Documentation Database Codebook Generator (v1.1) 06/28/2005 ========================================================================================== HHIDPN HRS HOUSEHOLD ID PN NUMBER Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 67 Type: Character Width: 9 Decimals: 0 HRS HOUSEHOLD ID PN NUMBER ................................................................................ 11596 000001010-099587010. HRS Household ID and Person Number ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 68 Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 HRS Household Identifier ................................................................................ 11596 000001-099587. HRS Household Identifier ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 69 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 HRS Person Number ................................................................................ 11596 010-040. HRS Person Number ========================================================================================== CSUBHH 1994 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 70 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 1994 Sub-Household Identifier ................................................................................ 11596 0-3. 1994 Sub-Household Identifier ========================================================================================== W4275X IMP (FB8.DISPOSITION OF PENSION) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 71 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 FB8. Do you expect to receive benefits from this plan in the future, are you receiving benefits now, did you get a cash settlement when you left, did you lose your benefits, or what? User note: DO NOT PROBE BUT ENTER ALL THAT APPLY ................................................................................ 12 1. EXPECT FUTURE BENEFITS 16 2. RECEIVING CASH BENEFITS NOW 5 3. RECEIVED CASH SETTLEMENT 1 4. ROLLED OVER INTO IRA 0 4. Decision on benefits pending or in litigation 1 5. LOST BENEFITS 0 7. Other (specify) 11561 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W4275T IMP-TYPE(FB8.DISPOSITION OF PENSION) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 72 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 1 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11595 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4289X IMP (FB8G.AMOUNT OF CASH SETTL) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 73 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 FB8g. How much did the cash settlement amount to? ................................................................................ N: 7 Nmiss: 11589 Min: 14000 MAX: 208000 Mean: 68714.29 ========================================================================================== W4289T IMP-TYPE(FB8G.AMOUNT OF CASH SETTL) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 74 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11596 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4298X IMP (FB8J.AMOUNT OF IRA ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 75 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 FB8j. How much did the rollover amount to? ................................................................................ N: 1 Nmiss: 11595 Min: 125000 MAX: 125000 Mean: 125000. ========================================================================================== W4298T IMP-TYPE(FB8J.AMOUNT OF IRA ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 76 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11596 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4306X IMP (FB12.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 77 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 FB12. How much money was in your account when you left that employer? ................................................................................ N: 23 Nmiss: 11573 Min: 200 MAX: 400000 Mean: 69926.09 ========================================================================================== W4306T IMP-TYPE(FB12.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 78 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 6 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11590 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4307X IMP (FB13.DISPOSITION OF PENSION) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 79 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 FB13. When you left that employer, did you withdraw the money, roll it over into an IRA, leave it to accumulate in your old plan, convert it to an annuity, or what? User note: DO NOT PROBE BUT IF MORE THAN ONE RESPONSE GIVEN, ENTER 7 - OTHER AND RECORD ALL DETAILS. Multiple mentions were allowed for this question, but in no instance did a single respondent require more than one. ................................................................................ 6 01. Withdrew the money 7 02. Rolled over into IR 8 03. Left to accumulate 0 04. Convert to annuity 0 51. Cash settlement--spent 0 52. Cash settlement--saved or invested (exc. 54) 0 53. Cash settlement--paid debts or bills 0 54. Cash settlement--rolled over into IRA 0 55. Cash settlement--NA what R did with the money 1 91. Decision pending; pension rights not yet 1 92. Lost benefits 0 97. Other [Please describe fully] (incl. all combinations) 11573 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W4307T IMP-TYPE(FB13.DISPOSITION OF PENSION) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 80 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 1 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11595 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4308X IMP (FB13A.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 81 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 FB13a. How much is in your account now? ................................................................................ N: 15 Nmiss: 11581 Min: 2100 MAX: 210000 Mean: 49113.33 ========================================================================================== W4308T IMP-TYPE(FB13A.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 82 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 9 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11587 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4375X IMP (FB26.PENSION/RETIREMENT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 83 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 FB26. Now I'd like to ask about pension or retirement plans on your job. Aside from IRA or Keogh plans, are you included in any pension plans or tax-deferred savings plans through your work? ................................................................................ 115 1. Yes 1259 5. No 10222 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W4375T IMP-TYPE(FB26.PENSION/RETIREMENT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 84 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 3 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11593 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4414X IMP (FB36.NUMBER PENSION PLANS) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 85 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 FB36. In how many different plans of this sort are you included on this job? ................................................................................ 115 1-10. No 11481 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W4414T IMP-TYPE(FB36.NUMBER PENSION PLANS) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 86 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 4 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11592 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4415X IMP (1.FB37.TYPE OF PENSION) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 87 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 FB37. ONLY ONE PLAN: I would like to know what type of plan this is. MORE THAN ONE PLAN: Now I have some questions about the (next) most important of these plans. (In some retirement plans, Type A, benefits are usually based on a formula involving age, years of service and salary. In other plans, Type B, money is accumulated in an account for you.) Is your plan Type A or Type B? 401-K, 403-B, ESOP, SRA, THRIFT/SAVINGS, STOCK/PROFIT SHARING, MONEY PURCHASE PLANS ARE ALL TYPE B RETIREMENT PLANS. TYPE B PLANS ARE OFTEN CALLED DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLANS. ................................................................................ 35 1. Type A 71 2. Type B 9 3. Both A & B 11481 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W4415T IMP-TYPE(1.FB37.TYPE OF PENSION) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 88 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 5 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 4 3. Replaced 11587 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4416X IMP (1.FB38.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 89 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 FB38. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 9 Nmiss: 11587 Min: 0 MAX: 230000 Mean: 96111.11 ========================================================================================== W4416T IMP-TYPE(1.FB38.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 90 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 1 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11595 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4456X IMP (2.FB56.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 91 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 FB56. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 71 Nmiss: 11525 Min: 0 MAX: 1000000 Mean: 209250.73 ========================================================================================== W4456T IMP-TYPE(2.FB56.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 92 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 27 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11569 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4467X IMP (2.FB37.TYPE OF PENSION) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 93 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 FB37. ONLY ONE PLAN: I would like to know what type of plan this is. MORE THAN ONE PLAN: Now I have some questions about the (next) most important of these plans. (In some retirement plans, Type A, benefits are usually based on a formula involving age, years of service and salary. In other plans, Type B, money is accumulated in an account for you.) Is your plan Type A or Type B? 401-K, 403-B, ESOP, SRA, THRIFT/SAVINGS, STOCK/PROFIT SHARING, MONEY PURCHASE PLANS ARE ALL TYPE B RTIREMENT PLANS. TYPE B PLANS ARE OFTEN CALLED DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLANS. ................................................................................ 6 1. Type A 22 2. Type B 1 3. Both A & B 11567 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W4467T IMP-TYPE(2.FB37.TYPE OF PENSION) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 94 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 2 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11594 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4508X IMP (2.FB56.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 95 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 FB56. How much money is in your account at present? ................................................................................ N: 22 Nmiss: 11574 Min: 3000 MAX: 500000 Mean: 82068.18 ========================================================================================== W4508T IMP-TYPE(2.FB56.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 96 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 6 2. Hot-decked 0 3. Replaced 11590 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4519X IMP (3.FB37.TYPE OF PENSION) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 97 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 FB37. ONLY ONE PLAN: I would like to know what type of plan this is. MORE THAN ONE PLAN: Now I have some questions about the (next) most important of these plans. (In some retirement plans, Type A, benefits are usually based on a formula involving age, years of service and salary. In other plans, Type B, money is accumulated in an account for you.) Is your plan Type A or Type B? 401-K, 403-B, ESOP, SRA, THRIFT/SAVINGS, STOCK/PROFIT SHARING, MONEY PURCHASE PLANS ARE ALL TYPE B RTIREMENT PLANS. TYPE B PLANS ARE OFTEN CALLED DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLANS. ................................................................................ 1 1. Type A 2 2. Type B 1 3. Both A & B 11592 Blank. Inap ========================================================================================== W4519T IMP-TYPE(3.FB37.TYPE OF PENSION) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 98 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 1 3. Replaced 11595 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4520X IMP (3.FB38.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 99 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 FB38. For that part of your plan where money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the account at present? ................................................................................ N: 1 Nmiss: 11595 Min: 0 MAX: 0 Mean: . ========================================================================================== W4520T IMP-TYPE(3.FB38.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 100 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 1 3. Replaced 11595 4. Original ========================================================================================== W4571X IMP (FB63.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 101 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 FB63. Altogether how much do you have in your account balance(s) for any other pension plans or savings plan(s) from this job? ................................................................................ N: 2 Nmiss: 11594 Min: 20000 MAX: 20000 Mean: 20000. ========================================================================================== W4571T IMP-TYPE(FB63.AMOUNT IN ACCT) Section: FB Level: Respondent Reference: 102 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 This variable indicates the type of imputation. ................................................................................ 0 1. Mixed 0 2. Hot-decked 1 3. Replaced 11595 4. Original Codebook complete