Section: I     Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 6   Decimals: 0

        20129           000003-502761. Household Identification Number

PN RESPONDENT PERSON IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 11119 010. Person Identifier 451 011. Person Identifier 17 012. Person Identifier 1 013. Person Identifier 6398 020. Person Identifier 109 021. Person Identifier 5 022. Person Identifier 793 030. Person Identifier 37 031. Person Identifier 3 032. Person Identifier 1145 040. Person Identifier 49 041. Person Identifier 2 042. Person Identifier
JSUBHH 2004 SUB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 19165 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 499 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 367 2. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 30 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 2 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 66 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite
HSUBHH 2002 SUB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 15943 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 451 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 342 2. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 15 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 1 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 47 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite 3330 Blank. NEW COHORT HH
JPN_SP 2004 SPOUSE/PARTNER PERSON NUMBER Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 5804 010. Person Identifier 402 011. Person Identifier 16 012. Person Identifier 1 013. Person Identifier 5297 020. Person Identifier 102 021. Person Identifier 4 022. Person Identifier 662 030. Person Identifier 33 031. Person Identifier 3 032. Person Identifier 951 040. Person Identifier 46 041. Person Identifier 2 042. Person Identifier 14 811. Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 6 821. Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 2 831. Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 3 841. Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 6781 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JCSR 2004 WHETHER COVERSHEET RESPONDENT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 13643 1. Yes 7 3. 2nd Coverscreen R, answers not retained 6479 5. No
JFAMR 2004 WHETHER FAMILY RESPONDENT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 13514 1. Family R 2 3. 2nd Family R, answers not retained 6613 5. Non-Family R
JFINR 2004 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 13585 1. Financial R 2 3. 2nd Financial R, answers not retained 6542 5. Non-Financial R
JI800 PHYSICAL MEASURES FTF IW Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V800_FTF INTERVIEWER: Are you currently administering this interview in-person? .................................................................................. 15450 1. YES 4668 5. NO 11 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) JI801 CERTIFIED PHYSICAL MEASURES Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V801 INTERVIEWER:Which, if any, physical measures are you certified and equipped to perform? .................................................................................. 2965 1. BREATHING, HAND STRENGTH AND WALKING TESTS 769 2. HEIGHT AND WEIGHT; PLUS BREATHING, HAND STRENGTH AND WALKING TESTS 175 3. NONE 16220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND ((ACTIVELANGUAGE = CORENG) OR (ACTIVELANGUAGE = PRXENG) OR NOT ((ACTIVELANGUAGE = CORENG) OR (ACTIVELANGUAGE = PRXENG))) AND ((V801 = Breathhandwalk) AND (piSecAContinuInterviewA019_RAge < 65) OR NOT ((V801 = Breathhandwalk) AND (piSecAContinuInterviewA019_RAge < 65))) AND ((V801 = Breathhandwalk) AND (piSecAContinuInterviewA019_RAge >= 65) OR NOT ((V801 = Breathhandwalk) AND (piSecAContinuInterviewA019_RAge >= 65))) AND (((V801 = Heightweight) AND (piSecAContinuInterviewA019_RAge < 65)) AND (piSecCWeighC139_ < 300) OR NOT (((V801 = Heightweight) AND (piSecAContinuInterviewA019_RAge < 65)) AND (piSecCWeighC139_ < 300))) AND (((V801 = Heightweight) AND (piSecAContinuInterviewA019_RAge >= 65)) AND (piSecCWeighC139_ < 300) OR NOT (((V801 = Heightweight) AND (piSecAContinuInterviewA019_RAge >= 65)) AND (piSecCWeighC139_ < 300))) AND (((V801 = Heightweight) AND (piSecAContinuInterviewA019_RAge < 65)) AND (piSecCWeighC139_ >= 300) OR NOT (((V801 = Heightweight) AND (piSecAContinuInterviewA019_RAge < 65)) AND (piSecCWeighC139_ >= 300))) AND (((V801 = Heightweight) AND (piSecAContinuInterviewA019_RAge >= 65)) AND (piSecCWeighC139_ >= 300) OR NOT (((V801 = Heightweight) AND (piSecAContinuInterviewA019_RAge >= 65)) AND (piSecCWeighC139_ >= 300))) AND (NOT (V801 = NONE) OR V801 = NONE) JI850 PHYSICAL MEASURE ASSIGNMENT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V850_PhysMeasAssignment .................................................................................. 990 1. BREATHING AND HAND STRENGTH TESTS 1975 2. BREATHING, HAND STRENGTH AND WALKING TESTS 327 3. BREATHING, HAND STRENGTH, HEIGHT, WEIGHT 429 4. BREATHING, HAND STRENGTH, WALKING TEST, HEIGHT, WEIGHT 9 5. BREATHING, HAND STRENGTH, HEIGHT 3 6. BREATHING, HAND STRENGTH, WALKING TEST, HEIGHT 175 7. ELIGIBLE FOR PHYSICAL MEASURES, BUT IWER NOT CERTIFIED 16221 Blank. Not Eligible for Physical Measures
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) JI802 PHYSICAL MEASURES CONSENT FORM Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V802_testnumber Now I am going to ask you to do a few simple activities for me. Researchers are interested in how performance on these activities relates to some of the other factors I have asked you about in the interview. I will ask you to do ([See Blaise Specifications for FLNUMTESTS assignment]) activities: ([See Blaise Specifications for FLV603 assignment]) My primary concern is for your safety, so I will ask you if you feel it would be safe for you to complete each activity. If you have any concerns about the activity, please let me know and we will skip it. Before we begin, I'd like to have you read and sign a form explaining your rights as a participant in this part of the study. INTERVIEWER: ENTER LOGGING ID ([See Blaise Specifications for Rtab[1].X081_RLogId assignment]) ON CONSENT FORM. INTERVIEWER: IF R REFUSES TO SIGN THE CONSENT FORM, ENTER CTRL-R. OTHERWISE, ENTER 1 TO CONTINUE. .................................................................................. 3447 1. CONTINUE 287 9. RF (Refused) 16395 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) JI803 R ELEGIBLE FOR PHYSICAL MEASURES Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V803_eligible INTERVIEWER: R is eligible for these measurements: ([Breathing Test/Hand Strength Test/Walking Test/Height/Weight]) INTERVIEWER: Mark the tests that R is eligible to complete on the front page of the physical measures booklet and switch to physical measures booklet to administer the tests now. When you have completed all measurements, press 1 to continue .................................................................................. 3447 1. CONTINUE 16682 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) JI804 BREATHING TEST AT LEAST ONE TRIAL Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V804_BreathTest BREATHING TEST INTERVIEWER: DID R COMPLETE AT LEAST ONE TRIAL OF THE BREATHING TEST? .................................................................................. 3231 1. YES 216 5. NO 16682 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (V804_BreathTest <> YES) JI805M1 REASON NOT COMPLETE BREATHING TEST-1 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V805[1] BREATHING TEST INTERVIEWER: WHY DIDN'T R COMPLETE THE BREATHING TEST? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 64 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 36 2. IWER FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 73 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE TEST 5 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST 4 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 1 6. R had surgery, injury or other health condition that prevented R from taking the test 3 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 29 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 1 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 19913 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (V804_BreathTest <> YES) JI805M2 REASON NOT COMPLETE BREATHING TEST-2 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V805[2] BREATHING TEST INTERVIEWER: WHY DIDN'T R COMPLETE THE BREATHING TEST? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 1 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 21 2. IWER FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 2 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE TEST 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 4 6. R had surgery, injury or other health condition that prevented R from taking the test 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20101 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (V804_BreathTest <> YES) JI805M3 REASON NOT COMPLETE BREATHING TEST-3 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V805[3] BREATHING TEST INTERVIEWER: WHY DIDN'T R COMPLETE THE BREATHING TEST? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 2. IWER FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 4 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE TEST 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 1 6. R had surgery, injury or other health condition that prevented R from taking the test 1 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20123 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (V804_BreathTest <> YES) JI805M4 REASON NOT COMPLETE BREATHING TEST-4 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V805[4] BREATHING TEST INTERVIEWER: WHY DIDN'T R COMPLETE THE BREATHING TEST? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 2. IWER FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE TEST 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 6. R had surgery, injury or other health condition that prevented R from taking the test 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20129 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (V804_BreathTest = YES) JI807 PHYSICAL MEASURES PUFF TEST READING- 1 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V807_Puff1 BREATHING TEST FIRST READING: SECOND READING: THIRD READING: Enter 993 if R tried but was unable to do it. Enter 999 if R chose not to do it. .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 3226 1 890 299.60 131.78 16898 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3 993. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO DO IT. 998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 2 999. RF (Refused)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (V804_BreathTest = YES) JI808 PHYSICAL MEASURES PUFF TEST READING- 2 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V808_Puff2 BREATHING TEST FIRST READING: (Puff Test 1) SECOND READING: THIRD READING: Enter 993 if R tried but was unable to do it. Enter 999 if R chose not to do it. .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 3222 10 890 322.77 133.93 16898 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3 993. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO DO IT. 998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 6 999. RF (Refused)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (V804_BreathTest = YES) JI809 PHYSICAL MEASURES PUFF TEST READING- 3 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V809_Puff3 BREATHING TEST FIRST READING: (Puff Test 1) SECOND READING: (Puff Test 2) THIRD READING: Enter 993 if R tried but was unable to do it. Enter 999 if R chose not to do it. .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 3220 0 890 331.82 136.32 16898 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3 993. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO DO IT. 1 998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 7 999. RF (Refused)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (V804_BreathTest = YES) JI810 BREATHING TEST EFFORT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V810_Reffort BREATHING TEST INTERVIEWER: How much effort did the R give to this test? .................................................................................. 3181 1. R GAVE FULL EFFORT 29 2. FULL EFFORT PREVENTED BY ILLNESS, PAIN, OR OTHER SYMPTOMS OR DISCOMFORTS 18 3. FULL EFFORT NOT GIVEN, BUT NO OBVIOUS REASON FOR THIS 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 1 9. RF (Refused) 16900 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (V804_BreathTest = YES) JI811 R POSITION FOR BREATHING TEST Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V811_Rposition BREATHING TEST INTERVIEWER: What was the R's position for this test? .................................................................................. 2494 1. STANDING 732 2. SITTING 2 3. LYING DOWN 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 1 9. RF (Refused) 16900 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) JI812 HAND STRENGTH AT LEAST ONE TRIAL Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V812 HAND STRENGTH TEST INTERVIEWER: DID R COMPLETE AT LEAST ONE TRIAL OF THE HAND STRENGTH TEST? .................................................................................. 3068 1. YES 379 5. NO 16682 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (V812 <> YES) JI813M1 REASON HAND STRENGTH TEST NOT COMPLETE-1 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V813[1] HAND STRENGTH TEST INTERVIEWER: WHY DIDN'T R COMPLETE THE HAND STRENGTH TEST? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 73 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 47 2. IWER FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 64 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE TEST 4 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST 4 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 25 6. R HAD SURGERY, INJURY, SWELLING, ETC. ON BOTH HANDS IN PAST 6 MONTHS 4 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 154 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 3 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 1 99. RF (Refused) 19750 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (V812 <> YES) JI813M2 REASON HAND STRENGTH TEST NOT COMPLETE-2 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V813[2] HAND STRENGTH TEST INTERVIEWER: WHY DIDN'T R COMPLETE THE HAND STRENGTH TEST? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 3 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 32 2. IWER FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 2 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE TEST 1 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 15 6. R HAD SURGERY, INJURY, SWELLING, ETC. ON BOTH HANDS IN PAST 6 MONTHS 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 2 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20074 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (V812 <> YES) JI813M3 REASON HAND STRENGTH TEST NOT COMPLETE-3 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V813[3] HAND STRENGTH TEST INTERVIEWER: WHY DIDN'T R COMPLETE THE HAND STRENGTH TEST? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 2. IWER FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 5 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE TEST 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST 1 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 13 6. R HAD SURGERY, INJURY, SWELLING, ETC. ON BOTH HANDS IN PAST 6 MONTHS 2 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20108 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (V812 <> YES) JI813M4 REASON HAND STRENGTH TEST NOT COMPLETE-4 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V813[4] HAND STRENGTH TEST INTERVIEWER: WHY DIDN'T R COMPLETE THE HAND STRENGTH TEST? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 2. IWER FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE TEST 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 2 6. R HAD SURGERY, INJURY, SWELLING, ETC. ON BOTH HANDS IN PAST 6 MONTHS 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20127 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (V812 <> YES) JI813M5 REASON HAND STRENGTH TEST NOT COMPLETE-5 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V813[5] HAND STRENGTH TEST INTERVIEWER: WHY DIDN'T R COMPLETE THE HAND STRENGTH TEST? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 2. IWER FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE TEST 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 6. R HAD SURGERY, INJURY, SWELLING, ETC. ON BOTH HANDS IN PAST 6 MONTHS 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20129 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (NOT (V812 <> YES)) JI815 HAND STRENGTH DOMINANT HAND Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V815_gripdominanthand HAND STRENGTH TEST INTERVIEWER: RECORD R'S DOMINANT HAND. .................................................................................. 2779 1. RIGHT HAND 234 2. LEFT HAND 53 3. BOTH HANDS EQUALLY DOMINANT 17063 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (NOT (V812 <> YES)) JI816 FIRST LEFT HAND MEASUREMENT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 1 CAI Reference: SecI.V816_leftfirst HAND STRENGTH TEST INTERVIEWER: LEFT hand, first measurement. LEFT hand, FIRST measurement: RIGHT hand, FIRST measurement: LEFT hand, SECOND measurement: RIGHT hand, SECOND measurement: INTERVIEWER: Enter the result to the nearest whole number (kilograms). Enter 99993 if R was unable to perform this measurement Enter 99999 if R chose not to do it .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 3014 0.00 440.00 26.87 17.52 17061 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 41 99993. R WAS UNABLE TO PERFORM THIS MEASUREMENT 1 99998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 12 99999. R CHOSE NOT TO DO IT
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (NOT (V812 <> YES)) JI851 RIGHT HAND FIRST MEASUREMENT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 1 CAI Reference: SecI.V851_RIGHTfirst HAND STRENGTH TEST INTERVIEWER: RIGHT hand, first measurement. LEFT hand, FIRST measurement: (Left first) RIGHT hand, FIRST measurement: LEFT hand, SECOND measurement: RIGHT hand, SECOND measurement: INTERVIEWER: Enter the result to the nearest whole number (kilograms). Enter 99993 if R was unable to perform this measurement Enter 99999 if R chose not to do it .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 3007 0.00 450.00 29.70 17.89 17061 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 51 99993. R WAS UNABLE TO PERFORM THIS MEASUREMENT 1 99998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9 99999. R CHOSE NOT TO DO IT
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (NOT (V812 <> YES)) JI852 LEFT HAND SECOND MEASUREMENT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 1 CAI Reference: SecI.V852_leftsecond HAND STRENGTH TEST INTERVIEWER: LEFT hand, SECOND measurement. LEFT hand, FIRST measurement: (Left first) RIGHT hand, FIRST measurement: (RIGHT first) LEFT hand, SECOND measurement: RIGHT hand, SECOND measurement: INTERVIEWER: Enter the result to the nearest whole number (kilograms). Enter 99993 if R was unable to perform this measurement Enter 99999 if R chose not to do it .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 3011 0.00 420.00 27.87 17.42 17061 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 41 99993. R WAS UNABLE TO PERFORM THIS MEASUREMENT 1 99998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 15 99999. R CHOSE NOT TO DO IT
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (NOT (V812 <> YES)) JI853 RIGHT HAND SECOND MEASUREMENT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 1 CAI Reference: SecI.V853_RIGHTSecond HAND STRENGTH TEST INTERVIEWER: RIGHT hand, SECOND measurement. LEFT hand, FIRST measurement: (Left first) RIGHT hand, FIRST measurement: (RIGHT first) LEFT hand, SECOND measurement: (left second) RIGHT hand, SECOND measurement: INTERVIEWER: Enter the result to the nearest whole number (kilograms). Enter 99993 if R was unable to perform this measurement Enter 99999 if R chose not to do it .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 3004 0.00 455.00 30.30 17.93 17061 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 51 99993. R WAS UNABLE TO PERFORM THIS MEASUREMENT 1 99998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 12 99999. R CHOSE NOT TO DO IT
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (NOT (V812 <> YES)) JI817 R EFFORT HAND STRENGTH TEST Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V817_gripReffort HAND STRENGTH TEST INTERVIEWER: How much effort did the R give to this test? .................................................................................. 3027 1. R GAVE FULL EFFORT 33 2. FULL EFFORT PREVENTED BY ILLNESS, PAIN, OR OTHER SYMPTOMS OR DISCOMFORTS 4 3. FULL EFFORT NOT GIVEN, BUT NO OBVIOUS REASON FOR THIS 2 9. RF (Refused) 17063 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (NOT (V812 <> YES)) JI818 R POSITION HAND STRENGTH TEST Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V818_Rposition HAND STRENGTH TEST INTERVIEWER: What was the R's position for this test? .................................................................................. 2696 1. STANDING 366 2. SITTING 1 3. LYING DOWN 3 9. RF (Refused) 17063 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (NOT (V812 <> YES)) JI819 REST ARM DURING HAND STRENGTH TEST Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V819 HAND STRENGTH TEST INTERVIEWER: Did the R rest their arm on a support while performing this test? .................................................................................. 477 1. YES 2587 5. NO 2 9. RF (Refused) 17063 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalk) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) JI820 WALKING TEST COMPLETE AT LEAST ONE TRIAL Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V820 WALKING TEST INTERVIEWER: DID R COMPLETE AT LEAST ONE TRIAL OF THE WALKING TEST? .................................................................................. 1873 1. YES 354 5. NO 17902 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalk) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (V820 <> YES) JI821M1 REASON NOT COMPLETE WALKING TEST-1 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V821[1] WALKING TEST INTERVIEWER: WHY DIDN'T R COMPLETE THE WALKING TEST? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 80 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 111 2. IWER FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 42 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE TEST 2 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST 1 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 43 6. R HAD SURGERY, INJURY, OR OTHER HEALTH CONDITION THAT PREVENTED R FROM WALKING 56 7. NO SUITABLE SPACE AVAILABLE 10 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 8 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 1 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 19775 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalk) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (V820 <> YES) JI821M2 REASON NOT COMPLETE WALKING TEST-2 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V821[2] WALKING TEST INTERVIEWER: WHY DIDN'T R COMPLETE THE WALKING TEST? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 4 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 44 2. IWER FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 3 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE TEST 2 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 14 6. R HAD SURGERY, INJURY, OR OTHER HEALTH CONDITION THAT PREVENTED R FROM WALKING 17 7. NO SUITABLE SPACE AVAILABLE 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20045 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalk) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (V820 <> YES) JI821M3 REASON NOT COMPLETE WALKING TEST-3 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V821[3] WALKING TEST INTERVIEWER: WHY DIDN'T R COMPLETE THE WALKING TEST? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 2. IWER FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 2 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE TEST 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST 1 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 25 6. R HAD SURGERY, INJURY, OR OTHER HEALTH CONDITION THAT PREVENTED R FROM WALKING 3 7. NO SUITABLE SPACE AVAILABLE 1 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 1 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20096 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalk) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (V820 <> YES) JI821M4 REASON NOT COMPLETE WALKING TEST-4 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V821[4] WALKING TEST INTERVIEWER: WHY DIDN'T R COMPLETE THE WALKING TEST? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 2. IWER FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE TEST 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 2 6. R HAD SURGERY, INJURY, OR OTHER HEALTH CONDITION THAT PREVENTED R FROM WALKING 7. NO SUITABLE SPACE AVAILABLE 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20127 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalk) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (V820 <> YES) JI821M5 REASON NOT COMPLETE WALKING TEST-5 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V821[5] WALKING TEST INTERVIEWER: WHY DIDN'T R COMPLETE THE WALKING TEST? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 2. IWER FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE TEST 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 6. R HAD SURGERY, INJURY, OR OTHER HEALTH CONDITION THAT PREVENTED R FROM WALKING 7. NO SUITABLE SPACE AVAILABLE 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20129 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalk) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (NOT (V820 <> YES)) JI823 WALKING TEST FIRST TRIAL TIME Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 CAI Reference: SecI.V823_Twalk1sttrialtime WALKING TEST INTERVIEWER: Record time in seconds to two decimal places FIRST TRIAL: SECOND TRIAL: Enter 99993 if R was unable to do it Enter 99999 if R chose not to do it .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1871 0.00 543.00 4.67 18.18 18256 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 999993. R WAS UNABLE TO DO IT 999998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 2 999999. R CHOSE NOT TO DO IT
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalk) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (NOT (V820 <> YES)) JI824 WALKING TEST SECOND TRIAL TIME Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 2 CAI Reference: SecI.V824_Twalk2ndtrialtime WALKING TEST INTERVIEWER: Record time in seconds to two decimal places FIRST TRIAL: (T walk 1st trial time) SECOND TRIAL: Enter 99993 if R was unable to do it Enter 99999 if R chose not to do it .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 1871 0.00 526.00 4.53 19.32 18256 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 999993. R WAS UNABLE TO DO IT 999998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 2 999999. R CHOSE NOT TO DO IT
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalk) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (NOT (V820 <> YES)) JI825 WALKING TEST- TYPE OF FLOOR SURFACE Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V825 WALKING TEST INTERVIEWER: Record type of floor surface .................................................................................. 888 1. LINOLEUM/TILE/WOOD 786 2. LOW-PILE CARPET 120 3. HIGH-PILE CARPET 64 4. CONCRETE 5. NOT SURE 13 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 18258 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalk) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (NOT (V820 <> YES)) JI828 WALKING TEST- TYPE OF AID USED Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V828_Twalktypeofaid WALKING TEST INTERVIEWER: Record type of aid used .................................................................................. 1786 1. NONE 58 2. WALKING STICK OR CANE 3. ELBOW CRUTCHES 22 4. WALKING FRAME 5 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 18258 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND (((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalk) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (NOT (V820 <> YES)) JI830 WALKING TEST- R EFFORT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V830_TwalkReffort WALKING TEST INTERVIEWER: How much effort did the R give to this test? .................................................................................. 1856 1. R GAVE FULL EFFORT 11 2. FULL EFFORT PREVENTED BY ILLNESS, PAIN, OR OTHER SYMPTOMS OR DISCOMFORTS 3 3. FULL EFFORT NOT GIVEN, BUT NO OBVIOUS REASON FOR THIS 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 1 9. RF (Refused) 18258 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) JI831 R HEIGHT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V831 HEIGHT INTERVIEWER: WERE YOU ABLE TO MEASURE R'S HEIGHT? .................................................................................. 580 1. YES 95 5. NO 19454 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (V831 <> YES) JI832M1 MEASURE HEIGHT- NOT COMPLETE-1 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V832[1] HEIGHT INTERVIEWER: WHY WEREN'T YOU ABLE TO MEASURE R'S HEIGHT? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 11 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 11 2. IW FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 22 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE MEASUREMENT 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE THE MEASUREMENT 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 1 6. RESPONDENT TOO TALL, INTERVIEWER COULD NOT REACH 1 7. NO SUITABLE SPACE AVAILABLE 17 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 27 12. R not in sample for this test 4 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 1 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20034 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (V831 <> YES) JI832M2 MEASURE HEIGHT- NOT COMPLETE-2 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V832[2] HEIGHT INTERVIEWER: WHY WEREN'T YOU ABLE TO MEASURE R'S HEIGHT? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 1 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 5 2. IW FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 1 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE MEASUREMENT 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE THE MEASUREMENT 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 6. RESPONDENT TOO TALL, INTERVIEWER COULD NOT REACH 7. NO SUITABLE SPACE AVAILABLE 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 12. R not in sample for this test 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20122 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (V831 <> YES) JI832M3 MEASURE HEIGHT- NOT COMPLETE-3 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V832[3] HEIGHT INTERVIEWER: WHY WEREN'T YOU ABLE TO MEASURE R'S HEIGHT? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 2. IW FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE MEASUREMENT 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE THE MEASUREMENT 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 6. RESPONDENT TOO TALL, INTERVIEWER COULD NOT REACH 7. NO SUITABLE SPACE AVAILABLE 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 12. R not in sample for this test 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20129 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (NOT (V831 <> YES)) JI834 HEIGHT MEASUREMENT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 2 CAI Reference: SecI.V834_Heightinches HEIGHT INTERVIEWER: Enter respondent's height in inches. Round to the nearest quarter inch. .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 580 48.00 77.00 65.38 4.33 19549 -----------------------------------------------------------------
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (NOT (V831 <> YES)) JI835 HEIGHT MEASURMENT- FLOOR SURFACE Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V835HieghtFlooring HEIGHT INTERVIEWER: Record type of floor surface .................................................................................. 394 1. LINOLEUM/TILE/WOOD 155 2. LOW-PILE CARPET 11 3. HIGH-PILE CARPET 16 4. CONCRETE 5. NOT SURE 2 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 19551 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND (NOT (V831 <> YES)) JI837 HEIGHT MEASUREMENT- R WEARING SHOES Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V837 HEIGHT INTERVIEWER: Was R wearing shoes during measurement? .................................................................................. 179 1. YES 399 5. NO 8. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 9. RF (Refused) 19551 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND ((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) JI838 ABLE TO MEASURE WEIGHT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V838 WEIGHT INTERVIEWER: WERE YOU ABLE TO MEASURE R'S WEIGHT? .................................................................................. 520 1. YES 144 5. NO 19465 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND ((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) AND (V838 <> YES) JI839M1 REASON NOT COMPLETE WEIGHT MEASUREMENT-1 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V839[1] WEIGHT INTERVIEWER: WHY WEREN'T YOU ABLE TO MEASURE R'S WEIGHT? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 12 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 7 2. IW FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 35 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE MEASUREMENT 1 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE THE MEASUREMENT 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 6. RESPONDENT WAS TOO HEAVY; DID NOT ATTEMPT 2 7. NO SUITABLE SPACE AVAILABLE 5 8. SCALE DID NOT WORK 53 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 27 12. R not in sample for this test 1 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 1 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 19985 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND ((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) AND (V838 <> YES) JI839M2 REASON NOT COMPLETE WEIGHT MEASUREMENT-2 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V839[2] WEIGHT INTERVIEWER: WHY WEREN'T YOU ABLE TO MEASURE R'S WEIGHT? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 6 2. IW FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE MEASUREMENT 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE THE MEASUREMENT 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 6. RESPONDENT WAS TOO HEAVY; DID NOT ATTEMPT 7. NO SUITABLE SPACE AVAILABLE 8. SCALE DID NOT WORK 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 1 12. R not in sample for this test 1 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20121 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND ((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) AND (V838 <> YES) JI839M3 REASON NOT COMPLETE WEIGHT MEASUREMENT-3 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V839[3] WEIGHT INTERVIEWER: WHY WEREN'T YOU ABLE TO MEASURE R'S WEIGHT? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 2. IW FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE MEASUREMENT 1 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE THE MEASUREMENT 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 6. RESPONDENT WAS TOO HEAVY; DID NOT ATTEMPT 7. NO SUITABLE SPACE AVAILABLE 8. SCALE DID NOT WORK 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 12. R not in sample for this test 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20128 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND ((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) AND (V838 <> YES) JI839M4 REASON NOT COMPLETE WEIGHT MEASUREMENT-4 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V839[4] WEIGHT INTERVIEWER: WHY WEREN'T YOU ABLE TO MEASURE R'S WEIGHT? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) .................................................................................. 1. R FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 2. IW FELT IT WOULD NOT BE SAFE 3. R REFUSED OR WAS NOT WILLING TO COMPLETE THE MEASUREMENT 4. R TRIED BUT WAS UNABLE TO COMPLETE THE MEASUREMENT 5. R DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS 6. RESPONDENT WAS TOO HEAVY; DID NOT ATTEMPT 7. NO SUITABLE SPACE AVAILABLE 8. SCALE DID NOT WORK 11. Problem with equipment and/or consent form 12. R not in sample for this test 97. OTHER (SPECIFY) 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 20129 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND ((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) AND (NOT (V838 <> YES)) JI841 R WEIGHT- POUNDS Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 1 CAI Reference: SecI.V841_Weightpounds WEIGHT INTERVIEWER: Enter respondent's weight in pounds as recorded on scale (to the nearest 1/2 pound). .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 520 68.00 299.00 172.95 40.87 19609 -----------------------------------------------------------------
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND ((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) AND (NOT (V838 <> YES)) JI842 WEIGHT- FLOOR SURFACE Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V842_WEIGHTFlooring WEIGHT INTERVIEWER: Record type of floor surface .................................................................................. 428 1. LINOLEUM/TILE/WOOD 72 2. LOW-PILE CARPET 1 3. HIGH-PILE CARPET 15 4. CONCRETE 5. NOT SURE 2 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 19611 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn <> EMPTY AND (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn < 1954)) AND (((((V800_FTF = YES) AND (piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA007TRAlive_A = YES)) AND (piSecAStartInterviewA009_SelfPrxy = SLF)) AND (SecA.Relations.A028_RInNHome <> YES)) AND (V801 <> NONE) AND (V802_testnumber <> NONRESPONSE) AND ((((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeight)) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieght)) AND ((V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandHeightWeight) OR (V850_PhysMeasAssignment = BreathHandWalkHieghtWeight)) AND (NOT (V838 <> YES)) JI844 WEIGHT- WEARING SHOES Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V844 WEIGHT INTERVIEWER: Was R wearing shoes during measurement? .................................................................................. 130 1. YES 388 5. NO 19611 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF ((piRvarsZ227_SELECTED_PHYMEASURES = YES) OR (piRespondents1X067AYrBorn > 1953)) JI845 FINISH PHYSICAL MEASURES Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: SecI.V845 (INTERVIEWER: THIS R WILL NOT BE ASKED TO COMPLETE PHYSICAL MEASURES. \INTERVIEWER: You have completed entering the physical measurements.) Enter 1 to continue with the interview. .................................................................................. 6001 1. CONTINUE 14128 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
JVDATE 2004 DATA MODEL VERSION Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User Note: This variable identifies which data model was used to interview the household. Please reference the data description for a summary of changes in each data model. .................................................................................. 28 1. Version 1 806 2. Version 2 1412 3. Version 3 2471 4. Version 4 2974 5. Version 5 1616 6. Version 6 3270 7. Version 7 7137 8. Version 8 415 9. Version 9
JVERSION 2004 DATA RELEASE VERSION Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 20129 1. First Final Release
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