Aged Widow(er) 131 6. Widow(er) caring for minor children 7. Disabled widow(er) 8. Adult disabled in childhood 38 9. Student child 56 10. Minor child 21 12. Other reason 2 57182 Blank. Not available/no data/inapplicable ==========================================================================================