B1_01 B1. Purchase/lease auto
B1A_1_01 B1a_1. Auto make - 1
B1A_2_01 B1a_2. Auto model - 1
B1A_3_01 B1a_3. Auto year - 1
B1A_4_01 B1a_4. Auto price - 1
B1B_1_01 B1b_1. Auto make - 2
B1B_2_01 B1b_2. Auto model - 2
B1B_3_01 B1b_3. Auto year - 2
B1B_4_01 B1b_4. Auto price - 2
B1C_1_01 B1c_1. Auto make - 3
B1C_2_01 B1c_2. Auto model - 3
B1C_3_01 B1c_3. Auto year - 3
B1C_4_01 B1c_4. Auto price - 3
B2_01 B2. Buy refrigerator
B2A_01 B2a. Refrigerator price
B3_01 B3. Buy washer/dryer
B3A_01 B3a. Washer/dryer price
B4_01 B4. Buy diswasher
B4A_01 B4a. Dishwasher price
B5_01 B5. Buy television
B5A_01 B5a. Television price
B6_01 B6. Buy computer
B6A_01 B6a. Computer price
B7_01 B7. Mortgage
B7A_01 B7a. Mortagage - Per
B8_01 B8. Home/Rent Ins.
B8A_01 B8a. Home/Rent Ins - Per
B9_01 B9. Property Tax
B9A_01 B9a. Property Tax - Per
B10_01 B10. Rent
B10A_01 B10a. Rent - Per
B11_01 B11. Electricity
B11A_01 B11a. Electricity - Per
B12_01 B12. Water
B12A_01 B12a. Water - Per
B13_01 B13. Heat
B13A_01 B13a. Heat - Per
B14_01 B14. Phone/Cable/Internet
B14A_01 B14a. Phone/Cable - Per
B15_01 B15. Auto Finance chrg
B15A_01 B15a. Auto Finance - Per
B16_01 B16. Auto Insurance
B16A_01 B16a. Auto Insur - Per
B17_01 B17. Health Insurance
B17A_01 B17a. Health Insur - Per
B18_01 B18. House/Yard supplies
B18A_01 B18a. House/Yard - Per
B19_01 B19. Home Maintain
B19A_01 B19a. Home Maintain - Per
B20_01 B20. Food/Drink Grocery
B20A_01 B20. Food/Drink Groc - Per
B21_01 B21. Dining Out
B21A_01 B21a. Dining Out - Per
B22_01 B22. Clothing
B22A_01 B22a. Clothing - Per
B23_01 B23. Gasoline
B23A_01 B23a. Gasoline - Per
B24_01 B24. Vehicle service
B24A_01 B24a. Vehicle service - Per
B25_01 B25. Drugs
B25A_01 B25a. Drugs - Per
B26_01 B26. Health Services
B26A_01 B26a. Health Services - Per
B27_01 B27. Medical Supplies
B27A_01 B27a. Med Supplies - Per
B28_01 B28. Vacations
B28A_01 B28a. Vacations - Per
B29_01 B29. Tickets
B29A_01 B29a. Tickets - Per
B30_01 B30. Hobbies
B30A_01 B30a. Hobbies - Per
B31_01 B31. Contributions
B31A_01 B31a. Contributions - Per
B32_01 B32. Gifts
B32A_01 B32a. Gifts - Per
B33_01 B33. HH spent
B33A_01 B33a. HH amt spent more
B33B_01 B33b. HH amt spent less
B34_01 B34. 20% More income
B34A_01 B34a. % spend
B34B_01 B34b. % save
B35M1_01 B35M1. What the extra income spend on
B35M2_01 B35M2. What the extra income spend on
B35M3_01 B35M3. What the extra income spend on
B35M4_01 B35M4. What the extra income spend on
B35M5_01 B35M5. What the extra income spend on
B35M6_01 B35M6. What the extra income spend on
B36_01 B36. 20% Less income
B36A_01 B36a. % Cut spending
B37M1_01 B37M1. What items spent the less on
B37M2_01 B37M2. What items spent the less on
B37M3_01 B37M3. What items spent the less on
B37M4_01 B37M4. What items spent the less on
B37M5_01 B37M5. What items spent the less on
B37M6_01 B37M6. What items spent the less on
B38_01 B38. Are you retired
B38A_01 B38a. Retired Spending change how
B38B_01 B38b. Retired Spending change %
B38D_01 B38d. Not Retired Spend change how
B38E_01 B38e. Not Retired Spend change %
B39A_01 B39a. Trips
B39B_01 B39b. Clothes
B39C_01 B39c. Eat out
B39D_01 B39d. Home/household
B39E_01 B39e. Entertainment
B39F_01 B39f. Auto expenses
B40_01 B40. Who answer questionnaire
B41_01 B41. Section B: Time

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