


         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Character  Width: 6   Decimals: 0

         25507           010004-959738.  Household Identification Number


         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0

         14330         010.  Person Identifier
           675         011.  Person Identifier
            33         012.  Person Identifier
          8940         020.  Person Identifier
           202         021.  Person Identifier
             8         022.  Person Identifier
             5         023.  Person Identifier
           324         030.  Person Identifier
            47         031.  Person Identifier
            10         032.  Person Identifier
           849         040.  Person Identifier
            70         041.  Person Identifier
            14         042.  Person Identifier


         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Character  Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         24047           0.  Original sample household - no split from divorce or
                             separation of spouses or partners
           703           1.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
           557           2.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
           110           5.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
             5           6.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
            85           7.  Reunited household - respondents from split household
                         8.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2


         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Character  Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         10376           0.  Original sample household - no split from divorce or
                             separation of spouses or partners
           661           1.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
           500           2.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
            73           5.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
             7           6.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
            63           7.  Reunited household - respondents from split household
                         8.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
         13827       Blank.  NEW COHORT HH


MCSR                          2010 WHETHER COVERSHEET RESPONDENT
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0


         16823           1.  Yes
             4           3.  2nd Coverscreen  R, answers not retained
          8680           5.  No


MFAMR                         2010 WHETHER FAMILY RESPONDENT
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         16748           1.  Family R
             4           3.  2nd Family R, answers not retained
          8755           5.  Non-Family R


MFINR                         2010 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         16141           1.  Financial R
             4           3.  2nd Financial R, answers not retained
          9362           5.  Non-Financial R


MPN_SP                        2010 SPOUSE/PARTNER PERSON NUMBER
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0

          9307         010.  Person Identifier
           463         011.  Person Identifier
             6         012.  Person Identifier
          8400         020.  Person Identifier
           116         021.  Person Identifier
             5         022.  Person Identifier
           164         030.  Person Identifier
            38         031.  Person Identifier
            11         032.  Person Identifier
           292         040.  Person Identifier
            79         041.  Person Identifier
             2         042.  Person Identifier
            44         811.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
             5         812.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
            15         821.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
             2         831.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
             8         841.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
             2         842.  Spouse of Non-Original Respondent
          6548       Blank.  Single Respondent Household


OPN                           OTHER PERSON NUMBER
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0


         25507                 101-719.  Other Person Number


         ASSIGN: IF SecF.F080_SibRoster <> NO THEN 
         IF ((SecF.SiblingTab.i = 1) OR CloneOfPreload_Rsiblings[I - 1].Z250AFName <> 
         EMPTY) OR (Sibling[I - 1].F228ANewPerson = YES) THEN 
         IF piZ250AFName <> EMPTY OR (SecF.SiblingTab.Sibling[i].F228ANewPerson = YES) 
         IF SecF.SiblingTab.Sibling[i].F228ANewPerson = YES THEN 
         Z247APNdx := index 
         IF piZ250AFName <> EMPTY OR (SecF.SiblingTab.Sibling[i].F228ANewPerson = YES) 
         IF SecF.SiblingTab.Sibling[i].F228ANewPerson = YES THEN 
         Z247APNdx := index 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MFZ247                        SIBLING INDEX -1
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 2   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SiblingTab.Sibling[1].Z247APNdx


         25507                    1-20.  Person Index
                                 Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.F080_SibRoster 

         IF SecF.SibFollowup.StopFlag = 1 THEN 

         IF piName <> REFUSAL THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF083                         MONTH SIBLING DIED
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 2   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibDied[1].F083_MoSibDie

         In what month and year did ([BROTHER/SISTER])  [DEAD SIBLING NAME] die?

            19           1.  JAN
            16           2.  FEB
            12           3.  MAR
            20           4.  APR
            10           5.  MAY
            18           6.  JUN
            15           7.  JUL
            26           8.  AUG
            17           9.  SEP
            19          10.  OCT
            25          11.  NOV
            17          12.  DEC
            38          98.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                        99.  RF (Refused)
         25255       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.SibFollowup.SibDied[cnt].F083_MoSibDie 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF084                         YR SIBLING DIED
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 4   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibDied[1].F084_YrSibDie

         In what month and year did ([BROTHER/SISTER])  [DEAD SIBLING NAME] die?

           226               1971-2010.  Actual Value
            26                    9998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                  9999.  RF (Refused)
         25255                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.F080_SibRoster 

         IF SecF.SibFollowup.StopFlag = 1 THEN 

         IF piName <> REFUSAL THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF086                         SIB AGE
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibAdded[1].F086_AgeSib

         How old is ([BROTHER/SISTER]) [SIBLING NAME]?


              N      Min         Max          Mean            SD    Miss
          16311        0          95         51.05          9.00    8552
           621         998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            23         999.  RF (Refused)


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.SibFollowup.SibAdded[cnt].F086_AgeSib 

         IF (piF207_ = 0) OR (piRVarsZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR) THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF087                         NUM CHILDREN- SIBLING
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 2   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibAdded[1].F087_NumSibKid

         How many children does ([BROTHER/SISTER]) SIBLING NAME have?


              N      Min         Max          Mean            SD    Miss
          13606        0          90          2.32          2.12   11736
           158          98.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             7          99.  RF (Refused)


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.SibFollowup.SibAdded[cnt].F087_NumSibKid 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF088                         NUM GRANDKIDS- SIBLING
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 2   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibAdded[1].F088_NumSibGKid

         How many grandchildren does ([BROTHER/SISTER]) SIBLING NAME have?


              N      Min         Max          Mean            SD    Miss
          13214        0          54          1.46          2.69   11736
           555          98.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             2          99.  RF (Refused)


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.F080_SibRoster 

         IF F231_FollowupSibs[cnt] > 0 THEN 

         <> REFUSAL)) AND (piRelateR <> NOTASIBLING) THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF092                         SIB WORK HRS PER WEEK
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[1].F092_NumHRSibWk

         Is ([Relation to R]) [FIRST NAME] working 30 or more hours per week, under 30
         hours, or not at all?

          7901           1.  30+ HOURS
          1098           2.  <30 HOURS
          3794           3.  NOT AT ALL
           744           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            28           9.  RF (Refused)
         11942       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].F092_NumHRSibWk 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF093                         HHM UNDER 18 LIV W/SIB
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[1].F093_SibLivWith

         Does [he/she/(he/she)] have anyone under 18 living with [him/her/(him/her)]?

          4314           1.  YES
          8830           5.  NO
           400           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            21           9.  RF (Refused)
         11942       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].F093_SibLivWith 

         IF (piF207_ = 0) OR (piRVarsZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR) THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF094                         SIB FIN SITUATION COMP TO R
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[1].F094_SibFinSitu

         Would you say [his/her/(his/her)] financial situation is better, worse, or about
         the same as yours?

          3853           1.  BETTER
          2665           2.  WORSE
          3564           3.  ABOUT THE SAME
           500           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            23           9.  RF (Refused)
         14902       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].F094_SibFinSitu 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF095                         SIB OWN HOME
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[1].F095_SibOwnHome

         Does SIBLING NAME own a home?

          6396           1.  YES
          3929           5.  NO
           278           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             2           9.  RF (Refused)
         14902       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].F093_SibLivWith 

         IF piParentsF001_F020F001_MaAlive = YES THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF096                         SIB LIVE W/IN 10 MI FROM PARENTS/MOTHER
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[1].F096_SibLiv10Mi

         Does [Sibling Name] live within 10 miles of your [parents/mother]?

          4435           1.  YES
          6190           5.  NO
           511           6.  (VOL) LIVES WITH PARENT(S)
           116           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             3           9.  RF (Refused)
         14252       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].F093_SibLivWith 

         IF (piParentsF001_F020F011_PaAlive = YES) AND (piParentsF021_F056F021_StillMarr 
         <> YES) THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF097                         SIB LIVE W/IN 10 MI FROM FATHER
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[1].F097_SibLiv10MiPa

         Does [Sibling Name] live within 10 miles of your father?

           881           1.  YES
          2008           5.  NO
            58           6.  (VOL) LIVES WITH PARENT(S)
            59           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             2           9.  RF (Refused)
         22499       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].F093_SibLivWith 

         IF piF228ANewPerson = YES THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF098                         SIB HIGHEST GRADE
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 2   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[1].F098_SibHiGrade

         What is the highest grade of school or year of college [Sibling Name] completed?
          0  No formal education
          1-11  Grades
          12  High school
          13-15  Some college
          16  College grad
          17  Post college (17+ years)

           100                       0.  NO FORMAL EDUCATION
          1830                    1-11.  GRADES
          4109                      12.  HIGH SCHOOL
          1540                   13-15.  SOME COLLEGE
          1722                      16.  COLLEGE GRAD
           763                      17.  POST COLLEGE (17+ YEARS)
           527                      98.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             4                      99.  RF (Refused)
         14912                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].F098_SibHiGrade 

         IF ((SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].F098_SibHiGrade < 13) OR 
         (SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].F098_SibHiGrade = DONTKNOW)) OR 
         (SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].F098_SibHiGrade = REFUSAL) THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF099                         SIB GET HS DIPLOMA/GED
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[1].F099_SibHSDipl

         Did [he/she/(he/she)] get a high school diploma or pass a high school
         equivalency test?

          3928           1.  YES, DIPLOMA
           607           2.  YES, EQUIVALENCY [GED]
          1635           5.  NO
           399           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             1           9.  RF (Refused)
         18937       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].F099_SibHSDipl 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF100                         SIB GET COLLEGE DEGREE
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[1].F100_SibCollDeg

         (Did [he/she/(he/she)] get a college degree?)

          3066           1.  YES
           875           5.  NO
            84           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                         9.  RF (Refused)
         21482       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].F100_SibCollDeg 

         IF SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].F100_SibCollDeg = YES THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF101M                        SIB HIGHEST DEGREE- MASKED
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[1].F101_SibHiDeg

         (What is the highest degree [he/she/(he/she)] earned?)

         User Note: Code categories have been collapsed to protect participant

           506           1.  LESS THAN BACHELORS
          1516           2.  BACHELORS
           572           3.  MASTERS/MBA
           281           7.  OTHER (SPECIFY) (INCLUDES LAW, PHD, AND MD)
           198           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                         9.  RF (Refused)
         22434       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].F093_SibLivWith 

         IF SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[cnt].Z252ACouplenss <> OTHER THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MF103                         SIB SP WORK HRS PER WEEK
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecF.SibFollowup.SibLoop[1].F103_Work30HRS

         Is ([Relation to R]) [FIRST NAME]'s (husband/wife/partner) working 30 or more
         hours per week, under 30 hours, or not at all?

          5218           1.  30+ HOURS
           823           2.  <30 HOURS
          2438           3.  NOT AT ALL
           760           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            20           9.  RF (Refused)
         16248       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MVDATE                        2010 DATA MODEL VERSION
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         User Note:  This variable identifies which data model was used to interview the
         household.  Please reference the data description for a summary of changes in
         each data model.

           803           1.  Version 1
          2075           2.  Version 2
           469           3.  Version 3
          1045           4.  Version 4
          1520           5.  Version 5
          2396           6.  Version 6
         12640           7.  Version 7
          4559           8.  Version 8


MVERSION                      2010 DATA RELEASE VERSION
         Section: F     Level: Siblings        Type: Numeric    Width: 3   Decimals: 1

         25507         5.1.  HRS 2010 Final Release