========================================================================================== HRS 2009 CAMS Final Release Note to Users: This codebook is designed to match the distribution dataset. Codebook content is derived from the data collection system used to gather information for this study, e.g. Blaise. If you have any questions or suggestions concerning codebook layout or content please bring them to the attention of the HRS staff at hrsquestions@umich.edu. Printing recommendation: Set margins (left/right/top/bottom) to .5 inch; print in portrait orientation using a mono-space 10-point font. ========================================================================================== Section A: ACTIVITIES, CONSUMPTION, AND DEMOGRAPHICS (Respondent) ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 5330 010001-502755. Range of values ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 2794 010. Person Number 180 011. Person Number 8 012. Person Number 1721 020. Person Number 54 021. Person Number 4 022. Person Number 244 030. Person Number 17 031. Person Number 2 032. Person Number 297 040. Person Number 8 041. Person Number 1 042. Person Number ========================================================================================== LSUBHH 2008 SUB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 4929 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 212 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 135 2. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 4 3. Deceased respondent household 14 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 3 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 32 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite 1 8. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 Blank. Inapplicable ========================================================================================== LPN_SP 2008 SPOUSE/PARTNER PERSON NUMBER Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 1527 010. Spouse person number 151 011. Spouse person number 10 012. Spouse person number 1381 020. Spouse person number 46 021. Spouse person number 2 022. Spouse person number 187 030. Spouse person number 15 031. Spouse person number 3 032. Spouse person number 233 040. Spouse person number 9 041. Spouse person number 042. Spouse person number 1766 Blank. No spouse/partner ========================================================================================== QNR09 2009 CAMS QUESTIONNAIRE IDENTIFIER Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................. 5330 500032-549542. Range of values ========================================================================================== QTYPE09 QUESTIONNAIRE TYPE - R OR SP Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User Note: Spouse/partner questionnaires only include Section A, while the Respondent questionnaires include sections A, B and C. ................................................................................. 3587 1. Respondent 1743 2. Spouse/Partner ========================================================================================== A1_09 A1. WATCH TV Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Watching programs or movies/videos on TV? ................................................................................. 5275 0-168. Range of values 55 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A2_09 A2. READ PAPERS/MAGS Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Reading newspapers or magazines? ................................................................................. 5299 0-80. Range of values 31 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A3_09 A3. READ BOOKS Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Reading books? ................................................................................. 5268 0-168. Range of values 62 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A4_09 A4. LISTEN MUSIC Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Listening to music? ................................................................................. 5252 0-168. Range of values 78 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A5_09 A5. SLEEP/NAP Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Sleeping and napping (including at night)? ................................................................................. 5256 0-168. Range of values 74 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A6_09 A6. WALK Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Walking? ................................................................................. 5234 0-168. Range of values 96 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A7_09 A7. SPORTS/EXERCISE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Participating in sports or other exercise activities? ................................................................................. 5275 0-168. Range of values 55 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A8_09 A8. VISIT IN PERSON Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Visiting in-person with friends, neighbors, or relatives? ................................................................................. 5280 0-168. Range of values 50 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A9_09 A9. PHONE/LETTERS/EMAIL Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Communicating by telephone, letters, or e-mail with friends, neighbors, or relatives? ................................................................................. 5290 0-122. Range of values 40 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A10_09 A10. WORK FOR PAY Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Working for pay? ................................................................................. 5269 0-168. Range of values 61 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A11_09 A11. USE COMPUTER Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Using the computer? ................................................................................. 5293 0-168. Range of values 37 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A12_09 A12. PRAY/MEDITATE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Praying or meditating? ................................................................................. 5245 0-168. Range of values 85 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A13_09 A13. HOUSE CLEANING Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... House cleaning? ................................................................................. 5257 0-100. Range of values 73 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A14_09 A14. WASH/IRON/MEND Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Washing, ironing, or mending clothes? ................................................................................. 5292 0-100. Range of values 38 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A15_09 A15. YARD WORK/GARDEN Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Yard work or gardening? ................................................................................. 5298 0-70. Range of values 32 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A16_09 A16. SHOP/RUN ERRANDS Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Shopping or running errands? ................................................................................. 5291 0-105. Range of values 39 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A17_09 A17. MEALS PREP/CLEAN-UP Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Preparing meals and cleaning-up afterwards? ................................................................................. 5277 0-72. Range of values 53 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A18_09 A18. PERSONAL GROOMING Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Personal grooming and hygiene, such as bathing and dressing? ................................................................................. 5276 0-168. Range of values 54 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A19_09 A19. PET CARE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Caring for pets? ................................................................................. 5285 0-168. Range of values 45 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A20_09 A20. SHOW AFFECTION Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you actually spend LAST WEEK... Physically showing affection for others through hugging, kissing, etc.? ................................................................................. 5213 0-168. Range of values 117 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A21_09 A21. HELP OTHERS Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you spend last month... Helping friends, neighbors, or relatives who did not live with you and did not pay you for the help? ................................................................................. 5256 0-576. Range of values 74 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A22_09 A22. VOLUNTEER WORK Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you spend last month... Doing volunteer work for religious, educational, health-related, or other charitable organizations? ................................................................................. 5272 0-305. Range of values 58 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A23_09 A23. RELIGIOUS ATTENDANCE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you spend last month... Attending religious services? ................................................................................. 5252 0-135. Range of values 78 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A24_09 A24. ATTEND MEETINGS Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you spend last month... Attending meetings of clubs or religious groups? ................................................................................. 5247 0-90. Range of values 83 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A25_09 A25. MONEY MANAGEMENT Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you spend last month... Taking care of finances or investments, such as banking, paying bills, balancing the checkbook, doing taxes, etc.? ................................................................................. 5273 0-160. Range of values 57 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A26_09 A26. MANAGING MEDICAL CONDITION Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you spend last month... Treating or managing an existing medical condition of your own? ................................................................................. 5204 0-744. Range of values 126 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A27_09 A27. PLAY CARDS/GAMES/PUZZLES Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you spend last month... Playing cards or games, or solving puzzles? ................................................................................. 5270 0-360. Range of values 60 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A28_09 A28. CONCERTS/MOVIES/LECTURES Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you spend last month... Attending concerts, movies, or lectures, or visiting museums? ................................................................................. 5280 0-84. Range of values 50 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A29_09 A29. SING/PLAY INSTRUMENT Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you spend last month... Singing or playing a musical instrument? ................................................................................. 5276 0-168. Range of values 54 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A30_09 A30. ARTS AND CRAFTS Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you spend last month... Doing arts and crafts projects, including knitting, embroidery, or painting? ................................................................................. 5267 0-340. Range of values 63 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A31_09 A31. HOME IMPROVEMENTS Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you spend last month... Doing home improvements, including painting, redecorating, or making home repairs? ................................................................................. 5271 0-248. Range of values 59 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A32_09 A32. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/CLEANING Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you spend last month... Working on, maintaining, or cleaning your car(s) or vehicle(s)? ................................................................................. 5282 0-100. Range of values 48 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A33_09 A33. LEISURE DINING/EATING OUT Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you spend last month... Dining or eating outside the home (not related to business or work)? ................................................................................. 5260 0-210. Range of values 70 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A34_09 A34. TIME SPENT ON EATING MEALS LAST WK Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 Thinking of your meals last week, how much time did you spend eating meals last week? _______ Hours last week ................................................................................. 5098 0-168. Range of values 232 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A35A_09 A35A. HRS SEEING DOC - WEEK Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 Please think of how much time you spend seeing doctors, nurses, therapists or other health care providers about your own health, or going to the pharmacy for your own medications: During the past year, about how much time did you spend on average on these activities, including travel time? ________hours per week ................................................................................. 594 0-168. Range of values 4736 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A35B_09 A35B. HRS SEEING DOC - MONTH Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 ________hours per month ................................................................................. 1206 0-420. Range of values 4124 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A35C_09 A35C. HRS SEEING DOC - LAST YEAR Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 2 ________hours last year ................................................................................. 3285 0-3500. Range of values 2045 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A36_09 A36. ANY TIME MANAGING MED COND ANOTHER Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Did you spend any time last week treating or managing the medical condition of another person? ................................................................................. 1119 1. Yes 4093 5. No 118 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A36M1_09 A36M1. WHO WAS THAT PERSON - 1 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Who was that person (check all that apply) ................................................................................. 607 1. Spouse 150 2. Child, step child or grandchild 175 3. Parent, parent-in-law or grand parent 90 4. Other relative (sibs, grandkids, oth rel) 101 5. Non-relative (friend, caregiver, nurse) 4207 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A36M2_09 A36M2. WHO WAS THAT PERSON - 2 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Who was that person (check all that apply) ................................................................................. 1. Spouse 51 2. Child, step child or grandchild 28 3. Parent, parent-in-law or grand parent 12 4. Other relative (sibs, grandkids, oth rel) 9 5. Non-relative (friend, caregiver, nurse) 5230 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A36M3_09 A36M3. WHO WAS THAT PERSON - 3 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Who was that person (check all that apply) ................................................................................. 1. Spouse 2. Child, step child or grandchild 3 3. Parent, parent-in-law or grand parent 2 4. Other relative (sibs, grandkids, oth rel) 3 5. Non-relative (friend, caregiver, nurse) 5322 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A36M4_09 A36M4. WHO WAS THAT PERSON - 4 Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Who was that person (check all that apply) ................................................................................. 1. Spouse 2. Child, step child or grandchild 3. Parent, parent-in-law or grand parent 4. Other relative (sibs, grandkids, oth rel) 5. Non-relative (friend, caregiver, nurse) 5330 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A36A_09 A36A.HRS SPENT TREATING MED COND ANOTHER Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 How many hours did you spend in total last week? ................................................................................. 1191 0-168. Range of values 4139 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A37A_09 A37A. HRS MANAGING MEDICAL BILLS - WEEK Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 During the past year, about how much time did you spend on average paying or managing medical bills, including dealing with insurance claims? If you helped another person manage his or her bills or claims, please include that time. ________hours per week ................................................................................. 1018 0-112. Range of values 4312 Blank. Inapplicable ========================================================================================== A37B_09 A37B. HRS MANAGING MEDICAL BILLS - MONTH Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 ________hours per month ................................................................................. 942 0-180. Range of values 4388 Blank. Inapplicable ========================================================================================== A37C_09 A37C. HRS MANAGING MED BILLS - LAST YEAR Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 2 ________hours last year ................................................................................. 2858 0-1920. Range of values 2472 Blank. Inapplicable ========================================================================================== A38_09 A38. DAYS AWAY OVERNIGHT- BUSINESS Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 How many days in the last twelve months were you away from home on overnight trips related to business or work? ................................................................................. 5069 0-322. Range of values 261 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A39_09 A39. DAYS AWAY OVERNIGHT - NONBUSINESS Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 How many days in the last twelve months were you away from home on overnight trips or vacations not related to business or work? ................................................................................. 5190 0-365. Range of values 140 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A40_09 A40. OFTEN USE MIND Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Now think about everything you do during waking hours: How often do you use your mind in what you do? (Check one.) ................................................................................. 68 1. Rarely 329 2. Sometimes 1299 3. Often 3375 4. Almost all the time 194 5. Uncertain, can't say 65 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A41_09 A41. OFTEN USE BODY Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often do you use your body in what you do? (Check one.) ................................................................................. 263 1. Rarely 925 2. Sometimes 1994 3. Often 1914 4. Almost all the time 172 5. Uncertain, can't say 62 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A42_09 A42. OFTEN ACTIVE WITH OTHERS Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Still thinking about everything you do during waking hours: How often are your activities done with other people? (Check one.) ................................................................................. 809 1. Rarely 1865 2. Sometimes 1650 3. Often 828 4. Almost all the time 130 5. Uncertain, can't say 48 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A43_09 A43. OFTEN BENEFIT OTHERS Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often do your activities benefit other people? (Check one.) ................................................................................. 789 1. Rarely 1765 2. Sometimes 1588 3. Often 880 4. Almost all the time 251 5. Uncertain, can't say 57 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A44_09 A44. WHO ANSWER QUESTIONNAIRE Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Were the questions in Section A answered by the person to whom this questionnaire was addressed, or did someone else answer for that person? (Check one.) ................................................................................. 4917 1. Respondent 222 2. Respondent's spouse or partner 103 3. Respondent's son/son-in-law or daughter/daughter-in-law 34 4. Other relative (sibs, grandkids, etc.) 9 5. Non-relative 45 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== A45_09 A45. SECTION A TIME Section: A Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 Approximately, how long (minutes) did it take you to complete Section A? ................................................................................. 5227 0-300. Range of values 103 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== Section B: CONSUMPTION (Respondent) ========================================================================================== B1_09 B1. PURCHASE/LEASE AUTO Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the past twelve months, has your household leased or purchased an automobile or truck? (If it was a lease, we are asking about new long-term leases). ................................................................................. 469 1. Yes 2952 5. No (Go to Question B2) 40 9. Answer not given 1869 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1A1_09 B1A1. AUTO MAKE - 1 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 1) : Make ................................................................................. 2 1. Acura 2 2. Audi 3. BMW 24 4. Buick 7 5. Cadillac 76 6. Chevrolet 21 7. Chrysler 8. Daewoo 29 9. Dodge 89 10. Ford 11. GMC 39 12. Honda 15 13. Hyundai 1 14. Isuzu 1 15. Jaguar 8 16. Jeep 15 17. Kia 7 18. Lexus 11 19. Lincoln 3 20. Mazda 4 21. Mercedes 10 22. Mercury 2 23. Mitsubishi 19 24. Nissan 3 25. Oldsmobile 1 26. Plymouth 13 27. Pontiac 28. Saab 6 29. Saturn 9 30. Subaru 3 31. Suzuki 56 32. Toyota 3 33. Volkswagen 3 34. Volvo 35. Holiday Rambler 36. Geo 2 37. Infiniti 38. Spider 39. Komfort 2 40. Land Rover 41. Monaco 42. Porsche 43. Winnebago 44. Scion 45. Willys 46. Hummer 47. Electric 48. Country Coach 49. Damon 50. Peterbilt 51. Fiat 1 52. Smart 22 99. Answer not given 4821 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1A2_09 B1A2. AUTO MODEL - 1 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 1) : Model ................................................................................. 276 1. Cars 75 2. Trucks 44 3. Vans 71 4. Utility 5. Motor home 43 9. Answer not given 4821 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1A3_09 B1A3. AUTO YEAR - 1 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 1) : Year ................................................................................. 504 1905-2010. Range of values 5 9999. Answer not given 4821 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1A4_09 B1A4. AUTO PRICE - 1 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 1) : Price ................................................................................. 470 400-90000. Range of values 39 999999. Answer not given 4821 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1A5_09 B1A5. AUTO/TRUCK NEW OR USED - 1 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 1) : New or used? ................................................................................. 215 1. New 273 2. Used 21 9. Answer not given 4821 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1B1_09 B1B1. AUTO MAKE - 2 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 2) : Make ................................................................................. 1. Acura 2. Audi 3. BMW 2 4. Buick 5. Cadillac 5 6. Chevrolet 2 7. Chrysler 8. Daewoo 6 9. Dodge 6 10. Ford 11. GMC 3 12. Honda 4 13. Hyundai 14. Isuzu 15. Jaguar 16. Jeep 1 17. Kia 1 18. Lexus 1 19. Lincoln 20. Mazda 21. Mercedes 2 22. Mercury 23. Mitsubishi 2 24. Nissan 1 25. Oldsmobile 1 26. Plymouth 27. Pontiac 28. Saab 3 29. Saturn 30. Subaru 31. Suzuki 5 32. Toyota 1 33. Volkswagen 34. Volvo 35. Holiday Rambler 36. Geo 37. Infiniti 38. Spider 39. Komfort 40. Land Rover 41. Monaco 42. Porsche 43. Winnebago 44. Scion 45. Willys 46. Hummer 47. Electric 48. Country Coach 49. Damon 50. Peterbilt 51. Fiat 52. Smart 2 99. Answer not given 5282 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1B2_09 B1B2. AUTO MODEL - 2 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 2) : Model ................................................................................. 21 1. Cars 13 2. Trucks 6 3. Vans 5 4. Utility 5. Motor Home 3 9. Answer not given 5282 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1B3_09 B1B3. AUTO YEAR - 2 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 2) : Year ................................................................................. 47 1965-2010. Range of values 1 9999. Answer not given 5282 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1B4_09 B1B4. AUTO PRICE - 2 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 2) : Price ................................................................................. 43 0-71000. Range of values 5 999999. Answer not given 5282 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1B5_09 B1B5. AUTO/TRUCK NEW OR USED - 2 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 2) : New or used? ................................................................................. 9 1. New 37 2. Used 2 9. Answer not given 5282 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1C1_09 B1C1. AUTO MAKE - 3 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 3) : Make ................................................................................. 1. Acura 2. Audi 3. BMW 4. Buick 5. Cadillac 6. Chevrolet 7. Chrysler 8. Daewoo 1 9. Dodge 10. Ford 11. GMC 2 12. Honda 13. Hyundai 14. Isuzu 15. Jaguar 16. Jeep 17. Kia 18. Lexus 19. Lincoln 20. Mazda 21. Mercedes 22. Mercury 23. Mitsubishi 1 24. Nissan 25. Oldsmobile 26. Plymouth 1 27. Pontiac 28. Saab 29. Saturn 30. Subaru 31. Suzuki 1 32. Toyota 33. Volkswagen 34. Volvo 35. Holiday Rambler 36. Geo 37. Infiniti 38. Spider 39. Komfort 40. Land Rover 41. Monaco 42. Porsche 43. Winnebago 44. Scion 45. Willys 46. Hummer 47. Electric 48. Country Coach 49. Damon 50. Peterbilt 51. Fiat 52. Smart 99. Answer not given 5324 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1C2_09 B1C2. AUTO MODEL - 3 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 3) : Model ................................................................................. 5 1. Cars 1 2. Trucks 3. Vans 4. Utility 5. Motor Home 9. Answer not given 5324 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1C3_09 B1C3. AUTO YEAR - 3 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 3) : Year ................................................................................. 6 1992-2009. Range of values 9999. Answer not given 5324 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1C4_09 B1C4. AUTO PRICE - 3 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 3) : Price ................................................................................. 6 500-22000. Range of values 999999. Answer not given 5324 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B1C5_09 B1C5. AUTO/TRUCK NEW OR USED - 3 Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If so, what were the make, model, year and price of the vehicle(s) you purchased or leased? (Car 3) : New or used? ................................................................................. 1 1. New 5 2. Used 9. Answer not given 5324 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B2_09 B2. BUY REFRIGERATOR Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the past twelve months, has your household purchased a refrigerator? ................................................................................. 226 1. Yes 3307 5. No 9. Answer not given 1797 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B2A_09 B2A. REFRIGERATOR PRICE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 If yes: About how much was the purchase price? ................................................................................. 212 1-3000. Range of values 14 99999. Answer not given 5104 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B3_09 B3. BUY WASHER/DRYER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the past twelve months, has your household purchased a washing machine and/or dryer? ................................................................................. 305 1. Yes 3232 5. No 9. Answer not given 1793 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B3A_09 B3A. WASHER/DRYER PRICE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 If yes: About how much was the purchase price? ................................................................................. 288 1-4000. Range of values 17 99999. Answer not given 5025 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B4_09 B4. BUY DISWASHER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the past twelve months, has your household purchased a dishwasher? ................................................................................. 120 1. Yes 3422 5. No 9. Answer not given 1788 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B4A_09 B4A. DISHWASHER PRICE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 If yes: About how much was the purchase price? ................................................................................. 111 30-1400. Range of values 9 99999. Answer not given 5210 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B5_09 B5. BUY TELEVISION Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the past twelve months, has your household purchased a television? ................................................................................. 716 1. Yes 2823 5. No 9. Answer not given 1791 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B5A_09 B5A. TELEVISION PRICE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 If yes: About how much was the purchase price? ................................................................................. 679 0-12000. Range of values 37 99999. Answer not given 4614 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B6_09 B6. BUY COMPUTER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the past twelve months, has your household purchased a computer? ................................................................................. 432 1. Yes 3109 5. No 9. Answer not given 1789 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B6A_09 B6A. COMPUTER PRICE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 If yes: About how much was the purchase price? ................................................................................. 411 0-4500. Range of values 21 99999. Answer not given 4898 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B7_09 B7. HOME/RENTERS INSURANCE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 For the items from B7 to B17, please enter your annual cost in the provided spaces in the column "Amount spent yearly." If you did not spend money on a specific item or service in the last 12 months, then check the "No money spent on this in last 12 months" box. We'd also like you to provide your best estimate of your household spending for the following categories: Homeowner's or renter's insurance ................................................................................. 3347 0-52615. Range of values 1983 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B7D_09 B7D. COMBINED WITH HOME INSURANCE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Amount reported for home/renter's insurance (B7) includes: ................................................................................. 1 1. Property taxes (B8) 2. Mortgage (B18) 5329 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B8_09 B8. PROPERTY TAXES Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Property taxes ................................................................................. 3345 0-45000. Range of values 1985 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B8D_09 B8D. COMBINED WITH PROPERTY TAXES Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Amount reported for property taxes (B8) includes: ................................................................................. 1. Homeowner's or renter's insurance (B7) 2. Mortgage (B18) 5330 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B9_09 B9. VEHICLE INSURANCE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Vehicle insurance ................................................................................. 3331 0-17000. Range of values 1999 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B10_09 B10. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Vehicle maintenance: parts, repairs, and servicing ................................................................................. 3386 0-15000. Range of values 1944 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B11_09 B11. HEALTH INSURANCE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Health insurance: out-of-pocket, including Medicare supplemental insurance ................................................................................. 3303 0-60000. Range of values 2027 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B12_09 B12. TRIPS AND VACATIONS Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Trips and vacations: including transportation, accommodations, and recreational expenses on trips ................................................................................. 3466 0-81233. Range of values 1864 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B13_09 B13. HOME REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE DIY Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Home repairs and maintenance - materials your household bought directly ................................................................................. 3409 0-50000. Range of values 1921 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B14_09 B14. HOME REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE SERVICES Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Home repairs and maintenance services - hiring costs including materials they provided ................................................................................. 3405 0-50000. Range of values 1925 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B15_09 B15. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household furnishings and equipment: such as furniture, floor coverings, small appliances, miscellaneous household equipment ................................................................................. 3464 0-40000. Range of values 1866 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B16_09 B16. CONTRIBUTIONS Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Contributions to religious, educational, charitable, or political organizations ................................................................................. 3446 0-100000. Range of values 1884 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B17_09 B17. GIFTS Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Cash or gifts to family and friends outside your household - including alimony and child support payments ................................................................................. 3437 0-140000. Range of values 1893 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B18_09 B18. MORTGAGE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 For the items from B18 to B24a, we have included two time periods so that you can estimate your spending in the way that is easiest for you for each category: the amount you spend on a monthly basis, or the amount you spent in the last 12 months. If you did not spend money on a specific item or service in the last 12 months, then check the "No money spent on this in last 12 months" box. Household amount spent for mortgage ................................................................................. 3403 0-80000. Range of values 1927 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B18A_09 B18A. MORTAGAGE - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Mortgage - per ................................................................................. 961 1. Monthly 191 2. Yearly 2249 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1929 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B18D_09 B18D. COMBINED WITH MORTGAGE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Amount reported for mortgage (B18) includes: ................................................................................. 2 1. Property taxes (B8) 2. Car payment (B24) 3. Home/Renters Insurance and Property taxes (B7 and B8) 5328 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B19_09 B19. RENT Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household amount spent for rent ................................................................................. 3365 0-48000. Range of values 1965 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B19A_09 B19A. RENT - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Rent - per ................................................................................. 564 1. Monthly 222 2. Yearly 2579 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1965 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B19D_09 B19D. COMBINED WITH RENT Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Amount reported for rent (B19) includes: ................................................................................. 1. Electricity (B20) 6 2. Electricity, water and heat (B20, B21, and B22) 3. Electricity and heat (B20 and B22) 4. Electricity, water, heat and telephone (B20, B21, B22, and B23) 1 5. Water (B21) 6. Water and heat (B21 and B22) 7. Water and telephone (B21 and B23) 1 8. Electricity and water (B20 and B21) 1 9. Electricity and Telephone (B20, B23) 5321 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B20_09 B20. ELECTRICITY Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household amount spent for electricity ................................................................................. 3415 0-40000. Range of values 1915 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B20A_09 B20A. ELECTRICITY - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Electricity - per ................................................................................. 2178 1. Monthly 933 2. Yearly 303 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1916 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B20D_09 B20D. COMBINED WITH ELECTRICITY Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Amount reported for mortgage (B20) includes: ................................................................................. 10 1. Water (B21) 7 2. Water and heat (B21 and B22) 57 3. Heat (B22) 1 4. Water, Heat and Telephone (B21, B22, B23) 1 5. Telephone (B23) 5254 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B21_09 B21. WATER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household amount spent for water ................................................................................. 3389 0-10000. Range of values 1941 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B21A_09 B21A. WATER - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Water - per ................................................................................. 1528 1. Monthly 770 2. Yearly 1088 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1944 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B21D_09 B21D. COMBINED WITH WATER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Amount reported for water (B21) includes: ................................................................................. 1 1. Electricity (B20) 1 2. Heat (B22) 3. Electricity and heat (B20 and B22) 4. Heat and telephone (B22 and B23) 5328 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B22_09 B22. HEAT Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household amount spent for heating fuel for the home ................................................................................. 3267 0-9000. Range of values 2063 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B22A_09 B22A. HEAT - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Heating fuel for the home - per ................................................................................. 1034 1. Monthly 970 2. Yearly 1263 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 2063 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B22D_09 B22D. COMBINED WITH HEAT Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Amount reported for heating fuel (B22) includes: ................................................................................. 5 1. Electricity (B20) 3 2. Electricity and water (B20 and B21) 3. Water (B21) 5322 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B23_09 B23. PHONE/CABLE/INTERNET Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household amount spent for telephone, cable, internet ................................................................................. 3446 0-12000. Range of values 1884 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B23A_09 B23A. PHONE/CABLE - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Telephone, cable, internet - per ................................................................................. 2376 1. Monthly 909 2. Yearly 159 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1886 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B24_09 B24. CAR PAYMENTS INTEREST/PRINCIPAL Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Household amount spent for car payments: interest & principal ................................................................................. 3454 0-27000. Range of values 1876 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B24A_09 B24A. CAR PAYMENTS - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Car payments: interest & principal - per ................................................................................. 663 1. Monthly 197 2. Yearly 2594 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1876 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B25_09 B25. HOUSEKEEPING SUPPLIES Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 The next block of questions from B25 to B36a contain items some people do not purchase on a regular basis. Please use the time period that best reflects your spending over the last 12 months to estimate what you actually spent. Again, if you did not spend money on a specific item or service in the last 12 months, then check the "No money spent on this in last 12 months" box. If you bought an item only occasionally or on an as-needed basis, then please give your best estimate of what you spent in the last 12 months. Housekeeping supplies - cleaning and laundry products ................................................................................. 3441 0-6000. Range of values 1889 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B25A_09 B25A. HOUSEKEEPING SUPPLIES - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Cleaning and laundry products - per ................................................................................. 2139 1. Last month 1120 2. Last 12 months 182 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1889 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B26_09 B26. HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Housekeeping, dry cleaning and laundry services - hiring costs for housekeeping or home cleaning, and amount spent at dry cleaners and laundries ................................................................................. 3470 0-282000. Range of values 1860 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B26A_09 B26A. HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Housekeeping, dry cleaning and laundry services - per ................................................................................. 815 1. Last month 684 2. Last 12 months 1971 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1860 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B27_09 B27. GARDENING/YARD SUPPLIES Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Gardening and yard supplies - yard, lawn and garden products ................................................................................. 3456 0-8400. Range of values 1874 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B27A_09 B27A. GARDEN/YARD SUPPLIES - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Gardening and yard supplies - per ................................................................................. 743 1. Last month 1427 2. Last 12 months 1286 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1874 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B28_09 B28. GARDEN/YARD SERVICES Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Gardening and yard services - hiring costs including materials they provided ................................................................................. 3456 0-12000. Range of values 1874 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B28A_09 B28A. GARDEN/YARD SERVICES - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Gardening and yard services - per ................................................................................. 473 1. Last month 685 2. Last 12 months 2298 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1874 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B29_09 B29. CLOTHING AND APPAREL Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Clothing and apparel including footwear, outerwear, and products such as watches or jewelry ................................................................................. 3423 0-20000. Range of values 1907 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B29A_09 B29A. CLOTHING - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Clothing and apparel - per ................................................................................. 808 1. Last month 2092 2. Last 12 months 523 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1907 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B30_09 B30. PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS/SERVICES Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Personal care products and services - including hair care, shaving and skin products, amount spent at hair dresser, manicure, etc. ................................................................................. 3431 0-4800. Range of values 1899 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B30A_09 B30A. PERSONAL CARE PROD/SERVICES - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Personal care products and services - per ................................................................................. 1438 1. Last month 1805 2. Last 12 months 188 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1899 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B31_09 B31. DRUGS OOP Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Prescription and nonprescription medications - out-of-pocket cost, not including what's covered by insurance ................................................................................. 3383 0-14400. Range of values 1947 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B31A_09 B31A. DRUGS OOP - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Prescription and nonprescription medications - per ................................................................................. 1333 1. Last month 1691 2. Last 12 months 359 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1947 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B32_09 B32. HEALTH SERVICES Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Health care services - out-of-pocket cost of hospital care, doctor services, lab tests, eye, dental, and nursing home care ................................................................................. 3390 0-115540. Range of values 1940 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B32A_09 B32A. HEALTH SERVICES - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Health care services - per ................................................................................. 570 1. Last month 1944 2. Last 12 months 876 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1940 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B33_09 B33. MEDICAL SUPPLIES Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Medical supplies - out-of-pocket cost, not including what's covered by insurance ................................................................................. 3346 0-7000. Range of values 1984 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B33A_09 B33A. MED SUPPLIES - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Medical supplies - per ................................................................................. 567 1. Last month 885 2. Last 12 months 1894 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1984 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B34_09 B34. TICKETS Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Tickets to movies, sporting events, and performing arts ................................................................................. 3482 0-12499. Range of values 1848 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B34A_09 B34A. TICKETS - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Tickets to movies, sporting events, and performing arts - per ................................................................................. 344 1. Last month 1078 2. Last 12 months 2060 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1848 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B35_09 B35. SPORTS EQUIPMENT Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Sports: including gym, exercise equipment such as bicycles, skis, boats, etc. ................................................................................. 3479 0-75000. Range of values 1851 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B35A_09 B35A. SPORTS EQUIPMENT - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Sports - per ................................................................................. 213 1. Last month 475 2. Last 12 months 2791 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1851 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B36_09 B36. HOBBIES/LEISURE EQUIPMENT Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Hobbies and leisure equipment - such as photography, stamps, reading materials, camping, etc. ................................................................................. 3479 0-20510. Range of values 1851 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B36A_09 B36A. HOBBIES/LEISURE EQUIPMENT - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Hobbies and leisure equipment - per ................................................................................. 627 1. Last month 1295 2. Last 12 months 1557 3. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1851 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B37_09 B37. FOOD/DRINK GROCERY Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 For the items from B37 to B39a, we have included three time periods so that you can estimate your spending in the way that is easiest for you for each category. Again, if you did not spend money on a specific item or service in the last 12 months, then check the "No money spent on this in last 12 months" box. If you bought an item only occasionally or on an as-needed basis, then please give your best estimate of what you spent in the last 12 months. Food and beverages - food and drinks, including alcoholic, that you buy in grocery or other stores ................................................................................. 3407 0-20160. Range of values 1923 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B37A_09 B37A. FOOD/DRINK GROC - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Food and beverages - per ................................................................................. 1747 1. Last week 978 2. Last month 547 3. Last 12 months 135 4. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1923 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B38_09 B38. DINING OUT Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Dining/drinking out - items in restaurants, cafes, and diners, including take-out food ................................................................................. 3433 0-16800. Range of values 1897 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B38A_09 B38A. DINING OUT - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Dining/drinking out - per ................................................................................. 1177 1. Last week 874 2. Last month 780 3. Last 12 months 602 4. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1897 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B39_09 B39. GASOLINE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Gasoline ................................................................................. 3421 0-14400. Range of values 1909 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B39A_09 B39A. GASOLINE - PER Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Gasoline - per ................................................................................. 1384 1. Last week 983 2. Last month 589 3. Last 12 months 465 4. No money spent on this in last 12 months 1909 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B40_09 B40. HH SPENT Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Now think of your household's TOTAL spending last year. Please do NOT include any money that you saved or that you invested, including real estate investments, like home purchases. Compare this amount spent with your total household income. In your household income, include any earnings from work, any interest or dividends, any pension, annuity or Social Security income, and any other money that your household may have received. Last year, my household spent: [(More/Less/About the same) as its income] ................................................................................. 392 1. More than its income 763 2. Less than its income (Go to Question B40b) 1167 3. About the same as its income (Go to Question B41) 951 4. Uncertain, can't say (Go to Question B41) 9. Answer not given 2057 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B40A_09 B40A. HH AMOUNT SPENT MORE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 About how much more? ................................................................................. 353 0-88500. Range of values 4977 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B40B_09 B40B. HH AMOUNT SPENT LESS Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 About how much less? ................................................................................. 520 0-450000. Range of values 4810 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B41_09 B41. 20% MORE INCOME Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Suppose next year you were to find your household with 20% more income than normal, what would you do with the extra income? (Check one.) ................................................................................. 762 1. Save or invest all of it (Go to Question B43) 170 2. Spend or donate all of it 992 3. Spend and save some 1301 4. Uncertain, can't say (Go to Question B43) 9. Answer not given 2105 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B41A_09 B41A. % SPEND Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 I would spend (percent) of it ................................................................................. 970 0-100. Range of values 4360 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B41B_09 B41B. % SAVE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 I would save (percent) of it ................................................................................. 966 0-100. Range of values 4364 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B42M1_09 B42M1. WHAT EXTRA INCOME SPEND ON Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you chose to spend all or part of it, what would you spend the extra income on? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 950 1. Trips, travel or vacations 329 2. Clothing 147 3. Eating out/food and beverages 408 4. New home/home repairs or household items 27 5. Entertainment, sports and hobbies 96 6. Automobiles expenses 3373 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== B42M2_09 B42M2. WHAT EXTRA INCOME SPEND ON Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you chose to spend all or part of it, what would you spend the extra income on? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Trips, travel or vacations 234 2. Clothing 247 3. Eating out/food and beverages 218 4. New home/home repairs or household items 63 5. Entertainment, sports and hobbies 122 6. Automobiles expenses 4446 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== B42M3_09 B42M3. WHAT EXTRA INCOME SPEND ON Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you chose to spend all or part of it, what would you spend the extra income on? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Trips, travel or vacations 2. Clothing 138 3. Eating out/food and beverages 106 4. New home/home repairs or household items 78 5. Entertainment, sports and hobbies 106 6. Automobiles expenses 4902 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== B42M4_09 B42M4. WHAT EXTRA INCOME SPEND ON Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you chose to spend all or part of it, what would you spend the extra income on? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Trips, travel or vacations 2. Clothing 3. Eating out/food and beverages 69 4. New home/home repairs or household items 47 5. Entertainment, sports and hobbies 47 6. Automobiles expenses 5167 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== B42M5_09 B42M5. WHAT EXTRA INCOME SPEND ON Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you chose to spend all or part of it, what would you spend the extra income on? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Trips, travel or vacations 2. Clothing 3. Eating out/food and beverages 4. New home/home repairs or household items 44 5. Entertainment, sports and hobbies 24 6. Automobiles expenses 5262 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== B42M6_09 B42M6. WHAT EXTRA INCOME SPEND ON Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you chose to spend all or part of it, what would you spend the extra income on? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Trips, travel or vacations 2. Clothing 3. Eating out/food and beverages 4. New home/home repairs or household items 5. Entertainment, sports and hobbies 31 6. Automobiles expenses 5299 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== B43_09 B43. 20% LESS INCOME Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Now imagine that next year you were to find yourself with 20% less household income. What would you do? (Check one.) ................................................................................. 216 1. Not cut my spending at all (Go to Question B45) 1426 2. Cut my spending by the whole 20% 385 3. Cut my spending by some, but not the whole 20% 1339 4. Uncertain, can't say (Go to Question B45) 9. Answer not given 1964 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B43A_09 B43A. % CUT SPENDING Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 By what percent would you cut spending? ................................................................................. 353 0-95. Range of values 4977 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B44M1_09 B44M1. WHAT ITEMS SPEND LESS ON Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you chose to spend less, then on what items would you spend less? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1403 1. Trips, travel or vacations 481 2. Clothing 347 3. Eating out/food and beverages 103 4. New home/home repairs or household items 62 5. Entertainment, sports and hobbies 43 6. Automobiles expenses 2891 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== B44M2_09 B44M2. WHAT ITEMS SPEND LESS ON Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you chose to spend less, then on what items would you spend less? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Trips, travel or vacations 759 2. Clothing 650 3. Eating out/food and beverages 126 4. New home/home repairs or household items 155 5. Entertainment, sports and hobbies 46 6. Automobiles expenses 3594 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== B44M3_09 B44M3. WHAT ITEMS SPEND LESS ON Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you chose to spend less, then on what items would you spend less? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Trips, travel or vacations 2. Clothing 625 3. Eating out/food and beverages 153 4. New home/home repairs or household items 333 5. Entertainment, sports and hobbies 62 6. Automobiles expenses 4157 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== B44M4_09 B44M4. WHAT ITEMS SPEND LESS ON Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you chose to spend less, then on what items would you spend less? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Trips, travel or vacations 2. Clothing 3. Eating out/food and beverages 299 4. New home/home repairs or household items 293 5. Entertainment, sports and hobbies 47 6. Automobiles expenses 4691 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== B44M5_09 B44M5. WHAT ITEMS SPEND LESS ON Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you chose to spend less, then on what items would you spend less? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Trips, travel or vacations 2. Clothing 3. Eating out/food and beverages 4. New home/home repairs or household items 268 5. Entertainment, sports and hobbies 50 6. Automobiles expenses 5012 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== B44M6_09 B44M6. WHAT ITEMS SPEND LESS ON Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you chose to spend less, then on what items would you spend less? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Trips, travel or vacations 2. Clothing 3. Eating out/food and beverages 4. New home/home repairs or household items 5. Entertainment, sports and hobbies 142 6. Automobiles expenses 5188 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== B45_09 B45. RETIRED Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 We would like to understand more about spending in retirement. Are you retired? ................................................................................. 2313 1. Yes (Complete BOX A) 852 5. No (Complete BOX B) 9. Answer not given 2165 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B45A_09 B45A. RETIRED SPENDING CHANGE HOW Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 BOX A Retired: How did your TOTAL spending change with retirement? ................................................................................. 931 1. Stayed the same (Go to B46a) 211 2. Increased 1251 3. Decreased 2937 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B45B_09 B45B. RETIRED SPENDING CHANGE PERCENT Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 BOX A Retired: By how much? ................................................................................. 1110 0-200. Range of values 4220 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B45D_09 B45D. NOT RETIRED SPEND CHANGE HOW Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 BOX B Not Retired: How do you expect your TOTAL spending to change with retirement? ................................................................................. 212 1. Stay the same (Go to B46a) 35 2. Increase 650 3. Decrease 4433 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B45E_09 B45E. NOT RETIRED SPEND CHANGE PERCENT Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 BOX B Not Retired: By how much? ................................................................................. 557 0-200. Range of values 4773 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B46A_09 B46A. SPENDING ON TRIPS Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Actual/expected spending for trips, travel, or vacations ................................................................................. 651 1. Increase(d) 1452 2. Decrease(d) 927 3. Stay(ed) the same 2300 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B46B_09 B46B. SPENDING ON CLOTHES Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Actual/expected spending for clothing ................................................................................. 141 1. Increase(d) 1901 2. Decrease(d) 981 3. Stay(ed) the same 2307 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B46C_09 B46C. SPENDING ON EATING OUT Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Actual/expected spending for eating out / food and beverages ................................................................................. 482 1. Increase(d) 1537 2. Decrease(d) 1018 3. Stay(ed) the same 2293 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B46D_09 B46D. SPENDING ON HOME/HOUSEHOLD Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Actual/expected spending for new home, home repairs, or household items ................................................................................. 349 1. Increase(d) 1306 2. Decrease(d) 1191 3. Stay(ed) the same 2484 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B46E_09 B46E. SPENDING ON ENTERTAINMENT Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Actual/expected spending for entertainment, sports, and hobbies ................................................................................. 254 1. Increase(d) 1474 2. Decrease(d) 1159 3. Stay(ed) the same 2443 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B46F_09 B46F. SPENDING ON AUTO EXPENSES Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Actual/expected spending for automobile expenses ................................................................................. 332 1. Increase(d) 1131 2. Decrease(d) 1368 3. Stay(ed) the same 2499 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B47_09 B47. WHO ANSWER QUESTIONNAIRE Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Were the questions in Section B answered by the person to whom this questionnaire was addressed, or did someone else answer for that person? (Check one.) ................................................................................. 3144 1. Respondent 141 2. Respondent's spouse or partner 101 3. Respondent's son/son-in-law or daughter/daughter-in-law 27 4. Other relative (sibs, grandkids, etc.) 10 5. Non-relative 1907 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== B48_09 B48. SECTION B TIME Section: B Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 Approximately, how long (minutes) did it take you to complete Section B? ................................................................................. 3339 0-360. Range of values 1991 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== Section C: DEMOGRAPHICS (Respondent) ========================================================================================== C1M1_09 C1M1. WORKING STATUS - 1 Section: C Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Are you working now, temporarily laid off, unemployed and looking for work, disabled and unable to work, retired, a homemaker, or what? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 864 1. Working now 20 2. Temporarily laid off/sick leave 73 3. Unemployed and looking for work 466 4. Disabled 1663 5. Retired 174 6. Homemaker 16 7. Other 34 8. Part time/less than part time employment 8 9. Volunteer/caregiving/babysitting 2012 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== C1M2_09 C1M2. WORKING STATUS - 2 Section: C Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Are you working now, temporarily laid off, unemployed and looking for work, disabled and unable to work, retired, a homemaker, or what? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Working now 1 2. Temporarily laid off/sick leave 4 3. Unemployed and looking for work 10 4. Disabled 321 5. Retired 245 6. Homemaker 19 7. Other 38 8. Part time/less than part time employment 16 9. Volunteer/caregiving/babysitting 4676 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== C1M3_09 C1M3. WORKING STATUS - 3 Section: C Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Are you working now, temporarily laid off, unemployed and looking for work, disabled and unable to work, retired, a homemaker, or what? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Working now 2. Temporarily laid off/sick leave 1 3. Unemployed and looking for work 1 4. Disabled 5 5. Retired 44 6. Homemaker 10 7. Other 34 8. Part time/less than part time employment 7 9. Volunteer/caregiving/babysitting 5228 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== C1M4_09 C1M4. WORKING STATUS - 4 Section: C Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Are you working now, temporarily laid off, unemployed and looking for work, disabled and unable to work, retired, a homemaker, or what? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Working now 2. Temporarily laid off/sick leave 3. Unemployed and looking for work 1 4. Disabled 5. Retired 2 6. Homemaker 2 7. Other 4 8. Part time/less than part time employment 1 9. Volunteer/caregiving/babysitting 5320 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== C1M5_09 C1M5. WORKING STATUS - 5 Section: C Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Are you working now, temporarily laid off, unemployed and looking for work, disabled and unable to work, retired, a homemaker, or what? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Working now 2. Temporarily laid off/sick leave 3. Unemployed and looking for work 4. Disabled 5. Retired 1 6. Homemaker 7. Other 1 8. Part time/less than part time employment 9. Volunteer/caregiving/babysitting 5328 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== C1M6_09 C1M6. WORKING STATUS - 6 Section: C Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Are you working now, temporarily laid off, unemployed and looking for work, disabled and unable to work, retired, a homemaker, or what? (Check all that apply.) ................................................................................. 1. Working now 2. Temporarily laid off/sick leave 3. Unemployed and looking for work 4. Disabled 5. Retired 6. Homemaker 7. Other 8. Part time/less than part time employment 9. Volunteer/caregiving/babysitting 5330 Blank. Inap/Not checked ========================================================================================== C2_09 C2. MARITAL STATUS Section: C Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Are you currently married, living with a partner, separated, divorced, widowed, or have you never been married? (Check one.) Married => Continue with C2a Living with a partner => Continue with C2a Separated => Go to C3 Divorced => Go to C3 Widowed => Go to C3 Never married => Go to C3 Other, specify:_______ => Go to C3 ................................................................................. 1546 1. Married 117 2. Living with a partner 61 3. Separated 501 4. Divorced 928 5. Widowed 136 6. Never married 49 7. Other, specify (includes single and combinations of valid responses) 1992 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== C2A_09 C2A. MONEY ON CLOTHING AND APPAREL Section: C Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 (If married or living with a partner) Did your household spend any money on clothing and apparel (including footwear, outerwear, and products such as watches or jewelry) in the last 12 months: ................................................................................. 1404 1. Yes 428 5. No 3498 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== C2A1_09 C2A1. SPENDING FOR THINGS THAT YOU USE Section: C Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 What fraction of that spending was for things that you use? ______ % ................................................................................. 1283 0-100. Range of values 4047 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== C2A2_09 C2A2. SPENDING FOR THINGS YOUR SP/P USES Section: C Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 What fraction of that spending was for things that your spouse or partner uses? _____ % ................................................................................. 1168 0-100. Range of values 4162 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== C2A3_09 C2A3. SPENDING FOR THINGS HHMS USE Section: C Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 What fraction of that spending was for things that other household members use? _____ % ................................................................................. 348 0-100. Range of values 4982 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== C4_09 C4. WHO ANSWER QUESTIONNAIRE Section: C Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Were the questions in Section C answered by the person to whom this questionnaire was addressed, or did someone else answer for that person? (Check one.) ................................................................................. 3065 1. Respondent 92 2. Respondent's spouse or partner 93 3. Respondent's son/son-in-law or daughter/daughter-in-law 26 4. Other relative (sibs, grandkids, etc.) 6 5. Non-relative 2048 Blank. Inap/Missing ========================================================================================== C5_09 C5. SECTION C TIME Section: C Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 Approximately, how long (minutes) did it take you to complete Section C? ................................................................................. 3223 0-200. Range of values 2107 Blank. Inap/Missing ==========================================================================================