Documentation Database Codebook Generator (v1.1) 12/12/2006 ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 1 Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 This variable uniquely identifies an original household across waves. ................................................................................ 15879 000001-199999. Household identifier range ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 2 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Each respondent has a Person Number. The identifier is unique within an original household across waves. ................................................................................ 8054 010. Person number 300 011. Person number 5 012. Person number 4571 020. Person number 39 021. Person number 1 022. Person number 1194 030. Person number 28 031. Person number 1 032. Person number 1652 040. Person number 34 041. Person number ========================================================================================== HHIDPN HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER AND PERSON NUMBER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 3 Type: Character Width: 9 Decimals: 0 HRS Household Identifier and Person Number, concatenated ................................................................................ 15879 000001010-199999010. Household identifier - person number range ========================================================================================== ASUBHH 1992 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 4 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the baseline interview, all households for the wave are considered 'original' households, and so all have a SUBHH of zero. Respondents can have a sub-household identifier at a particular wave even if they did not provide an interview. ................................................................................ 12874 0. Original Household 3005 9. Not in this wave 0 blank. Inap., R not in this wave ========================================================================================== CSUBHH 1994 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 5 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the baseline interview, all households for the wave are considered 'original' households, and so all have a SUBHH of zero. Respondents can have a sub-household identifier at a particular wave even if they did not provide an interview. ................................................................................ 12404 0. Original Household 108 1. Sub-household, split off from original 109 2. Sub-household, split off from original 226 3. Deceased respondent household 1 4. Deceased respondent household 2923 9. Not in this wave 108 blank. Inap., R not in this wave ========================================================================================== ESUBHH 1996 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 6 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the baseline interview, all households for the wave are considered 'original' households, and so all have a SUBHH of zero. Respondents can have a sub-household identifier at a particular wave even if they did not provide an interview. ................................................................................ 12050 0. Original Household 222 1. Sub-household, split off from original 180 2. Sub-household, split off from original 273 3. Deceased respondent household 3 4. Deceased respondent household 2 5. Sub-household, split off from household that had already split into '1' and '2' 3041 9. Not in this wave 108 blank. Inap., R not in this wave ========================================================================================== FSUBHH 1998 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 7 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the baseline interview, all households for the wave are considered 'original' households, and so all have a SUBHH of zero. Respondents can have a sub-household identifier at a particular wave even if they did not provide an interview. ................................................................................ 14063 0. Original Household 286 1. Sub-household, split off from original 273 2. Sub-household, split off from original 345 3. Deceased respondent household 4 4. Deceased respondent household 7 5. Sub-household, split off from household that had already split into '1' and '2' 34 7. Used when two respondents split and then recombine with each other 759 9. Not in this wave 108 blank. Inap., R not in this wave ========================================================================================== GSUBHH 2000 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 8 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the baseline interview, all households for the wave are considered 'original' households, and so all have a SUBHH of zero. Respondents can have a sub-household identifier at a particular wave even if they did not provide an interview. ................................................................................ 13521 0. Original Household 359 1. Sub-household, split off from original 330 2. Sub-household, split off from original 458 3. Deceased respondent household 9 4. Deceased respondent household 12 5. Sub-household, split off from household that had already split into '1' and '2' 1 6. Sub-household, split off from household that had already split into '1' and '2' 40 7. Used when two respondents split and then recombine with each other 1041 9. Not in this wave 108 blank. Inap., R not in this wave ========================================================================================== DB60_92T FLAG-INDICATES DB VALUE BEING IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 9 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Flag: Indicates that the DB value at age 60 in the 1992 survey is imputed. ................................................................................ 1240 1. Imputed- mixed method 14639 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== DB60_92X IMPUTED DB VALUE AT AGE 60 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 10 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes observed DB values at age 60 for respondents with matched DB plan and imputed DB values for respondents without a matched plan from the 1992 employer survey. ................................................................................ N: 3105 Nmiss: 12774 Min: 0 MAX: 2874664 Mean: 192503.71 ========================================================================================== DB62_92T FLAG-INDICATES DB VALUE BEING IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 11 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Flag: Indicates that the DB value at age 62 in the 1992 survey is imputed. ................................................................................ 1239 1. Imputed- mixed method 14640 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== DB62_92X IMPUTED DB VALUE AT AGE 62 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 12 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes observed DB values at age 62 for respondents with matched DB plan and imputed DB values for respondents without a matched plan from the 1992 employer survey. ................................................................................ N: 3105 Nmiss: 12774 Min: 0 MAX: 3161202 Mean: 220786.89 ========================================================================================== DB65_92T FLAG-INDICATES DB VALUE BEING IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 13 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Flag: Indicates that the DB value at age 65 in the 1992 survey is imputed. ................................................................................ 1236 1. Imputed- mixed method 14643 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== DB65_92X IMPUTED DB VALUE AT AGE 65 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 14 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes observed DB values at age 65 for respondents with matched DB plan and imputed DB values for respondents without a matched plan from the 1992 employer survey. ................................................................................ N: 3105 Nmiss: 12774 Min: 0 MAX: 3623465 Mean: 266373.23 ========================================================================================== EAGE_92X IMPUTED EARLY RETIREMENT AGE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 15 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes the early age of retirement for respondents with matched plan and imputed early age for respondenst without a matched plan from the 1992 employer survey. ................................................................................ N: 3105 Nmiss: 12774 Min: 34 MAX: 64 Mean: 54.99 ========================================================================================== DBER_92T FLAG-INDICATES DB VALUE BEING IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 16 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Flag: Indicates that the DB value at early retirement age (that is, the first year the person becomes eligible for early retirement benefits) in the 1992 survey is imputed. ................................................................................ 1715 1. Imputed- mixed method 14164 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== EAGE_92T FLAG-INDICATES EARLY RETIREMENT AGE IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 17 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Flag: Indicates that the early age of retirement is imputed. ................................................................................ 1715 1. Imputed- mixed method 14164 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== DBER_92X IMPUTED DB VALUE AT EARLY RETIREMENT AGE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 18 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes observed DB values at early retirement age for respondents with matched DB plan and imputed DB values for respondents without a matched plan from the 1992 employer survey. ................................................................................ N: 3105 Nmiss: 12774 Min: 8 MAX: 2686598 Mean: 107428.74 ========================================================================================== NAGE_92X IMPUTED NORMAL AGE OF RETIREMENT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 19 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes the normal age of retirement for respondents with matched plan and imputed normal age for respondenst without a matched plan from the 1992 employer survey data. ................................................................................ N: 3103 Nmiss: 12776 Min: 30 MAX: 70 Mean: 61.17 ========================================================================================== DBNR_92T FLAG-INDICATES DB VALUE BEING IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 20 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Flag: Indicates that the DB value at normal age of retirement in the 1992 survey is imputed. ................................................................................ 1252 1. Imputed- mixed method 14627 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== NAGE_92T FLAG-INDICATES NORMAL AGE OF RETIREMENT IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 21 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Flag: Indicates that the normal age of retirement is imputed. ................................................................................ 1250 1. Imputed- mixed method 14629 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== DBNR_92X IMPUTED DB VALUE AT NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 22 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes observed DB values at normal age of retirement for respondents with matched DB plan and imputed DB values for respondents without a matched plan from the 1992 employer survey. ................................................................................ N: 3105 Nmiss: 12774 Min: 545 MAX: 3161202 Mean: 206660.91 ========================================================================================== XAGE_92X IMPUTED EXPECTED RETIREMENT AGE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 24 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes the expected age of retirement for respondents who reported an excpected age in 92 and imputed expected age for respondenst without missing values from the 1992 core survey data. ................................................................................ N: 3105 Nmiss: 12774 Min: 30 MAX: 95 Mean: 61.97 ========================================================================================== XAGE_92T FLAG-INDICATES EXPECTED AGE BEING IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 25 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Flag: Indicates that the normal age of retirement is imputed. ................................................................................ 292 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 8 3. Replaced 12352 4. Original 3227 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== DBXP_92T FLAG-INDICATES DB VALUE BEING IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 26 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Flag: Indicates that the DB value at expected age of retirement in the 1992 survey is imputed. ................................................................................ 1248 1. Imputed- mixed method 14631 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== DBXP_92X IMPUTED DB VALUE AT EXPECTED AGE RECEIVE BENEFIT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 27 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes observed DB values at expected age of retirement for respondents with matched DB plan and imputed DB values for respondents without a matched plan from the 1992 employer survey. ................................................................................ N: 3105 Nmiss: 12774 Min: 0 MAX: 3386717 Mean: 215433.39 ========================================================================================== PVXP_92 IMP DB VALUE AT EXP AGE OF RET PRORATED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 28 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes observed DB values prorated based on respondents’ work to survey date (1992) as a share of work from date of hire until the expected age of retirement. ................................................................................ N: 3105 Nmiss: 12774 Min: 0 MAX: 2763630 Mean: 107862.51 ========================================================================================== DB60_98T FLAG-INDICATES DB VALUE BEING IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 29 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Flag: Indicates that the DB value at age 60 in the 1998 survey is imputed. ................................................................................ 1379 1. Imputed- mixed method 14500 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== DB60_98X IMPUTED DB VALUES AT AGE 60 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 30 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes observed DB values at age 60 for respondents with matched DB plan and imputed DB values at age 60 for respondents without a matched plan from the 1998 employer survey. ................................................................................ N: 2324 Nmiss: 13555 Min: 0 MAX: 1702129 Mean: 188794.35 ========================================================================================== DB62_98T FLAG-INDICATES DB VALUE BEING IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 31 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Flag: Indicates that the DB value at age 62 in the 1998 survey is imputed. ................................................................................ 1371 1. Imputed- mixed method 14508 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== DB62_98X IMPUTED DB VALUES AT AGE 62 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 32 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes observed DB values at age 62 for respondents with matched DB plan and imputed DB values at age 62 for respondents without a matched plan from the 1998 employer survey. ................................................................................ N: 2324 Nmiss: 13555 Min: 0 MAX: 1755713 Mean: 221401.63 ========================================================================================== DB65_98T FLAG-INDICATES DB VALUE BEING IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 33 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Flag: Indicates that the DB value at age 65 in the 1998 survey is imputed. ................................................................................ 1366 1. Imputed- mixed method 14513 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== DB65_98X IMPUTED DB VALUES AT AGE 65 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 34 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes observed DB values at age 65 for respondents with matched DB plan and imputed DB values at age 65 for respondents without a matched plan from the 1998 employer survey. ................................................................................ N: 2324 Nmiss: 13555 Min: 0 MAX: 2020548 Mean: 265900.68 ========================================================================================== EAGE_98X IMPUTED EARLY RETIREMENT AGE FROM SPDS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 35 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes the early age of retirement for respondents with matched plan and imputed early age for respondenst without a matched plan from the 1998 employer survey. ................................................................................ N: 2324 Nmiss: 13555 Min: 30 MAX: 64 Mean: 55.67 ========================================================================================== DBER_98T FLAG-INDICATES DB VALUE BEING IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 36 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates that the DB value at early retirement age in the 1998 survey is imputed. ................................................................................ 1435 1. Imputed- mixed method 14444 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== EAGE_98T FLAG-INDICATES EARLY RETIREMENT AGE IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 37 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the early age of retirement being imputed. ................................................................................ 1603 1. Imputed- mixed method 14276 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== DBER_98X IMPUTED DB VALUE AT EARLY RETIREMENT AGE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 38 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes observed DB values at early retirement age for respondents with matched DB plan and imputed DB values for respondents without a matched plan from the 1998 employer survey. ................................................................................ N: 2324 Nmiss: 13555 Min: 38 MAX: 1292890 Mean: 114321.98 ========================================================================================== NAGE_98X IMPUTED NORMAL AGE OF RETIREMENT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 39 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes the normal age of retirement for respondents with matched plan and imputed normal age for respondenst without a matched plan from the 1998 employer survey data. ................................................................................ N: 2324 Nmiss: 13555 Min: 46 MAX: 78 Mean: 61.69 ========================================================================================== DBNR_98T FLAG-INDICATES DB VALUE BEING IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 40 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Flag: Indicates that the DB value at normal age of retirement in the 1998 survey is imputed. ................................................................................ 1364 1. Imputed- mixed method 14515 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== NAGE_98T FLAG-INDICATES NORMAL AGE OF RETIREMENT IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 41 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the normal age of retirement being imputed. ................................................................................ 1364 1. Imputed- mixed method 14515 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== DBNR_98X IMPUTED DB VALUE AT NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 42 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes observed DB values at normal age of retirement for respondents with matched DB plan and imputed DB values for respondents without a matched plan from the 1998 employer survey. ................................................................................ N: 2324 Nmiss: 13555 Min: 431 MAX: 2020548 Mean: 217603.11 ========================================================================================== XAGE_98X IMPUTED EXPECTED AGE TO RECEIVE BENEFIT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 43 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes the expected age of retirement for respondents who reported an excpected age in 98 and imputed expected age for respondenst without missing values from the 1998 core survey data. ................................................................................ N: 2324 Nmiss: 13555 Min: 45 MAX: 94 Mean: 62.36 ========================================================================================== XAGE_98T FLAG-INDICATES IMP AGE EXPECT TO RECEIVE BENEFIT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 44 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the expected age of retirement being imputed. ................................................................................ 252 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 16 3. Replaced 12845 4. Original 2766 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== DBXP_98T FLAG-INDICATES DB VALUE BEING IMPUTED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 45 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Flag: Indicates that the DB value at expected age of retirement in the 1998 survey is imputed. ................................................................................ 1365 1. Imputed- mixed method 14514 blank. Not imputed/Inap ========================================================================================== DBXP_98X IMPUTED DB VALUE AT AGE EXPECT TO RECEIVE BENEFIT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 46 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes observed DB values at expected age of retirement for respondents with matched DB plan and imputed DB values for respondents without a matched plan from the 1998 employer survey. ................................................................................ N: 2324 Nmiss: 13555 Min: 0 MAX: 1709193 Mean: 214596.23 ========================================================================================== PVXP_98 IMP DB VALUE AT EXP AGE OF RET PRORATED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 47 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes observed DB values prorated based on respondents’ work to survey date (1998) as a share of work from date of hire until the expected age of retirement. ................................................................................ N: 2324 Nmiss: 13555 Min: 14.1535301208496 MAX: 981810.6875 Mean: 120981.25 ========================================================================================== V2910X IMP-(F40:P1-MNY IN ACCT NOW:$) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 48 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 F40. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 140 Nmiss: 15739 Min: 700 MAX: 400000 Mean: 36968.54 ========================================================================================== V2910T TYPE:IMP (F40:P1-MNY IN ACCT NOW:$) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 49 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 49 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12603 4. Original 3227 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3010X IMP-(F40:P2-MNY IN ACCT NOW:$) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 50 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 F40. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 13 Nmiss: 15866 Min: 5000 MAX: 26000 Mean: 11363.46 ========================================================================================== V3010T TYPE:IMP (F40:P2-MNY IN ACCT NOW:$) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 51 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 8 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12644 4. Original 3227 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3110X IMP-(F40:P3-MNY IN ACCT NOW:$) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 52 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 F40. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 2 Nmiss: 15877 Min: 3000 MAX: 3000 Mean: 3000. ========================================================================================== V3110T TYPE:IMP (F40:P3-MNY IN ACCT NOW:$) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 53 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 1 3. Replaced 12651 4. Original 3227 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V2940X IMP-(F58:TB/P1:$ IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 54 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 F58. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 1539 Nmiss: 14340 Min: 0 MAX: 5500000 Mean: 44975.48 ========================================================================================== V2940T TYPE:IMP (F58:TB/P1:$ IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 55 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 478 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12174 4. Original 3227 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3040X IMP-(F58:TB/P2:$ IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 56 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 F58. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 1021 Nmiss: 14858 Min: 0 MAX: 1250000 Mean: 37422.74 ========================================================================================== V3040T TYPE:IMP (F58:TB/P2:$ IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 57 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 225 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12427 4. Original 3227 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3140X IMP-(F58:TB/P3:$ IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 58 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 F58. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 161 Nmiss: 15718 Min: 180 MAX: 600000 Mean: 38117.91 ========================================================================================== V3140T TYPE:IMP (F58:TB/P3:$ IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 59 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 49 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12603 4. Original 3227 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== V3151X IMP-(F65:ACCT OTHER PENSN) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 60 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 F65. [IF 4 OR MORE:] Altogether how much do you have in your account balance(s) for any other pension plans or savings plan(s) from this job ................................................................................ N: 24 Nmiss: 15855 Min: 3000 MAX: 250000 Mean: 35649.96 ========================================================================================== V3151T TYPE:IMP (F65:ACCT OTHER PENSN) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 61 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 12 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12640 4. Original 3227 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W3713X IMP (FA66. AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 62 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FA66. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 166 Nmiss: 15713 Min: 0 MAX: 560000 Mean: 73310.98 ========================================================================================== W3713T TYPE:IMP(FA66. AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 63 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 50 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11546 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W3725X IMP (FA66. AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 64 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FA66. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 21 Nmiss: 15858 Min: 0 MAX: 200000 Mean: 46625.67 ========================================================================================== W3725T TYPE:IMP(FA66. AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 65 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 7 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11589 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W3737X IMP (FA66. AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 66 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FA66. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 5 Nmiss: 15874 Min: 0 MAX: 100000 Mean: 47300. ========================================================================================== W3737T TYPE:IMP(FA66. AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 67 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 1 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11595 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W3723X IMP (FA70. AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 68 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FA70. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 901 Nmiss: 14978 Min: 0 MAX: 850000 Mean: 48903.73 ========================================================================================== W3723T TYPE:IMP(FA70. AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 69 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 249 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11347 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W3735X IMP (FA70. AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 70 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FA70. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 334 Nmiss: 15545 Min: 0 MAX: 450000 Mean: 46477.96 ========================================================================================== W3735T TYPE:IMP(FA70. AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 71 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 78 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11518 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W3747X IMP (FA70. AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 72 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FA70. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 27 Nmiss: 15852 Min: 0 MAX: 50000 Mean: 14711.11 ========================================================================================== W3747T TYPE:IMP(FA70. AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 73 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 7 2. Hot-decked 1 3. Replaced 11588 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W3757X IMP (1.FA74.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 74 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FA74. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 59 Nmiss: 15820 Min: 0 MAX: 160000 Mean: 28112.71 ========================================================================================== W3757T TYPE:IMP(1.FA74.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 75 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 17 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11579 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W3809X IMP (2.FA74.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 76 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FA74. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 11 Nmiss: 15868 Min: 0 MAX: 20000 Mean: 12913.64 ========================================================================================== W3809T TYPE:IMP(2.FA74.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 77 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 4 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11592 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W3861X IMP (3.FA74.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 78 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FA74. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 5 Nmiss: 15874 Min: 18000 MAX: 18000 Mean: 18000. ========================================================================================== W3861T TYPE:IMP(3.FA74.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 79 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 4 3. Replaced 11592 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W3797X IMP (1.FA92.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 80 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FA92. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 368 Nmiss: 15511 Min: 0 MAX: 9999994 Mean: 182144.16 ========================================================================================== W3797T TYPE:IMP(1.FA92.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 82 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 132 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 6 3. Replaced 11458 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W3849X IMP (2.FA92.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 83 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ N: 92 Nmiss: 15787 Min: 0 MAX: 200000 Mean: 31090.34 ========================================================================================== W3849T TYPE:IMP(2.FA92.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 84 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 29 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11567 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W3901X IMP (3.FA92.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 85 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FA92. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 21 Nmiss: 15858 Min: 0 MAX: 100000 Mean: 20338.62 ========================================================================================== W3901T TYPE:IMP(3.FA92.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 86 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 2 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11594 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W3912X IMP (FA99.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 87 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FA99. Altogether how much do you have in your account balance(s) for any other pension plans or savings plan(s) from this job? ................................................................................ N: 13 Nmiss: 15866 Min: 700 MAX: 100000 Mean: 10761.54 ========================================================================================== W3912T TYPE:IMP(FA99.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 88 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 10 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11586 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W4416X IMP (1.FB38.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 89 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FB38. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 9 Nmiss: 15870 Min: 0 MAX: 230000 Mean: 96111.11 ========================================================================================== W4416T IMP-TYPE(1.FB38.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 90 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 1 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11595 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W4520X IMP (3.FB38.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 91 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FB38. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 1 Nmiss: 15878 Min: 0 MAX: 0 Mean: . ========================================================================================== W4520T IMP-TYPE(3.FB38.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 92 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 1 3. Replaced 11595 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W4456X IMP (2.FB56.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 93 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FB56. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 71 Nmiss: 15808 Min: 0 MAX: 1000000 Mean: 209250.73 ========================================================================================== W4456T IMP-TYPE(2.FB56.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 94 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 27 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11569 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W4508X IMP (2.FB56.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 95 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FB56. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 22 Nmiss: 15857 Min: 3000 MAX: 500000 Mean: 82068.18 ========================================================================================== W4508T IMP-TYPE(2.FB56.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 96 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 6 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11590 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W4571X IMP (FB63.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 97 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FB63. Altogether how much do you have in your account balance(s) for any other pension plans or savings plan(s) from this job? ................................................................................ N: 2 Nmiss: 15877 Min: 20000 MAX: 20000 Mean: 20000. ========================================================================================== W4571T IMP-TYPE(FB63.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 98 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 1 3. Replaced 11595 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W4560X IMP (FB56.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 99 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ N: 2 Nmiss: 15877 Min: 10000 MAX: 10000 Mean: 10000. ========================================================================================== W4560T TYPE:IMP (FB56.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 100 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 11596 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap., R not in this wave ========================================================================================== W4468X IMP (FB38.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 101 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FB38. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 1 Nmiss: 15878 Min: 200000 MAX: 200000 Mean: 200000. ========================================================================================== W4468T TYPE:IMP (FB38.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 102 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 11596 4. Original 4283 blank. Inap., R not in this wave ========================================================================================== E2841_1X IMP (G70.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 103 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G70. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 170 Nmiss: 15709 Min: 100 MAX: 500000 Mean: 66158.62 ========================================================================================== E2841_1T TYPE:IMP (G70.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 104 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 44 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 10920 4. Original 4915 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== E2841_2X IMP (G70.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 105 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G70. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 22 Nmiss: 15857 Min: 1500 MAX: 255000 Mean: 69136.36 ========================================================================================== E2841_2T TYPE:IMP (G70.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 106 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 8 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 10956 4. Original 4915 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== E2856_1X IMP (G74.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 107 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ N: 867 Nmiss: 15012 Min: 0 MAX: 6000000 Mean: 68843.54 ========================================================================================== E2856_1T TYPE:IMP (G74.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 108 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 228 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 14 3. Replaced 10722 4. Original 4915 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== E2856_2X IMP (G74.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 109 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G74. How much money is in your account at present? AMOUNT ................................................................................ N: 273 Nmiss: 15606 Min: 0 MAX: 6000000 Mean: 75177.27 ========================================================================================== E2856_2T TYPE:IMP (G74.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 110 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 53 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 1 3. Replaced 10910 4. Original 4915 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== E2856_3X IMP (G74.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 111 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G74. How much money is in your account at present? AMOUNT ................................................................................ N: 38 Nmiss: 15841 Min: 0 MAX: 6000000 Mean: 183583.08 ========================================================================================== E2856_3T TYPE:IMP (G74.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 112 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 7 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 10957 4. Original 4915 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== E2876_1X IMP (G78.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 113 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G78. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? AMOUNT ................................................................................ N: 81 Nmiss: 15798 Min: 0 MAX: 1500000 Mean: 99588.89 ========================================================================================== E2876_1T TYPE:IMP (G78.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 114 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 27 3. Replaced 10937 4. Original 4915 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== E2876_2X IMP (G78.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 115 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G78. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? AMOUNT ................................................................................ N: 11 Nmiss: 15868 Min: 2000 MAX: 200000 Mean: 47818.18 ========================================================================================== E2876_2T TYPE:IMP (G78.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 116 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 6 2. Hot-decked 2 3. Replaced 10956 4. Original 4915 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== E2876_3X IMP (G78.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 117 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G78. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? AMOUNT ................................................................................ N: 6 Nmiss: 15873 Min: 12000 MAX: 79000 Mean: 33557.33 ========================================================================================== E2876_3T TYPE:IMP (G78.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 118 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 1 2. Hot-decked 1 3. Replaced 10962 4. Original 4915 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== E2942_1X IMP (G96.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 119 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G96. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 448 Nmiss: 15431 Min: 0 MAX: 700000 Mean: 26444.19 ========================================================================================== E2942_1T TYPE:IMP (G96.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 121 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 133 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 2 3. Replaced 10829 4. Original 4915 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== E2942_2X IMP (G96.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 122 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G96. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 137 Nmiss: 15742 Min: 0 MAX: 450000 Mean: 39253.53 ========================================================================================== E2942_2T TYPE:IMP (G96.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 123 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 46 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 2 3. Replaced 10916 4. Original 4915 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== E2942_3X IMP (G96.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 124 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G96. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 18 Nmiss: 15861 Min: 0 MAX: 1500000 Mean: 261205.56 ========================================================================================== E2942_3T TYPE:IMP (G96.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 125 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 9 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 10955 4. Original 4915 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== E2954X IMP (G103.ACCOUNT BALANCE IN OTHER PLANS) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 126 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G103. Altogether how much do you have in your account balance(s) for any other pension plans or savings plan(s) from this job? ................................................................................ N: 11 Nmiss: 15868 Min: 72 MAX: 1500000 Mean: 240721.64 ========================================================================================== E2954T TYPE:IMP (G103.ACCOUNT BALANCE IN OTHER PLANS) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 127 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 4 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 10960 4. Original 4915 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== E2841_3X IMP (G70.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 128 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G70. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 0 Nmiss: 15879 ========================================================================================== E2841_3T TYPE:IMP (G70.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 129 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 10964 4. Original 4915 blank. Inap., R not in this wave ========================================================================================== F3365_1X IMP-(G70.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 130 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G70. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 147 Nmiss: 15732 Min: 1000 MAX: 1400000 Mean: 96638.93 ========================================================================================== F3365_1T TYPE:IMP-(G70.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 131 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 55 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 3 3. Replaced 13055 4. Original 2766 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== F3365_2X IMP-(G70.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 132 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G70. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 27 Nmiss: 15852 Min: 0 MAX: 80000 Mean: 29777.78 ========================================================================================== F3365_2T TYPE:IMP-(G70.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 133 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 17 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 13096 4. Original 2766 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== F3365_3X IMP-(G70.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 134 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G70. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 2 Nmiss: 15877 Min: 10000 MAX: 10000 Mean: 10000. ========================================================================================== F3365_3T TYPE:IMP-(G70.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 135 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 1 3. Replaced 13112 4. Original 2766 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== F3383_1X IMP-(G74.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 136 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G74. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 839 Nmiss: 15040 Min: 0 MAX: 3000000 Mean: 84849.17 ========================================================================================== F3383_1T TYPE:IMP-(G74.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 137 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 265 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 29 3. Replaced 12819 4. Original 2766 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== F3383_2X IMP-(G74.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 138 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G74. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 220 Nmiss: 15659 Min: 0 MAX: 1200000 Mean: 67770.91 ========================================================================================== F3383_2T TYPE:IMP-(G74.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 139 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 57 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 4 3. Replaced 13052 4. Original 2766 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== F3383_3X IMP-(G74.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 140 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G74. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 23 Nmiss: 15856 Min: 500 MAX: 275000 Mean: 44082.61 ========================================================================================== F3383_3T TYPE:IMP-(G74.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 141 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 4 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 13109 4. Original 2766 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== F3404_1X IMP-(G78.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 142 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G78. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 179 Nmiss: 15700 Min: 0 MAX: 1100000 Mean: 82955. ========================================================================================== F3404_1T TYPE:IMP-(G78.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 143 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 65 2. Hot-decked 3 3. Replaced 13045 4. Original 2766 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== F3404_2X IMP-(G78.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 144 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G78. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 29 Nmiss: 15850 Min: 0 MAX: 350000 Mean: 86551.72 ========================================================================================== F3404_2T TYPE:IMP-(G78.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 145 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 8 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 13105 4. Original 2766 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== F3404_3X IMP-(G78.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 146 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G78. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 3 Nmiss: 15876 Min: 0 MAX: 250000 Mean: 130000. ========================================================================================== F3404_3T TYPE:IMP-(G78.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 147 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 1 3. Replaced 13112 4. Original 2766 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== F3470_1X IMP-(G96.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 148 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G96. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 905 Nmiss: 14974 Min: 0 MAX: 12000000 Mean: 61931.87 ========================================================================================== F3470_1T TYPE:IMP-(G96.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 150 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 297 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 30 3. Replaced 12786 4. Original 2766 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== F3470_2X IMP-(G96.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 151 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G96. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 371 Nmiss: 15508 Min: 0 MAX: 900000 Mean: 58372.53 ========================================================================================== F3470_2T TYPE:IMP-(G96.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 152 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 82 1. Mixed 24 2. Hot-decked 4 3. Replaced 13003 4. Original 2766 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== F3470_3X IMP-(G96.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 153 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G96. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 46 Nmiss: 15833 Min: 0 MAX: 180000 Mean: 30165.85 ========================================================================================== F3470_3T TYPE:IMP-(G96.AMOUNT IN ACCOUNT PRESENTLY) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 154 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 15 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 13098 4. Original 2766 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== F3482X IMP-(G103.ACCOUNT BALANCE IN OTHER ) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 155 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G103. Altogether how much do you have in your account balance(s) for any other pension plans or savings plan(s) from this job? ................................................................................ N: 14 Nmiss: 15865 Min: 0 MAX: 12000 Mean: 3650. ========================================================================================== F3482T TYPE:IMP-(G103.ACCOUNT BALANCE IN OTHER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 156 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 5 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 13108 4. Original 2766 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3625_1X IMP (G70.1ST AMOUNT IN TYPE BOTH ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 157 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G70. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 94 Nmiss: 15785 Min: 200 MAX: 700000 Mean: 109912.77 ========================================================================================== G3625_1T TYPE:IMP (G70.1ST AMOUNT IN TYPE BOTH ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 158 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 32 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12423 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3625_2X IMP (G70.2ND AMOUNT IN TYPE BOTH ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 159 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G70. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 1 Nmiss: 15878 Min: 700000 MAX: 700000 Mean: 700000. ========================================================================================== G3625_2T TYPE:IMP (G70.2ND AMOUNT IN TYPE BOTH ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 160 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12455 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3625_3X IMP (G70.3RD AMOUNT IN TYPE BOTH ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 161 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G70. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 0 Nmiss: 15879 ========================================================================================== G3625_3T TYPE:IMP (G70.3RD AMOUNT IN TYPE BOTH ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 162 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12455 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3625_4X IMP (G70.4TH AMOUNT IN TYPE BOTH ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 163 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G70. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 0 Nmiss: 15879 ========================================================================================== G3625_4T TYPE:IMP (G70.4TH AMOUNT IN TYPE BOTH ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 164 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12455 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3643_1X IMP (G74.1ST AMOUNT IN DC ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 165 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G74. How much money is in your account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 974 Nmiss: 14905 Min: 0 MAX: 2220000 Mean: 114881.17 ========================================================================================== G3643_1T TYPE:IMP (G74.1ST AMOUNT IN DC ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 166 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 303 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 31 3. Replaced 12121 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3643_2X IMP (G74.2ND AMOUNT IN DC ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 167 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G74. How much money is in your account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 284 Nmiss: 15595 Min: 0 MAX: 1300000 Mean: 73161.76 ========================================================================================== G3643_2T TYPE:IMP (G74.2ND AMOUNT IN DC ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 168 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 67 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12388 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3643_3X IMP (G74.3RD AMOUNT IN DC ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 169 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G74. How much money is in your account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 15 Nmiss: 15864 Min: 150 MAX: 500000 Mean: 64176.67 ========================================================================================== G3643_3T TYPE:IMP (G74.3RD AMOUNT IN DC ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 170 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 3 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12452 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3643_4X IMP (G74.4TH AMOUNT IN DC ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 171 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G74. How much money is in your account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 4 Nmiss: 15875 Min: 1000 MAX: 120000 Mean: 47750. ========================================================================================== G3643_4T TYPE:IMP (G74.4TH AMOUNT IN DC ACCT) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 172 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12455 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3684_1X IMP (G78.1ST BOTHS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 173 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G78. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 86 Nmiss: 15793 Min: 0 MAX: 300000 Mean: 62820.47 ========================================================================================== G3684_1T TYPE:IMP (G78.1ST BOTHS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 174 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 34 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12421 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3684_2X IMP (G78.2ND BOTHS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 175 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G78. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 10 Nmiss: 15869 Min: 0 MAX: 119000 Mean: 40100. ========================================================================================== G3684_2T TYPE:IMP (G78.2ND BOTHS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 176 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 4 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12451 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3684_3X IMP (G78.3RD BOTHS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 177 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G78. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 1 Nmiss: 15878 Min: 120000 MAX: 120000 Mean: 120000. ========================================================================================== G3684_3T TYPE:IMP (G78.3RD BOTHS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 178 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 1 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12454 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3684_4X IMP (G78.4TH BOTHS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 179 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G78. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 0 Nmiss: 15879 ========================================================================================== G3684_4T TYPE:IMP (G78.4TH BOTHS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 180 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12455 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3755_1X IMP (G96.1ST DCS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 181 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G96. How much money is in your account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 629 Nmiss: 15250 Min: 0 MAX: 1000000 Mean: 49877.06 ========================================================================================== G3755_1T TYPE:IMP (G96.1ST DCS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 182 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 200 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12255 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3755_2X IMP (G96.2ND DCS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 183 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G96. How much money is in your account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 168 Nmiss: 15711 Min: 0 MAX: 600000 Mean: 46310.29 ========================================================================================== G3755_2T TYPE:IMP (G96.2ND DCS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 185 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 56 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12399 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3755_3X IMP (G96.3RD DCS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 186 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G96. How much money is in your account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 25 Nmiss: 15854 Min: 0 MAX: 400000 Mean: 42556. ========================================================================================== G3755_3T TYPE:IMP (G96.3RD DCS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 187 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 7 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12448 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3755_4X IMP (G96.4TH DCS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 188 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G96. How much money is in your account at present? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 5 Nmiss: 15874 Min: 1300 MAX: 400000 Mean: 244200. ========================================================================================== G3755_4T TYPE:IMP (G96.4TH DCS CURRENT ACCT BALANCE) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 189 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 2 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 12453 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== G3773X IMP (G103.ACCOUNT BALANCE IN OTHER PLANS) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 190 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 G103. Altogether how much do you have in your account balance(s) for any other pension plans or savings plan(s) from this job? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ N: 0 Nmiss: 15879 ========================================================================================== G3773T TYPE:IMP (G103.ACCOUNT BALANCE IN OTHER PLANS) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 191 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 2 3. Replaced 12453 4. Original 3424 blank. Inap ========================================================================================== DC_92 IMPUTED DC VALUE FROM CURRENT JOB-1992 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 192 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes reported and imputed DC values from all DC and/or Combination accounts from respondent's current job in 1992. ................................................................................ N: 2499 Nmiss: 13380 Min: 0 MAX: 5500000 Mean: 47918.28 ========================================================================================== DC_94 IMPUTED DC VALUE FROM CURRENT JOB-1994 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 193 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes reported and imputed DC values from all DC and/or Combination accounts from respondent's current job in 1994. ................................................................................ N: 1844 Nmiss: 14035 Min: 0 MAX: 9999994 Mean: 88559.02 ========================================================================================== DC_96 IMPUTED DC VALUE FROM CURRENT JOB-1996 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 194 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes reported and imputed DC values from all DC and/or Combination accounts from respondent's current job in 1996. ................................................................................ N: 1776 Nmiss: 14103 Min: 0 MAX: 18000000 Mean: 75069.41 ========================================================================================== DC_98 IMPUTED DC VALUE FROM CURRENT JOB-1998 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 195 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes reported and imputed DC values from all DC and/or Combination accounts from respondent's current job in 1998. ................................................................................ N: 2396 Nmiss: 13483 Min: 0 MAX: 12000000 Mean: 83069.32 ========================================================================================== DC_00 IMPUTED DC VALUE FROM CURRENT JOB-2000 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 196 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 This variable includes reported and imputed DC values from all DC and/or Combination accounts from respondent's current job in 2000. ................................................................................ N: 2035 Nmiss: 13844 Min: 0 MAX: 2250000 Mean: 94456.47 Codebook complete