HHID      HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER                      
          Section: F            Level: Household       CAI Reference: Q9100
          Type: Character       Width: 6               Decimals: 0
           5222       200001-208898. Household Identifier range

DSUBHH 1995 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9104 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: The range 10-49 is reserved for respondent person numbers. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 5211 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 6 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 5 2. Split household - other half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any Blank. New cohort - DSUBHH does not exist
BSUBHH 1993 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9102 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 5222 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners Blank. New cohort - BSUBHH does not exist
DPN_CS 1995 COVERSHEET RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9141 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who provided the 1995 coversheet information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 4043 010. Person Number 1 011. Person Number 1165 020. Person Number 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 13 Blank. No coversheet respondent
DPN_FAM 1995 FAMILY RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9142 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who provided the 1995 family information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 4056 010. Person Number 1 011. Person Number 1148 020. Person Number 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 17 Blank. No family respondent
DPN_FIN 1995 FINANCIAL RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9143 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who provided the 1995 financial information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 4216 010. Person Number 1 011. Person Number 984 020. Person Number 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 21 Blank. No financial respondent
DPN_NCS 1995 NON-COVERSHEET RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9151 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who did not provide the 1995 coversheet information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 887 010. Person Number 12 011. Person Number 918 020. Person Number 1 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 3404 Blank. No spouse/partner; no non-coversheet respondent
DPN_NFAM 1995 NON-FAMILY RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9152 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who did not provide the 1995 family information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 874 010. Person Number 12 011. Person Number 935 020. Person Number 1 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 3400 Blank. No spouse/partner; no non-family respondent
DPN_NFIN 1995 NON-FINANCIAL RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9153 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who did not provide the 1995 financial information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 714 010. Person Number 12 011. Person Number 1099 020. Person Number 1 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 3396 Blank. No spouse/partner; no non-financial respondent
DQNR_CS 1995 QUESTIONNAIRE - COVERSHEET RESP Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9171 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the questionnaire number of the respondent who did not provide the 1998 coversheet information for the household. ................................................................................ 5209 00001-07807. Questionnaire number range 13 Blank. No coversheet respondent
DQNR_FAM 1995 QUESTIONNAIRE - FAMILY RESP Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9172 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the questionnaire number of the respondent who did not provide the 1998 family information for the household. ................................................................................ 5205 00001-07807. Questionnaire number range 17 Blank. No family respondent
DQNR_FIN 1995 QUESTIONNAIRE - FINANCIAL RESP Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9173 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the questionnaire number of the respondent who did not provide the 1998 financial information for the household. ................................................................................ 5201 00001-07807. Questionnaire number range 21 Blank. No financial respondent
D2223 F0.INTRO HOUSING Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2223 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F0. Now I have a few questions about your house or apartment in [Q439-CS36. ASSIGN MAIN RESIDENCE]. User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D2224 F1.LIVE FARM OR RANCH Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2224 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F1. Do you live on a farm or ranch? ................................................................................ 194 1. YES 435 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4593 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q441:CS36c] IS (5) AND [Q184:LIVE ON FARM] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2225 F2.TYPE HOME Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2225 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F2. IF Q240 IS (1) Is your house or apartment in [Q439-CS36. ASSIGN MAIN RESIDENCE] ELSE Do you live in END a mobile home, a one family house, a two family house (duplex), an apartment, townhouse, or what? ................................................................................ 309 1. MOBILE HOME 3229 2. ONE-FAMILY HOUSE 233 3. TWO-FAMILY HOUSE/DUPLEX 998 4. APARTMENT/TOWNHOUSE/3-4 FAMILY HOUSE 68 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 384 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); partial interview
D2226 F3.OWN-RENT HOME Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2226 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F3. Do you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) own your home, rent it, or what? ................................................................................ 3126 1. OWN (OR BUYING) 989 2. RENT 410 7. Neither rent nor own (Including respondents who deeded the house to children or other relatives but continue to live there) 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 691 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2225:F2] IS (1); partial interview
D2227 F3A.OWN BUILDING Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2227 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F3a. Do you own the entire building or just your unit? ................................................................................ 4 1. ENTIRE BUILDING 30 2. JUST R'S UNIT 7. Other 23 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5165 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2225:F2] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2225:F2] IS (2) OR [Q441:CS36c] IS (5); partial interview
D2228 F3C.PREAMBLE OWN BUILDING Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2228 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F3c. The following questions refer to IF Q2227 IS (1) the entire property. ELSE your unit only. END User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D2229 F4.OWN FARM Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2229 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F4. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) own this (farm/ranch), do you own part of it, do you rent it, or what? ................................................................................ 156 1. OWNS ALL 7 2. OWNS PART 3 3. RENTS 28 7. OTHER; SPECIFY (Including neither rent nor own) 21 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5007 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2225:F2] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2225:F2] IS (2) OR [Q441:CS36c] IS (5); [Q2224:F1] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2230 F4A.FARM PERCENT OWN Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2230 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 F4a. Now I'd like to ask about the part of the property that you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) personally own. About what percent of the total property is that? PERCENT: ................................................................................ 3 1-100. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 997. Other 4 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5215 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2225:F2] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2225:F2] IS (2) OR [Q441:CS36c] IS (5); [Q2224:F1] IS (NE 1); [Q2229:F4] IS (1); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2231 F4B.FARM OWN HOUSE Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2231 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F4b. Do you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) own the house and the immediately surrounding land? ................................................................................ 3 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5215 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2225:F2] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2225:F2] IS (2) OR [Q441:CS36c] IS (5); [Q2224:F1] IS (NE 1); [Q2229:F4] IS (1); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2232 F4C.FARM HOUSE PAY RENT Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2232 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F4c. Do you pay any rent on this house, or what? ................................................................................ 1. YES, PAY RENT 1 5. NO, OTHER 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5216 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2225:F2] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2225:F2] IS (2) OR [Q441:CS36c] IS (5); [Q2224:F1] IS (NE 1); [Q2229:F4] IS (1); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2231:F4b] IS (1); partial interview
D2233 F4D.INTRO FARM Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2233 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F4d. IF Q2229 IS (2) AND Q2231 IS (5 OR DK OR RF) The following questions refer to the part of the farm that you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner)personally own. ELSE The following questions refer to your house and the immediately surrounding land. END User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D2234 F5.OWN MOBILE HOME AND SITE Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2234 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 F5. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) own both the mobile home and site, do you own only the home, do you rent both the home and site, or what? ................................................................................ 107 1. OWNS BOTH HOME & SITE 2 2. OWNS ONLY SITE 152 3. OWNS ONLY HOME 17 4. RENTS BOTH 22 7. NEITHER OWNS NOR RENTS 97. Other 7 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 4915 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2225:F2] IS (2) OR [Q441:CS36c] IS (5); [Q2224:F1] IS (NE 1); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2225:F2] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2235 F5A.INTRO MOBILE HOME OR SITE Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2235 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F5a. IF Q2234 IS (3) The following questions refer to your mobile home only. ELSE Q2234 IS (2) The following questions refer to your mobile home site only. ELSE The following questions refer to your mobile home and site. END User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D2246 F6.HOME VALUE $ Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2246 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 F6. What is its present value? I mean, about what would it bring if it were sold today? DO NOT PROBE DK 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 2760 0-99999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 99999997. Other 744 99999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 35 99999999. RF (refused) 1683 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2247 F6A.F6 DK-1 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2247 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F6a. Is it more than $50,000? ................................................................................ 393 1. YES 301 5. NO 7. Other 72 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 13 9. RF (refused) 4443 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2246:F6] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview
D2248 F6B.F6 DK-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2248 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F6b. $150,000 or more? ................................................................................ 75 1. YES 303 5. NO 7. Other 14 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4829 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2246:F6] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2247:F6a] IS (5); [Q2247:F6a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview
D2249 F6C.F6 DK-3 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2249 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F6c. $500,000 or more? ................................................................................ 7 1. YES 68 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5147 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2246:F6] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2247:F6a] IS (5); [Q2247:F6a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2248:F6b] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2250 F6D.F6 DK-4 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2250 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F6d. $15,000 or more? ................................................................................ 261 1. YES 32 5. NO 7. Other 8 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4921 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2246:F6] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2247:F6a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2248:F6b] IS (NE 1); [Q2249:F6c] IS (A); partial interview
D2251M1 F7.HOME MORTGAGE Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2251 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F7. Do you have a mortgage, land contract, second mortgage, or any other loan that uses the property as collateral? Please do not include home equity lines of credit. IF R SAYS THEY REFINANCED THE MORTGAGE, TREAT IT AS A MORTGAGE. CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. User note: Up to four responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was two. ................................................................................ 425 1. YES, MORTGAGE/LAND CONRACT 17 2. YES, 2ND MORTGAGE 26 3. YES, OTHER LOANS 3052 5. NO 7. Other 12 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 6 9. RF (refused) 1684 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2251M2 F7.HOME MORTGAGE Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2251 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F7. Do you have a mortgage, land contract, second mortgage, or any other loan that uses the property as collateral? Please do not include home equity lines of credit. IF R SAYS THEY REFINANCED THE MORTGAGE, TREAT IT AS A MORTGAGE. CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. User note: Up to four responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was two. ................................................................................ 1. YES, MORTGAGE/LAND CONRACT 4 2. YES, 2ND MORTGAGE 3. YES, OTHER LOANS 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5218 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2252 F7A.$ PAYMENT ON MORTGAGE Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2252 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F7a. About how much are the payments on the (first) mortgage or land contract? AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 2 0. Actual value 404 1-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 15 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9999999. RF (refused) 4797 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2253 F7B.MORTGAGE PER Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2253 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1 1. WEEK 2. 2 X MONTH 399 3. MONTH 4. QUARTER 5. 6 MONTHS 4 6. YEAR 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4818 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 1); [Q2252:F7a] IS (0 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2255 F7C.MORTGAGE INCLUDE TAX Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2255 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F7c. Do the payments include property taxes or insurance? (Which?) ................................................................................ 44 1. TAXES ONLY 11 2. INSURANCE ONLY 152 3. BOTH 194 5. NO, NEITHER 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4818 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 1); [Q2252:F7a] IS (0 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2256 F7D.$ OWN ON MORTGAGE Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2256 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F7d. About how much do you still owe on the (mortgage)/(land contract)? DO NOT PROBE DK 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 337 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 81 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 7 9999999. RF (refused) 4797 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2257 F7E. F7E DK-1 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2257 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F7e. Is it more than $20,000? ................................................................................ 28 1. YES 41 5. NO 7. Other 16 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 5134 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 1); [Q2256:F7d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview
D2258 F7F. F7E DK-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2258 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F7f. $100,000 or more? ................................................................................ 4 1. YES 23 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5194 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 1); [Q2256:F7d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2257:F7e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2257:F7e] IS (5); partial interview
D2259 F7F. F7E DK-3 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2259 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F7f. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 34 1. YES 6 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5181 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 1); [Q2256:F7d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2257:F7e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2258:F7f] IS (A); partial interview
D2260 F9A.$ PAYMENT 2ND MORTGAGE Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2260 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F9a. About how much are the payments on that second mortgage? 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 1 0. NOTHING 19 1-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 1 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5201 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 2); partial interview
D2261 F9B.F9A.PER Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2261 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. WEEK 2. 2 X MONTH 19 3. MONTH 4. QUARTER 5. 6 MONTHS 6. YEAR 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5203 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 2); [Q2260:F9a] IS (DK OR RF OR Over Limit OR 0); partial interview
D2263 F9C.$ OWN ON 2ND MORTGAGE Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2263 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F9c. About how much do you still owe on that second mortgage? DO NOT PROBE DK 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 8 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 12 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9999999. RF (refused) 5201 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 2); partial interview
D2264 F9D. F9C DK-1 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2264 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F9d. Is it more than $20,000? ................................................................................ 1. YES 10 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5209 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 2); [Q2263:F9c] IS (NE DK AND NE RF AND NE Over Limit); partial interview
D2265 F9E. F9C DK-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2265 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F9e. $100,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 2); [Q2263:F9c] IS (NE DK AND NE RF AND NE Over Limit); [Q2264:F9d] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2264:F9d] IS (5); partial interview
D2266 F9F. F9C DK-3 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2266 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F9f. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 7 1. YES 3 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5212 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 2); [Q2263:F9c] IS (NE DK AND NE RF AND NE Over Limit); [Q2264:F9d] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2265:F9e] IS (A); partial interview
D2267 F10.$ PAYMENT OTHER LOAN Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2267 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F10. About how much are the payments on that (other) loan? 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 20 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 5 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9999999. RF (refused) 5195 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 3); partial interview
D2268 F10A.F10 PER Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2268 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. WEEK 2. 2 X MONTH 18 3. MONTH 4. QUARTER 5. 6 MONTHS 6. YEAR 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5204 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 3); [Q2267:F10] IS (DK OR RF OR Over Limit OR 0); partial interview
D2270 F10E.$ OWN ON LOAN Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2270 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F10e. About how much do you still owe on that loan? DO NOT PROBE DK 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 16 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 8 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9999999. RF (refused) 5195 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 3); partial interview
D2271 F10B.F10A DK-1 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2271 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F10b. Is it more than $20,000? ................................................................................ 1. YES 4 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 5214 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 3); [Q2270:F10e] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview
D2272 F10C. F10A DK-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2272 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F10c. $100,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 3); [Q2270:F10e] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2271:F10b] IS (5); [Q2271:F10b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview
D2273 F10D. F10A DK-3 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2273 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F10d. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5217 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2251:F7] IS (NE 3); [Q2270:F10e] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2271:F10b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2272:F10c] IS (A); partial interview
D2274 F11.HOME EQUITY CREDIT Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2274 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F11. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) have a home equity line of credit? DEFINITION: A HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT IS A LINE OF CREDIT OBTAINED BY USING THE EQUITY IN ONE'S HOME AS SECURITY. ................................................................................ 200 1. YES 3307 5. NO 7. Other 23 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 8 9. RF (refused) 1684 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2275 F11A.$ COULD BORROW Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2275 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F11a. What is the maximum amount you could borrow on this line of credit? 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 145 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 55 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5022 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2274:F11] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2276 F11B.EQUITY LOAN NOW Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2276 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F11b. Do you currently have a loan against this line of credit? ................................................................................ 76 1. YES 124 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5022 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2274:F11] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2277 F11C.$ OWED EQUITY LOAD Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2277 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F11c. About how much is currently owed? 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 71 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 4 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9999999. RF (refused) 5146 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2274:F11] IS (NE 1); [Q2276:F11b] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2288 F12.OTHER NAME ON DEED Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2288 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F12. Does the deed to your home have anyone's name on it besides yours (or your husband's/or your wife's/or your partner's)? ................................................................................ 666 1. YES 2844 5. NO 7. Other 19 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9 9. RF (refused) 1684 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2289 F12A.RELATION DEED Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2289 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 F12a. What is that person's relationship to you? ................................................................................ 529 1. CHILD 5 2. CHILD-IN-LAW 13 3. GRANDCHILD 1 4. PARENT 80 5. OTHER RELATIVE 31 6. OTHER PERSON 4 7. GROUP OR INSTITUTION 97. Other 2 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 99. RF (refused) 4556 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2288:F12] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2290 F12B.WHICH CHILD DEED-1 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2290 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 F12b. IF Q2289 IS (1) Which child is that? ELSE Q2289 IS (2) Which of your children is married to (him/her)? ELSE Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild? END User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). ................................................................................ 8 010. DECEASED CHILD 152 011. ALL MY CHILDREN 77 041-083. Other Person Number 306 101-995. Other Person Number 997. Other 2 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 999. RF (refused) 4676 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2288:F12] IS (NE 1); [Q2289:F12a] IS (NE 1 AND NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); partial interview
D2292 F13.REAL ESTATE TAX Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2292 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F13. What were the real estate taxes last year (1994/1995) on this home? DO NOT PROBE DK 0 NOTHING ALT-O CANNOT SAY BECAUSE INCLUDED IN MORTGAGE OR FEES AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 225 0. Zero, including people with new homes. 2653 1-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 48 9999997. CANNOT SAY BECAUSE INCLUDED IN MORTGAGE OR FEES 581 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 32 9999999. RF (refused) 1683 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2293 F13A.F13 DK-1 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2293 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F13a. Was it more than $3,000? ................................................................................ 46 1. YES 463 5. NO 7. Other 90 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 14 9. RF (refused) 4609 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2292:F13] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview
D2294 F13B.F13 DK-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2294 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F13b. More than $500? ................................................................................ 267 1. YES 171 5. NO 7. Other 22 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 4759 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2292:F13] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2293:F13a] IS (1); [Q2293:F13a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview
D2295 F13C.F13 DK-3 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2295 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F13c. More than $10,000? ................................................................................ 2 1. YES 43 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5176 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (2); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (3); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (4); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2292:F13] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2293:F13a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2294:F13b] IS (A); partial interview
D2301 F14.$ AMOUNT RENT Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2301 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F14. IF Q2234 IS (3) About how much rent do you pay (on the mobile home site)? ELSE About how much rent do you pay? END TOTAL RENT PAID BY FAMILY IF R LIVES WITH FAMILY MEMBERS 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 1110 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 33 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 24 9999999. RF (refused) 4055 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2302 F14A.RENT PER Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2302 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 3 1. WEEK 2. 2 X MONTH 1073 3. MONTH 4. QUARTER 5. 6 MONTHS 6 6. YEAR 1 7. Other 18 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4121 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2301:F14] IS (0 OR DK OR RF OR Over Limit); partial interview
D2304 F14B.DK F14-1 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2304 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F14b. Is it more than $500 per month? ................................................................................ 6 1. YES 26 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 5 9. RF (refused) 5183 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2301:F14] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview
D2305 F14C.DK F14-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2305 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F14c. More than $1,000 per month? ................................................................................ 2 1. YES 3 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5216 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2301:F14] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2304:F14b] IS (5); [Q2304:F14b] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview
D2306 F14D.DK F14-3 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2306 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F14d. More than $200 per month? ................................................................................ 13 1. YES 9 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 9. RF (refused) 5196 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2301:F14] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2304:F14b] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2305:F14c] IS (A); partial interview
D2308 F15.RENT FURNISHED Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2308 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F15. Do you rent it furnished or unfurnished? ................................................................................ 6 1. FURNISHED 5 3. [VOL] PARTIALLY FURNISHED 130 5. UNFURNISHED 7. Other 18 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5062 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (3); [Q441:CS36c] IS (5); partial interview
D2309 F16.HEAT AND ELECTRICITY Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2309 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F16. Are heat and electricity included in your rent? PROBE FOR WHICH ................................................................................ 47 1. YES, BOTH 17 2. HEAT ONLY 3 3. ELECTRICITY ONLY 70 5. NO, NEITHER 7. Other 18 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5066 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2229:F4] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (3); [Q441:CS36c] IS (5); partial interview
D2310 F17.LIMITED INCOME Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2310 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F17. Is your house or apartment in [Q439-CS36. ASSIGN MAIN RESIDENCE] part of a public or subsidized housing complex? ................................................................................ 396 1. YES 1068 5. NO 7. Other 12 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 3745 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2234:F5] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (3); partial interview
D2311 F18.RELATIVE OWN HOME Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2311 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F18. ASK IF NOT CLEAR (I.E., IF NOT ALREADY KNOWN BY INTERVIEWER) Is your home owned by a relative? ................................................................................ 493 1. YES 979 5. NO 7. Other 7 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 3741 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2234:F5] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (3); partial interview
D2312 F18A.RELATION OWN HOME Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2312 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 F18a. What is that person's relationship to you? ................................................................................ 373 1. CHILD 17 2. CHILD-IN-LAW 23 3. GRANDCHILD 1 4. PARENT 77 5. OTHER RELATIVE 2 6. OTHER PERSON 7. GROUP OR INSTITUTION 97. Other 7 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 4722 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2234:F5] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (3); [Q2311:F18] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2313 F18B.WHICH CHILD-1 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2313 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 F18b. IF Q2312 IS (1) Which child is that? ELSE Q2312 IS (2) Which of your children is married to (him/her)? ELSE Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild? END User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). ................................................................................ 15 010. DECEASED CHILD 21 011. ALL MY CHILDREN 136 041-083. Other Person Number 239 101-995. Other Person Number 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 4811 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2234:F5] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (3); [Q2311:F18] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2312:F18a] IS (NE 1 AND NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); partial interview
D2314 F18B.WHICH CHILD-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2314 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 F18b. IF Q2312 IS (1) Which child is that? ELSE Q2312 IS (2) Which of your children is married to (him/her)? ELSE Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild? END User note: This question asked only of second household (Q203=2). ................................................................................ 010. DECEASED CHILD 011. ALL MY CHILDREN 1 041-083. Other Person Number 101-995. Other Person Number 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2234:F5] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (3); [Q2311:F18] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2312:F18a] IS (NE 1 AND NE 2 AND NE 3); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1); partial interview
D2315 F19.R EVER OWN HOME Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2315 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F19. Did you ever own this home? ................................................................................ 133 1. YES 1340 5. NO 7. Other 7 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 3741 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2234:F5] IS (1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2234:F5] IS (3); partial interview
D2316 F20.PARK ASSOCIATION Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2316 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F20. Do you belong to a park association? ................................................................................ 83 1. YES 219 5. NO 7. Other 14 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4906 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2225:F2] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2317 F20A.$ PARK ASSOC FEES Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2317 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 F20a. What are the park association fees? 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 81 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 16 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999999. RF (refused) 5125 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2225:F2] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2316:F20] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2318 F20B.PARK FEES PER Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2318 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. WEEK 1 2. 2 X MONTH 16 3. MONTH 4. QUARTER 1 5. 6 MONTHS 39 6. YEAR 2 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5163 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q2226:F3] IS (1) OR [Q2229:F4] IS (1) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5) OR [Q2232:F4c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2225:F2] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2316:F20] IS (NE 1); [Q2317:F20a] IS (0 OR DK OR RF OR Over Limit); partial interview
D2322 F21.CONDO-COOP-HOUSE ASSOC Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2322 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F21. Is your house or apartment part of a condominium, co-op, or housing association? ................................................................................ 474 1. YES 4354 5. NO 7. Other 9 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 385 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); partial interview
D2323 F21A.RETIRE-SENIOR COMPLEX Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2323 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F21a. Is your house or apartment part of a retirement community, senior citizens' housing, or some other type of housing that provides services? INTERVIEWER: PROBE FOR WHICH ................................................................................ 185 1. YES, RETIREMENT COMMUNITY (Services mentioned) 297 2. YES, SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING (Age requirement mentioned) 4342 5. NO 12 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 385 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); partial interview
D2325 F21C.LUMP-SUM JOIN Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2325 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F21c. Did you have to make a lump-sum payment to join the community or association? ................................................................................ 130 1. YES 674 5. NO 7. Other 9 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4409 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); partial interview
D2326 F21D.HOW MUST LUMP_SUM Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2326 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F21d. About how much was that? DO NOT PROBE DK ................................................................................ 122 1-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 8 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5092 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2325:F21c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2328 F21E.DK-1 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2328 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F21e. Was it less than $50,000? ................................................................................ 8 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5214 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2325:F21c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2326:F21d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview
D2329 F20D.DK-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2329 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F20d. Was it less than $200,000? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2325:F21c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2326:F21d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2328:F21e] IS (1); [Q2328:F21e] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview
D2330 F20E.DK-3 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2330 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F20e. Was it less than $10,000? ................................................................................ 8 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5214 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2325:F21c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q2326:F21d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2328:F21e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2329:F20d] IS (A); partial interview
D2331 F20F.YEAR MADE Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2331 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 F20f. In about what year did you make that payment? YEAR: ................................................................................ 129 1940-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 1 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999. RF (refused) 5092 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2325:F21c] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2332 F21C.FEE FOR ASSOC Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2332 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F21c. Aside from any rent or mortgage payments, do you pay a fee for being part of the association? ................................................................................ 296 1. YES 1 4. Yes, but include in rent or mortgage 511 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4409 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); partial interview
D2333 F21D.$ ASSOC FEE Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2333 Type: Numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 F21d. About how much is that? DO NOT PROBE DK 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 285 0-999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 999997. Other 10 999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 999999. RF (refused) 4926 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2332:F21c] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2334 F21E.PER Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2334 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. WEEK 2. 2 X MONTH 231 3. MONTH 14 4. QUARTER 5. 6 MONTHS 40 6. YEAR 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4937 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2332:F21c] IS (NE 1); [Q2333:F21d] IS (DK OR RF OR Over Limit OR 0); partial interview
D2336 F21F.DK F21-1 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2336 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F21f. Was it more than $300 per month? ................................................................................ 2 1. YES 3 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 5216 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2332:F21c] IS (NE 1); [Q2333:F21d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview
D2337 F21G.DK F21-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2337 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F21g. More than $1000 per month? ................................................................................ 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2332:F21c] IS (NE 1); [Q2333:F21d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2336:F21f] IS (5); [Q2336:F21f] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview
D2338 F21H.DK F21-3 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2338 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F21h. More than $100 per month? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2332:F21c] IS (NE 1); [Q2333:F21d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2336:F21f] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2337:F21g] IS (A); partial interview
D2340 F22.GROUP MEALS Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2340 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F22. Even if you don't use them now, does the place you live offer any of the following: Group meals? ................................................................................ 171 1. YES 324 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4726 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); partial interview
D2341 F22A.PAY EXTRA Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2341 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F22a. IF YES: Do you pay extra if you use this service? ................................................................................ 100 1. YES 71 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5051 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2340:F22] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2342 F22B.USE IT NOW Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2342 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F22b. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) use it now? ................................................................................ 95 1. YES 76 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5051 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2340:F22] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2344 F23.TRANSPORTATION SERV Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2344 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F23. (Does the place you live offer) Transportation services? ................................................................................ 210 1. YES 285 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4726 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); partial interview
D2345 F23A.PAY EXTRA Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2345 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F23a. IF YES: Do you pay extra if you use this service? ................................................................................ 70 1. YES 135 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5012 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2344:F23] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2346 F23B.USE IT NOW Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2346 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F23b. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) use it now? ................................................................................ 91 1. YES 118 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5012 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2344:F23] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2348 F24.HOUSEKEEPING Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2348 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F24. (Does the place you live offer) Help with housekeeping chores? ................................................................................ 114 1. YES 381 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4726 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); partial interview
D2349 F24A.PAY EXTRA Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2349 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F24a. IF YES: Do you pay extra if you use this service? ................................................................................ 43 1. YES 71 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5108 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2348:F24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2350 F24B.USE IT NOW Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2350 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F24b. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) use it now? ................................................................................ 71 1. YES 43 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5108 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2348:F24] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2352 F25.BATHING,DRESSING Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2352 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F25. (Does the place you live offer) Help with bathing, dressing or eating? ................................................................................ 78 1. YES 416 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4726 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); partial interview
D2353 F25A.PAY EXTRA Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2353 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F25a. IF YES: Do you pay extra if you use this service? ................................................................................ 44 1. YES 33 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5144 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2352:F25] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2354 F25B.USE IT NOW Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2354 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F25b. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) use it now? ................................................................................ 14 1. YES 64 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5144 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2352:F25] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2356 F26.MANAGING MEDICATION Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2356 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F26. (Does the place you live offer) Help in managing medications? ................................................................................ 69 1. YES 421 5. NO 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4728 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); partial interview
D2357 F26A.PAY EXTRA Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2357 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F26a. IF YES: Do you pay extra if you use this service? ................................................................................ 28 1. YES 40 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5153 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2356:F26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2358 F26B.USE IT NOW Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2358 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F26b. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) use it now? ................................................................................ 16 1. YES 53 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5153 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2356:F26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2360 F27. CALL BUTTON Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2360 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F27. (Does the place you live offer) an emergency call button or check on residents? ................................................................................ 300 1. YES 195 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4726 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); partial interview
D2361 F27A.PAY EXTRA Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2361 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F27a. IF YES: Do you pay extra if you have this service? ................................................................................ 21 1. YES 279 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4922 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2360:F27] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2362 F27B.USE IT NOW Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2362 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F27b. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) have it now? ................................................................................ 272 1. YES 28 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4922 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2360:F27] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2364 F28.MONEY MANAGEMENT Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2364 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F28. (Does the place you live offer) help in managing finances? ................................................................................ 23 1. YES 468 5. NO 7. Other 5 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4726 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); partial interview
D2365 F28A.PAY EXTRA Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2365 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F28a. IF YES: (Do you pay extra if you use this service? ................................................................................ 9 1. YES 13 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5199 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2364:F28] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2366 F28B.USE IT NOW Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2366 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F28b. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) use it now? ................................................................................ 4 1. YES 19 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5199 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2364:F28] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2370 F30.NURSING CARE Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2370 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F30. (Does the place you live offer) Nursing care or an on-site nurse? ................................................................................ 106 1. YES 388 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4726 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); partial interview
D2371 F30A.RESIDENT NURSING FACILITY Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2371 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F30a. IF YES: Is there a special resident facility for people who need nursing care? ................................................................................ 71 1. YES 35 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5116 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2370:F30] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2372 F30B.NURSING EXTRA Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2372 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F30b. IF YES: Do you pay extra for the nursing care service? ................................................................................ 59 1. YES 43 5. NO 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5116 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2370:F30] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2374 F30C.USE NURSING NOW Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2374 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F30c. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) use the nursing care service now? ................................................................................ 11 1. YES 95 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5116 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q2370:F30] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2375 F31.CONT LIVING IN Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2375 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F31. If you needed care for an extended period of time, could you continue living in your home, regardless of how much care you needed? ................................................................................ 559 1. YES 209 5. NO 7. Other 34 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4420 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2224:F1] IS (1); [Q2322:F21] IS (5) AND [Q2323:F21a] IS (5); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); partial interview
D2376 F32.STORIES IN HOME Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2376 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F32. IF Q2225 IS (2) Is your house ELSE Is the building your home is in END a single story, two stories, or more than two stories? ................................................................................ 2720 1. SINGLE STORY 1384 2. TWO STORIES 615 3. THREE OR MORE STORIES 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 499 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2225:F2] IS (1); partial interview
D2377 F33.ELEVATOR Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2377 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F33. Does it have an elevator? ................................................................................ 425 1. YES 19 2. [VOL] STAIR LIFT 1555 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 3219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2225:F2] IS (1); [Q2376:F32] IS (1); partial interview
D2378 F33A.ONE FLOOR Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2378 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F33a. Is all your living space on one floor? ................................................................................ 1190 1. YES 808 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 3219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2225:F2] IS (1); [Q2376:F32] IS (1); partial interview
D2379 F33B.BATHROOM ALL FLOORS Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2379 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F34b. Does your house or apartment have bathroom facilities on all floors? ................................................................................ 469 1. YES 339 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 4409 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q2225:F2] IS (1); [Q2376:F32] IS (1); [Q2378:F33a] IS (1); partial interview
D2380 F34A.RAMPS Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2380 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F34a. Does your house or apartment have any of the following special features: ramps at street level? ................................................................................ 567 1. YES 4458 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 191 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); partial interview
D2381 F34B.RAILINGS Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2381 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F34b. (Does it have) special railings to help you get around? ................................................................................ 648 1. YES 4379 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 191 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); partial interview
D2382 F34C.WHEELCHAIR ACCESS Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2382 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F34c. (Does it have) Modifications to allow someone in a wheelchair to move around indoors? ................................................................................ 709 1. YES 4313 5. NO 7. Other 6 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 191 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); partial interview
D2383 F34D.GRAB BARS Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2383 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F34d. (Does it have) Modifications to the bathroom such as grab bars or a shower seat? ................................................................................ 1628 1. YES (Including special toilets, showers, bathtubs) 3398 5. NO 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 191 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); partial interview
D2384 F34E.CALL DEVICE Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2384 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F34e. (Does it have) A special call device or system to get help when you need it? ................................................................................ 596 1. YES 4430 5. NO 1 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 191 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); partial interview
D2385 F35.OWN KITCHEN Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2385 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F35. Do you have your own kitchen? ................................................................................ 312 1. YES 79 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4830 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q441:CS36c] IS (5); partial interview
D2386 F36.NUMBER ROOMS Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2386 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 F36. How many rooms are there in your house or apartment (not counting bathrooms, hallways, or unfinished basements)? NUMBER OF ROOMS: ................................................................................ 390 1-96. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 97. Other 1 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 99. RF (refused) 4830 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q441:CS36c] IS (5); partial interview
D2387 F37.RATE HOME Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2387 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F37. How about the physical condition of your house or apartment, would you say it is in excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor condition? ................................................................................ 1098 1. EXCELLENT 1698 2. VERY GOOD 1517 3. GOOD 584 4. FAIR 129 5. POOR 1 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 192 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); partial interview
D2394 F38. MAKE ACCESSIBLE Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2394 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F38. If you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) had a serious health problem that limited your ability to get around, how easy or difficult would it be to make changes in the layout of your home so you could continue to live there? Would it be very easy, fairly easy, fairly difficult, or very difficult? ................................................................................ 126 1. VERY EASY 131 2. FAIRLY EASY 40 3. FAIRLY DIFFICULT 41 4. VERY DIFFICULT 39 6. [VOL] NO CHANGES NEEDED/ALREADY HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE 7. Other 4 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 4839 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); [Q441:CS36c] IS (5); partial interview
D2395 F39.SAFETY NEIGHBORHOOD Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2395 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F39. Would you say the safety of your neighborhood is excellent, very good, good, fair or poor? ................................................................................ 1123 1. EXCELLENT 1604 2. VERY GOOD 1527 3. GOOD 546 4. FAIR 157 5. POOR 7. Other 13 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 9. RF (refused) 250 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q240:CS11] IS (1); partial interview
D2396 F40.2ND HOME STARTS Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2396 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F40. Now about your other home, the one in [Q440-CS36b.ASSIGN 2ND RESIDENCE]. User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D2407 F41.LIVE FARM OR RANCH-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2407 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F41. Is it on a farm or ranch? ................................................................................ 10 1. YES 216 5. NO 9 6. R does not have second home 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9. RF (refused) 4985 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); partial interview
D2408 F42.TYPE HOME-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2408 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F42. Is your other home a mobile home, a one family house, a two family house (duplex), an apartment, townhouse, or what? ................................................................................ 52 1. MOBILE HOME 94 2. ONE-FAMILY HOUSE 7 3. TWO-FAMILY HOUSE/DUPLEX 40 4. APARTMENT/TOWNHOUSE 29 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 4995 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2407:F41] IS (1); partial interview
D2409 F43.OWN-RENT HOME-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2409 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F43. Do you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) own that home, rent it, or what? ................................................................................ 97 1. OWN (OR BUYING) 24 2. RENT 43 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 3 9. RF (refused) 5054 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2407:F41] IS (1); [Q2408:F42] IS (1); partial interview
D2410 F43A.OWN BUILDING-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2410 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F43a. Do you own the entire building or just your unit? ................................................................................ 3 1. ENTIRE BUILDING 29 2. JUST R'S UNIT 1 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5187 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2407:F41] IS (1); [Q2408:F42] IS (1); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2408:F42] IS (2); partial interview
D2411 F43C.PREAMBLE OWN BUILDING-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2411 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F43c. The following questions refer to IF Q2410 IS (1) the entire property. ELSE your unit only. END User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D2412 F44.OWN FARM-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2412 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F44. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) own this (farm/ranch), do you own part of it, do you rent it, or what? ................................................................................ 7 1. OWNS ALL 1 2. OWNS PART 3. RENTS 2 7. Other 2 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5210 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2408:F42] IS (1); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2408:F42] IS (2); [Q2407:F41] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2413 F44A.FARM PERCENT OWN-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2413 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 F44a. Now I'd like to ask about the part of the property that you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) personally own. About what percent of the total property is that? PERCENT: ................................................................................ 1 1-100. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2408:F42] IS (1); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2408:F42] IS (2); [Q2407:F41] IS (NE 1); [Q2412:F44] IS (1); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2414 F44B.FARM OWN HOUSE-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2414 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F44b. Do you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) own the house and the immediately surrounding land? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2408:F42] IS (1); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2408:F42] IS (2); [Q2407:F41] IS (NE 1); [Q2412:F44] IS (1); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2415 F44C.FARM HOUSE PAY RENT-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2415 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F44c. Do you pay any rent on this house, or what? ................................................................................ 1. YES, PAY RENT 5. NO, OTHER 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2408:F42] IS (1); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2408:F42] IS (2); [Q2407:F41] IS (NE 1); [Q2412:F44] IS (1); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2414:F44b] IS (1); partial interview
D2416 F44D.INTRO FARM-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2416 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F44d. IF Q2412 IS (2) AND Q2414 IS (5 OR DK OR RF) The following questions refer to the part of the farm that you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) personally own. ELSE The following questions refer to your house and the immediately surrounding land. END User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D2417 F45.OWN MOBILE HOME AND SITE-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2417 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 F45. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) own both the mobile home and site, do you own only the home, do you rent both the home and site, or what? ................................................................................ 14 1. OWNS BOTH HOME & SITE 2. OWNS ONLY SITE 31 3. OWNS ONLY HOME 1 4. RENTS BOTH 1 7. NEITHER OWNS NOR RENTS 97. Other 5 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5170 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2408:F42] IS (2); [Q2407:F41] IS (NE 1); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2408:F42] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2418 F45A.INTRO MOBILE HOME OR SITE-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2418 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F45a. IF Q2417 IS (3) The following questions refer to your mobile home only. ELSE Q2417 IS (2) The following questions refer to your mobile home site only. ELSE The following questions refer to your mobile home and site. END User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D2430 F46A.YEAR ACQUIRE 2ND HOME Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2430 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 F46a. In what year did you acquire it? ................................................................................ 154 1900-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 1 9997. Other 3 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999. RF (refused) 5064 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2431 F46B.OWN ALL,TIMESHARE-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2431 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F46b. Do you own all of it, part of it, or timeshares in it? ................................................................................ 149 1. ALL 8 2. PART 3. TIMESHARE 1 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5064 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2432 F46C.PERCENT OWN 2ND HOME Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2432 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 F46c. What percent do you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) own? PERCENT: ................................................................................ 8 0-100. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 1 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5213 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2431:F46b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q2431:F46b] IS (3); partial interview
D2433 F46D.WEEKS OF TIMESHARE-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2433 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 F46d. How many weeks of timeshares do you (and your husband/and your wife/and your partner) have? ................................................................................ 0. None 1-52. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2431:F46b] IS (1 OR DK OR RF); [Q2431:F46b] IS (NE 3); partial interview
D2434 F46E.PURCHASE PRICE 2ND HOME Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2434 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 F46e. What was the purchase price? IF OWNS PART OR TIMESHARES, ASK PURCHASE PRICE OF R'S SHARE. IF R SAYS GIFT OR INHERITANCE, ASK VALUE WHEN RECEIVED. 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 141 0-99999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 1 99999997. Other 14 99999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 2 99999999. RF (refused) 5064 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2435 F46F.$ VALUE 2ND HOME Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2435 Type: Numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 F46f. IF Q2431 IS (1 OR DK OR RF) What is its present value ELSE What is the present value of your part of it? END I mean, about what would it bring if it were sold today? DO NOT PROBE DK 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 131 0-99999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 1 99999997. Other 25 99999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 99999999. RF (refused) 5064 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2436 F46G.F46F DK.1-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2436 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F46g. Is it more than $50,000? ................................................................................ 9 1. YES 14 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5196 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2435:F46f] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview
D2437 F46H.F46F DK.2-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2437 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F46h. $150,000 or more? ................................................................................ 3 1. YES 6 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5213 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2435:F46f] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2436:F46g] IS (5); [Q2436:F46g] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview
D2438 F46J.F46F DK.3-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2438 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F46j. $500,000 or more? ................................................................................ 2 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5219 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2435:F46f] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2436:F46g] IS (5); [Q2436:F46g] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2437:F46h] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2439 F46K.F46F DK.4-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2439 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F46k. $1,500 or more? ................................................................................ 11 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5208 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2435:F46f] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2436:F46g] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2437:F46h] IS (NE 1); [Q2438:F46j] IS (A); partial interview
D2440M1 F47.HOME MORTGAGE-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2440 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F47. Do you have a mortgage, land contract, second mortgage, or any other loan that uses the property as collateral? Please do not include home equity lines of credit. IF R SAYS THEY REFINANCED THE MORTGAGE,TREAT IT AS A MORTGAGE. CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. User note: Up to seven responses were allowed for this question, the actual maximum number of responses was one. ................................................................................ 13 1. YES, MORTGAGE/LAND CONRACT 2. YES, 2ND MORTGAGE 3. YES, OTHER LOANS 145 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5064 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2441 F47A.$ PAYMENT ON MORTGAGE-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2441 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F47a. About how much are the payments on the (first) mortgage or land contract? AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 13 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5209 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2442 F47B.MORTGAGE PER-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2442 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1 1. WEEK 2. 2 X MONTH 12 3. MONTH 4. QUARTER 5. 6 MONTHS 6. YEAR 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5209 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 1); [Q2441:F47a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview
D2444 F47C.MORTGAGE INCLUDE TAX-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2444 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F47c. Do the payments include property taxes or insurance? (Which?) ................................................................................ 2 1. TAXES ONLY 2. INSURANCE ONLY 3 3. BOTH 8 5. NO, NEITHER 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5209 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2445 F47D.$ OWN ON MORTGAGE-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2445 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F47d. About how much do you still owe on the mortgage or land contract? DO NOT PROBE DK 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 12 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 1 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5209 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2446 F47E. F47E DK.1-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2446 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F47e. Is it more than $20,000? ................................................................................ 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 1); [Q2445:F47d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview
D2447 F47F. F47E DK.2-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2447 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F47f. $100,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 1); [Q2445:F47d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2446:F47e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2446:F47e] IS (5); partial interview
D2448 F47F. F47E DK.2-3 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2448 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F47f. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5221 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 1); [Q2445:F47d] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2446:F47e] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2447:F47f] IS (A); partial interview
D2449 F49A.$ PAYMENT 2ND MORTGAGE-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2449 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F49a. About how much are the payments on that second mortgage? 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 2); partial interview
D2450 F49B.F49A.PER-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2450 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. WEEK 2. 2 X MONTH 3. MONTH 4. QUARTER 5. 6 MONTHS 6. YEAR 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 2); [Q2449:F49a] IS (DK OR RF OR Over Limit OR 0); partial interview
D2452 F49C.$ OWN ON 2ND MORTGAGE-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2452 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F49c. About how much do you still owe on that second mortgage? DO NOT PROBE DK 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 2); partial interview
D2453 F49D. DK.1-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2453 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F49d. Is it more than $20,000? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 2); [Q2452:F49c] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview
D2454 F49E. DK.2-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2454 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F49e. $100,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 2); [Q2452:F49c] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2453:F49d] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2453:F49d] IS (5); partial interview
D2455 F49F. DK.3-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2455 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F49f. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 2); [Q2452:F49c] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2453:F49d] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2454:F49e] IS (A); partial interview
D2456 F50.$ PAYMENT OTHER LOAN-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2456 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F50. About how much are the payments on that (other) loan? 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: PER: ................................................................................ 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 3); partial interview
D2457 F50A.F50 PER-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2457 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. WEEK 2. 2 X MONTH 3. MONTH 4. QUARTER 5. 6 MONTHS 6. YEAR 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 3); [Q2456:F50] IS (DK OR RF OR Over Limit OR 0); partial interview
D2459 F50B. $ OWE ON LOAN-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2459 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F50b. About how much do you still owe on that loan? DO NOT PROBE DK 0 NOTHING ALT-O OTHER OR OUT OF RANGE AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 3); partial interview
D2460 F50C.DK.1-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2460 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F50c. Is it more than $20,000? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 3); [Q2459:F50b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview
D2461 F50D.DK.2-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2461 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F50d. $100,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 3); [Q2459:F50b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2460:F50c] IS (5); [Q2460:F50c] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview
D2462 F50E.DK.3-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2462 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F50e. $5,000 or more? ................................................................................ 1. YES 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2440:F47] IS (NE 3); [Q2459:F50b] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2460:F50c] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2461:F50d] IS (A); partial interview
D2463 F51.HOME EQUITY CREDIT-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2463 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F51. Do you (or your husband/or your wife/or your partner) have a home equity line of credit? D EF: A HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT IS A LINE OF CREDIT OBTAINED BY USING THE EQUITY IN ONE'S HOME AS SECURITY. ................................................................................ 2 1. YES 156 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5064 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2464 F51A.$ COULD BORROW-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2464 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F51a. What is the maximum amount you could borrow on this line of credit? 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 1 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 1 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2463:F51] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2465 F51B.EQUITY LOAN NOW-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2465 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F51b. Do you currently have a loan against this line of credit? ................................................................................ 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2463:F51] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2466 F51C.$ OWED EQUITY LOAD-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2466 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F51c. About how much is currently owed? 0 NOTHING AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9999997. Other 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2463:F51] IS (NE 1); [Q2465:F51b] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2476 F52.OTHER NAME ON DEED-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2476 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F52. Does the deed have anyone's name on it besides yours (or your husband's/or your wife's/or your partner's)? ................................................................................ 37 1. YES 121 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5064 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2477 F52A.RELATION DEED-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2477 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 F52a. What is that person's relationship to you? ................................................................................ 23 1. CHILD 1 2. CHILD-IN-LAW 2 3. GRANDCHILD 4. PARENT 9 5. OTHER RELATIVE 6. OTHER PERSON 2 7. GROUP OR INSTITUTION 97. Other 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5185 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2476:F52] IS (NE 1); partial interview
D2478 F52B.WHICH CHILD DEED-21 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2478 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 F52b. IF Q2477 IS (1) Which child is that? ELSE Q2477 IS (2) Which of your children is married to (him/her)? ELSE Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild? END User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). ................................................................................ 010. DECEASED CHILD 4 011. ALL MY CHILDREN 3 041-083. Other Person Number 16 101-995. Other Person Number 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5199 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2476:F52] IS (NE 1); [Q2477:F52a] IS (NE 1 AND NE 2); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); partial interview
D2479 F52B.WHICH CHILD DEED-22 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2479 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 F52b. IF Q2477 IS (1) Which child is that? ELSE Q2477 IS (2) Which of your children is married to (him/her)? ELSE Which of your children is the parent of that grandchild? END User note: This question asked only of second household (Q203=2). ................................................................................ 010. DECEASED CHILD 011. ALL MY CHILDREN 041-083. Other Person Number 101-995. Other Person Number 997. Other 998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 999. RF (refused) 5222 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2476:F52] IS (NE 1); [Q2477:F52a] IS (NE 1 AND NE 2); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1); partial interview
D2480 F53.REAL ESTATE TAX-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2480 Type: Numeric Width: 7 Decimals: 0 F53. What were the real estate taxes in (1994/1995) on this home? DO NOT PROBE DK 0 NOTHING ALT-O CANNOT SAY BECAUSE INCLUDED IN MORTGAGE OR FEES AMOUNT: ................................................................................ 134 0-9999996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 1 9999997. Other 23 9999998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9999999. RF (refused) 5064 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); partial interview
D2481 F53A.DK.1-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2481 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F53a. Was it more than $3,000? ................................................................................ 2 1. YES 18 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5199 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2480:F53] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); partial interview
D2482 F53B.DK.2-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2482 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F53b. More than $500? ................................................................................ 13 1. YES 5 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5204 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2480:F53] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2481:F53a] IS (1); [Q2481:F53a] IS (DK OR RF); partial interview
D2483 F53C.DK.3-2 Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2483 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F53c. More than $10,000? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 1 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4); [Q2417:F45] IS (7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2480:F53] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2481:F53a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2482:F53b] IS (A); partial interview
D2586 F80.TO BE MAIN RESID Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2586 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 F80. Do you think of it as a place that will eventually be your main residence? ................................................................................ 1. YES 2 5. NO 7. OTHER (Specify) 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5220 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (NE 2); [Q2409:F43] IS (2 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2412:F44] IS (3 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2417:F45] IS (4 OR 7 OR DK OR RF); [Q2480:F53] IS (NE DK AND NE RF); [Q2481:F53a] IS (DK OR RF); [Q2482:F53b] IS (A); partial interview
D2588 ASSIST SEC F Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q2588 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 FASSIST INTERVIEWER: HOW OFTEN DID R RECEIVE ASSISTANCE WITH ANSWERS IN SECTION F - HOUSING? ................................................................................ 4694 1. NEVER 236 2. A FEW TIMES 101 3. MOST OR ALL OF THE TIME 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 191 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2); [Q240:CS11] IS (1) AND [Q420:CS26] IS (NE 1); partial interview
DVERSION 1995 DATA RELEASE VERSION Section: F Level: Household CAI Reference: Q20101 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. Version 1, December 1999 5222 2. Version 2, May 2002
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