========================================================================================== 2003 Internet Study ODBC Reference: [inter2002] Perl script: CodebkD11.pl v6.162 Tue Dec 19 13:51:05 2006 Note to Users: This program is designed to create a codebook that matches the distribution dataset. Codebook content is derived from Blaise .bmi metadata. If you have any questions or suggestions concerning codebook layout or content please bring them to the attention of the HRS staff at hrsquestions@umich.edu. Printing recommendation: Set margins (left/right/top/bottom) to .5"; print in portrait orientation using a mono-space 10-point font. ========================================================================================== SECTION I: HRS INTERNET (Respondent) ========================================================================================== HHID HOUSEHOLD ID Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 6 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 2197 000003-213442. Household Identifier ========================================================================================== PN PERSON NUMBER Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 1067 010. Person Identifier 64 011. Person Identifier 3 012. Person Identifier 683 020. Person Identifier 13 021. Person Identifier 147 030. Person Identifier 3 031. Person Identifier 205 040. Person Identifier 11 041. Person Identifier 1 042. Person Identifier ========================================================================================== HSUBHH 2002 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 2059 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 70 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 57 2. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 3 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 8 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite ========================================================================================== I1_RANDOMNUM RANDOM NUMBER BETWEEN 1 AND 24(GLOBALRANDOM) Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 2197 1-24. Actual Value Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_STARTMO INTERVIEW START MONTH Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 54 1. JAN 40 2. FEB 6 3. MAR 1621 4. APR 292 5. MAY 68 6. JUN 30 7. JUL 15 8. AUG 4 9. SEP 1 10. OCT 11. NOV 66 12. DEC Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_STARTYEAR INTERVIEW START YEAR Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 66 2002. Actual Year 2131 2003. Actual Year Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_STOPMO INTERVIEW STOP MONTH Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 49 1. JAN 54 2. FEB 7 3. MAR 1584 4. APR 314 5. MAY 71 6. JUN 36 7. JUL 16 8. AUG 8 9. SEP 3 10. OCT 11. NOV 55 12. DEC Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_STOPYEAR INTERVIEW STOP YEAR Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 55 2002. Actual Year 2142 2003. Actual Year Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_TOTALTIME TOTAL INTERVIEW TIME Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 2 .................................................................................. 2055 2-550. Time in Minutes 142 99999997. Time not calculated; Interview completed over multiple days. Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RESPONSORDYESNO RESPONSE ORDER YES NO Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 1086 1. YES/NO 1111 2. NO/YES Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RANDBRACKETS ENTRY POINT IN UNFOLDING BRACKETS SEQUENCE(RANDOMBRACKETS) Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 720 1. FIRST ENTRY POINT 738 2. SECOND ENTRY POINT 739 3. THIRD ENTRY POINT Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RAGEY RESPONDENT AGE - C901 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 What is your age? .................................................................................. 2192 0-93. Actual Value 5 998. DK (Don't Know) Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_INTLOCATION INTERVIEW LOCATION - IU001 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In doing this survey over the Internet, are you at home, at work, or at some other location? .................................................................................. 1964 1. HOME 186 2. WORK 10 3. HOME OF CHILD 17 4. RELATIVE OR FRIEND'S HOME 7 5. LIBRARY 10 6. OTHER 3 8. DK (Don't Know) Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_INTCONNECTION INTERNET CONNECTION TYPE - IU002 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How is the computer you are using for this survey connected to the Internet? .................................................................................. 1375 1. DIAL-UP MODEM 349 2. CABLE MODEM 211 3. DSL 128 4. LOCAL NETWORK 33 5. OTHER CONNECTION 101 6. DK (DON'T KNOW) Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_BROWSEWEB LAST TIME R USED INTERNET - IU003 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Not counting right now, when was the last time you used the Internet to look at a web page? .................................................................................. 1009 1. EARLIER TODAY 581 2. YESTERDAY 269 3. A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO 140 4. ABOUT A WEEK AGO 152 5. SEVERAL WEEKS AGO 45 6. NEVER 1 8. DK (Don't Know) Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_SENDMAIL LAST TIME R USED EMAIL - IU004 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Not counting right now, when was the last time you used the Internet to check, read or send email? .................................................................................. 1268 1. EARLIER TODAY 528 2. YESTERDAY 206 3. A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO 81 4. ABOUT A WEEK AGO 80 5. SEVERAL WEEKS AGO 28 6. NEVER 6 8. DK (Don't Know) Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_TRAVINFO OFTEN USE INTERNET TRAV PRICES - IU005 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often do you use the Internet to find out about travel prices and schedules? .................................................................................. 795 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 888 2. SOME OF THE TIME 511 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 3 8. DK (Don't Know) Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_TRAVRES OFTEN USE INTERNET - TRAV RESERV - IU006 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often do you use the Internet to make travel reservations? .................................................................................. 1165 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 696 2. SOME OF THE TIME 334 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 2 8. DK (Don't Know) Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_PURCHONLINE HOW OFTEN MAKE ONLINE PURCHASES - IU007 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often do you use the Internet to make online purchases? .................................................................................. 984 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 990 2. SOME OF THE TIME 223 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 8. DK (Don't Know) Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_WORKLIMNHIS01 IMPAIRMENT KEEP FROM WORKING - NHIS_01 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Does any impairment or health problem now keep you from working at a job or business? .................................................................................. 58 1. YES 578 5. NO 8. DK (Don't Know) 22 9. Question Skipped 1539 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY] >=65; [I1_RANDOMNUM] not in [1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23] ========================================================================================== I1_WORKLIMNHIS02 HEALTH PROBLEM LIMIT R WORK - NHIS_02 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Are you limited in the kind or amount of work you can do because of any impairment? .................................................................................. 112 1. YES 524 5. NO 8. DK (Don't Know) 22 9. Question Skipped 1539 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY] >=65; [I1_RANDOMNUM] not in [1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23] ========================================================================================== I1_WORKLIMCPS01 HEALTH PROBLEM LIMIT HHM WORK - CPS_03 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Does anyone in the household have a health problem or disability which prevents them from working or which limits the kind or amount of work they can do? .................................................................................. 156 1. YES 456 5. NO 8. DK (Don't Know) 12 9. Question Skipped 1573 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY] >=65; [I1_RANDOMNUM] not in [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24] ========================================================================================== I1_NUMIMPBEFORE NUMBERS IMPORTANT BEFORE - V368 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In your daily life, how important do you find working with numbers? USER NOTE: A portion of the respondents were asked this question before the number series, and a portion were asked this question after the number series. See I1_NUMIMPAFTER for those who were asked after the number series. .................................................................................. 27 1. NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT 194 2. SLIGHTLY IMPORTANT 392 3. FAIRLY IMPORTANT 517 4. VERY IMPORTANT 8. DK (Don't Know) 1067 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RANDOMNUM] not in [1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23] ========================================================================================== I1_15PERC1K 15 PERCENT OF 1000 - V351 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 What is 15% of 1,000? .................................................................................. 716 15-15000. Actual Value 4 99998. DK (Don't Know) 1477 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): 9<=[I1_RANDOMNUM]<=24 ========================================================================================== I1_15CUREDISEASE 15 PERCENT OF 1000 - DISEASE - V352 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 A pill cures 15% of people who have a disease. If 1000 people have the disease and they all take the pill, how many people will be cured? .................................................................................. 733 2-1500. Actual Value 4 9998. DK (Don't Know) 1 9999. Question Skipped 1459 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): 1<=[I1_RANDOMNUM]<=8;17<=[I1_RANDOMNUM]<=24 ========================================================================================== I1_15SALETV 15 PERCENT OF 1000 - TV SALE - V353 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 A store is offering a 15% off sale on all TVs. The most popular television is normally priced at $1000. How much money would a customer save on the television during his sale? .................................................................................. 704 1-99900. Actual Value 31 99998. DK (Don't Know) 4 99999. Question Skipped 1458 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): 1<=[I1_RANDOMNUM]<=16 ========================================================================================== I1_10FRACTION1K 10 PERCENT OF 1000 - V355 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 The number 10 is what percent of 1,000? .................................................................................. 696 1-99000. Actual Value 38 99998. DK (Don't Know) 2 99999. Question Skipped 1461 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RANDOMNUM] not in [9,10,11,12,17,18,19,20] ========================================================================================== I1_10DISEASEDPER1K 10 PERCENT OF 1000 - DISEASE - V356 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 If the chance of getting a disease is 10 in 1,000, what percent of people will get the disease? .................................................................................. 702 1-99000. Actual Value 28 99998. DK (Don't Know) 3 99999. Question Skipped 1464 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RANDOMNUM] not in [1,2,3,4,21,22,23,24] ========================================================================================== I1_10SALECHAIR 15 PERCENT OF 1000 - CHAIR SALE - V357 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 If a customer saved $10 off a $1000 chair, what percent would the customer have saved off the original price? .................................................................................. 672 1-99000. Actual Value 52 99998. DK (Don't Know) 4 99999. Question Skipped 1469 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RANDOMNUM] not in [5,6,7,8,13,14,15,16] ========================================================================================== I1_PROBABILITY LARGEST PERCENTAGE - V359 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Which of the following percentages is the biggest? .................................................................................. 4 1. ONE PERCENT 710 2. TEN PERCENT 23 3. FIVE PERCENT 8. DK (Don't Know) 4 9. Question Skipped 1456 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RANDOMNUM] not in [13,14,15,16,21,22,23,24] ========================================================================================== I1_DISEASEPERC LARGEST PERCENTAGE - DISEASE - V360 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Which of the following percentages represents the biggest risk of getting a disease:? .................................................................................. 47 1. ONE PERCENT 600 2. TEN PERCENT 74 3. FIVE PERCENT 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 4 9. Question Skipped 1471 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RANDOMNUM] not in [5,6,7,8,17,18,19,20] ========================================================================================== I1_DISCOUNTSALE LARGEST PERCENT - DISCOUNT SALE - V361 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Which of the following percentages represents the biggest discount in a sale? .................................................................................. 1. ONE PERCENT 716 2. TEN PERCENT 13 3. FIVE PERCENT 8. DK (Don't Know) 1 9. Question Skipped 1467 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RANDOMNUM] not in [1,2,3,4,9,10,11,12] ========================================================================================== I1_PROBHAPPEN MOST LIKELY TO HAPPEN - V363 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Which of the following is the most likely to happen: one in ten, one in one thousand, one in one hundred? .................................................................................. 654 1. ONE IN TEN 57 2. ONE IN ONE THOUSAND 37 3. ONE IN ONE HUNDRED 3 8. DK (Don't Know) 3 9. Question Skipped 1443 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RANDOMNUM] not in [1,2,5,6,11,12,19,20] ========================================================================================== I1_DISEASEFRAC BIGGEST RISK DISEASE - V364 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Which of the following represents the biggest risk of getting a disease? .................................................................................. 706 1. ONE IN TEN 28 2. ONE IN ONE THOUSAND 12 3. ONE IN ONE HUNDRED 8. DK (Don't Know) 2 9. Question Skipped 1449 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RANDOMNUM] not in [3,4,9,10,13,14,23,24] ========================================================================================== I1_WINLOTTERY BEST ODDS OF WINNING LOTTERY - V365 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Which of the following represents the biggest chance of winning a lottery? .................................................................................. 583 1. ONE IN TEN 105 2. ONE IN ONE THOUSAND 3 3. ONE IN ONE HUNDRED 8. DK (Don't Know) 4 9. Question Skipped 1502 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RANDOMNUM] not in [7,8,15,16,17,18,21,22] ========================================================================================== I1_NUMBEREASY EASE NUMBER QUESTIONS - V366 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Now that you have answered the four questions about numbers, how easy was it for you to answer those questions? .................................................................................. 1320 1. VERY EASY 691 2. SOMEWHAT EASY 161 3. SOMEWHAT DIFFICULT 15 4. VERY DIFFICULT 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 9 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_QSTNCLEAR CLARITY NUMBER QUESTIONS - V367 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 And how clear did you find the questions? .................................................................................. 1632 1. VERY CLEAR 434 2. SOMEWHAT CLEAR 112 3. SOMEWHAT CONFUSING 8 4. VERY CONFUSING 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 9 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_NUMIMPAFTER NUMBERS IMPORTANT AFTER - V368 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In your daily life, how important do you find working with numbers? USER NOTE: A portion of the respondents were asked this question before the number series, and a portion were asked this question after the number series. See I1_NUMIMPBEFORE for those who were asked before the number series. .................................................................................. 28 1. NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT 160 2. SLIGHTLY IMPORTANT 377 3. FAIRLY IMPORTANT 496 4. VERY IMPORTANT 8. DK (Don't Know) 6 9. Question Skipped 1130 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RANDOMNUM] not in [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24] ========================================================================================== I1_COMPANIONSHIP OFTEN FEEL LACK OF COMPANIONSHIP - V251 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often do you feel that you lack companionship? .................................................................................. 1501 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 557 2. SOME OF THE TIME 127 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_LEFTOUT OFTEN FEEL LEFT OUT - V252 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often do you feel left out? .................................................................................. 1509 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 626 2. SOME OF THE TIME 51 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_FEELISOLATED OFTEN FEEL ISOLATED - V253 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often do you feel isolated from others? .................................................................................. 1642 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 489 2. SOME OF THE TIME 56 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_FEELINTUNE OFTEN FEEL IN TUNE - V254 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often do you feel in tune with the people around you? .................................................................................. 40 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 594 2. SOME OF THE TIME 1552 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_INCONTROL OFTEN FEEL IN CONTROL - V255 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the last month, how often have you felt that you were unable to control the important things in your life? .................................................................................. 1220 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 803 2. SOME OF THE TIME 163 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_CONFIDENCE OFTEN FEEL CONFIDENT - V256 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the last month, how often have you felt confident about your ability to handle your personal problems? .................................................................................. 95 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 394 2. SOME OF THE TIME 1697 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_YOURWAY OFTEN THINGS GO YOUR WAY - V257 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the last month, how often have you felt that things were going your way? .................................................................................. 72 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 935 2. SOME OF THE TIME 1180 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_PILINGUP OFTEN DIFFICULTIES PILE UP - V258 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In the last month, how often have you felt difficulties were piling up so high that you could not overcome them? .................................................................................. 1705 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 426 2. SOME OF THE TIME 56 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RMSTAT R MARITAL STATUS - A026 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Are you married? .................................................................................. 1720 1. YES 467 5. NO 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RMPART R PARTNERED - A027 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Are you living with a partner as if married? .................................................................................. 75 1. YES 391 5. NO 8. DK (Don't Know) 11 9. Question Skipped 1720 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RMSTAT] not 5 ========================================================================================== I1_HHHRES OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS IN HOUSEHOLD - M6_1 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In addition to your partner, are there any other family members living in your household?/Are there any other family members living in your household? .................................................................................. 471 1. YES 1716 5. NO 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_PARTNWORRY TALK WITH PARTNER ABOUT WORRIES - V260 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you need to talk about your worries, how often can you open up to your husband/wife/partner? .................................................................................. 91 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 494 2. SOME OF THE TIME 1209 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 11 9. Question Skipped: [I1_RMPART] = 9; [I1_RMPART] = 9; 391 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RMSTAT] in [5,8] and [I1_RMPART] in [5,8] ========================================================================================== I1_HHMWORRY TALK WITH HHM ABOUT WORRIES - V261 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 IF [I1_RMSTAT] = 1 or [I1_RMPART]=1: How about the other people who live with you? If you need to talk about your worries, how often can you open up to them? ELSE: If you need to talk about your worries, how often can you open up to the other people who live with you? .................................................................................. 115 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 208 2. SOME OF THE TIME 147 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped: [I1_HHHRES] = 9; 1716 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_HHHRES] not 1 ========================================================================================== I1_FRNDWORRY TALK WITH FRIENDS ABOUT WORRIES - V262 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you need to talk about your worries, how often can you open up to them?/If you need to talk about your worries, how often can you open up to your friends? .................................................................................. 317 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 961 2. SOME OF THE TIME 907 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RELYPARTNER RELY ON PARTNER FOR HELP - V263 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 If you have a problem, how often can you rely on your husband/wife/partner for help? .................................................................................. 59 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 322 2. SOME OF THE TIME 1412 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 11 9. Question Skipped: [I1_RMPART] = 9; [I1_RMPART] = 9; 391 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RMSTAT] in [5,8] and [I1_RMPART] in [5,8] ========================================================================================== I1_HELPHHM RELY ON HHM FOR HELP - V264 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often can you rely on the other people who live with you for help if you have a problem? .................................................................................. 79 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 203 2. SOME OF THE TIME 187 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped: [I1_HHHRES] = 9; 1716 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_HHHRES] not 1 ========================================================================================== I1_RELYFRND RELY ON FRIEND FOR HELP - V265 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often can you rely on your friends for help if you have a problem? .................................................................................. 176 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 950 2. SOME OF THE TIME 1058 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 3 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_DEMANDSPAR PARTNER DEMANDS - V266 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often does your husband/wife/partner make too many demands on you? .................................................................................. 1176 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 531 2. SOME OF THE TIME 87 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 11 9. Question Skipped: [I1_RMPART] = 9; [I1_RMPART] = 9; 391 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RMSTAT] in [5,8] and [I1_RMPART] in [5,8] ========================================================================================== I1_DEMANDSHHM HHM DEMANDS - V267 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often do the other people who live with you make too many demands on you? .................................................................................. 221 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 184 2. SOME OF THE TIME 65 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped: [I1_HHHRES] = 9; 1716 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_HHHRES] not 1 ========================================================================================== I1_DEMANDSFR FRIENDS DEMANDS - V268 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often do your friends make too many demands on you? .................................................................................. 1816 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 346 2. SOME OF THE TIME 24 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_CRITICIZEPAR PARTNER CRITICIZE - V269 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often does your husband/wife/partner criticize you? .................................................................................. 945 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 722 2. SOME OF THE TIME 123 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 4 8. DK (Don't Know) 11 9. Question Skipped: [I1_RMPART] = 9; [I1_RMPART] = 9; 392 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RMSTAT] in [5,8] and [I1_RMPART] in [5,8] ========================================================================================== I1_CRITICIZEHHM HHM CRITICIZE - V270 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often do the other people who live with you criticize you? .................................................................................. 309 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 146 2. SOME OF THE TIME 14 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. Question Skipped: [I1_HHHRES] = 9; 1716 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_HHHRES] not 1 ========================================================================================== I1_CRITICIZEFR FRIENDS CRITICIZE - V271 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How often do your friends criticize you? .................................................................................. 1906 1. HARDLY EVER/NEVER 273 2. SOME OF THE TIME 3 3. OFTEN/ALWAYS 4 8. DK (Don't Know) 11 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RSHLT SELF RATED HEALTH - C902 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 How do you rate your own health? .................................................................................. 367 1. EXCELLENT 915 2. VERY GOOD 627 3. GOOD 236 4. FAIR 39 5. POOR 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 11 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RHIBPE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - C005 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Has a doctor ever told you that you have high blood pressure or hypertension? .................................................................................. 1040 1. YES 1145 5. NO 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 11 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RCANCER CANCER OR TUMOR - C018 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Has a doctor ever told you that you have cancer or a malignant tumor, excluding minor skin cancers? .................................................................................. 312 1. YES 1872 5. NO 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 11 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RDIABE DIABETES OR HIGH BLOOD SUGAR - C010 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Has a doctor ever told you that you have diabetes or high blood sugar? .................................................................................. 276 1. YES 1907 5. NO 3 8. DK (Don't Know) 11 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RLUNG LUNG DISEASE - C030 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Has a doctor ever told you that you have chronic lung disease such as chronic bronchitis or emphysema? .................................................................................. 165 1. YES 2019 5. NO 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 11 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_MEMDISEASE MEMORY-RELATED DISEASE - C069 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Has a doctor ever told you that you have a memory-related disease? .................................................................................. 17 1. YES 2167 5. NO 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 11 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RHLTHLM HEALTH PROBLEM THAT LIMIT WORK - M002 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Do you have any impairment or health problem that limits the kind or amount of paid work you can do? .................................................................................. 219 1. YES 1053 5. NO 3 8. DK (Don't Know) 7 9. Question Skipped 915 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY] >=65 ========================================================================================== I1_IMPLIMITWAGE HEALTH PROBLEM LIMIT WAGE - MOD4_100 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Do you have any impairment or health problem that affects the wage you earn? .................................................................................. 5 1. YES 1048 5. NO 8. DK (Don't Know) 1144 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY] >=65; [I1_RHLTHLM] in [5,8] ========================================================================================== I1_CONDTEMP CONDITION TEMPORARY - M004 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Is this most important condition a temporary condition that will last for less than three months? .................................................................................. 9 1. YES, TEMPORARILY 215 5. NO, NOT TEMPORARY 8. DK (Don't Know) 7 9. Question Skipped: [I1_RHLTHLM] = 9; 1966 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY] >=65; [I1_RHLTHLM] not 1 or [I1_IMPLIMITWAGE] not 1 ========================================================================================== I1_CONDBEFOR HAD CONDITION BEFORE - M005 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Have you had this condition before? .................................................................................. 3 1. YES 6 5. NO 8. DK (Don't Know) 2188 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_CONDTEMP] NOT 1; [I1_CONDTEMP] not 1 ========================================================================================== I1_LIMNOWORK LIMITATION KEEP FROM WORKING - M008 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Does this limitation keep you from working altogether? .................................................................................. 80 1. YES 144 5. NO 8. DK (Don't Know) 7 9. Question Skipped: [I1_RHLTHLM] = 9; 1966 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY] >=65; [I1_RHLTHLM] not 1 or [I1_IMPLIMITWAGE] not 1 ========================================================================================== I1_IMPONSET WHEN HEALTH PROBLEM FIRST BEGIN - M009 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 When did the impairment or health problem you mentioned first begin to bother you? Please enter a year. .................................................................................. 224 1945-2002. Actual Value 9998. DK (Don't Know) 7 9999. Question Skipped: [I1_RHLTHLM] = 9; 1966 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY] >=65; [I1_RHLTHLM] not 1 or [I1_IMPLIMITWAGE] not 1 ========================================================================================== I1_WORKFULLTIME ABLE WORK FULL-TIME - M011 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Are you able to work full-time or can you work only part-time? .................................................................................. 78 1. FULL TIME 63 2. PART TIME 3 8. DK (Don't Know) 7 9. Question Skipped: [I1_RHLTHLM] = 9 and [I1_LIMNOWORK] = 9; 2046 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY] >=65; [I1_RHLTHLM] not 1 or [I1_IMPLIMITWAGE] not 1; [I1_LIMNOWORK] not 5 ========================================================================================== I1_WORKREGULAR ABLE WORK REGULARLY - M012 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Are you able to work regularly or can you only work occasionally? .................................................................................. 111 1. REGULARLY 32 2. OCCASIONALLY 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 7 9. Question Skipped: [I1_RHLTHLM] = 9 and [I1_LIMNOWORK] = 9; 2046 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY] >=65; [I1_RHLTHLM] not 1 or [I1_IMPLIMITWAGE] not 1; [I1_LIMNOWORK] not 5 ========================================================================================== I1_LIMWORKNOW NOW WORKING - MOD4_010 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Do you work now? .................................................................................. 93 1. YES 51 5. NO 8. DK (Don't Know) 7 9. Question Skipped: [I1_RHLTHLM] = 9 and [I1_LIMNOWORK] = 9; 2046 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY] >=65; [I1_RHLTHLM] not 1 or [I1_IMPLIMITWAGE] not 1; [I1_LIMNOWORK] not 5 ========================================================================================== I1_NOIMPWORK WORK IF NO HEALTH PROBLEM- 1 - MOD4_011 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 What would you do if you did not have this impairment? .................................................................................. 46 1. THE SAME AS NOW 11 2. WORK IN A DIFFERENT JOB 21 3. WORK IN THE SAME JOB=/MORE HOURS 5 4. SOMETHING ELSE 10 5. DO NOT KNOW 8. DK (Don't Know) 7 9. Question Skipped: [I1_RHLTHLM] = 9 and [I1_LIMNOWORK] = 9; 2097 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY] >=65; [I1_RHLTHLM] not 1 or [I1_IMPLIMITWAGE] not 1; [I1_LIMNOWORK] not 5; [I1_LIMNOWORK] not 5 ========================================================================================== I1_PAYWITHOUTIMP WORK IF NO IMPAIRMENT-BETTER - MOD4_012 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Would this be a job that pays better, or one that you like better or both? .................................................................................. 3 1. IT WOULD PAY BETTER 3 2. IT WOULD NOT PAY BETTER, BUT I WOULD LIKE IT BETTER 5 3. IT WOULD PAY BETTER AND I WOULD LIKE IT BETTER 4. DO NOT KNOW 5. DK (DON'T KNOW) 2186 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_NOIMPWORK] NOT 2 ========================================================================================== I1_NOIMPNOWORK WORK IF NO HEALTH PROBLEM - 2 -MOD4_011 - MOD4_013 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 What would you do if you did not have this impairment? .................................................................................. 22 1. THE SAME AS NOW 24 2. WORK IN A DIFFERENT JOB 55 3. WORK IN THE SAME JOB=/MORE HOURS 12 4. SOMETHING ELSE 18 5. DO NOT KNOW 8. DK (Don't Know) 7 9. Question Skipped: [I1_RHLTHLM] = 9 and [I1_LIMWORKNOW] = 9; 2059 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY] >=65; [I1_RHLTHLM] not 1 or [I1_IMPLIMITWAGE] not 1; [I1_LIMWORKNOW]=1 ========================================================================================== I1_PROBSUNNY CHANCES SUNNY TOMORROW - P201 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Using a scale of 0-100 where 0 means no chance and 100 means absolutely certain, what are the chances that it will be sunny tomorrow? .................................................................................. 2177 0-100. Actual Value 8 998. DK (Don't Know) 12 999. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_INHERIT10K CHANCES INHERITANCE $10K OR MORE - P005 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Including property and other valuables that you might own, what are the chances that you and your husband/wife/partner will leave an inheritance totaling $10,000 or more? .................................................................................. 2172 0-100. Actual Value 13 998. DK (Don't Know) 12 999. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_INHERIT100K CHANCE INHERITANCE $100K OR MORE - P006 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 What are the chances that you and your husband/wife/partner will leave an inheritance totaling $100,000 or more? .................................................................................. 2063 0-100. Actual Value 11 998. DK (Don't Know) 12 999. Question Skipped: [I1_INHERIT10K] = 999; 111 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_INHERIT10K] <0 or 998 ========================================================================================== I1_INHERIT500K CHANCE INHERITANCE $500K OR MORE - P059 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 What are the chances that you and your husband/wife/partner will leave an inheritance totaling $500,000 or more? .................................................................................. 1755 0-100. Actual Value 8 998. DK (Don't Know) 12 999. Question Skipped: [I1_INHERIT10K] = 999 and [I1_INHERIT100K] = 999; 422 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_INHERIT10K] <0 or 998; [I1_INHERIT100K] <0 or 998 ========================================================================================== I1_INHERITANY CHANCES ANY INHERITANCE - P007 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 What are the chances that you and your husband/wife/partner will leave any inheritance? .................................................................................. 2181 0-100. Actual Value 4 998. DK (Don't Know) 12 999. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RLIV75 CHANCE LIVE TO 75 - P028 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 What is the percent chance that you will live to be 75 or more? .................................................................................. 1365 0-100. Actual Value 3 998. DK (Don't Know) 8 999. Question Skipped 821 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY]>=66 ========================================================================================== I1_RLIV85 CHANCE LIVE TO 85 - P029 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 IF [I1_RAGEY]>69 and [I1_RAGEY]<75: What is the percent chance that you will live to be 85 or more? IF [I1_RAGEY]>74 and [I1_RAGEY]<80: What is the percent chance that you will live to be 90 or more? IF [I1_RAGEY]>79 and [I1_RAGEY]<85: What is the percent chance that you will live to be 95 or more? IF [I1_RAGEY]>84 and [I1_RAGEY]<90: What is the percent chance that you will live to be 100 or more? .................................................................................. 1351 0-100. Actual Value 1 998. DK (Don't Know) 8 999. Question Skipped: [I1_RLIV75] = 999; 837 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY]>=90 or [I1_RLIV75]< 0 ========================================================================================== I1_RASSRECV RECEIVE SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME - Q200 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Do you receive Social Security Income? .................................................................................. 1048 1. YES 195 5. NO 8. DK (Don't Know) 16 9. Question Skipped 938 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY]<62 ========================================================================================== I1_RISRET SS AMT RECEIVED LAST MONTH - Q085 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 How much was that Social Security check (after any deduction), or the amount deposited directly into an account, that you (yourself) received last month? .................................................................................. 981 10-2800. Actual Value 67 9998. DK (Don't Know) 16 9999. Question Skipped: [I1_RASSRECV] = 9; 1133 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RAGEY]<62;I1_RASSRECV not 1 ========================================================================================== I1_RISRETENTRY ENTRY POINT FOR SOCIAL SECURITY Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 2197 700. Entry Point Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RISRETMIN SS AMT RECEIVED LAST MONTH - MIN - Q086 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 How much was that Social Security check (after any deduction), or the amount deposited directly into an account, that you (yourself) received last month? .................................................................................. 19 0. Value of Breakpoint 1 500. Value of Breakpoint 3 501. Value of Breakpoint 4 700. Value of Breakpoint 18 701. Value of Breakpoint 4 1000. Value of Breakpoint 18 1001. Value of Breakpoint 16 9999. Question Skipped: [I1_RASSRECV] = 9 and [I1_RISRET] = 9999; 2114 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RASSRECV] not 1 or [I1_RISRET] not 9998 ========================================================================================== I1_RISRETMAX SS AMT RECEIVED LAST MONTH - MAX - Q087 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 How much was that Social Security check (after any deduction), or the amount deposited directly into an account, that you (yourself) received last month? .................................................................................. 8 499. Value of Breakpoint 1 500. Value of Breakpoint 3 699. Value of Breakpoint 4 700. Value of Breakpoint 13 999. Value of Breakpoint 4 1000. Value of Breakpoint 34 10000. Value of Breakpoint 16 99999. Question Skipped: [I1_RASSRECV] = 9 and [I1_RISRET] = 9999; 2114 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_RASSRECV] not 1 or [I1_RISRET] not 9998 ========================================================================================== I1_TYPEHOME KIND OF HOME LIVE - H002 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 In what kind of home do you live? .................................................................................. 96 1. MOBILE HOME 1773 2. ONE-FAMILY HOUSE 53 3. TWO-FAMILY HOUSE/DUPLEX 198 4. APARTMENT/TOWNHOUSE 64 7. OTHER 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 12 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_OWNRENTHOME OWN OR RENT HOME - H004 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Do you and your husband/wife/partner own your home, rent it, or what? .................................................................................. 2024 1. OWN (OR BUYING) 125 2. RENT 15 3. LIVE RENT-FREE WITH RELATIVE/EMPLOYER/FRIEND 21 7. OTHER 8. DK (Don't Know) 12 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_HAHOUS PRESENT VALUE HOME - H020 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 What is its present value? That is, about what would it bring if it were sold today? .................................................................................. 1661 0-47500000. Actual Value 64 99999998. DK (Don't Know) 12 99999999. Question Skipped: [I1_TYPEHOME] = 9 and [I1_OWNRENTHOME] = 9; 460 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_TYPEHOME] not 2 and [I1_OWNRENTHOME] not 1; ========================================================================================== I1_HOMEVALENTRY ENTRY POINT FOR HOME VALUE BRACKETS Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 720 15000. Entry Point 738 50000. Entry Point 739 150000. Entry Point Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_HOMEVALMIN PRESENT VALUE HOME - MIN - H021 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 12 0. Value of Breakpoint 3 50000. Value of Breakpoint 26 50001. Value of Breakpoint 6 150000. Value of Breakpoint 15 150001. Value of Breakpoint 1 500000. Value of Breakpoint 1 500001. Value of Breakpoint 12 999999. Question Skipped: [I1_HAHOUS] = 99999999; 2121 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_HAHOUS] not 99999998; ========================================================================================== I1_HOMEVALMAX PRESENT VALUE HOME - MAX - H022 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 1 49999. Value of Breakpoint 3 50000. Value of Breakpoint 18 149999. Value of Breakpoint 6 150000. Value of Breakpoint 9 499999. Value of Breakpoint 1 500000. Value of Breakpoint 26 5000000. Value of Breakpoint 12 9999999. Question Skipped: [I1_HAHOUS] = 99999999; 2121 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_HAHOUS] not 99999998; ========================================================================================== I1_CHECKSAVEACT CHECKING SAVINGS MARKET FUNDS - Q344 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Do you or your husband/wife/partner have any checking or savings accounts or money market funds? .................................................................................. 2131 1. YES 45 5. NO 9 8. DK (Don't Know) 12 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_HACHCK CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - Q345 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 If you added up all the checking and savings accounts and money market funds, about how much would they amount to right now? .................................................................................. 1829 0-85000000. Actual Value 302 99999998. DK (Don't Know) 12 99999999. Question Skipped: [I1_CHECKSAVEACT] = 9 54 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_CHECKSAVEACT] is not 1 ========================================================================================== I1_HACHCKENTRY ENTRY POINT FOR CHECKING VALUE BRACKETS Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 720 5000. Entry Point 738 50000. Entry Point 739 150000. Entry Point Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_HACHCKMIN CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MIN - Q346 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 87 0. Value of Breakpoint 15 5000. Value of Breakpoint 53 5001. Value of Breakpoint 19 50000. Value of Breakpoint 52 50001. Value of Breakpoint 17 150000. Value of Breakpoint 30 150001. Value of Breakpoint 8 300000. Value of Breakpoint 21 300001. Value of Breakpoint 12 999999. Question Skipped: [I1_HACHCK] = 99999999; 1883 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_HACHCK] is not 99999998 ========================================================================================== I1_HACHCKMAX CHECKING TOTAL VALUE - MAX - Q347 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 21 4999. Value of Breakpoint 15 5000. Value of Breakpoint 52 49999. Value of Breakpoint 19 50000. Value of Breakpoint 33 149999. Value of Breakpoint 17 150000. Value of Breakpoint 17 299999. Value of Breakpoint 8 300000. Value of Breakpoint 120 3000000. Value of Breakpoint 12 9999999. Question Skipped: [I1_HACHCK] = 99999999; 1883 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_HACHCK] is not 99999998 ========================================================================================== I1_STOCKMUTUAL STOCK AND STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS - Q316 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Do you or your husband/wife/partner have any shares of stock or stock mutual funds? .................................................................................. 1591 1. YES 582 5. NO 12 8. DK (Don't Know) 12 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_HASTCK STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - Q317 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 If you sold all those and paid off anything you owed on them, about how much would you have? .................................................................................. 1305 -45000-80000000. Actual Value 286 99999998. DK (Don't Know) 12 99999999. Question Skipped: [I1_STOCKMUTUAL] = 9; 594 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_STOCKMUTUAL] is not 1 ========================================================================================== I1_HASTCKENTRY ENTRY POINT FOR STOCK VALUE BRACKETS Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 720 2500. Entry Point 738 25000. Entry Point 739 125000. Entry Point Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_HASTCKMIN STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MIN - Q318 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 88 0. Value of Breakpoint 5 2500. Value of Breakpoint 33 2501. Value of Breakpoint 17 25000. Value of Breakpoint 51 25001. Value of Breakpoint 10 125000. Value of Breakpoint 51 125001. Value of Breakpoint 8 400000. Value of Breakpoint 23 400001. Value of Breakpoint 12 999999. Question Skipped: [I1_HASTCK] = 99999999 1899 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_HASTCK] is not 99999998 ========================================================================================== I1_HASTCKMAX STOCKS TOTAL VALUE - MAX - Q319 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 12 2499. Value of Breakpoint 5 2500. Value of Breakpoint 29 24999. Value of Breakpoint 17 25000. Value of Breakpoint 37 124999. Value of Breakpoint 10 125000. Value of Breakpoint 34 399999. Value of Breakpoint 8 400000. Value of Breakpoint 134 4000000. Value of Breakpoint 12 9999999. Question Skipped: [I1_HASTCK] = 99999999 1899 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE): [I1_HASTCK] is not 99999998 ========================================================================================== I1_INTERNETCOMFI COMFORT USING INTERNET SURVEY - Z002 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 On a scale from 0 (not comfortable at all) to 100 (very comfortable) how comfortable were you in using the Internet for this survey? .................................................................................. 2185 0-100. Actual Value 998. DK (Don't Know) 12 999. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_SURVEYEASY DIFFICULT USING INTERNET SURVEY - Z003 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 On a scale from 0 (very easy) to 100 (very difficult), how difficult was it to complete this survey using the Internet? .................................................................................. 2181 0-100. Actual Value 4 998. DK (Don't Know) 12 999. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_TECHNDIFCLT TECHNICAL DIFFICULTY SURVEY - Z004 Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Did you experience any technical difficulties while attempting to complete this survey? For example, were you disconnected or did you receive an error message? .................................................................................. 355 1. YES 1830 5. NO 8. DK (Don't Know) 12 9. Question Skipped Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RESPONSORDOFTEN RESPONSE ORDER OFTEN Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 1086 1. one in 10, one in 1000, one in 100 1111 2. one in 100, one in 1000, one in 10 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RESPONSEORDONEIN RESPONSE ORDER ONE IN TEN, ONE IN ONE THOUSAND Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 1130 1. one in 10, one in 1000, one in 100 1067 2. one in 100, one in 1000, one in 10 Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RESPONSORDPERC RESPONSE ORDER ONE PERCENT, TEN PERCENT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 1130 1. one percent, ten percent, five percent 1067 2. five percent, ten percent, one percent Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RESPONSORDIMP RESPONSE ORDER IMPORTANT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 1086 1. not at all important, slightly important, fairly important, very important 1111 2. very important, fairly important, slightly important, not at all important Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RESPONSORDEASY RESPONSE ORDER EASY-DIFFICULT Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 1086 1. very easy, somewhat easy, somewhat difficult, very difficult 1111 2. very difficult, somewhat difficult, somewhat easy, very easy Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE) ========================================================================================== I1_RESPONSORDCLEAR RESPONSE ORDER CLEAR-CONFUSING Section: I Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 1086 1. very clear, somewhat clear, somewhat confusing, very confusing 1111 2. very confusing, somewhat confusing, somewhat clear, very clear Blank. INAP (INAPPLICABLE)