
Section T: WILLS AND LIFE INSURANCE  (Respondent)


         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 6   Decimals: 0

         22034           000003-959738.  Household Identification Number


         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0

         12326         010.  Person Identifier
           625         011.  Person Identifier
            29         012.  Person Identifier
             1         013.  Person Identifier
          7141         020.  Person Identifier
           177         021.  Person Identifier
             9         022.  Person Identifier
             1         023.  Person Identifier
           633         030.  Person Identifier
            45         031.  Person Identifier
             7         032.  Person Identifier
           975         040.  Person Identifier
            58         041.  Person Identifier
             6         042.  Person Identifier
             1         043.  Person Identifier


         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         20699           0.  Original sample household - no split from divorce or
                             separation of spouses or partners
           672           1.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
           503           2.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
            52           5.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
             6           6.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
           101           7.  Reunited household - respondents from split household
             1           8.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2


         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         14544           0.  Original sample household - no split from divorce or
                             separation of spouses or partners
           610           1.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
           471           2.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
            39           5.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
             6           6.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
            69           7.  Reunited household - respondents from split household
             1           8.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
          6294       Blank.  NEW COHORT HH


MPN_SP                        2010 SPOUSE/PARTNER PERSON NUMBER
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0

          6364         010.  Person Identifier
           598         011.  Person Identifier
            28         012.  Person Identifier
          6051         020.  Person Identifier
           155         021.  Person Identifier
             8         022.  Person Identifier
             1         023.  Person Identifier
           461         030.  Person Identifier
            41         031.  Person Identifier
             6         032.  Person Identifier
           733         040.  Person Identifier
            63         041.  Person Identifier
             6         042.  Person Identifier
             1         043.  Person Identifier
            37         811.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
             4         812.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
             8         821.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
             2         822.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
             4         831.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
             4         841.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
             1         842.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
          7458       Blank.  Single Respondent Household


MCSR                          2010 WHETHER COVERSHEET RESPONDENT
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         15280           1.  Yes
            18           3.  2nd Coverscreen  R, answers not retained
          6736           5.  No


MFAMR                         2010 WHETHER FAMILY RESPONDENT
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         14977           1.  Family R
            14           3.  2nd Family R, answers not retained
          7043           5.  Non-Family R


MFINR                         2010 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         15130           1.  Financial R
            14           3.  2nd Financial R, answers not retained
          6890           5.  Non-Financial R


         (piRvarsZ145_TypeExit_V <> EXIT)) AND (piRvarsZ145_TypeExit_V <> NEWPOSTEXIT)) 
         AND (piRvarsZ145_TypeExit_V <> FIRSTREPEATPOST)) AND (piRvarsZ145_TypeExit_V <> 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT001                         DOES R HAVE VALID WILL
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T001_

         Do you currently have a will that is written and witnessed?

          9659           1.  YES, WILL
           155           2.  [VOL] YES, WILL AND TRUST
           190           3.  [VOL] NO WILL, BUT HAVE TRUST
         11620           5.  NO WILL
            69           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            63           9.  RF (Refused)
           278       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.Wills.T001_ 

         IF NOT ((SecT.Wills.T001_ = NoWill) OR SecT.Wills.T001_ = NONRESPONSE) THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT002                         DID R MAKE FAMILY PROVISIONS IN WILL
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T002_

         Have you made provisions in your [will/will or trust/trust] for any family
         members [other than your [husband/wife/partner]/husband/wife/partner/former
         husband/former wife]?

          8751           1.  YES
          1169           5.  NO
            49           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            35           9.  RF (Refused)
         12030       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.Wills.T002_ 

         IF NOT ((SecT.Wills.T002_ = NO) OR SecT.Wills.T002_ = NONRESPONSE) THEN 

         IF piInitA101_TotalKids > 0 THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T003_

         Does that include any of your children or step-children?

          8043           1.  YES
           202           5.  NO
             2           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            13           9.  RF (Refused)
         13774       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT004M1                       WHICH CHILD IS INCLUDED IN WILL -1
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T004_[1]

         (Which child is that?)
         CHOOSE all that apply. If only one child appears, select and move on

          2981                 041-990.  Other Person Number
          1919                     993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
          3077                     996.  ALL CHILDREN - "EQUALLY" NOT MENTIONED
            13                     998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            53                     999.  RF (Refused)
         13991                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT004M2                       WHICH CHILD IS INCLUDED IN WILL -2
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T004_[2]

         (Which child is that?)
         CHOOSE all that apply. If only one child appears, select and move on

          1686                 041-990.  Other Person Number
             3                     993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
             2                     996.  ALL CHILDREN - "EQUALLY" NOT MENTIONED
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             1                     999.  RF (Refused)
         20342                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT004M3                       WHICH CHILD IS INCLUDED IN WILL -3
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T004_[3]

         (Which child is that?)
         CHOOSE all that apply. If only one child appears, select and move on

           582                 041-990.  Other Person Number
             3                     993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
             2                     996.  ALL CHILDREN - "EQUALLY" NOT MENTIONED
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         21447                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT004M4                       WHICH CHILD IS INCLUDED IN WILL -4
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T004_[4]

         (Which child is that?)
         CHOOSE all that apply. If only one child appears, select and move on

           226                 041-990.  Other Person Number
             2                     993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   996.  ALL CHILDREN - "EQUALLY" NOT MENTIONED
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         21806                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT004M5                       WHICH CHILD IS INCLUDED IN WILL -5
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T004_[5]

         (Which child is that?)
         CHOOSE all that apply. If only one child appears, select and move on

            76                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
             3                     996.  ALL CHILDREN - "EQUALLY" NOT MENTIONED
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         21955                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT004M6                       WHICH CHILD IS INCLUDED IN WILL -6
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T004_[6]

         (Which child is that?)
         CHOOSE all that apply. If only one child appears, select and move on

            23                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   996.  ALL CHILDREN - "EQUALLY" NOT MENTIONED
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22011                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT004M7                       WHICH CHILD IS INCLUDED IN WILL -7
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T004_[7]

         (Which child is that?)
         CHOOSE all that apply. If only one child appears, select and move on

            10                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   996.  ALL CHILDREN - "EQUALLY" NOT MENTIONED
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22024                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT004M8                       WHICH CHILD IS INCLUDED IN WILL -8
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T004_[8]

         (Which child is that?)
         CHOOSE all that apply. If only one child appears, select and move on

             6                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   996.  ALL CHILDREN - "EQUALLY" NOT MENTIONED
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22028                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT004M9                       WHICH CHILD IS INCLUDED IN WILL -9
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T004_[9]

         (Which child is that?)
         CHOOSE all that apply. If only one child appears, select and move on

             4                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   996.  ALL CHILDREN - "EQUALLY" NOT MENTIONED
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22030                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT004M10                      WHICH CHILD IS INCLUDED IN WILL -10
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T004_[10]

         (Which child is that?)
         CHOOSE all that apply. If only one child appears, select and move on

             1                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   996.  ALL CHILDREN - "EQUALLY" NOT MENTIONED
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22033                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT004M11                      WHICH CHILD IS INCLUDED IN WILL -11
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T004_[11]

         (Which child is that?)
         CHOOSE all that apply. If only one child appears, select and move on

                               041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   996.  ALL CHILDREN - "EQUALLY" NOT MENTIONED
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22034                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.Wills.T050_T004MTemp 

         IF NOT (p93 IN SecT.Wills.T050_T004MTemp) AND ((T050_T004MTemp.CARDINAL > 1) OR 
         ((T050_T004MTemp.CARDINAL = 1) AND (p96 IN SecT.Wills.T050_T004MTemp))) THEN 

         IF piInitA101_TotalKids > 1 THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T005_

         Does that document provide for all your children about equally?

          4377           1.  YES
           345           5.  NO
            14           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            16           9.  RF (Refused)
         17282       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.Wills.T002_ 

         IF NOT ((SecT.Wills.T002_ = NO) OR SecT.Wills.T002_ = NONRESPONSE) THEN 

         IF (piE046orZ114_NumGKids > 0) AND (piE046orZ114_NumGKids <> 95) THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT006                         R WILL INCLUDE GRANDCHILDREN
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T006_

         Does that document include any grandchild directly?

          1085           1.  YES
           104           2.  [VOL] ONLY THROUGH THEIR PARENTS
          5282           5.  NO
            38           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            30           9.  RF (Refused)
         15495       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT007M1                       WILL INCLUDE WHICH GRANDCHILD - 1
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T007_[1]

         Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild?
         CHOOSE all that apply

           889                 041-990.  Other Person Number
            40                     992.  DECEASED CHILD
           241                     993.  ALL CHILDREN
             9                     998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            10                     999.  RF (Refused)
         20845                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT007M2                       WILL INCLUDE WHICH GRANDCHILD - 2
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T007_[2]

         Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild?
         CHOOSE all that apply

           240                 041-990.  Other Person Number
             5                     992.  DECEASED CHILD
             1                     993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         21788                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT007M3                       WILL INCLUDE WHICH GRANDCHILD - 3
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T007_[3]

         Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild?
         CHOOSE all that apply

            66                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         21968                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT007M4                       WILL INCLUDE WHICH GRANDCHILD - 4
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T007_[4]

         Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild?
         CHOOSE all that apply

            16                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22018                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT007M5                       WILL INCLUDE WHICH GRANDCHILD - 5
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T007_[5]

         Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild?
         CHOOSE all that apply

             2                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22032                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT007M6                       WILL INCLUDE WHICH GRANDCHILD - 6
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T007_[6]

         Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild?
         CHOOSE all that apply

                               041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22034                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.Wills.T002_ 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT008                         WILL PROVIDE FOR CHARITY
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.Wills.T008_

         Have you made provisions for any charities in your will or trust?

           959           1.  YES
          8917           5.  NO
            81           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            47           9.  RF (Refused)
         12030       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         (piRvarsZ145_TypeExit_V <> EXIT)) AND (piRvarsZ145_TypeExit_V <> NEWPOSTEXIT)) 
         AND (piRvarsZ145_TypeExit_V <> FIRSTREPEATPOST)) AND (piRvarsZ145_TypeExit_V <> 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT011                         R HAVE ANY LIFE INSURANCE
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T011_

         Do you have any life insurance, including individual or group policies?
         Do not include burial insurance

         12637           1.  YES
          8843           5.  NO
           160           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
           116           9.  RF (Refused)
           278       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T011_ 

         IF NOT ((SecT.LifeInsurance.T011_ = NO) OR SecT.LifeInsurance.T011_ = 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT012                         NUMBER OF DIFF LIFE INS POLICIES R HAS
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T012_

         How many different life insurance policies do you have?
         Include individual policies, group policies, or paid-up policies if R asks.

          7581           1.  ONE
          3411           2.  TWO
           991           3.  THREE
           256           4.  FOUR
           148           5.  FIVE OR MORE
           149           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
           101           9.  RF (Refused)
          9397       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T012_ 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT013                         FACE VALUE OF R LIFE INS POLICIES
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 7   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T013_

         [What/Altogether, what] is the total face value of [this policy/these policies],
         that is, the amount of money the beneficiary would get if you were to die?
         Do not probe DK/RF


              N      Min         Max          Mean            SD    Miss
          10684        0     7500000     117770.49     255453.30    9398
          1328     9999998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
           624     9999999.  RF (Refused)


MT014                         FACE VALUE OF R LIFE INS -MIN
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 6   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T014_

         Does it amount to less than $____ , more than $____ , or what?
         PROCEDURES: 3Up, 2Up1Down, 1Up2Down
         BREAKPOINTS: $2,500, $25,000, $50,000, $250,000
         RANDOM ENTRY POINTS: $2,500, $25,000, $50,000
         ENTRY POINT ASSIGNMENT 1 or 2 or {NOT 1 and NOT 2} AT Z087

           964           0.  Value of Breakpoint
            34        2500.  Value of Breakpoint
           344        2501.  Value of Breakpoint
            71       25000.  Value of Breakpoint
           166       25001.  Value of Breakpoint
            49       50000.  Value of Breakpoint
           258       50001.  Value of Breakpoint
            16      250000.  Value of Breakpoint
            46      250001.  Value of Breakpoint
         20086       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT015                         FACE VALUE OF R LIFE INS - MAX
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 8   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T015_


            84        2499.  Value of Breakpoint
            34        2500.  Value of Breakpoint
           324       24999.  Value of Breakpoint
            71       25000.  Value of Breakpoint
           164       49999.  Value of Breakpoint
            49       50000.  Value of Breakpoint
           204      249999.  Value of Breakpoint
            16      250000.  Value of Breakpoint
          1002    99999996.  Greater than Maximum Breakpoint
         20086       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT016                         FACE VALUE OF R LIFE INS - RESULT
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 2   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T016_


             4          97.  Data Not Available
           497          98.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
           528          99.  RF (Refused)
         21005       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT017M1                       WHO ARE BENEFFICIARIES -1
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T017_[1]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [this policy/these policies]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

          2931                 041-990.  Other Person Number
          6936                     991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
             5                     992.  DECEASED CHILD
          1480                     993.  ALL CHILDREN
            51                     994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
           320                     995.  R's Sibling(s)
           591                     997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
           128                     998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
           194                     999.  RF (Refused)
          9398                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT017M2                       WHO ARE BENEFFICIARIES -2
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T017_[2]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [this policy/these policies]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

          2005                 041-990.  Other Person Number
           221                     991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
             1                     992.  DECEASED CHILD
           665                     993.  ALL CHILDREN
            61                     994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
            56                     995.  R's Sibling(s)
           215                     997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         18810                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT017M3                       WHO ARE BENEFFICIARIES -3
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T017_[3]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [this policy/these policies]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

           712                 041-990.  Other Person Number
           142                     991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
             3                     993.  ALL CHILDREN
            24                     994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
             5                     995.  R's Sibling(s)
            64                     997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         21084                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT017M4                       WHO ARE BENEFFICIARIES -4
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T017_[4]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [this policy/these policies]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

           199                 041-990.  Other Person Number
            33                     991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
             6                     994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
             5                     995.  R's Sibling(s)
            13                     997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         21778                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT017M5                       WHO ARE BENEFFICIARIES -5
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T017_[5]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [this policy/these policies]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

            55                 041-990.  Other Person Number
             9                     991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
             2                     994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
                                   995.  R's Sibling(s)
             4                     997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         21964                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT017M6                       WHO ARE BENEFFICIARIES -6
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T017_[6]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [this policy/these policies]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

            11                 041-990.  Other Person Number
             2                     991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
             1                     993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
                                   995.  R's Sibling(s)
             2                     997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22018                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT017M7                       WHO ARE BENEFFICIARIES -7
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T017_[7]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [this policy/these policies]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

             2                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
                                   995.  R's Sibling(s)
                                   997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22032                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT017M8                       WHO ARE BENEFFICIARIES -8
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T017_[8]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [this policy/these policies]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

             2                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
                                   995.  R's Sibling(s)
                                   997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22032                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT017M9                       WHO ARE BENEFFICIARIES -9
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T017_[9]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [this policy/these policies]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

             1                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
                                   995.  R's Sibling(s)
                                   997.  OTHER (SPECIFY)
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22033                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT017M10                      WHO ARE BENEFFICIARIES -10
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T017_[10]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [this policy/these policies]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

                               041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
                                   995.  R's Sibling(s)
                                   997.  OTHER (SPECIFY)
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22034                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T052_T017MTemp 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T018_

         [Is this a life insurance policy that builds/Are any of these life insurance
         policies ones that build] up a cash value that you can borrow against, or that
         you would receive if the policy were to be cancelled?
         Def: (These are sometimes called 'Whole Life' or 'Straight Life Policies.')

          5277           1.  YES
          6333           5.  NO
           916           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
           110           9.  RF (Refused)
          9398       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T018_ 

         IF SecT.LifeInsurance.T018_ = YES THEN 

         IF SecT.LifeInsurance.T012_ <> One THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T019_

         (How many such policies do you have?)

          1326           1.  ONE
           886           2.  TWO
           232           3.  THREE
            71           4.  FOUR
            51           5.  FIVE OR MORE
            36           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            22           9.  RF (Refused)
         19410       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T019_ 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT020                         CURR FACE VALUE OF WHOLE LIFE INS POLICY
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 7   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T020_

         What is the current face value of [these policies/this policy]?
         Do not probe DK/RF


              N      Min         Max          Mean            SD    Miss
           1990        0     3000000      82066.93     172851.34   19410
           483     9999998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
           151     9999999.  RF (Refused)


MT021                         CURR FACE VALUE OF LIFE INS - MIN
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 6   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T021_

         Does it amount to less than $____ , more than $____ , or what?
         PROCEDURES: 3Up, 2Up1Down, 1Up2Down
         BREAKPOINTS: $2,500, $25,000, $50,000, $250,000
         RANDOM ENTRY POINTS: $2,500, $25,000, $50,000
         ENTRY POINT ASSIGNMENT 1 or 2 or {NOT 1 and NOT 2} AT Z087

           269           0.  Value of Breakpoint
            17        2500.  Value of Breakpoint
           145        2501.  Value of Breakpoint
            18       25000.  Value of Breakpoint
            73       25001.  Value of Breakpoint
            11       50000.  Value of Breakpoint
            80       50001.  Value of Breakpoint
             3      250000.  Value of Breakpoint
            18      250001.  Value of Breakpoint
         21400       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT022                         CURR FACE VALUE OF LIFE INS - MAX
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 8   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T022_


            32        2499.  Value of Breakpoint
            17        2500.  Value of Breakpoint
           139       24999.  Value of Breakpoint
            18       25000.  Value of Breakpoint
            70       49999.  Value of Breakpoint
            11       50000.  Value of Breakpoint
            73      249999.  Value of Breakpoint
             3      250000.  Value of Breakpoint
           271    99999996.  Greater than Maximum Breakpoint
         21400       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT023                         CURR FACE VALUE OF LIFE INS - RESULT
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 2   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T023_


                        97.  Data Not Available
           143          98.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
           126          99.  RF (Refused)
         21765       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T018_ 

         IF SecT.LifeInsurance.T018_ = YES THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT024                         TOTAL AMT R PAY FOR LIFE INS POLICIES
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 5   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T024_

         (Altogether,) about how much in total do you pay for [these policies/this
         policy] each month or year?
         ENTER 0 If paid up or no premium payments

          4683                 0-40000.  Actual Value
           438                   99998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
           156                   99999.  RF (Refused)
         16757                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT026                         TOTAL AMT R PAY FOR LIFE INS POLIC - MIN
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T026_

         Does it amount to less than $____ per month, more than $____ per month, or what?
         PROCEDURES: 2Up2Down, 1Up3Down
         BREAKPOINTS: $20, $50, $100, $200, $400
         RANDOM ENTRY POINTS: $100, $200
         ENTRY POINT ASSIGNMENT 1 or {NOT 1} AT X501

           177           0.  Value of Breakpoint
             6          20.  Value of Breakpoint
            30          21.  Value of Breakpoint
            16          50.  Value of Breakpoint
            45          51.  Value of Breakpoint
            11         100.  Value of Breakpoint
           204         101.  Value of Breakpoint
            15         200.  Value of Breakpoint
            48         201.  Value of Breakpoint
             5         400.  Value of Breakpoint
            36         401.  Value of Breakpoint
         21441       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT027                         TOTAL AMT R PAY FOR LIFE INS POLIC - MAX
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 8   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T027_


             5          19.  Value of Breakpoint
             6          20.  Value of Breakpoint
            35          49.  Value of Breakpoint
            16          50.  Value of Breakpoint
            64          99.  Value of Breakpoint
            11         100.  Value of Breakpoint
            75         199.  Value of Breakpoint
            15         200.  Value of Breakpoint
            33         399.  Value of Breakpoint
             5         400.  Value of Breakpoint
           328    99999996.  Greater than Maximum Breakpoint
         21441       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT028                         TOTAL AMT PAY LIFE INSURANCE - RESULT
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 2   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T028_


             1          97.  Data Not Available
           195          98.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
           141          99.  RF (Refused)
         21697       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T024_ 

         IF (SecT.LifeInsurance.T024_ > 0) AND (SecT.LifeInsurance.T024_ = RESPONSE) 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT025                         TOTAL AMT R PAY FOR LIFE INS POLIC - PER
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T025_

         (Altogether, about how much in total do you pay for [these policies/this policy]
         each month or year?)

          2559           1.  MONTH
          1103           2.  YEAR
         18372       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT029M1                       WHO ARE BENEFICIARIES OF THESE INS - 1
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T029_[1]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [these policies/this policy]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

           566                 041-990.  Other Person Number
          1529                     991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
             2                     992.  DECEASED CHILD
           298                     993.  ALL CHILDREN
            14                     994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
            56                     995.  R's Sibling(s)
           110                     997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
            15                     998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            34                     999.  RF (Refused)
         19410                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT029M2                       WHO ARE BENEFICIARIES OF THESE INS - 2
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T029_[2]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [these policies/this policy]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

           415                 041-990.  Other Person Number
            64                     991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
           189                     993.  ALL CHILDREN
            18                     994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
            12                     995.  R's Sibling(s)
            47                     997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         21289                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT029M3                       WHO ARE BENEFICIARIES OF THESE INS - 3
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T029_[3]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [these policies/this policy]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

           162                 041-990.  Other Person Number
            47                     991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
             1                     993.  ALL CHILDREN
             8                     994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
             1                     995.  R's Sibling(s)
            18                     997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         21797                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT029M4                       WHO ARE BENEFICIARIES OF THESE INS - 4
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T029_[4]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [these policies/this policy]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

            43                 041-990.  Other Person Number
            10                     991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
             1                     994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
             1                     995.  R's Sibling(s)
             1                     997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         21978                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT029M5                       WHO ARE BENEFICIARIES OF THESE INS - 5
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T029_[5]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [these policies/this policy]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

            10                 041-990.  Other Person Number
             2                     991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
                                   995.  R's Sibling(s)
                                   997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22022                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT029M6                       WHO ARE BENEFICIARIES OF THESE INS - 6
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T029_[6]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [these policies/this policy]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

             3                 041-990.  Other Person Number
             1                     991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
                                   995.  R's Sibling(s)
                                   997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22030                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT029M7                       WHO ARE BENEFICIARIES OF THESE INS - 7
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T029_[7]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [these policies/this policy]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

             2                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
                                   995.  R's Sibling(s)
                                   997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22032                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT029M8                       WHO ARE BENEFICIARIES OF THESE INS - 8
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T029_[8]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [these policies/this policy]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

             1                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
                                   995.  R's Sibling(s)
                                   997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22033                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT029M9                       WHO ARE BENEFICIARIES OF THESE INS - 9
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T029_[9]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [these policies/this policy]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

             1                 041-990.  Actual Value
                                   991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
                                   995.  R's Sibling(s)
                                   997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22033                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT029M10                      WHO ARE BENEFICIARIES OF THESE INS - 10
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T029_[10]

         Who are the beneficiaries of [these policies/this policy]?
         CHOOSE all that apply

                               041-990.  Actual Value
                                   991.  R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN
                                   995.  R's Sibling(s)
                                   997.  OTHER (SPECIFY); including churches, charitable
                                         organizations, ex-spouses and other persons not
                                         on list for this question
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
         22034                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T018_ 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT031                         LAST WAVE OBTAIN NEW LIFE INSURANCE
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T031_

         [Since PREV WAVE FAMILY IW MONTH, [PREV WAVE FIRST R IW YEAR]/In the last two
         years], have you obtained any new life insurance policies?

           725           1.  YES
         11855           5.  NO
            27           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            29           9.  RF (Refused)
          9398       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T031_ 

         IF NOT ((SecT.LifeInsurance.T031_ = NO) OR SecT.LifeInsurance.T031_ = 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT032                         FACE VALUE NEW LIFE INSURANCE
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 7   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T032_

         What is the total face value of (this policy/all of these policies)?
         Do not probe DK/RF


              N      Min         Max          Mean            SD    Miss
            653        0     4000000     116428.70     258939.86   21309
            51     9999998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            21     9999999.  RF (Refused)


MT033                         FACE VALUE NEW LIFE INSURANCE - MIN
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 6   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T033_

         Does it amount to less than $____ , more than $____ , or what?
         PROCEDURE: 2Up1Down
         BREAKPOINTS: $2,500, $25,000, $50,000, $250,000
         ENTRY POINT: $25,000

            30           0.  Value of Breakpoint
             1        2500.  Value of Breakpoint
            17        2501.  Value of Breakpoint
             4       25000.  Value of Breakpoint
             8       25001.  Value of Breakpoint
             2       50000.  Value of Breakpoint
             6       50001.  Value of Breakpoint
             4      250001.  Value of Breakpoint
         21962       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT034                         FACE VALUE NEW LIFE INSURANCE - MAX
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 8   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T034_


             1        2499.  Value of Breakpoint
             1        2500.  Value of Breakpoint
            18       24999.  Value of Breakpoint
             4       25000.  Value of Breakpoint
             5       49999.  Value of Breakpoint
             2       50000.  Value of Breakpoint
             5      249999.  Value of Breakpoint
            36    99999996.  Greater than Maximum Breakpoint
         21962       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT035                         FACE VALUE NEW LIFE INSURANCE - RESULT
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 2   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T035_


            15          98.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            18          99.  RF (Refused)
         22001       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T011_ 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT036                         R LIFE INS POLICY LAPSE SINCE LAST WAVE
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T036_

         [Since PREV WAVE FAMILY IW MONTH, [PREV WAVE FIRST R IW YEAR]/In the last two
         years], have you allowed any life insurance policies to lapse or have any been

          1260           1.  YES
         20265           5.  NO
           135           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            95           9.  RF (Refused)
           279       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T036_ 

         IF NOT ((SecT.LifeInsurance.T036_ = NO) OR SecT.LifeInsurance.T036_ = 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT037                         FACE VAL LAPSED LIFE INS P0LICY
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 7   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T037_

         What was the total face value of (this policy/all of these policies)?
         Do not probe DK/RF


              N      Min         Max          Mean            SD    Miss
           1092        0     2500000      93883.10     181967.83   20774
           155     9999998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            13     9999999.  RF (Refused)


MT038                         FACE VAL LAPSED LIFE INS P0LICY - MIN
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 6   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T038_

         Does it amount to less than $____ , more than $____ , or what?
         PROCEDURE: 1Up2Down
         BREAKPOINTS: $2,500, $25,000, $50,000, $250,000
         ENTRY POINT: $50,000

            57           0.  Value of Breakpoint
             5        2500.  Value of Breakpoint
            32        2501.  Value of Breakpoint
             6       25000.  Value of Breakpoint
            24       25001.  Value of Breakpoint
             8       50000.  Value of Breakpoint
            34       50001.  Value of Breakpoint
             2      250001.  Value of Breakpoint
         21866       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT039                         FACE VAL LAPSED LIFE INS P0LICY - MAX
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 8   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T039_


            12        2499.  Value of Breakpoint
             5        2500.  Value of Breakpoint
            35       24999.  Value of Breakpoint
             6       25000.  Value of Breakpoint
            32       49999.  Value of Breakpoint
             8       50000.  Value of Breakpoint
            28      249999.  Value of Breakpoint
            42    99999996.  Greater than Maximum Breakpoint
         21866       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MT040                         FACE VAL LAPSED LIFE INS P0LICY - RESULT
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 2   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T040_


            38          98.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            14          99.  RF (Refused)
         21982       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T037_ 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT041                         WHO LET LIFE INS POLICY LAPSE
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T041_

         Was this lapse or cancellation something you chose to do, or was it done by the
         provider, your employer, or someone else?

           868           1.  R'S CHOICE
           387           2.  PROVIDER/EMPLOYER/SOMEONE ELSE CHOICE
             4           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             1           9.  RF (Refused)
         20774       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T041_ 

         IF SecT.LifeInsurance.T041_ <> ProveREmpElseChose THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT042                         WHY LET LIFE INS POLICY LAPSE
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T042_

         Was it because the policy was too expensive, because you did not need the
         coverage or some other reason?

           489           1.  TOO EXPENSIVE
           151           2.  COVERAGE NOT NEEDED
            22           3.  R GOT NEW POLICY
            38           4.  TAKE THE CASH OUT
            26           5.  Coverage connected with job, or R moved
           129           7.  OTHER (SPECIFY); general or specific dissatisfaction with
             9           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             9           9.  RF (Refused)
         21161       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T042_ 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT043                         R RECD CASH AFTER POLICY CANCEL OR LAPSE
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T043_

         Did you receive any cash when the policy was cancelled or allowed to lapse?

           206           1.  YES
           655           5.  NO
            10           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             2           9.  RF (Refused)
         21161       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecT.LifeInsurance.T043_ 

         IF NOT ((SecT.LifeInsurance.T043_ = NO) OR SecT.LifeInsurance.T043_ = 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT044                         AMT RECD AFTER R POLICY CANCEL OR LAPSE
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 7   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.LifeInsurance.T044_

         About how much cash did you receive?


              N      Min         Max          Mean            SD    Miss
            179        2      260000       9980.19      25290.87   21828
            18     9999998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             9     9999999.  RF (Refused)


         (piRvarsZ145_TypeExit_V <> EXIT)) AND (piRvarsZ145_TypeExit_V <> NEWPOSTEXIT)) 
         AND (piRvarsZ145_TypeExit_V <> FIRSTREPEATPOST)) AND (piRvarsZ145_TypeExit_V <> 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MT047                         ASSIST SECTION T - WILLS AND TRUSTS
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecT.T047_AssistT

         How often did R receive assistance with answers in section T - Wills and Trusts?

         20757           1.  NEVER
           635           2.  A FEW TIMES
           261           3.  MOST OR ALL OF THE TIME
           102           4.  THE SECTION WAS DONE BY A PROXY REPORTER
           279       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MVDATE                        2010 DATA MODEL VERSION
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         User Note: This variable identifies which data model was used to interview the
         household. Please reference the data description for a summary of changes in
         each data model.

           589           1.  Version 1
          1843           2.  Version 2
           311           3.  Version 3
           684           4.  Version 4
          1101           5.  Version 5
          1764           6.  Version 6
         12940           7.  Version 7
          2802           8.  Version 8


MVERSION                      2010 DATA RELEASE VERSION
         Section: T     Level: Respondent      Type: Numeric    Width: 3   Decimals: 1

         22034         5.1.  HRS 2010 Final Release