
Section PR: PRELOAD  (Pension)


         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Character  Width: 6   Decimals: 0

         11609           000003-958361.  Household Identification Number


         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0

          6516         010.  Person Identifier
           233         011.  Person Identifier
            14         012.  Person Identifier
          3701         020.  Person Identifier
            66         021.  Person Identifier
             2         022.  Person Identifier
           408         030.  Person Identifier
            18         031.  Person Identifier
             6         032.  Person Identifier
           613         040.  Person Identifier
            28         041.  Person Identifier
             3         042.  Person Identifier
             1         043.  Person Identifier


         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Character  Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         10705           0.  Original sample household - no split from divorce or
                             separation of spouses or partners
           448           1.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
           372           2.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
            28           5.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
             2           6.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
            54           7.  Reunited household - respondents from split household
                         8.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2


         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Character  Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         10862           0.  Original sample household - no split from divorce or
                             separation of spouses or partners
           362           1.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
           301           2.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
            30           5.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
             2           6.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
            52           7.  Reunited household - respondents from split household
                         8.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2


NPN_SP                        2012 SPOUSE/PARTNER PERSON NUMBER
         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0

          3571         010.  Person Identifier
           317         011.  Person Identifier
            10         012.  Person Identifier
          3651         020.  Person Identifier
           116         021.  Person Identifier
             3         022.  Person Identifier
           201         030.  Person Identifier
            29         031.  Person Identifier
             5         032.  Person Identifier
             4         033.  Person Identifier
           415         040.  Person Identifier
            44         041.  Person Identifier
             5         042.  Person Identifier
             1         043.  Person Identifier
            18         811.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
             1         812.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
             2         831.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
             1         841.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
             2         842.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
          3213       Blank.  Single Respondent Household


NCSR                          2012 WHETHER COVERSHEET RESPONDENT
         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0


          7592           1.  Yes
            15           3.  2nd Coverscreen  R, answers not retained
          4002           5.  No


NFAMR                         2012 WHETHER FAMILY RESPONDENT
         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0

          7155           1.  Family R
            10           3.  2nd Family R, answers not retained
          4444           5.  Non-Family R


NFINR                         2012 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT
         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0

          8130           1.  Financial R
            10           3.  2nd Financial R, answers not retained
          3469           5.  Non-Financial R


NZ504                         RELATED JOB NUMBER -1
         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: Preload_PastPens[1].Z504_JobID


         11525                 301-307.  Actual Value
            84                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


NZ139                         PREV WAVE PENSION INDEX -1
         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: Preload_PastPens[1].Z139_PensionNdx_V


         11609                     1-7.  Actual Value
                                 Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


NZ505                         PENSION NUMBER FOR TRACKING -1
         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: Preload_PastPens[1].Z505_PensionID


         11609                 101-107.  Actual Value
                                 Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


NZ140                         PREV WAVE OLD PENSION TYPE -1
         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: Preload_PastPens[1].Z140_OldPenType_V


          2951           1.  Type A
          5906           2.  Type B
           258           3.  Both types, ask A Only
                         4.  Both types, ask B Only
            43           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
           443           9.  RF (Refused)
          2008       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


NZ507                         PREV WAVE PENSION STATUS -1
         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Numeric    Width: 2   Decimals: 0
         Ref: Preload_PastPens[1].Z507_PlanType


          3454           1.  401K Plan
           578           2.  Defined Benefit Plan
           759           3.  Defined Contribution Plan
           594           4.  Supplemental Retirement Account (SRA)
            16           5.  401A Plan
           357           6.  403B Plan 
            76           7.  457 Plan
           155           8.  Thrift/Savings Plan (TSP)
           147           9.  Profit-sharing Plan
            98          10.  Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
                        11.  Money Purchase Plan
             1          12.  Portable Cash Option Plan
            49          13.  Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP)
            80          14.  SEP or SIMPLE Plan
            26          15.  Combination Plan
            12          16.  Cash Balance Plan
           564          97.  Other
            29          98.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
           751          99.  RF (Refused)
          3863       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


NZ200                         YEAR REPORTED THIS PENSION -1
         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Numeric    Width: 4   Decimals: 0
         Ref: Preload_PastPens[1].Z200_YrRptPastPen

         PREV WAVE Interview Year when R Reported this Pension

         11609               1992-2010.  Actual Value
                                 Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


NVDATE                        2012 DATA MODEL VERSION
         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         User Note:  This variable identifies which data model was used to interview the
         household.  Please reference the data description for a summary of changes in
         each data model.

          1108           1.  Version 1
           929           2.  Version 2
          4140           3.  Version 3
          5432           4.  Version 4


NVERSION                      2012 DATA RELEASE VERSION
         Section: PR    Level: Pension         Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         11609           3.  HRS 2012 Final Release