Section: W     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 6   Decimals: 0

        20129           000003-502761. Household Identification Number

PN RESPONDENT PERSON IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 11119 010. Person Identifier 451 011. Person Identifier 17 012. Person Identifier 1 013. Person Identifier 6398 020. Person Identifier 109 021. Person Identifier 5 022. Person Identifier 793 030. Person Identifier 37 031. Person Identifier 3 032. Person Identifier 1145 040. Person Identifier 49 041. Person Identifier 2 042. Person Identifier
JSUBHH 2004 SUB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 19165 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 499 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 367 2. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 30 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 2 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 66 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite
HSUBHH 2002 SUB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 15943 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 451 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 342 2. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 15 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 1 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 47 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite 3330 Blank. NEW COHORT HH
JPN_SP 2004 SPOUSE/PARTNER PERSON NUMBER Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 5804 010. Person Identifier 402 011. Person Identifier 16 012. Person Identifier 1 013. Person Identifier 5297 020. Person Identifier 102 021. Person Identifier 4 022. Person Identifier 662 030. Person Identifier 33 031. Person Identifier 3 032. Person Identifier 951 040. Person Identifier 46 041. Person Identifier 2 042. Person Identifier 14 811. Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 6 821. Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 2 831. Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 3 841. Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 6781 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JCSR 2004 WHETHER COVERSHEET RESPONDENT Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 13643 1. Yes 7 3. 2nd Coverscreen R, answers not retained 6479 5. No
JFAMR 2004 WHETHER FAMILY RESPONDENT Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 13514 1. Family R 2 3. 2nd Family R, answers not retained 6613 5. Non-Family R
JFINR 2004 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 13585 1. Financial R 2 3. 2nd Financial R, answers not retained 6542 5. Non-Financial R
Ask: IF (NOT ((puNOEVENT = 0) OR (ACTIVELANGUAGE = EXTENG)) OR (puNOEVENT = 0) OR (ACTIVELANGUAGE = EXTENG)) JW301M1 EVENTS- 1 Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: EventHistory.W301M[1] 2000 Link: G6517M1 2002 Link: HW301M01 INTERVIEWER: IF ONLY ONE EVENT DISPLAYED, DO NOT ASK QUESTION BUT CHOOSE THE NUMBER AND GO TO NEXT SCREEN You mentioned the following events happened (since [PREV WAVE IW MONTH], [PREV WAVE IW YEAR]\since [PREV WAVE IW YEAR]\in the last two years) Which of these happened first,...next,...next? .................................................................................. 492 1. DEATH OF SPOUSE/PARTNER 470 2. NURSING HOME STAY 140 3. MARRIED/PARTNERED 140 4. DIVORCED/SEPARATED 308 5. HEART ATTACK 269 6. STROKE 374 7. CANCER 1769 8. RESIDENTIAL MOVE 11878 9. NO EVENT 442 10. MOTHER DIED 231 11. FATHER DIED 137 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 20 99. RF (Refused) 3459 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (NOT ((puNOEVENT = 0) OR (ACTIVELANGUAGE = EXTENG)) OR (puNOEVENT = 0) OR (ACTIVELANGUAGE = EXTENG)) JW301M2 EVENTS- 2 Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: EventHistory.W301M[2] 2000 Link: G6517M1 2002 Link: HW301M02 INTERVIEWER: IF ONLY ONE EVENT DISPLAYED, DO NOT ASK QUESTION BUT CHOOSE THE NUMBER AND GO TO NEXT SCREEN You mentioned the following events happened (since [PREV WAVE IW MONTH], [PREV WAVE IW YEAR]\since [PREV WAVE IW YEAR]\in the last two years) Which of these happened first,...next,...next? .................................................................................. 34 1. DEATH OF SPOUSE/PARTNER 152 2. NURSING HOME STAY 24 3. MARRIED/PARTNERED 11 4. DIVORCED/SEPARATED 25 5. HEART ATTACK 28 6. STROKE 44 7. CANCER 193 8. RESIDENTIAL MOVE 1 9. NO EVENT 40 10. MOTHER DIED 20 11. FATHER DIED 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 19557 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (NOT ((puNOEVENT = 0) OR (ACTIVELANGUAGE = EXTENG)) OR (puNOEVENT = 0) OR (ACTIVELANGUAGE = EXTENG)) JW301M3 EVENTS- 3 Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: EventHistory.W301M[3] 2000 Link: G6517M1 2002 Link: HW301M03 INTERVIEWER: IF ONLY ONE EVENT DISPLAYED, DO NOT ASK QUESTION BUT CHOOSE THE NUMBER AND GO TO NEXT SCREEN You mentioned the following events happened (since [PREV WAVE IW MONTH], [PREV WAVE IW YEAR]\since [PREV WAVE IW YEAR]\in the last two years) Which of these happened first,...next,...next? .................................................................................. 5 1. DEATH OF SPOUSE/PARTNER 26 2. NURSING HOME STAY 11 3. MARRIED/PARTNERED 3 4. DIVORCED/SEPARATED 4 5. HEART ATTACK 12 6. STROKE 13 7. CANCER 25 8. RESIDENTIAL MOVE 9. NO EVENT 10 10. MOTHER DIED 3 11. FATHER DIED 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20017 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (NOT ((puNOEVENT = 0) OR (ACTIVELANGUAGE = EXTENG)) OR (puNOEVENT = 0) OR (ACTIVELANGUAGE = EXTENG)) JW301M4 EVENTS- 4 Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: EventHistory.W301M[4] 2000 Link: G6517M1 2002 Link: HW301M04 INTERVIEWER: IF ONLY ONE EVENT DISPLAYED, DO NOT ASK QUESTION BUT CHOOSE THE NUMBER AND GO TO NEXT SCREEN You mentioned the following events happened (since [PREV WAVE IW MONTH], [PREV WAVE IW YEAR]\since [PREV WAVE IW YEAR]\in the last two years) Which of these happened first,...next,...next? .................................................................................. 1 1. DEATH OF SPOUSE/PARTNER 2. NURSING HOME STAY 1 3. MARRIED/PARTNERED 4. DIVORCED/SEPARATED 1 5. HEART ATTACK 1 6. STROKE 1 7. CANCER 5 8. RESIDENTIAL MOVE 9. NO EVENT 10. MOTHER DIED 1 11. FATHER DIED 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20118 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (NOT ((puNOEVENT = 0) OR (ACTIVELANGUAGE = EXTENG)) OR (puNOEVENT = 0) OR (ACTIVELANGUAGE = EXTENG)) JW301M5 EVENTS- 5 Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: EventHistory.W301M[5] 2000 Link: G6517M1 2002 Link: HW301M05 INTERVIEWER: IF ONLY ONE EVENT DISPLAYED, DO NOT ASK QUESTION BUT CHOOSE THE NUMBER AND GO TO NEXT SCREEN You mentioned the following events happened (since [PREV WAVE IW MONTH], [PREV WAVE IW YEAR]\since [PREV WAVE IW YEAR]\in the last two years) Which of these happened first,...next,...next? .................................................................................. 1. DEATH OF SPOUSE/PARTNER 2. NURSING HOME STAY 3. MARRIED/PARTNERED 4. DIVORCED/SEPARATED 5. HEART ATTACK 6. STROKE 7. CANCER 8. RESIDENTIAL MOVE 9. NO EVENT 10. MOTHER DIED 11. FATHER DIED 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20129 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF ((HH.X024_ReIwHH_V = YES) OR ((HH.X024_ReIwHH_V <> YES) AND ((SecA.ContinuInterview.A176_CohortType = 2004) OR (((SecA.Relations.A177_CohortType = 2004) AND (SecA.Relations.A185_NC_ChangeSPP <> NO)) OR (SecA.A180_NewCohortNotEligable = EMPTY AND (SCV.XR1_R2 = SECOND)))))) AND (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy = SLF) JW303 REGULAR USE OF WEB FOR EMAIL Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: EventHistory.W303_ Do you regularly use the World Wide Web, or the Internet, for sending and receiving e-mail or for any other purpose, such as making purchases, searching for information, or making travel reservations? .................................................................................. 6854 1. YES 11412 5. NO 2 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 8 9. RF 1853 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (NOT (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND ((HH.X024_ReIwHH_V = YES) OR ((HH.X024_ReIwHH_V <> YES) AND ((SecA.ContinuInterview.A176_CohortType = 2004) OR (((SecA.Relations.A177_CohortType = 2004) AND (SecA.Relations.A185_NC_ChangeSPP <> NO)) OR (SecA.A180_NewCohortNotEligable = EMPTY AND (SCV.XR1_R2 = SECOND)))))) AND (((RVARS.Z120_AskSSPerm_V = YESGETPERMISSION) OR (RVARS.Z076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) AND (SecA.StartInterview.A007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy = SLF) JW305 R AVAILABLE Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: EventHistory.SSN_Permission.W305_RAVAILABLE IF THIS IS A PROXY IW: I would like to speak with R’s FIRST NAME for a moment if [he/she] is available right now. Is [he/she] available? .................................................................................. 129 1. YES, R IS AVAILABLE 13561 3. SELF INTERVIEW [NOT DISPLAYED] 1007 5. NO, R IS NOT AVAILABLE 5432 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF ((HH.X024_ReIwHH_V = YES) OR ((HH.X024_ReIwHH_V <> YES) AND ((SecA.ContinuInterview.A176_CohortType = 2004) OR (((SecA.Relations.A177_CohortType = 2004) AND (SecA.Relations.A185_NC_ChangeSPP <> NO)) OR (SecA.A180_NewCohortNotEligable = EMPTY AND (SCV.XR1_R2 = SECOND)))))) AND (((RVARS.Z120_AskSSPerm_V = YESGETPERMISSION) OR (RVARS.Z076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) AND (SecA.StartInterview.A007TRAlive_A = YES)) JW311 IW MODE Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: EventHistory.SSN_Permission.W311_IWMODE INTERVIEWER: ENTER CURRENT MODE OF INTERVIEW: .................................................................................. 3033 1. TELEPHONE 11642 2. FACE-TO-FACE 5454 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF ((HH.X024_ReIwHH_V = YES) OR ((HH.X024_ReIwHH_V <> YES) AND ((SecA.ContinuInterview.A176_CohortType = 2004) OR (((SecA.Relations.A177_CohortType = 2004) AND (SecA.Relations.A185_NC_ChangeSPP <> NO)) OR (SecA.A180_NewCohortNotEligable = EMPTY AND (SCV.XR1_R2 = SECOND)))))) AND (((RVARS.Z120_AskSSPerm_V = YESGETPERMISSION) OR (RVARS.Z076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) AND (SecA.StartInterview.A007TRAlive_A = YES)) JW306 SOCIAL SECURITY INTRODUCTION Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: EventHistory.SSN_Permission.W306_ One of the most important parts of our study is to understand the financial situations of people in their retirement years. This is an important and challenging part of our research, and in order to obtain complete data for this research, we are requesting the social security numbers of our respondents and asking them to complete a form. ((I have a letter here\(I will be sending you a letter\(I will be sending [Respondent 1 Name] a letter ) from the Social Security Administration describing the purpose of our research and supporting our research efforts. ( Please take a minute to read it.\ Please give this to [Respondent 1 Name] to read)) (You may have been asked to provide this consent to us in the past. We are asking now that you allow us to update our records in order to obtain more recent data.) We want to assure you that the Health and Retirement Study is committed to taking the utmost care to protect the confidentiality of any information you give us, including the information on this form. .................................................................................. 14674 1. CONTINUE 5455 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF ((HH.X024_ReIwHH_V = YES) OR ((HH.X024_ReIwHH_V <> YES) AND ((SecA.ContinuInterview.A176_CohortType = 2004) OR (((SecA.Relations.A177_CohortType = 2004) AND (SecA.Relations.A185_NC_ChangeSPP <> NO)) OR (SecA.A180_NewCohortNotEligable = EMPTY AND (SCV.XR1_R2 = SECOND)))))) AND (((RVARS.Z120_AskSSPerm_V = YESGETPERMISSION) OR (RVARS.Z076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) AND (SecA.StartInterview.A007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND ((((SecB.B063_MarStatAssign = ANULLED) OR (SecB.B063_MarStatAssign = DIVORCED)) OR (SecB.B063_MarStatAssign = WIDOWED)) OR (SecB.B063_MarStatAssign = OTH_SPECIFY)) JW309 DEAD SP Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: EventHistory.SSN_Permission.W309_DEADSP In order to know which form to give you, I need to ask, were you ever married to someone who is now deceased? INTERVIEWER: DK OR RF - USE GREEN FORM .................................................................................. 2000 1. YES -- USE GREEN FORM 1631 5. NO -- USE BLUE FORM 12 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 87 9. RF (Refused) 16399 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF ((HH.X024_ReIwHH_V = YES) OR ((HH.X024_ReIwHH_V <> YES) AND ((SecA.ContinuInterview.A176_CohortType = 2004) OR (((SecA.Relations.A177_CohortType = 2004) AND (SecA.Relations.A185_NC_ChangeSPP <> NO)) OR (SecA.A180_NewCohortNotEligable = EMPTY AND (SCV.XR1_R2 = SECOND)))))) AND (((RVARS.Z120_AskSSPerm_V = YESGETPERMISSION) OR (RVARS.Z076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) AND (SecA.StartInterview.A007TRAlive_A = YES)) JW310 SOC SEC PERMIT Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: EventHistory.SSN_Permission.W310_SocSecPermit (Would you provide your ( and your deceased spouse's\ and any deceased spouse's) Social Security number for the study's research purposes?) INTERVIEWER: ENTER ID (See Blaise specifications for {RTab[1].X081_RLogId}) ON FORM AND GIVE/SEND R (THE LETTER,) THE FORM, AND THE PRIORITY MAIL ENVELOPE. IF GREEN FORM IS USED, INSTRUCT R TO FILL OUT ALL INFORMATION ON HIM/HERSELF AND FOR A DECEASED SPOUSE. .................................................................................. 7470 1. RESPONDENT AGREES - SIGNED FORM OBTAINED BY INTERVIEWER 1335 2. RESPONDENT AGREES - FORM (AND LETTER) BEING MAILED TO R 663 3. RESPONDENT AGREES - FORM (AND LETTER) LEFT WITH R 3338 4. RESPONDENT REFUSED 163 5. RESPONDENT NOT ABLE CONSENT 310 6. FORM (AND LETTER) LEFT WITH PROXY TO GIVE TO R 222 7. FORM (AND LETTER) BEING MAILED TO R 378 8. PROXY REFUSED FOR RESPONDENT 795 9. RESPONDENT UNDECIDED - FORM (AND LETTER) SENT/MAILED TO R 5455 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF ((HH.X024_ReIwHH_V = YES) OR ((HH.X024_ReIwHH_V <> YES) AND ((SecA.ContinuInterview.A176_CohortType = 2004) OR (SecA.Relations.A177_CohortType = 2004)))) AND (((puNOEVENT = 1) OR (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND ((ACTIVELANGUAGE <> EXTENG) AND (ACTIVELANGUAGE <> EXTSPN))) JW307 ASSIST SECTION W Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: EventHistory.W307_Wassist INTERVIEWER: HOW OFTEN DID R RECEIVE ASSISTANCE WITH ANSWERS IN SECTION W - EVENT HISTORY/INTERNET USE? .................................................................................. 18072 1. NEVER 474 2. A FEW TIMES 116 3. MOST OR ALL OF THE TIME 88 4. THE SECTION WAS DONE BY A PROXY REPORTER 6 5. NO QUESTIONS ASKED IN SECTION W 1373 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JVDATE 2004 DATA MODEL VERSION Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User Note: This variable identifies which data model was used to interview the household. Please reference the data description for a summary of changes in each data model. .................................................................................. 28 1. Version 1 806 2. Version 2 1412 3. Version 3 2471 4. Version 4 2974 5. Version 5 1616 6. Version 6 3270 7. Version 7 7137 8. Version 8 415 9. Version 9
JVERSION 2004 DATA RELEASE VERSION Section: W Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 20129 1. First Final Release
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