HHID      HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER                      
          Section: C            Level: Respondent      CAI Reference: Q9000
          Type: Character       Width: 6               Decimals: 0
          21384       000002-213479. Household Identifier range

PN PERSON NUMBER Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q9021 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: The range 10-49 is reserved for respondent person numbers. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 12445 010. Person Number 240 011. Person Number 2 012. Person Number 6329 020. Person Number 37 021. Person Number 965 030. Person Number 18 031. Person Number 1 032. Person Number 1329 040. Person Number 18 041. Person Number
FSUBHH 1998 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q9006 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 20863 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 275 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 211 2. Split household - other half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 6 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 29 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite
ESUBHH 1996 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q9005 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 10219 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 197 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 151 2. Split household - other half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 3 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 14 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite 10800 Blank. New cohort - ESUBHH does not exist
DSUBHH 1995 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q9004 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 5939 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 7 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 5 2. Split household - other half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 5. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 6. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 1 or 2 7. Reunited household - respondents from split household reunite 15433 Blank. New cohort - DSUBHH does not exist
FPN_SP 1998 SPOUSE/PARTNER PERSON NUMBER Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q9031 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: The range 10-49 is reserved for respondent person numbers. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 6091 010. Person Number 221 011. Person Number 2 012. Person Number 5572 020. Person Number 32 021. Person Number 848 030. Person Number 17 031. Person Number 1 032. Person Number 1176 040. Person Number 18 041. Person Number 7406 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable) - No spouse interview
FCSR 1998 WHETHER COVERSHEET RESPONDENT Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q9061 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 13894 1. Yes 477 2. Yes - household had two coversheet respondents and the coversheet information given by this respondent has been retained. 3. Yes - household had two coversheet respondents for some sections and the coversheet information given by this respondent has been retained. 4. No - household had no coversheet respondents but the person number of this respondent appears as the FPN_CS in the household record. 6536 5. No 477 6. No - household had two coversheet respondents and the coversheet information given by this respondent has not been retained. 7. No - household had two coversheet respondents for some sections and the coversheet information given by this respondent has not been retained. 8. No - household had no coversheet respondents and the person number of this respondent appears as the FPN_NCS in the household record.
FFAMR 1998 WHETHER FAMILY RESPONDENT Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q9062 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 14192 1. Yes 11 2. Yes - household had two family respondents and the family information given by this respondent has been retained. 3. Yes - household had two family respondents for some sections and the family information given by this respondent has been retained. 18 4. No - household had no family respondents but the person number of this respondent appears as the FPN_FAM in the household record. 7134 5. No 11 6. No - household had two family respondents and the family information given by this respondent has not been retained. 7. No - household had two family respondents for some sections and the family information given by this respondent has not been retained. 18 8. No - household had no family respondents and the person number of this respondent appears as the FPN_NFAM in the household record.
FFINR 1998 WHETHER FINANCIAL RESPONDENT Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q9063 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 14223 1. Yes 10 2. Yes - household had two financial respondents and the financial information given by this respondent has been retained. 24 3. Yes - household had two financial respondents for some sections and the financial information given by this respondent has been retained. 3 4. No - household had no financial respondents but the person number of this respondent appears as the FPN_FIN in the household record. 7087 5. No 10 6. No - household had two financial respondents and the financial information given by this respondent has not been retained. 24 7. No - household had two financial respondents for some sections and the financial information given by this respondent has not been retained. 3 8. No - household had no financial respondents and the person number of this respondent appears as the FPN_NFIN in the household record.
FQNR 1998 QUESTIONNAIRE Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q9070 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: Range is not continuous because some questionnaires were invalid. ................................................................................ 21384 00001-21402. Questionnaire number range
F1479 C1.RATE MEMORY Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1479 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C1. Part of this study is concerned with people's memory, and ability to think about things. First, how would you rate your memory at the present time? Would you say it is excellent, very good, good, fair or poor? ................................................................................ 1512 1. EXCELLENT 4784 2. VERY GOOD 8326 3. GOOD 3903 4. FAIR 793 5. POOR 14 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 5 9. RF (refused) 2047 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1480 C2.RATE MEMORY PAST Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1480 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C2. Compared to (Q218-PREV WAVE IW MONTH / Q219-PREV WAVE IW YEAR/two years ago), would you say your memory is better now, about the same, or worse now than it was then? ................................................................................ 542 1. BETTER 15122 2. SAME 3647 3. WORSE 23 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 2047 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1484 C3.WORDS PREAMBLE Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1484 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C3. I'll read a set of 10 words and ask you to recall as many as you can. We have purposely made the list long so that it will be difficult for anyone to recall all the words -- most people recall just a few. Please listen carefully as I read the set of words because I cannot repeat them. When I finish, I will ask you to recall aloud as many of the words as you can, in any order. Is this clear? PROBE AS NEEDED FOR UNDERSTANDING OF TASK. READ THE ITEMS AT A SLOW, STEADY RATE AS THEY COME UP ON THE SCREEN, APPROXIMATELY ONE WORD EVERY TWO SECONDS User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 127 9. RF (refused) 21254 Blank. No data
F1486_1 C3S.COUNTER WORDS LOOP Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1486 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 User note: One of four word lists was randomly assigned to be read to the respondent. This variable documents which list was read to the respondent and the words in that list. The first list of words consisted of words 1-10, the second list consisted of words 11-20, etc. The assignment was made longitudinally, so each respondent is assigned a different set of words in each of four successive waves of data collection. The assignment is also made so that two respondents in the same household (i.e., spouses or partners of one another) are not assigned the same set of words in the same or in adjacent waves. ................................................................................ 4759 1. HOTEL 2. RIVER 3. TREE 4. SKIN 5. GOLD 6. MARKET 7. PAPER 8. CHILD 9. KING 10. BOOK 4740 11. SKY 12. OCEAN 13. FLAG 14. DOLLAR 15. WIFE 16. MACHINE 17. HOME 18. EARTH 19. COLLEGE 20. BUTTER 4762 21. WOMAN 22. ROCK 23. BLOOD 24. CORNER 25. SHOES 26. LETTER 27. GIRL 28. HOUSE 29. VALLEY 30. ENGINE 4949 31. WATER 32. CHURCH 33. DOCTOR 34. PALACE 35. FIRE 36. GARDEN 37. SEA 38. VILLAGE 39. BABY 40. TABLE 2174 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF); partial interview
F1491M1 C4.WORD RECALL IMM Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1491 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C4. Now please tell me the words you can recall. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO ABOUT 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. Variables F1491M1 through F1491M11 identify which words were correctly recalled or repeated by respondents in the immediate recall test. For example, F1491M1, indicates the first word recalled by the respondent, F1491M2, indicates the second word recalled by the respondent, etc. ................................................................................ 833 1. BOOK 198 2. CHILD 133 3. GOLD 2674 4. HOTEL 156 5. KING 57 6. MARKET 96 7. PAPER 321 8. RIVER 70 9. SKIN 156 10. TREE 861 11. BUTTER 162 12. COLLEGE 86 13. DOLLAR 107 14. EARTH 214 15. FLAG 152 16. HOME 58 17. MACHINE 306 18. OCEAN 2512 19. SKY 186 20. WIFE 194 21. BLOOD 77 22. CORNER 696 23. ENGINE 211 24. GIRL 145 25. HOUSE 37 26. LETTER 166 27. ROCK 102 28. SHOES 118 29. VALLEY 2953 30. WOMAN 393 31. BABY 373 32. CHURCH 319 33. DOCTOR 147 34. FIRE 99 35. GARDEN 67 36. PALACE 94 37. SEA 713 38. TABLE 105 39. VILLAGE 2577 40. WATER 100 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 143 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 12 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 31 99. RF (refused) 2174 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1491M2 C4.WORD RECALL IMM Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1491 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C4. Now please tell me the words you can recall. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO ABOUT 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. Variables F1491M1 through F1491M11 identify which words were correctly recalled or repeated by respondents in the immediate recall test. For example, F1491M1, indicates the first word recalled by the respondent, F1491M2, indicates the second word recalled by the respondent, etc. ................................................................................ 326 1. BOOK 414 2. CHILD 220 3. GOLD 248 4. HOTEL 361 5. KING 154 6. MARKET 252 7. PAPER 1971 8. RIVER 224 9. SKIN 476 10. TREE 249 11. BUTTER 389 12. COLLEGE 141 13. DOLLAR 397 14. EARTH 312 15. FLAG 320 16. HOME 131 17. MACHINE 1944 18. OCEAN 400 19. SKY 296 20. WIFE 453 21. BLOOD 240 22. CORNER 161 23. ENGINE 773 24. GIRL 397 25. HOUSE 104 26. LETTER 1619 27. ROCK 244 28. SHOES 343 29. VALLEY 295 30. WOMAN 649 31. BABY 1702 32. CHURCH 591 33. DOCTOR 364 34. FIRE 179 35. GARDEN 115 36. PALACE 282 37. SEA 320 38. TABLE 229 39. VILLAGE 406 40. WATER 154 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 21 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 1 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 10 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 2507 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1491M3 C4.WORD RECALL IMM Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1491 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C4. Now please tell me the words you can recall. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO ABOUT 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. Variables F1491M1 through F1491M11 identify which words were correctly recalled or repeated by respondents in the immediate recall test. For example, F1491M1, indicates the first word recalled by the respondent, F1491M2, indicates the second word recalled by the respondent, etc. ................................................................................ 399 1. BOOK 650 2. CHILD 470 3. GOLD 234 4. HOTEL 284 5. KING 250 6. MARKET 291 7. PAPER 421 8. RIVER 552 9. SKIN 962 10. TREE 406 11. BUTTER 261 12. COLLEGE 313 13. DOLLAR 463 14. EARTH 874 15. FLAG 528 16. HOME 270 17. MACHINE 359 18. OCEAN 288 19. SKY 662 20. WIFE 843 21. BLOOD 492 22. CORNER 243 23. ENGINE 628 24. GIRL 582 25. HOUSE 200 26. LETTER 434 27. ROCK 503 28. SHOES 312 29. VALLEY 236 30. WOMAN 653 31. BABY 529 32. CHURCH 783 33. DOCTOR 511 34. FIRE 372 35. GARDEN 323 36. PALACE 482 37. SEA 321 38. TABLE 414 39. VILLAGE 337 40. WATER 267 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 33 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 16 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 2933 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1491M4 C4.WORD RECALL IMM Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1491 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C4. Now please tell me the words you can recall. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO ABOUT 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. Variables F1491M1 through F1491M11 identify which words were correctly recalled or repeated by respondents in the immediate recall test. For example, F1491M1, indicates the first word recalled by the respondent, F1491M2, indicates the second word recalled by the respondent, etc. ................................................................................ 526 1. BOOK 699 2. CHILD 617 3. GOLD 233 4. HOTEL 294 5. KING 350 6. MARKET 324 7. PAPER 315 8. RIVER 510 9. SKIN 349 10. TREE 604 11. BUTTER 310 12. COLLEGE 372 13. DOLLAR 356 14. EARTH 302 15. FLAG 483 16. HOME 368 17. MACHINE 280 18. OCEAN 276 19. SKY 738 20. WIFE 321 21. BLOOD 567 22. CORNER 408 23. ENGINE 610 24. GIRL 509 25. HOUSE 251 26. LETTER 294 27. ROCK 541 28. SHOES 435 29. VALLEY 249 30. WOMAN 739 31. BABY 374 32. CHURCH 351 33. DOCTOR 490 34. FIRE 403 35. GARDEN 411 36. PALACE 573 37. SEA 389 38. TABLE 350 39. VILLAGE 315 40. WATER 346 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 41 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 12 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 1 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 4098 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1491M5 C4.WORD RECALL IMM Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1491 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C4. Now please tell me the words you can recall. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO ABOUT 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. Variables F1491M1 through F1491M11 identify which words were correctly recalled or repeated by respondents in the immediate recall test. For example, F1491M1, indicates the first word recalled by the respondent, F1491M2, indicates the second word recalled by the respondent, etc. ................................................................................ 489 1. BOOK 548 2. CHILD 501 3. GOLD 213 4. HOTEL 336 5. KING 333 6. MARKET 300 7. PAPER 299 8. RIVER 246 9. SKIN 310 10. TREE 504 11. BUTTER 320 12. COLLEGE 321 13. DOLLAR 346 14. EARTH 253 15. FLAG 414 16. HOME 338 17. MACHINE 254 18. OCEAN 219 19. SKY 506 20. WIFE 290 21. BLOOD 309 22. CORNER 465 23. ENGINE 498 24. GIRL 492 25. HOUSE 254 26. LETTER 289 27. ROCK 399 28. SHOES 476 29. VALLEY 184 30. WOMAN 625 31. BABY 308 32. CHURCH 292 33. DOCTOR 315 34. FIRE 362 35. GARDEN 289 36. PALACE 540 37. SEA 393 38. TABLE 378 39. VILLAGE 273 40. WATER 366 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 48 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 8 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 2 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 6479 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1491M6 C4.WORD RECALL IMM Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1491 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C4. Now please tell me the words you can recall. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO ABOUT 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. Variables F1491M1 through F1491M11 identify which words were correctly recalled or repeated by respondents in the immediate recall test. For example, F1491M1, indicates the first word recalled by the respondent, F1491M2, indicates the second word recalled by the respondent, etc. ................................................................................ 315 1. BOOK 364 2. CHILD 302 3. GOLD 175 4. HOTEL 243 5. KING 265 6. MARKET 276 7. PAPER 222 8. RIVER 236 9. SKIN 279 10. TREE 330 11. BUTTER 295 12. COLLEGE 243 13. DOLLAR 265 14. EARTH 213 15. FLAG 284 16. HOME 257 17. MACHINE 179 18. OCEAN 144 19. SKY 288 20. WIFE 231 21. BLOOD 228 22. CORNER 393 23. ENGINE 328 24. GIRL 367 25. HOUSE 199 26. LETTER 227 27. ROCK 247 28. SHOES 391 29. VALLEY 114 30. WOMAN 409 31. BABY 215 32. CHURCH 213 33. DOCTOR 268 34. FIRE 266 35. GARDEN 221 36. PALACE 347 37. SEA 326 38. TABLE 282 39. VILLAGE 204 40. WATER 339 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 34 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 12 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 2 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 10346 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1491M7 C4.WORD RECALL IMM Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1491 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C4. Now please tell me the words you can recall. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO ABOUT 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. Variables F1491M1 through F1491M11 identify which words were correctly recalled or repeated by respondents in the immediate recall test. For example, F1491M1, indicates the first word recalled by the respondent, F1491M2, indicates the second word recalled by the respondent, etc. ................................................................................ 188 1. BOOK 216 2. CHILD 184 3. GOLD 98 4. HOTEL 194 5. KING 164 6. MARKET 192 7. PAPER 120 8. RIVER 144 9. SKIN 169 10. TREE 177 11. BUTTER 208 12. COLLEGE 132 13. DOLLAR 195 14. EARTH 138 15. FLAG 151 16. HOME 154 17. MACHINE 120 18. OCEAN 73 19. SKY 126 20. WIFE 132 21. BLOOD 122 22. CORNER 225 23. ENGINE 165 24. GIRL 207 25. HOUSE 156 26. LETTER 119 27. ROCK 163 28. SHOES 234 29. VALLEY 85 30. WOMAN 164 31. BABY 126 32. CHURCH 128 33. DOCTOR 139 34. FIRE 166 35. GARDEN 137 36. PALACE 209 37. SEA 234 38. TABLE 171 39. VILLAGE 102 40. WATER 217 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 27 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 6 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 14807 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1491M8 C4.WORD RECALL IMM Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1491 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C4. Now please tell me the words you can recall. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO ABOUT 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. Variables F1491M1 through F1491M11 identify which words were correctly recalled or repeated by respondents in the immediate recall test. For example, F1491M1, indicates the first word recalled by the respondent, F1491M2, indicates the second word recalled by the respondent, etc. ................................................................................ 111 1. BOOK 91 2. CHILD 86 3. GOLD 65 4. HOTEL 92 5. KING 77 6. MARKET 87 7. PAPER 57 8. RIVER 82 9. SKIN 74 10. TREE 110 11. BUTTER 91 12. COLLEGE 76 13. DOLLAR 86 14. EARTH 75 15. FLAG 73 16. HOME 68 17. MACHINE 55 18. OCEAN 30 19. SKY 60 20. WIFE 63 21. BLOOD 75 22. CORNER 118 23. ENGINE 47 24. GIRL 84 25. HOUSE 81 26. LETTER 53 27. ROCK 66 28. SHOES 127 29. VALLEY 26 30. WOMAN 83 31. BABY 40 32. CHURCH 65 33. DOCTOR 67 34. FIRE 90 35. GARDEN 88 36. PALACE 70 37. SEA 103 38. TABLE 92 39. VILLAGE 54 40. WATER 92 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 21 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 4 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 3 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 18226 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1491M9 C4.WORD RECALL IMM Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1491 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C4. Now please tell me the words you can recall. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO ABOUT 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. Variables F1491M1 through F1491M11 identify which words were correctly recalled or repeated by respondents in the immediate recall test. For example, F1491M1, indicates the first word recalled by the respondent, F1491M2, indicates the second word recalled by the respondent, etc. ................................................................................ 37 1. BOOK 13 2. CHILD 20 3. GOLD 21 4. HOTEL 56 5. KING 36 6. MARKET 41 7. PAPER 25 8. RIVER 30 9. SKIN 31 10. TREE 27 11. BUTTER 49 12. COLLEGE 25 13. DOLLAR 36 14. EARTH 21 15. FLAG 25 16. HOME 31 17. MACHINE 19 18. OCEAN 13 19. SKY 18 20. WIFE 16 21. BLOOD 20 22. CORNER 51 23. ENGINE 21 24. GIRL 28 25. HOUSE 29 26. LETTER 16 27. ROCK 23 28. SHOES 36 29. VALLEY 18 30. WOMAN 41 31. BABY 19 32. CHURCH 26 33. DOCTOR 24 34. FIRE 23 35. GARDEN 30 36. PALACE 30 37. SEA 47 38. TABLE 29 39. VILLAGE 15 40. WATER 50 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 6 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 2 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 20210 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1491M10 C4.WORD RECALL IMM Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1491 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C4. Now please tell me the words you can recall. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO ABOUT 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. Variables F1491M1 through F1491M11 identify which words were correctly recalled or repeated by respondents in the immediate recall test. For example, F1491M1, indicates the first word recalled by the respondent, F1491M2, indicates the second word recalled by the respondent, etc. ................................................................................ 21 1. BOOK 4 2. CHILD 11 3. GOLD 7 4. HOTEL 10 5. KING 16 6. MARKET 9 7. PAPER 8 8. RIVER 9 9. SKIN 6 10. TREE 15 11. BUTTER 10 12. COLLEGE 7 13. DOLLAR 11 14. EARTH 2 15. FLAG 8 16. HOME 16 17. MACHINE 3 18. OCEAN 3 19. SKY 8 20. WIFE 1 21. BLOOD 4 22. CORNER 18 23. ENGINE 5 24. GIRL 5 25. HOUSE 7 26. LETTER 6 27. ROCK 7 28. SHOES 5 29. VALLEY 4 30. WOMAN 5 31. BABY 1 32. CHURCH 4 33. DOCTOR 5 34. FIRE 8 35. GARDEN 13 36. PALACE 6 37. SEA 15 38. TABLE 13 39. VILLAGE 2 40. WATER 12 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 4 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 1 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 21049 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1491M11 C4.WORD RECALL IMM Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1491 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C4. Now please tell me the words you can recall. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO ABOUT 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. Variables F1491M1 through F1491M11 identify which words were correctly recalled or repeated by respondents in the immediate recall test. For example, F1491M1, indicates the first word recalled by the respondent, F1491M2, indicates the second word recalled by the respondent, etc. ................................................................................ 1. BOOK 2. CHILD 3. GOLD 4. HOTEL 5. KING 1 6. MARKET 7. PAPER 8. RIVER 2 9. SKIN 10. TREE 11. BUTTER 12. COLLEGE 13. DOLLAR 14. EARTH 15. FLAG 16. HOME 17. MACHINE 18. OCEAN 19. SKY 20. WIFE 1 21. BLOOD 22. CORNER 23. ENGINE 24. GIRL 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 27. ROCK 28. SHOES 29. VALLEY 30. WOMAN 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 33. DOCTOR 34. FIRE 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 37. SEA 38. TABLE 39. VILLAGE 40. WATER 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 3 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 21377 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1493 C5. CESD DEPRESSED Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1493 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 Now think about the past week and the feelings you have experienced. Please tell me if each of the following was true for you much of the time during the past week. PRESS "1" FOR "YES" AND "5" FOR "NO" C5. Much of the time during the past week, you felt depressed. (Would you say yes or no?)............... (Much of the time during the past week) C5a. You felt that everything you did was an effort...... C5b. Your sleep was restless............................. C5c. You were happy...................................... C5d. You felt lonely..................................... C5e. You enjoyed life.................................... C5g. You felt sad........................................ C5h. You could not get going............................. C5j. You had a lot of energy..........................… ................................................................................ 3372 1. YES 15946 5. NO 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9 9. RF (refused) 2052 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1494 C5A. CESD EFFORT Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1494 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 5074 1. YES 14244 5. NO 9 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 2054 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1495 C5B. CESD SLEEP Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1495 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 6709 1. YES 12613 5. NO 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 2055 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1496 C5C. CESD HAPPY Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1496 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 16700 1. YES 2616 5. NO 7 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 2057 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1497 C5D. CESD LONELY Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1497 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 3458 1. YES 15864 5. NO 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 2057 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1498 C5E. CESD ENJOY LIFE Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1498 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 17715 1. YES 1595 5. NO 12 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 2058 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1499 C5G. CESD SAD Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1499 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 3903 1. YES 15415 5. NO 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 2058 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1500 CFH. CESD GOING Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1500 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 4514 1. YES 14796 5. NO 11 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 2059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1501 C5J. ENERGY Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1501 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 11078 1. YES 8234 5. NO 10 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 2059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1513 C6. COUNT 20, 1ST TRY Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1513 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C6. For this next question, please try to count backward as quickly as you can from the number I will give you. I will tell you when to stop. IWER: ALLOW R TO START OVER IF S/HE WISHES TO DO SO PRESS ENTER AS SOON AS YOU READ THE NUMBER Please start with: 20 User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 21384 Blank. No data
F1515 C6A. END 20 Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1515 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C6a. PRESS ENTER AS SOON AS R HAS COUNTED 10 NUMBERS, OR STOPS, OR ASKS TO START OVER IWER: R CAN CORRECTLY COUNT DOWN FROM 19 TO 10 OR FROM 20 TO 11 User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 21384 Blank. No data
F1535 C6C. IWER CHECK 20, 1ST TRY Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1535 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C6c. You may stop now. Thank you. IWER: CODE CORRECT IF R COUNTED BACKWARDS FROM 19 TO 10 OR FROM 20 TO 11 WITHOUT ERROR USE ALT-R IF R REFUSED TO TRY THE TASK ................................................................................ 18319 1. CORRECT 846 5. INCORRECT 30 6. WANTS TO START OVER 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 141 9. RF (refused) 2048 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1536 C6D. COUNT 20, 2ND TRY Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1536 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C6d. Let's try again. PRESS ENTER AS SOON AS YOU READ THE NUMBER The number to count backward from is: 20 User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 21384 Blank. No data
F1538 C6D. END Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1538 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C6d. PRESS ENTER AS SOON AS R HAS COUNTED 10 NUMBERS OR STOPS User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 21384 Blank. No data
F1558 C6F. IWER CHECK 20, 2ND TRY Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1558 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C6f. You may stop now. Thank you. IWER: CODE CORRECT IF R COUNTED BACKWARDS FROM 19 TO 10 OR FROM 20 TO 11 WITHOUT ERROR USE ALT-R IF R REFUSED TO TRY THE TASK ................................................................................ 18 1. CORRECT 12 5. INCORRECT 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 21354 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1535:C6c] IS (RF); [Q1535:C6c] IS (NE 6); partial interview
F1572 C6G. COUNT 86, 1ST TRY Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1572 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C6g. Now please try counting backward from a different number. Remember to count as quickly as you can from the number I mention. IWER: ALLOW R TO START OVER IF S/HE WISHES TO DO SO PRESS ENTER AS SOON AS YOU READ THE NUMBER Please start with: 86 User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 21384 Blank. No data
F1574 C6G. END Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1574 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C6g. PRESS ENTER AS SOON AS R HAS COUNTED 10 NUMBERS, OR STOPS, OR ASKS TO START OVER IWER: R CAN CORRECTLY COUNT DOWN FROM 86 TO 77 OR FROM 85 TO 76 User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 21384 Blank. No data
F1594 C6J. IWER CHECK 86, 1ST TRY Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1594 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C6j. You may stop now. Thank you. IWER: CODE CORRECT IF R COUNTED BACKWARDS FROM 85 TO 76 OR FROM 86 TO 77 WITHOUT ERROR USE ALT-R IF R REFUSED TO TRY THE TASK ................................................................................ 16515 1. CORRECT 2556 5. INCORRECT 64 6. WANTS TO START OVER 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 60 9. RF (refused) 2189 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1535:C6c] IS (RF); partial interview
F1595 C6K. COUNT 86, 2ND TRY Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1595 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C6k. Let's try again. PRESS ENTER AS SOON AS YOU READ THE NUMBER The number to count backward from is: 86 User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 21384 Blank. No data
F1597 C6K. END Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1597 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C6k. PRESS ENTER AS SOON AS R HAS COUNTED 10 NUMBERS OR STOPS User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 21384 Blank. No data
F1617 C6N. IWER CHECK 86, 2ND TRY Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1617 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C6n. You may stop now. Thank you. IWER: CODE CORRECT IF R COUNTED BACKWARDS FROM 85 TO 76 OR FROM 86 TO 77 WITHOUT ERROR USE ALT-R IF R REFUSED TO TRY THE TASK ................................................................................ 36 1. CORRECT 28 5. INCORRECT 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 21320 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1535:C6c] IS (RF); [Q1594:C6j] IS (NE 6); partial interview
F1630 C7. TIME STAMP Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1630 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: Time in seconds from the beginning of the interview. ................................................................................ 19336 31-32203. Actual value 2048 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1631 C7A. SERIES 7-1 Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1631 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 C7a. Now let's try some subtraction of numbers. One hundred minus 7 equals what? IF R ADDS 7 INSTEAD, YOU MAY REPEAT QUESTION ................................................................................ 17808 0-996. Actual value 867 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 661 999. RF (refused) 2048 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1632 C7B. SERIES 7-2 Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1632 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 C7b. And 7 from that ................................................................................ 16819 0-996. Actual value 783 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 206 999. RF (refused) 3576 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1631:C7a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview
F1633 C7C. SERIES 7-3 Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1633 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 C7c. And 7 from that ................................................................................ 16134 0-996. Actual value 552 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 133 999. RF (refused) 4565 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1631:C7a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q1632:C7b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview
F1634 C7D. SERIES 7-4 Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1634 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 C7d. And 7 from that ................................................................................ 15756 0-996. Actual value 323 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 55 999. RF (refused) 5250 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1631:C7a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q1632:C7b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q1633:C7c] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview
F1635 C7E. SERIES 7-5 Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1635 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 C7e. And 7 from that ................................................................................ 15425 0-996. Actual value 308 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 23 999. RF (refused) 5628 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1631:C7a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q1632:C7b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q1633:C7c] IS (DK OR RF); [Q1634:C7d] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview
F1639 C8. START TIME STAMP Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1639 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: Time in seconds from the beginning of the interview. ................................................................................ 19336 32-32273. Actual value 2048 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1640M1 C8. WORDS DELAYED Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1640 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C8. A little while ago, I read you a list of words and you repeated the ones you could remember. Please tell me any of the words that you remember now. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. ................................................................................ 318 1. BOOK 310 2. CHILD 330 3. GOLD 1773 4. HOTEL 155 5. KING 129 6. MARKET 141 7. PAPER 583 8. RIVER 208 9. SKIN 423 10. TREE 281 11. BUTTER 191 12. COLLEGE 143 13. DOLLAR 266 14. EARTH 257 15. FLAG 200 16. HOME 86 17. MACHINE 580 18. OCEAN 1948 19. SKY 367 20. WIFE 271 21. BLOOD 197 22. CORNER 209 23. ENGINE 383 24. GIRL 316 25. HOUSE 85 26. LETTER 252 27. ROCK 178 28. SHOES 179 29. VALLEY 2301 30. WOMAN 491 31. BABY 792 32. CHURCH 366 33. DOCTOR 284 34. FIRE 180 35. GARDEN 142 36. PALACE 227 37. SEA 227 38. TABLE 149 39. VILLAGE 1723 40. WATER 214 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 2 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 1 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 1113 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 30 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 21 99. RF (refused) 2362 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF) OR [Q1491:C4] IS (96 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1640M2 C8. WORDS DELAYED Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1640 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C8. A little while ago, I read you a list of words and you repeated the ones you could remember. Please tell me any of the words that you remember now. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. ................................................................................ 249 1. BOOK 446 2. CHILD 367 3. GOLD 387 4. HOTEL 179 5. KING 178 6. MARKET 198 7. PAPER 1240 8. RIVER 284 9. SKIN 656 10. TREE 233 11. BUTTER 205 12. COLLEGE 189 13. DOLLAR 431 14. EARTH 329 15. FLAG 359 16. HOME 132 17. MACHINE 1181 18. OCEAN 649 19. SKY 398 20. WIFE 450 21. BLOOD 280 22. CORNER 160 23. ENGINE 1028 24. GIRL 342 25. HOUSE 111 26. LETTER 796 27. ROCK 301 28. SHOES 238 29. VALLEY 503 30. WOMAN 517 31. BABY 1019 32. CHURCH 503 33. DOCTOR 441 34. FIRE 269 35. GARDEN 185 36. PALACE 382 37. SEA 257 38. TABLE 201 39. VILLAGE 644 40. WATER 338 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 45 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 4 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 4080 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF) OR [Q1491:C4] IS (96 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1640M3 C8. WORDS DELAYED Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1640 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C8. A little while ago, I read you a list of words and you repeated the ones you could remember. Please tell me any of the words that you remember now. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. ................................................................................ 289 1. BOOK 570 2. CHILD 435 3. GOLD 318 4. HOTEL 213 5. KING 204 6. MARKET 246 7. PAPER 475 8. RIVER 364 9. SKIN 733 10. TREE 357 11. BUTTER 248 12. COLLEGE 278 13. DOLLAR 387 14. EARTH 558 15. FLAG 418 16. HOME 228 17. MACHINE 414 18. OCEAN 302 19. SKY 640 20. WIFE 582 21. BLOOD 458 22. CORNER 251 23. ENGINE 540 24. GIRL 417 25. HOUSE 179 26. LETTER 491 27. ROCK 364 28. SHOES 333 29. VALLEY 312 30. WOMAN 636 31. BABY 492 32. CHURCH 500 33. DOCTOR 465 34. FIRE 327 35. GARDEN 262 36. PALACE 456 37. SEA 301 38. TABLE 283 39. VILLAGE 426 40. WATER 419 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 67 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 16 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5130 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF) OR [Q1491:C4] IS (96 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1640M4 C8. WORDS DELAYED Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1640 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C8. A little while ago, I read you a list of words and you repeated the ones you could remember. Please tell me any of the words that you remember now. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. ................................................................................ 294 1. BOOK 558 2. CHILD 469 3. GOLD 224 4. HOTEL 252 5. KING 254 6. MARKET 268 7. PAPER 304 8. RIVER 335 9. SKIN 330 10. TREE 373 11. BUTTER 319 12. COLLEGE 289 13. DOLLAR 262 14. EARTH 265 15. FLAG 397 16. HOME 343 17. MACHINE 263 18. OCEAN 234 19. SKY 550 20. WIFE 338 21. BLOOD 414 22. CORNER 304 23. ENGINE 442 24. GIRL 422 25. HOUSE 220 26. LETTER 291 27. ROCK 349 28. SHOES 403 29. VALLEY 235 30. WOMAN 591 31. BABY 322 32. CHURCH 310 33. DOCTOR 371 34. FIRE 311 35. GARDEN 305 36. PALACE 456 37. SEA 321 38. TABLE 314 39. VILLAGE 307 40. WATER 422 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 62 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 19 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 7272 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF) OR [Q1491:C4] IS (96 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1640M5 C8. WORDS DELAYED Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1640 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C8. A little while ago, I read you a list of words and you repeated the ones you could remember. Please tell me any of the words that you remember now. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. ................................................................................ 274 1. BOOK 402 2. CHILD 379 3. GOLD 178 4. HOTEL 202 5. KING 210 6. MARKET 241 7. PAPER 218 8. RIVER 219 9. SKIN 203 10. TREE 344 11. BUTTER 256 12. COLLEGE 224 13. DOLLAR 233 14. EARTH 198 15. FLAG 272 16. HOME 244 17. MACHINE 218 18. OCEAN 149 19. SKY 363 20. WIFE 239 21. BLOOD 264 22. CORNER 321 23. ENGINE 308 24. GIRL 350 25. HOUSE 186 26. LETTER 234 27. ROCK 282 28. SHOES 340 29. VALLEY 126 30. WOMAN 421 31. BABY 220 32. CHURCH 236 33. DOCTOR 223 34. FIRE 289 35. GARDEN 204 36. PALACE 348 37. SEA 281 38. TABLE 228 39. VILLAGE 258 40. WATER 346 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 70 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 12 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 10571 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF) OR [Q1491:C4] IS (96 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1640M6 C8. WORDS DELAYED Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1640 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C8. A little while ago, I read you a list of words and you repeated the ones you could remember. Please tell me any of the words that you remember now. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. ................................................................................ 164 1. BOOK 236 2. CHILD 206 3. GOLD 123 4. HOTEL 194 5. KING 166 6. MARKET 181 7. PAPER 137 8. RIVER 140 9. SKIN 128 10. TREE 223 11. BUTTER 203 12. COLLEGE 140 13. DOLLAR 164 14. EARTH 163 15. FLAG 168 16. HOME 156 17. MACHINE 119 18. OCEAN 78 19. SKY 189 20. WIFE 152 21. BLOOD 158 22. CORNER 222 23. ENGINE 170 24. GIRL 204 25. HOUSE 149 26. LETTER 147 27. ROCK 179 28. SHOES 231 29. VALLEY 77 30. WOMAN 237 31. BABY 138 32. CHURCH 137 33. DOCTOR 147 34. FIRE 179 35. GARDEN 156 36. PALACE 226 37. SEA 204 38. TABLE 174 39. VILLAGE 142 40. WATER 254 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 54 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 13 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 14356 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF) OR [Q1491:C4] IS (96 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1640M7 C8. WORDS DELAYED Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1640 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C8. A little while ago, I read you a list of words and you repeated the ones you could remember. Please tell me any of the words that you remember now. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. ................................................................................ 113 1. BOOK 114 2. CHILD 99 3. GOLD 68 4. HOTEL 105 5. KING 97 6. MARKET 121 7. PAPER 59 8. RIVER 79 9. SKIN 89 10. TREE 120 11. BUTTER 111 12. COLLEGE 86 13. DOLLAR 106 14. EARTH 81 15. FLAG 98 16. HOME 98 17. MACHINE 47 18. OCEAN 36 19. SKY 89 20. WIFE 83 21. BLOOD 67 22. CORNER 105 23. ENGINE 85 24. GIRL 124 25. HOUSE 80 26. LETTER 78 27. ROCK 84 28. SHOES 130 29. VALLEY 32 30. WOMAN 93 31. BABY 71 32. CHURCH 88 33. DOCTOR 90 34. FIRE 99 35. GARDEN 75 36. PALACE 108 37. SEA 138 38. TABLE 107 39. VILLAGE 64 40. WATER 120 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 25 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 7 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 17615 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF) OR [Q1491:C4] IS (96 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1640M8 C8. WORDS DELAYED Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1640 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C8. A little while ago, I read you a list of words and you repeated the ones you could remember. Please tell me any of the words that you remember now. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. ................................................................................ 63 1. BOOK 54 2. CHILD 49 3. GOLD 32 4. HOTEL 59 5. KING 39 6. MARKET 50 7. PAPER 34 8. RIVER 44 9. SKIN 40 10. TREE 56 11. BUTTER 50 12. COLLEGE 31 13. DOLLAR 60 14. EARTH 43 15. FLAG 50 16. HOME 49 17. MACHINE 26 18. OCEAN 15 19. SKY 30 20. WIFE 28 21. BLOOD 29 22. CORNER 63 23. ENGINE 37 24. GIRL 60 25. HOUSE 46 26. LETTER 32 27. ROCK 44 28. SHOES 55 29. VALLEY 15 30. WOMAN 41 31. BABY 30 32. CHURCH 30 33. DOCTOR 28 34. FIRE 43 35. GARDEN 56 36. PALACE 47 37. SEA 56 38. TABLE 59 39. VILLAGE 30 40. WATER 54 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 18 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 3 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 19606 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF) OR [Q1491:C4] IS (96 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1640M9 C8. WORDS DELAYED Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1640 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C8. A little while ago, I read you a list of words and you repeated the ones you could remember. Please tell me any of the words that you remember now. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. ................................................................................ 27 1. BOOK 17 2. CHILD 7 3. GOLD 11 4. HOTEL 27 5. KING 25 6. MARKET 21 7. PAPER 16 8. RIVER 24 9. SKIN 12 10. TREE 16 11. BUTTER 29 12. COLLEGE 16 13. DOLLAR 15 14. EARTH 18 15. FLAG 17 16. HOME 21 17. MACHINE 10 18. OCEAN 5 19. SKY 22 20. WIFE 19 21. BLOOD 17 22. CORNER 22 23. ENGINE 11 24. GIRL 14 25. HOUSE 17 26. LETTER 16 27. ROCK 22 28. SHOES 33 29. VALLEY 6 30. WOMAN 22 31. BABY 11 32. CHURCH 17 33. DOCTOR 15 34. FIRE 13 35. GARDEN 15 36. PALACE 18 37. SEA 28 38. TABLE 22 39. VILLAGE 12 40. WATER 19 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 5 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 1 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 20653 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF) OR [Q1491:C4] IS (96 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1640M10 C8. WORDS DELAYED Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1640 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C8. A little while ago, I read you a list of words and you repeated the ones you could remember. Please tell me any of the words that you remember now. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. ................................................................................ 9 1. BOOK 4 2. CHILD 7 3. GOLD 5 4. HOTEL 8 5. KING 9 6. MARKET 5 7. PAPER 3 8. RIVER 6 9. SKIN 5 10. TREE 8 11. BUTTER 7 12. COLLEGE 7 13. DOLLAR 8 14. EARTH 5 15. FLAG 6 16. HOME 7 17. MACHINE 5 18. OCEAN 2 19. SKY 5 20. WIFE 5 21. BLOOD 3 22. CORNER 17 23. ENGINE 3 24. GIRL 10 25. HOUSE 3 26. LETTER 4 27. ROCK 5 28. SHOES 3 29. VALLEY 4 30. WOMAN 7 31. BABY 6 32. CHURCH 3 33. DOCTOR 5 34. FIRE 8 35. GARDEN 7 36. PALACE 5 37. SEA 7 38. TABLE 6 39. VILLAGE 3 40. WATER 10 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 1 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 1 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 21137 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF) OR [Q1491:C4] IS (96 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1640M11 C8. WORDS DELAYED Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1640 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 C8. A little while ago, I read you a list of words and you repeated the ones you could remember. Please tell me any of the words that you remember now. PERMIT AS MUCH TIME AS R WISHES -- UP TO 2 MINUTES. User note: Up to fifteen responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was eleven. ................................................................................ 1. BOOK 2. CHILD 3. GOLD 4. HOTEL 5. KING 6. MARKET 7. PAPER 8. RIVER 9. SKIN 10. TREE 11. BUTTER 1 12. COLLEGE 1 13. DOLLAR 14. EARTH 15. FLAG 16. HOME 1 17. MACHINE 18. OCEAN 19. SKY 20. WIFE 21. BLOOD 22. CORNER 23. ENGINE 24. GIRL 25. HOUSE 26. LETTER 27. ROCK 28. SHOES 29. VALLEY 30. WOMAN 31. BABY 32. CHURCH 33. DOCTOR 34. FIRE 35. GARDEN 36. PALACE 37. SEA 38. TABLE 39. VILLAGE 40. WATER 51. FIRST 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 52. SECOND 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 53. THIRD 'WRONG' WORD (i.e., word was not one of those read to the respondent) 95. Invalid recall test: R wrote words down; 'cheating' reported by IWER; R could not hear words; IWER repeated words; Proxy did recall 96. NONE REMEMBERED, TRIED, DK 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 21381 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); [Q1484:C3] IS (RF) OR [Q1491:C4] IS (96 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no subsequent mention
F1641 C8. END TIME STAMP Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1641 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: Time in seconds from the beginning of the interview. ................................................................................ 19335 32-32305. Actual value 2049 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
F1644 C9. COGINTRO Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1644 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C9. We're interested in how memory actually works. We find that even people with very good memories seem to forget some things from time to time. The next questions are a little different, but are often asked on studies about memory. IWER: DO NOT PROBE DK/RF IN SECTION C (COGNITION) User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 21384 Blank. No data
F1645 C9A. DATE MONTH-4Q Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1645 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C9a. Please tell me today's date. PROBE MONTH, DAY, YEAR, DAY OF WEEK. THE DATE IS [Q699-CUR YEAR YYYY] / [Q699-CUR YEAR YYYY] / [Q699-CUR YEAR YYYY] THE DAY IS [Q696-CS CUR DAY TEXT] MONTH: DAY: YEAR: DAY OF WEEK: User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 11971 1. MONTH OK 317 5. MONTH NOT OK 20 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 17 9. RF (refused) 9059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1646 C9B. DATE DAY Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1646 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 10179 1. DATE OK 2108 5. DATE NOT OK 29 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9 9. RF (refused) 9059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1647 C9C. DATE-YEAR Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1647 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 11889 1. YEAR OK 407 5. YEAR NOT OK 18 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 11 9. RF (refused) 9059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1648 C9D. DATE-DAY/WEEK Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1648 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 11941 1. DAY OK 361 5. DAY NOT OK 13 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 10 9. RF (refused) 9059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1649 C10. CUT PAPER Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1649 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C10. Now I'm going to ask you for the names of some people and things. What do people usually use to cut paper? User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 12192 1. SCISSORS OR SHEARS ONLY 105 5. NOT CORRECT 11 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 17 9. RF (refused) 9059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1650 C11. CACTUS Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1650 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C11. What do you call the kind of prickly plant that grows in the desert? User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 11126 1. CACTUS OR NAME OF KIND OF CACTUS 894 5. NOT CORRECT 286 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 19 9. RF (refused) 9059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1651 C12. PRESIDENT-2Q Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1651 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C12. Who is the President of the United States right now? IWER: ANSWER IS CLINTON PROBE FOR LAST NAME. User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 11789 1. LAST NAME CORRECT 418 5. NOT CORRECT 100 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 18 9. RF (refused) 9059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1652 C12A. VICE PRES-2Q Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1652 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C12a. Who is the Vice President? IWER: ANSWER IS GORE PROBE FOR LAST NAME. User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 10340 1. LAST NAME CORRECT 1516 5. NOT CORRECT 450 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 19 9. RF (refused) 9059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1655 C13.VOCABULARY WORDS Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1655 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C13. Now please tell me the meanings of some words I will read to you. Any way you want to define the word is fine. User notes: This preamble variable has been included in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. Vocabulary questions C13a - C13j are derived from the Wechsler Adult Intelligences Scale-Revised. Copyright 1981, 1955 by The Psychological Corporation, A Harcourt Assessment Company. Reproduced by permission. All rights reserved. "Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale" and "WAIS" are registered trademarks of The Psychological Corporation. ................................................................................ 21384 Blank. No data
F1656 C13. START TIME STAMP Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1656 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. User note: Time in seconds from the beginning of the interview. ................................................................................ 12325 42-32369. Actual value 9059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3-4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1657_1 C13A. REPAIR Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1657 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C13a. What is the meaning of the word: IF Q827 IS (0 OR 1) Repair ELSE Q827 IS (2) Conceal END User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 287 1. Don't know; answer incorrect 221 2. Answer partially correct 6392 3. Answer perfectly correct 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 22 9. RF (refused) 14462 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1657_2 C13A. CONCEAL Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1657 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C13a. What is the meaning of the word: IF Q827 IS (0 OR 1) Repair ELSE Q827 IS (2) Conceal END User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 561 1. Don't know; answer incorrect 347 2. Answer partially correct 4478 3. Answer perfectly correct 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 17 9. RF (refused) 15981 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1658 C13A. 1ST TIME STAMP Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1658 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. User note: Time in seconds from the beginning of the interview. ................................................................................ 12325 42-32379. Actual value 9059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3-4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1660_1 C13C. FABRIC Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1660 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C13c. (What is the meaning of) the word: IF Q827 IS (0 OR 1) Fabric ELSE Q827 IS (2) Enormous END User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 597 1. Don't know; answer incorrect 2407 2. Answer partially correct 3896 3. Answer perfectly correct 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 22 9. RF (refused) 14462 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1660_2 C13C. ENORMOUS Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1660 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C13c. (What is the meaning of) the word: IF Q827 IS (0 OR 1) Fabric ELSE Q827 IS (2) Enormous END User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 415 1. Don't know; answer incorrect 3216 2. Answer partially correct 1756 3. Answer perfectly correct 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 16 9. RF (refused) 15981 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1661 C13C. 2ND TIME STAMP Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1661 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. User note: Time in seconds from the beginning of the interview. ................................................................................ 12325 42-32394. Actual value 9059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3-4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1663_1 C13E. DOMESTIC Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1663 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C13e. (What is the meaning of) the word: IF Q827 IS (0 OR 1) Domestic ELSE Q827 IS (2) Perimeter END User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 1284 1. Don't know; answer incorrect 2005 2. Answer partially correct 3604 3. Answer perfectly correct 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 29 9. RF (refused) 14462 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1663_2 C13E. PERIMETER Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1663 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C13e. (What is the meaning of) the word: IF Q827 IS (0 OR 1) Domestic ELSE Q827 IS (2) Perimeter END User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 2643 1. Don't know; answer incorrect 815 2. Answer partially correct 1919 3. Answer perfectly correct 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 26 9. RF (refused) 15981 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1664 C13E. 3RD TIME STAMP Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1664 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. User note: Time in seconds from the beginning of the interview. ................................................................................ 12325 44-32410. Actual value 9059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3-4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1666_1 C13G. REMORSE Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1666 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C13g. (What is the meaning of) the word: IF Q827 IS (0 OR 1) Remorse ELSE Q827 IS (2) Compassion END User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 1442 1. Don't know; answer incorrect 3791 2. Answer partially correct 1666 3. Answer perfectly correct 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 23 9. RF (refused) 14462 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1666_2 C13G. COMPASSION Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1666 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C13g. (What is the meaning of) the word: IF Q827 IS (0 OR 1) Remorse ELSE Q827 IS (2) Compassion END User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 2274 1. Don't know; answer incorrect 1749 2. Answer partially correct 1361 3. Answer perfectly correct 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 19 9. RF (refused) 15981 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1667 C13G. 4TH TIME STAMP Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1667 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. User note: Time in seconds from the beginning of the interview. ................................................................................ 12325 45-32427. Actual value 9059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3-4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1669_1 C13J. PLAGIARIZE Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1669 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C13j. (What is the meaning of) the word: IF Q827 IS (0 OR 1) Plagiarize ELSE Q827 IS (2) Audacious END User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 4930 1. Don't know; answer incorrect 1517 2. Answer partially correct 442 3. Answer perfectly correct 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 33 9. RF (refused) 14462 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1669_2 C13J. AUDACIOUS Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1669 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C13j. (What is the meaning of) the word: IF Q827 IS (0 OR 1) Plagiarize ELSE Q827 IS (2) Audacious END User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 4268 1. Don't know; answer incorrect 817 2. Answer partially correct 290 3. Answer perfectly correct 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 28 9. RF (refused) 15981 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1670 C13. END TIME STAMP Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1670 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. User note: Time in seconds from the beginning of the interview. ................................................................................ 12325 45-32443. Actual value 9059 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3-4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); partial interview
F1677 C.TICS SCORE COUNT Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1677 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 User note: The interviewer was prompted to consider a proxy interview if Q1677 C.TICS SCORE COUNT was less than 5. This variable is the sum of points for answers of '1' to the questions listed below. 1 point Q1645 C9a. (C5a)DATE MONTH-4Q 1 point Q1646 C9b. (C5b)DATE DAY 1 point Q1647 C9c. (C5c)DATE-YEAR 1 point Q1648 C9d. (C5d)DATE-DAY/WEEK 2 points Q1535 C6c. IWER CHECK 20, 1ST TRY 1 point Q1558 C6f. IWER CHECK 20, 2ND TRY 1 point Q1649 C10. (C7)CUT PAPER 1 point Q1650 C11. (C8)CACTUS 1 point Q1651 C12. (C9)PRESIDENT-2Q 1 point Q1652 C12a. (C10)VICE PRES-2Q This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before product version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 11 0. Number of correct points 12 1. Number of correct points 23 2. Number of correct points 50 3. Number of correct points 74 4. Number of correct points 126 5. Number of correct points 191 6. Number of correct points 359 7. Number of correct points 844 8. Number of correct points 2159 9. Number of correct points 5943 10. Number of correct points 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 11592 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); [Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3-4)); partial interview
F1678 C.TICS ASSIST Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1678 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 C.FLAG ASSIST SCREEN R RULE RANGE R TICS: [Q1677-C.TICS SCORE COUNT] < 5 0 - 10 IWER: SCORE INDICATES R SHOULD HAVE AN ASSISTANT OR PROXY. PROXY IW WILL BE ATTEMPTED: ENTER '1' R WILL CONTINUE WITH AN ASSISTOR: ENTER '3' R WILL CONTINUE UNASSISTED: ENTER '5' AND EXPLAIN User note: This question was jumped based on ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE (REF Q753)] IS (LT 65) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1) before version 3. See F454A and F6697A for product version information. ................................................................................ 36 1. PROXY WILL DO IW FOR R 80 3. R WILL CONTINUE WITH ASSISTED IW 86 5. THERE ARE OTHER REASONS FOR FLAG SCORE 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 21182 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3- 4))) AND [Q682:PREVIOUS WAVE INTERV] IS (1); [Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (GT 0 AND LT 65) OR ([Q1014:R_S CUR AGE] IS (0) AND [Q461:PRELOAD COHORT] IS (3-4)); [Q1677:C] IS (GE 5); partial interview
F1682 ASSIST SEC C Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q1682 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CASSIST IWER: HOW OFTEN DID R RECEIVE ASSISTANCE WITH ANSWERS IN SECTION C - COGNITIVE? ................................................................................ 19093 1. NEVER 190 2. A FEW TIMES 50 3. MOST OR ALL OF THE TIME 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 2050 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable): [Q456:CS CONTINUE] IS (5); [Q497:CS2b] IS (A) OR [Q542:CS15C2] IS (A) OR [Q518:CS11a] IS (A); [Q483:CS1A] IS (2 OR 3); partial interview
FVERSION DATA RELEASE VERSION Section: C Level: Respondent CAI Reference: Q20001 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. Version 1, December 2001 21384 2. Version 2, May 2003
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