Section: S     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 6   Decimals: 0

        20129           000003-502761. Household Identification Number

PN RESPONDENT PERSON IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 11119 010. Person Identifier 451 011. Person Identifier 17 012. Person Identifier 1 013. Person Identifier 6398 020. Person Identifier 109 021. Person Identifier 5 022. Person Identifier 793 030. Person Identifier 37 031. Person Identifier 3 032. Person Identifier 1145 040. Person Identifier 49 041. Person Identifier 2 042. Person Identifier
JSUBHH 2004 SUB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 19165 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 499 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 367 2. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 30 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 2 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 66 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite
HSUBHH 2002 SUB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 15943 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 451 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 342 2. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 15 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 1 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 47 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite 3330 Blank. NEW COHORT HH
JPN_SP 2004 SPOUSE/PARTNER PERSON NUMBER Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 5804 010. Person Identifier 402 011. Person Identifier 16 012. Person Identifier 1 013. Person Identifier 5297 020. Person Identifier 102 021. Person Identifier 4 022. Person Identifier 662 030. Person Identifier 33 031. Person Identifier 3 032. Person Identifier 951 040. Person Identifier 46 041. Person Identifier 2 042. Person Identifier 14 811. Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 6 821. Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 2 831. Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 3 841. Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 6781 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JCSR 2004 WHETHER COVERSHEET RESPONDENT Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 13643 1. Yes 7 3. 2nd Coverscreen R, answers not retained 6479 5. No
JFAMR 2004 WHETHER FAMILY RESPONDENT Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 13514 1. Family R 2 3. 2nd Family R, answers not retained 6613 5. Non-Family R
JFINR 2004 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 13585 1. Financial R 2 3. 2nd Financial R, answers not retained 6542 5. Non-Financial R
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS003_1 SOC SEC INCOME CHANGE SP DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[1].S003AIncDifferent 2000 Link: G6093 2002 Link: HS003_1 ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS003 assignment]) ([See Blaise Specifications for FLDid assignment]) any income from ([See Blaise Specifications for FLIncomeType assignment]) start, stop or change because of ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS003B assignment])? .................................................................................. 28 1. START 198 2. STOP 231 3. CHANGE 291 5. NO 16 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 10 9. RF (Refused) 19355 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = STOP) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) JS004_1 SOC SEC AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[1].S004A 2000 Link: G6097 2002 Link: HS004_1 What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS004A assignment]) INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: PER: .................................................................................. 324 0-25000. Actual Value 90 999998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 15 999999. RF (Refused) 19700 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = STOP) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) AND (NOT (((S004A = DONTKNOW) OR (S004A = REFUSAL)) AND S005A = EMPTY)) AND (S004A <> NONRESPONSE AND (S004A <> 0)) JS008_1 SOC SEC AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - PER Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[1].S008A 2000 Link: G6098 2002 Link: HS008_1 (What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS004A assignment])) AMOUNT: (SOC SEC STOP AMT SP DEATH/DIV) PER: .................................................................................. 2. WEEK 3. EVERY TWO WEEKS/BI-WEEKLY 315 4. MONTH 4 6. YEAR 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 1 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 19809 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS005_1 SOC SEC AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[1].S005A S005-S007 Unfolding Sequence: Question wording: Did it amount to less than $___ per month, more than $___ per month, or what? SOCIAL SECURITY UNFOLDING PROCEDURE: UNFM_2UP1DOWN (N50b/Q6097) INCOME STOPPED: BREAKPOINTS: $250, $500, $750, $1,000 ENTRY POINT: $500 (N50c/Q6100) INCOME CHANGED: BREAKPOINTS: $100, $350, $650, $1,000 ENTRY POINT: $350 .................................................................................. 45 0. Value of Breakpoint 2 101. Value of Breakpoint 1 250. Value of Breakpoint 8 251. Value of Breakpoint 8 351. Value of Breakpoint 2 500. Value of Breakpoint 3 501. Value of Breakpoint 2 650. Value of Breakpoint 10 651. Value of Breakpoint 4 751. Value of Breakpoint 5 1000. Value of Breakpoint 14 1001. Value of Breakpoint 20025 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS006_1 SOC SEC AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[1].S006A .................................................................................. 1 249. Value of Breakpoint 1 250. Value of Breakpoint 2 349. Value of Breakpoint 8 499. Value of Breakpoint 2 500. Value of Breakpoint 8 649. Value of Breakpoint 2 650. Value of Breakpoint 3 749. Value of Breakpoint 12 999. Value of Breakpoint 5 1000. Value of Breakpoint 60 99999996. Greater than Maximum Breakpoint 20025 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS007_1 SOC SEC AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - RES Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[1].S007A .................................................................................. 1 97. Data Not Available 36 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 11 99. RF (Refused) 20081 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = START) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) JS010_1 SOC SEC START AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[1].S010A 2000 Link: G6094 2002 Link: HS010_1 What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS010A assignment]) INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: PER: .................................................................................. 216 0-15000. Actual Value 32 999998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 11 999999. RF (Refused) 19870 Blank. INAP (Innapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = START) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) AND (NOT (((S010A = DONTKNOW) OR (S010A = REFUSAL)) AND S011A = EMPTY)) AND (S010A <> NONRESPONSE AND (S010A <> 0)) JS014_1 SOC SEC START AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV-PER Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[1].S014A 2000 Link: G6095 2002 Link: HS014_1 (What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS010A assignment])) AMOUNT: (SOC SEC START AMT DEATH/DIV AMOUNT) PER: .................................................................................. 2. WEEK 3. EVERY TWO WEEKS/BI-WEEKLY 213 4. MONTH 1 6. YEAR 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 95. LUMP SUM 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 19915 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS011_1 SOC SEC START AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV-MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[1].S011A S011-S013 Unfolding Sequence: Question wording: Did it amount to less than $___ per month, more than $___ per month, or what? LOOP 1: SOCIAL SECURITY UNFOLDING PROCEDURE: UNFM_2UP1DOWN (N50a/Q6094) INCOME STARTED: BREAKPOINTS: $250, $500, $750, $1,000 ENTRY POINT: $500 (N50d/Q6102) INCOME CHANGED: BREAKPOINTS: $100, $200, $500, $750 ENTRY POINT: $200 .................................................................................. 24 0. Value of Breakpoint 1 201. Value of Breakpoint 1 251. Value of Breakpoint 1 500. Value of Breakpoint 2 501. Value of Breakpoint 1 750. Value of Breakpoint 8 751. Value of Breakpoint 1 1000. Value of Breakpoint 1 1001. Value of Breakpoint 20089 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS012_1 SOC SEC START AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV-MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[1].S012A .................................................................................. 1 499. Value of Breakpoint 1 500. Value of Breakpoint 2 749. Value of Breakpoint 1 750. Value of Breakpoint 1 999. Value of Breakpoint 1 1000. Value of Breakpoint 33 99999996. Greater than Maximum Breakpoint 20089 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS013_1 SOC SEC START AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV- RES Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[1].S013A .................................................................................. 3 97. Data Not Available 18 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 7 99. RF (Refused) 20101 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS003_2 SUP SEC INCOME CHANGE SP DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[2].S003AIncDifferent 2000 Link: G6093 2002 Link: HS003_2 ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS003 assignment]) ([See Blaise Specifications for FLDid assignment]) any income from ([See Blaise Specifications for FLIncomeType assignment]) start, stop or change because of ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS003B assignment])? .................................................................................. 9 1. START 23 2. STOP 15 3. CHANGE 705 5. NO 11 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 11 9. RF (Refused) 19355 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = STOP) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) JS004_2 SUP SEC AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[2].S004A 2000 Link: G6097 2002 Link: HS004_2 What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS004A assignment]) INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: PER: .................................................................................. 27 0-2480. Actual Value 9 999998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 2 999999. RF (Refused) 20091 Blank. INAP (Innapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = STOP) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) AND (NOT (((S004A = DONTKNOW) OR (S004A = REFUSAL)) AND S005A = EMPTY)) AND (S004A <> NONRESPONSE AND (S004A <> 0)) JS008_2 SUP SEC AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - PER Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[2].S008A 2000 Link: G6098 2002 Link: HS008_2 (What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS004A assignment])) AMOUNT: (SOC SEC STOP AMT SP DEATH/DIV) PER: .................................................................................. 2. WEEK 3. EVERY TWO WEEKS/BI-WEEKLY 24 4. MONTH 6. YEAR 1 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 20104 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS005_2 SUP SEC AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[2].S005A S005-S007 Unfolding Sequence: Question wording: Did it amount to less than $___ per month, more than $___ per month, or what? LOOP 2: SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME UNFOLDING PROCEDURE: UNFM_1UP1DOWN (N51b/Q6116) INCOME STOPPED: BREAKPOINTS: $100, $300, $800 ENTRY POINT: $300 (N51c/Q6119) INCOME CHANGED: BREAKPOINTS: $100, $300, $800 ENTRY POINT: $300 .................................................................................. 6 0. Value of Breakpoint 1 101. Value of Breakpoint 2 301. Value of Breakpoint 2 800. Value of Breakpoint 20118 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS006_2 SUP SEC AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[2].S006A .................................................................................. 1 299. Value of Breakpoint 2 799. Value of Breakpoint 2 800. Value of Breakpoint 6 99999996. Greater than Maximum Breakpoint 20118 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS007_2 SUP SEC AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - RES Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[2].S007A .................................................................................. 97. Data Not Available 4 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 2 99. RF (Refused) 20123 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = START) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) JS010_2 SUP SEC START AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[2].S010A 2000 Link: G6094 2002 Link: HS010_2 What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS010A assignment]) INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: PER: .................................................................................. 17 105-2355. Actual Value 6 999998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 1 999999. RF (Refused) 20105 Blank. INAP (Innapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = START) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) AND (NOT (((S010A = DONTKNOW) OR (S010A = REFUSAL)) AND S011A = EMPTY)) AND (S010A <> NONRESPONSE AND (S010A <> 0)) JS014_2 SUP SEC START AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV-PER Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[2].S014A 2000 Link: G6095 2002 Link: HS014_2 (What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS010A assignment])) AMOUNT: (SOC SEC START AMT DEATH/DIV AMOUNT) PER: .................................................................................. 2. WEEK 3. EVERY TWO WEEKS/BI-WEEKLY 17 4. MONTH 6. YEAR 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 95. LUMP SUM 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20112 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS011_2 SUP SEC START AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV-MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[2].S011A S011-S013 Unfolding Sequence: Question wording: Did it amount to less than $___ per month, more than $___ per month, or what? LOOP 2: SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME UNFOLDING PROCEDURE: UNFM_2UP1DOWN (N51a/Q6113) INCOME STARTED: BREAKPOINTS: $150, $200, $300, $500 ENTRY POINT: $200 UNFOLDING PROCEDURE: UNFM_1UP1DOWN (N51d/Q6121) INCOME CHANGED: BREAKPOINTS: $100, $200, $600 ENTRY POINT: $200 .................................................................................. 5 0. Value of Breakpoint 1 200. Value of Breakpoint 1 600. Value of Breakpoint 20122 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS012_2 SUP SEC START AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV-MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[2].S012A .................................................................................. 1 199. Value of Breakpoint 1 200. Value of Breakpoint 1 600. Value of Breakpoint 4 99999996. Greater than Maximum Breakpoint 20122 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS013_2 SUP SEC START AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV- RES Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[2].S013A .................................................................................. 97. Data Not Available 4 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 1 99. RF (Refused) 20124 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS003_3 VETERANS BENEFITS CHANGE SP DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[3].S003AIncDifferent 2000 Link: G6093 2002 Link: HS003_3 ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS003 assignment]) ([See Blaise Specifications for FLDid assignment]) any income from ([See Blaise Specifications for FLIncomeType assignment]) start, stop or change because of ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS003B assignment])? .................................................................................. 9 1. START 23 2. STOP 16 3. CHANGE 711 5. NO 7 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 8 9. RF (Refused) 19355 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = STOP) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) JS004_3 VET BENEFITS AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[3].S004A 2000 Link: G6097 2002 Link: HS004_3 What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS004A assignment]) INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: PER: .................................................................................. 29 0-100000. Actual Value 9 999998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 1 999999. RF (Refused) 20090 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = STOP) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) AND (NOT (((S004A = DONTKNOW) OR (S004A = REFUSAL)) AND S005A = EMPTY)) AND (S004A <> NONRESPONSE AND (S004A <> 0)) JS008_3 VET BENS AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - PER Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[3].S008A 2000 Link: G6098 2002 Link: HS008_3 (What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS004A assignment])) AMOUNT: (SOC SEC STOP AMT SP DEATH/DIV) PER: .................................................................................. 2. WEEK 3. EVERY TWO WEEKS/BI-WEEKLY 24 4. MONTH 2 6. YEAR 1 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 20102 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS005_3 VET BENS AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[3].S005A S005-S007 Unfolding Sequence: Question wording: Did it amount to less than $___ per month, more than $___ per month, or what? LOOP 3: VETERANS BENEFITS UNFOLDING PROCEDURE: UNFM_1UP1DOWN (N52b/Q6135): INCOME STOPPED: BREAKPOINTS: $80, $200, $300 ENTRY POINT: $200 (N52c/Q6138) INCOME CHANGED: BREAKPOINTS: $700, $1,000, $2,000 ENTRY POINT: $1,000 .................................................................................. 7 0. Value of Breakpoint 1 200. Value of Breakpoint 1 1000. Value of Breakpoint 1 1001. Value of Breakpoint 20119 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS006_3 VET BENS AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[3].S006A .................................................................................. 1 79. Value of Breakpoint 1 200. Value of Breakpoint 1 1000. Value of Breakpoint 7 99999996. Greater than Maximum Breakpoint 20119 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS007_3 VET BENS AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - RES Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[3].S007A .................................................................................. 97. Data Not Available 6 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 1 99. RF (Refused) 20122 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = START) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) JS010_3 VETERANS BENEFITS AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[3].S010A 2000 Link: G6094 2002 Link: HS010_3 What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS010A assignment]) INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: PER: .................................................................................. 17 0-60000. Actual Value 7 999998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 1 999999. RF (Refused) 20104 Blank. INAP (Innapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = START) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) AND (NOT (((S010A = DONTKNOW) OR (S010A = REFUSAL)) AND S011A = EMPTY)) AND (S010A <> NONRESPONSE AND (S010A <> 0)) JS014_3 VET BENEFITS AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV-PER Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[3].S014A 2000 Link: G6095 2002 Link: HS014_3 (What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS010A assignment])) AMOUNT: (SOC SEC START AMT DEATH/DIV AMOUNT) PER: .................................................................................. 2. WEEK 3. EVERY TWO WEEKS/BI-WEEKLY 15 4. MONTH 2 6. YEAR 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 95. LUMP SUM 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20112 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS011_3 VET BENEFITS AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV-MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[3].S011A S011-S013 Unfolding Sequence: Question wording: Did it amount to less than $___ per month, more than $___ per month, or what? LOOP 3: VETERANS BENEFITS UNFOLDING PROCEDURE: UNFM_1UP1DOWN (N52a/Q6132) INCOME STARTED: BREAKPOINTS: $300, $500, $700 ENTRY POINT: $500 (N52d/Q6140) INCOME CHANGED: BREAKPOINTS: $200, $400, $700 ENTRY POINT: $400 .................................................................................. 5 0. Value of Breakpoint 1 501. Value of Breakpoint 2 701. Value of Breakpoint 20121 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS012_3 VET BENEFITS AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV-MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[3].S012A .................................................................................. 1 699. Value of Breakpoint 7 99999996. Greater than Maximum Breakpoint 20121 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS013_3 VET BENEFITS AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV- RES Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[3].S013A .................................................................................. 97. Data Not Available 5 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20124 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS003_4 OTHER PENSIONS CHANGE SP DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[4].S003AIncDifferent 2000 Link: G6093 2002 Link: HS003_4 ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS003 assignment]) ([See Blaise Specifications for FLDid assignment]) any income from ([See Blaise Specifications for FLIncomeType assignment]) start, stop or change because of ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS003B assignment])? .................................................................................. 24 1. START 76 2. STOP 55 3. CHANGE 595 5. NO 12 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 12 9. RF (Refused) 19355 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = STOP) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) JS004_4 OTHER PENSIONS AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[4].S004A 2000 Link: G6097 2002 Link: HS004_4 What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS004A assignment]) INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: PER: .................................................................................. 100 0-750000. Actual Value 22 999998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9 999999. RF (Refused) 19998 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = STOP) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) AND (NOT (((S004A = DONTKNOW) OR (S004A = REFUSAL)) AND S005A = EMPTY)) AND (S004A <> NONRESPONSE AND (S004A <> 0)) JS008_4 OTH PENS AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - PER Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[4].S008A 2000 Link: G6098 2002 Link: HS008_4 (What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS004A assignment])) AMOUNT: (SOC SEC STOP AMT SP DEATH/DIV) PER: .................................................................................. 1 2. WEEK 3. EVERY TWO WEEKS/BI-WEEKLY 92 4. MONTH 4 6. YEAR 1 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 20031 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS005_4 OTH PENS AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[4].S005A S005-S007 Unfolding Sequence: Question wording: Did it amount to less than $___ per month, more than $___ per month, or what? LOOP 4: OTHER RETIREMENT PENSIONS OR ANNUITIES UNFOLDING PROCEDURE: UNFM_1UP1DOWN (N53b/Q6149) INCOME STOPPED: BREAKPOINTS: $250, $400, $1,000 ENTRY POINT: $400 (N53c/Q6152) INCOME CHANGED: BREAKPOINTS: $300, $700, $1,000 ENTRY POINT: $700 .................................................................................. 21 0. Value of Breakpoint 1 300. Value of Breakpoint 1 301. Value of Breakpoint 1 400. Value of Breakpoint 3 401. Value of Breakpoint 1 701. Value of Breakpoint 1 1000. Value of Breakpoint 2 1001. Value of Breakpoint 20098 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS006_4 OTH PENS AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[4].S006A .................................................................................. 1 249. Value of Breakpoint 1 299. Value of Breakpoint 1 300. Value of Breakpoint 1 400. Value of Breakpoint 1 699. Value of Breakpoint 4 999. Value of Breakpoint 1 1000. Value of Breakpoint 21 99999996. Greater than Maximum Breakpoint 20098 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS007_4 OTH PENS AMT BEFORE SP DEATH/DIV - RES Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[4].S007A .................................................................................. 97. Data Not Available 12 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 7 99. RF (Refused) 20110 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = START) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) JS010_4 OTHER PENSIONS AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[4].S010A 2000 Link: G6094 2002 Link: HS010_4 What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS010A assignment]) INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: PER: .................................................................................. 60 0-400000. Actual Value 13 999998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 6 999999. RF (Refused) 20050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S003AIncDifferent = START) OR (S003AIncDifferent = CHANGE)) AND (NOT (((S010A = DONTKNOW) OR (S010A = REFUSAL)) AND S011A = EMPTY)) AND (S010A <> NONRESPONSE AND (S010A <> 0)) JS014_4 OTHER PENS AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV-PER Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[4].S014A 2000 Link: G6095 2002 Link: HS014_4 (What was the usual amount ([See Blaise Specifications for FLS010A assignment])) AMOUNT: (SOC SEC START AMT DEATH/DIV AMOUNT) PER: .................................................................................. 2. WEEK 3. EVERY TWO WEEKS/BI-WEEKLY 55 4. MONTH 2 6. YEAR 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 2 95. LUMP SUM 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20070 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS011_4 OTHER PENS AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV-MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[4].S011A S011-S013 Unfolding Sequence: Question wording: Did it amount to less than $___ per month, more than $___ per month, or what? LOOP 4: OTHER RETIREMENT PENSIONS OR ANNUITIES UNFOLDING PROCEDURE: UNFM_1UP1DOWN (N53a/Q6146) INCOME STARTED: BREAKPOINTS: $150, $300, $750 ENTRY POINT: $300 (N53d/Q6154) INCOME CHANGED: BREAKPOINTS: $200, $400, $600 ENTRY POINT: $400 .................................................................................. 15 0. Value of Breakpoint 1 201. Value of Breakpoint 1 301. Value of Breakpoint 1 401. Value of Breakpoint 20111 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS012_4 OTHER PENS AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV-MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[4].S012A .................................................................................. 1 399. Value of Breakpoint 1 749. Value of Breakpoint 16 99999996. Greater than Maximum Breakpoint 20111 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS013_4 OTHER PENS AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV- RES Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.IncomeTypes[4].S013A .................................................................................. 1 97. Data Not Available 10 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 6 99. RF (Refused) 20112 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS016 R EARNINGS/WRK CHANGE AFTER DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S016_PayHrsDifferent 2000 Link: G6159 2002 Link: HS016 Did your earnings from work or your work hours start, stop or change after (your [piFLSHWP]piFLSHWP''s death\the divorce)? .................................................................................. 7 1. START 15 2. STOP 26 3. CHANGE 710 5. NO 4 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 12 9. RF (Refused) 19355 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S016_PayHrsDifferent = STOP) OR (S016_PayHrsDifferent = CHANGE)) JS017 R EARNINGS/WRK AMT BEFORE DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S017_ 2000 Link: G6164 2002 Link: HS017 What was the usual amount of your earnings before (your [piFLSHWP]piFLSHWP''s death\the divorce)? INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: PER: .................................................................................. 30 0-130000. Actual Value 10 999998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 1 999999. RF (Refused) 20088 Blank. INAP (Innapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S016_PayHrsDifferent = STOP) OR (S016_PayHrsDifferent = CHANGE)) AND (NOT (((S017_ = DONTKNOW) OR (S017_ = REFUSAL)) AND S018_ = EMPTY)) AND (S017_ <> NONRESPONSE AND (S017_ <> 0)) JS021 R EARNINGS BEFORE DEATH/DIV PER Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S021_ 2000 Link: G6165 2002 Link: HS021 (What was the usual amount of your earnings before (your [piFLSHWP]piFLSHWP''s death\the divorce)?) AMOUNT: (R EARNINGS/WRK AMT BEFORE DEATH/DIV) PER: .................................................................................. 4 2. WEEK 2 3. EVERY TWO WEEKS/BI-WEEKLY 9 4. MONTH 14 6. YEAR 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 20100 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS018 R EARNINGS AMT BEFORE DEATH/DIV - MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S018_ S018-S020 Unfolding Sequence Question text: Did it amount to less than $______per month, more than $______per month, or what? UNFOLDING PROCEDURE: UNFM_1UP1DOWN (N54b/Q6164) INCOME STOPPED: BREAKPOINTS: $400, $600, $1,000 ENTRY POINT: $600 (N54d/Q6168) INCOME CHANGED: BREAKPOINTS: $400, $600, $1,000 ENTRY POINT: $600 .................................................................................. 6 0. Value of Breakpoint 2 400. Value of Breakpoint 1 601. Value of Breakpoint 1 1000. Value of Breakpoint 1 1001. Value of Breakpoint 20118 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS019 R EARNINGS AMT BEFORE DEATH/DIV - MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S019_ .................................................................................. 6 0. Value of Breakpoint 1 399. Value of Breakpoint 2 400. Value of Breakpoint 1 999. Value of Breakpoint 1 1000. Value of Breakpoint 20118 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS020 R EARNINGS AMT BEFORE DEATH/DIV - RES Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S020_ .................................................................................. 97. Data Not Available 4 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 1 99. RF (Refused) 20124 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S016_PayHrsDifferent = STOP) OR (S016_PayHrsDifferent = CHANGE)) JS023 R HRS WORK BEFORE DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S023_ 2000 Link: G6166 2002 Link: HS023 And how many hours per week did you usually work before (your [piFLSHWP]piFLSHWP''s death\the divorce)? INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 34 1 80 35.74 18.97 20088 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 7 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused)
JS024 R HRS WORK BEFORE DEATH/DIV - MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S024_ S024_-S026_ Unfolding Sequence Question text: Did it amount to less than $______per month, more than $______per month, or what? PROCEDURE: UNFH_1up BREAKPOINTS: 20, 40 .................................................................................. 3 0. Value of Breakpoint 1 20. Value of Breakpoint 1 40. Value of Breakpoint 2 41. Value of Breakpoint 20122 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS025 R HRS WORK BEFORE DEATH/DIV - MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S025_ .................................................................................. 2 19. Value of Breakpoint 1 20. Value of Breakpoint 1 40. Value of Breakpoint 3 400. Value of Breakpoint 20122 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS026 R HRS WORK BEFORE DEATH/DIV - RESULT Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S026_ .................................................................................. 97. Data Not Available 1 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20128 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S016_PayHrsDifferent = START) OR (S016_PayHrsDifferent = CHANGE)) JS027 R EARNINGS AFTER DEATH/DIV AMOUNT Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S027_ 2000 Link: G6160 2002 Link: HS027 What was the usual amount of your earnings after (your [piFLSHWP]piFLSHWP''s death\the divorce)? INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: PER: .................................................................................. 28 0-52000. Actual Value 3 99998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 2 99999. RF (Refused) 20096 Blank. INAP (Innapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S016_PayHrsDifferent = START) OR (S016_PayHrsDifferent = CHANGE)) AND (NOT (((S027_ = DONTKNOW) OR (S027_ = REFUSAL)) AND S028_ = EMPTY)) AND (S027_ <> NONRESPONSE AND (S027_ <> 0)) JS031 R EARN AFTER DEATH/DIV AMOUNT PER Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S031_ 2000 Link: G6161 2002 Link: HS031 (What was the usual amount of your earnings after (your [piFLSHWP]piFLSHWP''s death\the divorce)?) AMOUNT: (R EARNINGS AFTER DEATH/DIV AMOUNT) PER: .................................................................................. 6 2. WEEK 2 3. EVERY TWO WEEKS/BI-WEEKLY 4 4. MONTH 10 6. YEAR 1 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 20106 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS028 R EARN AFTER DEATH/DIV AMOUNT - MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S028_ S028_-S030_ Unfolding Sequence Question text: Did it amount to less than $______per month, more than $______per month, or what? PROCEDURE: UNFM_1Up1Down BREAKPOINTS: 300, 500, 1000 ENTRY POINT: 500 .................................................................................. 3 0. Value of Breakpoint 1 301. Value of Breakpoint 1 501. Value of Breakpoint 20124 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS029 R EARN AFTER DEATH/DIV AMOUNT - MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S029_ .................................................................................. 1 499. Value of Breakpoint 1 999. Value of Breakpoint 3 99999996. Greater than Maximum Breakpoint 20124 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS030 R EARN AFTER DEATH/DIV AMOUNT - RESULT Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S030_ .................................................................................. 97. Data Not Available 1 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 2 99. RF (Refused) 20126 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((S016_PayHrsDifferent = START) OR (S016_PayHrsDifferent = CHANGE)) JS033 WRK START HR AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S033_ 2000 Link: G6162 2002 Link: HS033 And how many hours per week did you usually work after (your [piFLSHWP]piFLSHWP''s death\the divorce)? INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 29 1 80 34.52 20.29 20096 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused)
JS034 WRK START HR AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV - MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S034_ S034_-S036_ Unfolding Sequence Question text: Did it amount to less than $______per month, more than $______per month, or what? PROCEDURE: UNFH_1up BREAKPOINTS: 20, 40 .................................................................................. 4 0. Value of Breakpoint 20125 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS035 WRK START HR AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV - MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S035_ .................................................................................. 1 19. Value of Breakpoint 3 400. Value of Breakpoint 20125 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS036 WRK START HR AMT AFTER DEATH/DIV - RES Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Earnings.S036_ .................................................................................. 97. Data Not Available 3 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF 20126 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS037 R HEALTH INS CHANGE WITH SP DEATH/DIV Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S037_ 2000 Link: G6177 2002 Link: HS037 Did the type, cost, or coverage of your health insurance change as a result of (your [piFLSHWP]piFLSHWP''s death?\the divorce?) .................................................................................. 159 1. YES 594 5. NO 10 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 11 9. RF (Refused) 19355 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND (S037_ = YES) JS038M1 HOW R HEALTH INS CHANGE W/ SP DTH/DIV-1 Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S038M[1] 2000 Link: G6178M1 2002 Link: HS038M1 What changed about your health insurance? INTERVIEWER: CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY .................................................................................. 34 1. COST BECAME HIGHER 82 2. COST BECAME LOWER 2 3. FEWER SERVICES COVERED 1 4. MORE SERVICES COVERED 5. LESS CHOICE OF PHYSICIANS 6. MORE CHOICE OF PHYSICIANS 1 7. MORE CONVENIENT 29 8. LOST PLAN 6 9. Changed to a completely different plan/provider 2 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 2 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 19970 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND (S037_ = YES) JS038M2 HOW R HEALTH INS CHANGE W/ SP DTH/DIV-2 Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S038M[2] 2000 Link: G6178M1 2002 Link: HS038M2 What changed about your health insurance? INTERVIEWER: CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY .................................................................................. 1 1. COST BECAME HIGHER 2. COST BECAME LOWER 1 3. FEWER SERVICES COVERED 4. MORE SERVICES COVERED 1 5. LESS CHOICE OF PHYSICIANS 6. MORE CHOICE OF PHYSICIANS 1 7. MORE CONVENIENT 2 8. LOST PLAN 1 9. Changed to a completely different plan/provider 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20122 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND (S037_ = YES) JS038M3 HOW R HEALTH INS CHANGE W/ SP DTH/DIV-3 Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S038M[3] 2000 Link: G6178M1 2002 Link: HS038M3 What changed about your health insurance? INTERVIEWER: CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY .................................................................................. 1. COST BECAME HIGHER 2. COST BECAME LOWER 3. FEWER SERVICES COVERED 4. MORE SERVICES COVERED 5. LESS CHOICE OF PHYSICIANS 6. MORE CHOICE OF PHYSICIANS 7. MORE CONVENIENT 1 8. LOST PLAN 9. Changed to a completely different plan/provider 1 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20127 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND (S037_ = YES) JS038M4 HOW R HEALTH INS CHANGE W/ SP DTH/DIV-4 Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S038M[4] What changed about your health insurance? INTERVIEWER: CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY .................................................................................. 1. COST BECAME HIGHER 2. COST BECAME LOWER 3. FEWER SERVICES COVERED 4. MORE SERVICES COVERED 5. LESS CHOICE OF PHYSICIANS 6. MORE CHOICE OF PHYSICIANS 7. MORE CONVENIENT 8. LOST PLAN 9. Changed to a completely different plan/provider 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20129 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS040 R RECEIVE LIFE INSURANCE SETTLEMENT Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S040_ 2000 Link: G6180 2002 Link: HS040 Did you receive a life insurance settlement? (Please include any that you may have already mentioned.) .................................................................................. 294 1. YES 311 5. NO 9 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 6 9. RF (Refused) 19509 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND (S040_ = YES) JS041 R RECEIVE LIFE INS SETTLEMENT- AMT Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S041_ 2000 Link: G6181 2002 Link: HS041 How much did it amount to? INTERVIEWER: INCLUDE ONLY SETTLEMENT RELATED TO SPOUSE/PARTNER'S DEATH INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 227 100 550000 24783.86 54227.91 19835 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 39 999998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 28 999999. RF (Refused)
JS061 AMT INSURANCE SETTLEMENT - MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S061_ S061_-S063_ Unfolding Sequence Question text: Does it amount to a total of less than $______, more than $______, or what? PROCEDURE: UNFM_2Up1Down BREAKPOINTS: 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000 ENTRY POINT: 10000 .................................................................................. 44 0. Value of Breakpoint 2 5000. Value of Breakpoint 2 5001. Value of Breakpoint 4 10000. Value of Breakpoint 4 10001. Value of Breakpoint 2 25000. Value of Breakpoint 4 25001. Value of Breakpoint 2 50000. Value of Breakpoint 3 50001. Value of Breakpoint 20062 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS062 AMT INSURANCE SETTLEMENT - MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S062_ .................................................................................. 5 4999. Value of Breakpoint 2 5000. Value of Breakpoint 4 9999. Value of Breakpoint 4 10000. Value of Breakpoint 3 24999. Value of Breakpoint 2 25000. Value of Breakpoint 4 49999. Value of Breakpoint 2 50000. Value of Breakpoint 41 99999996. Greater than Maximum Breakpoint 20062 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS063 AMT INSURANCE SETTLEMENT - RESULT Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S063_ .................................................................................. 97. Data Not Available 20 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 21 99. RF (Refused) 20088 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS042 R RECV LUMP PENSION SETTLEMENT FROM SP Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S042_ 2000 Link: G6182 2002 Link: HS042 Did you receive a lump-sum pension settlement? .................................................................................. 60 1. YES 545 5. NO 10 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 5 9. RF (Refused) 19509 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND (S042_ = YES) JS043 R RECV PENSION SETTLEMENT FROM SP AMT Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S043_ 2000 Link: G6183 2002 Link: HS043 How much did it amount to? INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 44 39 250000 25158.95 53576.96 20069 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 8 999998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 8 999999. RF (Refused)
JS064 AMT PENSION SETTLEMENT - MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S064_ S064_-S066_ Unfolding Sequence Question text: Does it amount to a total of less than $______, more than $______, or what? PROCEDURE: UNFM_2Up1Down BREAKPOINTS: 2000, 8000, 30000, 45000 ENTRY POINT: 8000 .................................................................................. 13 0. Value of Breakpoint 1 2000. Value of Breakpoint 1 2001. Value of Breakpoint 1 8001. Value of Breakpoint 20113 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS065 AMT PENSION SETTLEMENT - MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S065_ .................................................................................. 1 2000. Value of Breakpoint 1 7999. Value of Breakpoint 1 29999. Value of Breakpoint 13 99999996. Greater than Maximum Breakpoint 20113 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS066 AMT PENSION SETTLEMENT - RESULT Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S066_ .................................................................................. 97. Data Not Available 5 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 8 99. RF (Refused) 20116 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS044 R EXPENSES ASSOCIATED W/SP DEATH Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S044_ 2000 Link: G6191 2002 Link: HS044 Not counting what was covered by insurance or your ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSHWP assignment])'s estate, what were the expenses associated with the death, that is, for funeral expenses, legal fees, etc.? INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF ENTER [CTRL-D] IF NOT SETTLED YET AMOUNT: .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 450 0 60000 6354.68 6421.86 19509 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 149 99998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 21 99999. RF (Refused)
JS045 R EXPENSES ASSOC W/SP DEATH - MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S045_ S045_-S047_ Unfolding Sequence Question text: Would it amount to less than $______, more than $______, or what? PROCEDURE: UNFM_2Up1Down BREAKPOINTS: 2000, 5000, 7000, 10000 ENTRY POINT: 5000 .................................................................................. 102 0. Value of Breakpoint 1 2000. Value of Breakpoint 15 2001. Value of Breakpoint 9 5000. Value of Breakpoint 17 5001. Value of Breakpoint 5 7000. Value of Breakpoint 15 7001. Value of Breakpoint 2 10000. Value of Breakpoint 4 10001. Value of Breakpoint 19959 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS046 R EXPENSES ASSOC W/SP DEATH - MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S046_ .................................................................................. 16 1999. Value of Breakpoint 1 2000. Value of Breakpoint 16 4999. Value of Breakpoint 9 5000. Value of Breakpoint 12 6999. Value of Breakpoint 5 7000. Value of Breakpoint 12 9999. Value of Breakpoint 2 10000. Value of Breakpoint 97 99999996. Greater than Maximum Breakpoint 19959 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS047 R EXPENSES ASSOC W/SP DEATH - RESULT Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Insurance_Pensions.S047_ .................................................................................. 97. Data Not Available 76 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 18 99. RF (Refused) 20035 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS048M1 R SELL ASSETS ASSOC W/SP DEATH-1 Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.DeathExpense.S048M[1] 2000 Link: G6196M1 2002 Link: HS048M1 To pay the expenses associated with ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSubjectHisHer assignment]) death and any illness that led to ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSubjectHisHer assignment]) death, did you have to sell assets, withdraw money that normally would not be touched, get help from a relative, or from a church or other institution, or do anything else special to find the money? INTERVIEWER: CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY .................................................................................. 21 1. YES, SELL ASSETS 95 2. YES, WITHDRAW MONEY 48 3. YES, GOT HELP FROM RELATIVE/friend 3 4. INSTITUTION OR CHARITY 421 5. DID NOT DO ANYTHING SPECIAL 13 6. Borrowed money NFS 1 7. YES, OTHER (SPECIFY) 15 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 3 9. RF (Refused) 19509 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS048M2 R SELL ASSETS ASSOC W/SP DEATH-2 Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.DeathExpense.S048M[2] 2000 Link: G6196M1 2002 Link: HS048M2 To pay the expenses associated with ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSubjectHisHer assignment]) death and any illness that led to ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSubjectHisHer assignment]) death, did you have to sell assets, withdraw money that normally would not be touched, get help from a relative, or from a church or other institution, or do anything else special to find the money? INTERVIEWER: CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY .................................................................................. 1 1. YES, SELL ASSETS 2 2. YES, WITHDRAW MONEY 6 3. YES, GOT HELP FROM RELATIVE/friend 1 4. INSTITUTION OR CHARITY 2 5. DID NOT DO ANYTHING SPECIAL 6. Borrowed money NFS 4 7. YES, OTHER (SPECIFY) 1 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 20112 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS048M3 R SELL ASSETS ASSOC W/SP DEATH-3 Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.DeathExpense.S048M[3] 2000 Link: G6196M1 2002 Link: HS048M3 To pay the expenses associated with ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSubjectHisHer assignment]) death and any illness that led to ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSubjectHisHer assignment]) death, did you have to sell assets, withdraw money that normally would not be touched, get help from a relative, or from a church or other institution, or do anything else special to find the money? INTERVIEWER: CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY .................................................................................. 1. YES, SELL ASSETS 1 2. YES, WITHDRAW MONEY 1 3. YES, GOT HELP FROM RELATIVE/friend 4. INSTITUTION OR CHARITY 5. DID NOT DO ANYTHING SPECIAL 6. Borrowed money NFS 7. YES, OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 20127 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS048M4 R SELL ASSETS ASSOC W/SP DEATH-4 Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.DeathExpense.S048M[4] To pay the expenses associated with ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSubjectHisHer assignment]) death and any illness that led to ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSubjectHisHer assignment]) death, did you have to sell assets, withdraw money that normally would not be touched, get help from a relative, or from a church or other institution, or do anything else special to find the money? INTERVIEWER: CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY .................................................................................. 1. YES, SELL ASSETS 2. YES, WITHDRAW MONEY 3. YES, GOT HELP FROM RELATIVE/friend 1 4. INSTITUTION OR CHARITY 5. DID NOT DO ANYTHING SPECIAL 6. Borrowed money NFS 7. YES, OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 20128 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS048M5 R SELL ASSETS ASSOC W/SP DEATH-5 Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.DeathExpense.S048M[5] To pay the expenses associated with ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSubjectHisHer assignment]) death and any illness that led to ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSubjectHisHer assignment]) death, did you have to sell assets, withdraw money that normally would not be touched, get help from a relative, or from a church or other institution, or do anything else special to find the money? INTERVIEWER: CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY .................................................................................. 1. YES, SELL ASSETS 2. YES, WITHDRAW MONEY 3. YES, GOT HELP FROM RELATIVE/friend 4. INSTITUTION OR CHARITY 5. DID NOT DO ANYTHING SPECIAL 6. Borrowed money NFS 7. YES, OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 20129 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND (YESGOTHELPFROMARELATIVE IN S048M) JS050 WHO HELP PAY EXPENSES ASSOC W/SP DEATH? Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.DeathExpense.S050_ 2000 Link: G6197 2002 Link: HS050 Was that a child or grandchild of yours ([or your] [ you\husband\wife\partner]'s\), or was it some other relative who helped? .................................................................................. 37 1. CHILD/CHILD-IN-LAW/GRANDCHILD 6 2. OTHER RELATIVE 2 3. SOMEONE ELSE 2 6. GRANDCHILD 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 20082 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND (YESGOTHELPFROMARELATIVE IN S048M) AND ((S050_ = CHILD_CHILDLAW) OR (S050_ = GRANDCHILD)) AND (NOT (S070_WHOHELPEDCHILD <> NONRESPONSE) OR S070_WHOHELPEDCHILD <> NONRESPONSE) AND (NOT (S070_WHOHELPEDCHILD = DONTKNOW) OR S070_WHOHELPEDCHILD = DONTKNOW) AND (S070_WHOHELPEDCHILD = REFUSAL) JS051 WHICH CHILD HELP PAY SP DEATH COSTS Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.DeathExpense.S051_ 2000 Link: G6198M1 2002 Link: HS051 (Which child is that?) INTERVIEWER: IF GRANDCHILD: Which child of your ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSHWP assignment]) is the parent of that grandchild? .................................................................................. 25 041-990. Other Person Number 1 992. DECEASED CHILD 9 993. ALL CHILDREN EQUALLY 996. ALL CHILDREN - "EQUALLY" NOT MENTIONED 1 998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 999. RF (Refused) 20093 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND (NOT (S071_S052Temp.puState = 98) OR S071_S052Temp.puState = 98) AND (NOT (S071_S052Temp.puState = 99) OR S071_S052Temp.puState = 99) JS052M WHICH STATE DID H/W/P DIE - MASKED Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.DeathExpense.S052_ 2000 Link: G6207M 2002 Link: HS052M In which state or country did your ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSHWP assignment]) die? STATE: User Note: Code categories have been collapsed to protect participant confidentiality. .................................................................................. 18 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT) 70 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY, NJ, PA) 109 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH, IN, IL, MI, WI) 46 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN, IA, MO, ND, SD, NE, KS) 168 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, NC, SC, GA, FL) 38 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY, TN, AL, MS) 65 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR, LA, OK, TX) 34 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT, ID, WY, CO, NM, AZ, UT, NV) 67 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA, OR, CA, AK, HI) 10. U.S., NA state 4 11. Foreign Country: Not in a Census Division (includes U.S.territories) 96. Same State (see questionnaire) 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 1 99. RF (refused) 19509 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS054M1M CAUSE OF DEATH - SPECIFY -1 - MASKED Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.DeathExpense.S054S What was the cause of ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSubjectHisHer assignment]) death? User Note: Code categories have been collapsed to protect participant confidentiality. .................................................................................. 177 101-103. Cancers and tumors; skin conditions 1 111-119. Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 223 121-129. Heart, circulatory and blood conditions 63 131-139. Allergies; hay fever; sinusitis; tonsillitis 11 141-149. Endocrine, metabolic and nutritional conditions 31 151-159. Digestive system (stomach, liver, gallbladder, kidney, bladder) 11 161-169. Neurological and sensory conditions 171-179. Reproductive system and prostate conditions 1 181-189. Emotional and psychological conditions 46 190-196. Miscellaneous 24 590-599. Other symptoms 990. No text displayed 991. Reference to previous interviewer note or previous comment: 'see previous screen'; 'see F2 comment'; question appears on screen, but no response is displayed 996. None 3 997. Other health condition 25 998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 2 999. RF (Refused); 19511 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS054M2M CAUSE OF DEATH - SPECIFY -2 - MASKED Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 What was the cause of ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSubjectHisHer assignment]) death? User Note: Code categories have been collapsed to protect participant confidentiality. .................................................................................. 10 101-103. Cancers and tumors; skin conditions 1 111-119. Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 39 121-129. Heart, circulatory and blood conditions 25 131-139. Allergies; hay fever; sinusitis; tonsillitis 9 141-149. Endocrine, metabolic and nutritional conditions 5 151-159. Digestive system (stomach, liver, gallbladder, kidney, bladder) 3 161-169. Neurological and sensory conditions 1 171-179. Reproductive system and prostate conditions 181-189. Emotional and psychological conditions 14 190-196. Miscellaneous 2 590-599. Other symptoms 990. No text displayed 991. Reference to previous interviewer note or previous comment: 'see previous screen'; 'see F2 comment'; question appears on screen, but no response is displayed 996. None 3 997. Other health condition 998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 20017 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND (((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive <> NO) AND (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW <> YESWIDOWED)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) JS055 EXPECT LESS LIFE INS AFTER DEATH/EX-SP Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Benefits.S055_ 2000 Link: G6209 2002 Link: HS055 Because of the divorce, do you expect to receive less in the way of life insurance benefits if your former ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSHWP assignment]) dies? .................................................................................. 27 1. YES 106 5. NO 7 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 7 9. RF (Refused) 19982 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS056 LOSE PART OF PENSION CLAIM AT SP DIV/DTH Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Benefits.S056_ 2000 Link: G6210 2002 Link: HS056 Did you lose any part of your claim on your (late\former) ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSHWP assignment])'s pension? .................................................................................. 137 1. YES 602 5. NO 24 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 11 9. RF (Refused) 19355 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND (S056_ = YES) JS057 REC PROPERTY TO COMP LOSS OF PENSION Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Benefits.S057_ 2000 Link: G6211 2002 Link: HS057 Did you receive any money or property from your (late\former) ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSHWP assignment]) to compensate for the loss of your claim on ([See Blaise Specifications for FLSubjectHisHer assignment]) pension? .................................................................................. 14 1. YES 121 5. NO 2 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 19992 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) AND ((piSecARelationsA023_PWSpPAlive <> NO) AND (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW <> YESWIDOWED)) JS058 R EXPENSES ASSOC WITH DIVORCE Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Benefits.S058_ 2000 Link: G6212 2002 Link: HS058 All in all, what were your expenses associated with the divorce, that is, legal fees and costs? INTERVIEWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 109 0 25000 1489.22 3727.80 19975 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 31 99998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 14 99999. RF (Refused)
JS067 EXPENSES W/ DIVORCE - MIN Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Benefits.S067_ S067_-S069_ Unfolding Sequence Question text: Does it amount to a total of less than $______, more than $______, or what? PROCEDURE: UNFM_2Up1Down BREAKPOINTS: 500, 1500, 5000, 15000 ENTRY POINT: 1500 .................................................................................. 34 0. Value of Breakpoint 3 500. Value of Breakpoint 3 501. Value of Breakpoint 1 1500. Value of Breakpoint 2 1501. Value of Breakpoint 1 15000. Value of Breakpoint 1 15001. Value of Breakpoint 20084 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS068 EXPENSES W/ DIVORCE - MAX Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Benefits.S068_ .................................................................................. 2 499. Value of Breakpoint 3 500. Value of Breakpoint 3 1499. Value of Breakpoint 1 1500. Value of Breakpoint 2 4999. Value of Breakpoint 1 15000. Value of Breakpoint 33 99999996. Greater than Maximum Breakpoint 20084 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JS069 EXPENSES W/ DIVORCE - RESULT Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.Benefits.S069_ .................................................................................. 97. Data Not Available 19 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 13 99. RF (Refused) 20097 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (((piSecARelationsA020TSameSpP_A = NO) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESDIVORCED_ANNULLED)) OR (PISecBMarriage2B058_DivWidSincePW = YESWIDOWED)) JS059 SECTION S ASSIST WIDOWHOOD/DIVORCE Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecS.S059_AssistS 2000 Link: G6213 2002 Link: HS059 INTERVIEWER: HOW OFTEN DID R RECEIVE ASSISTANCE WITH ANSWERS IN SECTION S - WIDOWHOOD/DIVORCE? .................................................................................. 748 1. NEVER 17 2. A FEW TIMES 2 3. MOST OR ALL OF THE TIME 7 4. THE SECTION WAS DONE BY A PROXY REPORTER 19355 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JVDATE 2004 DATA MODEL VERSION Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User Note: This variable identifies which data model was used to interview the household. Please reference the data description for a summary of changes in each data model. .................................................................................. 28 1. Version 1 806 2. Version 2 1412 3. Version 3 2471 4. Version 4 2974 5. Version 5 1616 6. Version 6 3270 7. Version 7 7137 8. Version 8 415 9. Version 9
JVERSION 2004 DATA RELEASE VERSION Section: S Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 20129 1. First Final Release
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