


         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 6   Decimals: 0

          1023           010075-952836.  Household Identification Number


         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 1   Decimals: 0

           944           0.  Original sample household - no split from divorce or
                             separation of spouses or partners
            38           1.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
            26           2.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
             5           5.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
                         6.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
            10           7.  Reunited household - respondents from split household
                         8.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2


         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 1   Decimals: 0

           708           0.  Original sample household - no split from divorce or
                             separation of spouses or partners
            34           1.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
            24           2.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new
                             spouse or partner, if any
             2           5.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
                         6.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
             9           7.  Reunited household - respondents from split household
                         8.  Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2
           246       Blank.  NEW COHORT HH


MPN_CS                        2010 COVERSCREEN RESP PERSON NUMBER
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0

           687         010.  Person Identifier
            21         011.  Person Identifier
           239         020.  Person Identifier
             4         021.  Person Identifier
            29         030.  Person Identifier
             1         031.  Person Identifier
            41         040.  Person Identifier
             1         041.  Person Identifier


MPN_FAM                       2010 FAMILY RESP PERSON NUMBER
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0

           680         010.  Person Identifier
            20         011.  Person Identifier
           244         020.  Person Identifier
             3         021.  Person Identifier
            25         030.  Person Identifier
            51         040.  Person Identifier
                     Blank.  No Family Respondent


MPN_FIN                       2010 FINANCIAL RESP PERSON NUMBER
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0

           727         010.  Person Identifier
            19         011.  Person Identifier
           208         020.  Person Identifier
             3         021.  Person Identifier
            32         030.  Person Identifier
            30         040.  Person Identifier
             4       Blank.  No Financial Respondent


         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0

            87         010.  Person Identifier
            18         011.  Person Identifier
             1         012.  Person Identifier
           164         020.  Person Identifier
             2         021.  Person Identifier
             7         030.  Person Identifier
            29         040.  Person Identifier
             2         041.  Person Identifier
             1         043.  Person Identifier
           712       Blank.  Single Respondent Household


MPN_NFAM                      2010 NON-FAMILY RESP PERSON NUMBER
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0

           140         010.  Person Identifier
            18         011.  Person Identifier
             1         012.  Person Identifier
           119         020.  Person Identifier
             3         021.  Person Identifier
             8         030.  Person Identifier
             1         031.  Person Identifier
            17         040.  Person Identifier
             3         041.  Person Identifier
             1         043.  Person Identifier
           712       Blank.  Single Respondent Household


         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0

            93         010.  Person Identifier
            19         011.  Person Identifier
             1         012.  Person Identifier
           155         020.  Person Identifier
             3         021.  Person Identifier
             1         030.  Person Identifier
             1         031.  Person Identifier
            38         040.  Person Identifier
             3         041.  Person Identifier
             1         043.  Person Identifier
           708       Blank.  Single Respondent Household


OPN                           OTHER PERSON NUMBER
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0


           936                 041-990.  Other Person Number
             1                     992.  DECEASED CHILD
            28                     993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
             1                     994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN EQUALLY
             2                     995.  ALL CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN EQUALLY
            36                     997.  OTHER (SPECIFY)
            15                     998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             4                     999.  RF (Refused)
                                 Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         ASSIGN: IF SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E135_E088_Temp <> NONRESPONSE THEN 
         E088_ := aArrayInteger[E135_E088_Temp.ORD] 
         IF SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E135_E088_Temp = DONTKNOW THEN 
         E088_ :=  DONTKNOW 
         IF SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E135_E088_Temp = REFUSAL THEN 
         E088_ :=  REFUSAL 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ME088                         WHICH CHILD GAVE LARGEST AMT -1
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[1].E088_

         Which child (or grandchild) gave you [or your husband/wife/partner/ ] [ or your]
         [ late husband/ wife/partner] the [ / (next) ] largest amount?
         If grandchild: (Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild?)

           936                 041-990.  Other Person Number
             1                     992.  DECEASED CHILD
            28                     993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
             1                     994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN EQUALLY
             2                     995.  ALL CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN EQUALLY
            36                     997.  OTHER (SPECIFY)
            15                     998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             4                     999.  RF (Refused)
                                 Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E135_E088_Temp 

         IF SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E135_E088_Temp = DONTKNOW THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ME090                         RECEIVE SAME FROM MORE THAN ONE CHILD
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[1].E090_

         Did more than one child (or grandchild) give you [or your husband/wife/partner/]
         [or your] [late husband/ wife/partner] about the same amount?

             6           1.  YES
             3           5.  NO
             5           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             1           9.  RF (Refused)
          1008       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


ME091M1                       WHICH CHILDREN GAVE SAME AMOUNT -1 -1
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[1].E091_[1]

         (Which children (or grandchildren)?)
         If grandchild:  (Which of your children is the parent of those grandchildren?)
         Choose all that apply.

             4                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
             2                     993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   995.  ALL CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   997.  OTHER (SPECIFY)
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
          1017                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


ME091M2                       WHICH CHILDREN GAVE SAME AMOUNT -1 -2
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[1].E091_[2]

         (Which children (or grandchildren)?)
         If grandchild:  (Which of your children is the parent of those grandchildren?)
         Choose all that apply.

             3                 041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   995.  ALL CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   997.  OTHER (SPECIFY)
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
          1020                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


ME091M3                       WHICH CHILDREN GAVE SAME AMOUNT -1 -3
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[1].E091_[3]

         (Which children (or grandchildren)?)
         If grandchild:  (Which of your children is the parent of those grandchildren?)
         Choose all that apply.

                               041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   995.  ALL CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   997.  OTHER (SPECIFY)
             1                     998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
          1022                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


ME091M4                       WHICH CHILDREN GAVE SAME AMOUNT -1 -4
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Character  Width: 3   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[1].E091_[4]

         (Which children (or grandchildren)?)
         If grandchild:  (Which of your children is the parent of those grandchildren?)
         Choose all that apply.

                               041-990.  Other Person Number
                                   992.  DECEASED CHILD
                                   993.  ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   994.  ALL GRANDCHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   995.  ALL CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN EQUALLY
                                   997.  OTHER (SPECIFY)
                                   998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
                                   999.  RF (Refused)
          1023                   Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         IF (((SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E135_E088_Temp <> REFUSAL) AND 
         (SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E136_E091MTemp <> REFUSAL)) AND 
         (SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E136_E091MTemp <> DONTKNOW)) AND 
         ((SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E090_ <> NO) AND 
         SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E090_ <> NONRESPONSE) THEN 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ME093                         DOLLARS TRANSFER FROM CHILD
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Numeric    Width: 6   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[1].E093_

         About how much did that amount to from  [[her /his /your][deceased child/ each
         child/ each grandchild/ each child and grandchild] ([[since [Previous Wave
         the last two years]])?
         Do not probe DK/RF


              N      Min         Max          Mean            SD    Miss
            780        0      180000       3870.75       9818.69      13
           215      999998.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
            15      999999.  RF (Refused)


ME095                         TRANSFER FROM CHILD - MIN
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Numeric    Width: 4   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[1].E095_

         Did it amount to a total of less than $____ , more than $____ , or what?
         Unfolding Procedure: UNFM_1UP1DOWN (Min)
         Breakpoints: 1000/2000/5000
         Random Entry Point Assignment: [1 ($2,000)] or [2 ($1,000)]
         or [{NOT 1 and NOT 2} ($5,000)] AT MX512_R

            74           0.  Value of Breakpoint
            16        1000.  Value of Breakpoint
            32        1001.  Value of Breakpoint
            20        2000.  Value of Breakpoint
            43        2001.  Value of Breakpoint
            12        5000.  Value of Breakpoint
            33        5001.  Value of Breakpoint
           793       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


ME096                         TRANSFER FROM CHILD - MAX
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Numeric    Width: 8   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[1].E096_


            36         999.  Value of Breakpoint
            16        1000.  Value of Breakpoint
            34        1999.  Value of Breakpoint
            20        2000.  Value of Breakpoint
            41        4999.  Value of Breakpoint
            12        5000.  Value of Breakpoint
            71    99999996.  Greater than Maximum Breakpoint
           793       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


ME097                         TRANSFER FROM CHILD - RESULT
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Numeric    Width: 2   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[1].E097_


            39          98.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             8          99.  RF (Refused)
           976       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         {PREVIOUS ASK} SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E093_ 

         IF ((SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E093_ = DONTKNOW) OR 
         (SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E093_ = REFUSAL)) OR 
         (SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E093_ >= 500) THEN 

         IF (NOT ((SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E088_ = 92) OR 
         (SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].aTempX056AResStat = DIED)) AND 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ME098                         FUTURE INCOME FROM CHILDREN
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[1].E098_

         Do you think of it as income you can count on in the future?

           279           1.  YES
           664           5.  NO
            22           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             2           9.  RF (Refused)
            56       Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


         ASSIGN: IF ((SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E093_ <> EMPTY AND 
         (SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E093_ < 500)) AND 
         SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E093_ <> NONRESPONSE) OR 
         ((SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E135_E088_Temp = C95) OR (95 IN 
         SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[i].E136_E091MTemp)) THEN 
         E099_ := NO 

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ME099                         TRANSFER FROM OTHER CHILD
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0
         Ref: SecE.KidTransMain.TransFromKid[1].E099_

         [PREV WAVE IW YEAR OF FAMILY R]/In the last two years], did you [or your
         husband/wife/partner/ ] [ or your] [ late husband/ wife/partner] receive
         financial help totaling $500 or more from any other child (or grandchild)?
         DEF: (By financial help we mean giving money, helping pay bills, or covering
         specific types of costs such as those for medical care OR insurance, schooling,
         down payment for a home, rent, etc. The financial help can be considered
         support, a gift or a loan.)

           168           1.  YES
           846           5.  NO
             5           8.  DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained)
             4           9.  RF (Refused)
                     Blank.  INAP (Inapplicable); Partial Interview


MVDATE                        2010 DATA MODEL VERSION
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Numeric    Width: 1   Decimals: 0

         User Note:  This variable identifies which data model was used to interview the
         household.  Please reference the data description for a summary of changes in
         each data model.

            37           1.  Version 1
            83           2.  Version 2
            12           3.  Version 3
            34           4.  Version 4
            47           5.  Version 5
            75           6.  Version 6
           614           7.  Version 7
           121           8.  Version 8


MVERSION                      2010 DATA RELEASE VERSION
         Section: E     Level: From Child      Type: Numeric    Width: 3   Decimals: 1

          1023         5.1.  HRS 2010 Final Release