Documentation Database Codebook Generator (v1.2) 03/30/2007 ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 1 Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: Null This variable uniquely identifies an original household across waves. ................................................................................ ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 2 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: Null Each respondent has a Person Number. The identifier is unique within an original household across waves. ................................................................................ 1104 010. Person Number 37 011. Person Number 2 012. Person Number 555 020. Person Number 3 021. Person Number 2 022. Person Number 85 030. Person Number 1 031. Person Number 112 040. Person Number ========================================================================================== QXDIABID DIABETES STUDY IDENTIFIER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 3 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: Null ................................................................................ ========================================================================================== AGE CURRENT AGE CALCULATION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 4 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Estimated age as of date of questionnaire receipt. ................................................................................ N: 1901 Nmiss: 0 Min: 42 Max: 96 Mean: 69.8 ========================================================================================== QXWGHT QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONDENT-LEVEL WEIGHT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 5 Type: Numeric Width: 14 Decimals: 7 ................................................................................ N: 1901 Nmiss: 0 Min: 0 Max: 37934.9296875 Mean: 5615.18 ========================================================================================== LBWGHT HBA1C LAB RESPONDENT-LEVEL WEIGHT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 6 Type: Numeric Width: 14 Decimals: 7 ................................................................................ N: 1233 Nmiss: 668 Min: 0 Max: 52522.9609375 Mean: 8657.3 ========================================================================================== LBA1C HBA1C LAB RESULT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 7 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 Use LBWGHT for analyses using A1c test results. ................................................................................ N: 1233 Nmiss: 668 Min: 4.6 Max: 17.2 Mean: 7.24 ========================================================================================== LBDAYS # DAYS BETWEEN QX AND BLOOD COLLECTION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 8 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 This variable represents the number of days between questionnaire receipt and the date of blood collection for the HbA1c test kit. If the date of blood collection was not indicated, the date the kit was recevied by the lab was used in the calculation. Negative numbers indicate that the lab kit was completed before the questionnaire was returned. ................................................................................ N: 1233 Nmiss: 668 Min:-65 Max: 305 Mean: 42.27 ========================================================================================== LBFLAG HBA1C LAB RESULT FLAG Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 9 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 For respondents with more than one valid blood kit, the kit completed closest to the date of questionnaire receipt was selected for inclusion in the released data. Some test kits were processed by the lab at HRS request regardless of errors in how the test kit was administered by the respondent. Most of these kits did not have the blood collection date documented (see LBERROR1 and LBERROR2 for more details). Both valid blood kits and those run at HRS request are included in the weighted sample. ................................................................................ 1208 1. Valid A1c test result 58 2. No valid A1c test result 25 3. Tested at HRS request 610 blank. No test kit returned ========================================================================================== LBERROR1 HBA1C LAB ERROR 1 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 10 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 27 1. No blood collection date indicated 18 2. Sample past 14 days old 20 3. Not enough blood applied 8 4. Separated filter paper from test request form 4 5. Does not want to participate 6 7. Not in plastic bag 1818 blank. INAP ========================================================================================== LBERROR2 HBA1C LAB ERROR 2 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 11 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 2 1. No blood collection date indicated 3 3. Not enough blood applied 4 4. Separated filter paper from test request form 1 7. Not in plastic bag 1891 blank. INAP ========================================================================================== QXMO DATE OF SURVEY COMPLETION: MONTH Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 12 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 42 1. January 14 2. February 6 3. March 13 4. Arpil 7 5. May 3 6. June 1468 10. October 284 11. November 64 12. December ========================================================================================== QXYR DATE OF SURVEY COMPLETION: YEAR Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 13 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1816 2003. Year questionnaire completed 85 2004. Year questionnaire completed ========================================================================================== QXA1 HEALTH SELF-ASSESSMENT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 14 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Would you say your health is: (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 31 1. Excellent 246 2. Very Good 747 3. Good 650 4. Fair 185 5. Poor 42 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA2 AGE OF DIABETES DIAGNOSIS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 15 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 At what age were you told by a doctor that you had diabetes? Years old ................................................................................ N: 1531 Nmiss: 370 Min: 2 Max: 201 Mean: 56.75 ========================================================================================== QXA3 TYPE OF DIABETES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 16 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Which type of diabetes did your doctor say that you have? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 50 1. Type 1, also called juvenile or insulin-dependent diabetes 448 2. Type 2, also called adult-onset, using insulin 1155 3. Type 2, also called adult-onset, not using insulin 178 D. Uncertain, can't say 70 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA4 DIABETES DIAGNOSED: HEALTH INSURANCE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 17 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 At the time your diabetes was first diagnosed, were you covered by health insurance? ................................................................................ 1533 1. Yes 268 5. No 54 D. Uncertain, can't say 46 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA5 DIABETES DIAGNOSED: PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 18 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 At the time your diabetes was first diagnosed, did you have any coverage for prescription drugs? ................................................................................ 1216 1. Yes 577 5. No 53 D. Uncertain, can't say 55 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA6 DIABETES DIAGNOSED: WORKING FOR PAY Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 19 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 At the time your diabetes was first diagnosed, were you working for pay? ................................................................................ 935 1. Yes 893 5. No 28 D. Uncertain, can't say 45 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA7 CURRENTLY WORKING FOR PAY Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 20 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Are you currently working for pay? ................................................................................ 365 1. Yes 1416 5. No (Go to Question A9) 120 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA8 DIABETES HARM CAREER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 21 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In your opinion, has your diabetes kept you from promotions, better jobs, or other advancement in your work? ................................................................................ 61 1. Yes (Go to Question A11) 504 5. No (Go to Question A11) 44 D. Uncertain, can't say 139 M. Missing 1153 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXA9 AGE WHEN STOPPED WORKING Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 22 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How old were you when you stopped working? Years old ................................................................................ N: 1256 Nmiss: 645 Min: 4 Max: 84 Mean: 58.24 ========================================================================================== QXA10 DIABETES CAUSE JOB LEAVING Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 23 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In your opinion, did your diabetes cause you to quit work sooner than you would have otherwise? ................................................................................ 159 1. Yes 1272 5. No 83 D. Uncertain, can't say 124 M. Missing 263 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXA11 CURRENT WEIGHT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 24 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 How much do you weigh now? (lbs.) ................................................................................ N: 1834 Nmiss: 67 Min: 80 Max: 415 Mean: 190.42 ========================================================================================== QXA12 WEIGHT AT 50 YEARS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 25 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 How much did you weigh when you were about 50 years old? lbs. ................................................................................ N: 1766 Nmiss: 135 Min: 1 Max: 470 Mean: 187.01 ========================================================================================== QXA13 MOST EVER WEIGHED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 26 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ N: 1789 Nmiss: 112 Min: 5 Max: 470 Mean: 211.56 ========================================================================================== QXA14 AGE AT HIGHEST WEIGHT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 27 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 How old were you then? Years old ................................................................................ N: 1439 Nmiss: 462 Min: 10 Max: 245 Mean: 58.16 ========================================================================================== QXA15A (DIS)AGREE: I AM SATISFIED WITH MY LIFE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 28 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 I am satisfied with my life. ................................................................................ 75 1. Strongly Disagree 191 2. Disagree 410 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 887 4. Agree 251 5. Strongly Agree 87 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA15B (DIS)AGREE: HAVE LITTLE CONTROL OVER THINGS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 29 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 I have little control over the things that happen to me. ................................................................................ 212 1. Strongly Disagree 611 2. Disagree 402 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 432 4. Agree 115 5. Strongly Agree 129 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA15C (DIS)AGREE: DO NOT THINK ABOUT FUTURE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 30 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 I live life one day at a time and don't think much about the future. ................................................................................ 184 1. Strongly Disagree 566 2. Disagree 320 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 631 4. Agree 119 5. Strongly Agree 81 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA15D (DIS)AGREE: CAN DO JUST ABOUT ANYTHING Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 31 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 I can do just about anything I set out to do. ................................................................................ 119 1. Strongly Disagree 373 2. Disagree 330 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 819 4. Agree 180 5. Strongly Agree 80 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA15E (DIS)AGREE: PUSHED AROUND IN LIFE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 32 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Sometimes I feel that I'm being pushed around in life. ................................................................................ 366 1. Strongly Disagree 755 2. Disagree 342 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 279 4. Agree 62 5. Strongly Agree 97 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA15F (DIS)AGREE: HOPELESS ABOUT THE FUTURE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 33 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 I often feel hopeless about the future. ................................................................................ 387 1. Strongly Disagree 734 2. Disagree 315 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 298 4. Agree 73 5. Strongly Agree 94 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA15G (DIS)AGREE: CARE OF SELF PAYOFF LATER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 34 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Taking care of myself now will have a big payoff later. ................................................................................ 54 1. Strongly Disagree 108 2. Disagree 277 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 994 4. Agree 388 5. Strongly Agree 80 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA16A (DIS)AGREE: DIABETES TOP PRIORITY Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 35 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Taking care of my diabetes is my top priority right now. ................................................................................ 42 1. Strongly Disagree 184 2. Disagree 371 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 889 4. Agree 330 5. Strongly Agree 85 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA16B (DIS)AGREE: MORE IMP. HEALTH PROBLEMS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 36 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 I have other health problems that are more important than diabetes. ................................................................................ 166 1. Strongly Disagree 610 2. Disagree 463 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 432 4. Agree 127 5. Strongly Agree 103 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA16C (DIS)AGREE: MORE IMP. THINGS THAN DIABETES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 37 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 I have many more important things in my life than diabetes to take care of now. ................................................................................ 178 1. Strongly Disagree 656 2. Disagree 486 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 394 4. Agree 84 5. Strongly Agree 103 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXA16D (DIS)AGREE: CONFIDENT MANAGE DIABETES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 38 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 I feel confident in my ability to manage my diabetes. ................................................................................ 35 1. Strongly Disagree 104 2. Disagree 220 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 1149 4. Agree 316 5. Strongly Agree 77 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB1 MAIN DIABETES CARE PROVIDER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 39 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Who currently provides your main diabetes health care? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 1363 1. Generalist doctor (general practitioner, family practitioner, internist) 204 2. Specialist doctor (diabetologist, endocrinologist) 63 3. Nurse practitioner or physician assistant 98 4. Other (please specify) 59 5. No one, I do not have a regular health care provider who provides my diabetes care (Go to Question B3 114 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB1OTH MAIN DIABETES CARE PROVIDER (OTHER) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 40 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 10 1. Generalist doctor (general practitioner, family practitioner, internist) 11 2. Specialist doctor (diabetologist, endocrinologist) 4 3. Nurse practitioner or physician assistant 15 10. Doctor; no indication if generalist or specialist; caregiver 2 11. Combination of regular doctor and specialist 2 12. Respondent is a healthcare professional 5 13. Relative treats me; Has a relative who is a healthcare professional 1 14. Alternative medicine 1 15. Caregiver 39 20. VA Medical Center; Tricare; military insurance 6 21. Hospital or Clinic where respondent gets treatment 3 22. Nursing home 6 97. Other 1791 blank. INAP 5 X. Answer not applicable ========================================================================================== QXB2 HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN SEEING PROVIDER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 41 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How long have you been seeing the health care provider who takes care of your diabetes? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 107 1. Less than 6 months 128 2. 6 months to 1 year 600 3. 1 year to 5 years 930 4. More than 5 years 102 M. Missing 34 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB3 LAST HBA1C TEST Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 42 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 When was your last Hemoglobin A1c test? (This is also known as glycohemoglobin or glycosylated hemoglobin, a test that measures your average blood sugar level over the past two or three months.) (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 1449 1. Within the last year 121 2. 1-2 years ago 28 3. 2-3 years ago 26 4. More than 3 years ago 48 5. Never had this type of test (Go to Question B7) 138 6. Don't know if I've ever had this test (Go to Question B7) 91 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB4 VALUE OF LAST HBA1C TEST Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 43 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 What was the value of your Hemoglobin A1c the last time your health care provider checked it? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 165 1. Less than 6 315 2. Between 6 and 7 162 3. Between 7 and 8 66 4. Between 8 and 10 27 5. Greater than 10 891 D. Uncertain, can't say 144 M. Missing 131 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB5 HAVE GOAL/TARGET FOR HBA1C Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 44 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Do you have a goal or target for what you would like your Hemoglobin A1c level to be at or below? ................................................................................ 621 1. Yes 371 5. No (Go to Question B7) 491 7. Not sure what Hemoglobin A1c is (Go to Question B7) 290 M. Missing 128 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB6 HBA1C GOAL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 45 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 1 What is your goal for your Hemoglobin A1c level? ................................................................................ N: 522 Nmiss: 1379 Min:-150 Max: 477 Mean: 19.76 ========================================================================================== QXB7 LAST URINE ANALYSIS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 46 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 My last urine analysis was: (Mark one.) (Gave a urine sample to be tested by the health care provider, clinic, or laboratory) ................................................................................ 1384 1. Within the last year 225 2. 1-2 years ago 68 3. 2-3 years ago 94 4. More than 3 years ago 55 5. Never had a urine analysis 75 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB8 PAST 12 MONTHS: OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAY Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 47 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In the past 12 months, how many times have you stayed overnight in the hospital? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 1353 0. 0 times 277 1. 1 time 92 2. 2 times 132 3. 3 or more times 47 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB9A PAST 12 MONTHS: SEE DIABETES DOCTOR/NURSE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 48 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 See the doctor or nurse who takes care of your diabetes ................................................................................ 117 0. 0 times 230 1. 1 time 1080 2. 2-5 times 240 6. 6-10 times 91 11. 11-20 times 50 20. More than 20 times 93 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB9B PAST 12 MONTHS: SEE OTHER DOCTOR/NURSE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 49 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 See any other medical doctor or nurse in a doctor's office or medical clinic ................................................................................ 563 0. 0 times 274 1. 1 time 609 2. 2-5 times 206 6. 6-10 times 54 11. 11-20 times 37 20. More than 20 times 158 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB9C PAST 12 MONTHS: SEE ER DOCTOR/NURSE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 50 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 See any doctor or nurse in an emergency room ................................................................................ 1213 0. 0 times 300 1. 1 time 179 2. 2-5 times 19 6. 6-10 times 6 11. 11-20 times 6 20. More than 20 times 178 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB10 LAST EYE EXAM Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 51 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 When was the last time that you had an eye exam during which the doctor put drops in your eyes that made your pupils large? (You may have been unable to see enough to drive or had to wear dark glasses afterward.) (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 1254 1. Within the last year 338 2. 1-2 years ago 96 3. 2-3 years ago 97 4. More than 3 years ago 76 5. Never had this type of exam 40 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB11 EVER HAD DIABETES EDUCATION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 52 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Have you ever had diabetes education outside your usual doctor or nurse visits, either individually by a diabetes educator or in a special class? ................................................................................ 864 1. Yes (Go to Question B13) 923 5. No 43 D. Uncertain, can't say (Go to Question B13) 71 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB12A NO DIABETES EDUC: DID NOT FEEL IT WAS IMPORTANT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 53 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 68 1. Checked 916 5. Not checked 94 M. Missing 823 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB12B NO DIABETES EDUC: NOT SENT BY HEALTH PROVIDER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 54 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 259 1. Checked 725 5. Not checked 94 M. Missing 823 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB12C NO DIABETES EDUC: COST TOO MUCH/NOT COVERED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 55 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 46 1. Checked 938 5. Not checked 94 M. Missing 823 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB12D NO DIABETES EDUC: DID NOT KNOW I WAS SUPPOSED TO Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 56 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 165 1. Checked 819 5. Not checked 94 M. Missing 823 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB12E NO DIABETES EDUC: PROVIDER GIVES INFORMATION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 57 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 519 1. Checked 465 5. Not checked 94 M. Missing 823 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB12F NO DIABETES EDUC: OTHER FLAG Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 58 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 89 1. Checked 895 5. Not checked 94 M. Missing 823 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB12OTH NO DIABETES EDUCATION (OTHER) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 59 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 7 11. Respondent gives positive answer to having had diabetes education 24 12. Self-educated; read books or pamphlets; used the internet 8 13. Spoke with doctor or other health professional 6 14. Knows about diabetes from a relativeÆs experience 3 15. Respondent is a healthcare professional 1 16. Respondent is scheduled to take diabetes education class in the future 11 20. Too lazy; too much trouble; long waiting list for class 19 97. Other 1815 blank. INAP 1 D. Uncertain, can't say 6 X. Answer not applicable ========================================================================================== QXB13 EVER SEE DIETITIAN Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 60 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Did you ever see a dietitian to learn about a diabetic meal plan or diet? ................................................................................ 1158 1. Yes (Go to Question B15) 677 5. No 66 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB14A NO DIETITIAN: DID NOT FEEL IT WAS IMPORTANT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 61 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 93 1. Checked 690 5. Not checked 69 M. Missing 1049 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB14B NO DIETITIAN: NOT SENT BY HEALTH PROVIDER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 62 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 186 1. Checked 597 5. Not checked 69 M. Missing 1049 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB14C NO DIETITIAN: COST TOO MUCH/NOT COVERED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 63 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 38 1. Checked 745 5. Not checked 69 M. Missing 1049 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB14D NO DIETITIAN: DID NOT KNOW I WAS SUPPOSED TO Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 64 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 111 1. Checked 672 5. Not checked 69 M. Missing 1049 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB14E NO DIETITIAN: PROVIDER GIVES INFORMATION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 65 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 394 1. Checked 389 5. Not checked 69 M. Missing 1049 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB14F NO DIETITIAN: OTHER FLAG Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 66 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 96 1. Checked 687 5. Not checked 69 M. Missing 1049 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXB14OTH NO DIETITIAN (OTHER) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 67 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 15 11. Have had dietician contact; contact at diabetic support group, nursing home or elsewhere 23 12. Self-educated; read books or pamphlets; used the internet; received/given instruction when left the hospital 6 13. Spoke with doctor about food/diet 7 14. Knows about diabetes from a relativeÆs experience 5 15. Respondent is a healthcare professional 3 16. Class scheduled in the future; plan on speaking with dietician in the future 22 97. Other 1813 blank. INAP 1 D. Uncertain, can't say 6 X. Answer not applicable ========================================================================================== QXB15A GET DIABETES INFO FROM: TELEVISION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 68 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Television ................................................................................ 435 1. Never 343 2. Rarely 583 3. Sometimes 189 4. Often 64 5. Very Often 287 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB15B GET DIABETES INFO FROM: INTERNET Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 69 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Internet ................................................................................ 1028 1. Never 102 2. Rarely 140 3. Sometimes 49 4. Often 18 5. Very Often 564 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB15C GET DIABETES INFO FROM: NEWSPAPERS OR MAGAZINES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 70 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Newspapers or magazines ................................................................................ 336 1. Never 297 2. Rarely 635 3. Sometimes 259 4. Often 72 5. Very Often 302 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB15D GET DIABETES INFO FROM: BOOKS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 71 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Books ................................................................................ 450 1. Never 274 2. Rarely 534 3. Sometimes 237 4. Often 69 5. Very Often 337 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB15E GET DIABETES INFO FROM: FRIENDS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 72 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Friends ................................................................................ 421 1. Never 364 2. Rarely 521 3. Sometimes 189 4. Often 51 5. Very Often 355 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXB16 DISCUSS NEW TREATMENT INFO WITH DOCTOR Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 73 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How often do you bring up with your doctor any information you've heard or seen that might affect your treatment? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 525 1. Never 433 2. Rarely 700 3. Sometimes 159 4. Often 40 5. Very Often 44 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC1A SATISFIED WITH DIABETES CARE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 74 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 I'm very satisfied with the diabetes care I receive. ................................................................................ 40 1. Strongly Disagree 86 2. Disagree 229 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 1009 4. Agree 442 5. Strongly Agree 95 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC1B DIABETES CARE COULD BE BETTER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 75 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 There are things about the diabetes care I receive that could be better. ................................................................................ 152 1. Strongly Disagree 458 2. Disagree 536 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 469 4. Agree 94 5. Strongly Agree 192 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC2 HEALTH CARE PROVIDER GRADE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 76 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Overall, what grade would you give your doctors, nurses, or other health care providers for how well they helped you manage your diabetes in the past six months? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 514 1. A+ 538 2. A 100 3. A- 243 4. B+ 174 5. B 60 6. B- 121 7. C 25 8. D 25 9. F 101 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC3A PROVIDER RATING: TELLING YOU EVERYTHING Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 77 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Telling you everything; not keeping things from you that you should know ................................................................................ 47 1. Poor 192 2. Fair 593 3. Good 607 4. Very Good 360 5. Excellent 102 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC3B PROVIDER RATING: LETTING YOU KNOW TEST RESULTS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 78 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Letting you know test results when promised ................................................................................ 57 1. Poor 140 2. Fair 511 3. Good 620 4. Very Good 465 5. Excellent 108 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC3C PROVIDER RATING: EXPLAINING TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 79 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Explaining treatment alternatives ................................................................................ 127 1. Poor 222 2. Fair 537 3. Good 547 4. Very Good 298 5. Excellent 170 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC3D PROVIDER RATING: EXPLAINING SIDE EFFECTS OF MEDS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 80 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Explaining side effects of medications ................................................................................ 178 1. Poor 300 2. Fair 498 3. Good 453 4. Very Good 304 5. Excellent 168 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC3E PROVIDER RATING: WHAT TO EXPECT FROM TREATMENT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 81 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Telling you what to expect from your treatment ................................................................................ 142 1. Poor 249 2. Fair 547 3. Good 496 4. Very Good 309 5. Excellent 158 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC4A PROVIDER ASK R: IDEAS ABOUT MAKING TREATMENT PLAN Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 82 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Asked for your ideas about making your treatment plan ................................................................................ 576 1. Never 402 2. Rarely 433 3. Sometimes 265 4. Often 48 5. Very Often 177 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC4B PROVIDER ASK R: CHOICES ABOUT TREATMENT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 83 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Given choices about treatment to think about ................................................................................ 532 1. Never 369 2. Rarely 486 3. Sometimes 285 4. Often 56 5. Very Often 173 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC4C PROVIDER ASK R: GOALS IN CARING FOR DIABETES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 84 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Asked to talk about your goals in caring for your diabetes ................................................................................ 467 1. Never 370 2. Rarely 478 3. Sometimes 325 4. Often 85 5. Very Often 176 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC4D PROVIDER ASK R: GOALS TO IMPROVE EATING/EXERCISE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 85 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Helped to set specific goals to improve your eating or exercise ................................................................................ 289 1. Never 302 2. Rarely 538 3. Sometimes 496 4. Often 120 5. Very Often 156 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC4E PROVIDER ASK R: VALUES AND TRADITIONS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 86 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Sure that your doctor or nurse thought about your values and your traditions when they recommended treatments to you ................................................................................ 277 1. Never 249 2. Rarely 506 3. Sometimes 518 4. Often 151 5. Very Often 200 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC4F PROVIDER ASK R: MAKE A TREATMENT PLAN Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 87 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Helped to make a treatment plan that you could do in your daily life ................................................................................ 299 1. Never 238 2. Rarely 489 3. Sometimes 534 4. Often 155 5. Very Often 186 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC4G PROVIDER ASK R: GOAL SETTING Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 88 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Helped to set a goal with your doctor or nurse ................................................................................ 382 1. Never 284 2. Rarely 463 3. Sometimes 471 4. Often 110 5. Very Often 191 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC5A LAST 6 MOS: WHEN/HOW TO TAKE INSULIN/DIABETES PILLS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 89 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 When and how to take insulin or diabetes pills ................................................................................ 1248 1. Yes 492 5. No 161 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC5B LAST 6 MOS: WHEN AND HOW TO CHECK BLOOD SUGAR Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 90 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 When and how to check blood sugar ................................................................................ 1313 1. Yes 457 5. No 131 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC5C LAST 6 MOS: HOW TO TIME MEALS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 91 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How to time meals ................................................................................ 904 1. Yes 845 5. No 152 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC5D LAST 6 MOS: WHAT TO EAT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 92 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 What to eat ................................................................................ 1209 1. Yes 549 5. No 143 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC5E LAST 6 MOS: HOW TO CHECK AND CARE FOR YOUR FEET Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 93 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How to check and care for your feet ................................................................................ 1173 1. Yes 595 5. No 133 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC5F LAST 6 MOS: HOW TO INCREASE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 94 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How to increase physical activity ................................................................................ 1180 1. Yes 558 5. No 163 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC5G LAST 6 MOS: HOW TO MAKE CHANGES IN MEDICATIONS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 95 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How to make changes in medications ................................................................................ 951 1. Yes 774 5. No 176 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC5H LAST 6 MOS: HOW TO DEAL WITH EMOTIONAL DEMANDS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 96 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How to deal with the emotional demands of diabetes ................................................................................ 668 1. Yes 1044 5. No 189 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC5I LAST 6 MOS: WHERE TO FIND COMMUNITY RESOURCES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 97 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Where to find community resources to help with diabetes ................................................................................ 593 1. Yes 1126 5. No 182 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC6A UNDERSTAND: HOW TO TAKE INSULIN/OTHER MEDICATION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 98 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How to take your insulin or other medications ................................................................................ 66 1. I don't understand at all 73 2. It's still a little confusing 620 3. I understand pretty well 911 4. I understand completely 231 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC6B UNDERSTAND: PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 99 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 What each of your prescribed medications do ................................................................................ 73 1. I don't understand at all 197 2. It's still a little confusing 791 3. I understand pretty well 639 4. I understand completely 201 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC6C UNDERSTAND: CHOOSE THE FOOD YOU SHOULD EAT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 100 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How to choose the food you should eat ................................................................................ 45 1. I don't understand at all 227 2. It's still a little confusing 914 3. I understand pretty well 592 4. I understand completely 123 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC6D UNDERSTAND: READ NUTRITION LABELS ON FOOD Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 101 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How to read nutrition labels on food ................................................................................ 105 1. I don't understand at all 290 2. It's still a little confusing 761 3. I understand pretty well 608 4. I understand completely 137 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC6E UNDERSTAND: HOW TO EXERCISE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 102 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How to exercise ................................................................................ 63 1. I don't understand at all 151 2. It's still a little confusing 904 3. I understand pretty well 643 4. I understand completely 140 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC6F UNDERSTAND: TEST YOUR BLOOD SUGAR Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 103 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How and when to test your blood sugar ................................................................................ 69 1. I don't understand at all 112 2. It's still a little confusing 681 3. I understand pretty well 895 4. I understand completely 144 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC6G UNDERSTAND: HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR FEET Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 104 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How to care for your feet ................................................................................ 120 1. I don't understand at all 167 2. It's still a little confusing 724 3. I understand pretty well 740 4. I understand completely 150 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC6H UNDERSTAND: COMPLICATIONS OF DIABETES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 105 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 What the complications of diabetes are ................................................................................ 75 1. I don't understand at all 215 2. It's still a little confusing 737 3. I understand pretty well 737 4. I understand completely 137 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC6I LAST 6 MOS: WHAT TO DO FOR LOW BLOOD SUGAR SYMPTOMS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 106 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 What to do for symptoms of low blood sugar ................................................................................ 133 1. I don't understand at all 197 2. It's still a little confusing 693 3. I understand pretty well 745 4. I understand completely 133 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXC6J UNDERSTAND: TARGET BLOOD SUGAR VALUES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 107 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 What your target blood sugar values should be ................................................................................ 101 1. I don't understand at all 214 2. It's still a little confusing 714 3. I understand pretty well 743 4. I understand completely 129 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD1A HOW IMPORTANT: FOLLOW MY MEAL PLAN CAREFULLY Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 108 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Follow my meal plan carefully ................................................................................ 13 1. Strongly Disagree 24 2. Disagree 257 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 1141 4. Agree 356 5. Strongly Agree 110 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD1B HOW IMPORTANT: TAKE MY MEDICINE AS RECOMMENDED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 109 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Take my medicine as recommended ................................................................................ 10 1. Strongly Disagree 8 2. Disagree 38 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 962 4. Agree 740 5. Strongly Agree 143 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD1C HOW IMPORTANT: TAKE CARE OF MY FEET Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 110 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Take care of my feet ................................................................................ 8 1. Strongly Disagree 11 2. Disagree 125 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 1003 4. Agree 634 5. Strongly Agree 120 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD1D HOW IMPORTANT: GET ENOUGH PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 111 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Get enough physical activity ................................................................................ 12 1. Strongly Disagree 37 2. Disagree 198 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 1051 4. Agree 490 5. Strongly Agree 113 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD1E HOW IMPORTANT: TEST MY SUGAR AS RECOMMENDED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 112 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Test my sugar as recommended ................................................................................ 17 1. Strongly Disagree 19 2. Disagree 109 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 978 4. Agree 642 5. Strongly Agree 136 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD1F HOW IMPORTANT: GO TO THE DOCTOR OR NURSE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 113 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Go to the doctor or nurse for all my appointment ................................................................................ 7 1. Strongly Disagree 10 2. Disagree 51 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 947 4. Agree 796 5. Strongly Agree 90 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD1G HOW IMPORTANT: KEEP MY WEIGHT UNDER CONTROL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 114 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Keep my weight under control ................................................................................ 11 1. Strongly Disagree 21 2. Disagree 162 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 1040 4. Agree 582 5. Strongly Agree 85 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD1H HOW IMPORTANT: HANDLE MY FEELINGS ABOUT DIABETES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 115 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Handle my feelings about diabetes ................................................................................ 13 1. Strongly Disagree 12 2. Disagree 226 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 1059 4. Agree 480 5. Strongly Agree 111 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD2A FAM-FRND SUPPORT: FOLLOWING MY MEAL PLAN Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 116 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Following my meal plan ................................................................................ 61 1. Strongly Disagree 121 2. Disagree 317 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 984 4. Agree 280 5. Strongly Agree 138 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD2B FAM-FRND SUPPORT: TAKING MY MEDICINE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 117 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Taking my medicine ................................................................................ 53 1. Strongly Disagree 89 2. Disagree 183 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 930 4. Agree 484 5. Strongly Agree 162 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD2C FAM-FRND SUPPORT: TAKING CARE OF MY FEET Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 118 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Taking care of my feet ................................................................................ 64 1. Strongly Disagree 104 2. Disagree 312 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 892 4. Agree 381 5. Strongly Agree 148 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD2D FAM-FRND SUPPORT: GETTING ENOUGH PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 119 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Getting enough physical activity ................................................................................ 64 1. Strongly Disagree 120 2. Disagree 348 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 913 4. Agree 315 5. Strongly Agree 141 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD2E FAM-FRND SUPPORT: TESTING MY SUGAR Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 120 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Testing my sugar ................................................................................ 65 1. Strongly Disagree 100 2. Disagree 264 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 884 4. Agree 446 5. Strongly Agree 142 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD2F FAM-FRND SUPPORT: GOING TO THE DOCTOR OR NURSE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 121 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Going to the doctor or nurs ................................................................................ 49 1. Strongly Disagree 64 2. Disagree 177 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 946 4. Agree 538 5. Strongly Agree 127 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD2G FAM-FRND SUPPORT: KEEPING MY WEIGHT UNDER CONTROL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 122 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Keeping my weight under control ................................................................................ 55 1. Strongly Disagree 102 2. Disagree 318 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 948 4. Agree 347 5. Strongly Agree 131 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD2H FAM-FRND SUPPORT: HANDLING MY FEELINGS ABOUT DIABETES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 123 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Handling my feelings about diabetes ................................................................................ 60 1. Strongly Disagree 91 2. Disagree 428 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 845 4. Agree 290 5. Strongly Agree 187 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXD3 WHO HELPS WITH DIABETES CARE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 124 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Besides your health care providers, who helps you the most in caring for your diabetes? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 837 1. Spouse 338 2. Other family members 72 3. Friends 34 4. Paid helper 471 5. Nobody 149 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXE1 # DAYS LAST MONTH LOW BLOOD SUGAR SYMPTOMS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 125 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How many days in the last month have you had symptoms of low blood sugar, such as sweating, weakness, anxiety, trembling, hunger, or headache? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 821 0. 0 days 578 1. 1-3 days 173 4. 4-6 days 46 7. 7-12 days 56 12. More than 12 days 156 D. Uncertain, can't say 71 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXE2 CHECK YOUR BLOOD SUGAR IF LOW SYMPTOMS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 126 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Do you check your blood sugar when you get these low blood sugar symptoms? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 416 1. Never 575 2. Sometimes 698 3. Always 212 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXE3 # DAYS LAST MONTH HIGH BLOOD SUGAR SYMPTOMS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 127 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How many days in the last month have you had symptoms of high blood sugar, such as feeling thirsty, dry mouth and skin, increased sugar in the urine, less appetite, nausea, or fatigue? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 766 0. 0 days 454 1. 1-3 days 193 4. 4-6 days 93 7. 7-12 days 96 12. More than 12 days 218 D. Uncertain, can't say 81 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXE4 CHECK YOUR BLOOD SUGAR IF HIGH SYMPTOMS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 128 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Do you check your blood sugar when you get these high blood sugar symptoms? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 402 1. Never 578 2. Sometimes 713 3. Always 208 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXE5 HOW WELL DIABETES CONTROLLED PAST 6 MTHS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 129 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How well do you feel your diabetes has been controlled in the past six months ? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 55 1. Poor 387 2. Fair 743 3. Good 463 4. Very Good 182 5. Excellent 71 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXE6A R PROBLEM: HAVE NOT FOLLOWED TREATMENT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 130 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 260 1. Checked 1533 5. Not checked 108 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXE6B R PROBLEM: MEDICATION DOSAGE NEEDED INCREASE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 131 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 157 1. Checked 1636 5. Not checked 108 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXE6C R PROBLEM: NEED NEW MEDICATIONS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 132 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 49 1. Checked 1744 5. Not checked 108 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXE6D R PROBLEM: NOT WILLING TO START INSULIN Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 133 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 105 1. Checked 1688 5. Not checked 108 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXE6E R PROBLEM: DISEASE IS HARD TO CONTROL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 134 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 160 1. Checked 1633 5. Not checked 108 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXE6F R PROBLEM: OTHER ILLNESSES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 135 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 378 1. Checked 1415 5. Not checked 108 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXE6G R PROBLEM: OTHER FLAG Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 136 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 302 1. Checked 1491 5. Not checked 108 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXE6H R PROBLEM: NO PROBLEMS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 137 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 889 1. Checked 904 5. Not checked 108 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXE6OTH1 R PROBLEM (OTHER) RESPONSE 1 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 138 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 135 6. Other illnesses affected my diabetes 8 10. Personal problems; death in family 3 11. Vacation or work schedule 5 12. Cost of medications; strips cost too much 73 13. Eating wrong foods; diet problems; knowing what to eat 7 14. Not exercising; canÆt/wonÆt exercise 15 15. Medication changes; changes in dosage 6 16. Never given a treatment plan; lack of information 3 90. Forgot to take medication 10 91. Respondent says he/she is lazy; Respondent chooses not to pursue control of diabetes 20 97. Other 1604 blank. INAP 12 X. Answer not applicable ========================================================================================== QXE6OTH2 R PROBLEM (OTHER) RESPONSE 2 Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 139 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 4 6. Other illnesses affected my diabetes 1 10. Personal problems; death in family 1 11. Vacation or work schedule 1 12. Cost of medications; strips cost too much 5 13. Eating wrong foods; diet problems; knowing what to eat 11 14. Not exercising; canÆt/wonÆt exercise 1 15. Medication changes; changes in dosage 3 97. Other 1874 blank. INAP ========================================================================================== QXF1 HOW OFTEN TEST BLOOD SUGAR Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 140 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 According to your doctor or nurse, how often should you test your blood sugar? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 210 1. Never or not told to test (Go to question F4) 152 2. Once a week or less 256 3. Several times a week 642 4. Daily 501 5. More than once a day 140 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXF2 HOW OFTEN MISS SCHEDULED TEST IN MONTH Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 141 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In a typical month how often do you miss your scheduled testing? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 500 1. Never 498 2. Rarely (fewer than one out of ten scheduled tests) 362 3. Sometimes (one or two out of ten scheduled tests) 126 4. Often (three or four out of ten scheduled tests) 120 5. Very often (five or more times out of ten scheduled tests) 139 M. Missing 156 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXF3A REASON MISS: FORGOT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 142 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 You forgot ................................................................................ 448 1. Never 363 2. Rarely 424 3. Sometimes 115 4. Often 64 5. Very Often 315 M. Missing 172 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXF3B REASON MISS: DO NOT BELIEVE IT IS USEFUL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 143 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 You don't believe it is useful ................................................................................ 801 1. Never 175 2. Rarely 181 3. Sometimes 65 4. Often 38 5. Very Often 467 M. Missing 174 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXF3C REASON MISS: HARD TO FIND THE RIGHT TIME/PLACE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 144 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 It is hard to find the right time or place ................................................................................ 684 1. Never 245 2. Rarely 272 3. Sometimes 66 4. Often 24 5. Very Often 432 M. Missing 178 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXF3D REASON MISS: DO NOT LIKE TO DO IT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 145 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 You don't like to do it ................................................................................ 706 1. Never 201 2. Rarely 240 3. Sometimes 76 4. Often 57 5. Very Often 446 M. Missing 175 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXF3E REASON MISS: RAN OUT OF TEST MATERIALS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 146 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 You ran out of test materials ................................................................................ 872 1. Never 197 2. Rarely 158 3. Sometimes 34 4. Often 37 5. Very Often 424 M. Missing 179 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXF3F REASON MISS: COSTS TOO MUCH Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 147 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 It costs too much ................................................................................ 949 1. Never 97 2. Rarely 121 3. Sometimes 43 4. Often 56 5. Very Often 460 M. Missing 175 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXF3G REASON MISS: CA NOT DO IT BY YOURSELF Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 148 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 You can't do it by yourself ................................................................................ 1062 1. Never 75 2. Rarely 59 3. Sometimes 40 4. Often 42 5. Very Often 446 M. Missing 177 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXF3H REASON MISS: HURTS TO PRICK YOUR FINGER Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 149 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 It hurts to prick your finger ................................................................................ 689 1. Never 208 2. Rarely 338 3. Sometimes 98 4. Often 73 5. Very Often 325 M. Missing 170 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXF4 PAST 12 MTHS HEALTH CARE PROVIDER RECOMMEND CHANGES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 150 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In the past 12 months, has your health care provider recommended changes in your insulin or pill dose on the basis of your home blood tests? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 503 1. Yes 1067 5. No 140 7. Not using insulin or medications 53 9. Don't test 138 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXF5 CHANGE INSULIN DOSE ON BASIS OF BLOOD SUGAR TESTS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 151 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Have you been taught to change your insulin dose on the basis of your blood sugar tests? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 346 1. Yes 478 5. No 780 7. Not using insulin 64 9. Don't test 233 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXG1A PROBLEM: FINDING MONEY TO PAY FOR MEDICATION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 152 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Finding money to pay for medication and supplies ................................................................................ 1086 1. Not a Problem 250 2. Minor Problem 223 3. Moderate Problem 122 4. Somewhat Serious Problem 101 5. Serious Problem 119 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXG1B PROBLEM: NOT KEEPING UP WITH WORK Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 153 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Not keeping up with commitments at work or at home because of diabetes ................................................................................ 1296 1. Not a Problem 226 2. Minor Problem 139 3. Moderate Problem 57 4. Somewhat Serious Problem 36 5. Serious Problem 147 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXG1C PROBLEM: NOT HAVING CLEAR CARE GOALS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 154 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Not having clear and concrete goals for your diabetes care ................................................................................ 1069 1. Not a Problem 357 2. Minor Problem 213 3. Moderate Problem 64 4. Somewhat Serious Problem 35 5. Serious Problem 163 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXG1D PROBLEM: FEELING DISCOURAGED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 155 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Feeling discouraged with your diabetes treatment plan ................................................................................ 1153 1. Not a Problem 331 2. Minor Problem 172 3. Moderate Problem 69 4. Somewhat Serious Problem 35 5. Serious Problem 141 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXG1E PROBLEM: COPING WITH COMPLICATIONS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 156 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Coping with complications of diabetes you have now ................................................................................ 1056 1. Not a Problem 364 2. Minor Problem 205 3. Moderate Problem 82 4. Somewhat Serious Problem 47 5. Serious Problem 147 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXG1F PROBLEM: FEELINGS OF FOOD DEPRIVATION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 157 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Feelings of deprivation regarding food and meals (not being able to eat all of what you want) ................................................................................ 738 1. Not a Problem 468 2. Minor Problem 335 3. Moderate Problem 153 4. Somewhat Serious Problem 86 5. Serious Problem 121 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXG1G PROBLEM: UNCOMFORTABLE FAMILY INTERACTIONS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 158 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Uncomfortable interactions with family or friends ................................................................................ 1392 1. Not a Problem 200 2. Minor Problem 111 3. Moderate Problem 33 4. Somewhat Serious Problem 19 5. Serious Problem 146 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXG1H PROBLEM: FEELING OVERWHELMED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 159 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Feeling overwhelmed by your diabetes regimen ................................................................................ 1162 1. Not a Problem 341 2. Minor Problem 161 3. Moderate Problem 52 4. Somewhat Serious Problem 23 5. Serious Problem 162 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXG1I PROBLEM: WORRYING ABOUT LOW BLOOD SUGAR REACTIONS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 160 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Worrying about low blood sugar reactions ................................................................................ 1081 1. Not a Problem 386 2. Minor Problem 181 3. Moderate Problem 71 4. Somewhat Serious Problem 45 5. Serious Problem 137 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXG1J PROBLEM: WORRYING ABOUT THE FUTURE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 161 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Worrying about the future and the possibility of serious complications ................................................................................ 675 1. Not a Problem 413 2. Minor Problem 329 3. Moderate Problem 216 4. Somewhat Serious Problem 143 5. Serious Problem 125 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH1A SHORT OF BREATH: LYING DOWN FLAT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 162 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 When lying down flat ................................................................................ 57 1. All of the time 72 2. Most of the time 210 3. Most of the time 283 4. A little of the time 1180 5. None of the time 99 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH1B SHORT OF BREATH: SITTING, RESTING Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 163 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 When sitting, resting ................................................................................ 27 1. All of the time 51 2. Most of the time 189 3. Most of the time 280 4. A little of the time 1234 5. None of the time 120 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH1C SHORT OF BREATH: WALKING LESS THAN ONE BLOCK Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 164 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 When walking less than one block ................................................................................ 172 1. All of the time 178 2. Most of the time 306 3. Most of the time 313 4. A little of the time 815 5. None of the time 117 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH1D SHORT OF BREATH: CLIMBING ONE FLIGHT OF STAIRS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 165 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 When climbing one flight of stairs ................................................................................ 255 1. All of the time 232 2. Most of the time 319 3. Most of the time 387 4. A little of the time 581 5. None of the time 127 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH1E SHORT OF BREATH: CLIMBING SEVERAL FLIGHTS OF STAIRS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 166 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 When climbing several flights of stairs ................................................................................ 430 1. All of the time 302 2. Most of the time 319 3. Most of the time 297 4. A little of the time 396 5. None of the time 157 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH2A PAST 12 MTHS: HEART ATTACK OR PREVIOUS HEART ATTACK Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 167 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Heart attack or previous heart attack ................................................................................ 267 1. Yes 1550 5. No 84 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH2B PAST 12 MTHS: CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 168 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Congestive heart failure ................................................................................ 223 1. Yes 1583 5. No 95 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH2C PAST 12 MTHS: ANGINA Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 169 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Angina ................................................................................ 221 1. Yes 1553 5. No 127 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH2D PAST 12 MTHS: STROKE OR PREVIOUS STROKE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 170 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Stroke or previous stroke ................................................................................ 149 1. Yes 1648 5. No 104 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH2E PAST 12 MTHS: TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACKS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 171 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Transient ischemic attacks (TIA or "mini-strokes") ................................................................................ 142 1. Yes 1649 5. No 110 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH3A PAST 12 MTHS: CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS SURGERY Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 172 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Coronary artery bypass surgery (open heart surgery) ................................................................................ 49 1. Yes 1765 5. No 87 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH3B PAST 12 MTHS: CORONARY ANGIOPLASTY Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 173 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Coronary angioplasty ................................................................................ 80 1. Yes 1720 5. No 101 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH3C PAST 12 MTHS: HEART CATHERIZATION (ANGIOGRAM) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 174 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Heart catherization (angiogram) ................................................................................ 162 1. Yes 1642 5. No 97 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH3D PAST 12 MTHS: EXERCISE TEST (STRESS TEST) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 175 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Exercise test (stress test) ................................................................................ 457 1. Yes 1372 5. No 72 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH3E PAST 12 MTHS: PACEMAKER INSERTION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 176 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Pacemaker insertion ................................................................................ 45 1. Yes 1582 5. No 274 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH4A PAST 12 MTHS: CHEST PAIN/PRESSURE EXERCISING Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 177 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Chest pain or pressure when you exercise ................................................................................ 84 1. More than once a week 76 2. Almost every week 98 3. About once a month 276 4. Once or twice only 1245 5. Never 122 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH4B PAST 12 MTHS: CHEST PAIN/PRESSURE RESTING Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 178 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Chest pain or pressure when resting ................................................................................ 54 1. More than once a week 59 2. Almost every week 73 3. About once a month 187 4. Once or twice only 1414 5. Never 114 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH4C PAST 12 MTHS: ANKLES OR LEGS THAT SWELL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 179 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Ankles or legs that swell as the day goes on ................................................................................ 319 1. More than once a week 181 2. Almost every week 161 3. About once a month 287 4. Once or twice only 857 5. Never 96 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH4D PAST 12 MTHS: FAINTING OR DIZZINESS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 180 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Fainting or dizziness when you stand up ................................................................................ 120 1. More than once a week 109 2. Almost every week 148 3. About once a month 397 4. Once or twice only 1029 5. Never 98 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH5 TAKE ASPIRIN DAILY Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 181 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Have you been told by a doctor to take aspirin on a daily basis? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 1130 1. Yes 594 5. No 105 7. My doctor told me that I should not take aspirin 72 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH6 DO YOU USUALLY TAKE ASPIRIN EACH DAY? Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 182 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Do you usually take aspirin each day? ................................................................................ 1057 1. Yes 783 5. No 61 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH7A KIDNEY FAILURE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 183 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Kidney failure ................................................................................ 113 1. Yes 1698 5. No 90 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH7B PROTEIN IN URINE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 184 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Protein in your urine ................................................................................ 279 1. Yes 1510 5. No 112 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH8A KIDNEY DIALYSIS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 185 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Kidney dialysis ................................................................................ 43 1. Yes 1787 5. No 71 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH8B KIDNEY TRANSPLANT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 186 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Kidney transplant ................................................................................ 11 1. Yes 1809 5. No 81 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH9A PAST 12 MTHS: NUMBNESS OR LOSS OF FEELING IN FEET Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 187 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Numbness or loss of feeling in your feet ................................................................................ 176 1. All of the time 123 2. Most of the time 287 3. Some of the time 311 4. A little of the time 925 5. None of the time 79 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH9B PAST 12 MTHS: TINGLING OR BURNING SENSATION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 188 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Tingling or burning sensation in your feet, especially at night ................................................................................ 133 1. All of the time 114 2. Most of the time 363 3. Some of the time 307 4. A little of the time 904 5. None of the time 80 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH9C PAST 12 MTHS: DECREASED ABILITY TO FEEL HOT OR COLD Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 189 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Decreased ability to feel hot or cold with your hands or feet ................................................................................ 81 1. All of the time 58 2. Most of the time 178 3. Some of the time 195 4. A little of the time 1297 5. None of the time 92 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH9D PAST 12 MTHS: SORES, INFECTIONS OR ULCERS ON FEET Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 190 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Sores, infections or ulcers on your feet that did not heal ................................................................................ 19 1. All of the time 15 2. Most of the time 50 3. Some of the time 94 4. A little of the time 1638 5. None of the time 85 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH10A AMPUTATION: TOE(S) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 191 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Toe(s) ................................................................................ 45 1. Yes 1787 5. No 69 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH10B AMPUTATION: PART OF A FOOT (OR FEET) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 192 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Part of a foot (or feet) ................................................................................ 28 1. Yes 1793 5. No 80 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH10C AMPUTATION: LEG, BELOW THE KNEE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 193 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Leg, below the knee ................................................................................ 35 1. Yes 1785 5. No 81 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH10D AMPUTATION: LEG, ABOVE THE KNEE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 194 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Leg, above the knee ................................................................................ 21 1. Yes 1798 5. No 82 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH11 HAVE YOU EVER HAD DIABETIC EYE DISEASE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 195 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Have you ever had diabetic eye disease or laser surgery on your eyes (for your diabetes)? ................................................................................ 267 1. Yes 1516 5. No 118 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH12 HOW WOULD YOU RATE YOUR VISION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 196 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How would you rate your vision (using your glasses or contacts, if you wear them)? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 153 1. Excellent 540 2. Very Good 685 3. Good 353 4. Fair 123 5. Poor 47 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH13 HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 197 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Has a doctor or nurse ever told you that you have high blood pressure? ................................................................................ 1404 1. Yes 438 5. No (Go to Question H16) 59 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH14 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: HOW MANY YEARS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 198 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 1 How many years ago were you first told that you have high blood pressure? (Years ago) Responses of less than 1 year coded as 0.5. ................................................................................ N: 1272 Nmiss: 629 Min: 0 Max: 110 Mean: 16.08 ========================================================================================== QXH15 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: TAKE MEDICATION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 199 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Do you now take medication for your high blood pressure? ................................................................................ 1310 1. Yes 151 5. No 92 M. Missing 348 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXH16MO LAST BLOOD PRESSURE READING: MONTH Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 200 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 36 1. January 21 2. February 31 3. March 30 4. April 35 5. May 73 6. June 88 7. July 137 8. August 344 9. September 628 10. October 54 11. November 32 12. December 256 D. Uncertain, can't say 136 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH16YR LAST BLOOD PRESSURE READING: YEAR Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 201 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1 1993. Year of last BP reading 2 2000. Year of last BP reading 1 2001. Year of last BP reading 25 2002. Year of last BP reading 1418 2003. Year of last BP reading 31 2004. Year of last BP reading 257 D. Uncertain, can't say 166 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH17SYS LAST BLOOD PRESSURE READING: SYSTOLIC Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 202 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ N: 1108 Nmiss: 793 Min: 70 Max: 194 Mean: 133.16 ========================================================================================== QXH17DIA LAST BLOOD PRESSURE READING: DIASTOLIC Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 203 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ N: 1098 Nmiss: 803 Min: 6 Max: 210 Mean: 75.29 ========================================================================================== QXH18 BLOOD PRESSURE GOAL OR TARGET Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 204 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Do you have a goal or target for what you would like your blood pressure to be at or below? ................................................................................ 794 1. Yes 856 5. No (Go to Question H20) 251 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH19SYS BLOOD PRESSURE GOAL: SYSTOLIC Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 205 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ N: 726 Nmiss: 1175 Min: 5 Max: 165 Mean: 126.54 ========================================================================================== QXH19DIA BLOOD PRESSURE GOAL: DIASTOLIC Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 206 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ N: 722 Nmiss: 1179 Min: 30 Max: 179 Mean: 75.67 ========================================================================================== QXH20 HAVE HIGH CHOLESTEROL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 207 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Has a doctor or nurse ever told you that you have high cholesterol? ................................................................................ 1097 1. Yes 708 5. No (Go to Question H23) 96 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH21 HIGH CHOLESTEROL: HOW MANY YEARS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 208 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 1 How many years ago were you first told that you have high cholesterol? (Years ago) Responses of less than 1 year coded as 0.5. ................................................................................ N: 1061 Nmiss: 840 Min: 0 Max: 68 Mean: 7.73 ========================================================================================== QXH22 HIGH CHOLESTEROL: TAKE MEDICATION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 209 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Do you now take medication for your high cholesterol? ................................................................................ 885 1. Yes 436 5. No 86 M. Missing 494 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXH23MO LAST CHOLESTEROL READING: MONTH Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 210 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 29 1. January 32 2. February 41 3. March 60 4. April 53 5. May 122 6. June 115 7. July 130 8. August 232 9. September 164 10. October 28 11. November 19 12. December 675 D. Uncertain, can't say 201 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXH23YR LAST CHOLESTEROL READING: YEAR Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 211 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1 1980. Year of last cholesterol reading 1 1997. Year of last cholesterol reading 2 1998. Year of last cholesterol reading 6 2000. Year of last cholesterol reading 8 2001. Year of last cholesterol reading 78 2002. Year of last cholesterol reading 938 2003. Year of last cholesterol reading 10 2004. Year of last cholesterol reading 669 D. Uncertain, can't say 188 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI1 CURRENT WEIGHT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 212 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How would you describe your weight right now? Do you consider yourself: (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 24 1. Very underweight 67 2. Underweight 499 3. About the right weight 835 4. Somewhat overweight 413 5. Very overweight 34 D. Uncertain, can't say 29 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI2 HAVE WEIGHT TARGET OR GOAL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 213 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Do you have a target or goal for what you would like your weight to be? ................................................................................ 1360 1. Yes 420 5. No (Go to Question I4) 121 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI3 WEIGHT TARGET OR GOAL (LBS) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 214 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 What is it? (lbs.) ................................................................................ N: 1385 Nmiss: 516 Min: 15 Max: 280 Mean: 165.57 ========================================================================================== QXI4 PAST 12 MTHS: TRIED TO LOSE WEIGHT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 215 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 During the past 12 months, have you tried to lose weight? ................................................................................ 1037 1. Yes 810 5. No 54 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI5 PAST 2 WEEKS: WALK FOR EXERCISE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 216 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In the past 2 weeks, have you walked for exercise? ................................................................................ 964 1. Yes 866 5. No (Go to Question I7) 71 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI6A WALKING: NUMBER TIMES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 217 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Number of times ................................................................................ N: 868 Nmiss: 1033 Min: 1 Max: 24 Mean: 3.98 ========================================================================================== QXI6B WALKING: AVG TIME PER SESSION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 218 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Average amount of time per session Time per session coded as HHMM. For example, 30 minutes would be coded as 30 whereas 1 hour would be coded as 100. ................................................................................ N: 738 Nmiss: 1163 Min: 5 Max: 800 Mean: 56.84 ========================================================================================== QXI7 PAST 2 WEEKS: INDOOR HOUSEHOLD CHORES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 219 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In the past 2 weeks, have you done moderately strenuous household chores, like scrubbing and vacuuming? ................................................................................ 996 1. Yes 834 5. No (Go to Question I9) 71 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI8A INDOOR CHORES: NUMBER TIMES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 220 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Number of times ................................................................................ N: 876 Nmiss: 1025 Min: 1 Max: 56 Mean: 2.7 ========================================================================================== QXI8B INDOOR CHORES: AVG TIME PER SESSION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 221 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 Average amount of time per session Time per session coded as HHMM. For example, 30 minutes would be coded as 30 whereas 1 hour would be coded as 100. ................................................................................ N: 760 Nmiss: 1141 Min: 3 Max: 4000 Mean: 103.19 ========================================================================================== QXI9 PAST 2 WEEKS: OUTDOOR HOUSEHOLD CHORES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 222 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In the past 2 weeks, have you done moderately strenuous household chores like mowing or raking the lawn, shoveling snow, or working in the garden? ................................................................................ 618 1. Yes 1214 5. No (Go to Question I11) 69 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI10A OUTDOOR CHORES: NUMBER TIMES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 223 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 If yes: Number of times/week ................................................................................ N: 558 Nmiss: 1343 Min: 1 Max: 56 Mean: 2.15 ========================================================================================== QXI10B OUTDOOR CHORES: AVG TIME PER SESSION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 224 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 Average amount of time per session Time per session coded as HHMM. For example, 30 minutes would be coded as 30 whereas 1 hour would be coded as 100. ................................................................................ N: 501 Nmiss: 1400 Min: 6 Max: 4000 Mean: 173.99 ========================================================================================== QXI11 PAST 2 WEEKS: DANCING Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 225 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In the past 2 weeks, have you danced? ................................................................................ 105 1. Yes 1723 5. No (Go to Question I13) 73 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI12A DANCING: NUMBER TIMES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 226 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 If yes: Number of times/week ................................................................................ N: 93 Nmiss: 1808 Min: 1 Max: 14 Mean: 1.89 ========================================================================================== QXI12B DANCING: AVG TIME PER SESSION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 227 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Average amount of time per session Time per session coded as HHMM. For example, 30 minutes would be coded as 30 whereas 1 hour would be coded as 100. ................................................................................ N: 76 Nmiss: 1825 Min: 4 Max: 400 Mean: 95.45 ========================================================================================== QXI13 PAST 2 WEEKS: BOWLING Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 228 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In the past 2 weeks, have you gone bowling? ................................................................................ 24 1. Yes 1800 5. No (Go to Question I15) 77 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI14A BOWLING: NUMBER TIMES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 229 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 If yes: Number of times ................................................................................ N: 23 Nmiss: 1878 Min: 1 Max: 6 Mean: 2.04 ========================================================================================== QXI14B BOWLING: AVG TIME PER SESSION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 230 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Average amount of time per session Time per session coded as HHMM. For example, 30 minutes would be coded as 30 whereas 1 hour would be coded as 100. ................................................................................ N: 20 Nmiss: 1881 Min: 15 Max: 300 Mean: 204.25 ========================================================================================== QXI15 PAST 2 WEEKS: EXERCISE PROGRAM Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 231 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In the past 2 weeks, have you participated in any regular exercise program such as stretching or strengthening exercise, swimming, or any other regular exercise program? ................................................................................ 348 1. Yes 1470 5. No (Go to Question I17) 83 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI16A EXERCISE: NUMBER TIMES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 232 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 If yes: Number of times/week ................................................................................ N: 336 Nmiss: 1565 Min: 1 Max: 35 Mean: 3.85 ========================================================================================== QXI16B EXERCISE: AVG TIME PER SESSION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 233 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Average amount of time per session Time per session coded as HHMM. For example, 30 minutes would be coded as 30 whereas 1 hour would be coded as 100. ................................................................................ N: 313 Nmiss: 1588 Min: 2 Max: 600 Mean: 58.32 ========================================================================================== QXI17 PAST 2 WEEKS: VIGOROUS EXERCISE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 234 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In the past 2 weeks, have you participated in any vigorous exercise, like running/jogging, biking, tennis, aerobic dance, or hiking? ................................................................................ 147 1. Yes 1677 5. No (Go to Question I19) 77 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI18A VIGOROUS EXERCISE: NUMBER TIMES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 235 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 If yes: Number of times/week ................................................................................ N: 120 Nmiss: 1781 Min: 1 Max: 7 Mean: 3.05 ========================================================================================== QXI18B VIGOROUS EXERCISER: AVG TIME PER SESSION Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 236 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Average amount of time per session Time per session coded as HHMM. For example, 30 minutes would be coded as 30 whereas 1 hour would be coded as 100. ................................................................................ N: 108 Nmiss: 1793 Min: 1 Max: 700 Mean: 104.87 ========================================================================================== QXI19 NUMBER OF BLOCKS/MILES WALKED IN THE LAST WEEK Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 237 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 2 Think about the walking you do outside your home. During the last week, about how many city blocks or their equivalents did you walk? (Number of blocks) Not all responses represent number of blocks walked. Use QXI19UNT for the appropriate unit. ................................................................................ N: 386 Nmiss: 1515 Min: 0 Max: 288 Mean: 6.74 ========================================================================================== QXI19UNT I19 UNIT (BLOCKS/MILES) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 238 Type: Character Width: 8 Decimals: Null ................................................................................ ========================================================================================== QXI20 USUAL PACE WALKING Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 239 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 What is your usual pace? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 498 1. Casual strolling 729 2. Average or normal 258 3. Fairly briskly 48 4. Brisk or striding 268 5. No walking at all 100 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI21 PAST 2 WEEKS: EXERCISED RIGHT AMOUNT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 240 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In the past two weeks, do you feel that you exercised about the right amount, less, or more than you would like? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 597 1. About the right amount of exercise 1173 2. Too little exercise 32 3. Too much exercise 99 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI22A EXERCISE PROBLEM: TAKES TOO MUCH EFFORT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 241 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 It takes too much effort. ................................................................................ 678 1. Yes, it's a problem 986 5. No, it's not a problem 237 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI22B EXERCISE PROBLEM: DO NOT BELIEVE IT IS USEFUL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 242 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 You don't believe it is useful. ................................................................................ 240 1. Yes, it's a problem 1358 5. No, it's not a problem 303 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI22C EXERCISE PROBLEM: DO NOT LIKE TO DO IT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 243 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 You don't like to do it. ................................................................................ 524 1. Yes, it's a problem 1096 5. No, it's not a problem 281 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI22D EXERCISE PROBLEM: HEALTH PROBLEM Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 244 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 You have a health problem that makes it difficult. ................................................................................ 876 1. Yes, it's a problem 862 5. No, it's not a problem 163 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI22E EXERCISE PROBLEM: TOO OLD Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 245 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 You're too old. ................................................................................ 350 1. Yes, it's a problem 1293 5. No, it's not a problem 258 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI22F EXERCISE PROBLEM: NO GOOD PLACE TO EXERCISE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 246 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 There's no good place to exercise. ................................................................................ 313 1. Yes, it's a problem 1284 5. No, it's not a problem 304 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI22G EXERCISE PROBLEM: DIABETES DIFFICULT TO CONTROL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 247 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 It makes your diabetes more difficult to control. ................................................................................ 137 1. Yes, it's a problem 1439 5. No, it's not a problem 325 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI22H EXERCISE PROBLEM: HARD TO FIND TIME Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 248 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 It's hard to find the time. ................................................................................ 455 1. Yes, it's a problem 1168 5. No, it's not a problem 278 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI22I EXERCISE PROBLEM: NO ONE TO EXERCISE WITH Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 249 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 You have no one to exercise with. ................................................................................ 462 1. Yes, it's a problem 1178 5. No, it's not a problem 261 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI23A BALANCE PROBLEM: WALKING ON LEVEL SURFACE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 250 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 When you are walking on a level surface ................................................................................ 785 1. Never 397 2. Rarely 384 3. Sometimes 136 4. Often 90 5. Very Often 109 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI23B BALANCE PROBLEM: DRESSING WHILE STANDING Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 251 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 When you are dressing while standing ................................................................................ 655 1. Never 369 2. Rarely 500 3. Sometimes 160 4. Often 114 5. Very Often 103 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI23C BALANCE PROBLEM: STANDING WITH EYES CLOSED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 252 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 When you are standing with your eyes closed, such as in the shower ................................................................................ 710 1. Never 382 2. Rarely 393 3. Sometimes 148 4. Often 135 5. Very Often 133 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI23D BALANCE PROBLEM: WALKING DOWN STAIRS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 253 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 When you are walking down stairs ................................................................................ 729 1. Never 373 2. Rarely 383 3. Sometimes 148 4. Often 114 5. Very Often 154 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI24 EVER FEEL DIZZY OR LIGHT-HEADED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 254 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Do you ever feel dizzy or light-headed after standing up? ................................................................................ 858 1. Yes 977 5. No 66 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI25 FALLEN IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 255 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Have you fallen in the past 12 months? Falling includes falling on the ground or an uncontrolled fall into a chair, bed, or sofa. ................................................................................ 606 1. Yes 1210 5. No (Go to the Section J) 85 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXI26 NUMBER OF FALLS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 256 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 If yes, how many times have you fallen in the past 12 months? (Times) ................................................................................ N: 608 Nmiss: 1293 Min: 0 Max: 300 Mean: 4.79 ========================================================================================== QXJ1 R USE INSULIN Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 257 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Do you now use insulin? ................................................................................ 466 1. Yes 1360 5. No (Go to Question J5) 75 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXJ2 HOW MANY TIMES PER DAY TAKE INSULIN Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 258 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 How many times during the day do you usually take your insulin? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 63 1. Once a day (taken in the morning) 46 2. Once a day (taken in the evening) 265 3. Twice a day 51 4. Three times a day 28 5. Four or more times a day 7 6. I use an infusion pump 97 M. Missing 1344 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXJ3 HOW MANY YEARS TAKING INSULIN Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 259 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 1 How many years have you taken insulin? (Years) Responses of less than 1 year coded as 0.5. ................................................................................ N: 469 Nmiss: 1432 Min: 0 Max: 80 Mean: 10.58 ========================================================================================== QXJ4 MISSED INSULIN DOSE PER WEEK Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 260 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In a typical week, how often do you miss a scheduled insulin dose? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 315 1. Never 138 2. Rarely (fewer than one out of ten scheduled doses) 36 3. Sometimes (one or two out of ten scheduled doses) 3 4. Often (three or four out of ten scheduled doses) 3 5. Very often (five or more times out of ten scheduled doses) 1406 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXJ5 TAKE DIABETES MEDICATION BY MOUTH Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 261 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Do you currently use any diabetes medication that you take by mouth (tablets or pills)? ................................................................................ 1336 1. Yes 474 5. No (Go to Section K) 91 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXJ6 MISSED ORAL MEDS PER WEEK Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 262 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 In a typical week, how often do you miss a prescribed dose of your oral diabetes medication? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 983 1. Never 384 2. Rarely (fewer than one out of ten scheduled doses) 73 3. Sometimes (one or two out of ten scheduled doses) 10 4. Often (three or four out of ten scheduled doses) 9 5. Very often (five or more times out of ten scheduled doses) 82 M. Missing 360 S. Skip ========================================================================================== QXK1A TREATMENT PREVENTS: EYE PROBLEMS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 263 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Eye problems ................................................................................ 76 1. Strongly Disagree 35 2. Disagree 141 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 865 4. Agree 692 5. Strongly Agree 92 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK1B TREATMENT PREVENTS: KIDNEY PROBLEMS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 264 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Kidney problems ................................................................................ 73 1. Strongly Disagree 59 2. Disagree 157 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 822 4. Agree 674 5. Strongly Agree 116 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK1C TREATMENT PREVENTS: FOOT PROBLEMS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 265 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Foot problems ................................................................................ 66 1. Strongly Disagree 51 2. Disagree 127 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 846 4. Agree 698 5. Strongly Agree 113 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK1D TREATMENT PREVENTS: HARDENING OF THE ARTERIES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 266 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Hardening of the arteries ................................................................................ 72 1. Strongly Disagree 56 2. Disagree 274 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 771 4. Agree 594 5. Strongly Agree 134 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK1E TREATMENT PREVENTS: HEART DISEASE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 267 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Heart disease ................................................................................ 69 1. Strongly Disagree 59 2. Disagree 218 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 785 4. Agree 642 5. Strongly Agree 128 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK1F TREATMENT PREVENTS: STROKE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 268 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Stroke ................................................................................ 76 1. Strongly Disagree 52 2. Disagree 214 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 784 4. Agree 647 5. Strongly Agree 128 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK2A (DIS)AGREE: FOLLOW MEAL PLAN Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 269 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Follow my meal plan ................................................................................ 30 1. Strongly Disagree 131 2. Disagree 376 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 991 4. Agree 283 5. Strongly Agree 90 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK2B (DIS)AGREE: TAKE MEDICINE AS RECOMMENDED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 270 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Take my medicine as recommended ................................................................................ 21 1. Strongly Disagree 13 2. Disagree 74 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 941 4. Agree 740 5. Strongly Agree 112 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK2C (DIS)AGREE: TAKE CARE OF FEET Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 271 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Take care of my feet ................................................................................ 25 1. Strongly Disagree 23 2. Disagree 123 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 1030 4. Agree 614 5. Strongly Agree 86 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK2D (DIS)AGREE: GET ENOUGH PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 272 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Get enough physical activity ................................................................................ 69 1. Strongly Disagree 232 2. Disagree 386 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 780 4. Agree 316 5. Strongly Agree 118 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK2E (DIS)AGREE: TEST BLOOD SUGAR Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 273 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Test my blood sugar as recommended ................................................................................ 30 1. Strongly Disagree 54 2. Disagree 168 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 923 4. Agree 617 5. Strongly Agree 109 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK2F (DIS)AGREE: GO TO THE DOCTOR OR NURSE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 274 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Go to the doctor or nurse when I should ................................................................................ 23 1. Strongly Disagree 20 2. Disagree 67 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 959 4. Agree 759 5. Strongly Agree 73 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK2G (DIS)AGREE: KEEP WEIGHT UNDER CONTROL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 275 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Keep my weight under control ................................................................................ 45 1. Strongly Disagree 163 2. Disagree 369 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 854 4. Agree 386 5. Strongly Agree 84 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK2H (DIS)AGREE: HANDLE FEELINGS ABOUT DIABETES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 276 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Handle my feelings about diabetes. ................................................................................ 34 1. Strongly Disagree 41 2. Disagree 294 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 992 4. Agree 418 5. Strongly Agree 122 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK3A (DIS)AGREE: MAINTAIN LIFESTYLE PLANS FOR DIET Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 277 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 I can maintain lifestyle plans for diet and exercise even during times of stress. ................................................................................ 52 1. Strongly Disagree 210 2. Disagree 395 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 917 4. Agree 207 5. Strongly Agree 120 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK3B (DIS)AGREE: KEEP UP WITH NEW TREATMENTS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 278 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 I can keep up with new developments in the treatment of diabetes. ................................................................................ 29 1. Strongly Disagree 97 2. Disagree 342 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 1036 4. Agree 271 5. Strongly Agree 126 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK3C (DIS)AGREE: MAKE CORRECT SELF-CARE CHOICES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 279 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 I know enough about diabetes to make self-care choices that are right for me. ................................................................................ 33 1. Strongly Disagree 122 2. Disagree 299 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 1044 4. Agree 300 5. Strongly Agree 103 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXK3D (DIS)AGREE: KEEP MYSELF MOTIVATED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 280 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 I know how to keep myself motivated to care for my diabetes ................................................................................ 39 1. Strongly Disagree 92 2. Disagree 294 3. Neither Disagree nor Agree 1071 4. Agree 303 5. Strongly Agree 102 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL1A DAYS TAKE RECOMMENDED INSULIN/DIABETES PILLS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 281 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Take your recommended insulin or diabetes pills ................................................................................ 51 1. 1 Day 14 2. 2 Days 7 3. 3 Days 13 4. 4 Days 15 5. 5 Days 57 6. 6 Days 1393 7. 7 Days 351 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL1B DAYS TAKE ALL DOSES INSULIN/DIABETES PILLS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 282 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Take all your recommended doses of insulin or number of diabetes pills ................................................................................ 54 1. 1 Day 13 2. 2 Days 8 3. 3 Days 12 4. 4 Days 20 5. 5 Days 80 6. 6 Days 1366 7. 7 Days 348 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL1C DAYS FOLLOW HEALTHFUL EATING PLAN Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 283 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Follow a healthful eating plan ................................................................................ 71 1. 1 Day 45 2. 2 Days 124 3. 3 Days 213 4. 4 Days 296 5. 5 Days 184 6. 6 Days 745 7. 7 Days 223 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL1D DAYS EAT 5+ SERVINGS OF FRUITS VEGETABLES Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 284 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables ................................................................................ 117 1. 1 Day 97 2. 2 Days 217 3. 3 Days 246 4. 4 Days 271 5. 5 Days 167 6. 6 Days 554 7. 7 Days 232 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL1E DAYS EAT HIGH FAT FOODS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 285 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Eat high fat foods such as red meat or full-fat dairy products ................................................................................ 309 1. 1 Day 283 2. 2 Days 311 3. 3 Days 217 4. 4 Days 183 5. 5 Days 85 6. 6 Days 205 7. 7 Days 308 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL1F DAYS EAT 2+ SERVINGS OF SNACK OR DESSERT Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 286 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Eat two or more servings of snack or dessert foods such as chips, cookies, cake, or pie ................................................................................ 482 1. 1 Day 326 2. 2 Days 277 3. 3 Days 173 4. 4 Days 104 5. 5 Days 57 6. 6 Days 147 7. 7 Days 335 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL1G DAYS TEST BLOOD SUGAR AS RECOMMENDED Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 287 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Test your blood sugar as often as your doctor has recommended ................................................................................ 187 1. 1 Day 59 2. 2 Days 96 3. 3 Days 82 4. 4 Days 84 5. 5 Days 90 6. 6 Days 958 7. 7 Days 345 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL2A DIFFICULT: TAKING DIABETES MEDICATIONS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 288 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Taking diabetes medications (pills and/or insulin) ................................................................................ 11 1. So Difficult: That I couldn't do it all 6 2. Very Difficult: I hardly ever do this 30 3. Difficult: But I managed some of the time 369 4. Not Difficult: I managed most of the time 1158 5. Not Difficult: I got it exactly right 174 6. Doesn't Apply: I don't do this, or doctor didn't recommend 153 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL2B DIFFICULT: EXERCISING REGULARLY Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 289 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Exercising regularly ................................................................................ 141 1. So Difficult: That I couldn't do it all 360 2. Very Difficult: I hardly ever do this 449 3. Difficult: But I managed some of the time 419 4. Not Difficult: I managed most of the time 307 5. Not Difficult: I got it exactly right 77 6. Doesn't Apply: I don't do this, or doctor didn't recommend 148 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL2C DIFFICULT: FOLLOWING RECOMMENDED EATING PLAN Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 290 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Following your recommended eating plan ................................................................................ 29 1. So Difficult: That I couldn't do it all 114 2. Very Difficult: I hardly ever do this 478 3. Difficult: But I managed some of the time 707 4. Not Difficult: I managed most of the time 385 5. Not Difficult: I got it exactly right 58 6. Doesn't Apply: I don't do this, or doctor didn't recommend 130 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL2D DIFFICULT: CHECKING BLOOD SUGAR Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 291 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Checking your blood sugar ................................................................................ 48 1. So Difficult: That I couldn't do it all 77 2. Very Difficult: I hardly ever do this 131 3. Difficult: But I managed some of the time 422 4. Not Difficult: I managed most of the time 916 5. Not Difficult: I got it exactly right 166 6. Doesn't Apply: I don't do this, or doctor didn't recommend 141 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL2E DIFFICULT: CHECKING FEET Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 292 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Checking your feet for wounds or sores ................................................................................ 17 1. So Difficult: That I couldn't do it all 37 2. Very Difficult: I hardly ever do this 118 3. Difficult: But I managed some of the time 474 4. Not Difficult: I managed most of the time 982 5. Not Difficult: I got it exactly right 140 6. Doesn't Apply: I don't do this, or doctor didn't recommend 133 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL2F DIFFICULT: TAKING MEDICATION FOR BLOOD PRESSURE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 293 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Taking medication for blood pressure ................................................................................ 21 1. So Difficult: That I couldn't do it all 8 2. Very Difficult: I hardly ever do this 26 3. Difficult: But I managed some of the time 220 4. Not Difficult: I managed most of the time 1124 5. Not Difficult: I got it exactly right 332 6. Doesn't Apply: I don't do this, or doctor didn't recommend 170 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL2G DIFFICULT: SEEING DOCTORS OR OTHER PROVIDERS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 294 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Seeing your doctors or other providers ................................................................................ 19 1. So Difficult: That I couldn't do it all 15 2. Very Difficult: I hardly ever do this 60 3. Difficult: But I managed some of the time 302 4. Not Difficult: I managed most of the time 1288 5. Not Difficult: I got it exactly right 92 6. Doesn't Apply: I don't do this, or doctor didn't recommend 125 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXL3 GRADE DIABETES SELF-CARE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 295 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Overall, what grade would you give yourself on your diabetes self-care in the past six months? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 239 1. A+ 386 2. A 198 3. A- 347 4. B+ 247 5. B 117 6. B- 191 7. C 36 8. D 16 9. F 124 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1A DIABETES RX: GLUCOTROL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 296 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Glucotrol (glipizide) ................................................................................ 364 1. Yes 4 2. Yes, Drug mentioned in M1n 754 5. No 779 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1B DIABETES RX: MICRONASE, GLYNASE, DIABETA Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 297 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Micronase, Glynase, or Diabeta (glyburide) ................................................................................ 221 1. Yes 23 2. Yes, Drug mentioned in M1n 813 5. No 844 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1C DIABETES RX: AMARYL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 298 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Amaryl (glimepiride) ................................................................................ 125 1. Yes 3 2. Yes, Drug mentioned in M1n 870 5. No 903 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1D DIABETES RX: STARLIX Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 299 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Starlix (nateglinide) ................................................................................ 28 1. Yes 935 5. No 938 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1E DIABETES RX: DIABINESE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 300 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Diabinese (chlorpropamide) ................................................................................ 24 1. Yes 928 5. No 949 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1F DIABETES RX: GLUCOPHAGE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 301 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Glucophage (metformin) ................................................................................ 547 1. Yes 15 2. Yes, Drug mentioned in M1n 639 5. No 700 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1G DIABETES RX: PRECOSE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 302 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Precose (acarbose) ................................................................................ 19 1. Yes 940 5. No 942 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1H DIABETES RX: AVANDIA Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 303 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Avandia (rosiglitazone) ................................................................................ 185 1. Yes 3 2. Yes, Drug mentioned in M1n 843 5. No 870 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1I DIABETES RX: ACTOS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 304 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Actos (pioglitazone) ................................................................................ 176 1. Yes 3 2. Yes, Drug mentioned in M1n 847 5. No 875 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1J DIABETES RX: PRANDIN Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 305 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Prandin (repaglinide) ................................................................................ 36 1. Yes 926 5. No 939 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1K DIABETES RX: AVANDAMET Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 306 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Avandamet (metformin and rosiglitazone combination pill) ................................................................................ 39 1. Yes 924 5. No 938 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1L DIABETES RX: GLUCOVANCE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 307 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Glucovance (glyburide and metformin combination pill) ................................................................................ 184 1. Yes 843 5. No 874 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1M DIABETES RX: METAGLIP Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 308 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Metaglip (glipizide and metformin combination pill) ................................................................................ 28 1. Yes 923 5. No 950 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1N DIABETES RX: OTHER FLAG Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 309 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Other (please specify) ................................................................................ 168 1. Yes 600 5. No 1133 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM1OTH DIABETES RX (OTHER) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 310 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 10 1. Diabetes medication other than listed in M1a-M1m 83 9. Not a diabetes medication 1808 blank. INAP ========================================================================================== QXM2A CHOLESTEROL RX: MEVACOR, ALTOCOR Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 311 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Mevacor or Altocor (lovastatin)rol (glipizide) ................................................................................ 71 1. Yes 2 2. Yes, Drug mentioned in M2f 939 5. No 889 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM2B CHOLESTEROL RX: ZOCOR Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 312 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Zocor (simvastatin) ................................................................................ 297 1. Yes 834 5. No 770 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM2C CHOLESTEROL RX: LIPITOR Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 313 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Lipitor (atorvastatin) ................................................................................ 414 1. Yes 1 2. Yes, Drug mentioned in M2f 769 5. No 717 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM2D CHOLESTEROL RX: LESCOL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 314 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Lescol (fluvastatin ................................................................................ 29 1. Yes 958 5. No 914 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM2E CHOLESTEROL RX: PRAVACHOL Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 315 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Pravachol (pravastatin) ................................................................................ 96 1. Yes 923 5. No 882 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM2F CHOLESTEROL RX: OTHER FLAG Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 316 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Other (please specify) ................................................................................ 127 1. Yes 711 5. No 1063 M. Missing ========================================================================================== QXM2OTH CHOLESTEROL RX (OTHER) Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 317 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 74 1. Cholesterol medication other than listed in M2a-M2e 41 9. Not a cholesterol medication 1786 blank. INAP ========================================================================================== QXM3CNT COUNT OF OTHER PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 318 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ N: 1640 Nmiss: 261 Min: 0 Max: 23 Mean: 4.93 ========================================================================================== QXM5CNT COUNT OF HERBAL MEDICATIONS Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 319 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ N: 1724 Nmiss: 177 Min: 0 Max: 6 Mean: .25 ========================================================================================== QXN1 R/OTHER ANSWERED QUESTIONNAIRE Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 320 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 Were the questions in this questionnaire answered by the person to whom this questionnaire was addressed, or did someone else answer for that person? (Mark one.) ................................................................................ 1542 1. Yes, the questions were answered by the person to whom the questionnaire was addressed 93 2. The questions were answered by that person's spouse or partner 84 3. The questions were answered by that person's son or daughter 19 4. The questions were answered by someone else (specify) 163 M. Missing ========================================================================================== TIBI THE TOTAL ILLNESS BURDEN INDEX (TIBI) OF DIABETES COMORBIDITIES - IMP Section: A Level: Respondent Reference: 321 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 ................................................................................ N: 1901 Nmiss: 0 Min: 0 Max: 100 Mean: 35.97 ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: S Level: Respondent Reference: 401 Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: Null This variable uniquely identifies an original household across waves. ................................................................................ ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: S Level: Respondent Reference: 402 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: Null Each respondent has a Person Number. The identifier is unique within an original household across waves. ................................................................................ 1876 010. Person Number 47 011. Person Number 3 012. Person Number 910 020. Person Number 5 021. Person Number 3 022. Person Number 160 030. Person Number 3 031. Person Number 183 040. Person Number 4 041. Person Number ========================================================================================== QXDIABID DIABETES STUDY IDENTIFIER Section: S Level: Respondent Reference: 403 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: Null ................................................................................ ========================================================================================== DIABSAMP SELECTED FOR DIABETES SAMPLE Section: S Level: Respondent Reference: 404 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Indicates whether selected for the diabetes mail survey sample ................................................................................ 680 0. Not selected for diabetes sample 2514 1. Selected for diabetes sample ========================================================================================== DMSELWT DIABETES SAMPLE SELECTION WEIGHT Section: S Level: Respondent Reference: 405 Type: Numeric Width: 14 Decimals: 7 ................................................................................ N: 2514 Nmiss: 680 Min: 0 Max: 11322.19921875 Mean: 4246.01 ========================================================================================== QXWGHT QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONDENT-LEVEL WEIGHT Section: S Level: Respondent Reference: 406 Type: Numeric Width: 14 Decimals: 7 ................................................................................ N: 1901 Nmiss: 1293 Min: 0 Max: 37934.9296875 Mean: 5615.18 ========================================================================================== LBWGHT HBA1C LAB RESPONDENT-LEVEL WEIGHT Section: S Level: Respondent Reference: 407 Type: Numeric Width: 14 Decimals: 7 ................................................................................ N: 1233 Nmiss: 1961 Min: 0 Max: 52522.9609375 Mean: 8657.3