HHID      HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER                      
          Section: CS           Level: Household       CAI Reference: Q9100
          Type: Character       Width: 6               Decimals: 0
          14395       000002-213479. Household Identifier range

FSUBHH 1998 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9106 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 13947 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 244 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 182 2. Split household - other half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 6 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 16 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite
ESUBHH 1996 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9105 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 6334 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 166 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 123 2. Split household - other half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 3 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 9 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite 7760 Blank. New cohort - ESUBHH does not exist
DSUBHH 1995 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9104 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 4540 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 6 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 5 2. Split household - other half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite 9844 Blank. New cohort - DSUBHH does not exist
FPN_CS 1998 COVERSHEET RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9141 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who provided the 1998 coversheet information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 10410 010. Person Number 53 011. Person Number 2639 020. Person Number 9 021. Person Number 584 030. Person Number 2 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 671 040. Person Number 3 041. Person Number 24 Blank. No coversheet respondent
FPN_FAM 1998 FAMILY RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9142 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who provided the 1998 family information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 8852 010. Person Number 18 011. Person Number 3925 020. Person Number 5 021. Person Number 493 030. Person Number 1 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 926 040. Person Number 1 041. Person Number 174 Blank. No family respondent
FPN_FIN 1998 FINANCIAL RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9143 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who provided the 1998 financial information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 11134 010. Person Number 21 011. Person Number 1977 020. Person Number 6 021. Person Number 942 030. Person Number 1 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 179 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 135 Blank. No financial respondent
FPN_NCS 1998 NON-COVERSHEET RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9151 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who did not provide the 1998 coversheet information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 2035 010. Person Number 187 011. Person Number 2 012. Person Number 3690 020. Person Number 28 021. Person Number 381 030. Person Number 16 031. Person Number 1 032. Person Number 658 040. Person Number 15 041. Person Number 7382 Blank. No spouse/partner; no non-coversheet respondent
FPN_NFAM 1998 NON-FAMILY RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9152 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who did not provide the 1998 family information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 3593 010. Person Number 222 011. Person Number 2 012. Person Number 2404 020. Person Number 32 021. Person Number 472 030. Person Number 17 031. Person Number 1 032. Person Number 403 040. Person Number 17 041. Person Number 7232 Blank. No spouse/partner; no non-family respondent
FPN_NFIN 1998 NON-FINANCIAL RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9153 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who did not provide the 1998 financial information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 1311 010. Person Number 219 011. Person Number 2 012. Person Number 4352 020. Person Number 31 021. Person Number 23 030. Person Number 17 031. Person Number 1 032. Person Number 1150 040. Person Number 18 041. Person Number 7271 Blank. No spouse/partner; no non-financial respondent
FQNR_CS 1998 QUESTIONNAIRE - COVERSHEET RESP Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9171 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the questionnaire number of the respondent who did provide the 1998 coversheet information for the household. ................................................................................ 14371 00001-21402. Questionnaire number range 24 Blank. No coversheet respondent
FQNR_FAM 1998 QUESTIONNAIRE - FAMILY RESP Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9172 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the questionnaire number of the respondent who did provide the 1998 family information for the household. ................................................................................ 14221 00001-21402. Questionnaire number range 174 Blank. No family respondent
FQNR_FIN 1998 QUESTIONNAIRE - FINANCIAL RESP Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9173 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the questionnaire number of the respondent who did provide the 1998 financial information for the household. ................................................................................ 14260 00001-21402. Questionnaire number range 135 Blank. No financial respondent
F488 CS2A.R BIRTHDATE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q488 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CS2a. I have some questions about your background. In what month, day and year were you born? MONTH: DAY: YEAR: User note: This value was used to update Q30, Q83. ................................................................................ 243 1. JAN 219 2. FEB 311 3. MAR 263 4. APR 263 5. MAY 262 6. JUN 261 7. JUL 305 8. AUG 253 9. SEP 290 10. OCT 264 11. NOV 283 12. DEC 1 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 99. RF (refused) 11175 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q603:HH1 R TIME STAMP] IS (GT 0); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1) AND [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (1) AND [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND {When Q19 is (Q453), [Q29:HH1 R YR BIRTH] IS (GT 0000)}; [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1) AND [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R- 2ND R] IS (1) AND [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND {When Q72 is (Q453), [Q82:HH2 BIRTH YR] IS (GT 0000)}; [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R- 2ND R] IS (NE 1)
F490 CS2A3.YEAR BORN Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q490 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q29, Q82. ................................................................................ 3219 1850-1999. Actual value 1 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999. RF (refused) 11175 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q603:HH1 R TIME STAMP] IS (GT 0); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1) AND [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (1) AND [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND {When Q19 is (Q453), [Q29:HH1 R YR BIRTH] IS (GT 0000)}; [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1) AND [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (1) AND [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND {When Q72 is (Q453), [Q82:HH2 BIRTH YR] IS (GT 0000)}; [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1)
F497 CS2B.OUTSIDE OF ELIGIBLE BIRTH RANGE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q497 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 CS2b. (Right now, this study is only interviewing people who were born IF Q461 IS (2) between 1924 and 1930. ELSE between 1931 and 1947. END We appreciate your assistance.) IWER: PRESS 1 TO MAKE THIS CASE INELIGIBLE ................................................................................ 1. MARK CASE AS INELIGIBLE 14395 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q603:HH1 R TIME STAMP] IS (GT 0); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1) AND [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (1) AND [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND {When Q19 is (Q453), [Q29:HH1 R YR BIRTH] IS (GT 0000)}; [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1) AND [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R- 2ND R] IS (1) AND [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND {When Q72 is (Q453), [Q82:HH2 BIRTH YR] IS (GT 0000)}; [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R- 2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1); ([Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (2) AND [Q490:CS2a3] IS (1924-1930)) OR ([Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (4) AND [Q490:CS2a3] IS (1931- 1947))
F499 NONINTERVIEW QUESTIONS Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q499 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 1. The context of R's resistance to participate in HRS'98 was: (MARK ALL THAT APPLY.) [Q251-CONTEXT OF RESISTANCE] 2. Resistance/refusal came from--R, R's SP/P, or other? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY.) [Q252-SOURCE OF RESISTANCE] 3. At initial resistance, how long were you able to keep the (R/OTHER) engaged in conversation? [Q253-ENGAGED HOW LONG FIRST CONTACT] 4. At the first contact after transfer of case, how long were you able to keep the (R/OTHER) engaged in conversation? [Q254-ENGAGED HOW LONG AFTER TRANSFER] 5. What specific questions/statements did R/OTHER ask/make about the study? [Q255-QUESTIONS OR STATEMENTS] 6. What specific attempts/efforts did you make to keep the R/OTHER engaged? [Q256-RESPONSES BY IWER] 7. What could be done to gain R/INF cooperation? [Q257-SUGGESTIONS FOR COOPERATION] 8. Detail the circumstances of finalizing this case as Noninterview. [Q258-DETAILS OF CIRCUMSTANCES] User note: These variables could be edited: Q251, Q252, Q253, Q254, Q255, Q256, Q257, Q258. ................................................................................ 29 1. CONTINUE 14366 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q603:HH1 R TIME STAMP] IS (GT 0); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1) AND [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (1) AND [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND {When Q19 is (Q453), [Q29:HH1 R YR BIRTH] IS (GT 0000)}; [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1) AND [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R- 2ND R] IS (1) AND [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND {When Q72 is (Q453), [Q82:HH2 BIRTH YR] IS (GT 0000)}; [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R- 2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1); ([Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (2) AND [Q490:CS2a3] IS (1924-1930)) OR ([Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (4) AND [Q490:CS2a3] IS (1931- 1947)); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A)
F500 CS3.INTRO Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q500 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS3. IF Q218 IS (0) OR Q219 IS (0) We need to update our records. They show that you, ELSE First we need to update our records. As of (Q218-PREV WAVE IW MONTH / Q219-PREV WAVE IW YEAR), when we talked with you, they show that you, END IF Q459 IS (1) AND Q460 IS (1) [Q27-HH1 R 1ST NAME], were married. ELSE Q459 IS (2) AND Q460 IS (1) [Q80-HH2 R FIRST NAME], were married. ELSE Q459 IS (1) AND Q460 IS (3) [Q27-HH1 R 1ST NAME], were living with a partner as if married. ELSE Q459 IS (2) AND Q460 IS (3) [Q80-HH2 R FIRST NAME], were living with a partner as if married. ELSE Q459 IS (1) [Q27-HH1 R 1ST NAME], were not married or living with a partner. ELSE [Q80-HH2 R FIRST NAME], were not married or living with a partner. END User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 14395 Blank. No data
F502 CS4.1ST R SAME SPOUSE/P Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q502 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS4. IF Q459 IS (1) Is [Q27-HH1 R 1ST NAME] still your (husband/wife/partner/...)? ELSE Is [Q80-HH2 R FIRST NAME] still your (husband/wife/partner/...)? END ................................................................................ 5545 1. YES, AND SP/PARTNER IS LIVING 17 3. THAT PARTNER IS NOW R'S SPOUSE 2 4. THAT SPOUSE IS NOW R'S PARTNER 669 5. NO 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 8161 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5); [Q460:PRELOAD COUPLENESS] IS (NE 1 AND NE 3)
F503 CS4A.IWER CHECK VERIFY 4 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q503 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS4A INTEVIEWER CONFIRMATION. IWER: DO YOU REALLY MEAN THAT R AND SPOUSE ARE NO LONGER MARRIED BUT THEY STILL LIVE TOGETHER AS PARTNERS? IWER: PRESS 1 TO CONFIRM CODE AS ENTERED ................................................................................ 2 1. ACCEPT CODE AS ENTERED 5. CODE NOT CORRECT - RETURN TO CORRECT 14393 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5); [Q460:PRELOAD COUPLENESS] IS (NE 1 AND NE 3); [Q502:CS4] IS (NE 4)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3 OR 4) then [F504.CS5.PRELOAD SPOUSE/P ALIVE] = 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F504 CS5.PRELOAD SPOUSE/P ALIVE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q504 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS5. IF Q459 IS (1) (Is [Q27-HH1 R 1ST NAME] still alive?) ELSE (Is [Q80-HH2 R FIRST NAME] still alive?) END ................................................................................ 5677 1. YES 557 5. NO 8161 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5); [Q460:PRELOAD COUPLENESS] IS (NE 1 AND NE 3)
F505 CS6.MO/YR PRELOAD SPOUSE/P SEPARATE/DIE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q505 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CS6. IF Q504 IS (1) In what month and year did you stop living together? ELSE In what month and year did (he/she) die? END MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 63 1. JAN 58 2. FEB 73 3. MAR 56 4. APR 61 5. MAY 37 6. JUN 53 7. JUL 48 8. AUG 43 9. SEP 55 10. OCT 58 11. NOV 60 12. DEC 4 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 99. RF (refused) 13725 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5); [Q460:PRELOAD COUPLENESS] IS (NE 1 AND NE 3); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3 OR 4)
F506 CS6A.YEAR SEPARATE/DIE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q506 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 666 1900-1999. Actual value 3 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9999. RF (refused) 13725 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5); [Q460:PRELOAD COUPLENESS] IS (NE 1 AND NE 3); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3 OR 4)
F507 CS7.1ST R MARRIED Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q507 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS7. IF Q460 IS (1) AND Q463 IS (1) Are you married to someone else? ELSE Q463 IS (1) Are you now married? ELSE Are you married? END ................................................................................ 1968 1. YES 6839 5. NO 5588 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3 OR 4)
F508 CS8.COUPLE PARTNER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q508 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS8. Are you living with (a/another) partner as if married? ................................................................................ 134 1. YES 6705 5. NO 7556 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3 OR 4); [Q507:CS7] IS (1)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q479:CS1aa] IS (1) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5) then [F515.R SPOUSE SEX] = 2 * if [Q479:CS1aa] IS (2) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5) then [F515.R SPOUSE SEX] = 1 * if ([Q502:CS4] IS (NE 1-4) OR [Q467:SP OF R GENDER] IS (0)) AND [Q469:R GENDER] IS (1) then [F515.R SPOUSE SEX] = 2 * if ([Q502:CS4] IS (NE 1-4) OR [Q467:SP OF R GENDER] IS (0)) AND [Q469:R GENDER] IS (2) then [F515.R SPOUSE SEX] = 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F515 R SPOUSE SEX Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q515 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q467. ................................................................................ 5437 1. MALE 2646 2. FEMALE 6312 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q467:SP OF R GENDER] IS (1 OR 2)
F518 CS11A.NEW COHORT 1ST R IN NURSING HOME I Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q518 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS11a. (Right now, this study is not interviewing people who live in nursing homes. We appreciate your assistance.) IWER: PRESS 1 TO MARK CASE AS INELIGIBLE ................................................................................ 1. MARK CASE AS INELIGIBLE 14395 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1) OR [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1) OR [Q517:CS11] IS (NE 1)
F521 CS12.COUPLE LIVE TOGETHER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q521 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS12. IWER: ASK IF NECESSARY: Are you and your (new/...) (husband/wife/partner/...) living IF Q517 IS (1) in the same (nursing home/health care facility)? ELSE together? END IWER: THIS QUESTION IS TO TELL WHETHER R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER IS ALSO LIVING IN THE DWELLING OR FACILITY WHERE R LIVES. ................................................................................ 7406 1. YES 260 5. NO 6729 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q502:CS4] IS (NE 1 AND NE 3 AND NE 4) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (NE 1) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (NE 1)
F522 CS13.MO/YR STOP LIVE TOGETHER/DIE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q522 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CS13. In what month and year did you stop living together? MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 44 1. JAN 17 2. FEB 12 3. MAR 17 4. APR 16 5. MAY 28 6. JUN 18 7. JUL 16 8. AUG 19 9. SEP 20 10. OCT 16 11. NOV 16 12. DEC 20 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 99. RF (refused) 14135 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q502:CS4] IS (NE 1 AND NE 3 AND NE 4) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (NE 1) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (NE 1); [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (1); [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (1); [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5) AND ([Q507:CS7] IS (1) OR [Q508:CS8] IS (1)) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3 OR 4) AND [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5)
F523 CS13A.YEAR STOP LIVE TOGETHER/DIE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q523 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 253 1900-1999. Actual value 6 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9999. RF (refused) 14135 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q502:CS4] IS (NE 1 AND NE 3 AND NE 4) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (NE 1) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (NE 1); [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (1); [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (1); [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5) AND ([Q507:CS7] IS (1) OR [Q508:CS8] IS (1)) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3 OR 4) AND [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5)
F524 CS14.SP/P WHERE LIVE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q524 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS14. Is your (new/...) (husband/wife/partner/...) living in a nursing home or other health care facility? DEF: A NURSING HOME PROVIDES ALL OF THE FOLLOWING SERVICES FOR ITS RESIDENTS: DISPENSING OF MEDICATION, 24-HOUR NURSING ASSISTANCE AND SUPERVISION, PERSONAL ASSISTANCE, AND ROOM & MEALS. ................................................................................ 54 1. YES 201 5. NO 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 14135 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q502:CS4] IS (NE 1 AND NE 3 AND NE 4) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (NE 1) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (NE 1); [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (1); [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (1); [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5) AND ([Q507:CS7] IS (1) OR [Q508:CS8] IS (1)) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3 OR 4) AND [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5)
F526 CS15MO./YR S/P START LIVE TOGETHER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q526 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CS15. In what month and year did you and your (new/...) (husband/wife/partner/...) start living together? MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 30 1. JAN 14 2. FEB 20 3. MAR 22 4. APR 13 5. MAY 35 6. JUN 16 7. JUL 26 8. AUG 23 9. SEP 21 10. OCT 33 11. NOV 21 12. DEC 17 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 99. RF (refused) 14102 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q502:CS4] IS (NE 1 AND NE 3 AND NE 4) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (NE 1) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (NE 1); [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (1); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3 OR 4) AND [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3 OR 4); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (NE 1)
F527 CS15YR.YEAR ST LIVE W/NEW SP/P Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q527 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 283 1900-1999. Actual value 8 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9999. RF (refused) 14102 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q502:CS4] IS (NE 1 AND NE 3 AND NE 4) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (NE 1) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (NE 1); [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (1); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3 OR 4) AND [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3 OR 4); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (NE 1)
F528 CS15A.MARRIED OR SEPARATED Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q528 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS15A. Would you say you are married, or are you separated? ................................................................................ 83 1. MARRIED 165 2. SEPARATED 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 14143 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q502:CS4] IS (NE 1 AND NE 3 AND NE 4) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (NE 1) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (NE 1); [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (1); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3 OR 4) AND [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5); [Q521:CS12] IS (1); [Q502:CS4] IS (1) AND [Q460:PRELOAD COUPLENESS] IS (3) OR [Q508:CS8] IS (1)
F529 CS15B.SEPARATED:PARTNERED? Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q529 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS15B. Are you living with a partner as if married? ................................................................................ 4 1. YES 165 5. NO 14226 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q502:CS4] IS (NE 1 AND NE 3 AND NE 4) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (NE 1) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (NE 1); [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5) AND [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5) AND [Q507:CS7] IS (1); [Q502:CS4] IS (1 OR 3 OR 4) AND [Q521:CS12] IS (NE 5); [Q521:CS12] IS (1); [Q502:CS4] IS (1) AND [Q460:PRELOAD COUPLENESS] IS (3) OR [Q508:CS8] IS (1); [Q528:CS15A] IS (1) OR ([Q460:PRELOAD COUPLENESS] IS (3) AND [Q502:CS4] IS (1)) OR [Q508:CS8] IS (1)
F533 CS15C.MO SPOUSE/P BORN Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q533 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CS15C. In what month, day and year was your (new/...) (husband/wife/partner/...) born? MONTH: DAY: YEAR: User note: This value was used to update Q30, Q83. ................................................................................ 194 1. JAN 144 2. FEB 168 3. MAR 162 4. APR 174 5. MAY 164 6. JUN 185 7. JUL 187 8. AUG 168 9. SEP 166 10. OCT 166 11. NOV 178 12. DEC 13 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 11 99. RF (refused) 12315 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q529:CS15B] IS (5); [Q507:CS7] IS (5) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (5) AND [Q529:CS15B] IS (NE 1); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1) AND [Q529:CS15B] IS (5); [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q502:CS4] IS (1-4) AND [Q528:CS15A] IS (NE 2) AND {When Q19 is (Q464), [Q29:HH1 R YR BIRTH] IS (GT 0000)}; [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q502:CS4] IS (1-4) AND [Q528:CS15A] IS (NE 2) AND {When Q72 is (Q464), [Q82:HH2 BIRTH YR] IS (GT 0000)}
F535 CS15C.YEAR SPOUSE/P BORN Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q535 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q29, Q82. ................................................................................ 2052 1850-1977. Actual value 1978-1987. Actual value (verified) 18 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 10 9999. RF (refused) 12315 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q529:CS15B] IS (5); [Q507:CS7] IS (5) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (5) AND [Q529:CS15B] IS (NE 1); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1) AND [Q529:CS15B] IS (5); [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q502:CS4] IS (1-4) AND [Q528:CS15A] IS (NE 2) AND {When Q19 is (Q464), [Q29:HH1 R YR BIRTH] IS (GT 0000)}; [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q502:CS4] IS (1-4) AND [Q528:CS15A] IS (NE 2) AND {When Q72 is (Q464), [Q82:HH2 BIRTH YR] IS (GT 0000)}
F542 CS15C2.OUTSIDE OF ELIGIBLE BIRTH RANGE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q542 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS15C2. (Right now, this study is only interviewing people whose spouses were born between 1924 and 1930. We appreciate your assistance.) IWER: PRESS 1 TO MAKE THIS CASE INELIGIBLE User note: This question was jumped based on [Q535:CS15C.YEAR SPOUSE/P BORN] IS (GE 1974) before version 3.1. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 1. MARK CASE AS INELIGIBLE 14395 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A); [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q529:CS15B] IS (5); [Q507:CS7] IS (5) AND [Q508:CS8] IS (5) AND [Q529:CS15B] IS (NE 1); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1) AND [Q529:CS15B] IS (5); [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q502:CS4] IS (1-4) AND [Q528:CS15A] IS (NE 2) AND {When Q19 is (Q464), [Q29:HH1 R YR BIRTH] IS (GT 0000)}; [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q502:CS4] IS (1-4) AND [Q528:CS15A] IS (NE 2) AND {When Q72 is (Q464), [Q82:HH2 BIRTH YR] IS (GT 0000)}; [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1); [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (NE 2); [Q535:CS15C] IS (1924-1930 OR GT 1947)
F573_1 INDEX FOR RTR DISPLAY Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q573 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 14371 1. R/SP 2. SP/R 3. NEW SP 24 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1)
F573_2 INDEX FOR RTR DISPLAY Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q573 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. R/SP 14371 2. SP/R 3. NEW SP 24 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1)
F573_3 INDEX FOR RTR DISPLAY Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q573 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. R/SP 2. SP/R 14371 3. NEW SP 24 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q549:CURRENT SP] IS (1-2) AND [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (1) then [F591.SEX OF NEW SPOUSE] = value of [Q35:HH1 R SEX] {When [Q19:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q549:CURRENT SP])} * if [Q549:CURRENT SP] IS (1-2) AND [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2) then [F591.SEX OF NEW SPOUSE] = value of [Q88:HH2 R SEX] {When [Q72:HH2 R INDEX] is ([Q549:CURRENT SP])} * if [Q469:R GENDER] IS (1 OR 2) then [F591.SEX OF NEW SPOUSE] = value of [Q467:SP OF R GENDER] * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [F591.SEX OF NEW SPOUSE] = 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F591 SEX OF NEW SPOUSE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q591 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q35, Q88. ................................................................................ 805 1. Male 1199 2. Female 12391 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q554:NEW SP] IS (NE 1)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q502:CS4] IS (A) AND [Q529:CS15B] IS (NE 1) then [F597.SAME SPOUSE AS LAST WAVE] = value of [Q502:CS4.1ST R SAME SPOUSEP] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F597 SAME SPOUSE AS LAST WAVE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q597 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q40, Q93. User Note: SAME SPOUSE AS LAST WAVE is assigned a value of 5. ................................................................................ 1 0. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained); RF (refused) 5543 1. YES, AND SP/PARTNER IS LIVING 17 3. THAT PARTNER IS NOW R'S SPOUSE 2 4. THAT SPOUSE IS NOW R'S PARTNER 5611 5. NO 3221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5)
F605 CS16.R ROSTER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q605 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS16 R ROSTER. A. B.FIRST C.LAST D. E.YEAR F. G. H. ID# NAME NAME SEX BORN REL TO R LIVING HH # IF Q459 IS (1) [Q20-HH1 PERSON NUMBER] [Q27-HH1 R 1ST NAME] [Q28-HH1 R LAST NAME] [Q35-HH1 R SEX] [Q29-HH1 R YR BIRTH] [Q574-DISPLAY FOR R GRID RTR] [Q46-R LIVING] [Q43-HH1 R WHICH HOUSEHOLD] ELSE [Q73-HH2 R PERSON NUMBER] [Q80-HH2 R FIRST NAME] [Q81-HH2 R LAST NAME] [Q88-HH2 R SEX] [Q82-HH2 BIRTH YR] [Q574-DISPLAY FOR R GRID RTR] [Q99-R LIVING] [Q96-HH2 R WHICH HH] END INTERVIEWER: VERIFY SPELLING OF FIRST AND LAST NAME AND SEX. IF NECESSARY, USE "YEAR BORN" TO CLARIFY IDENTITY OF R AND SPOUSE/ PARTNER. PLEASE CHECK THAT RELATION TO R AND WHETHER LIVING ARE CORRECT. IF Q604 IS (2) AND Q463 IS (1) IF R HAS A NEW SP/PARTNER, FILL IN HIS/HER NAME AND SEX IN THE GRID AFTER ASKING: What is the name of your (new/...) [husband/wife)/(husband/wife) /partner/...)? ELSE Q604 IS (2) AND Q463 IS (5) IF R HAS A SP/PARTNER, FILL IN HIS/HER NAME AND SEX IN THE GRID AFTER ASKING: What is the name of your ((husband/wife)/(husband/wife)/partner/...)? END WHEN FINISHED, PRESS F10 TO SELECT CONTINUE/GRID INCORRECT User note: These variables could be edited: Q27, Q28, Q35, Q80, Q81, Q88. ................................................................................ 14371 1. CONTINUE 5. GRID INCORRECT 24 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [F611.NEW SP PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] = value of [Q26:HH1 R PREV WAVE IW] {When [Q19:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q464:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH])} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F611 NEW SP PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q611 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q79. ................................................................................ 11 0. NEW SP 646 1. REINTERVIEW 22 5. REFUSED SP 13716 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2); [Q464:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH] IS (0); [Q43:PR43.HH1 R WHICH HOUSEHOLD] {When [Q19:PR19.HH1 R INDEX] is (Q464)} is (NE 2)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [F614.OLD SP BIRTH YEAR] = value of [Q29:HH1 R YR BIRTH] {When [Q19:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q464:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH])} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F614 OLD SP BIRTH YEAR Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q614 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q82. ................................................................................ 45 0. Information not available 634 1890-1968. Actual value 13716 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2); [Q464:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH] IS (0); [Q43:PR43.HH1 R WHICH HOUSEHOLD] {When [Q19:PR19.HH1 R INDEX] is (Q464)} is (NE 2)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [F615.OLD SP SEX] = value of [Q35:HH1 R SEX] {When [Q19:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q464:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH])} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F615 OLD SP SEX Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q615 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q88. ................................................................................ 461 1. MALE 218 2. FEMALE 13716 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2); [Q464:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH] IS (0); [Q43:PR43.HH1 R WHICH HOUSEHOLD] {When [Q19:PR19.HH1 R INDEX] is (Q464)} is (NE 2)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [F616.OLD SP MARITAL STAT] = value of [Q36:HH1 R MARITAL STAT] {When [Q19:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q464:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH])} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F616 OLD SP MARITAL STAT Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q616 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q89. ................................................................................ 63 0. Information not available 576 1. MARRIED 5 2. MARRIED SP ABSENT 35 3. LIVING WITH PARTNER 4. DIVORCED/SEPARATED 5. WIDOWED 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. DIED 13716 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2); [Q464:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH] IS (0); [Q43:PR43.HH1 R WHICH HOUSEHOLD] {When [Q19:PR19.HH1 R INDEX] is (Q464)} is (NE 2)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [F620.OLD SP WHICH IW] = 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F620 OLD SP WHICH IW Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q620 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q97. ................................................................................ 679 1. FIRST IW 2. SECOND IW 13716 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2); [Q464:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH] IS (0); [Q43:PR43.HH1 R WHICH HOUSEHOLD] {When [Q19:PR19.HH1 R INDEX] is (Q464)} is (NE 2)
F643 CS19.WHICH IS FINANCIAL R FOR NEW COHORT Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q643 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS19. I would like to interview both you and your (husband/wife /partner/...). I will be asking some questions about family assets, debts and retirement planning. Which of you is the most knowledgeable about this, you or your (husband/wife/partner/...)? ................................................................................ 1151 1. RESPONDENT 669 2. SPOUSE/PARTNER 12575 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1) OR [Q546:CS15D] IS (NE 1-3)
F650 CS21. R TYPE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q650 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 IF Q459 IS (1) ASSIGNED CHOICES: [Q27-HH1 R 1ST NAME] AS [Q644-R FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE] ELSE ASSIGNED CHOICES: [Q80-HH2 R FIRST NAME] AS [Q644-R FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE] END IF Q549 IS (NE0) IF Q459 IS (1) [Q27-HH1 R 1ST NAME] AS [Q645-SP FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE] ELSE [Q80-HH2 R FIRST NAME] AS [Q645-SP FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE] END END CS21. IF Q459 IS (1) INTERVIEW [Q27-HH1 R 1ST NAME] AS: ELSE INTERVIEW [Q80-HH2 R FIRST NAME] AS: END TYPE: PRESS F3 TO CHANGE R TYPE SELECTION CS22. IF Q549 IS (NE0) IF Q459 IS (1) INTERVIEW [Q27-HH1 R 1ST NAME] AS: ELSE INTERVIEW [Q80-HH2 R FIRST NAME] AS: END ELSE NO SPOUSE -- IS ASSIGNED END TYPE: PRESS F3 TO CHANGE R TYPE SELECTION User note: This value was used to update Q644. ................................................................................ 25 1. FINANCIAL R 16 2. FAMILY R 65 3. FINANCIAL & FAMILY R 10 4. NON-FINANCIAL & NON-FAMILY R 14279 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q648:CS20] IS (NE 1)
F723 CS27. SAME RESIDENCE #1 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q723 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS27.Next are some questions about changes in your housing location since we last talked with you. Our records show that in (Q218-PREV WAVE IW MONTH / Q219-PREV WAVE IW YEAR/Q219-PREV WAVE IW YEAR/the last two years), (your (house or apartment/house/apartment)/one of your (houses or apartments/houses/apartments)) was in (Q48-HH1 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS CITY/Q101-HH2 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS CITY), (Q49-HH1 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS STATE/Q102-HH2 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS STATE). IF Q517 IS (1) Do you still have the same (house or apartment/house/apartment) in (Q48-HH1 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS CITY/Q101-HH2 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS CITY)? ELSE Are you still living, all year or part of the year, in that same (house or apartment/house/apartment) in (Q48-HH1 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS CITY/Q101-HH2 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS CITY)? END ................................................................................ 9595 1. YES 1314 5. NO 3486 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q721:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5)
F724 CS28. SAME AREA - 1 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q724 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS28. IF Q517 IS (1) Is your (house or apartment/house/apartment) still in or around (Q48-HH1 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS CITY/Q101-HH2 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS CITY)? ELSE Do you still live, all year or part of the year in a (house or apartment/house/apartment), in or around (Q48-HH1 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS CITY/Q101-HH2 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS CITY)? END ................................................................................ 701 1. YES 613 5. NO 13081 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q721:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5); [Q723:CS27] IS (1)
F727 CS30.SAME RESIDENCE #2 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q727 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS30. Our records also show that in (Q218-PREV WAVE IW MONTH / Q219-PREV WAVE IW YEAR/Q219-PREV WAVE IW YEAR/the last two years) you had another (house or apartment/house/apartment), one in (Q51-HH1 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY/Q104-HH2 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY) (Q52-HH1 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS STATE/Q105-HH2 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS STATE). IF Q517 IS (1) Do you still have the same (house or apartment/house/apartment) in (Q51-HH1 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY/Q104-HH2 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY)? ELSE Are you still living, all year or part of the year, in that same (house or apartment/house/apartment) in (Q51-HH1 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY/Q104- HH2 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY)? END ................................................................................ 302 1. Yes 146 5. No 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 13946 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q721:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5); [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q50:HH1 PREV WAVE HAS 2ND RESIDENCE] IS (NE 1); [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q103:HH2 PREV WAVE HAS 2ND RESIDENCE] IS (NE 1)
F728 CS31. SAME AREA - 2 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q728 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS31. IF Q517 IS (1) Do you still have a home in or around (Q51-HH1 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY/Q104-HH2 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY)? ELSE Do you still live, all year or part of the year in a (house or apartment/house/apartment), in or around (Q51-HH1 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY/Q104-HH2 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY)? END ................................................................................ 37 1. YES 110 5. NO 14248 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q721:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (5); [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q50:HH1 PREV WAVE HAS 2ND RESIDENCE] IS (NE 1); [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q103:HH2 PREV WAVE HAS 2ND RESIDENCE] IS (NE 1); [Q727:CS30] IS (1)
F731M CS33.CURRENT RESIDENCE - REGION Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q10731 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CS33. In what city and state is your (house or apartment/house /apartment) currently located? IWER: ASK IF NECESSARY ................................................................................ 178 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT) 434 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY, NJ, PA) 641 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH, IN, IL, MI, WI) 299 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN, IA, MO, ND, SD, NE, KS) 943 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE, MD, DC, VA, West VA, NC, SC, GA, FL) 192 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY, TN, AL, MS) 387 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR, LA, OK, TX) 216 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT, ID, WY, CO, NM, AZ, UT, NV) 465 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA, OR, CA, AK, HI) 10. U.S., NA state 9 11. Foreign Country: Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories) 96. Same State (see questionnaire) 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 99. RF (refused) 10630 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q721:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q723:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q727:CS30] IS (1); [Q723:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q728:CS31] IS (1); [Q724:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q727:CS30] IS (1); [Q724:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q728:CS31] IS (1); [Q723:CS27] IS (1) OR [Q724:CS28] IS (1) OR [Q727:CS30] IS (1) OR [Q728:CS31] IS (1)
F732 CS33A.HOW LONG CURRENT ADDRESS Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q732 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CS33A. How many years have you lived around [Q731-CS33. CURRENT RESIDENCE]? IF LESS THAN ONE YEAR, USE 1 ENTER 95 IF "ALL MY LIFE" ................................................................................ 2656 0-94. Actual value 540 95. ALL MY LIFE 1 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 11198 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q721:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q723:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q727:CS30] IS (1); [Q723:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q728:CS31] IS (1); [Q724:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q727:CS30] IS (1); [Q724:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q728:CS31] IS (1); [Q723:CS27] IS (1) OR [Q724:CS28] IS (1) OR [Q727:CS30] IS (1) OR [Q728:CS31] IS (1); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1)
F733 CS34.ANOTHER RESIDENCE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q733 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS34. Do you have any other house or apartment where you live for 2 or more months of the year? IF R REPORTS MORE THAN ONE ADDITIONAL RESIDENCE, ASK ABOUT THE ONE THEY USE MOST. ................................................................................ 394 1. YES 13417 5. NO 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 583 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q721:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q723:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q727:CS30] IS (1); [Q723:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q728:CS31] IS (1); [Q724:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q727:CS30] IS (1); [Q724:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q728:CS31] IS (1)
F736M CS35.OTH RESIDENCE - REGION Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q10736 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CS35. In what city and state is your other residence located? ................................................................................ 14 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT) 46 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY, NJ, PA) 36 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH, IN, IL, MI, WI) 13 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN, IA, MO, ND, SD, NE, KS) 137 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE, MD, DC, VA, West VA, NC, SC, GA, FL) 10 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY, TN, AL, MS) 43 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR, LA, OK, TX) 44 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT, ID, WY, CO, NM, AZ, UT, NV) 32 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA, OR, CA, AK, HI) 10. U.S., NA state 16 11. Foreign Country: Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories) 96. Same State (see questionnaire) 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 99. RF (refused) 14000 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q721:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q723:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q727:CS30] IS (1); [Q723:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q728:CS31] IS (1); [Q724:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q727:CS30] IS (1); [Q724:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q728:CS31] IS (1); [Q733:CS34] IS (NE 1)
F737 CS35A.HOW LONG ADDRESS1 PAST Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q737 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CS35A. How many years have you lived around [Q736-CS35.OTH RESIDENCE CITY/STATE]? IF LESS THAN ONE YEAR, USE 1 ENTER 95 IF "ALL MY LIFE" ................................................................................ 131 0-94. Actual value 5 95. ALL MY LIFE 14259 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q721:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q723:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q727:CS30] IS (1); [Q723:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q728:CS31] IS (1); [Q724:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q727:CS30] IS (1); [Q724:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q728:CS31] IS (1); [Q733:CS34] IS (NE 1); [Q463:PRELOAD REINTERVIEW HH] IS (1)
F741 CS36.MAIN RESIDENCE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q741 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS36. Which is your main residence, your home in IF Q723 IS (1) OR Q724 IS (1) (Q48-HH1 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS CITY/Q101-HH2 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS CITY) ELSE Q727 IS (1) OR Q728 IS (1) (Q51-HH1 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY/Q104-HH2 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY) ELSE [Q731-CS33.CURRENT RESIDENCE] END or the one in IF (Q727 IS (1) OR Q728 IS (1)) AND (Q723 IS (1) OR Q724 IS (1)) (Q51-HH1 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY/Q104- HH2 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY) ELSE [Q736-CS35.OTH RESIDENCE CITY/STATE] END DEF: MAIN RESIDENCE, ONE WHERE R SPENDS THE MOST TIME (MTY) ................................................................................ 465 1. HOME IN (Q48-HH1 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS CITY / Q101-HH2 PREV WAVE 1ST ADDRESS CITY) 148 2. HOME IN Q731-CS33.CURRENT RESIDENCE 36 3. HOME IN (Q51-HH1 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY / Q104-HH2 PREV WAVE 2ND ADDRESS CITY) 35 4. HOME IN Q736-CS35.OTH RESIDENCE CITY/STATE 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 13707 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q721:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q738:CS35b] IS (1)
F773 CS40.CHILD ROSTER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q773 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS40. IF Q463 IS (1) VERIFY AND UPDATE INFORMATION ON CHILDREN & THEIR SPOUSES. PROMPT QUESTIONS ARE ON SALMON SHEET ELSE GATHER INFORMATION ON CHILDREN & THEIR SPOUSES. QUESTIONS ARE ON SALMON SHEET END REL MARI SPOUSE SP TO R SEX NAME R HH STAT NAME R HH IF Q459 IS (1) IF Q694 IS (1) [Q11-HH1 REL TO IDFM] [Q10-HH1 MEM SEX] [Q8-HH1 FIRST NAME] [Q7-HH1 STATUS] [Q13-HH1 MARITAL(CHILD)] [Q15-HH1 SP NAME] [Q14-HH1 SP STATUS] ELSE [Q12-HH1 REL TO IDNFM] [Q10-HH1 MEM SEX] [Q8-HH1 FIRST NAME] [Q7-HH1 STATUS] [Q13-HH1 MARITAL(CHILD)] [Q15-HH1 SP NAME] [Q14-HH1 SP STATUS] END ELSE IF Q694 IS (1) [Q64-HH2 REL TO IDFM] [Q63-HH2 MEM SEX] [Q61-HH2 MEM FIRST NAME] [Q60-HH2 MEM STATUS] [Q66-HH2 MARITAL (CHILD)] [Q68-HH2 SP NAME] [Q67-HH2 SP STATUS] ELSE [Q65-HH2 REL TO IDNFM] [Q63-HH2 MEM SEX] [Q61-HH2 MEM FIRST NAME] [Q60-HH2 MEM STATUS] [Q66-HH2 MARITAL (CHILD)] [Q68-HH2 SP NAME] [Q67-HH2 SP STATUS] END END Do you (or your/...) (husband/wife/partner/...) have any (other) children, step-children, or sons- or daughters-in-law? USE DOWN ARROW TO CHECK FOR MORE PERSONS ON THE GRID. WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED, PRESS F10 TO CONTINUE User note: These variables could be edited: Q7, Q8, Q10, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q14, Q15, Q60, Q61, Q63, Q64, Q65, Q66, Q67, Q68. ................................................................................ 14371 1. CONTINUE 24 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1)
F784 CS44. NONCHILD RESIDENTS ROSTER-1 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q784 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS44. VERIFY AND UPDATE INFORMATION ON NON-CHILDREN RESIDENTS: PROMPT QUESTIONS FOR NEW RESIDENTS ARE ON SALMON SHEET REL MARI SPOUSE SP TO R SEX NAME R HH STAT NAME R HH IF Q459 IS (1) IF Q694 IS (1) [Q11-HH1 REL TO IDFM] [Q10-HH1 MEM SEX] [Q8-HH1 FIRST NAME] [Q7-HH1 STATUS] [Q13-HH1 MARITAL(CHILD)] [Q15-HH1 SP NAME] [Q14-HH1 SP STATUS] ELSE [Q12-HH1 REL TO IDNFM] [Q10-HH1 MEM SEX] [Q8-HH1 FIRST NAME] [Q7-HH1 STATUS] [Q13-HH1 MARITAL(CHILD)] [Q15-HH1 SP NAME] [Q14-HH1 SP STATUS] END ELSE IF Q694 IS (1) [Q64-HH2 REL TO IDFM] [Q63-HH2 MEM SEX] [Q61-HH2 MEM FIRST NAME] [Q60-HH2 MEM STATUS] [Q66-HH2 MARITAL (CHILD)] [Q68-HH2 SP NAME] [Q67-HH2 SP STATUS] ELSE [Q65-HH2 REL TO IDNFM] [Q63-HH2 MEM SEX] [Q61-HH2 MEM FIRST NAME] [Q60-HH2 MEM STATUS] [Q66-HH2 MARITAL (CHILD)] [Q68-HH2 SP NAME] [Q67-HH2 SP STATUS] END END IF Q517 IS (NE1) AND Q738 IS (2) Is there anyone else living in your home in [Q742-CS36. ASSIGN MAIN RESIDENCE]? ELSE Q517 IS (NE1) Is there anyone else living in your home? END USE DOWN ARROW TO CHECK FOR MORE PERSONS ON THE GRID. WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED, PRESS F10 TO CONTINUE User note: These variables could be edited: Q7, Q8, Q10, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q14, Q15, Q60, Q61, Q63, Q64, Q65, Q66, Q67, Q68. ................................................................................ 14371 1. CONTINUE 24 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND {When Q7 is (2 OR 4)} then [F790.CS52 CKPT] = 1 * if [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND {When Q5 is (0 OR 5) AND [Q7:HH1 STATUS] IS (1 OR 2 OR 3)} then [F790.CS52 CKPT] = 1 * if [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND {When Q5 is (1) AND [Q7:HH1 STATUS] IS (5)} then [F790.CS52 CKPT] = 1 * if [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND {When Q60 is (2 OR 4)} then [F790.CS52 CKPT] = 1 * if [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND {When Q58 is (0 OR 5) AND [Q60:HH2 MEM STATUS] IS (1 OR 2 OR 3)} then [F790.CS52 CKPT] = 1 * if [Q459:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND {When Q58 is (1) AND [Q60:HH2 MEM STATUS] IS (5)} then [F790.CS52 CKPT] = 1 * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [F790.CS52 CKPT] = 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F790 CS52 CKPT Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q790 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 10736 0. No change in residency 3635 1. KID IS AWAY OR DIED;KID WAS NOT RESIDENT BEFORE AND NOW IS RES/AWAY/OTHER;IF KID WAS RESIDENT AND NOW IS NOT 24 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1)
F798 CS49.UPDATE REL TO R/SP Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q798 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS49. What is the relationship of (name) to your (current) (husband/wife/partner/...)? NAME RELATIONSHIP IF Q459 IS (1) IF Q694 IS (NE1) [Q8-HH1 FIRST NAME] [Q11-HH1 REL TO IDFM] ELSE [Q8-HH1 FIRST NAME] [Q12-HH1 REL TO IDNFM] END ELSE IF Q694 IS (NE1) [Q61-HH2 MEM FIRST NAME] [Q64-HH2 REL TO IDFM] ELSE [Q61-HH2 MEM FIRST NAME] [Q65-HH2 REL TO IDNFM] END END User note: These variables could be edited: Q11, Q12, Q64, Q65. ................................................................................ 2350 1. CONTINUE 12045 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q475:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q546:CS15D] IS (NE 1 AND NE 3); [Q794:HH MEMBERS REL TO R-SP] IS (0); Count of [Q794:HH MEMBERS REL TO R/SP] responses in range (1-20) is (0)
FVERSION DATA RELEASE VERSION Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q20101 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. Version 1, December 2001 14395 2. Version 2, May 2003
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