Section: RC    Level: Respondent      Type: Character  Width: 6   Decimals: 0

        18167           000003-213479. Household Identification Number

PN RESPONDENT PERSON IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 10033 010. Person Identifier 398 011. Person Identifier 10 012. Person Identifier 5516 020. Person Identifier 85 021. Person Identifier 5 022. Person Identifier 841 030. Person Identifier 31 031. Person Identifier 1 032. Person Identifier 1203 040. Person Identifier 42 041. Person Identifier 2 042. Person Identifier
HSUBHH 2002 SUB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 17305 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 456 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 339 2. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 17 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 2 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 48 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite
GSUBHH 2000 SUB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 17490 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 356 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 275 2. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 11 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 1 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 34 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite
HPN_SP 2002 SPOUSE/PARTNER PERSON NUMBER Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 5033 010. Person Identifier 371 011. Person Identifier 9 012. Person Identifier 4531 020. Person Identifier 78 021. Person Identifier 4 022. Person Identifier 720 030. Person Identifier 28 031. Person Identifier 2 032. Person Identifier 1034 040. Person Identifier 40 041. Person Identifier 3 042. Person Identifier 5 811. New Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 2 821. New Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 1 831. New Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 1 841. New Spouse of Non-Original Respondent 6305 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
HCSR 2002 WHETHER COVERSHEET RESPONDENT Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 12350 1. YES 197 3. 2nd Coverscreen R, answers not retained 5620 5. NO
HFAMR 2002 WHETHER FAMILY RESPONDENT Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 12347 1. Family R 12 3. 2nd Family R, answers not retained 5808 5. Non-Family R
HFINR 2002 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 12319 1. Financial R 9 3. 2nd Financial R, answers not retained 5839 5. Non-Financial R
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) HRC001 INTRO RC COG MODULE Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_RC.D001_ Ref 2000: G6523 May I speak to ([PROXY RESPONDENT NAME]) and ask just a few questions? .................................................................................. 161 1. R WILL TRY 569 3. R REFUSED 1273 5. PROXY REFUSED 22 8. DK (Don't Know) 4 9. RF (Refused) 16138 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (D001_ = RWillTryModule) HRC002 RC WATCH TV Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_RC.D002_ Ref 2000: G6524 I have a few questions about the activities you are doing and how you like to spend your time. How often do you watch television--often, sometimes, or never? .................................................................................. 85 1. OFTEN 65 2. SOMETIMES 8 3. NEVER 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 1 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (D001_ = RWillTryModule) HRC003 RC VISIT FAMILY/FRIENDS Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_RC.D003_ Ref 2000: G6525 How often do you visit with family or friends, either in person or on the phone? (Is it often, sometimes or never?) .................................................................................. 76 1. OFTEN 71 2. SOMETIMES 11 3. NEVER 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 1 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (D001_ = RWillTryModule) HRC004 RC READ BOOKS Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_RC.D004_ Ref 2000: G6526 How often do you read books or magazines for pleasure? (Is it often, sometimes, or never?) .................................................................................. 59 1. OFTEN 43 2. SOMETIMES 57 3. NEVER 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D005_ <> EMPTY AND D005_ <> NONRESPONSE) HRC006 RC FAVORITE ACTIVITY- FREQUENCY Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_RC.D006_ Ref 2000: G6528 How often do you do that? Is it often, sometimes, or never? .................................................................................. 108 1. OFTEN 42 2. SOMETIMES 4 3. NEVER 8. DK (Don't Know) 9. RF (Refused) 18013 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) HRC101 RC RATE MEMORY Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D101_ Ref 2000: G1654 Part of this study is concerned with people's memory, and ability to think about things. First, how would you rate your memory at the present time? Would you say it is excellent, very good, good, fair or poor? .................................................................................. 6 1. EXCELLENT 27 2. VERY GOOD 62 3. GOOD 45 4. FAIR 15 5. POOR 5 8. DK (Don't Know) 1 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC102 RC RATE MEMORY PAST Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D102_ Ref 2000: G1655 Compared to (last interview month and year/two years ago), would you say your memory is better now, about the same, or worse now than it was then? .................................................................................. 10 1. BETTER 113 2. ABOUT THE SAME 32 3. WORSE 5 8. DK (Don't Know) 1 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC103 RC WORDS PREAMBLE Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D103_ Ref 2000: G1659 I'll read a set of 10 words and ask you to recall as many as you can. We have purposely made the list long so that it will be difficult for anyone to recall all the words -- most people recall just a few. Please listen carefully as I read the set of words because I cannot repeat them. When I finish, I will ask you to recall aloud as many of the words as you can, in any order. Is this clear? IWER: PROBE AS NEEDED FOR UNDERSTANDING OF TASK. READ THE ITEMS AT A SLOW, STEADY RATE AS THEY COME UP ON THE SCREEN, APPROXIMATELY ONE WORD EVERY TWO SECONDS IF R REFUSES DURING OR AFTER THE PREAMBLE AND BEFORE ANY WORDS ARE READ, ENTER [CTRL-R] AT THIS SCREEN .................................................................................. 140 1. CONTINUE 21 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND (D103_ <> REFUSAL) HRC104 RC WORD LIST ASSIGNMENT Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D104_ IWER: SELECT CONTINUE AFTER THE LAST WORD User note: One of four word lists was randomly assigned to be read to the respondent. This variable documents which list was read to the respondent and the words in that list. The first list of words consisted of words 1-10, the second list consisted of words 11-20, etc. The assignment was made longitudinally, so each respondent is assigned a different set of words in each of four successive waves of data collection. The assignment is also made so that two respondents in the same household (i.e., spouses or partners of one another) are not assigned the same set of words in the same or in adjacent waves. .................................................................................. 41 1. HOTEL 2. RIVER 3. TREE 4. SKIN 5. GOLD 6. MARKET 7. PAPER 8. CHILD 9. KING 10. BOOK 34 11. SKY 12. OCEAN 13. FLAG 14. DOLLAR 15. WIFE 16. MACHINE 17. HOME 18. EARTH 19. COLLEGE 20. BUTTER 33 21. WOMAN 22. ROCK 23. BLOOD 24. CORNER 25. SHOES 26. LETTER 27. GIRL 28. HOUSE 29. VALLEY 30. ENGINE 30 31. WATER 32. CHURCH 33. DOCTOR 34. PALACE 35. FIRE 36. GARDEN 37. SEA 38. VILLAGE 39. BABY 40. TABLE 18029 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D103_ <> REFUSAL) HRC182M1 WORD RECALL IMMEDIATE -1 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D182_ .................................................................................. 4 1. BOOK 4 2. CHILD 1 3. GOLD 17 4. HOTEL 5. KING 1 6. MARKET 1 7. PAPER 5 8. RIVER 2 9. SKIN 1 10. TREE 3 11. BUTTER 3 12. COLLEGE 1 13. DOLLAR 2 14. EARTH 3 15. FLAG 1 16. HOME 17. MACHINE 4 18. OCEAN 14 19. SKY 20. WIFE 3 21. BLOOD 22. CORNER 3 23. ENGINE 1 24. GIRL 1 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 4 27. ROCK 28. SHOES 29. VALLEY 14 30. WOMAN 2 31. BABY 6 32. CHURCH 1 33. DOCTOR 1 34. FIRE 1 35. GARDEN 1 36. PALACE 37. SEA 4 38. TABLE 39. VILLAGE 10 40. WATER 1 51. 1st WRONG WORD 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 13 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18034 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D103_ <> REFUSAL) HRC182M2 WORD RECALL IMMEDIATE -2 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D182_ .................................................................................. 1 1. BOOK 2 2. CHILD 1 3. GOLD 2 4. HOTEL 1 5. KING 2 6. MARKET 1 7. PAPER 13 8. RIVER 1 9. SKIN 8 10. TREE 1 11. BUTTER 4 12. COLLEGE 13. DOLLAR 2 14. EARTH 2 15. FLAG 16. HOME 2 17. MACHINE 9 18. OCEAN 1 19. SKY 4 20. WIFE 3 21. BLOOD 3 22. CORNER 3 23. ENGINE 3 24. GIRL 5 25. HOUSE 2 26. LETTER 5 27. ROCK 28. SHOES 1 29. VALLEY 1 30. WOMAN 3 31. BABY 9 32. CHURCH 3 33. DOCTOR 34. FIRE 1 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 37. SEA 2 38. TABLE 1 39. VILLAGE 5 40. WATER 3 51. 1st WRONG WORD 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18057 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D103_ <> REFUSAL) HRC182M3 WORD RECALL IMMEDIATE -3 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D182_ .................................................................................. 3 1. BOOK 4 2. CHILD 1 3. GOLD 1 4. HOTEL 4 5. KING 5 6. MARKET 7. PAPER 3 8. RIVER 3 9. SKIN 4 10. TREE 3 11. BUTTER 12. COLLEGE 2 13. DOLLAR 2 14. EARTH 2 15. FLAG 2 16. HOME 2 17. MACHINE 1 18. OCEAN 1 19. SKY 6 20. WIFE 3 21. BLOOD 1 22. CORNER 1 23. ENGINE 3 24. GIRL 5 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 4 27. ROCK 2 28. SHOES 3 29. VALLEY 2 30. WOMAN 6 31. BABY 1 32. CHURCH 2 33. DOCTOR 2 34. FIRE 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 2 37. SEA 1 38. TABLE 5 39. VILLAGE 1 40. WATER 7 51. 1st WRONG WORD 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18067 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D103_ <> REFUSAL) HRC182M4 WORD RECALL IMMEDIATE -4 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D182_ .................................................................................. 5 1. BOOK 4 2. CHILD 2 3. GOLD 4. HOTEL 5. KING 2 6. MARKET 1 7. PAPER 1 8. RIVER 2 9. SKIN 1 10. TREE 2 11. BUTTER 3 12. COLLEGE 1 13. DOLLAR 14. EARTH 1 15. FLAG 3 16. HOME 3 17. MACHINE 2 18. OCEAN 1 19. SKY 4 20. WIFE 1 21. BLOOD 1 22. CORNER 6 23. ENGINE 1 24. GIRL 1 25. HOUSE 2 26. LETTER 27. ROCK 5 28. SHOES 2 29. VALLEY 1 30. WOMAN 4 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 1 33. DOCTOR 3 34. FIRE 2 35. GARDEN 2 36. PALACE 2 37. SEA 1 38. TABLE 2 39. VILLAGE 40. WATER 4 51. 1st WRONG WORD 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18088 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D103_ <> REFUSAL) HRC182M5 WORD RECALL IMMEDIATE -5 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D182_ .................................................................................. 4 1. BOOK 2 2. CHILD 3. GOLD 1 4. HOTEL 5. KING 1 6. MARKET 2 7. PAPER 8. RIVER 3 9. SKIN 10. TREE 3 11. BUTTER 12. COLLEGE 1 13. DOLLAR 4 14. EARTH 2 15. FLAG 1 16. HOME 1 17. MACHINE 1 18. OCEAN 19. SKY 1 20. WIFE 1 21. BLOOD 22. CORNER 2 23. ENGINE 24. GIRL 2 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 2 27. ROCK 1 28. SHOES 29. VALLEY 2 30. WOMAN 2 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 33. DOCTOR 34. FIRE 1 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 37. SEA 1 38. TABLE 2 39. VILLAGE 2 40. WATER 3 51. 1st WRONG WORD 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18119 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D103_ <> REFUSAL) HRC182M6 WORD RECALL IMMEDIATE -6 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D182_ .................................................................................. 1. BOOK 2 2. CHILD 2 3. GOLD 4. HOTEL 5. KING 1 6. MARKET 7. PAPER 8. RIVER 1 9. SKIN 10. TREE 1 11. BUTTER 2 12. COLLEGE 1 13. DOLLAR 14. EARTH 1 15. FLAG 1 16. HOME 2 17. MACHINE 18. OCEAN 19. SKY 1 20. WIFE 21. BLOOD 22. CORNER 23. ENGINE 3 24. GIRL 25. HOUSE 1 26. LETTER 27. ROCK 1 28. SHOES 29. VALLEY 30. WOMAN 1 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 1 33. DOCTOR 1 34. FIRE 1 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 37. SEA 1 38. TABLE 39. VILLAGE 1 40. WATER 51. 1st WRONG WORD 1 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18140 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D103_ <> REFUSAL) HRC182M7 WORD RECALL IMMEDIATE -7 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D182_ .................................................................................. 1 1. BOOK 2. CHILD 3. GOLD 4. HOTEL 5. KING 6. MARKET 7. PAPER 8. RIVER 1 9. SKIN 10. TREE 11. BUTTER 12. COLLEGE 2 13. DOLLAR 14. EARTH 1 15. FLAG 16. HOME 17. MACHINE 18. OCEAN 19. SKY 20. WIFE 21. BLOOD 22. CORNER 23. ENGINE 24. GIRL 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 27. ROCK 1 28. SHOES 1 29. VALLEY 30. WOMAN 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 33. DOCTOR 34. FIRE 35. GARDEN 1 36. PALACE 1 37. SEA 38. TABLE 39. VILLAGE 1 40. WATER 51. 1st WRONG WORD 1 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18156 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D103_ <> REFUSAL) HRC182M8 WORD RECALL IMMEDIATE -8 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D182_ .................................................................................. 1. BOOK 2. CHILD 3. GOLD 4. HOTEL 5. KING 6. MARKET 1 7. PAPER 8. RIVER 9. SKIN 10. TREE 11. BUTTER 12. COLLEGE 13. DOLLAR 14. EARTH 15. FLAG 16. HOME 1 17. MACHINE 1 18. OCEAN 19. SKY 20. WIFE 21. BLOOD 22. CORNER 23. ENGINE 24. GIRL 1 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 27. ROCK 28. SHOES 29. VALLEY 30. WOMAN 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 1 33. DOCTOR 1 34. FIRE 1 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 37. SEA 38. TABLE 39. VILLAGE 40. WATER 51. 1st WRONG WORD 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18160 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D103_ <> REFUSAL) HRC182M9 WORD RECALL IMMEDIATE -9 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D182_ .................................................................................. 1. BOOK 2. CHILD 3. GOLD 4. HOTEL 5. KING 6. MARKET 7. PAPER 8. RIVER 1 9. SKIN 10. TREE 11. BUTTER 12. COLLEGE 13. DOLLAR 14. EARTH 15. FLAG 16. HOME 17. MACHINE 18. OCEAN 19. SKY 20. WIFE 21. BLOOD 22. CORNER 23. ENGINE 24. GIRL 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 27. ROCK 28. SHOES 1 29. VALLEY 30. WOMAN 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 33. DOCTOR 34. FIRE 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 37. SEA 38. TABLE 39. VILLAGE 40. WATER 51. 1st WRONG WORD 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18165 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND (D103_ <> REFUSAL) HRC108M1 RC IWER CHECKPOINT- 1 Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_COGNITION.D108M Ref 2000: G1668M1 IWER: PLEASE INDICATE WHETHER ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS OCCURRED IN RELATION TO WORD RECALL CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY .................................................................................. 15 1. R HAD DIFFICULTY HEARING ANY OF THE WORDS 4 2. INTERRUPTION OCCURRED WHILE YOU WERE READING LIST 12 3. OTHER PROBLEM (PLEASE SPECIFY) 109 4. NO PROBLEMS OCCURRED 8. DK (Don't Know) 9. RF (Refused) 18027 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND (D103_ <> REFUSAL) HRC108M2 RC IWER CHECKPOINT - 2 Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_COGNITION.D108M Ref 2000: G1668M1 IWER: PLEASE INDICATE WHETHER ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS OCCURRED IN RELATION TO WORD RECALL CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY .................................................................................. 1. R HAD DIFFICULTY HEARING ANY OF THE WORDS 2. INTERRUPTION OCCURRED WHILE YOU WERE READING LIST 3. OTHER PROBLEM (PLEASE SPECIFY) 4. NO PROBLEMS OCCURRED 8. DK (Don't Know) 9. RF (Refused) 18167 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) HRC110 RC DEPRESSED W/IN PRIOR WEEK Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Feelings.D110_ Ref 2000: G1669 Now think about the past week and the feelings you have experienced. Please tell me if each of the following was true for you much of the time during the past week. Much of the time during the past week, you felt depressed. (Would you say yes or no?) .................................................................................. 40 1. YES 114 5. NO 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 5 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC111 RC ACTIVITIES WERE EFFORT Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Feelings.D111_ Ref 2000: G1670 (Now think about the past week and the feelings you have experienced. Please tell me if each of the following was true for you much of the time during the past week.) (Much of the time during the past week...) You felt that everything you did was an effort. (Would you say yes or no?) .................................................................................. 71 1. YES 79 5. NO 4 8. DK (Don't Know) 7 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) HRC112 RC RESTLESS SLEEP W/IN PRIOR WEEK Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Feelings.D112_ Ref 2000: G1671 (Now think about the past week and the feelings you have experienced. Please tell me if each of the following was true for you much of the time during the past week.) (Much of the time during the past week...) Your sleep was restless. (Would you say yes or no?) .................................................................................. 60 1. YES 92 5. NO 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 7 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) HRC113 RC FELT HAPPY W/IN PRIOR WEEK Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Feelings.D113_ Ref 2000: G1672 (Now think about the past week and the feelings you have experienced. Please tell me if each of the following was true for you much of the time during the past week.) (Much of the time during the past week...) You were happy. (Would you say yes or no?) .................................................................................. 138 1. YES 14 5. NO 4 8. DK (Don't Know) 5 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC114 RC LONELINESS W/IN PRIOR WEEK Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Feelings.D114_ Ref 2000: G1673 (Now think about the past week and the feelings you have experienced. Please tell me if each of the following was true for you much of the time during the past week.) (Much of the time during the past week...) You felt lonely. (Would you say yes or no?) .................................................................................. 24 1. YES 129 5. NO 3 8. DK (Don't Know) 5 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) HRC115 RC ENJOYED LIFE W/IN PRIOR WEEK Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Feelings.D115_ Ref 2000: G1674 (Now think about the past week and the feelings you have experienced. Please tell me if each of the following was true for you much of the time during the past week.) (Much of the time during the past week...) You enjoyed life. (Would you say yes or no?) .................................................................................. 142 1. YES 10 5. NO 4 8. DK (Don't Know) 5 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC116 RC FELT SAD W/IN PRIOR WEEK Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Feelings.D116_ Ref 2000: G1675 (Now think about the past week and the feelings you have experienced. Please tell me if each of the following was true for you much of the time during the past week.) (Much of the time during the past week...) You felt sad. (Would you say yes or no?) .................................................................................. 34 1. YES 118 5. NO 4 8. DK (Don't Know) 5 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC117 RC UNMOTIVATED W/IN PRIOR WEEK Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Feelings.D117_ Ref 2000: G1676 (Now think about the past week and the feelings you have experienced. Please tell me if each of the following was true for you much of the time during the past week.) (Much of the time during the past week...) You could not get going. (Would you say yes or no?) .................................................................................. 46 1. YES 103 5. NO 5 8. DK (Don't Know) 7 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC118 RC ENERGY W/IN PRIOR WEEK Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Feelings.D118_ Ref 2000: G1677 (Now think about the past week and the feelings you have experienced. Please tell me if each of the following was true for you much of the time during the past week.) (Much of the time during the past week...) You had a lot of energy. (Would you say yes or no?) .................................................................................. 84 1. YES 68 5. NO 4 8. DK (Don't Know) 5 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC120 RC COUNT 20 - FIRST TRY Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Feelings.D120_ Ref 2000: G1688 For this next question, please try to count backward as quickly as you can from the number I will give you. I will tell you when to stop. IWER: ALLOW R TO START OVER IF S/HE WISHES TO DO SO PRESS [ENTER] CONTINUE AS SOON AS YOU READ THE NUMBER Please start with: 20 .................................................................................. 139 1. CONTINUE 3 8. DK (Don't Know) 19 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC122 RC INTRO-END 1ST TRY CNT BACK Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Feelings.D122_ Ref 2000: G1690 IWER: PRESS [ENTER] TO CONTINUE AS SOON AS R HAS COUNTED 10 NUMBERS, OR STOPS, OR ASKS TO START OVER R CAN CORRECTLY COUNT DOWN FROM 19 TO 10 OR FROM 20 TO 11 .................................................................................. 147 1. CONTINUE 3 8. DK (Don't Know) 9 9. RF (Refused) 18008 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC124 RC IWER CHECK 20-1ST TRY Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D124_ Ref 2000: G1710 You may stop now. Thank you. IWER: CODE CORRECT IF R COUNTED BACKWARDS FROM 19 TO 10 OR FROM 20 TO 11 WITHOUT ERROR USE [CTRL-R] IF R REFUSED TO TRY THE TASK .................................................................................. 110 1. CORRECT 29 5. INCORRECT 1 6. WANTS TO START OVER 21 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC125 RC INTRO COUNT BACKWARDS 2ND TRY Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BC_Cognition_StartOver1.D125_ Ref 2000: G1711 Let's try again. IWER: PRESS [ENTER] AS SOON AS YOU READ THE NUMBER The number to count backward from is: 20 .................................................................................. 1 1. CONTINUE 8. DK (Don't Know) 9. RF (Refused) 18166 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D124_ <> REFUSAL) AND (D124_ = WANTSTOSTARTOVER) HRC127 RC INTRO END CNT BACK 2ND TRY Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BC_Cognition_StartOver1.D127_ Ref 2000: G1713 IWER: PRESS [ENTER] AS SOON AS R HAS COUNTED 10 NUMBERS OR STOPS .................................................................................. 1 1. CONTINUE 8. DK (Don't Know) 9. RF (Refused) 18166 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC129 RC IWER CHECK 20- SECOND TRY Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BC_Cognition_StartOver1.D129_ Ref 2000: G1733 You may stop now. Thank you. IWER: CODE CORRECT IF R COUNTED BACKWARDS FROM 19 TO 10 OR FROM 20 TO 11 WITHOUT ERROR USE [CTRL-R] IF R REFUSED TO TRY THE TASK .................................................................................. 1 1. CORRECT 5. INCORRECT 9. RF (Refused) 18166 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D124_ <> REFUSAL) HRC130 RC INTRO CNT BACKWARDS 86-1ST TRY Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D130_ Ref 2000: G1747 Now please try counting backward from a different number. Remember to count as quickly as you can from the number I mention. IWER: ALLOW R TO START OVER IF S/HE WISHES TO DO SO PRESS [ENTER] TO CONTINUE AS SOON AS YOU READ THE NUMBER Please start with: 86 .................................................................................. 136 1. CONTINUE 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 2 9. RF (Refused) 18028 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D124_ <> REFUSAL) HRC132 RC END COUNT BACK 86 -1ST TRY Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D132_ Ref 2000: G1749 IWER: PRESS [ENTER] TO CONTINUE AS SOON AS R HAS COUNTED 10 NUMBERS, OR STOPS, OR ASKS TO START OVER R CAN CORRECTLY COUNT DOWN FROM 86 TO 77 OR FROM 85 TO 76 .................................................................................. 137 1. CONTINUE 1 8. DK (Don't Know) 9. RF (Refused) 18029 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D124_ <> REFUSAL) HRC134 RC IWER CHECK 86 - 1ST TRY Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D134_ Ref 2000: G1769 You may stop now. Thank you. IWER: CODE CORRECT IF R COUNTED BACKWARDS FROM 85 TO 76 OR FROM 86 TO 77 WITHOUT ERROR USE [CTRL-R] IF R REFUSED TO TRY THE TASK ALLOW R TO START OVER IF S/HE WISHES TO DO SO .................................................................................. 89 1. CORRECT 51 5. INCORRECT 6. WANTS TO START OVER 8. DK (Don't Know) 9. RF (Refused) 18027 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND (D124_ <> REFUSAL) AND (D134_ = WANTSTOSTARTOVER) HRC135 COUNT 86 START OVER SECOND TRY Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BC_Cognition_StartOver2.D135_ Ref 2000: G1770 Let's try again. IWER: PRESS [ENTER] AS SOON AS YOU READ THE NUMBER The number to count backward from is: 86 .................................................................................. 1. CONTINUE 8. DK (Don't Know) 9. RF (Refused) 18167 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC137 CONTINUE START OVER SECOND TRY Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BC_Cognition_StartOver2.D137_ Ref 2000: G1772 IWER: PRESS [ENTER] AS SOON AS R HAS COUNTED 10 NUMBERS OR STOPS .................................................................................. 1. CONTINUE 8. DK (Don't Know) 9. RF (Refused) 18167 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC139 CORRECT COUNT 86 START OVER SECOND TRY Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BC_Cognition_StartOver2.D139_ Ref 2000: G1792 You may stop now. Thank you. IWER: CODE CORRECT IF R COUNTED BACKWARDS FROM 85 TO 76 OR FROM 86 TO 77 WITHOUT ERROR USE [CTRL-R] IF R REFUSED TO TRY THE TASK .................................................................................. 1. CORRECT 5. INCORRECT 9. RF (Refused) 18167 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) HRC142 RC SERIES SEVEN - 1 Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D142_ Ref 2000: G1806 Now let's try some subtraction of numbers. One hundred minus 7 equals what? IWER: IF R ADDS 7 INSTEAD, YOU MAY REPEAT QUESTION .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 97 0 104 90.81 13.47 18006 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 31 998. DK (Don't Know) 33 999. RF (Refused)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND ((D142_ <> DONTKNOW) AND (D142_ <> REFUSAL)) HRC143 RC SERIES SEVEN - 2 Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D143_ Ref 2000: G1807 And 7 from that .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 82 0 92 82.50 13.92 18070 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 14 98. DK (Don't Know) 1 99. RF (Refused)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND ((D142_ <> DONTKNOW) AND (D142_ <> REFUSAL)) AND ((D143_ <> DONTKNOW) AND (D143_ <> REFUSAL)) HRC144 RC SERIES SEVEN - 3 Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D144_ Ref 2000: G1808 And 7 from that .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 75 0 97 74.53 13.71 18085 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5 98. DK (Don't Know) 2 99. RF (Refused)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND ((D142_ <> DONTKNOW) AND (D142_ <> REFUSAL)) AND ((D143_ <> DONTKNOW) AND (D143_ <> REFUSAL)) AND ((D144_ <> DONTKNOW) AND (D144_ <> REFUSAL)) HRC145 RC SERIES SEVEN - 4 Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D145_ Ref 2000: G1809 And 7 from that .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 69 0 77 66.58 13.06 18092 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5 98. DK (Don't Know) 1 99. RF (Refused)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND ((D142_ <> DONTKNOW) AND (D142_ <> REFUSAL)) AND ((D143_ <> DONTKNOW) AND (D143_ <> REFUSAL)) AND ((D144_ <> DONTKNOW) AND (D144_ <> REFUSAL)) AND ((D145_ <> DONTKNOW) AND (D145_ <> REFUSAL)) HRC146 RC SERIES SEVEN - 5 Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D146_ Ref 2000: G1810 And 7 from that .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 66 0 70 59.80 12.17 18098 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3 98. DK (Don't Know) 99. RF (Refused)
Assign: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND (((D103_ <> REFUSAL) AND NOT (D177_ = 1)) AND (D177_ <> 1)) HRC183M1 WORD RECALL DELAYED -1 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D183_ .................................................................................. 3 1. BOOK 1 2. CHILD 3. GOLD 12 4. HOTEL 5. KING 6. MARKET 3 7. PAPER 3 8. RIVER 9. SKIN 4 10. TREE 2 11. BUTTER 12. COLLEGE 1 13. DOLLAR 1 14. EARTH 15. FLAG 1 16. HOME 17. MACHINE 3 18. OCEAN 8 19. SKY 6 20. WIFE 2 21. BLOOD 2 22. CORNER 23. ENGINE 2 24. GIRL 1 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 1 27. ROCK 2 28. SHOES 29. VALLEY 7 30. WOMAN 2 31. BABY 7 32. CHURCH 2 33. DOCTOR 34. FIRE 2 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 37. SEA 2 38. TABLE 39. VILLAGE 6 40. WATER 4 51. 1st WRONG WORD 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 18 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 99. RF (refused) 18058 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND (((D103_ <> REFUSAL) AND NOT (D177_ = 1)) AND (D177_ <> 1)) HRC183M2 WORD RECALL DELAYED -2 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D183_ .................................................................................. 1. BOOK 2 2. CHILD 1 3. GOLD 3 4. HOTEL 5. KING 2 6. MARKET 7. PAPER 7 8. RIVER 2 9. SKIN 3 10. TREE 11. BUTTER 1 12. COLLEGE 4 13. DOLLAR 2 14. EARTH 2 15. FLAG 16. HOME 3 17. MACHINE 9 18. OCEAN 1 19. SKY 20. WIFE 21. BLOOD 1 22. CORNER 1 23. ENGINE 6 24. GIRL 3 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 2 27. ROCK 2 28. SHOES 2 29. VALLEY 1 30. WOMAN 3 31. BABY 3 32. CHURCH 3 33. DOCTOR 2 34. FIRE 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 37. SEA 2 38. TABLE 1 39. VILLAGE 5 40. WATER 2 51. 1st WRONG WORD 1 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18085 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND (((D103_ <> REFUSAL) AND NOT (D177_ = 1)) AND (D177_ <> 1)) HRC183M3 WORD RECALL DELAYED -3 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D183_ .................................................................................. 1. BOOK 5 2. CHILD 2 3. GOLD 4. HOTEL 1 5. KING 2 6. MARKET 7. PAPER 8. RIVER 4 9. SKIN 2 10. TREE 5 11. BUTTER 1 12. COLLEGE 13. DOLLAR 3 14. EARTH 2 15. FLAG 1 16. HOME 2 17. MACHINE 1 18. OCEAN 1 19. SKY 3 20. WIFE 2 21. BLOOD 1 22. CORNER 2 23. ENGINE 1 24. GIRL 1 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 3 27. ROCK 28. SHOES 3 29. VALLEY 30. WOMAN 7 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 1 33. DOCTOR 2 34. FIRE 1 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 2 37. SEA 1 38. TABLE 1 39. VILLAGE 40. WATER 6 51. 1st WRONG WORD 1 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 1 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18096 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND (((D103_ <> REFUSAL) AND NOT (D177_ = 1)) AND (D177_ <> 1)) HRC183M4 WORD RECALL DELAYED -4 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D183_ .................................................................................. 3 1. BOOK 2 2. CHILD 3. GOLD 1 4. HOTEL 5. KING 1 6. MARKET 1 7. PAPER 2 8. RIVER 1 9. SKIN 10. TREE 3 11. BUTTER 3 12. COLLEGE 13. DOLLAR 14. EARTH 15. FLAG 3 16. HOME 2 17. MACHINE 18. OCEAN 1 19. SKY 5 20. WIFE 21. BLOOD 22. CORNER 2 23. ENGINE 24. GIRL 3 25. HOUSE 1 26. LETTER 27. ROCK 2 28. SHOES 1 29. VALLEY 30. WOMAN 2 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 33. DOCTOR 1 34. FIRE 1 35. GARDEN 1 36. PALACE 37. SEA 1 38. TABLE 39. VILLAGE 2 40. WATER 5 51. 1st WRONG WORD 3 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18114 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND (((D103_ <> REFUSAL) AND NOT (D177_ = 1)) AND (D177_ <> 1)) HRC183M5 WORD RECALL DELAYED -5 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D183_ .................................................................................. 2 1. BOOK 2. CHILD 1 3. GOLD 4. HOTEL 5. KING 6. MARKET 1 7. PAPER 8. RIVER 1 9. SKIN 10. TREE 11. BUTTER 1 12. COLLEGE 1 13. DOLLAR 2 14. EARTH 2 15. FLAG 2 16. HOME 17. MACHINE 1 18. OCEAN 1 19. SKY 1 20. WIFE 21. BLOOD 22. CORNER 23. ENGINE 24. GIRL 1 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 27. ROCK 2 28. SHOES 1 29. VALLEY 1 30. WOMAN 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 33. DOCTOR 1 34. FIRE 1 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 1 37. SEA 38. TABLE 39. VILLAGE 40. WATER 3 51. 1st WRONG WORD 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 1 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18139 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND (((D103_ <> REFUSAL) AND NOT (D177_ = 1)) AND (D177_ <> 1)) HRC183M6 WORD RECALL DELAYED -6 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D183_ .................................................................................. 1. BOOK 2. CHILD 3. GOLD 4. HOTEL 5. KING 1 6. MARKET 7. PAPER 1 8. RIVER 1 9. SKIN 10. TREE 11. BUTTER 12. COLLEGE 1 13. DOLLAR 14. EARTH 2 15. FLAG 1 16. HOME 17. MACHINE 18. OCEAN 19. SKY 20. WIFE 21. BLOOD 22. CORNER 23. ENGINE 1 24. GIRL 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 1 27. ROCK 28. SHOES 29. VALLEY 30. WOMAN 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 33. DOCTOR 34. FIRE 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 37. SEA 1 38. TABLE 1 39. VILLAGE 40. WATER 1 51. 1st WRONG WORD 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18155 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND (((D103_ <> REFUSAL) AND NOT (D177_ = 1)) AND (D177_ <> 1)) HRC183M7 WORD RECALL DELAYED -7 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D183_ .................................................................................. 1. BOOK 1 2. CHILD 3. GOLD 4. HOTEL 5. KING 6. MARKET 7. PAPER 8. RIVER 9. SKIN 1 10. TREE 11. BUTTER 12. COLLEGE 13. DOLLAR 1 14. EARTH 1 15. FLAG 16. HOME 17. MACHINE 18. OCEAN 19. SKY 20. WIFE 21. BLOOD 22. CORNER 23. ENGINE 24. GIRL 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 27. ROCK 28. SHOES 29. VALLEY 30. WOMAN 1 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 33. DOCTOR 34. FIRE 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 37. SEA 38. TABLE 39. VILLAGE 40. WATER 51. 1st WRONG WORD 1 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18161 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND (((D103_ <> REFUSAL) AND NOT (D177_ = 1)) AND (D177_ <> 1)) HRC183M8 WORD RECALL DELAYED -8 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D183_ .................................................................................. 1. BOOK 2. CHILD 3. GOLD 4. HOTEL 5. KING 1 6. MARKET 7. PAPER 8. RIVER 9. SKIN 10. TREE 11. BUTTER 12. COLLEGE 13. DOLLAR 14. EARTH 15. FLAG 16. HOME 17. MACHINE 18. OCEAN 19. SKY 20. WIFE 21. BLOOD 22. CORNER 1 23. ENGINE 24. GIRL 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 27. ROCK 28. SHOES 29. VALLEY 30. WOMAN 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 33. DOCTOR 34. FIRE 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 37. SEA 38. TABLE 39. VILLAGE 1 40. WATER 51. 1st WRONG WORD 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18164 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND (((D103_ <> REFUSAL) AND NOT (D177_ = 1)) AND (D177_ <> 1)) HRC183M9 WORD RECALL DELAYED -9 RC Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D183_ .................................................................................. 1. BOOK 2. CHILD 3. GOLD 4. HOTEL 5. KING 6. MARKET 1 7. PAPER 8. RIVER 9. SKIN 10. TREE 11. BUTTER 12. COLLEGE 13. DOLLAR 14. EARTH 15. FLAG 16. HOME 17. MACHINE 18. OCEAN 19. SKY 20. WIFE 21. BLOOD 22. CORNER 23. ENGINE 24. GIRL 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 27. ROCK 28. SHOES 29. VALLEY 30. WOMAN 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 33. DOCTOR 34. FIRE 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 37. SEA 38. TABLE 39. VILLAGE 40. WATER 51. 1st WRONG WORD 52. 2nd WRONG WORD 53. 3rd WRONG WORD 54. 4th WRONG WORD 55. 5th WRONG WORD 56. 6th WRONG WORD 57. 7th WRONG WORD 58. 8th WRONG WORD 59. 9th WRONG WORD 96. NONE REMEMBERED 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18166 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC150 COGNITION INTRO- 2 Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D150_ Ref 2000: G1819 We're interested in how memory actually works. We find that even people with very good memories seem to forget some things from time to time. The next questions are a little different, but are often asked on studies about memory. IWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF IN SECTION D (COGNITION) .................................................................................. 109 1. CONTINUE 8. DK (Don't Know) 7 9. RF (Refused) 18051 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC151 RC TODAYS DATE - MONTH Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D151_ Ref 2000: G1820 Please tell me today's date. IWER: PROBE MONTH, DAY, YEAR, DAY OF WEEK THE DATE IS: .................................................................................. 75 1. MONTH OK 20 5. MONTH NOT OK 12 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. RF (Refused) 18050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC152 RC TODAYS DATE - DAY Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D152_ Ref 2000: G1821 (Please tell me today's date.) IWER: PROBE MONTH, DAY, YEAR, DAY OF WEEK THE DATE IS: DAY: .................................................................................. 55 1. DAY OF MONTH OK 35 5. DAY OF MONTH NOT OK 17 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. RF (Refused) 18050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC153 RC TODAYS DATE - YEAR Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D153_ Ref 2000: G1822 (Please tell me today's date.) IWER: PROBE MONTH, DAY, YEAR, DAY OF WEEK THE DATE IS: YEAR: .................................................................................. 71 1. YEAR OK 21 5. YEAR NOT OK 15 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. RF (Refused) 18050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC154 RC TODAYS DATE - DAY OF WEEK Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D154_ Ref 2000: G1853 (Please tell me today's date.) IWER: PROBE MONTH, DAY, YEAR, DAY OF WEEK THE DATE IS: DAY OF WEEK: .................................................................................. 79 1. DAY OK 17 5. DAY NOT OK 11 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. RF (Refused) 18050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC155 RC TOOL USED TO CUT PAPER Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D155_ Ref 2000: G1824 Now I'm going to ask you for the names of some people and things. What do people usually use to cut paper? .................................................................................. 98 1. SCISSORS OR SHEARS ONLY 2 5. NOT CORRECT 6 8. DK (Don't Know) 11 9. RF (Refused) 18050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC156 RC NAME OF PRICKLY DESERT PLANT Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D156_ Ref 2000: G1825 What do you call the kind of prickly plant that grows in the desert? .................................................................................. 69 1. CACTUS OR NAME OF KIND OF CACTUS 22 5. NOT CORRECT 15 8. DK (Don't Know) 11 9. RF (Refused) 18050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC157 RC WHO IS THE PRESIDENT OF US Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D157_ Ref 2000: G1826 Who is the President of the United States right now? IWER: ANSWER IS BUSH PROBE FOR LAST NAME .................................................................................. 74 1. LAST NAME CORRECT 20 5. NOT CORRECT 13 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. RF (Refused) 18050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC158 RC WHO IS THE VICE-PRESIDENT OF US Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D158_ Ref 2000: G1827 Who is the Vice President? IWER: ANSWER IS CHENEY PROBE FOR LAST NAME .................................................................................. 37 1. LAST NAME CORRECT 37 5. NOT CORRECT 33 8. DK (Don't Know) 10 9. RF (Refused) 18050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC159 RC CONTINUE IW - VOCAB WORDS Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D159_ Ref 2000: G1830 Now please tell me the meanings of some words I will read to you. Any way you want to define the word is fine. .................................................................................. 101 1. CONTINUE 2 8. DK (Don't Know) 14 9. RF (Refused) 18050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC161 RC MEANING OF REPAIR/CONCEAL Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D161_ Ref 2000: G1832_1 What is the meaning of the word: Repair/Conceal .................................................................................. 42 0. DK; answer incorrect 12 1. Answer partially correct 63 2. Answer perfectly correct 9. RF:No answer 18050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC163 RC MEANING OF FABRIC/ENORMOUS Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D163_ Ref 2000: G1835_1 (What is the meaning of) the word: Fabric/Enormous .................................................................................. 46 0. DK; answer incorrect 41 1. Answer partially correct 30 2. Answer perfectly correct 9. RF:No answer 18050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC165 RC MEANING OF DOMESTIC/PERIMETER Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D165_ Ref 2000: G1838_1 (What is the meaning of) the word: Domestic/Perimeter .................................................................................. 62 0. DK; answer incorrect 22 1. Answer partially correct 33 2. Answer perfectly correct 9. RF:No answer 18050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC167 RC MEANING OF REMORSE/COMPASSION Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D167_ Ref 2000: G1841_1 (What is the meaning of) the word: Remorse/Compassion .................................................................................. 80 0. DK; answer incorrect 29 1. Answer partially correct 8 2. Answer perfectly correct 9. RF:No answer 18050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND ((PIA019_RAge >= 65) OR (PIZ076_ReIwR_V <> REIWR)) HRC169 RC MEANING OF PLAGIARIZE/AUDACIOUS Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D169_ Ref 2000: G1844_1 (What is the meaning of) the word: Plagiarize/Audacious .................................................................................. 110 0. DK; answer incorrect 5 1. Answer partially correct 2 2. Answer perfectly correct 9. RF:No answer 18050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
Assign: IF (D158_ = LASTNAMECORRECT) HRC170 RC TICS SCORE COUNT Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D170_TICSSCORECT Ref 2000: G1852 User Note: The TICS score is calculated using responses at the following questions: HRC124, HRC129, HRC151, HRC152, HRC153, HRC154, HRC155, HRC156, HRC157, and HRC158. .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 161 0 10 4.84 3.70 18006 -----------------------------------------------------------------
HRC174 RC IMMEDIATE RECALL NUMBER GOOD Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D174_ .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 140 0 9 3.46 2.24 18027 -----------------------------------------------------------------
HRC175 RC IMMEDIATE RECALL NUMBER WRONG Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D175_ .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 140 0 2 0.14 0.39 18027 -----------------------------------------------------------------
HRC176 RC IMMEDIATE RECALL NUMBER FORGOTTEN Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D176_ .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 140 1 10 6.54 2.24 18027 -----------------------------------------------------------------
HRC177 RC IMMEDIATE RECALL REMEMBERED Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D177_ .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 140 0 1 0.09 0.29 18027 -----------------------------------------------------------------
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC178 RC CHANCE GET DISEASE Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D178_ Next I would like to ask you some questions which assess how people use numbers in everyday life. If the chance of getting a disease is 10 percent, how many people out of 1,000 would be expected to get the disease? .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 79 0 900 128.03 200.80 18021 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 43 998. DK (Don't Know) 24 999. RF (Refused)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) HRC179 RC LOTTERY SPLIT 5 WAYS Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D179_ If 5 people all have the winning numbers in the lottery and the prize is two million dollars, how much will each of them get? .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 57 10 5000000 483408.07 857336.42 18021 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 67 9999998. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 22 9999999. RF (Refused)
Ask: IF (SecA.StartInterview.A009_SelfPrxy <> SLF) AND (RC.D001_ = RWillTryModule) AND ((D178_ = 100) OR (D179_ = 400000)) HRC180 RC INTEREST ON SAVINGS Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D180_ Let's say you have $200 in a savings account. The account earns ten percent interest per year. How much would you have in the account at the end of two years? .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 36 20 2409 324.44 429.34 18121 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 10 9998. DK (Don't Know) 9999. RF (Refused)
HRC184 DELAYED RECALL NUMBER GOOD Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D184_ .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 127 0 9 2.50 2.19 18040 -----------------------------------------------------------------
HRC185 DELAYED RECALL NUMBER WRONG Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D185_ .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 127 0 3 0.23 0.58 18040 -----------------------------------------------------------------
HRC186 DELAYED RECALL NUMBER FORGOTTEN Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D186_ .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 127 1 10 7.50 2.19 18040 -----------------------------------------------------------------
HRC187 DELAYED RECALL NONE REMEMBERED Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D187_ .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N Min Max Mean SD Miss 127 0 1 0.15 0.36 18040 -----------------------------------------------------------------
Ask: IF (PIA009_SelfPrxy = SLF) HRC171 RC ASSIST SECTION Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CAI Reference: BD_Cognition.D171_AssistD Ref 2000: G1857 IWER: HOW OFTEN DID (ASSIST SECTION D - COGNITIVE) RECEIVE ASSISTANCE WITH ANSWERS IN SECTION D - COGNITIVE? .................................................................................. 130 1. NEVER 18 2. A FEW TIMES 9 3. MOST OR ALL OF THE TIME 4 4. THE SECTION WAS DONE BY A PROXY REPORTER 8. DK (Don't Know) 9. RF (Refused) 18006 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable)
HVERSION 2002 DATA RELEASE VERSION Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 18167 2. Second Data Release
HQNR BLAISE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Section: RC Level: Respondent Type: Character Width: 11 Decimals: 0 .................................................................................. 18167 00000300010-21347900020. Blaise Identification Number
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