HHID      HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER                      
          Section: J            Level: Household       CAI Reference: Q9100
          Type: Character       Width: 6               Decimals: 0
           5222       200001-208898. Household Identifier range

DSUBHH 1995 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9104 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: The range 10-49 is reserved for respondent person numbers. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 5211 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 6 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 5 2. Split household - other half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any Blank. New cohort - DSUBHH does not exist
BSUBHH 1993 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9102 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 5222 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners Blank. New cohort - BSUBHH does not exist
DPN_CS 1995 COVERSHEET RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9141 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who provided the 1995 coversheet information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 4043 010. Person Number 1 011. Person Number 1165 020. Person Number 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 13 Blank. No coversheet respondent
DPN_FAM 1995 FAMILY RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9142 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who provided the 1995 family information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 4056 010. Person Number 1 011. Person Number 1148 020. Person Number 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 17 Blank. No family respondent
DPN_FIN 1995 FINANCIAL RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9143 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who provided the 1995 financial information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 4216 010. Person Number 1 011. Person Number 984 020. Person Number 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 21 Blank. No financial respondent
DPN_NCS 1995 NON-COVERSHEET RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9151 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who did not provide the 1995 coversheet information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 887 010. Person Number 12 011. Person Number 918 020. Person Number 1 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 3404 Blank. No spouse/partner; no non-coversheet respondent
DPN_NFAM 1995 NON-FAMILY RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9152 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who did not provide the 1995 family information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 874 010. Person Number 12 011. Person Number 935 020. Person Number 1 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 3400 Blank. No spouse/partner; no non-family respondent
DPN_NFIN 1995 NON-FINANCIAL RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9153 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who did not provide the 1995 financial information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 714 010. Person Number 12 011. Person Number 1099 020. Person Number 1 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 3396 Blank. No spouse/partner; no non-financial respondent
DQNR_CS 1995 QUESTIONNAIRE - COVERSHEET RESP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9171 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the questionnaire number of the respondent who did not provide the 1998 coversheet information for the household. ................................................................................ 5209 00001-07807. Questionnaire number range 13 Blank. No coversheet respondent
DQNR_FAM 1995 QUESTIONNAIRE - FAMILY RESP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9172 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the questionnaire number of the respondent who did not provide the 1998 family information for the household. ................................................................................ 5205 00001-07807. Questionnaire number range 17 Blank. No family respondent
DQNR_FIN 1995 QUESTIONNAIRE - FINANCIAL RESP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9173 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the questionnaire number of the respondent who did not provide the 1998 financial information for the household. ................................................................................ 5201 00001-07807. Questionnaire number range 21 Blank. No financial respondent
D3874 J0. INTRO FINANCES Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3874 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J0. We are interested in how people are getting along financially these days. The next questions are about income you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) receive. Let's start with Social Security income. User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D3875 J1.RECEIVE SOC SEC Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3875 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J1. IF Q674 IS (1 OR 2 OR 3) Do you yourself currently receive any ELSE Do you currently receive any END income from Social Security? ................................................................................ 4918 1. YES 244 5. NO 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 8 9. RF (refused) 44 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3877M1 J2.R TYPE SOC SEC Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3877 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J2. Is your Social Security check for retirement, disability, survivors (widowed) benefits, other dependent benefits, or what? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was two. ................................................................................ 3475 1. RETIREMENT 78 2. DISABILITY 1085 3. SURVIVOR BENEFITS 239 4. DEPENDENT OF DISABLED OR RETIRED 26 7. Other 13 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 304 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3875:J1] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3877M2 J2.R TYPE SOC SEC Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3877 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J2. Is your Social Security check for retirement, disability, survivors (widowed) benefits, other dependent benefits, or what? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was two. ................................................................................ 19 1. RETIREMENT 17 2. DISABILITY 139 3. SURVIVOR BENEFITS 12 4. DEPENDENT OF DISABLED OR RETIRED 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5035 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3875:J1] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3878 J3.AMT SOC SEC LAST MNTH Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3878 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J3. How much did you (yourself) receive from Social Security last month? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 4337 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 316 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 265 999999. RF (refused) 304 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3875:J1] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3879 J3A.AMT SS R DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3879 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J3a. In (1994/1995) did you receive more than $5,000 per year from social security? ................................................................................ 289 1. YES 134 5. NO 7. Other 70 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 88 9. RF (refused) 4641 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3875:J1] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3878:J3] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3880 J3B.AMT SS R DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3880 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J3b. Did you receive more than $10,000 in (1994/1995)? ................................................................................ 72 1. YES 181 5. NO 15 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 21 9. RF (refused) 4933 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3875:J1] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3878:J3] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3879:J3a] IS (5); [Q3879:J3a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3881 J3C.AMT SS R DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3881 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J3b. Did you receive more than $3,000 in (1994/1995)? ................................................................................ 85 1. YES 35 5. NO 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 6 9. RF (refused) 5088 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3875:J1] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3878:J3] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3879:J3a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3880:J3b] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3882 J4. START SS IN LAST TWO YEARS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3882 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J4. IF Q370 IS (1) Did you start receiving Social Security before (Wave 1 Interview Month-Year)? ELSE Did you start receiving Social Security before two years ago? END ................................................................................ 127 1. YES 10 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5084 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3875:J1] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q152:W1 R W1 GET SS] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3883 J4A.MONTH START SOC SEC Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3883 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J4a. In what month and year did you start to receive Social Security benefits? MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 2 1. JAN 2. FEB 3. MAR 4. APR 1 5. MAY 2 6. JUN 7. JUL 8. AUG 9. SEP 1 10. OCT 2 11. NOV 1 12. DEC 97. Other 1 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5212 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3875:J1] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q152:W1 R W1 GET SS] IS (1); [Q3882:J4] IS (NE 5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3884 J4A.YEAR START SOC SEC Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3884 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 9 1993-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 1 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999. RF (refused) 5212 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3875:J1] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q152:W1 R W1 GET SS] IS (1); [Q3882:J4] IS (NE 5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3885 J5.SP REC SS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3885 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J5. Does your (husband/wife/partner) currently receive any income from Social Security? ................................................................................ 1767 1. YES 115 5. NO 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 3330 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3886M1 J5A.SP TYPE SOC SEC Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3886 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J5a. Is (her/his) Social Security check for retirement, disability, survivors benefits, other dependent benefits, or what? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was two. ................................................................................ 1453 1. RETIREMENT 28 2. DISABILITY 32 3. SURVIVOR BENEFITS 236 4. DEPENDENT OF DISABLED OR RETIRED 14 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 3455 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); [Q3885:J5] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3886M2 J5A.SP TYPE SOC SEC Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3886 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J5a. Is (her/his) Social Security check for retirement, disability, survivors benefits, other dependent benefits, or what? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was two. ................................................................................ 1 1. RETIREMENT 11 2. DISABILITY 2 3. SURVIVOR BENEFITS 6 4. DEPENDENT OF DISABLED OR RETIRED 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5202 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); [Q3885:J5] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3888 J6.AMT SOC SEC LAST MNTH SP/PT Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3888 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J6. How much did your (husband/wife/partner) receive from Social Security last month? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 1530 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 162 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 75 999999. RF (refused) 3455 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); [Q3885:J5] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3889 J6A.AMT SS S DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3889 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J6a. In (1994/1995) did your (husband/wife/partner) receive more than $5,000 per year from social security? ................................................................................ 99 1. YES 61 5. NO 7. Other 46 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 31 9. RF (refused) 4985 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); [Q3885:J5] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3888:J6] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3890 J6B.AMT SS S DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3890 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J6b. Did your (husband/wife/partner) receive more than $10,000 in (1994/1995)? ................................................................................ 20 1. YES 62 5. NO 7. Other 7 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 10 9. RF (refused) 5123 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); [Q3885:J5] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3888:J6] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3889:J6a] IS (5); [Q3889:J6a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3891 J6C.AMT SS S DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3891 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J6c. Did your (husband/wife/partner) receive more than $3,000 in (1994/1995)? ................................................................................ 34 1. YES 22 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5161 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); [Q3885:J5] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3888:J6] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3889:J6a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3890:J6b] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3892 J7.START SS IN LAST 2 YEARS SP/PT Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3892 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J7. IF Q370 IS (1) Did (she/he) start receiving SS before (Wave 1 Interview Month-Year)? ELSE Did (she/he) start receiving SS before two years ago? END ................................................................................ 110 1. YES 28 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5082 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); [Q3885:J5] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q153:W1 SP W1 GET SS] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3893 J7A.MONTH START SOC SEC SP/PT Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3893 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J7a. In what month and year did your (husband/wife/partner) start to receive Social Security benefits? MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 5 1. JAN 1 2. FEB 1 3. MAR 4. APR 2 5. MAY 5 6. JUN 3 7. JUL 2 8. AUG 3 9. SEP 10. OCT 2 11. NOV 1 12. DEC 97. Other 2 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5195 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); [Q3885:J5] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q153:W1 SP W1 GET SS] IS (1); [Q3892:J7] IS (NE 5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3894 J7B.YEAR START SOC SEC SP/PT Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3894 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 25 1900-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 2 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999. RF (refused) 5195 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); [Q3885:J5] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q153:W1 SP W1 GET SS] IS (1); [Q3892:J7] IS (NE 5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3895 J8.SOC SEC FUTURE Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3895 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J8. Do you expect to receive Social Security benefits at some time in the future? ................................................................................ 26 1. YES 192 5. NO 7. Other 7 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4997 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q153:W1 SP W1 GET SS] IS (1); [Q3875:J1] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3896 J8A.AGE R SS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3896 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J8a. At what age do you expect to start collecting these benefits? AGE: ................................................................................ 26 40-96. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5196 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q153:W1 SP W1 GET SS] IS (1); [Q3875:J1] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3895:J8] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3897 J8B.R SS AMT FUTURE Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3897 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J8b. If you start collecting Social Security benefits then, about how much do you expect the payments to be in today's dollars? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 18 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 8 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999999. RF (refused) 5196 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q153:W1 SP W1 GET SS] IS (1); [Q3875:J1] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3895:J8] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3898 J8C. R PER TODAY S DLLRS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3898 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J8b. (Would that be per month, year, or what?) $[Q3897-J8b.R SS AMT FUTURE] PER: ................................................................................ 2. WEEK 3. EVERY TWO WEEKS/BI-WEEKLY 24 4. MONTH 5. LUMP SUM 6. YEAR 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5196 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q153:W1 SP W1 GET SS] IS (1); [Q3875:J1] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3895:J8] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3899 J8D.SSA CALCULATE Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3899 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J8d. Have you ever had the Social Security Administration calculate what your Social Security retirement benefit will be? ................................................................................ 9 1. YES 17 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5196 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q153:W1 SP W1 GET SS] IS (1); [Q3875:J1] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3895:J8] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3901 J9.SOC SEC SP FUTURE Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3901 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J9. Does your (husband/wife/partner) expect to receive Social Security benefits at some time in the future? ................................................................................ 33 1. YES 80 5. NO 7. Other 9 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 5097 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q153:W1 SP W1 GET SS] IS (1); [Q3885:J5] IS (1) OR [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3902 J9A.AGE Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3902 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J9a. At what age does (she/he) expect to start collecting these benefits? AGE: ................................................................................ 27 40-96. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 97. Other 6 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5189 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q153:W1 SP W1 GET SS] IS (1); [Q3885:J5] IS (1) OR [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); [Q3901:J9] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3903 J9B.AMT TODAY S DLLRS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3903 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J9b. If (she/he) starts collecting Social Security benefits then, about how much do you expect the payments to be in today's dollars? AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 15 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 18 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999999. RF (refused) 5189 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q153:W1 SP W1 GET SS] IS (1); [Q3885:J5] IS (1) OR [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); [Q3901:J9] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3904 J9C.SP PER TODAY S DLLRS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3904 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 2. WEEK 3. EVERY TWO WEEKS/BI-WEEKLY 15 4. MONTH 5. LUMP SUM 6. YEAR 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5207 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q153:W1 SP W1 GET SS] IS (1); [Q3885:J5] IS (1) OR [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); [Q3901:J9] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3903:J9b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3906 J9D.SSA CALCULATE SP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3906 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J9d. Has your (husband/wife/partner) ever had the Social Security Administration calculate what (her/his) Social Security retirement benefit will be? ................................................................................ 3 1. YES 30 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5189 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q153:W1 SP W1 GET SS] IS (1); [Q3885:J5] IS (1) OR [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); [Q3901:J9] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3911 J10. SSI-MONTH Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3911 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J10. Did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) receive any income in the last month from Supplemental Security Income, also called SSI? DEFINITION: SSI is a program administered by the Social Security Administration which makes assistance payments to low-income, blind, disabled, and aged persons. A person may be receiving either or both SSI and Social Security checks. ................................................................................ 424 1. YES 4730 5. NO 7. Other 19 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 6 9. RF (refused) 43 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3912 J11. SSI $ Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3912 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 J11. How much did you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) receive from SSI last month? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 394 0-9996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 23 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 6 9999. RF (refused) 4799 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3911:J10] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3913 J11A.AMT SS R DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3913 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J11a. In (1994/1995) did you receive more than $2,000 from SSI? ................................................................................ 12 1. YES 5 5. NO 7. Other 9 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 5193 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3911:J10] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3912:J11] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3914 J11B.AMT SS R DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3914 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J11b. Did you receive more than $5,000 in (1994/1995)? ................................................................................ 4 1. YES 8 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5210 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3911:J10] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3912:J11] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3913:J11a] IS (5); [Q3913:J11a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3915 J11C.AMT SS R DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3915 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J11b. Did you receive more than $500 in (1994/1995)? ................................................................................ 4 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5217 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3911:J10] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3912:J11] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3913:J11a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3914:J11b] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3916 J11D. SSI START Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3916 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J11d. Did you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) start receiving SSI more than 2 years ago? ................................................................................ 69 1. YES 18 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5135 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3911:J10] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3912:J11] IS (DK OR RF); [Q155:W1 SSI] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3917 J11E. SSI-MONTH Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3917 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J11e. About what month and year did you start receiving SSI? MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 1 1. JAN 1 2. FEB 2 3. MAR 4. APR 1 5. MAY 2 6. JUN 1 7. JUL 1 8. AUG 3 9. SEP 10. OCT 4 11. NOV 12. DEC 97. Other 2 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5204 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3911:J10] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3912:J11] IS (DK OR RF); [Q155:W1 SSI] IS (1); [Q3916:J11d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3918 J11F. SSI Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3918 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 2 1. 1993 8 2. 1994 4 3. 1995 2 4. 1996 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5204 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3911:J10] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3912:J11] IS (DK OR RF); [Q155:W1 SSI] IS (1); [Q3916:J11d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3919 J11G. SSI-LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3919 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J11g. Did you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) receive any income from SSI in (1994/1995)? ................................................................................ 14 1. YES 4716 5. NO 7. Other 19 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 6 9. RF (refused) 467 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3912:J11] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3911:J10] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3920 J11H. SSI-MO,1992 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3920 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J11h. What was the last month you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) received income from SSI? PROBE FOR YEAR IF NECESSARY MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 3 1. JAN 2. FEB 1 3. MAR 4. APR 5. MAY 1 6. JUN 7. JUL 2 8. AUG 9. SEP 3 10. OCT 1 11. NOV 2 12. DEC 97. Other 1 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5208 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3912:J11] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3911:J10] IS (1); [Q3919:J11g] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3921 J11J. SSI-YR, 1992 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3921 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 3 2. 1994 7 3. 1995 3 4. 1996 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5208 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3912:J11] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3911:J10] IS (1); [Q3919:J11g] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3922 J11K. SSI $-1992 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3922 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 J11k. How much did you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) receive from SSI in that month? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 10 0-9996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 4 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999. RF (refused) 5208 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3912:J11] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3911:J10] IS (1); [Q3919:J11g] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3927 J12.WHETHER WELFARE 1993 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3927 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J12. Did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) receive any income from welfare in (1994/1995) (not including SSI)? ................................................................................ 37 1. YES 5129 5. NO 7. Other 12 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 43 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3928 J12A.WHO RECD WELFARE Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3928 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J12a. Who received that? ................................................................................ 3 1. R ONLY 3 2. SPOUSE OR PARTNER 1 3. BOTH 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5215 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3927:J12] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3927:J12] IS (1) AND [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3929 J12B.AMT WELFARE LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3929 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J12b. How much did (you/he/she) receive in (1994/1995)? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 27 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 10 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999999. RF (refused) 5185 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3927:J12] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3935 J13.VET BENEFITS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3935 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J13. Are you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) currently receiving any income from veteran benefits? ................................................................................ 362 1. YES 4787 5. NO 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 62 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3936 J13A.VET WHO REC Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3936 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J13a. Who received that? ................................................................................ 285 1. R ONLY 73 2. SPOUSE OR PARTNER 4 3. BOTH 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4860 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3937 J13A.R VET BENEFIT OPEN Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3937 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J13a. How much did you (yourself) receive last month from that? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 252 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 22 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 15 999999. RF (refused) 4933 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q3936:J13a] IS (2 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3938 J13B.R VET BENEFIT OFTEN Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3938 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 242 1. MONTH 5 6. YEAR 3 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4971 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q3936:J13a] IS (2 OR DK OR RF); [Q3937:J13a] IS (0 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3940 J13D.J13C,DK Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3940 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J13d. In (1994/1995), did you receive more than $5,000? ................................................................................ 14 1. YES 10 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 8 9. RF (refused) 5185 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q3936:J13a] IS (2 OR DK OR RF); [Q3937:J13a] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3941 J13E.J13C,DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3941 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J13e. More than $3,000? ................................................................................ 5 1. YES 3 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5212 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q3936:J13a] IS (2 OR DK OR RF); [Q3937:J13a] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3940:J13d] IS (1); [Q3940:J13d] IS (DK OR RF OR Over Limit); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3942 J13F.J13C,DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3942 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J13f. More than $10,000? ................................................................................ 3 1. YES 8 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5208 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q3936:J13a] IS (2 OR DK OR RF); [Q3937:J13a] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3940:J13d] IS (DK OR RF OR Over Limit); [Q3941:J13e] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3944M1 J13H.R VET BENEFIT Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3944 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J13h. What kind of veteran benefits are those? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY User note: Up to nine responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was two. ................................................................................ 85 1. MILITARY 103 2. WIDOWS' OR SURVIVORS' BENEFITS 91 3. SERVICE DISABILITY 2 4. G. I. BILL 6 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4933 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q3936:J13a] IS (2 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3944M2 J13H.R VET BENEFIT Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3944 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J13h. What kind of veteran benefits are those? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY User note: Up to nine responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was two. ................................................................................ 2 1. MILITARY 2 2. WIDOWS' OR SURVIVORS' BENEFITS 7 3. SERVICE DISABILITY 4. G. I. BILL 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5211 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q3936:J13a] IS (2 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3945 J13J.R VET BENEFIT 2 YEARS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3945 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J13j. Did you start receiving veteran benefits IF Q370 IS (1) before (Wave 1 Interview Month-Year)? ELSE before 2 years ago? END ................................................................................ 275 1. YES 13 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4933 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q3936:J13a] IS (2 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3946 J13K.R VET BENEFIT MONTH Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3946 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J13k. What month and year did you start receiving that? PROBE FOR YEAR IF NECESSARY MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 5 1. JAN 2. FEB 3 3. MAR 4. APR 5. MAY 1 6. JUN 7. JUL 2 8. AUG 9. SEP 10. OCT 1 11. NOV 12. DEC 97. Other 1 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5209 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q3936:J13a] IS (2 OR DK OR RF); [Q3945:J13j] IS (NE 5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3947 J13M.R VET BENEFIT YEAR Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3947 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 11 1993-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 2 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999. RF (refused) 5209 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q3936:J13a] IS (2 OR DK OR RF); [Q3945:J13j] IS (NE 5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3950 J13N.SP VET BENEFIT OPEN Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3950 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J13n. How much did your (husband/wife/partner) receive last month from that? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 62 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 10 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 6 999999. RF (refused) 5144 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3) OR [Q3936:J13a] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3951 J13P.SP VET BENEFIT OFTEN Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3951 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 60 1. MONTH 1 6. YEAR 1 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5160 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3) OR [Q3936:J13a] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3950:J13n] IS (0 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3953 J13Q.DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3953 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J13q. In (1994/1995), did (she/he) receive more than $5,000? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 7 5. NO 7. Other 7 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5206 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3) OR [Q3936:J13a] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3950:J13n] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3954 J13R.J13C,DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3954 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J13r. More than $3,000? ................................................................................ 1. YES 7 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5215 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3) OR [Q3936:J13a] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3950:J13n] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3953:J13q] IS (1); [Q3953:J13q] IS (DK OR RF OR Over Limit); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3955 J13S.J13C,DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3955 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J13s. More than $10,000? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3) OR [Q3936:J13a] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3950:J13n] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3953:J13q] IS (DK OR RF OR Over Limit); [Q3954:J13r] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3957M1 J13T.SP VET BENEFIT TAX Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3957 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J13t. What kind of veteran benefits are those? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY User note: Up to eight responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was one. ................................................................................ 22 1. MILITARY 2 2. WIDOWS' OR SURVIVORS' BENEFITS 50 3. SERVICE DISABILITY 4. G. I. BILL 3 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5144 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3) OR [Q3936:J13a] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3958 J13U.SP VET BENEFIT 2 YEARS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3958 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J13u. Did (she/he) start receiving veteran benefits IF Q370 IS (1) before (Wave 1 Interview Month-Year)? ELSE before 2 years ago? END ................................................................................ 71 1. YES 5 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5144 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3) OR [Q3936:J13a] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3959 J13V.SP VET BENEFIT MONTH Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3959 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J13v. What month and year did (she/he) start receiving that? PROBE FOR YEAR IF NECESSARY MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 3 1. JAN 2. FEB 3. MAR 4. APR 5. MAY 6. JUN 7. JUL 8. AUG 9. SEP 1 10. OCT 1 11. NOV 12. DEC 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5217 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3) OR [Q3936:J13a] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3958:J13u] IS (NE 5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3960 J13W.SP VET BENEFIT YEAR Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3960 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 5 1993-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999. RF (refused) 5217 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3935:J13] IS (NE 1); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3) OR [Q3936:J13a] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3958:J13u] IS (NE 5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3963 J14 INTRO.ASSETS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3963 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J14 INTRO. Savings and investments are an important part of family finances. In these next questions, we are going to be asking separately about a number of different kinds of savings or investments you may have. User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D3964 J14.REAL ESTATE Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3964 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J14. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) have any real estate (other than your main home or second home), such as land, rental real estate, a partnership, or money owed to you on a land contract or mortgage? ................................................................................ 742 1. YES 3 2. [VOL] YES, MORE THAN ONE 4403 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 26 9. RF (refused) 43 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3965 J15.REAL ESTATE $ Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3965 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J15. If you sold all that and then paid off any debts on it, about how much would you get? DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 516 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 205 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 24 9999999. RF (refused) 4477 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3969 J15A.REAL ESTATE DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3969 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J15a. IF Q169 IS (0 OR 2) Would it amount to $200,000 or more? ELSE Q169 IS (1) Would it amount to $50,000 or more? ELSE Q169 IS (3) Would it amount to $500,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 51 1. YES 148 5. NO 7. Other 14 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 15 9. RF (refused) 4994 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3965:J15] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3970 J15B.REAL ESTATE DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3970 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J15b. IF Q169 IS (0 OR 2) $50,000 or more? ELSE Q169 IS (1) $20,000 or more? ELSE Q169 IS (3) $200,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 71 1. YES 74 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5074 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3965:J15] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3969:J15a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3969:J15a] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3971 J15C.REAL ESTATE DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3971 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J15c. IF Q169 IS (0 OR 2) $20,000 or more? ELSE Q169 IS (1) $5,000 or more? ELSE Q169 IS (3) $50,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 42 1. YES 29 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5148 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3965:J15] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3969:J15a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3969:J15a] IS (1); [Q3970:J15b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3972 J15D.REAL ESTATE DK-4 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3972 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J15d. IF Q169 IS (0 OR 2) $5,000 or more? ELSE Q169 IS (3) $20,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 16 1. YES 6 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5198 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3965:J15] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3969:J15a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3969:J15a] IS (1); [Q3970:J15b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3971:J15c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3971:J15c] IS (5) AND [Q169:W1 REALESTATE V1721] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3973 J15E.REAL ESTATE DK-5 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3973 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J15e. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3965:J15] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3969:J15a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3969:J15a] IS (1); [Q3970:J15b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3971:J15c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3971:J15c] IS (5) AND [Q169:W1 REALESTATE V1721] IS (1); [Q3972:J15d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3972:J15d] IS (5) AND [Q169:W1 REALESTATE V1721] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3974 J15F.REAL ESTATE DK-6 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3974 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J15f. IF Q169 IS (0 OR 2) $500,000 or more? ELSE Q169 IS (1) $200,000 or more? ELSE Q169 IS (3) $1,000,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 14 1. YES 35 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5171 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3965:J15] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3969:J15a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3970:J15b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3971:J15c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3971:J15c] IS (5) AND [Q169:W1 REALESTATE V1721] IS (1); [Q3972:J15d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3972:J15d] IS (5) AND [Q169:W1 REALESTATE V1721] IS (0 OR 2); [Q3973:J15e] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3975 J15G.REAL ESTATE DK-7 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3975 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J15g. IF Q169 IS (0 OR 2) $1,000,000 or more? ELSE Q169 IS (1) $500,000 or more? ELSE Q169 IS (3) $2,000,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 5 1. YES 8 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5208 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3965:J15] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3969:J15a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3970:J15b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3971:J15c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3971:J15c] IS (5) AND [Q169:W1 REALESTATE V1721] IS (1); [Q3972:J15d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3972:J15d] IS (5) AND [Q169:W1 REALESTATE V1721] IS (0 OR 2); [Q3973:J15e] IS (A); [Q3974:J15f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3976 J15H.REAL ESTATE DK-8 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3976 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J15h. IF Q169 IS (0 OR 2) $2,000,000 or more? ELSE Q169 IS (1) $1,000,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 1. YES 4 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3965:J15] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3969:J15a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3970:J15b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3971:J15c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3971:J15c] IS (5) AND [Q169:W1 REALESTATE V1721] IS (1); [Q3972:J15d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3972:J15d] IS (5) AND [Q169:W1 REALESTATE V1721] IS (0 OR 2); [Q3973:J15e] IS (A); [Q3974:J15f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3975:J15g] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3975:J15g] IS (1) AND [Q169:W1 REALESTATE V1721] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3977 J15I.REAL ESTATE DK-9 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3977 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J15i. $2,000,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3965:J15] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3969:J15a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3970:J15b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3971:J15c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3971:J15c] IS (5) AND [Q169:W1 REALESTATE V1721] IS (1); [Q3972:J15d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q3972:J15d] IS (5) AND [Q169:W1 REALESTATE V1721] IS (0 OR 2); [Q3973:J15e] IS (A); [Q3974:J15f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3975:J15g] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3975:J15g] IS (1) AND [Q169:W1 REALESTATE V1721] IS (3); [Q3976:J15h] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3976:J15h] IS (1) AND [Q169:W1 REALESTATE V1721] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3983 J16.RENTAL INCOME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3983 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J16. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) currently receive any income or rent from (that property/those properties)? ................................................................................ 414 1. YES 326 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 4477 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3984 J16A.RENTAL OFTEN PAID Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3984 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J16a. How often do you receive that? ................................................................................ 2 1. WEEK 2. 2 X MONTH 297 3. MONTH 4 4. QUARTER 14 5. 6 MONTHS 75 6. YEAR 20 7. OTHER (Specify) 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4808 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3983:J16] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3985 J16B.RENTAL RECEIVE $ PERIOD Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3985 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J16b. Before expenses, about how much did you receive last [Q3984- J16a.RENTAL OFTEN PAID] from that? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * This was the jump prior to version change: * CHANGED 12/7/95 ADDED 6 IN JUMP ................................................................................ 294 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 43 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 15 999999. RF (refused) 4870 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3983:J16] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3984:J16a] IS (6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3986 J16BA.RENTAL RECEIVE SAME AMOUNT Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3986 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J16ba. Do you get about the same amount each [Q3984-J16a.RENTAL OFTEN PAID]? Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * CHANGED JUMP TO FROM 3989 TO 3987 (12/7/95) ................................................................................ 276 1. YES 18 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4928 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3983:J16] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3984:J16a] IS (6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q3985:J16b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3987 J16C.RENTAL RECEIVE $ LCYEAR Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3987 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J16c. Before any expenses, about how much did you receive from rental income in (1994/1995)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * This jump did not exist in the previous version: * ADDED 12/7/95 ................................................................................ 185 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 44 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 14 999999. RF (refused) 4979 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3983:J16] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3986:J16ba] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3989 J16E.RENTAL INCOME DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3989 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J16e. Would it amount to $50,000 or more in (1994/1995)? ................................................................................ 4 1. YES 69 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 5 9. RF (refused) 5139 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3983:J16] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3986:J16ba] IS (1); [Q3987:J16c] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3990 J16F.RENTAL INC DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3990 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J16f. $75,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 3 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3983:J16] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3986:J16ba] IS (1); [Q3987:J16c] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3989:J16e] IS (5); [Q3989:J16e] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3991 J16G.RENTAL INC DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3991 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J16g. $25,000 or more? ................................................................................ 11 1. YES 56 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5153 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3983:J16] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3986:J16ba] IS (1); [Q3987:J16c] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3989:J16e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3990:J16f] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D3992 J16H.RENTAL INC DK-4 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q3992 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J16h. $10,000 or more? ................................................................................ 18 1. YES 34 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5166 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q3964:J14] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3983:J16] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q3986:J16ba] IS (1); [Q3987:J16c] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q3989:J16e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q3990:J16f] IS (A); [Q3991:J16g] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4005 J17.BUSINESS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4005 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J17. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) own part or all of a business or farm? ................................................................................ 294 1. YES 1 2. [VOL] YES, MORE THAN ONE 4870 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 12 9. RF (refused) 43 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4006 J18.BUSINESS OR FARM $ Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4006 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J18. If you sold all that and then paid off any debts on it, about how much would you get? DO NOT PROBE DK/RF ................................................................................ 163 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 115 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 17 9999999. RF (refused) 4927 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4010 J18A.BUSINESS DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4010 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J18a. IF Q171 IS (0 OR 2) Would it amount to $200,000 or more? ELSE Q171 IS (1) Would it amount to $50,000 or more? ELSE Q171 IS (3) Would it amount to $500,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 37 1. YES 63 5. NO 7. Other 19 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 13 9. RF (refused) 5090 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4006:J18] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4011 J18B.BUSINESS DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4011 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J18b. IF Q171 IS (0 OR 2) $50,000 or more? ELSE Q171 IS (1) $20,000 or more? ELSE Q171 IS (3) $200,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 33 1. YES 23 5. NO 7. Other 6 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5159 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4006:J18] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4010:J18a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4010:J18a] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4012 J18C.BUSINESS DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4012 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J18c. IF Q171 IS (0 OR 2) $20,000 or more? ELSE Q171 IS (1) $5,000 or more? ELSE Q171 IS (3) $50,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 15 1. YES 7 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5199 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4006:J18] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4010:J18a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4010:J18a] IS (1); [Q4011:J18b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4013 J18D.BUSINESS DK-4 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4013 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J18d. IF Q171 IS (0 OR 2) $5,000 or more? ELSE Q171 IS (3) $20,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 5 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5216 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4006:J18] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4010:J18a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4010:J18a] IS (1); [Q4011:J18b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4012:J18c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4012:J18c] IS (5) AND [Q171:W1 BUSINESS V1730] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4014 J18E.BUSINESS DK-5 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4014 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J18e. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4006:J18] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4010:J18a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4010:J18a] IS (1); [Q4011:J18b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4012:J18c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4012:J18c] IS (5) AND [Q171:W1 BUSINESS V1730] IS (1); [Q4013:J18d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4013:J18d] IS (5) AND [Q171:W1 BUSINESS V1730] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4015 J18F.BUSINESS DK-6 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4015 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J18f. IF Q171 IS (0 OR 2) $500,000 or more? ELSE Q171 IS (1) $200,000 or more? ELSE Q171 IS (3) $1,000,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 9 1. YES 23 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5187 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4006:J18] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4010:J18a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4011:J18b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4012:J18c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4012:J18c] IS (5) AND [Q171:W1 BUSINESS V1730] IS (1); [Q4013:J18d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4013:J18d] IS (5) AND [Q171:W1 BUSINESS V1730] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4014:J18e] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4016 J18G.BUSINESS DK-7 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4016 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J18g. IF Q171 IS (0 OR 2) $1,000,000 or more? ELSE Q171 IS (1) $500,000 or more? ELSE Q171 IS (3) $2,000,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 3 1. YES 6 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5213 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4006:J18] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4010:J18a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4011:J18b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4012:J18c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4012:J18c] IS (5) AND [Q171:W1 BUSINESS V1730] IS (1); [Q4013:J18d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4013:J18d] IS (5) AND [Q171:W1 BUSINESS V1730] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4014:J18e] IS (A); [Q4015:J18f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4017 J18H.BUSINESS DK-8 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4017 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J18h. IF Q171 IS (0 OR 2) $2,000,000 or more? ELSE Q171 IS (1) $1,000,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4006:J18] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4010:J18a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4011:J18b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4012:J18c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4012:J18c] IS (5) AND [Q171:W1 BUSINESS V1730] IS (1); [Q4013:J18d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4013:J18d] IS (5) AND [Q171:W1 BUSINESS V1730] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4014:J18e] IS (A); [Q4015:J18f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4016:J18g] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4016:J18g] IS (1) AND [Q171:W1 BUSINESS V1730] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4018 J18I.BUSINESS DK-9 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4018 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J18i. $2,000,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4006:J18] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4010:J18a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4011:J18b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4012:J18c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4012:J18c] IS (5) AND [Q171:W1 BUSINESS V1730] IS (1); [Q4013:J18d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4013:J18d] IS (5) AND [Q171:W1 BUSINESS V1730] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4014:J18e] IS (A); [Q4015:J18f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4016:J18g] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4016:J18g] IS (1) AND [Q171:W1 BUSINESS V1730] IS (3); [Q4017:J18h] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4017:J18h] IS (1) AND [Q171:W1 BUSINESS V1730] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4024 J19.BUSINESS INCOME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4024 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J19. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) currently receive any income from (that/those)? ................................................................................ 201 1. YES 83 5. NO 7. Other 6 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 5 9. RF (refused) 4927 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4025 J19A.BUSINESS INC OFTEN PAID Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4025 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J19a. How often do you receive that? ................................................................................ 2 1. WEEKLY 2 2. 2 X MONTH 33 3. MONTH 10 4. QUARTER 10 5. 6 MONTHS 113 6. YEAR 26 7. OTHER PERIOD (Specify) 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5021 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4024:J19] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4026 J19B.BUSINESS INC RECEIVE $ PERIOD Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4026 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J19b. About how much did you receive last [Q4025-J19a.BUSINESS INC OFTEN PAID] from that? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * JUMP CHANGE 12/7/95: ADDED "6 OR" ................................................................................ 75 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 23 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9 999999. RF (refused) 5115 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4024:J19] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4025:J19a] IS (6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4027 J19C.BUSINESS INC SAME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4027 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J19c. Did you get about the same amount each [Q4025-J19a.BUSINESS INC OFTEN PAID]? Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * CHANGED JUMP TO FROM 4030 TO 4029 (12/7/95) ................................................................................ 54 1. YES 21 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5147 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4024:J19] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4025:J19a] IS (6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4026:J19b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4029 J19D.BUS/FARM INCOME $ LCYEAR Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4029 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J19d. About how much did you receive from (that/those) business in (1994/1995)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 92 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 22 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 7 999999. RF (refused) 5101 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4024:J19] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4027:J19c] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4030 J19E.BUSINESS INCOME DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4030 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J19e. Would it amount to $20,000 or more in (1994/1995)? ................................................................................ 22 1. YES 18 5. NO 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 8 9. RF (refused) 5166 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4024:J19] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4027:J19c] IS (1); [Q4029:J19d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4031 J19F.BUSINESS INC DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4031 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J19f. $50,000 or more? ................................................................................ 5 1. Yes 14 5. No 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5200 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4024:J19] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4027:J19c] IS (1); [Q4029:J19d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4030:J19e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4030:J19e] IS (5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4032 J19G.BUSINESS INC DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4032 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J19g. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 11 1. Yes 7 5. No 5204 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4024:J19] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4027:J19c] IS (1); [Q4029:J19d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4030:J19e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4031:J19f] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4033 J19H.BUSINESS INC DK-4 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4033 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J19h. $2,000 or more? ................................................................................ 5 1. Yes 2 5. No 5215 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4005:J17] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4024:J19] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4027:J19c] IS (1); [Q4029:J19d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4030:J19e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4031:J19f] IS (A); [Q4032:J19g] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4045 J20.IRA Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4045 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J20. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) currently have any money or assets that are held in an Individual Retirement Account, that is, in an IRA or KEOGH account? INTERVIEWER: CHOOSE CODE 2 ONLY IF R DOES NOT HAVE ACTIVE IRA OR KEOGH ACCOUNTS, BUT USED TO HAVE, WHERE THE ASSETS HAVE BEEN WITHDRAWN OR ANNUITIZED ................................................................................ 840 1. YES 8 2. [VOL] PREVIOUSLY HAD ACCOUNTS, NOT NOW 4269 5. NO 7. Other 22 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 40 9. RF (refused) 43 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4046 J20A. NUMBER IRAS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4046 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J20a. How many IRA accounts do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) have? ................................................................................ 382 1. ONE 290 2. TWO 59 3. THREE 79 4. MORE THAN 3 7. Other 15 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 15 9. RF (refused) 4382 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4047 J21.WHO IRA ACCOUNT Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4047 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J21. IF Q4046 IS (2 OR 3 OR 4) Let's talk about the largest IRA account. END IF Q674 IS (1 OR 2 OR 3) Is that yours or your (husband's/wife's/partner's)? END ................................................................................ 448 1. R'S ACCOUNT 176 2. SPOUSE OR PARTNER 9 3. Joint Account 1 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 13 9. RF (refused) 4572 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (1) AND [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4048 J21.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4048 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J22. About how much is in this account at the present time? DO NOT PROBE DK/RF ................................................................................ 606 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 149 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 85 9999999. RF (refused) 4382 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4052 J22A.IRA DK-1.1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4052 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22a-1. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) Would it amount to $50,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (1) Would it amount to $20,000or more? ELSE Q172 IS (3) Would it amount to $200,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 46 1. YES 119 5. NO 7. Other 24 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 46 9. RF (refused) 4987 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4048:J21] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4053 J22B.IRA DK-2.1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4053 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22b-1. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) $20,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (1) $5,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (3) $50,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 60 1. YES 48 5. NO 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 6 9. RF (refused) 5104 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4048:J21] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4052:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4052:J22a] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4055 J22D.IRA DK-4.1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4055 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22d-1. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) $5,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (3) $20,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 30 1. YES 10 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5179 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4048:J21] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4052:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4052:J22a] IS (1); [Q4053:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4056 J22E.IRA DK-5.1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4056 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22e-1. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 3 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5217 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4048:J21] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4052:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4052:J22a] IS (1); [Q4053:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); [Q4055:J22d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4057 J22F.IRA DK-6.1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4057 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22f-1. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) $200,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (1) $50,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (3) $1,000,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 10 1. YES 31 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5176 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4048:J21] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4052:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4053:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); [Q4055:J22d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4056:J22e] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4059 J22H.IRA DK-8.1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4059 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22h-1. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) $1,000,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (1) $200,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 7 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5214 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4048:J21] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4052:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4053:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); [Q4055:J22d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4056:J22e] IS (A); [Q4057:J22f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4060 J22J.IRA DK-9.1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4060 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22j-1. $1,000,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4048:J21] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4052:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4053:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); [Q4055:J22d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4056:J22e] IS (A); [Q4057:J22f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (3); [Q4059:J22h] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4059:J22h] IS (1) AND [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4078 J24.IRA NO REG INC-WITHDRAW-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4078 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J24-1. Have you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) withdrawn any money or received any payments from this account (since (W1 Interview Month- Year)/in the last two years), when we last talked to you? ................................................................................ 601 1. YES 224 5. NO 7. Other 10 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 5 9. RF (refused) 4382 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4079 J25.IRA NO REG INC WITHDRAW $-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4079 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J25-1. Altogether, about how much money did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) withdraw from this account (since (W1 Interview Month- Year)/in the last two years)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 477 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 91 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 34 999999. RF (refused) 4620 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4078:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4080 J25A.IRA WITHDRAW PER Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4080 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 233 1. IN TOTAL 2. 2 X MONTH 58 3. MONTH 6 4. QUARTER 2 5. 6 MONTH 146 6. YEAR 32 7. OTHER (Specify) 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4745 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4078:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4079:J25] IS (0 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4082 J25A.IRA WITHDRAW DK-1.1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4082 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25a-1. Would it amount to $5,000 or more (since (W1 Interview Month- Year)/in the last two years)? ................................................................................ 28 1. YES 66 5. NO 7. Other 9 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 20 9. RF (refused) 5099 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4078:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4079:J25] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4083 J25B.IRA WITHDRAW DK-2.1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4083 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25b-1. Would it amount to $20,000 or more? ................................................................................ 6 1. Yes 18 5. No 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5194 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4078:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4079:J25] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4082:J25a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4082:J25a] IS (5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4084 J25C.IRA WITHDRAW DK-3.1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4084 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25c-1. $2,000 or more? ................................................................................ 28 1. Yes 32 5. No 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 5156 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4078:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4079:J25] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4082:J25a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4083:J25b] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4085 J25D.IRA WITHDRAW DK-4.1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4085 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25d-1. $500 or more? ................................................................................ 24 1. Yes 6 5. No 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5190 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4078:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4079:J25] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4082:J25a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4083:J25b] IS (A); [Q4084:J25c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4086 J25F-1.IRA WHY WITHDRAW-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4086 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25f-1. Did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) take out only the "minimum withdrawal option", that is, the amount required to avoid a tax penalty? ................................................................................ 488 1. YES 94 5. NO 1 7. Other 18 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4620 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4078:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4087M1 J25E.IRA DO WITH WITHDRAW-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4087 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25e-1. What did you do with the funds that you withdrew from this account? Were they put into savings, used for regular expenses, used for special purchases, given to relatives, or what? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY User note: Up to nine responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 231 1. PUT IN SAVINGS 252 2. USED FOR REGULAR EXPENSES 51 3. USED FOR SPECIAL PURCHASES 15 4. GIVEN TO RELATIVES 49 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 4620 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4078:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4087M2 J25E.IRA DO WITH WITHDRAW-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4087 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25e-1. What did you do with the funds that you withdrew from this account? Were they put into savings, used for regular expenses, used for special purchases, given to relatives, or what? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY User note: Up to nine responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 3 1. PUT IN SAVINGS 23 2. USED FOR REGULAR EXPENSES 13 3. USED FOR SPECIAL PURCHASES 3 4. GIVEN TO RELATIVES 8 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5172 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4078:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4087M3 J25E.IRA DO WITH WITHDRAW-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4087 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25e-1. What did you do with the funds that you withdrew from this account? Were they put into savings, used for regular expenses, used for special purchases, given to relatives, or what? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY User note: Up to nine responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. PUT IN SAVINGS 2. USED FOR REGULAR EXPENSES 3 3. USED FOR SPECIAL PURCHASES 5 4. GIVEN TO RELATIVES 1 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5213 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4078:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4087M4 J25E.IRA DO WITH WITHDRAW-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4087 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25e-1. What did you do with the funds that you withdrew from this account? Were they put into savings, used for regular expenses, used for special purchases, given to relatives, or what? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY User note: Up to nine responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. PUT IN SAVINGS 2. USED FOR REGULAR EXPENSES 1 3. USED FOR SPECIAL PURCHASES 2 4. GIVEN TO RELATIVES 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4078:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4088 J25F.IRA EMERGENCY REDRAWEL Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4088 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J23f. If you had a financial emergency, could you withdraw all the money from this account? ................................................................................ 718 1. YES 76 5. NO 7. Other 45 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4382 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4089 J21.INTRO IRA ACCOUNT-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4089 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J21-2. IF Q4046 IS (2) Let's talk about the other IRA account. ELSE Let's talk about the next largest IRA account. END IF Q674 IS (1 OR 2 OR 3) Is that yours or your (husband's/wife's/partner's)? END ................................................................................ 232 1. R`S ACCOUNT 190 2. SPOUSE OR PARTNER 2 3. Joint Account 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 4795 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4090 J22.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4090 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J22-2. About how much is in this account at the present time? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 319 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 74 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 35 9999999. RF (refused) 4794 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4093 J22A.IRA DK-1.2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4093 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22a-2. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) Would it amount to $50,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (1) Would it amount to $20,000or more? ELSE Q172 IS (3) Would it amount to $200,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 8 1. YES 84 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 12 9. RF (refused) 5113 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4090:J22] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4094 J22B.IRA DK-2.2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4094 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22b-2. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) $20,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (1) $5,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (3) $50,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 26 1. YES 48 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 7 9. RF (refused) 5138 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4090:J22] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4093:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4093:J22a] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4096 J22D.IRA DK-4.2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4096 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22d-2. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) $5,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (3) $20,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 20 1. YES 22 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5179 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4090:J22] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4093:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4093:J22a] IS (1); [Q4094:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4097 J22E.IRA DK-5.2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4097 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22e-2. $5,000 or more? Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * Prior version does not have data for D4097. since the question was not reinstated * until sometime after 1/3/96. When the question was reinstated, so was the jump. * QUESTION UN-TE'd 1/3/96 IN CORE, SPANISH, LIVING PROXY * JUMP UNCOMMENTED 1/3/96 ................................................................................ 3 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. Other 2721 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 2496 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4090:J22] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4093:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4093:J22a] IS (1); [Q4094:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); [Q4096:J22d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4098 J22F.IRA DK-6.2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4098 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22f-2. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) $200,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (1) $50,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (3) $1,000,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 5 1. YES 10 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5207 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4090:J22] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4093:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4094:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); [Q4096:J22d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4097:J22e] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4100 J22H.IRA DK-8.2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4100 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22h-2. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) $1,000,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (1) $200,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4090:J22] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4093:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4094:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); [Q4096:J22d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4097:J22e] IS (A); [Q4098:J22f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4101 J22J.IRA DK-9.2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4101 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22j-2. $1,000,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4090:J22] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4093:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4094:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); [Q4096:J22d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4097:J22e] IS (A); [Q4098:J22f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (3); [Q4100:J22h] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4100:J22h] IS (1) AND [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4116 J24.IRA NO REG INC-WITHDRAW-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4116 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J24-2. Have you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) withdrawn any money or received any payments from this account (since (W1 Interview Month- Year)/in the last two years), when we last talked to you? ................................................................................ 244 1. YES 179 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 4794 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4117 J25.IRA NO REG INC WITHDRAW $-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4117 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J25-2. Altogether, about how much money did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) withdraw from this account (since (W1 Interview Month- Year)/in the last two years)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 190 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 40 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 14 999999. RF (refused) 4978 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4116:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4118 J25A.IRA WITHDRAW PER-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4118 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 103 1. IN TOTAL 2. 2 X MONTH 21 3. MONTH 1 4. QUARTER 2 5. 6 MONTH 48 6. YEAR 9 7. OTHER (Specify) 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5038 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4116:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4117:J25] IS (0 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4120 J25A.IRA WITHDRAW DK-1.2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4120 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25a-2. Would it amount to $5,000 or more (since (W1 Interview Month- Year)/in the last two years)? ................................................................................ 7 1. YES 32 5. NO 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 11 9. RF (refused) 5168 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4116:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4117:J25] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4121 J25B.IRA WITHDRAW DK-2.2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4121 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25b-2. Would it amount to $20,000 or more? ................................................................................ 2 1. Yes 5 5. No 5215 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4116:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4117:J25] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4120:J25a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4120:J25a] IS (5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4122 J25C.IRA WITHDRAW DK-3.2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4122 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25c-2. $2,000 or more? ................................................................................ 7 1. Yes 24 5. No 1 8. Don't Know 5190 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4116:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4117:J25] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4120:J25a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4121:J25b] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4123 J25D.IRA WITHDRAW DK-4.2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4123 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25d-2. $500 or more? ................................................................................ 16 1. Yes 7 5. No 1 8. Don't Know 5198 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4116:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4117:J25] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4120:J25a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4121:J25b] IS (A); [Q4122:J25c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4124 J25F.IRA WHY WITHDRAW-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4124 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25f-2. Did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) take out only the "minimum withdrawal option", that is, the amount required to avoid a tax penalty? ................................................................................ 206 1. YES 33 5. NO 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4978 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4116:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4125M1 J25E.IRA DO WITH WITHDRAW-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4125 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25e-2. What did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) do with the funds that you withdrew from this account? Were they put into savings, used for regular expenses, used for special purchases, given to relatives, or what? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY User note: Up to nine responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was two. ................................................................................ 100 1. PUT IN SAVINGS 99 2. USED FOR REGULAR EXPENSES 21 3. USED FOR SPECIAL PURCHASES 3 4. GIVEN TO RELATIVES 20 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4978 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4116:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4125M2 J25E.IRA DO WITH WITHDRAW-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4125 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J25e-2. What did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) do with the funds that you withdrew from this account? Were they put into savings, used for regular expenses, used for special purchases, given to relatives, or what? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY User note: Up to nine responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was two. ................................................................................ 1. PUT IN SAVINGS 8 2. USED FOR REGULAR EXPENSES 4 3. USED FOR SPECIAL PURCHASES 4 4. GIVEN TO RELATIVES 2 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5204 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4116:J24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4126 J23K.IRA EMERG WITHDRAW-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4126 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J23k-2. If you had a financial emergency, could you withdraw all the money from this account? ................................................................................ 383 1. YES 32 5. NO 7. Other 13 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4794 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4128 J21.INTRO IRA-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4128 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J21-3. IF Q4046 IS (3) Let's talk about the third IRA account. ELSE Let's talk about all the other IRA accounts. END User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D4129 J22.TOTAL $ IRA ACCOUNT-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4129 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J22-3. Altogether, about how much is in (that IRA account/ these other IRA accounts) at the present time? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 96 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 25 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 17 9999999. RF (refused) 5084 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 3-4); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4132 J22A.IRA DK-1.3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4132 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22a-3. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) Would it amount to $50,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (1) Would it amount to $20,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (3) Would it amount to $200,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 8 1. YES 24 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9 9. RF (refused) 5180 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 3-4); [Q4129:J22] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4133 J22B.IRA DK-2.3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4133 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22b-3. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) $20,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (1) $5,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (3) $50,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 12 1. YES 11 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5198 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 3-4); [Q4129:J22] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4132:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4132:J22a] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4135 J22D.IRA DK-4.3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4135 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22d-3. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) $5,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (3) $20,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 4 1. YES 6 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5212 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 3-4); [Q4129:J22] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4132:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4132:J22a] IS (1); [Q4133:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4136 J22E.IRA DK-5.3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4136 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22e-3. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 2 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 3-4); [Q4129:J22] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4132:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4132:J22a] IS (1); [Q4133:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); [Q4135:J22d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4137 J22F.IRA DK-6.3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4137 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22f-3. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) $200,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (1) $50,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (3) $1,000,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 1. YES 6 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5214 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 3-4); [Q4129:J22] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4132:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4133:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); [Q4135:J22d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4136:J22e] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4139 J22H.IRA DK-8.3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4139 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22h-3. IF Q172 IS (0 OR 2) $1,000,000 or more? ELSE Q172 IS (1) $200,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 3-4); [Q4129:J22] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4132:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4133:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); [Q4135:J22d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4136:J22e] IS (A); [Q4137:J22f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4140 J22I.IRA DK-9.3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4140 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J22i-3. $1,000,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4045:J20] IS (NE 1); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 2-4); [Q4046:J20a] IS (NE 3-4); [Q4129:J22] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4132:J22a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4133:J22b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (1); [Q4135:J22d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4136:J22e] IS (A); [Q4137:J22f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (3); [Q4139:J22h] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4139:J22h] IS (1) AND [Q172:W1 IRA V1735] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4143 J27.IRA OTHER ANNUITIZED Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4143 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J27. Did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) cash in or convert any (other) IRA or KEOGH accounts to annuities at any time (since (W1 Interview Month-Year)/in the last two years), when we last talked to you? ................................................................................ 76 1. YES 5046 5. NO 7. Other 27 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 30 9. RF (refused) 43 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4144 J27A.IRA WHO RECD Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4144 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J27a. Was that your IRA or your (husband's/wife's/partner's)? ................................................................................ 24 1. R`S ACCOUNT 16 2. SPOUSE OR PARTNER 5 3. Joint Account 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5176 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4145M1 J27B.IRA WITHDRAW Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4145 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J27b. Did you withdraw funds from these accounts, convert them to annuities, or what? User note: Up to three responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was two. ................................................................................ 29 1. WITHDREW FUNDS 33 2. CONVERTED TO ANNUITIES 12 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5147 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4145M2 J27B.IRA WITHDRAW Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4145 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J27b. Did you withdraw funds from these accounts, convert them to annuities, or what? User note: Up to three responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was two. ................................................................................ 1 1. WITHDREW FUNDS 2. CONVERTED TO ANNUITIES 1 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4146 J27C.AMT CONVERT Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4146 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J27c. About how much money was converted to annuities? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 28 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 3 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9999999. RF (refused) 5190 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q4145:J27b] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4147 J27D.AMT WITHDRAW Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4147 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J27d. About how much money was withdrawn? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 25 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 1 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9999999. RF (refused) 5193 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q4145:J27b] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4148 J27E.AMT OTHER/BOTH Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4148 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J27e. About how much money was involved that was not withdrawn or converted? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 10 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 4 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9999999. RF (refused) 5207 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q4145:J27b] IS (NE 7); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4149M1 J27F.DO WITH WITHDRAW Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4149 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J27f. What did you do with the funds that you withdrew? Were they put into savings, used for regular expenses, used for special purchases, given to relatives, or what? User note: Up to eight responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was one. ................................................................................ 8 1. PUT IN SAVINGS 5 2. USED FOR REGULAR EXPENSES 4 3. USED FOR SPECIAL PURCHASES 4 4. GIVEN TO RELATIVES 6 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5193 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q4145:J27b] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4150 J27G. ANNUITY AMOUNT Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4150 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J27g. About how much do you receive from this annuity? AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 23 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 6 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 999999. RF (refused) 5191 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q4145:J27b] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4151 J27PG.PER J27G Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4151 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. WEEKLY 2. 2 X MONTH 5 3. MONTH 2 4. QUARTER 5. 6 MONTH 3 6. YEAR 1 7. OTHER (Specify) 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5211 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q4145:J27b] IS (NE 2); [Q4150:J27g] IS (0 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4156 J27J. TAX ON IRA PAYMENT Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4156 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J27j. Are federal income taxes withheld on these payments? ................................................................................ 8 1. YES 22 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5192 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q4145:J27b] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4157 J27K.MONTH ANNUITY IRA Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4157 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J27k. In what month and year did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) start to receive that annuity? MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 6 1. JAN 1 2. FEB 3 3. MAR 4. APR 2 5. MAY 3 6. JUN 1 7. JUL 8. AUG 9. SEP 2 10. OCT 4 11. NOV 6 12. DEC 97. Other 1 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 99. RF (refused) 5192 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q4145:J27b] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4158 J27M.YEAR ANNUITY IRA Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4158 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 11 1. 1993 6 2. 1994 10 3. 1995 2 4. 1996 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5191 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q4145:J27b] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4159 J27N.HOW LONG ANNUITY,YEAR Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4159 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 J27n. For how long will these payments continue? UNTIL YEAR: UNTIL AGE: FOR #YEARS: User note: The respondent could answer this question in any one of four ways. These different responses are reported in this and the next three variables. There should be valid data in only one of these variables, depending on how the respondent chose to answer the question. ................................................................................ 2 1995-2100. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 2 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9999. RF (refused) 5217 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q4145:J27b] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4160 J27P.HOW LONG IRA INC,AGE Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4160 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 65-115. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q4145:J27b] IS (NE 2); [Q4159:J27n] IS (1995-2100 OR DK OR RF OR Over Limit); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4161 J27Q.HOW LONG IRA INC,#YRS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4161 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 2 0-50. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 97. Other 1 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q4145:J27b] IS (NE 2); [Q4159:J27n] IS (1995-2100 OR DK OR RF OR Over Limit); [Q4160:J27p] IS (65-115 OR DK OR RF OR Over Limit); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4162 J27R.HOW LONG IRA INC,VAR Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4162 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 5 4. UNTIL R DIES 5. UNTIL SPOUSE DIES 9 6. UNTIL MONEY RUNS OUT 7 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5200 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q4145:J27b] IS (NE 2); [Q4159:J27n] IS (1995-2100 OR DK OR RF OR Over Limit); [Q4160:J27p] IS (65-115 OR DK OR RF OR Over Limit); [Q4161:J27q] IS (1-50 OR DK OR RF OR Over Limit); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4164 J27S.IRA REG INC-SPOUSE Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4164 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J27s. Will (your spouse/you) continue to receive these payments after (you die/your spouse dies)? ................................................................................ 4 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4143:J27] IS (NE 1); [Q4145:J27b] IS (NE 2); [Q4162:J27r] IS (NE 4 AND NE 5) OR [Q674:A21] IS (3 OR 4 OR 5 OR 6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4191 J30.RET PENSION Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4191 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J30. Are you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) currently receiving any income from retirement pensions? DO NOT INCLUDE ANY LUMP-SUM PENSION PAYMENTS. ................................................................................ 2442 1. YES 2692 5. NO 7. Other 13 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 32 9. RF (refused) 43 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4192 J30A.WHO RECD PENSION Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4192 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J30a. Who receives that? ................................................................................ 577 1. R ONLY 336 2. SPOUSE/PARTNER ONLY 252 3. BOTH 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4056 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4193 J30B.>1 PENSION Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4193 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J30b. IF Q4192 IS (3) Do you yourself receive income from more than one retirement pension? ELSE Do you receive income from more than one retirement pension? END ................................................................................ 240 1. YES 1862 5. NO 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 3115 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4194 J30C.#PENSIONS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4194 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J30c. How many retirement pensions do you receive? # OF PENSIONS: ................................................................................ 237 2-50. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 97. Other 2 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 99. RF (refused) 4982 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4193:J30b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4198 J30D.AMT PENSION-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4198 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J30d-1. How much did you receive last month from that pension? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 1868 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 78 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 161 999999. RF (refused) 3115 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4199 J30E.TAXES WITHHELD-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4199 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J30e-1. Were any federal income taxes withheld on that? ................................................................................ 787 1. YES 1252 5. NO 7. Other 60 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 7 9. RF (refused) 3116 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4200 J30F.YEAR START PENSION-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4200 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 J30f-1. In what year did you first begin to receive that pension? YEAR: ................................................................................ 2050 1900-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 55 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9999. RF (refused) 3115 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4201 J30G.YEAR START PENSION-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4201 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J30g-1. And what month was that? MONTH: ................................................................................ 16 1. JAN 6 2. FEB 9 3. MAR 4 4. APR 3 5. MAY 8 6. JUN 9 7. JUL 8 8. AUG 9 9. SEP 5 10. OCT 3 11. NOV 4 12. DEC 97. Other 1 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5137 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4200:J30f] IS (LT 1993 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4202 J30G.PENSION COLA-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4202 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J30g-1. Is the pension payment automatically adjusted for changes in the cost of living? ................................................................................ 873 1. YES 1190 5. NO 7. Other 43 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 3115 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4203 J30H.PMT CONTINUE-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4203 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J30h-1. Will this payment continue for as long as you live? ................................................................................ 2047 1. YES 36 5. NO 7. Other 21 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 3118 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4204 J30J.HOW LONG PENSION-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4204 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 J30j-1. For how many years will it continue? # OF YEARS: ................................................................................ 26 1-100. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 997. Other 11 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5185 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4203:J30h] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4205 J30K.PENSION STOP WITH DEATH-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4205 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J30k-1. If you were to die before your (husband/wife/partner), would the payment stop, continue unchanged, or continue at a reduced level? ................................................................................ 332 1. STOP 127 2. CONTINUE UNCHANGED 340 3. CONTINUE AT REDUCED LEVEL 3 7. Other 29 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4391 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4213 J30D.2ND (LARGEST) PENSION-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4213 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J30d-2. How much did you receive last month from your second largest pension? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 214 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 13 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 17 9999999. RF (refused) 4978 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4193:J30b] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4214 J30E.TAXES WITHHELD PENSION-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4214 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J30e-2. Were any federal income taxes withheld on that pension? ................................................................................ 63 1. YES 174 5. NO 7. Other 7 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4978 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4193:J30b] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4215 J30F.YEAR START PENSION-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4215 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 J30f-2. In what year did you start to receive that pension? YEAR: ................................................................................ 231 1954-1995. Year Pension Started 9997. Other 8 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999. RF (refused) 4983 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4193:J30b] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4216 J30G.MONTH START PENSION-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4216 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J30g-2. And what month was that? MONTH: ................................................................................ 1 1. JAN 2. FEB 3. MAR 4. APR 2 5. MAY 1 6. JUN 7. JUL 8. AUG 1 9. SEP 10. OCT 2 11. NOV 2 12. DEC 97. Other 1 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5212 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4193:J30b] IS (NE 1); [Q4215:J30f] IS (LT 1993 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4217 J30H.PENSION COLA-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4217 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J30h-2. Is the pension payment automatically adjusted for changes in the cost of living? ................................................................................ 86 1. YES 153 5. NO 7. Other 6 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4976 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4193:J30b] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4218 J30J.PMT CONTINUE PENSION-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4218 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J30j-2. Will this payment continue for as long as you live? ................................................................................ 236 1. YES 4 5. NO 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4977 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4193:J30b] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4219 J30K.HOW LONG PENSION-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4219 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 J30k-2. For how many years will it continue? # OF YEARS: ................................................................................ 4 1-100. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 997. Other 2 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5216 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4193:J30b] IS (NE 1); [Q4218:J30j] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4220 J30M.STOP WITH DEATH PENSION-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4220 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J30m-2. If you were to die before your (husband/wife/partner), would the payment stop, continue unchanged, or continue at a reduced level? ................................................................................ 43 1. STOP 12 2. CONTINUE UNCHANGED 31 3. CONTINUE AT REDUCED LEVEL 7. Other 6 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5130 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4193:J30b] IS (NE 1); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4221 J30U.OTHER PENSIONS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4221 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J30u. IF Q4194 IS (3) About how much did you receive last month from your third pension? ELSE About the other retirement pensions that you receive, tell me about how much in total you received last month. END AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 18 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 4 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 999999. RF (refused) 5198 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4194:J30c] IS (LT 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4222 J30V.TAXES WITHHELD OTH PENSIONS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4222 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J30v. Were any federal income taxes withheld (on these)? ................................................................................ 7 1. YES 15 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5198 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4194:J30c] IS (LT 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4226 J31.PENSION SP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4226 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J31. Now let me ask about the retirement pensions received by your (husband/wife/partner). Does (she/he) currently receive more than one such pension? ................................................................................ 45 1. YES 539 5. NO 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4633 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4227 J31A.#PENSIONS SP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4227 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J31a. How many such pensions does your (husband/wife/partner) receive? # OF PENSIONS: ................................................................................ 44 2-50. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 97. Other 1 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5177 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4226:J31] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4228 J31B.1ST PENSION SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4228 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J31b-1. Tell me about the largest retirement pension your (husband/wife/partner) receives. User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D4229 J31C.AMT PENSION SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4229 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J31c-1. How much did your (husband/wife/partner) receive last month from that pension? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 489 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 1 999997. Other 46 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 50 999999. RF (refused) 4636 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4230 J31D.TAXES WITHHELD PENSION SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4230 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J31d-1. Were any federal income taxes withheld on that? ................................................................................ 199 1. YES 355 5. NO 7. Other 33 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4634 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4231 J31E.YEAR START PENSION SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4231 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 J31e-1. In what year did (she/he) start to receive that pension? YEAR: ................................................................................ 566 1900-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 21 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999. RF (refused) 4635 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4232 J31F.MONTH START PENSION SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4232 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J31e-1. And what month was that? MONTH: ................................................................................ 4 1. JAN 2 2. FEB 3. MAR 1 4. APR 5. MAY 4 6. JUN 1 7. JUL 1 8. AUG 1 9. SEP 10. OCT 11. NOV 12. DEC 97. Other 5 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5203 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4231:J31e] IS (LT 1993 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4233 J31F.COLA PENSION SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4233 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J31f-1. Is the pension payment automatically adjusted for changes in the cost of living? ................................................................................ 226 1. YES 350 5. NO 7. Other 13 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4633 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4234 J31G.PENSION CONTINUE SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4234 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J31g-1. Will this payment continue for as long as (she/he) lives? ................................................................................ 577 1. YES 4 5. NO 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4633 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4235 J31H. HOW LONG PENSION SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4235 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 J31h-1. For how many years will it continue? # OF YEARS: ................................................................................ 4 1-100. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4234:J31g] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4236 J31J. STOP WITH DEATH PENSION SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4236 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J31j-1. If (she/he) were to die before you, would the payment stop, continue unchanged, or continue at a reduced level? ................................................................................ 296 1. STOP 62 2. CONTINUE UNCHANGED 210 3. CONTINUE AT REDUCED LEVEL 7. Other 20 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4633 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4238 J31K. 2ND (LARGEST) PENSION SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4238 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J31k-2. And how much did (she/he) receive last month from the second (largest) retirement pension? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 38 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 3 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 999999. RF (refused) 5177 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4226:J31] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4245 J31D.TAXES WITHHELD PENSION SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4245 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J31d-2. Were any federal income taxes withheld on that? ................................................................................ 10 1. YES 35 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5176 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4226:J31] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4246 J31E.YEAR START PENSION SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4246 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 J31e-2. In what year did (she/he) start to receive that pension? YEAR: ................................................................................ 45 1900-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 1 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999. RF (refused) 5176 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4226:J31] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4247 J31F.MONTH START PENSION SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4247 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J31e-2. And what month was that? MONTH: ................................................................................ 1. JAN 1 2. FEB 1 3. MAR 4. APR 5. MAY 1 6. JUN 7. JUL 8. AUG 9. SEP 10. OCT 11. NOV 12. DEC 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4226:J31] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4246:J31e] IS (LT 1993 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4248 J31G.COLA PENSION SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4248 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J31g-2. Is the pension payment automatically adjusted for changes in the cost of living? ................................................................................ 17 1. YES 27 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5176 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4226:J31] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4249 J31H.PENSION CONTINUE SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4249 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J31h-2. Will this payment continue for as long as (she/he) lives? ................................................................................ 44 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5176 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4226:J31] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4250 J31J.HOW LONG PENSION SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4250 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 J31j-2. For how many years will it continue? # OF YEARS: ................................................................................ 1-100. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 997. Other 1 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4226:J31] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4249:J31h] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4251 J31K.STOP WITH DEATH PENSION SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4251 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J31k-2. If (she/he) were to die before you, would the payment stop, continue unchanged, or continue at a reduced level? ................................................................................ 31 1. STOP 4 2. CONTINUE UNCHANGED 9 3. CONTINUE AT REDUCED LEVEL 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5176 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4226:J31] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4253 J31U.OTHER PENSIONS SP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4253 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J31u-2. IF Q4227 IS (3) How much did (she/he) receive last month from (her/his) third pension. ELSE About the other retirement pensions (she/he) receives, about how much in total did (she/he) receive last month? END AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 5 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 2 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999999. RF (refused) 5215 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4226:J31] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4227:J31a] IS (2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4254 J31V.TAXES WITHHELD PENSIONS OTH SP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4254 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J31v-2. Were any federal income taxes withheld (on these)? ................................................................................ 2 1. YES 4 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5215 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4226:J31] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4227:J31a] IS (2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4255 J31W. TOTAL INCOME FROM PENSIONS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4255 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J31w. Overall, about how much did you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) receive last month from retirement pensions (not including Social Security)? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 1 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 999999. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4191:J30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4226:J31] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4227:J31a] IS (2); [Q4192:J30a] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4266 J33.INCOME ANNUITIES Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4266 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J33. Aside from anything you have already told me about, are you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) currently receiving any income from annuities? ................................................................................ 374 1. YES 4737 5. NO 7. Other 26 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 42 9. RF (refused) 43 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4267 J33A.WHO RECD ANNUITY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4267 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J33a. Who receives that? ................................................................................ 66 1. R ONLY 32 2. SPOUSE/PARTNER ONLY 69 3. BOTH 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5055 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4268 J33B.>1 ANNUITY INC Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4268 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J33b. IF Q4267 IS (3) Do you yourself receive income from more than one annuity? ELSE Do you receive income from more than one annuity? END ................................................................................ 104 1. YES 234 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 4880 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4269 J33C.# ANNUITIES INC Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4269 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J33c. How many annuities do you receive? # OF ANNUITIES: ................................................................................ 99 2-50. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 97. Other 4 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 99. RF (refused) 5117 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4270 J33D.1ST ANNUITY INC-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4270 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J33d. Tell me about the largest annuity that you currently receive. User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D4271 J33D.AMT ANNUITY INC-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4271 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J33d-1. How much did you receive last month from that annuity? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 3 0. Amount already reported 241 1-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 63 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 33 9999999. RF (refused) 4882 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4272 J33E.TAXES WITHHELD ANNUITY INC-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4272 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J33e-1. Were any federal income taxes withheld on that? ................................................................................ 86 1. YES 239 5. NO 7. Other 15 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 4880 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4273 J33F.YEAR START ANNUITY INC-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4273 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 J33f-1. In what year did you start to receive that annuity? YEAR: ................................................................................ 311 1900-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 25 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 6 9999. RF (refused) 4880 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4274 J33G.MONTH START ANNUITY INC-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4274 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J33f-1. And what month was that? MONTH: ................................................................................ 20 1. JAN 4 2. FEB 8 3. MAR 6 4. APR 2 5. MAY 5 6. JUN 7 7. JUL 2 8. AUG 9 9. SEP 11 10. OCT 4 11. NOV 7 12. DEC 1 97. Other 18 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5118 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4273:J33f] IS (LT 1993 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4275 J33H.COLA ANNUITY INC-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4275 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J33h-1. Is the annuity payment automatically adjusted for changes in the cost of living? ................................................................................ 48 1. YES 267 5. NO 7. Other 23 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 4880 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4276 J33J.ANNUITY INC CONTINUE-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4276 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J33j-1. Will this payment continue for as long as you live? ................................................................................ 243 1. YES 82 5. NO 7. Other 14 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 4880 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4277 J33K.HOW LONG ANNUITY INC-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4277 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 J33k-1. For how many years will it continue? # OF YEARS: ................................................................................ 54 1-100. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 997. Other 27 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 999. RF (refused) 5139 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4276:J33j] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4278 J33M.STOP WITH DEATH ANNUITY INC-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4278 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J33m-1. If you were to die before your (husband/wife/partner), would the payment stop, continue unchanged, or continue at a reduced level? ................................................................................ 19 1. STOP 92 2. CONTINUE UNCHANGED 11 3. CONTINUE AT REDUCED LEVEL 3 7. Other 9 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5087 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4285 J33D.2ND (LARGEST) ANNUITY INC-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4285 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J33d-2. How much did you receive last month from your second (largest) annuity? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 3 0. Amount already reported 58 1-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 35 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 11 9999999. RF (refused) 5115 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4287 J33E.TAXES WITHHELD ANNUITY INC-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4287 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J33e-2. Were any federal income taxes withheld on that annuity? ................................................................................ 18 1. YES 77 5. NO 7. Other 7 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 5116 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4288 J33F.YEAR START ANNUITY INC-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4288 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 J33f-2. In what year did you start to receive that annuity? YEAR: ................................................................................ 88 1900-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 2 9997. Other 13 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9999. RF (refused) 5116 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4289 J33G.MONTH START ANNUITY INC-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4289 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J33f-2. And what month was that? MONTH: ................................................................................ 6 1. JAN 1 2. FEB 4 3. MAR 1 4. APR 5. MAY 6. JUN 1 7. JUL 1 8. AUG 1 9. SEP 10. OCT 1 11. NOV 2 12. DEC 97. Other 4 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5200 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4288:J33f] IS (LT 1993 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4290 J33H.COLA ANNUITY INC-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4290 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J33h-2. Is the annuity payment automatically adjusted for changes in the cost of living? ................................................................................ 14 1. YES 81 5. NO 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 5116 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4291 J33J.ANNUITY INC CONTINUE-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4291 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J33j-2. Will this payment continue for as long as you live? ................................................................................ 80 1. YES 16 5. NO 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5116 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4292 J33K.HOW LONG ANNUITY INC-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4292 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 J33k-2. For how many years will it continue? # OF YEARS: ................................................................................ 8 1-100. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 997. Other 10 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5204 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4291:J33j] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4293 J33M.STOP WITH DEATH ANNUITY INC-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4293 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J33m-2. If you were to die before your (husband/wife/partner), would the payment stop, continue unchanged, or continue at a reduced level? ................................................................................ 8 1. STOP 27 2. CONTINUE UNCHANGED 1 3. CONTINUE AT REDUCED LEVEL 2 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5179 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q674:A21] IS (4 OR 5 OR 6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4294 J34.OTHER ANNUITIES Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4294 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J34. IF Q4269 IS (3) How much did you receive last month from your third annuity? ELSE About the other annuities that you receive, tell me about how much in total you received last month. END AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 1 0. Amount already reported 19 1-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 24 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 7 9999999. RF (refused) 5171 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (3); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4298 J34A.TAXES WITHHELD OTHER ANNUITIES Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4298 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J34a. Were any federal income taxes withheld (on these)? ................................................................................ 5 1. YES 36 5. NO 7. Other 9 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5171 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (2); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (3); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4299 J35.>1 ANNUITIES SPOUSE Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4299 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J35. Now let me ask about the annuities received by your (husband/wife/partner). Does (she/he) currently receive more than one such annuity? ................................................................................ 12 1. YES 88 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5121 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4300 J35A.# ANNUITIES SP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4300 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J35a. How many such annuities does your (husband/wife/partner) receive? # OF ANNUITIES: ................................................................................ 12 2-50. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 99. RF (refused) 5209 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4299:J35] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4301 J35B.1ST ANNUITIES INC SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4301 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J35b. Tell me about the largest annuity your (husband/wife/partner) receives. User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D4302 J35C.AMT ANNUITY INC SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4302 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J35c-1. How much did your (husband/wife/partner) receive last month from that annuity? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 9 0. Amount already reported 42 1-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 33 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 13 9999999. RF (refused) 5125 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4303 J35D.TAXES WITHHELD ANNUITY INC SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4303 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J35d-1. Were any federal income taxes withheld on that? ................................................................................ 18 1. YES 75 5. NO 7. Other 6 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5121 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4304 J35E.YEAR START ANNUITY INC SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4304 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 J35e-1. In what year did (she/he) start to receive that annuity? YEAR: ................................................................................ 75 1960-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 23 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9999. RF (refused) 5122 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4305 J35E.MONTH START ANNTY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4305 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J35e-1. And what month was that? MONTH: ................................................................................ 5 1. JAN 2 2. FEB 3. MAR 1 4. APR 1 5. MAY 1 6. JUN 7. JUL 3 8. AUG 9. SEP 4 10. OCT 1 11. NOV 1 12. DEC 97. Other 7 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5196 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4304:J35e] IS (LT 1993 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4306 J35F.COLA ANNUITY INC SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4306 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J35f-1. Is the annuity payment automatically adjusted for changes in the cost of living? ................................................................................ 9 1. YES 77 5. NO 7. Other 13 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5121 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4307 J35G.ANNUITY INC CONTINUE SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4307 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J35g-1. Will this payment continue for as long as (she/he) lives? ................................................................................ 61 1. YES 31 5. NO 7. Other 6 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5122 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4308 J35H.HOW LONG ANNUITY INC SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4308 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 J35h-1. For how many years will it continue? # OF YEARS: ................................................................................ 22 1-100. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 997. Other 10 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5190 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4307:J35g] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4309 J35J.STOP WITH DEATH ANNUITY INC SP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4309 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J35j-1. If (she/he) were to die before you, would the payment stop, continue unchanged, or continue at a reduced level? ................................................................................ 21 1. STOP 57 2. CONTINUE UNCHANGED 8 3. CONTINUE AT REDUCED LEVEL 2 7. Other 10 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5122 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4315 J35B.2ND (LARGEST) ANNUUITY INC SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4315 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J35b-2. And how much did (she/he) receive last month from the second largest annuity? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 9 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 2 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 999999. RF (refused) 5209 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4299:J35] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4317 J35D.TAXES WITHHELD ANNUITY INC SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4317 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J35d-2. Were any federal income taxes withheld on that? ................................................................................ 3 1. YES 7 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5210 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4299:J35] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4318 J35E.YEAR START ANNUITY INC SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4318 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 J35e-2. In what year did (she/he) start to receive that annuity? YEAR: ................................................................................ 9 1900-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 3 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9999. RF (refused) 5209 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4299:J35] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4319 J35P.MONTH START ANNUITY INC SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4319 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J35e-2. And what month was that? MONTH: ................................................................................ 2 1. JAN 2. FEB 3. MAR 4. APR 5. MAY 6. JUN 7. JUL 8. AUG 9. SEP 10. OCT 1 11. NOV 12. DEC 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4299:J35] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4318:J35e] IS (LT 1993 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4320 J35F.COLA ANNUITY INC SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4320 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J35f-2. Is the annuity payment automatically adjusted for changes in the cost of living? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 9 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5210 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4299:J35] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4321 J35G.ANNUITY INC CONTINUE SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4321 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J35g-2. Will this payment continue for as long as (she/he) lives? ................................................................................ 9 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5210 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4299:J35] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4322 J35H.HOW LONG ANNUITY INC SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4322 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 J35h-2. For how many years will it continue? # OF YEARS: ................................................................................ 1 1-100. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4299:J35] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4321:J35g] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4323 J35J.STOP WITH DEATH ANNUITY INC SP-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4323 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J35j-2. If (she/he) were to die before you, would the payment stop, continue unchanged, or continue at a reduced level? ................................................................................ 2 1. STOP 8 2. CONTINUE UNCHANGED 3. CONTINUE AT REDUCED LEVEL 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5210 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4299:J35] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4324 J35U.OTHER ANNUITY INC SP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4324 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J35u. IF Q4300 IS (3) How much did (she/he) receive last month from (her/his) third annuity? ELSE About the other annuities (she/he) receives, about how much in total did (she/he) receive last month? END AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 2 1-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 2 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9999999. RF (refused) 5216 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4299:J35] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4300:J35a] IS (2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4325 J35V.TAXES WITHHELD OTH ANNUITY INC SP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4325 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J35v. Were any federal income taxes withheld (on these)? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 3 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5216 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4267:J33a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4299:J35] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4300:J35a] IS (2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4326 J35W.TOTAL ANNUITY INCOME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4326 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J35w. Overall, about how much did you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) receive last month from annuities? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 1-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4266:J33] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4268:J33b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4269:J33c] IS (2) AND [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 3); [Q4267:J33a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q4299:J35] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4300:J35a] IS (2); [Q4325:J35v] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4338 J36.STOCK ASSETS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4338 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J36. (Aside from anything you have already told me about..) Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) have any shares of stock or stock mutual funds? ................................................................................ 1401 1. YES 3687 5. NO 7. Other 22 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 68 9. RF (refused) 44 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4339 J37.TOTAL $ STOCKS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4339 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 J37. If you sold all those and paid off anything you owed on them, about how much would you have? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 746 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 2 9999996-99999996. Extreme values 99999997. Other 527 99999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 129 99999999. RF (refused) 3818 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4343 J37A.STOCKS DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4343 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J37a. IF Q173 IS (0 OR 2) Would it amount to $100,000 or more? ELSE Q173 IS (1) Would it amount to $10,000 or more? ELSE Q173 IS (3) Would it amount to $750,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 159 1. YES 381 5. NO 1 7. Other 45 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 71 9. RF (refused) 4565 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4339:J37] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4344 J37B.STOCKS DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4344 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J37b. IF Q173 IS (0 OR 2) $10,000 or more? ELSE Q173 IS (1) $2,000 or more? ELSE Q173 IS (3) $100,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 249 1. YES 107 5. NO 1 7. Other 17 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 8 9. RF (refused) 4840 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4339:J37] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4343:J37a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4343:J37a] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4346 J37D.STOCKS DK-4 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4346 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J37d. IF Q173 IS (0 OR 2) $2,000 or more? ELSE Q173 IS (3) $10,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 69 1. YES 23 5. NO 1 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5126 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4339:J37] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4343:J37a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4343:J37a] IS (1); [Q4344:J37b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q173:W1 STOCKS V1743] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4347 J37E.STOCKS DK-5 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4347 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J37e. $2,000 or more? ................................................................................ 4 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4339:J37] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4343:J37a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4343:J37a] IS (1); [Q4344:J37b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q173:W1 STOCKS V1743] IS (1); [Q4346:J37d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q173:W1 STOCKS V1743] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4348 J37F.STOCKS DK-6 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4348 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J37f. IF Q173 IS (0 OR 2) $750,000 or more? ELSE Q173 IS (1) $100,000 or more? ELSE Q173 IS (3) $1,500,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 23 1. YES 118 5. NO 1 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9 9. RF (refused) 5063 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4339:J37] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4343:J37a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4344:J37b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q173:W1 STOCKS V1743] IS (1); [Q4346:J37d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q173:W1 STOCKS V1743] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4347:J37e] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4350 J37H.STOCKS DK-8 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4350 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J37h. IF Q173 IS (0 OR 2) $1,500,000 or more? ELSE Q173 IS (1) $750,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 5 1. YES 16 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5201 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4339:J37] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4343:J37a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4344:J37b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q173:W1 STOCKS V1743] IS (1); [Q4346:J37d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q173:W1 STOCKS V1743] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4347:J37e] IS (A); [Q4348:J37f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q173:W1 STOCKS V1743] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4351 J37I.STOCKS DK-9 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4351 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J37i. $1,500,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4339:J37] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4343:J37a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4344:J37b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q173:W1 STOCKS V1743] IS (1); [Q4346:J37d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q173:W1 STOCKS V1743] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4347:J37e] IS (A); [Q4348:J37f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q173:W1 STOCKS V1743] IS (3); [Q4350:J37h] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q173:W1 STOCKS V1743] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4357 J38.STOCKS INCOME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4357 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J38. Do these stocks or mutual funds pay any dividends or interest? ................................................................................ 1307 1. YES 77 5. NO 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 12 9. RF (refused) 3818 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4358 J38A.STOCK INC OFTEN Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4358 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J38a. How often is it paid? ................................................................................ 387 1. ACCUMULATES/REINVEST 218 3. MONTH 495 4. QUARTER 40 5. 6 MONTHS 54 6. YEAR 90 7. Other 20 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 3915 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4357:J38] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4359 J38B.STOCK INCOME $ PERIOD Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4359 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J38b. IF Q4358 IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF) About how much did you receive from that in (1993/1994/1995/1996)? ELSE About how much did you receive last [Q4358-J38a.STOCK INC OFTEN] from that? END DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * Prior to the change, those with code 6 received the ELSE question text * CHANGED "1 OR 7" TO "1 OR 6 OR 7" (12/7/95) ................................................................................ 686 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 515 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 106 999999. RF (refused) 3915 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4357:J38] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4360 J38C.STOCK INCOME SAME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4360 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J38c. Do you get about the same amount each [Q4358-J38a.STOCK INC OFTEN]? Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * JUMP INSTRUCTIONS ADDED 12/7/95 * This was the jump prior to version change: * COMMENTED 12/7/95 * Jump to Q4363 if Q4358 is (1 OR 7 OR DK OR RF) OR Q4359 is (0 OR DK OR RF) ................................................................................ 422 1. YES 66 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4729 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4357:J38] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4359:J38b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4358:J38a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4359:J38b] IS (DK OR RF) AND [Q4358:J38a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4359:J38b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4361 J38D.STOCK INCOME LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4361 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J38d. About how much did you receive from stocks or mutual funds in (1994/1995/1996)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * JUMP AND QUESTIONS ADDED 12/7/95 * Questions 4361-4373 may not be in the earlier version. ................................................................................ 41 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 83 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 40 999999. RF (refused) 5058 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4357:J38] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4359:J38b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4358:J38a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4359:J38b] IS (DK OR RF) AND [Q4358:J38a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4360:J38c] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4363 J38E.STOCK INCOME DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4363 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J38e. Did you receive $10,000 or more in (1994/1995) from stock income? ................................................................................ 147 1. YES 391 5. NO 7. Other 39 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 52 9. RF (refused) 4593 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4357:J38] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4359:J38b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4358:J38a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4360:J38c] IS (1); [Q4361:J38d] IS (A AND NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4364 J38F.STOCK INC DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4364 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J38f. $75,000 or more? ................................................................................ 19 1. YES 115 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 8 9. RF (refused) 5075 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4357:J38] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4359:J38b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4358:J38a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4360:J38c] IS (1); [Q4361:J38d] IS (A AND NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4363:J38e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4363:J38e] IS (5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4365 J38G.STOCK INC DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4365 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J38g. $1,000 or more? ................................................................................ 239 1. YES 136 5. NO 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 8 9. RF (refused) 4831 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4338:J36] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4357:J38] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4359:J38b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4358:J38a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4360:J38c] IS (1); [Q4361:J38d] IS (A AND NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4363:J38e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4364:J38f] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4381 J40.BOND ASSETS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4381 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J40. (Aside from anything you have already told me about..) Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) have any corporate, municipal, government or foreign bonds, or bond funds? DO NOT COUNT GOVERNMENT SAVINGS BONDS OR TREASURY BILLS. ................................................................................ 435 1. YES 4661 5. NO 7. Other 26 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 56 9. RF (refused) 44 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4382 J41.TOTAL $ BONDS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4382 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J41. If you sold all those bonds or bond funds, and paid off anything you owed on them, about how much would you have? DO NOT PROBE DK/RF ................................................................................ 250 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 144 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 41 9999999. RF (refused) 4787 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4386 J41A.BONDS DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4386 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J41a. IF Q176 IS (0 OR 2) Would it amount to $50,000 or more? ELSE Q176 IS (1) Would it amount to $10,000 or more? ELSE Q176 IS (3) Would it amount to $200,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 65 1. YES 68 5. NO 1 7. Other 26 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 26 9. RF (refused) 5036 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4382:J41] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4387 J41B.BONDS DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4387 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J41b. IF Q176 IS (0 OR 2) $10,000 or more? ELSE Q176 IS (1) $2,000 or more? ELSE Q176 IS (3) $50,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 44 1. YES 21 5. NO 1 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5153 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4382:J41] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4386:J41a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4386:J41a] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4389 J41D.BONDS DK-4 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4389 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J41d. IF Q176 IS (0 OR 2) $2,000 or more? ELSE Q176 IS (3) $10,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 13 1. YES 6 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5201 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4382:J41] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4386:J41a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4386:J41a] IS (1); [Q4387:J41b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q176:W1 BONDS V1762] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4390 J41E.BONDS DK-5 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4390 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J41e. $2,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4382:J41] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4386:J41a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4386:J41a] IS (1); [Q4387:J41b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q176:W1 BONDS V1762] IS (1); [Q4389:J41d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q176:W1 BONDS V1762] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4391 J41F.BONDS DK-6 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4391 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J41f. IF Q176 IS (0 OR 2) $200,000 or more? ELSE Q176 IS (1) $50,000 or more? ELSE Q176 IS (3) $500,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 22 1. YES 41 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5157 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4382:J41] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4386:J41a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4387:J41b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q176:W1 BONDS V1762] IS (1); [Q4389:J41d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q176:W1 BONDS V1762] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4390:J41e] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4393 J41H.BONDS DK-8 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4393 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J41h. IF Q176 IS (0 OR 2) $500,000 or more? ELSE Q176 IS (1) $200,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 2 1. YES 18 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5201 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4382:J41] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4386:J41a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4387:J41b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q176:W1 BONDS V1762] IS (1); [Q4389:J41d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q176:W1 BONDS V1762] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4390:J41e] IS (A); [Q4391:J41f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q176:W1 BONDS V1762] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4394 J41I.BONDS DK-9 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4394 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J41i. $500,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4382:J41] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4386:J41a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4387:J41b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q176:W1 BONDS V1762] IS (1); [Q4389:J41d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q176:W1 BONDS V1762] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4390:J41e] IS (A); [Q4391:J41f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q176:W1 BONDS V1762] IS (3); [Q4393:J41h] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q176:W1 BONDS V1762] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4400 J42.BONDS INCOME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4400 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J42. Do these bonds or mutual funds pay any dividends or interest? ................................................................................ 382 1. YES 45 5. NO 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 4787 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4401 J42A.BOND INC OFTEN Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4401 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J42a. How often is it paid? ................................................................................ 120 1. ACCUMULATES/REINVEST 62 3. MONTH 44 4. QUARTER 94 5. 6 MONTHS 14 6. YEAR 36 7. Other 10 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 4839 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4400:J42] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4402 J42B.BOND INCOME $ PERIOD Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4402 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J42b. IF Q4401 IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF) About how much did you receive from that in (1993/1994/1995/1996)? ELSE About how much did you receive last [Q4401-J42a.BOND INC OFTEN] from that? END DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * Prior to the change, those with code 6 received the ELSE question text * ADDED "OR 6" TO SCREEN INSTRUCTIONS 12/7/95 ................................................................................ 183 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 165 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 35 999999. RF (refused) 4839 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4400:J42] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4403 J42C.BOND INCOME SAME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4403 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J42c. Do you get about the same amount each [Q4401-J42a.BOND INC OFTEN]? Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * CHANGED/ADDED JUMPS 12/7/95 * This was the jump prior to version change: * Jump to Q4406 if Q4401 is (1 OR 7 OR DK OR RF) OR Q4402 is (0 OR DK OR RF) ................................................................................ 116 1. YES 5 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5101 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4400:J42] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4402:J42b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4401:J42a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4402:J42b] IS (DK OR RF) AND [Q4401:J42a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4402:J42b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4404 J42D.BOND INCOME LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4404 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J42d. About how much did you receive from bond income in (1994/1995/1996)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * JUMP MOVED 12/7/95 & QUESTIONS ADDED * Questions 4404-4410 may be new this version ................................................................................ 7 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 28 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9 999999. RF (refused) 5178 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4400:J42] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4402:J42b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4401:J42a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4402:J42b] IS (DK OR RF) AND [Q4401:J42a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4403:J42c] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4406 J42E.BOND INCOME DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4406 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J42e. Did you receive $5,000 or more in (1994/1995) from bond income? ................................................................................ 66 1. YES 104 5. NO 7. Other 24 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 16 9. RF (refused) 5012 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4400:J42] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4402:J42b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4401:J42a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4403:J42c] IS (1); [Q4404:J42d] IS (A AND NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4407 J42F.BOND INC DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4407 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J42f. $20,000 or more? ................................................................................ 19 1. YES 42 5. NO 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5156 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4400:J42] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4402:J42b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4401:J42a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4403:J42c] IS (1); [Q4404:J42d] IS (A AND NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4406:J42e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4406:J42e] IS (5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4408 J42G.BOND INC DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4408 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J42g. $1,000 or more? ................................................................................ 54 1. YES 45 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5118 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4381:J40] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4400:J42] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4402:J42b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4401:J42a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4403:J42c] IS (1); [Q4404:J42d] IS (A AND NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4406:J42e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4407:J42f] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4424 J44.CHECKING, SAVING ASSETS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4424 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J44. (Aside from anything you have already told me about..) Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) have any checking or savings accounts or money market funds? ................................................................................ 4138 1. YES 949 5. NO 7. Other 18 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 73 9. RF (refused) 44 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4425 J44.TOTAL $ CHECKING, SAVINGS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4425 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J44. If you added up all such accounts, about how much would they amount to right now? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 2700 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 1000 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 438 9999999. RF (refused) 1084 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4429 J44B.CHECKING, SAVINGS DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4429 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J44b. IF Q174 IS (0 OR 2) Would it amount to $50,000 or more? ELSE Q174 IS (1) Would it amount to $20,000 or more? ELSE Q174 IS (3) Would it amount to $100,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 199 1. YES 944 5. NO 7. Other 72 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 222 9. RF (refused) 3785 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4425:J44] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4431 J44D.CHECKING, SAVINGS DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4431 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J44d. IF Q174 IS (0 OR 2) $20,000 or more? ELSE Q174 IS (1) $2,000 or more? ELSE Q174 IS (3) $50,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 342 1. YES 553 5. NO 7. Other 18 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 31 9. RF (refused) 4278 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4425:J44] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4429:J44b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4429:J44b] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4432 J44E.CHECKING, SAVINGS DK-4 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4432 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J44e. IF Q174 IS (0 OR 2) $2,000 or more? ELSE Q174 IS (3) $20,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 257 1. YES 196 5. NO 7. Other 11 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 4754 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4425:J44] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4429:J44b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4429:J44b] IS (1); [Q4431:J44d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q174:W1 CHECKINGS-SAVINGS V1750] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4433 J44F.CHECKING, SAVINGS DK-5 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4433 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J44f. $2,000 or more? ................................................................................ 76 1. YES 11 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 5130 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4425:J44] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4429:J44b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4429:J44b] IS (1); [Q4431:J44d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q174:W1 CHECKINGS-SAVINGS V1750] IS (1); [Q4432:J44e] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q174:W1 CHECKINGS-SAVINGS V1750] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4434 J44G.CHECKING, SAVINGS DK-6 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4434 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J44g. IF Q174 IS (0 OR 2) $100,000 or more? ELSE Q174 IS (1) $50,000 or more? ELSE Q174 IS (3) $500,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 51 1. YES 131 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 11 9. RF (refused) 5024 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4425:J44] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4429:J44b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4431:J44d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q174:W1 CHECKINGS-SAVINGS V1750] IS (1); [Q4432:J44e] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q174:W1 CHECKINGS-SAVINGS V1750] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4433:J44f] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4436 J44J.CHECKING, SAVINGS DK-8 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4436 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J44j. IF Q174 IS (0 OR 2) $500,000 or more? ELSE Q174 IS (1) $100,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 7 1. YES 36 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5176 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4425:J44] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4429:J44b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4431:J44d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q174:W1 CHECKINGS-SAVINGS V1750] IS (1); [Q4432:J44e] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q174:W1 CHECKINGS-SAVINGS V1750] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4433:J44f] IS (A); [Q4434:J44g] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q174:W1 CHECKINGS-SAVINGS V1750] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4437 J44K.CHECKING, SAVINGS DK-9 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4437 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J44k. $500,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5217 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4425:J44] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4429:J44b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4431:J44d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q174:W1 CHECKINGS-SAVINGS V1750] IS (1); [Q4432:J44e] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q174:W1 CHECKINGS-SAVINGS V1750] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4433:J44f] IS (A); [Q4434:J44g] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q174:W1 CHECKINGS-SAVINGS V1750] IS (3); [Q4436:J44j] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4436:J44j] IS (1) AND [Q174:W1 CHECKINGS-SAVINGS V1750] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4440 J45.CHECKING, SAVINGS INCOME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4440 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J45. Do these accounts or money market funds pay any dividends or interest? ................................................................................ 3007 1. YES 1054 5. NO 7. Other 45 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 32 9. RF (refused) 1084 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4441 J45A.CHECKING INC OFTEN Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4441 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J45a. How often is it paid? ................................................................................ 1080 1. ACCUMULATES/REINVEST 1244 3. MONTH 380 4. QUARTER 70 5. 6 MONTHS 81 6. YEAR 77 7. Other 56 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 19 9. RF (refused) 2215 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4440:J45] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4442 J45B.CHECKING INCOME $ PERIOD Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4442 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J45b. IF Q4441 IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF) About how much did you receive from that in (1993/1994/1995/1996)? ELSE About how much did you receive last [Q4441-J45a.CHECKING INC OFTEN] from that? END DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * Prior to the change, those with code 6 received the ELSE question text * ADDED "OR 6" TO SCREEN INSTRUCTIONS 12/7/95 ................................................................................ 1208 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 1564 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 235 999999. RF (refused) 2215 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4440:J45] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4443 J45C.CHECKING INCOME SAME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4443 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J45c. Do you get about the same amount each [Q4441-J45a.CHECKING INC OFTEN]? Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * JUMP CHANGED 12/7/95, CORRECTED 12/13/95 * This was the jump prior to version change: * Jump to Q4445 if Q4441 is (1 OR 7 OR DK OR RF) OR Q4442 is (0 OR DK OR RF) ................................................................................ 723 1. YES 84 5. NO 7. Other 13 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4402 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4440:J45] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4442:J45b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4441:J45a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4442:J45b] IS (DK OR RF) AND [Q4441:J45a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4442:J45b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4444 J45D.SAVINGS INTEREST LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4444 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J45d. About how much did you receive in interest from these in (1994/1995/1996)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * JUMP AND QUESTION ADDED 12/7/95 ................................................................................ 86 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 354 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 61 999999. RF (refused) 4721 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4440:J45] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4442:J45b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4441:J45a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4442:J45b] IS (DK OR RF) AND [Q4441:J45a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4443:J45c] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4445 J45E.CHECKING, SAVING INCOME DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4445 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J45e. Did you receive $2,000 or more in (1994/1995) from interest from savings and checking accounts? ................................................................................ 397 1. YES 1151 5. NO 2 7. Other 112 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 113 9. RF (refused) 3447 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4440:J45] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4442:J45b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4441:J45a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4443:J45c] IS (1); [Q4444:J45d] IS (A AND NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4446 J45F.CHECKING, SAVING INC DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4446 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J45f. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 106 1. YES 274 5. NO 7. Other 9 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 10 9. RF (refused) 4823 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4440:J45] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4442:J45b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4441:J45a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4443:J45c] IS (1); [Q4444:J45d] IS (A AND NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4445:J45e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4445:J45e] IS (5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4447 J45G.CHECKING, SAVING INC DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4447 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J45g. $1,000 or more? ................................................................................ 254 1. YES 859 5. NO 7. Other 28 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 10 9. RF (refused) 4071 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4424:J44] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4440:J45] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4442:J45b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4441:J45a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4443:J45c] IS (1); [Q4444:J45d] IS (A AND NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4445:J45e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4446:J45f] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4463 J47.CD,TBILL ASSETS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4463 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J47. (Aside from anything you have already told me about..) Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) have any money in Certificates of Deposit, government Savings Bonds, or Treasury Bills? ................................................................................ 1491 1. YES 3551 5. NO 7. Other 35 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 101 9. RF (refused) 44 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4464 J48.TOTAL $ CD Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4464 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J48. If you added up all such accounts, about how much would they amount to right now? DO NOT PROBE DK ................................................................................ 968 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 332 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 190 9999999. RF (refused) 3732 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4468 J48A.CDS DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4468 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J48a. IF Q175 IS (0 OR 2) Would it amount to $125,000 or more? ELSE Q175 IS (1) Would it amount to $25,000 or more? ELSE Q175 IS (3) Would it amount to $250,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 85 1. YES 290 5. NO 7. Other 37 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 110 9. RF (refused) 4700 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4464:J48] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4469 J48B.CDS DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4469 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J48b. IF Q175 IS (0 OR 2) $25,000 or more? ELSE Q175 IS (1) $2,500 or more? ELSE Q175 IS (3) $125,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 148 1. YES 119 5. NO 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 15 9. RF (refused) 4932 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4464:J48] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4468:J48a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4468:J48a] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4471 J48D.CDS DK-4 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4471 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J48d. IF Q175 IS (0 OR 2) $2,500 or more? ELSE Q175 IS (3) $25,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 76 1. YES 26 5. NO 7. Other 6 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 5111 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4464:J48] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4468:J48a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4468:J48a] IS (1); [Q4469:J48b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4469:J48b] IS (1); [Q175:W1 CD V1756] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4472 J48E.CDS DK-5 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4472 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J48e. $2,500 or more? ................................................................................ 2 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4464:J48] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4468:J48a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4468:J48a] IS (1); [Q4469:J48b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4469:J48b] IS (1); [Q175:W1 CD V1756] IS (1); [Q4471:J48d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4471:J48d] IS (5) AND [Q175:W1 CD V1756] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4473 J48F.CDS DK-6 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4473 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J48f. IF Q175 IS (0 OR 2) $250,000 or more? ELSE Q175 IS (1) $125,000 or more? ELSE Q175 IS (3) $500,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 16 1. YES 59 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 6 9. RF (refused) 5138 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4464:J48] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4468:J48a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4469:J48b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4469:J48b] IS (1); [Q175:W1 CD V1756] IS (1); [Q4471:J48d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4471:J48d] IS (5) AND [Q175:W1 CD V1756] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4472:J48e] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4475 J48H.CDS DK-8 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4475 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J48h. IF Q175 IS (0 OR 2) $500,000 or more? ELSE Q175 IS (1) $250,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 10 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 5208 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4464:J48] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4468:J48a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4469:J48b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4469:J48b] IS (1); [Q175:W1 CD V1756] IS (1); [Q4471:J48d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4471:J48d] IS (5) AND [Q175:W1 CD V1756] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4472:J48e] IS (A); [Q4473:J48f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q175:W1 CD V1756] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4476 J48I.CDS DK-9 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4476 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J48i. $500,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4464:J48] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4468:J48a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4469:J48b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4469:J48b] IS (1); [Q175:W1 CD V1756] IS (1); [Q4471:J48d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4471:J48d] IS (5) AND [Q175:W1 CD V1756] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4472:J48e] IS (A); [Q4473:J48f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q175:W1 CD V1756] IS (3); [Q4475:J48h] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4475:J48h] IS (1) AND [Q175:W1 CD V1756] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4482 J49.CDS INCOME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4482 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J49. Do these CDs, government bonds, or treasury bills pay any dividends or interest? ................................................................................ 1347 1. YES 119 5. NO 7. Other 9 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 16 9. RF (refused) 3731 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4483 J49A.CD INC OFTEN Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4483 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J49a. How often is it paid? ................................................................................ 562 1. ACCUMULATES/REINVEST 259 3. MONTH 163 4. QUARTER 111 5. 6 MONTHS 110 6. YEAR 113 7. Other 25 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 3875 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4482:J49] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4484 J49B.CD INCOME $ PERIOD Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4484 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J49b. IF Q4483 IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF) About how much did you receive from that in (1993/1994/1995/1996)? ELSE About how much did you receive last [Q4483-J49a.CD INC OFTEN] from that? END DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * Prior to the change, those with code 6 received the ELSE question text * ADDED "OR 6" TO SCREEN INSTRUCTION 12/7/95 ................................................................................ 538 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 663 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 143 999999. RF (refused) 3878 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4482:J49] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4485 J49C.CD INCOME SAME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4485 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J49c. Do you get about the same amount each [Q4483-J49a.CD INC OFTEN]? Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * JUMPS ADDDED 12/7/95 * This was the jump prior to version change: * Jump to Q4488 if Q4483 is (1 OR 7 OR DK OR RF) OR Q4484 is (0 OR DK OR RF) ................................................................................ 260 1. YES 33 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4926 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4482:J49] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4484:J49b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4483:J49a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4484:J49b] IS (DK OR RF) AND [Q4483:J49a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4484:J49b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4486 J49D.CD INCOME LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4486 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J49d. About how much did you receive in interest from that in (1994/1995/1996)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * JUMP AND QUESTION ADDED 12/7/95 ................................................................................ 21 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 89 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 30 999999. RF (refused) 5082 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4482:J49] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4484:J49b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4483:J49a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4484:J49b] IS (DK OR RF) AND [Q4483:J49a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4485:J49c] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4488 J49E.CD INCOME DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4488 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J49e. Did you receive $10,000 or more in (1994/1995) from CDs? ................................................................................ 62 1. YES 630 5. NO 7. Other 52 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 91 9. RF (refused) 4387 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4482:J49] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4484:J49b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4483:J49a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4485:J49c] IS (1); [Q4486:J49d] IS (A AND NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4489 J49F.CD INC DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4489 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J49f. $25,000 or more? ................................................................................ 12 1. YES 44 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 5160 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4482:J49] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4484:J49b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4483:J49a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4485:J49c] IS (1); [Q4486:J49d] IS (A AND NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4488:J49e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4488:J49e] IS (5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4490 J49G.CD INC DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4490 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J49g. $2,000 or more? ................................................................................ 238 1. YES 362 5. NO 7. Other 20 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 10 9. RF (refused) 4592 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4463:J47] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4482:J49] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4484:J49b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF) AND [Q4483:J49a] IS (1 OR 6 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4485:J49c] IS (1); [Q4486:J49d] IS (A AND NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4488:J49e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4489:J49f] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4499 J51. TRANSPORTATION Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4499 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J51. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) own anything for transportation, like cars, trucks, a trailer, a motor home, a boat, or an airplane? ................................................................................ 3355 1. YES 1811 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 11 9. RF (refused) 44 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4500 J51A. TRANSPORTATION Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4500 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J51a. What are they worth altogether, minus anything you still owe on them? DO NOT PROBE DK/RF ALT-O R WANTS TO GIVE TYPE OF CAR INSTEAD AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 2216 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 1091 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 48 999999. RF (refused) 1867 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4499:J51] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4502 J51A.TRANS DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4502 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J51a. IF Q170 IS (0 OR 2) Would it amount to $20,000 or more? ELSE Q170 IS (1) Would it amount to $5,000 or more? ELSE Q170 IS (3) Would it amount to $100,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 212 1. YES 396 5. NO 7. Other 29 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 26 9. RF (refused) 4559 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4499:J51] IS (NE 1); [Q4500:J51a] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4503 J51B.TRANS DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4503 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J51b. IF Q170 IS (0 OR 2) $5,000 or more? ELSE Q170 IS (1) $1,000 or more? ELSE Q170 IS (3) $20,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 292 1. YES 88 5. NO 7. Other 16 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4826 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4499:J51] IS (NE 1); [Q4500:J51a] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4502:J51a] IS (1); [Q4502:J51a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4504 J15C.TRANS DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4504 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J51c. IF Q170 IS (0 OR 2) $1,000 or more? ELSE Q170 IS (3) $5,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 25 1. YES 8 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5188 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4499:J51] IS (NE 1); [Q4500:J51a] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4502:J51a] IS (1); [Q4502:J51a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4503:J51b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF) OR [Q170:W1 TRANSPORT V1725] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4505 J51D.TRANS DK-4 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4505 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J51d. $1,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4499:J51] IS (NE 1); [Q4500:J51a] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4502:J51a] IS (1); [Q4502:J51a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4503:J51b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF) OR [Q170:W1 TRANSPORT V1725] IS (1); [Q4504:J15c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q170:W1 TRANSPORT V1725] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4506 J51F.TRANS DK-6 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4506 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J51f. IF Q170 IS (0 OR 2) $100,000 or more? ELSE Q170 IS (1) $20,000 or more? ELSE Q170 IS (3) $200,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 9 1. YES 200 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5010 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4499:J51] IS (NE 1); [Q4500:J51a] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4502:J51a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4503:J51b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF) OR [Q170:W1 TRANSPORT V1725] IS (1); [Q4504:J15c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q170:W1 TRANSPORT V1725] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4505:J51d] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4508 J51H.TRANS DK-8 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4508 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J51h. IF Q170 IS (0 OR 2) $200,000 or more? ELSE Q170 IS (1) $100,000 or more? END ................................................................................ 1. YES 8 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5213 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4499:J51] IS (NE 1); [Q4500:J51a] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4502:J51a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4503:J51b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF) OR [Q170:W1 TRANSPORT V1725] IS (1); [Q4504:J15c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q170:W1 TRANSPORT V1725] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4505:J51d] IS (A); [Q4506:J51f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q170:W1 TRANSPORT V1725] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4509 J51J.TRANS DK-9 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4509 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J51j. $200,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 8 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5213 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4499:J51] IS (NE 1); [Q4500:J51a] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4502:J51a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4503:J51b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF) OR [Q170:W1 TRANSPORT V1725] IS (1); [Q4504:J15c] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q170:W1 TRANSPORT V1725] IS (0 OR 2); [Q4505:J51d] IS (A); [Q4506:J51f] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q170:W1 TRANSPORT V1725] IS (3); [Q4508:J51h] IS (1 OR DK OR RF) AND [Q170:W1 TRANSPORT V1725] IS (0 OR 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4512 J52.OTHER ASSETS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4512 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J52. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) have any other savings or assets, such as jewelry, money owed to you by others, a collection for investment purposes, rights in a trust or estate where you are the beneficiary, or an annuity that you haven't already told us about? EXCLUDE THE CASH VALUE OF ANY LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES ................................................................................ 424 1. YES 4687 5. NO 7. Other 15 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 52 9. RF (refused) 44 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4513 J53.OTHER ASSETS $ Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4513 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J53. If you sold all that and then paid off any debts on it, about how much would you have? D O NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 299 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 2 999996-9999996. Extreme values 9999997. Other 104 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 19 9999999. RF (refused) 4798 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4512:J52] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4514 J53A.J53 DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4514 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J53a. Would it amount to $50,000 or more? ................................................................................ 18 1. YES 77 5. NO 7. Other 11 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 13 9. RF (refused) 5103 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4512:J52] IS (NE 1); [Q4513:J53] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4515 J53B.J53 DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4515 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J53b. $100,000 or more? ................................................................................ 6 1. YES 9 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5204 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4512:J52] IS (NE 1); [Q4513:J53] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4514:J53a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4514:J53a] IS (5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4516 J53C.J53 DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4516 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J53c. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 50 1. YES 25 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5145 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4512:J52] IS (NE 1); [Q4513:J53] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4514:J53a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4515:J53b] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4517 J54.OTHER ASSETS INCOME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4517 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J54. Do any of these other savings or assets pay any income? ................................................................................ 102 1. YES 316 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4798 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4512:J52] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4518 J55.OTHER ASSETS INCOME $ Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4518 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J55. About how much income did you receive from these other assets in (1993/1994/1995/1996)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 71 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 27 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 999999. RF (refused) 5120 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4512:J52] IS (NE 1); [Q4517:J54] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4519 J55A.J55-DK 1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4519 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J55a. Would it amount to $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 11 1. YES 14 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 5191 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4512:J52] IS (NE 1); [Q4517:J54] IS (NE 1); [Q4518:J55] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4520 J55B.J55-DK 2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4520 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J55b. $10,000 or more? ................................................................................ 7 1. YES 4 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5211 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4512:J52] IS (NE 1); [Q4517:J54] IS (NE 1); [Q4518:J55] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4519:J55a] IS (5); [Q4519:J55a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4521 J55C.J55 DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4521 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J55c. $25,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 6 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5215 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4512:J52] IS (NE 1); [Q4517:J54] IS (NE 1); [Q4518:J55] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4519:J55a] IS (5); [Q4519:J55a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4520:J55b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4522 J55D.J55-DK 4 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4522 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J55d. $2,000 or more? ................................................................................ 6 1. YES 8 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5208 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4512:J52] IS (NE 1); [Q4517:J54] IS (NE 1); [Q4518:J55] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4519:J55a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4520:J55b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4521:J55c] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4523 J55E.J55 DK-5 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4523 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J55e. $1,000 or more? ................................................................................ 4 1. YES 4 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5214 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4512:J52] IS (NE 1); [Q4517:J54] IS (NE 1); [Q4518:J55] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4519:J55a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4520:J55b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4521:J55c] IS (A); [Q4522:J55d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4524 J55F.J55-DK 6 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4524 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J55f. $500 or more? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 3 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4512:J52] IS (NE 1); [Q4517:J54] IS (NE 1); [Q4518:J55] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4519:J55a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4520:J55b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4521:J55c] IS (A); [Q4522:J55d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4523:J55e] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4528 J56.R WORK FOR PAY LCYEAR Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4528 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J56. Did you do any work for pay in (1994/1995) (including self-employment)? Specification change: See D198 for specification version. * 10/30/95 THE JUMP INSTRUCTION WAS COMMENTED OUT * This was the jump prior to version change: * Jump to Q4529 if Q150 is (NE 1) AND 2626 is (NE 1) AND 2651 is (NE 1) AND 2652 is (NE 1) ................................................................................ 567 1. YES 4585 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 6 9. RF (refused) 64 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4529 J56A.SP WORK FOR PAY LCYEAR Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4529 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J56. Did your (husband/wife/partner) do any work for pay in (1994/1995) (including self-employment)? ................................................................................ 211 1. YES 1645 5. NO 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 3361 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4530 J57.INTRO WORK FOR PAY LCYEAR Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4530 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57. First I will ask about your earnings from work, and then about your (husband's/wife's/partner's). User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D4533_1 J57S.R EARNINGS LOOP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4533 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 567 1. Loop 1 2. Loop 2 3. Loop 3 4. Loop 4 5. Loop 5 4655 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4533_2 J57S.R EARNINGS LOOP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4533 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. Loop 1 567 2. Loop 2 3. Loop 3 4. Loop 4 5. Loop 5 4655 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4533_3 J57S.R EARNINGS LOOP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4533 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. Loop 1 2. Loop 2 567 3. Loop 3 4. Loop 4 5. Loop 5 4655 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4533_4 J57S.R EARNINGS LOOP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4533 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. Loop 1 2. Loop 2 3. Loop 3 567 4. Loop 4 5. Loop 5 4655 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4534_1 J57A.R EARNINGS SELF EMP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4534 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57a [Q4533.] . IF Q4533 IS (2) AND Q4533 IN (1) AND Q4534 IS (1) In addition to your self- employment income, END IF Q4533 IS (1 OR 2) Did any of your (1994/1995) earnings come from ELSE (Did any of your (1994/1995) earnings come from) END IF Q4533 IS (1) self-employment (including any profits)? ELSE Q4533 IS (2) wages or salaries? ELSE Q4533 IS (3) a professional practice or trade? ELSE Q4533 IS (4) tips, bonuses, commissions, etc.? END User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 227 1. YES 338 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 4653 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4534_2 J57A.R EARNINGS SELF EMP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4534 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57a [Q4533.] . IF Q4533 IS (2) AND Q4533 IN (1) AND Q4534 IS (1) In addition to your self- employment income, END IF Q4533 IS (1 OR 2) Did any of your (1994/1995) earnings come from ELSE (Did any of your (1994/1995) earnings come from) END IF Q4533 IS (1) self-employment (including any profits)? ELSE Q4533 IS (2) wages or salaries? ELSE Q4533 IS (3) a professional practice or trade? ELSE Q4533 IS (4) tips, bonuses, commissions, etc.? END User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 332 1. YES 233 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 4655 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4534_3 J57A.R EARNINGS SELF EMP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4534 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57a [Q4533.] . IF Q4533 IS (2) AND Q4533 IN (1) AND Q4534 IS (1) In addition to your self- employment income, END IF Q4533 IS (1 OR 2) Did any of your (1994/1995) earnings come from ELSE (Did any of your (1994/1995) earnings come from) END IF Q4533 IS (1) self-employment (including any profits)? ELSE Q4533 IS (2) wages or salaries? ELSE Q4533 IS (3) a professional practice or trade? ELSE Q4533 IS (4) tips, bonuses, commissions, etc.? END User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 63 1. YES 501 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 4655 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4534_4 J57A.R EARNINGS SELF EMP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4534 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57a [Q4533.] . IF Q4533 IS (2) AND Q4533 IN (1) AND Q4534 IS (1) In addition to your self- employment income, END IF Q4533 IS (1 OR 2) Did any of your (1994/1995) earnings come from ELSE (Did any of your (1994/1995) earnings come from) END IF Q4533 IS (1) self-employment (including any profits)? ELSE Q4533 IS (2) wages or salaries? ELSE Q4533 IS (3) a professional practice or trade? ELSE Q4533 IS (4) tips, bonuses, commissions, etc.? END User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 34 1. YES 531 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 4655 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4536_1 J57B.R $ EARNINGS LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4536 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J57a. About how much did you earn from that during (1994/1995)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 167 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 42 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 20 9999999. RF (refused) 4993 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4536_2 J57B.R $ EARNINGS LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4536 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J57a. About how much did you earn from that during (1994/1995)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 247 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 69 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 16 9999999. RF (refused) 4890 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4536_3 J57B.R $ EARNINGS LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4536 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J57a. About how much did you earn from that during (1994/1995)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 46 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 7 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 10 9999999. RF (refused) 5159 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4536_4 J57B.R $ EARNINGS LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4536 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J57a. About how much did you earn from that during (1994/1995)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 25 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 6 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9999999. RF (refused) 5188 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4537_1 J57B.DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4537 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57b. Was it more than $10,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 10 1. YES 34 5. NO 7. Other 6 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 12 9. RF (refused) 5160 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4536:J57b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4537_2 J57B.DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4537 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57b. Was it more than $10,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 12 1. YES 60 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 10 9. RF (refused) 5137 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4536:J57b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4537_3 J57B.DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4537 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57b. Was it more than $10,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 4 1. YES 7 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 6 9. RF (refused) 5205 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4536:J57b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4537_4 J57B.DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4537 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57b. Was it more than $10,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 4 1. YES 3 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5213 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4536:J57b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4538_1 J57C.DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4538 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57c. Was it more than $50,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 7 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5212 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4536:J57b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4537:J57b] IS (5); [Q4537:J57b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4538_2 J57C.DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4538 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57c. Was it more than $50,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 10 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5210 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4536:J57b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4537:J57b] IS (5); [Q4537:J57b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4538_3 J57C.DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4538 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57c. Was it more than $50,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4536:J57b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4537:J57b] IS (5); [Q4537:J57b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4538_4 J57C.DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4538 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57c. Was it more than $50,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. YES 4 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4536:J57b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4537:J57b] IS (5); [Q4537:J57b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4539_1 J57D.DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4539 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57d. Was it more than $2,500? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 16 1. YES 16 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5188 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4536:J57b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4537:J57b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4538:J57c] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4539_2 J57D.DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4539 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57d. Was it more than $2,500? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 40 1. YES 18 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5162 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4536:J57b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4537:J57b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4538:J57c] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4539_3 J57D.DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4539 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57d. Was it more than $2,500? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 3 1. YES 4 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5215 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4536:J57b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4537:J57b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4538:J57c] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4539_4 J57D.DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4539 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57d. Was it more than $2,500? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4536:J57b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4537:J57b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4538:J57c] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4540_1 J57E.REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4540 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57e. Did you tell me about these earnings earlier, when I asked about income from business? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 55 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5161 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4533:J57S] IS (NE 1) OR [Q4024:J19] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4540_2 J57E.REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4540 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57e. Did you tell me about these earnings earlier, when I asked about income from business? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4533:J57S] IS (NE 1) OR [Q4024:J19] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4540_3 J57E.REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4540 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57e. Did you tell me about these earnings earlier, when I asked about income from business? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4533:J57S] IS (NE 1) OR [Q4024:J19] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4540_4 J57E.REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4540 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J57e. Did you tell me about these earnings earlier, when I asked about income from business? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); [Q4534:J57a] IS (NE 1); [Q4533:J57S] IS (NE 1) OR [Q4024:J19] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4541_1 J57F.$ REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4541 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J57f. About how much of these earnings had you already told me about? USE ALT-O FOR "ALL OF THEM" AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 28 0-9999994. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 13 9999995. All of them 9999997. Other 12 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9999999. RF (refused) 5165 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4541_2 J57F.$ REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4541 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J57f. About how much of these earnings had you already told me about? USE ALT-O FOR "ALL OF THEM" AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 0-9999994. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999995. All of them 9999997. Other 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4541_3 J57F.$ REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4541 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J57f. About how much of these earnings had you already told me about? USE ALT-O FOR "ALL OF THEM" AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 0-9999994. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999995. All of them 9999997. Other 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4541_4 J57F.$ REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4541 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J57f. About how much of these earnings had you already told me about? USE ALT-O FOR "ALL OF THEM" AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 0-9999994. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999995. All of them 9999997. Other 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4528:J56] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4545 J58.INTRO WORK FOR PAY LCYEAR Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4545 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58. Now I want to ask about any earnings from work for your (husband/wife/partner) in (1994/1995). User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D4546_1 J58S.SP EARNINGS LOOP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4546 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 209 1. Loop 1 2. Loop 2 3. Loop 3 4. Loop 4 5. Loop 5 5013 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4546_2 J58S.SP EARNINGS LOOP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4546 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. Loop 1 209 2. Loop 2 3. Loop 3 4. Loop 4 5. Loop 5 5013 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4546_3 J58S.SP EARNINGS LOOP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4546 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. Loop 1 2. Loop 2 209 3. Loop 3 4. Loop 4 5. Loop 5 5013 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4546_4 J58S.SP EARNINGS LOOP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4546 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. Loop 1 2. Loop 2 3. Loop 3 209 4. Loop 4 5. Loop 5 5013 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4547_1 J58A.SP EARNINGS SELF EMP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4547 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58a [Q4546.] . IF Q4546 IS (2) AND Q4546 IN (1) AND Q4547 IS (1) In addition to [Q380: R SPOUSE NAME]'s self-employment income, END IF Q4546 IS (1 OR 2) Did any of (her/his) earnings come from ELSE (Did any of (her/his) earnings come from) END IF Q4546 IS (1) self-employment (including any profits)? ELSE Q4546 IS (2) wages or salaries? ELSE Q4546 IS (3) a professional practice or trade? ELSE Q4546 IS (4) tips, bonuses, commissions, etc.? END User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 79 1. YES 130 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5011 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4547_2 J58A.SP EARNINGS SELF EMP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4547 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58a [Q4546.] . IF Q4546 IS (2) AND Q4546 IN (1) AND Q4547 IS (1) In addition to [Q380: R SPOUSE NAME]'s self-employment income, END IF Q4546 IS (1 OR 2) Did any of (her/his) earnings come from ELSE (Did any of (her/his) earnings come from) END IF Q4546 IS (1) self-employment (including any profits)? ELSE Q4546 IS (2) wages or salaries? ELSE Q4546 IS (3) a professional practice or trade? ELSE Q4546 IS (4) tips, bonuses, commissions, etc.? END User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 130 1. YES 77 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5013 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4547_3 J58A.SP EARNINGS SELF EMP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4547 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58a [Q4546.] . IF Q4546 IS (2) AND Q4546 IN (1) AND Q4547 IS (1) In addition to [Q380: R SPOUSE NAME]'s self-employment income, END IF Q4546 IS (1 OR 2) Did any of (her/his) earnings come from ELSE (Did any of (her/his) earnings come from) END IF Q4546 IS (1) self-employment (including any profits)? ELSE Q4546 IS (2) wages or salaries? ELSE Q4546 IS (3) a professional practice or trade? ELSE Q4546 IS (4) tips, bonuses, commissions, etc.? END User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 21 1. YES 187 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5013 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4547_4 J58A.SP EARNINGS SELF EMP Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4547 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58a [Q4546.] . IF Q4546 IS (2) AND Q4546 IN (1) AND Q4547 IS (1) In addition to [Q380: R SPOUSE NAME]'s self-employment income, END IF Q4546 IS (1 OR 2) Did any of (her/his) earnings come from ELSE (Did any of (her/his) earnings come from) END IF Q4546 IS (1) self-employment (including any profits)? ELSE Q4546 IS (2) wages or salaries? ELSE Q4546 IS (3) a professional practice or trade? ELSE Q4546 IS (4) tips, bonuses, commissions, etc.? END User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 7 1. YES 198 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5013 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4549_1 J58B.SP $ EARNINGS LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4549 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J58a. About how much did (she/he) earn from that during (1994/1995)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 42 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 33 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 6 9999999. RF (refused) 5141 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4549_2 J58B.SP $ EARNINGS LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4549 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J58a. About how much did (she/he) earn from that during (1994/1995)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 80 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 40 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 10 9999999. RF (refused) 5092 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4549_3 J58B.SP $ EARNINGS LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4549 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J58a. About how much did (she/he) earn from that during (1994/1995)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 11 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 8 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9999999. RF (refused) 5201 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4549_4 J58B.SP $ EARNINGS LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4549 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J58a. About how much did (she/he) earn from that during (1994/1995)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 7 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 3 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5212 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4550_1 J58B.DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4550 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58b. Was it more than $10,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 9 1. YES 19 5. NO 7. Other 6 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 5184 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4549:J58b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4550_2 J58B.DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4550 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58b. Was it more than $10,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 9 1. YES 24 5. NO 7. Other 7 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 10 9. RF (refused) 5172 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4549:J58b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4550_3 J58B.DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4550 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58b. Was it more than $10,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 2 1. YES 5 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5212 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4549:J58b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4550_4 J58B.DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4550 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58b. Was it more than $10,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4549:J58b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4551_1 J58C.DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4551 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58c. Was it more than $50,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 2 1. YES 7 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5213 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4549:J58b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4550:J58b] IS (5); [Q4550:J58b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4551_2 J58C.DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4551 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58c. Was it more than $50,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. YES 9 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5213 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4549:J58b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4550:J58b] IS (5); [Q4550:J58b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4551_3 J58C.DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4551 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58c. Was it more than $50,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4549:J58b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4550:J58b] IS (5); [Q4550:J58b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4551_4 J58C.DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4551 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58c. Was it more than $50,000? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4549:J58b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4550:J58b] IS (5); [Q4550:J58b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4552_1 J58D.DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4552 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58d. Was it more than $2,500? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 7 1. YES 10 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5203 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4549:J58b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4550:J58b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4551:J58c] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4552_2 J58D.DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4552 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58d. Was it more than $2,500? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 15 1. YES 5 5. NO 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5198 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4549:J58b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4550:J58b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4551:J58c] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4552_3 J58D.DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4552 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58d. Was it more than $2,500? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 3 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5217 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4549:J58b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4550:J58b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4551:J58c] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4552_4 J58D.DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4552 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58d. Was it more than $2,500? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 2 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4549:J58b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4550:J58b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4551:J58c] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4553_1 J58E.REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4553 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58e. Did you tell me about these earnings earlier, when I asked about income from business? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 13 1. YES 9 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5198 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4546:J58S] IS (NE 1) OR [Q4024:J19] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4553_2 J58E.REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4553 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58e. Did you tell me about these earnings earlier, when I asked about income from business? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4546:J58S] IS (NE 1) OR [Q4024:J19] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4553_3 J58E.REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4553 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58e. Did you tell me about these earnings earlier, when I asked about income from business? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4546:J58S] IS (NE 1) OR [Q4024:J19] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4553_4 J58E.REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4553 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J58e. Did you tell me about these earnings earlier, when I asked about income from business? User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); [Q4547:J58a] IS (NE 1); [Q4546:J58S] IS (NE 1) OR [Q4024:J19] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4554_1 J58F.$ REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4554 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J58f. About how much of these earnings had you already told me about? USE ALT-O FOR "ALL OF THEM" AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 3 0-9999994. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 5 9999995. All of them 9999997. Other 7 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5207 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4554_2 J58F.$ REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4554 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J58f. About how much of these earnings had you already told me about? USE ALT-O FOR "ALL OF THEM" AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 0-9999994. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999995. All of them 9999997. Other 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4554_3 J58F.$ REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4554 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J58f. About how much of these earnings had you already told me about? USE ALT-O FOR "ALL OF THEM" AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 0-9999994. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999995. All of them 9999997. Other 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4554_4 J58F.$ REPORT PREVIOUS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4554 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J58f. About how much of these earnings had you already told me about? USE ALT-O FOR "ALL OF THEM" AMOUNT: User note: Up to five responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was four. ................................................................................ 0-9999994. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999995. All of them 9999997. Other 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q4529:J56a] IS (NE 1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4562 J60.TRUST FUND INCOME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4562 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J60. (Other than income you have already told me about), did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) receive any income from trusts funds or royalties? ................................................................................ 76 1. YES 5057 5. NO 7. Other 12 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 33 9. RF (refused) 44 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4563 J60A. TRUST FUNDS $ 1994 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4563 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J60a. How much did you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) receive altogether in (1993/1994/1995/1996)? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 58 1-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 12 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 6 9999999. RF (refused) 5146 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4562:J60] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4566 J61.ALIMONY INCOME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4566 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J61. (Other than income you have already told me about, did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) receive income from ...) Any alimony or child support payments? ................................................................................ 16 1. YES 5152 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 8 9. RF (refused) 44 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4567 J61A.AMT ALIMONY $ LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4567 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J61a. How much did you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) receive altogether from these sources in (1994/1995)? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 15 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 1 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999999. RF (refused) 5206 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4566:J61] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4573 J62.OTHER SOURCES INCOME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4573 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J62. (Other than income you have already told me about, did you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) receive ...) Any other income in (1994/1995), for example, from private disability insurance payments, odd jobs, and so forth? DO NOT INCLUDE FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM RELATIVES OR FRIENDS. ................................................................................ 82 1. YES 5078 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 13 9. RF (refused) 44 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4574 J62A. OTHER SOURCES $ 1994 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4574 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J62a. How much did you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) receive altogether from these other sources in (1993/1994/1995/1996)? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 76 1-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 4 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9999999. RF (refused) 5140 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4573:J62] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4575M1 J62B.WHAT OTHER SOURCE Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4575 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J62b. What was that source of income? ................................................................................ 1. Payment for foster care in the home 2. Other 2. ESOP (Employee Stock Option Plan) 7 3. Salary from deceased spouse; spousal benefit/annuity 2 4. Private/employer disability plan 5. Gambling; lottery winnings 10 6. Settlement of lawsuit or insurance claim 7. Allotment as a dependent of military personnel 8. Student loan/grant 7 9. Sale of real property or other tangible durable goods 3 10. Sale of stock or other savings instruments 4 11. State disability payments; workman's comp 2 12. Use of savings; cashed in IRA; treasury notes 1 13. Other government transfers; HUD payment; tobacco allotment; jury duty 14. Oil/gas leases; mineral rights 22 15. Other self-employment income or fees: director's fee; ran workshop; 'on election board' 14 16. Other job compensation; 'back pay'; severance pay; 'sick leave benefits'; vacation pay from previous job; strike pay; profit sharing; disability compensation nfs; honorarium 5 17. Private or non-profit transfers; AARP; other senior citizen's program; churches etc. 6 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 5139 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4573:J62] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4575M2 J62B.WHAT OTHER SOURCE Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4575 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J62b. What was that source of income? ................................................................................ 1. Payment for foster care in the home 2. ESOP (Employee Stock Option Plan) 2. Other 1 3. Salary from deceased spouse; spousal benefit/annuity 4. Private/employer disability plan 5. Gambling; lottery winnings 6. Settlement of lawsuit or insurance claim 7. Allotment as a dependent of military personnel 8. Student loan/grant 1 9. Sale of real property or other tangible durable goods 10. Sale of stock or other savings instruments 11. State disability payments; workman's comp 12. Use of savings; cashed in IRA; treasury notes 13. Other government transfers; HUD payment; tobacco allotment; jury duty 14. Oil/gas leases; mineral rights 15. Other self-employment income or fees: director's fee; ran workshop; 'on election board' 16. Other job compensation; 'back pay'; severance pay; 'sick leave benefits'; vacation pay from previous job; strike pay; profit sharing; disability compensation nfs; honorarium 1 17. Private or non-profit transfers; AARP; other senior citizen's program; churches etc. 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 5219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4573:J62] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4578 J62C.AO OTHER SOURCE Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4578 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J62c. Are there any other sources of income? DO NOT INCLUDE FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM RELATIVES OR FRIENDS. ................................................................................ 1. YES 82 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5140 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4573:J62] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4579 J62D. OTHER SOURCES $ 1994 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4579 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J62d. How much did you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) receive altogether from that in (1994/1995)? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 1-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4573:J62] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4578:J62c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4587 J65.WHETHER FOOD STAMPS 1994 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4587 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J65. Did you (or other family members now living here) receive government food stamps at any time (since (W1 Interview Month-Year)/in the last two years)? ................................................................................ 362 1. YES 4807 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 44 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4588 J65A.WHICH MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4588 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J65a. In which months (since (W1 Interview Month-Year)/in the last two years) did you (or other family members now living here) receive government food stamps? ................................................................................ 282 1. ALL SINCE WAVE I DATE 20 2. ALL SINCE OTHER MONTH/YEAR 5 3. ALL UNTIL MO/YR (BEFORE THIS MO) 46 4. SPECIFIC MONTHS 7. Other 9 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4860 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4589 J65B.MONTH Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4589 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65b. RECORD MONTH/YEAR THAT R OR R'S FAMILY IF Q4588 IS (2) STARTED RECEIVING FOOD STAMPS: ELSE Q4588 IS (3) STOPPED RECEIVING FOOD STAMPS: END MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 7 1. JAN 2. FEB 2 3. MAR 1 4. APR 5. MAY 4 6. JUN 1 7. JUL 1 8. AUG 2 9. SEP 4 10. OCT 11. NOV 1 12. DEC 97. Other 2 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5197 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4590 J65C.YEAR Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4590 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 25 1950-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999. RF (refused) 5197 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (NE 2 AND NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M1 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 7 1. OCT 93 2 2. NOV 93 1 3. DEC 93 3 4. JAN 94 2 5. FEB 94 6. MAR 94 2 7. APR 94 2 8. MAY 94 2 9. JUN 94 10. JUL 94 11. AUG 94 12. SEP 94 1 13. OCT 94 1 14. NOV 94 15. DEC 94 2 16. JAN 95 17. FEB 95 1 18. MAR 95 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 21. JUN 95 3 22. JUL 95 1 23. AUG 95 4 24. SEP 95 3 25. OCT 95 4 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 3 28. JAN 96 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 3 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5175 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M2 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 3 2. NOV 93 1 3. DEC 93 4. JAN 94 2 5. FEB 94 2 6. MAR 94 7. APR 94 2 8. MAY 94 9. JUN 94 1 10. JUL 94 11. AUG 94 12. SEP 94 13. OCT 94 14. NOV 94 1 15. DEC 94 16. JAN 95 1 17. FEB 95 18. MAR 95 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 1 21. JUN 95 22. JUL 95 1 23. AUG 95 1 24. SEP 95 2 25. OCT 95 2 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 1 28. JAN 96 1 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 1 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 1 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 1 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5197 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M3 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 1 3. DEC 93 1 4. JAN 94 5. FEB 94 2 6. MAR 94 1 7. APR 94 8. MAY 94 1 9. JUN 94 10. JUL 94 1 11. AUG 94 12. SEP 94 13. OCT 94 14. NOV 94 15. DEC 94 2 16. JAN 95 17. FEB 95 1 18. MAR 95 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 21. JUN 95 22. JUL 95 1 23. AUG 95 1 24. SEP 95 1 25. OCT 95 1 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 28. JAN 96 1 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 1 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 1 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5205 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M4 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 3. DEC 93 1 4. JAN 94 1 5. FEB 94 6. MAR 94 2 7. APR 94 1 8. MAY 94 9. JUN 94 1 10. JUL 94 11. AUG 94 1 12. SEP 94 13. OCT 94 14. NOV 94 15. DEC 94 16. JAN 95 17. FEB 95 18. MAR 95 1 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 21. JUN 95 22. JUL 95 23. AUG 95 24. SEP 95 1 25. OCT 95 1 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 28. JAN 96 29. FEB 96 1 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 1 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5210 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M5 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 3. DEC 93 4. JAN 94 1 5. FEB 94 1 6. MAR 94 7. APR 94 2 8. MAY 94 1 9. JUN 94 10. JUL 94 1 11. AUG 94 12. SEP 94 13. OCT 94 14. NOV 94 15. DEC 94 16. JAN 95 17. FEB 95 18. MAR 95 19. APR 95 1 20. MAY 95 21. JUN 95 22. JUL 95 23. AUG 95 24. SEP 95 25. OCT 95 1 26. NOV 95 1 27. DEC 95 28. JAN 96 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5213 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M6 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 3. DEC 93 4. JAN 94 5. FEB 94 1 6. MAR 94 1 7. APR 94 8. MAY 94 2 9. JUN 94 1 10. JUL 94 11. AUG 94 1 12. SEP 94 13. OCT 94 14. NOV 94 15. DEC 94 16. JAN 95 17. FEB 95 18. MAR 95 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 1 21. JUN 95 22. JUL 95 23. AUG 95 24. SEP 95 25. OCT 95 26. NOV 95 1 27. DEC 95 1 28. JAN 96 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5213 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M7 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 3. DEC 93 4. JAN 94 5. FEB 94 6. MAR 94 1 7. APR 94 1 8. MAY 94 9. JUN 94 2 10. JUL 94 1 11. AUG 94 12. SEP 94 1 13. OCT 94 14. NOV 94 15. DEC 94 16. JAN 95 17. FEB 95 18. MAR 95 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 21. JUN 95 1 22. JUL 95 23. AUG 95 24. SEP 95 25. OCT 95 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 28. JAN 96 1 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5214 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M8 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 3. DEC 93 4. JAN 94 5. FEB 94 6. MAR 94 7. APR 94 1 8. MAY 94 1 9. JUN 94 10. JUL 94 1 11. AUG 94 1 12. SEP 94 13. OCT 94 1 14. NOV 94 15. DEC 94 16. JAN 95 17. FEB 95 18. MAR 95 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 21. JUN 95 22. JUL 95 1 23. AUG 95 24. SEP 95 25. OCT 95 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 28. JAN 96 29. FEB 96 1 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5215 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M9 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 3. DEC 93 4. JAN 94 5. FEB 94 6. MAR 94 7. APR 94 8. MAY 94 1 9. JUN 94 1 10. JUL 94 11. AUG 94 1 12. SEP 94 1 13. OCT 94 14. NOV 94 1 15. DEC 94 16. JAN 95 17. FEB 95 18. MAR 95 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 21. JUN 95 22. JUL 95 23. AUG 95 24. SEP 95 25. OCT 95 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 28. JAN 96 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 1 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5216 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M10 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 3. DEC 93 4. JAN 94 5. FEB 94 6. MAR 94 7. APR 94 8. MAY 94 9. JUN 94 1 10. JUL 94 1 11. AUG 94 12. SEP 94 1 13. OCT 94 1 14. NOV 94 15. DEC 94 1 16. JAN 95 17. FEB 95 18. MAR 95 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 21. JUN 95 22. JUL 95 23. AUG 95 24. SEP 95 25. OCT 95 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 28. JAN 96 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5217 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M11 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 3. DEC 93 4. JAN 94 5. FEB 94 6. MAR 94 7. APR 94 8. MAY 94 9. JUN 94 10. JUL 94 11. AUG 94 1 12. SEP 94 13. OCT 94 1 14. NOV 94 1 15. DEC 94 16. JAN 95 1 17. FEB 95 18. MAR 95 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 21. JUN 95 22. JUL 95 23. AUG 95 24. SEP 95 25. OCT 95 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 28. JAN 96 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M12 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 3. DEC 93 4. JAN 94 5. FEB 94 6. MAR 94 7. APR 94 8. MAY 94 9. JUN 94 10. JUL 94 11. AUG 94 12. SEP 94 13. OCT 94 14. NOV 94 1 15. DEC 94 1 16. JAN 95 17. FEB 95 1 18. MAR 95 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 21. JUN 95 22. JUL 95 23. AUG 95 24. SEP 95 25. OCT 95 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 28. JAN 96 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M13 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 3. DEC 93 4. JAN 94 5. FEB 94 6. MAR 94 7. APR 94 8. MAY 94 9. JUN 94 10. JUL 94 11. AUG 94 12. SEP 94 13. OCT 94 14. NOV 94 15. DEC 94 16. JAN 95 1 17. FEB 95 18. MAR 95 1 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 21. JUN 95 22. JUL 95 23. AUG 95 24. SEP 95 25. OCT 95 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 28. JAN 96 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M14 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 3. DEC 93 4. JAN 94 5. FEB 94 6. MAR 94 7. APR 94 8. MAY 94 9. JUN 94 10. JUL 94 11. AUG 94 12. SEP 94 13. OCT 94 14. NOV 94 15. DEC 94 16. JAN 95 17. FEB 95 1 18. MAR 95 19. APR 95 1 20. MAY 95 21. JUN 95 22. JUL 95 23. AUG 95 24. SEP 95 25. OCT 95 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 28. JAN 96 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M15 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 3. DEC 93 4. JAN 94 5. FEB 94 6. MAR 94 7. APR 94 8. MAY 94 9. JUN 94 10. JUL 94 11. AUG 94 12. SEP 94 13. OCT 94 14. NOV 94 15. DEC 94 16. JAN 95 17. FEB 95 18. MAR 95 1 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 1 21. JUN 95 22. JUL 95 23. AUG 95 24. SEP 95 25. OCT 95 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 28. JAN 96 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M16 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 3. DEC 93 4. JAN 94 5. FEB 94 6. MAR 94 7. APR 94 8. MAY 94 9. JUN 94 10. JUL 94 11. AUG 94 12. SEP 94 13. OCT 94 14. NOV 94 15. DEC 94 16. JAN 95 17. FEB 95 18. MAR 95 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 1 21. JUN 95 1 22. JUL 95 23. AUG 95 24. SEP 95 25. OCT 95 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 28. JAN 96 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4592M17 J65D.SPECIFIC MONTHS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4592 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J65d. ENTER ALL MONTHS THAT APPLY User note: Up to forty-two responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was seventeen. ................................................................................ 1. OCT 93 2. NOV 93 3. DEC 93 4. JAN 94 5. FEB 94 6. MAR 94 7. APR 94 8. MAY 94 9. JUN 94 10. JUL 94 11. AUG 94 12. SEP 94 13. OCT 94 14. NOV 94 15. DEC 94 16. JAN 95 17. FEB 95 18. MAR 95 19. APR 95 20. MAY 95 21. JUN 95 1 22. JUL 95 1 23. AUG 95 24. SEP 95 25. OCT 95 26. NOV 95 27. DEC 95 28. JAN 96 29. FEB 96 30. MAR 96 31. APR 96 32. MAY 96 33. JUN 96 34. JUL 96 36. 1993 AFTER W1 IW 37. 1994 AFTER W1 IW 38. ALL OF 1995 39. 1996 TO DATE 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4595 J65E.AMT FOOD STAMPS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4595 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J65e. How many dollars worth of food stamps did you (and your family living here) get the last month you received these stamps? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 3 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 1 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999999. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4588:J65a] IS (1 OR 2); [Q4588:J65a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4592:J65d] IS (NE 38-39); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4597 J65G.AMT FOOD STAMPS LAST MONTH Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4597 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 J65g. How many dollars' worth of food stamps did you (or other family members now living here) get last month? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 337 0-9996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 10 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9999. RF (refused) 4874 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4596] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1- 3); [Q4588:J65a] IS (3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (2) AND [Q34:HH1 1ST R IN NURS HOME] IS (1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (2) AND [Q75:HH2 1ST R IN NURS HOME] IS (1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (1) AND ([Q241:CS12] IS (1) OR [Q246:CS13] IS (1)); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4598 J66. SPEND MONEY HOME FOOD Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4598 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J66. (In addition to what you bought with food stamps,) Did you (or other family members now living here) spend any money on food that you use at home? ................................................................................ 308 1. YES 134 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4780 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4587:J65] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4596] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (2) AND [Q34:HH1 1ST R IN NURS HOME] IS (1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (2) AND [Q75:HH2 1ST R IN NURS HOME] IS (1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (1) AND ([Q241:CS12] IS (1) OR [Q246:CS13] IS (1)); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4599 J66A.AMT SPEND HOME FOOD Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4599 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 J66a. About how much do you (and other family members living here) spend on food that you use at home in an average week? AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 4660 0-99996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 99997. Other 340 99998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 34 99999. RF (refused) 188 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (2) AND [Q34:HH1 1ST R IN NURS HOME] IS (1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (2) AND [Q75:HH2 1ST R IN NURS HOME] IS (1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (1) AND ([Q241:CS12] IS (1) OR [Q246:CS13] IS (1)); [Q4598:J66] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4600 J66B.AMT SPEND HOME FOOD PER Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4600 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 3855 2. WEEK 96 3. EVERY TWO WEEKS/BI-WEEKLY 691 4. MONTH 10 5. YEAR 10 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 560 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (2) AND [Q34:HH1 1ST R IN NURS HOME] IS (1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (2) AND [Q75:HH2 1ST R IN NURS HOME] IS (1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (1) AND ([Q241:CS12] IS (1) OR [Q246:CS13] IS (1)); [Q4598:J66] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4599:J66a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4603 J66C.WHETHER SUBSIDIZED FOOD Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4603 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J66c. Do you have any free or subsidized meals delivered to you at home? (such as "Meals on Wheels") ................................................................................ 155 1. YES 5010 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 54 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (2) AND [Q34:HH1 1ST R IN NURS HOME] IS (1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (2) AND [Q75:HH2 1ST R IN NURS HOME] IS (1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (1) AND ([Q241:CS12] IS (1) OR [Q246:CS13] IS (1)); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4604 J66D.FOOD INSECURITY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4604 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J66d. IF Q370 IS (1) Since (Wave 1 Interview Month-Year) ELSE In the last two years END have you always had enough money to buy the food you need? ................................................................................ 4674 1. YES 497 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 45 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4605 J66E.EAT LESS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4605 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J66e. IF Q370 IS (1) At any time since (Wave 1 Interview Month-Year) ELSE At any time in the last two years END have you skipped meals or eaten less than you felt you should because there was not enough food in the house? ................................................................................ 98 1. YES 402 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4719 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4604:J66d] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4606 J66F.AMT SPEND EAT OUT Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4606 Type: Numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 J66f. About how much do you (and other family members now living here) spend eating out, not counting meals at work? AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 4812 0-99996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 99997. Other 132 99998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 25 99999. RF (refused) 253 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (2) AND [Q34:HH1 1ST R IN NURS HOME] IS (1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (2) AND [Q75:HH2 1ST R IN NURS HOME] IS (1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (1) AND ([Q241:CS12] IS (1) OR [Q246:CS13] IS (1)); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4607 J66G.AMT SPEND EAT OUT PER Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4607 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1635 2. WEEK 1233 4. MONTH 188 5. YEAR 22 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 2143 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q674:A21] IS (NE 1-3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (2) AND [Q34:HH1 1ST R IN NURS HOME] IS (1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (2) AND [Q75:HH2 1ST R IN NURS HOME] IS (1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (1) AND ([Q241:CS12] IS (1) OR [Q246:CS13] IS (1)); [Q4606:J66f] IS (0 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4624 J67.AMT HU MEMBERS INCOME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4624 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J67. Not including job income, about how much in total did other members of your family living there receive in (1994/1995) from Social Security, pensions, welfare, interest, gifts, or anything else? DO NOT PROBE DK 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 720 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 401 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 67 9999999. RF (refused) 4034 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q504:CS # RESIDENTS|503U(1-20)=] IS (0); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4625 J67A.>1K Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4625 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J67a. Was it more than $10,000? ................................................................................ 140 1. YES 132 5. NO 7. Other 135 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 60 9. RF (refused) 4755 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q504:CS # RESIDENTS|503U(1-20)=] IS (0); [Q4624:J67] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4626 J67B.>5K Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4626 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J67b. Was it more than $20,000? ................................................................................ 57 1. YES 64 5. NO 7. Other 19 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5082 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q504:CS # RESIDENTS|503U(1-20)=] IS (0); [Q4624:J67] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4625:J67a] IS (5); [Q4625:J67a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4627 J67C.>25K Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4627 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J67c. Was it more than $50,000? ................................................................................ 9 1. YES 41 5. NO 7. Other 6 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5165 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q504:CS # RESIDENTS|503U(1-20)=] IS (0); [Q4624:J67] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4625:J67a] IS (5); [Q4625:J67a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4626:J67b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4629 J67D.>2K Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4629 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J67d. Was it more than $2,000? ................................................................................ 87 1. YES 36 5. NO 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5090 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q504:CS # RESIDENTS|503U(1-20)=] IS (0); [Q4624:J67] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4625:J67a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4626:J67b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF);; partial interview; no financial respondent
D4631 J68.ASSETS OTH HHMEM Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4631 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J68. Do members of your family living there have more than $5,000 total in bank accounts, other financial assets, vehicles, property, or other investments? ................................................................................ 379 1. YES 607 5. NO 7. Other 138 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 64 9. RF (refused) 4034 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q504:CS # RESIDENTS|503U(1-20)=] IS (0); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4632 J69.AMT ASSETS OTH HHMEM Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4632 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J69. About how much altogether would that amount to, minus any debts (he/she/they) might have? DO NOT PROBE DK 0 = NOTHING AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 110 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 238 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 31 9999999. RF (refused) 4843 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q504:CS # RESIDENTS|503U(1-20)=] IS (0); [Q4631:J68] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4633 J69A.>5K Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4633 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J69a. Would it amount to more than $20,000? ................................................................................ 129 1. YES 79 5. NO 7. Other 48 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 13 9. RF (refused) 4953 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q504:CS # RESIDENTS|503U(1-20)=] IS (0); [Q4631:J68] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4632:J69] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4634 J69B.>50K Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4634 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J69b. More than $50,000? ................................................................................ 57 1. YES 63 5. NO 7. Other 7 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5093 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q504:CS # RESIDENTS|503U(1-20)=] IS (0); [Q4631:J68] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4632:J69] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4633:J69a] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4635 J69C.>500K Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4635 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J69c. More than $500,000? ................................................................................ 5 1. YES 51 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5165 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q504:CS # RESIDENTS|503U(1-20)=] IS (0); [Q4631:J68] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4632:J69] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4633:J69a] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4634:J69b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4636 J70. TAX FORM LCY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4636 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J70. Did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) file a federal income tax return form for (1993/1994/1995/1996)? ................................................................................ 2595 1. YES 50 2. Too early, but will file 2490 5. NO 7. Other 30 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 12 9. RF (refused) 45 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4637 J71.WHETHER ITEMIZED DEDUCTIONS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4637 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J71. Some people have expenses they can itemize and deduct on their income tax. Did you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) itemize deductions on your (1994/1995) federal income tax? (Such as property taxes, interest payments, medical expenses, and charitable contributions?) ................................................................................ 1059 1. YES 1459 5. NO 9 6. [VOL] DID/WILL NOT FILE 7. Other 106 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 11 9. RF (refused) 2578 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4636:J70] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4638 J71A.WHETHER ITEMIZED MEDICAL Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4638 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J71a. Were deductions itemized for medical expenses? ................................................................................ 419 1. YES 612 5. NO 7. Other 30 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4161 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4636:J70] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4637:J71] IS (5 OR 6 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4639 J71B.AMT ITEMIZED MEDICAL Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4639 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J71b. How much did those expenses amount to in (1994/1995)? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 205 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 196 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 18 999999. RF (refused) 4803 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4636:J70] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4637:J71] IS (5 OR 6 OR DK OR RF); [Q4638:J71a] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4640 J72.WHETHER DONATE CHARITY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4640 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J72. In (1994/1995), did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) donate money, property, or possessions totaling $500 or more to religious or other charitable organizations? DEFINITION: THE UNITED WAY, THE HEART ASSOCIATION, EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OR OTHER SUCH GROUPS ARE CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS. ................................................................................ 1684 1. YES 3447 5. NO 7. Other 29 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 17 9. RF (refused) 45 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4641 J72A.AMT DONATE CHARITY Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4641 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J72a. About how much money did that amount to? AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 1518 1-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 102 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 64 999999. RF (refused) 3538 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4640:J72] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4642 J73. TOTAL FAMILY INCOME Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4642 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 J73. Altogether, about how much was your (and your husband's/and your wife's/and your partner's) total income in (1994/1995)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 3001 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 1744 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 432 9999999. RF (refused) 45 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4644 J73A.INCOME 94 DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4644 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J73a. Did you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) receive $30,000 or more in (1994/1995)? ................................................................................ 351 1. YES 1461 5. NO 7. Other 125 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 239 9. RF (refused) 3046 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4642:J73] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4645 J73A.INCOME 94 DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4645 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J73a. Was it $10,000 or more? ................................................................................ 888 1. YES 486 5. NO 7. Other 67 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 20 9. RF (refused) 3761 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4642:J73] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4644:J73a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4644:J73a] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4646 J73B.INCOME 94 DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4646 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J73b. Was it $20,000 or more? ................................................................................ 285 1. YES 560 5. NO 7. Other 31 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 12 9. RF (refused) 4334 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4642:J73] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4644:J73a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4644:J73a] IS (1); [Q4645:J73a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4645:J73a] IS (5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4647 J73C.INCOME 94 DK-4 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4647 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J73c. Was it $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 373 1. YES 92 5. NO 7. Other 19 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 4736 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4642:J73] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4644:J73a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4644:J73a] IS (1); [Q4645:J73a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4646:J73b] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4648 J73D.INCOME 94 DK-5 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4648 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J73d. Was it $75,000 or more? ................................................................................ 50 1. YES 277 5. NO 7. Other 7 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 19 9. RF (refused) 4869 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4642:J73] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4644:J73a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4645:J73a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4646:J73b] IS (A); [Q4647:J73c] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4649 J73E.INCOME 94 DK-6 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4649 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J73e. Was it $100,000 or more? ................................................................................ 24 1. YES 19 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 5172 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4642:J73] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4644:J73a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4645:J73a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4646:J73b] IS (A); [Q4647:J73c] IS (A); [Q4648:J73d] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4648:J73d] IS (5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4650 J73F.INCOME 94 DK-7 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4650 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J73f. Was it $50,000 or more? ................................................................................ 62 1. YES 197 5. NO 7. Other 7 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 11 9. RF (refused) 4945 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4642:J73] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4644:J73a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4645:J73a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4646:J73b] IS (A); [Q4647:J73c] IS (A); [Q4648:J73d] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4649:J73e] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4651 J74. USE ASSETS-92 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4651 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J74. (Since (W1 Interview Month-Year)/In the last two years), did you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) use any of your investments or savings to pay for expenses, not counting any money or assets that you have given away to (children or) others? ................................................................................ 1122 1. YES 3383 5. NO 598 6. DON'T HAVE ASSETS 9 7. Other 23 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 42 9. RF (refused) 45 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4654 J74A.USE ASSETS FOR Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4654 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J74a. Was that for general living expenses or for some particular expenses? ................................................................................ 532 1. GENERAL LIVING 587 2. PARTICULAR 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4100 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (5 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4655M1 J74B. USE ASSETS OPEN Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4655 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J74b. What was that? ................................................................................ 128 1. Medical/dental expense -- R or spouse/partner or NA who 2 2. Medical/dental expense -- child(ren) 1 3. Medical/dental expense -- parent 14 10. Purchase of/down payment on house, condo, duplex--not or NA whether vacation property; land for house 1 11. Mobile home purchase 12. Vacation property or second home 142 13. Additions or repairs to home: remodelling; added rooms, garage; repairs to roof; new siding, windows; landscaping; assessments on property; 'fixing up house' 23 14. Purchase of furniture, appliances or other durable goods; carpet, drapes, computer etc. 10 15. Moving expenses 83 16. Car/vehicle purchase; bought car, truck, motor home 11 17. Car/vehicle repair 1 19. Accidents/fire/natural disaster; expenses related to 1 20. Mortgage expenses; took out/paid off mortgage; paid down principal/interest; refinancing costs 21. Paid (off) credit card debt 1 22. Other loan payment/payoff 7 25. Own business expense; investment in own business or farm (incl. farm equipment costs); start own business; additions and repairs to rental property 32 30. Vacations; trips 2 31. Recreation equipment, incl. motor home, boat 2 32. Gambling; con-artists 1 35. Wedding/marriage 36. Divorce/separation (exc. legal fees, code 40) 37. Birth of a child 26 38. Death, funeral, burial expenses 2 40. Legal expenses; lawsuits 18 41. Insurance 47 42. Taxes (income, real estate, etc., exc. business taxes, code 25) 2 43. Educational expense (R or family); tuition for children 44. Purchase/repair of collectibles (antiques, dolls, etc.) 5 45. Ordinary living expenses 19 50. Gifts or loans to others; bought son a car; down payment on house for kids; loans to child/other relative 97. Other 4 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 4 99. RF (Refused) 4633 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (5 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4654:J74a] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4655M2 J74B. USE ASSETS OPEN Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4655 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J74b. What was that? ................................................................................ 9 1. Medical/dental expense -- R or spouse/partner or NA who 2. Medical/dental expense -- child(ren) 3. Medical/dental expense -- parent 1 10. Purchase of/down payment on house, condo, duplex--not or NA whether vacation property; land for house 11. Mobile home purchase 12. Vacation property or second home 16 13. Additions or repairs to home: remodelling; added rooms, garage; repairs to roof; new siding, windows; landscaping; assessments on property; 'fixing up house' 11 14. Purchase of furniture, appliances or other durable goods; carpet, drapes, computer etc. 2 15. Moving expenses 4 16. Car/vehicle purchase; bought car, truck, motor home 3 17. Car/vehicle repair 19. Accidents/fire/natural disaster; expenses related to 20. Mortgage expenses; took out/paid off mortgage; paid down principal/interest; refinancing costs 21. Paid (off) credit card debt 22. Other loan payment/payoff 25. Own business expense; investment in own business or farm (incl. farm equipment costs); start own business; additions and repairs to rental property 1 30. Vacations; trips 31. Recreation equipment, incl. motor home, boat 32. Gambling; con-artists 1 35. Wedding/marriage 36. Divorce/separation (exc. legal fees, code 40) 37. Birth of a child 2 38. Death, funeral, burial expenses 40. Legal expenses; lawsuits 5 41. Insurance 8 42. Taxes (income, real estate, etc., exc. business taxes, code 25) 43. Educational expense (R or family); tuition for children 44. Purchase/repair of collectibles (antiques, dolls, etc.) 7 45. Ordinary living expenses 6 50. Gifts or loans to others; bought son a car; down payment on house for kids; loans to child/other relative 97. Other 98. DK (Don't Know); NA (Not Ascertained) 99. RF (Refused) 5146 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (5 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4654:J74a] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4665 J75.USE ASSETS $ Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4665 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J75. About how much did you use? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 811 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 280 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 31 999999. RF (refused) 4100 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (5 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4666 J75P.J75 PER Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4666 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 18 1. WEEK 2. 2 X MONTH 54 3. MONTH 5 4. QUARTER 7 5. 6 MONTHS 530 6. YEAR 196 7. OTHER (Specify) 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4412 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (5 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4665:J75] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4668 J75A.J75-DK 1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4668 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J75a. Would it amount to $25,000 or more? ................................................................................ 31 1. YES 246 5. NO 7. Other 20 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 15 9. RF (refused) 4910 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (5 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4665:J75] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4669 J75B.J75-DK 2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4669 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J75b. $50,000 or more? ................................................................................ 4 1. YES 25 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5191 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (5 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4665:J75] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4668:J75a] IS (5); [Q4668:J75a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4670 J75C.J75-DK 3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4670 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J75c. $100,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 3 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (5 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4665:J75] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4668:J75a] IS (5); [Q4668:J75a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4669:J75b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4671 J75D.J75-DK 4 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4671 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J75d. $10,000 or more? ................................................................................ 58 1. YES 178 5. NO 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 4976 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (5 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4665:J75] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4668:J75a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4669:J75b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4670:J75c] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4672 J75E.J75 DK-5 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4672 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J75e. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 59 1. YES 114 5. NO 7. Other 6 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5043 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (5 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4665:J75] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4668:J75a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4669:J75b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4670:J75c] IS (A); [Q4671:J75d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4673 J75F.J75-DK 6 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4673 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J75f. $2,000 or more? ................................................................................ 61 1. YES 50 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5108 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (5 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4665:J75] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4668:J75a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4669:J75b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4670:J75c] IS (A); [Q4671:J75d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4672:J75e] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4686 J78. ADD ASSETS-LCYR Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4686 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J78. Did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) add to any of your investments or savings during (1993/1994/1995/1996)? ................................................................................ 1037 1. YES 3344 5. NO 105 6. DON'T HAVE ASSETS 16 7. Other 24 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 53 9. RF (refused) 643 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4688 J79.ASSET ADD $ Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4688 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J79. About how much did you add to your savings or assets in (1993/1994/1995/1996)? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 582 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 379 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 92 999999. RF (refused) 4169 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4689 J79A. Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4689 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J79a. Would it amount to $50,000 or more? ................................................................................ 33 1. YES 365 5. NO 7. Other 18 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 55 9. RF (refused) 4751 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4688:J79] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4690 J79B. Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4690 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J79b. $100,000 or more? ................................................................................ 6 1. YES 25 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5189 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4688:J79] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4689:J79a] IS (5); [Q4689:J79a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4691 J79C. Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4691 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J79c. $200,000 or more? ................................................................................ 3 1. YES 3 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5216 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4688:J79] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4689:J79a] IS (5); [Q4689:J79a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4690:J79b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4692 J79D.J79-DK 4 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4692 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J79d. $25,000 or more? ................................................................................ 41 1. YES 306 5. NO 7. Other 11 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 7 9. RF (refused) 4857 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4688:J79] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4689:J79a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4690:J79b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4691:J79c] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4693 J79E.J79 DK-5 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4693 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J79e. $10,000 or more? ................................................................................ 92 1. YES 200 5. NO 7. Other 11 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 4916 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4688:J79] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4689:J79a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4690:J79b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4691:J79c] IS (A); [Q4692:J79d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4694 J79F.J79-DK6 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4694 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J79f. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 91 1. YES 104 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5022 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4688:J79] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4689:J79a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4690:J79b] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4691:J79c] IS (A); [Q4692:J79d] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q4693:J79e] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4708 J80.TRUSTS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4708 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J80. Have you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) put any of your assets into a trust? ................................................................................ 424 1. YES 3985 5. NO 7. Other 22 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 43 9. RF (refused) 748 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4709M1 J80A.RELATION TRUSTS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4709 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J80a. Do you, or does someone else, receive the benefits of the assets you have put into a trust? (That is what is their relationship to you?) CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY User note: Up to four responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was three. ................................................................................ 238 1. R 44 2. SPOUSE/PARTNER 113 3. CHILD/CHILD-IN-LAW/GRANDCHILD 11 4. OTHER RELATIVE 7 5. SOMEONE ELSE 7. Other 10 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4798 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4708:J80] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4709M2 J80A.RELATION TRUSTS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4709 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J80a. Do you, or does someone else, receive the benefits of the assets you have put into a trust? (That is what is their relationship to you?) CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY User note: Up to four responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was three. ................................................................................ 1. R 67 2. SPOUSE/PARTNER 22 3. CHILD/CHILD-IN-LAW/GRANDCHILD 3 4. OTHER RELATIVE 3 5. SOMEONE ELSE 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5127 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4708:J80] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4709M3 J80A.RELATION TRUSTS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4709 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J80a. Do you, or does someone else, receive the benefits of the assets you have put into a trust? (That is what is their relationship to you?) CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY User note: Up to four responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was three. ................................................................................ 1. R 2. SPOUSE/PARTNER 13 3. CHILD/CHILD-IN-LAW/GRANDCHILD 1 4. OTHER RELATIVE 5. SOMEONE ELSE 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5208 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4708:J80] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4710M1 J80AA.WHICH CHILD TRUST-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4710 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 J80aa. Which child is that? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY IF GRANDCHILD: (Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild?) User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). Up to ten responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was five. ................................................................................ 7 010. DECEASED CHILD 100 011. ALL MY CHILDREN 2 041-083. Other Person Number 38 101-995. Other Person Number 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5075 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4708:J80] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4709:J80a] IS (NE 3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4710M2 J80AA.WHICH CHILD TRUST-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4710 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 J80aa. Which child is that? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY IF GRANDCHILD: (Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild?) User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). Up to ten responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was five. ................................................................................ 010. DECEASED CHILD 3 011. ALL MY CHILDREN 041-083. Other Person Number 12 101-995. Other Person Number 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5207 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4708:J80] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4709:J80a] IS (NE 3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4710M3 J80AA.WHICH CHILD TRUST-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4710 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 J80aa. Which child is that? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY IF GRANDCHILD: (Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild?) User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). Up to ten responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was five. ................................................................................ 010. DECEASED CHILD 011. ALL MY CHILDREN 041-083. Other Person Number 7 101-995. Other Person Number 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5215 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4708:J80] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4709:J80a] IS (NE 3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4710M4 J80AA.WHICH CHILD TRUST-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4710 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 J80aa. Which child is that? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY IF GRANDCHILD: (Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild?) User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). Up to ten responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was five. ................................................................................ 010. DECEASED CHILD 011. ALL MY CHILDREN 1 041-083. Other Person Number 3 101-995. Other Person Number 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4708:J80] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4709:J80a] IS (NE 3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4710M5 J80AA.WHICH CHILD TRUST-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4710 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 J80aa. Which child is that? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY IF GRANDCHILD: (Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild?) User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). Up to ten responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was five. ................................................................................ 010. DECEASED CHILD 011. ALL MY CHILDREN 041-083. Other Person Number 1 101-995. Other Person Number 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4708:J80] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4709:J80a] IS (NE 3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4711M1 J80AA.WHICH CHILD TRUST-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4711 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 J80aa. Which child is that? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY IF GRANDCHILD: (Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild?) User note: This question asked only of second household (Q203=2). Up to ten responses were allowed for this question, no responses were given. ................................................................................ 010. DECEASED CHILD 011. ALL MY CHILDREN 041-083. Other Person Number 101-995. Other Person Number 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4708:J80] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4709:J80a] IS (NE 3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4712 J80B.$ TRUSTS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4712 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 J80b. What about the value of (that/those) trusts? If you sold (could sell) all the assets you have put in trusts, about how much would you have (not counting anything you have already told me about)? DO NOT PROBE DK/RF AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 241 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 1 9999996-99999996. Extreme values 99999997. Other 119 99999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 63 99999999. RF (refused) 4798 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4708:J80] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4713 J80C.>50K Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4713 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J80c. Would it amount to $500,000 or more? ................................................................................ 42 1. YES 81 5. NO 7. Other 18 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 41 9. RF (refused) 5040 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4708:J80] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4712:J80b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4714 J80D.>500K Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4714 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J80d. $1,500,000 or more? ................................................................................ 10 1. YES 31 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5180 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4708:J80] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4712:J80b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4713:J80c] IS (5); [Q4713:J80c] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4715 J80E.>5K Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4715 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J80e. $50,000 or more? ................................................................................ 59 1. YES 14 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 6 9. RF (refused) 5141 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4708:J80] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4712:J80b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4713:J80c] IS (DK OR RF); [Q4714:J80d] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4717 J80.REVOCABLE TRUST Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4717 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J80. If you wanted to, could you change the terms of the trust? ................................................................................ 354 1. YES 54 5. NO 7. Other 15 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4798 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4651:J74] IS (6); [Q4686:J78] IS (6); [Q4708:J80] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4725 J81.DEBTS Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4725 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J81. And do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) have any debts that we haven't asked about, such as credit card balances, medical debts, life insurance policy loans, loans from relatives, and so forth? ................................................................................ 702 1. YES 4437 5. NO 7. Other 15 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 23 9. RF (refused) 45 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4726 J82.DEBTS $ Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4726 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J82. About how much would that amount to? DO NOT PROBE DK/RF ................................................................................ 568 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 116 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 18 999999. RF (refused) 4520 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4725:J81] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4727 J82A.J82 DK-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4727 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J82a. Would it amount to $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 46 1. Yes 67 5. No 7. Other 7 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9 9. RF (refused) 5093 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4725:J81] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4726:J82] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4728 J82B.J82 DK-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4728 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J82b. (Would it amount to) $50,000 or more? ................................................................................ 2 1. Yes 45 5. No 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9 9. RF (refused) 5162 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4725:J81] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4726:J82] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4727:J82a] IS (5); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4729 J82C.J82 DK-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4729 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J82c. (Would it amount to) $500 or more? ................................................................................ 50 1. Yes 17 5. No 5155 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4725:J81] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4726:J82] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q4728:J82b] IS (A); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4747 J83. LUMP SUM Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4747 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J83. People sometimes receive property or lump sum payments of money from such things as pension settlements, insurance settlements, cashing in annuities, or inheritances. IF Q370 IS (1) Since (Wave 1 Interview Month-Year) did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) receive a lump ELSE In the past two years did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) receive a lump END sum of money or property that you have not already told me about? Do not include loans or gifts. ................................................................................ 238 1. Yes 4903 5. No 7. Other 9 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 27 9. RF (refused) 45 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4748 J84-1. TYPE LUMP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4748 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J84-1. What was the largest lump sum -- was it from an insurance or pension settlement, an annuity, an inheritance or something else? ................................................................................ 69 1. INSURANCE SETTLEMENT 7 2. PENSION SETTLEMENT 84 3. INHERITANCE 4 4. ANNUITY 74 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4984 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4749 J85-1. DATE LUMP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4749 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J85-1. In what month and year did you receive that [Q4748-J84-1. TYPE LUMP- 1]? MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 31 1. JAN 17 2. FEB 14 3. MAR 16 4. APR 18 5. MAY 26 6. JUN 16 7. JUL 15 8. AUG 19 9. SEP 18 10. OCT 16 11. NOV 26 12. DEC 97. Other 5 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 99. RF (refused) 4984 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4750 J85A.DATE LUMP-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4750 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 11 1. 1993 78 2. 1994 134 3. 1995 12 4. 1996 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4984 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4751 J86-1. LUMP $-1 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4751 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J86-1. About how much did you receive from the [Q4748-J84-1. TYPE LUMP-1]? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 209 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 18 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 11 999999. RF (refused) 4984 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4752 J87-1.>50K Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4752 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J87-1. Was it more than $50,000? ................................................................................ 6 1. YES 15 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 7 9. RF (refused) 5193 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4751:J86-1] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4753 J88-1. WHO FROM Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4753 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J88-1. From whom was that inheritance received, that is what is their relationship to you? ................................................................................ 15 1. R'S PARENTS 5 2. SPOUSE'S PARENTS 12 3. DECEASED SPOUSE/PARTNER 7 4. AUNT OR UNCLE 22 5. SIBLING 13 6. OTHER RELATIVE 10 7. OTHER 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5138 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4748:J84-1] IS (NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4754 J89.ANY OTHER LUMP SUM-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4754 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J89. Did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) receive any other large lump sum payments in the last two years? Do not count loans or gifts. ................................................................................ 16 1. YES 222 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4984 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4755 J84-2. LUMP TYPE-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4755 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J84-2. What was the next largest lump sum from -- was it from an insurance or pension settlement, an annuity, an inheritance or something else? ................................................................................ 4 1. INSURANCE SETTLEMENT 1 2. PENSION SETTLEMENT 4 3. INHERITANCE 4. ANNUITY 7 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5206 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4754:J89] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4756 J85-2. LUMP DATE-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4756 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J85-2. In what month and year did you receive that [Q4755-J84-2. LUMP TYPE- 2]? MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 2 1. JAN 2. FEB 1 3. MAR 1 4. APR 5. MAY 2 6. JUN 3 7. JUL 1 8. AUG 9. SEP 3 10. OCT 2 11. NOV 1 12. DEC 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5206 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4754:J89] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4757 J85A-2.LUMP SUM YEAR-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4757 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1 1. 1993 8 2. 1994 7 3. 1995 4. 1996 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5206 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4754:J89] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4758 J86-2. LUMP $-2 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4758 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J86-2. About how much was that from the [Q4755-J84-2. LUMP TYPE-2]? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 13 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 3 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999999. RF (refused) 5206 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4754:J89] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4759 J87-2.>50K Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4759 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J87-2. Was it more than $50,000? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4754:J89] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4758:J86-2] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4760 J88-2. WHO FROM Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4760 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J88-2. From whom was that inheritance received? ................................................................................ 1. R`S PARENTS 1 2. SPOUSE`S PARENTS 1 3. DECEASED SPOUSE/PARTNER 4. AUNT OR UNCLE 1 5. SIBLING 6. OTHER RELATIVE 1 7. OTHER 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4754:J89] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4755:J84-2] IS (NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4761 J43.ANY OTHER LUMP SUM-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4761 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J43. Did you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) have any other large lump sum payments in the last two years? Do not count loans or gifts. ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 15 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5206 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4754:J89] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4762 J84B-3. LUMP SUM-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4762 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J84-2. What was the next largest lump sum from -- was it from an insurance or pension settlement, an annuity, an inheritance or something else? ................................................................................ 1. INSURANCE SETTLEMENT 2. PENSION SETTLEMENT 1 3. INHERITANCE 4. ANNUITY 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4754:J89] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4761:J43] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4763 J85-3. LUMP DATE-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4763 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 J85-3. In what month and year did you receive that [Q4762-J84B-3. LUMP SUM- 3]? MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 1. JAN 2. FEB 3. MAR 4. APR 1 5. MAY 6. JUN 7. JUL 8. AUG 9. SEP 10. OCT 11. NOV 12. DEC 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4754:J89] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4761:J43] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4764 J85A-3.LUMP SUM YEAR-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4764 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. 1993 2. 1994 1 3. 1995 4. 1996 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4754:J89] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4761:J43] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4765 J86-3. LUMP $-3 Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4765 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 J86-3. About how much was that from the [Q4762-J84B-3. LUMP SUM-3]? DO NOT PROBE DK AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 1 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999999. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4754:J89] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4761:J43] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4766 J87-3.>50K Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4766 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J87-3. Was it more than $50,000? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4754:J89] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4761:J43] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4765:J86-3] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview; no financial respondent
D4767 J88-1. WHO FROM Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q4767 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 J88-3. From whom was that inheritance received? ................................................................................ 1. R`S PARENTS 2. SPOUSE`S PARENTS 3. DECEASED SPOUSE/PARTNER 1 4. AUNT OR UNCLE 5. SIBLING 6. OTHER RELATIVE 7. OTHER 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q4747:J83] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4754:J89] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4761:J43] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q4762:J84B-3] IS (NE 3); partial interview; no financial respondent
DVERSION 1995 DATA RELEASE VERSION Section: J Level: Household CAI Reference: Q20101 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. Version 1, December 1999 5222 2. Version 2, May 2002
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