HHID      HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER                      
          Section: CS           Level: Household       CAI Reference: Q9100
          Type: Character       Width: 6               Decimals: 0
           5222       200001-208898. Household Identifier range

DSUBHH 1995 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9104 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: The range 10-49 is reserved for respondent person numbers. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 5211 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners 6 1. Split household - one half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any 5 2. Split household - other half of couple from SUBHH 0 and new spouse or partner, if any Blank. New cohort - DSUBHH does not exist
BSUBHH 1993 SUB-HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9102 Type: Character Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 5222 0. Original sample household - no split from divorce or separation of spouses or partners Blank. New cohort - BSUBHH does not exist
DPN_CS 1995 COVERSHEET RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9141 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who provided the 1995 coversheet information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 4043 010. Person Number 1 011. Person Number 1165 020. Person Number 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 13 Blank. No coversheet respondent
DPN_FAM 1995 FAMILY RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9142 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who provided the 1995 family information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 4056 010. Person Number 1 011. Person Number 1148 020. Person Number 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 17 Blank. No family respondent
DPN_FIN 1995 FINANCIAL RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9143 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who provided the 1995 financial information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 4216 010. Person Number 1 011. Person Number 984 020. Person Number 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 21 Blank. No financial respondent
DPN_NCS 1995 NON-COVERSHEET RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9151 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who did not provide the 1995 coversheet information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 887 010. Person Number 12 011. Person Number 918 020. Person Number 1 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 3404 Blank. No spouse/partner; no non-coversheet respondent
DPN_NFAM 1995 NON-FAMILY RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9152 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who did not provide the 1995 family information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 874 010. Person Number 12 011. Person Number 935 020. Person Number 1 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 3400 Blank. No spouse/partner; no non-family respondent
DPN_NFIN 1995 NON-FINANCIAL RESP PERSON NUMBER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9153 Type: Character Width: 3 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the person number of the respondent who did not provide the 1995 financial information. Respondent person numbers ending in 0 are generally from the original sample; respondent person numbers ending in 1 are generally new spouses added since the original sample. ................................................................................ 714 010. Person Number 12 011. Person Number 1099 020. Person Number 1 021. Person Number 030. Person Number 031. Person Number 032. Person Number 040. Person Number 041. Person Number 3396 Blank. No spouse/partner; no non-financial respondent
DQNR_CS 1995 QUESTIONNAIRE - COVERSHEET RESP Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9171 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the questionnaire number of the respondent who did not provide the 1998 coversheet information for the household. ................................................................................ 5209 00001-07807. Questionnaire number range 13 Blank. No coversheet respondent
DQNR_FAM 1995 QUESTIONNAIRE - FAMILY RESP Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9172 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the questionnaire number of the respondent who did not provide the 1998 family information for the household. ................................................................................ 5205 00001-07807. Questionnaire number range 17 Blank. No family respondent
DQNR_FIN 1995 QUESTIONNAIRE - FINANCIAL RESP Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q9173 Type: Character Width: 5 Decimals: 0 User note: This is the questionnaire number of the respondent who did not provide the 1998 financial information for the household. ................................................................................ 5201 00001-07807. Questionnaire number range 21 Blank. No financial respondent
D224 CS3.INTRO Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q224 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS3. First we need to update our records. As of (Wave 1 Interview Month- Year), when we talked with you, they show that you, IF Q203 IS (1) AND Q204 IS (1 OR 2) [Display Q23 for Q21(in Q197)], were married. ELSE Q203 IS (2) AND Q204 IS (1 OR 2) [Display Q64 for Q62(in Q197)], were married. ELSE Q203 IS (1) AND Q204 IS (3) [Display Q23 for Q21(in Q197)], were living with a partner as if married. ELSE Q203 IS (2) AND Q204 IS (3) [Display Q64 for Q62(in Q197)], were living with a partner as if married. ELSE Q203 IS (1) [Display Q23 for Q21(in Q197)], were not married or living with a partner. ELSE [Display Q64 for Q62(in Q197)], were not married or living with a partner. END User note: This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D226 CS4.R SAME SP/P Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q226 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS4. IF Q203 IS (1) Is [Display Q23 for Q21(in Q205)] still your (husband/wife/partner)? ELSE Is [Display Q64 for Q62(in Q205)] still your (husband/wife/partner)? END ................................................................................ 1858 1. YES, AND SP/PARTNER IS LIVING 341 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 3023 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q204:PRELOAD MAR STAT] IS (NE 1-3)
D227 CS5.SP/P ALIVE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q227 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS5. IF Q203 IS (1) (Is [Display Q23 for Q21(in Q205)] still alive?) ELSE (Is [Display Q64 for Q62(in Q205)] still alive?) END ................................................................................ 13 1. YES 328 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4881 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q204:PRELOAD MAR STAT] IS (NE 1-3); [Q226:CS4] IS (1)
D228 CS6.MO/YR SEPARATE/DIE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q228 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CS6. IF Q227 IS (1) In what month and year did you stop living together? ELSE In what month and year did (he/she) die? END MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 40 1. JAN 23 2. FEB 22 3. MAR 27 4. APR 28 5. MAY 28 6. JUN 19 7. JUL 23 8. AUG 18 9. SEP 39 10. OCT 31 11. NOV 40 12. DEC 97. Other 2 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 99. RF (refused) 4881 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q204:PRELOAD MAR STAT] IS (NE 1-3); [Q226:CS4] IS (1)
D229 CS6A.YEAR SEPARATE/DIE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q229 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 339 1900-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 9997. Other 1 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 1 9999. RF (refused) 4881 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q204:PRELOAD MAR STAT] IS (NE 1-3); [Q226:CS4] IS (1)
D230 CS7.W1 COUPLE NEW SP Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q230 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS7. Are you married (to someone else)? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 340 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4881 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q204:PRELOAD MAR STAT] IS (NE 1-3); [Q226:CS4] IS (1)
D231 CS8.W1 COUPLE PARTNER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q231 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS8. Are you living with (a/another) partner as if married? ................................................................................ 1 1. YES 339 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4882 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q204:PRELOAD MAR STAT] IS (NE 1-3); [Q226:CS4] IS (1); [Q230:CS7] IS (1)
D233 CS9.W1 ONLY NEW SP Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q233 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS9. Are you now married? ................................................................................ 26 1. YES 2983 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 2213 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q226:CS4] IS (1); [Q230:CS7] IS (1); [Q204:PRELOAD MAR STAT] IS (1-3) OR [Q217:CS1] IS (5 OR DK OR RF)
D234 CS10.W1 ONLY NEW PARTNER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q234 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS10. Are you living with a partner as if married? ................................................................................ 12 1. YES 2971 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 2239 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q226:CS4] IS (1); [Q230:CS7] IS (1); [Q204:PRELOAD MAR STAT] IS (1-3) OR [Q217:CS1] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q233:CS9] IS (1)
D241 CS12.COUPLE LIVE TOGETHER Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q241 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS12. Are you and your (new) (husband/wife/partner) living IF Q240 IS (1) in the same (nursing home/health care facility)? ELSE together in a house or apartment? END INTERVIEWER: THIS QUESTION IS TO TELL WHETHER R'S SPOUSE/PARTNER IS ALSO LIVING IN THE DWELLING OR INSTITUTION WHERE R LIVES. ................................................................................ 1818 1. YES 75 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 3326 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q226:CS4] IS (5) AND [Q230:CS7] IS (5) AND [Q231:CS8] IS (5); [Q233:CS9] IS (5) AND [Q234:CS10] IS (5)
D244 CS14.MO/YR STOP LIVE TOGETHER/DIE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q244 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CS14. In what month and year did you stop living together? MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 13 1. JAN 4 2. FEB 5 3. MAR 5 4. APR 1 5. MAY 6 6. JUN 4 7. JUL 7 8. AUG 2 9. SEP 9 10. OCT 7 11. NOV 8 12. DEC 97. Other 6 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5145 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q226:CS4] IS (5) AND [Q230:CS7] IS (5) AND [Q231:CS8] IS (5); [Q233:CS9] IS (5) AND [Q234:CS10] IS (5); [Q241:CS12] IS (1)
D245 CS14A.YEAR STOP LIVE TOGETHER/DIE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q245 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 74 1900-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 3 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 5145 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q226:CS4] IS (5) AND [Q230:CS7] IS (5) AND [Q231:CS8] IS (5); [Q233:CS9] IS (5) AND [Q234:CS10] IS (5); [Q241:CS12] IS (1)
D246 CS13.SP/P WHERE LIVE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q246 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS13. Is your (new) (husband/wife/partner) living in a nursing home or other health care facility? DEFINITION: A NURSING HOME PROVIDES ALL OF THE FOLLOWING SERVICES FOR ITS RESIDENTS: DISPENSING OF MEDICATION, 24-HOUR NURSING ASSISTANCE AND SUPERVISION, PERSONAL ASSISTANCE, AND ROOM & MEALS. ................................................................................ 43 1. YES 31 5. NO 7. Other 3 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5145 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q226:CS4] IS (5) AND [Q230:CS7] IS (5) AND [Q231:CS8] IS (5); [Q233:CS9] IS (5) AND [Q234:CS10] IS (5); [Q241:CS12] IS (1)
D247 CS15.MO/YR ST LIVE W/NEW SP/P Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q247 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CS15. In what month and year did you and your (new) (husband/wife/partner) start living together? MONTH: YEAR: ................................................................................ 4 1. JAN 1 2. FEB 3 3. MAR 2 4. APR 1 5. MAY 3 6. JUN 2 7. JUL 2 8. AUG 5 9. SEP 10. OCT 4 11. NOV 2 12. DEC 97. Other 3 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5190 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q226:CS4] IS (5) AND [Q230:CS7] IS (5) AND [Q231:CS8] IS (5); [Q233:CS9] IS (5) AND [Q234:CS10] IS (5); [Q241:CS12] IS (NE 1) OR ([Q230:CS7] IS (NE 1) AND [Q233:CS9] IS (NE 1) AND [Q231:CS8] IS (NE 1) AND [Q234:CS10] IS (NE 1))
D248 CS15A.YEAR ST LIVE W/NEW SP/P Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q248 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 29 1900-1996. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 3 9998. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 5190 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q226:CS4] IS (5) AND [Q230:CS7] IS (5) AND [Q231:CS8] IS (5); [Q233:CS9] IS (5) AND [Q234:CS10] IS (5); [Q241:CS12] IS (NE 1) OR ([Q230:CS7] IS (NE 1) AND [Q233:CS9] IS (NE 1) AND [Q231:CS8] IS (NE 1) AND [Q234:CS10] IS (NE 1))
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q210:R SEX] IS (1) then [D290.SEX OF NEW SPOUSE] = 2 * if [Q210:R SEX] IS (2) then [D290.SEX OF NEW SPOUSE] = 1 * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [D290.SEX OF NEW SPOUSE] = 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D290 SEX OF NEW SPOUSE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q290 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q26. ................................................................................ 1 0. Unknown 21 1. Male 15 2. Female 5185 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q263:NEW SP] IS (NE 1)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [D310.NEW SP W1 INTERV] = value of [Q22] {When [Q21:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH])} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D310 NEW SP W1 INTERV Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q310 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). This value was used to update Q63. ................................................................................ 6 0. NEW SP 5 1. REINTERVIEW 5. REFUSED SP 5211 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); [Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH] IS (0); {In [Q30:HH1 R WHICH HOUSEHOLD] iteration [Q21:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH])} is (NE 2)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [D313.OLD SP BIRTH YEAR] = value of [Q25] {When [Q21:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH])} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D313 OLD SP BIRTH YEAR Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q313 Type: Numeric Width: 4 Decimals: 0 User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). This value was used to update Q66. ................................................................................ 6 0. NEW SP 5 1890-1995. Actual value 5211 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); [Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH] IS (0); {In [Q30:HH1 R WHICH HOUSEHOLD] iteration [Q21:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH])} is (NE 2)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [D314.OLD SP SEX] = value of [Q26] {When [Q21:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH])} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D314 OLD SP SEX Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q314 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). This value was used to update Q67. ................................................................................ 1. MALE 6 2. FEMALE 5216 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); [Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH] IS (0); {In [Q30:HH1 R WHICH HOUSEHOLD] iteration [Q21:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH])} is (NE 2)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [D315.OLD SP MARITAL STAT] = value of [Q27] {When [Q21:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH])} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D315 OLD SP MARITAL STAT Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q315 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). This value was used to update Q68. ................................................................................ 4 1. MARRIED 2. MARRIED SP ABSENT 1 3. LIVING WITH PARTNER 4. DIVORCED/SEPARATED 5. WIDOWED 6. NEVER MARRIED 7. DIED 5217 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); [Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH] IS (0); {In [Q30:HH1 R WHICH HOUSEHOLD] iteration [Q21:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH])} is (NE 2)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [D316.NEW SP FAM/NON V105] = 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D316 NEW SP FAM/NON V105 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q316 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). This value was used to update Q69. ................................................................................ 11 1. FAMILY 2. NON-FAMILY 3. ONLY R 5211 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); [Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH] IS (0); {In [Q30:HH1 R WHICH HOUSEHOLD] iteration [Q21:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH])} is (NE 2)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [D317.OLD SP FIN/NON V106] = 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D317 OLD SP FIN/NON V106 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q317 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). This value was used to update Q70. ................................................................................ 11 2. FINANCIAL R 3. NON FINANCIAL R 5211 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); [Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH] IS (0); {In [Q30:HH1 R WHICH HOUSEHOLD] iteration [Q21:HH1 R INDEX] is ([Q205:WHICH SP IS IN THE HH])} is (NE 2)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q226:CS4] IS (1) then [D341.R FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE - UPDATED] = value of [Q212:R W1 FAMFIN] * if [Q233:CS9] IS (5) AND [Q234:CS10] IS (5) then [D341.R FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE - UPDATED] = value of [Q212:R W1 FAMFIN] * if [Q226:CS4] IS (5) AND [Q230:CS7] IS (5) AND [Q231:CS8] IS (5) then [D341.R FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE - UPDATED] = 3 * if [Q230:CS7] IS (1) OR [Q231:CS8] IS (1) OR [Q233:CS9] IS (1) OR [Q234:CS10] IS (1) then [D341.R FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE - UPDATED] = 3 * if [Q227:CS5] IS (5) then [D341.R FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE - UPDATED] = 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D341 R FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE - UPDATED Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q341 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was updated by Q347. ................................................................................ 4 0. Information not available 437 1. FINANCIAL R 487 2. FAMILY R 4040 3. FIN & FAM R 241 4. NON-FIN & NON-FAM R 13 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q226:CS4] IS (1) then [D342.SP FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE - UPDATED] = value of [Q213:SP W1 FAMFIN] * if [Q233:CS9] IS (5) AND [Q234:CS10] IS (5) then [D342.SP FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE - UPDATED] = 0 * if [Q226:CS4] IS (5) AND [Q230:CS7] IS (5) AND [Q231:CS8] IS (5) then [D342.SP FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE - UPDATED] = 0 * if [Q230:CS7] IS (1) OR [Q231:CS8] IS (1) OR [Q233:CS9] IS (1) OR [Q234:CS10] IS (1) then [D342.SP FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE - UPDATED] = 4 * if [Q227:CS5] IS (5) then [D342.SP FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE - UPDATED] = 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D342 SP FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE - UPDATED Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q342 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was updated by Q348. ................................................................................ 3325 0. Information not available 483 1. FINANCIAL R 442 2. FAMILY R 243 3. FIN & FAM R 716 4. NON-FIN & NON-FAM R 13 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1)
D345 CS20.W2 R TYPE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q345 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS20. IF Q203 IS (1) IN WAVE 1 IW, [Display Q23 for Q21(in Q197)] WAS THE [Q212-R W1 FAM/FIN] FOR WAVE2 IW, [Display Q23 for Q21(in Q197)] IS THE: [Q341-R FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE] ELSE IN WAVE 1 IW, [Display Q64 for Q62(in Q197)] WAS THE [Q212-R W1 FAM/FIN] FOR WAVE2 IW, [Display Q64 for Q62(in Q197)] IS THE: [Q341-R FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE] END IF Q258 IS (NE0) AND Q226 IS (NE1) AND (Q230 IS (1) OR Q231 IS (1) OR Q233 IS (1) OR Q234 IS (1)) IF Q203 IS (1) FOR WAVE2 IW, [Display Q23 for Q21(in Q258)] IS THE: [Q342-SP FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE] ELSE FOR WAVE2 IW,[Display Q64 for Q62(in Q258)] IS THE: [Q342-SP FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE] END END IF Q258 IS (NE0) AND Q226 IS (1) IF Q203 IS (1) IN WAVE 1 IW, [Display Q23 for Q21(in Q258)] WAS THE [Q213-SP W1 FAM/FIN] FOR WAVE2 IW, [Display Q23 for Q21(in Q258)] IS THE: [Q342-SP FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE] ELSE IN WAVE 1 IW, [Display Q64 for Q62(in Q258)] WAS THE [Q213-SP W1 FAM/FIN] FOR WAVE2 IW, [Display Q64 for Q62(in Q258)] IS THE: [Q342-SP FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE] END END INTERVIEWER: DO YOU NEED TO CHANGE THIS ASSIGNMENT? ................................................................................ 100 1. YES, CHANGE ASSIGNMENTS 5109 5. NO, LEAVE ASSIGNMENT AS STATED 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 13 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1)
D347 CS21. R TYPE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q347 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 IF Q203 IS (1) ASSIGNED CHOICES: [Display Q23 for Q21(in Q197)] AS [Q341-R FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE] ELSE ASSIGNED CHOICES: [Display Q64 for Q62(in Q197)] AS [Q341-R FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE] END IF Q258 IS (NE0) IF Q203 IS (1) [Display Q23 for Q21(in Q258)] AS [Q342-SP FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE] ELSE [Display Q64 for Q62(in Q258)] AS [Q342-SP FAMILY/FINANCIAL TYPE] END END CS21. IF Q203 IS (1) INTERVIEW [Display Q23 for Q21(in Q197)] AS: ELSE INTERVIEW [Display Q64 for Q62(in Q197)] AS: END TYPE: PRESS F3 TO CHANGE R TYPE SELECTION CS22. IF Q258 IS (NE0) IF Q203 IS (1) INTERVIEW [Display Q23 for Q21(in Q258)] AS: ELSE INTERVIEW [Display Q64 for Q62(in Q258)] AS: END ELSE NO SPOUSE -- IS ASSIGNED END TYPE: PRESS F3 TO CHANGE R TYPE SELECTION User note: This value was used to update Q341. ................................................................................ 2 0. Information not available 13 1. FINANCIAL R 9 2. FAMILY R 67 3. FIN & FAM R 9 4. NON-FIN & NON-FAM R 5122 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q345:CS20] IS (NE 1)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q258:CURRENT SP] IS (0) then [D348.CS22. SP TYPE] = 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D348 CS22. SP TYPE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q348 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q342. ................................................................................ 3 0. Information not available 9 1. FINANCIAL R 13 2. FAMILY R 8 3. FIN & FAM R 67 4. NON-FIN & NON-FAM R 5122 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q345:CS20] IS (NE 1)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q341:R FAMILY-FINANCIAL TYPE] IS (2 OR 3) then [D352.R FAM VALUE] = 1 * if [Q341:R FAMILY-FINANCIAL TYPE] IS (1 OR 4) then [D352.R FAM VALUE] = 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D352 R FAM VALUE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q352 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q28. ................................................................................ 4527 1. Family R 678 2. Non-family R 17 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q341:R FAMILY-FINANCIAL TYPE] IS (0)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q341:R FAMILY-FINANCIAL TYPE] IS (1 OR 3) then [D353.R FIN VALUE] = 2 * if [Q341:R FAMILY-FINANCIAL TYPE] IS (2 OR 4) then [D353.R FIN VALUE] = 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D353 R FIN VALUE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q353 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q29. ................................................................................ 4477 2. Financial R 728 3. Non-financial R 17 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q341:R FAMILY-FINANCIAL TYPE] IS (0)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q342:SP FAMILY-FINANCIAL TYPE] IS (2 OR 3) then [D356.SP FAM VALUE] = 1 * if [Q342:SP FAMILY-FINANCIAL TYPE] IS (1 OR 4) then [D356.SP FAM VALUE] = 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D356 SP FAM VALUE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q356 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q28. ................................................................................ 685 1. Family R 1199 2. Non-family R 3338 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q342:SP FAMILY-FINANCIAL TYPE] IS (0)
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q342:SP FAMILY-FINANCIAL TYPE] IS (1 OR 3) then [D357.SP FIN VALUE] = 2 * if [Q342:SP FAMILY-FINANCIAL TYPE] IS (2 OR 4) then [D357.SP FIN VALUE] = 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D357 SP FIN VALUE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q357 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 User note: This value was used to update Q29. ................................................................................ 726 2. Financial R 1158 3. Non-financial R 3338 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q342:SP FAMILY-FINANCIAL TYPE] IS (0)
D422 CS27. SAME RESIDENCE #1 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q422 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS27. Our records show that in (Wave 1 Interview Month-Year), (your house or apartment/one of your houses or apartments) was in ((HH1 1st Address- City)/(HH1 1st Address-City)), ((HH1 1st Address-State)/(HH1 1st Address- State)). IF Q240 IS (1) Do you still have the same house or apartment in ((HH1 1st Address-City)/(HH1 1st Address-City))? ELSE Are you still living, all year or part of the year, in that same house or apartment in ((HH1 1st Address-City)/(HH1 1st Address-City))? END ................................................................................ 4685 1. YES 373 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 164 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q420:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); no financial respondent
D423 CS28. SAME AREA - 1 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q423 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS28. IF Q240 IS (1) Is your house or apartment still in or around ((HH1 1st Address-City)/(HH1 1st Address-City))? ELSE Do you still live, all year or part of the year in a house or apartment, in or around ((HH1 1st Address-City)/(HH1 1st Address-City))? END ................................................................................ 231 1. YES 142 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4849 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q420:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q422:CS27] IS (1); no financial respondent
D425 CS29.HOW LONG ADDRESS1 PAST Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q425 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CS29. How many years did you live around ((HH1 1st Address-City)/(HH1 1st Address-City))? IF LESS THAN ONE YEAR, USE 1 ................................................................................ 137 1-96. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 1 98. Don't Know 5084 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q420:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q422:CS27] IS (1); [Q423:CS28] IS (NE 5); no financial respondent
D426 CS30.SAME RESIDENCE #2 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q426 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS30. Our records also show that in (Wave 1 Interview Month-Year) you had another house or apartment, one in ((HH1 2nd Address-City)/(HH1 2nd Address- City)) ((HH1 2nd Address-State)/(HH1 2nd Address-State)). IF Q240 IS (1) Do you still have the same house or apartment in ((HH1 2nd Address-City)/(HH1 2nd Address-City))? ELSE Are you still living, all year or part of the year, in that same house or apartment in ((HH1 2nd Address-City)/(HH1 2nd Address-City))? END ................................................................................ 170 1. YES 71 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4981 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q420:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q37:HH1 HAS 2ND RESIDENCE] IS (NE 1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q78:HH2 HAS 2ND RESIDENCE] IS (NE 1); no financial respondent
D427 CS31. SAME AREA - 2 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q427 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS31. IF Q240 IS (1) Do you still have a home in or around ((HH1 2nd Address- City)/(HH1 2nd Address-City))? ELSE Do you still live, all year or part of the year in a house or apartment, in or around ((HH1 2nd Address-City)/(HH1 2nd Address-City))? END ................................................................................ 22 1. YES 49 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 5151 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q420:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q37:HH1 HAS 2ND RESIDENCE] IS (NE 1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q78:HH2 HAS 2ND RESIDENCE] IS (NE 1); [Q426:CS30] IS (1); no financial respondent
D429 CS32.HOW LONG ADDRESS2 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q429 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 CS32. How many years did you live around ((HH1 2nd Address-City)/(HH1 2nd Address-City))? IF LESS THAN ONE YEAR, USE 1 ................................................................................ 44 1-96. Actual value (allowable range is shown) 97. Other 1 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 4 99. RF (refused) 5173 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q420:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND [Q37:HH1 HAS 2ND RESIDENCE] IS (NE 1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND [Q78:HH2 HAS 2ND RESIDENCE] IS (NE 1); [Q426:CS30] IS (1); [Q427:CS31] IS (NE 5); no financial respondent
D430M CS33.CURRENT RESIDENCE - REGION Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q10430 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 User note: Code categories have been collapsed to protect respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................ 3 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT) 16 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY, NJ, PA) 19 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH, IN, IL, MI, WI) 12 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN, IA, MO, ND, SD, NE, KS) 35 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, SC, GA, FL) 3 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY, TN, AL, MS) 10 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR, LA, OK, TX) 8 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT, ID, WY, CO, NM, AZ, UT, NV) 15 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA, OR, CA, AK, HI) 10. U.S., NA state 2 11. Foreign Country: Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories) 96. Same State (see questionnaire) 1 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5098 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q420:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q422:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q426:CS30] IS (1); [Q422:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q427:CS31] IS (1); [Q423:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q426:CS30] IS (1); [Q423:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q427:CS31] IS (1); [Q422:CS27] IS (1) OR [Q423:CS28] IS (1) OR [Q426:CS30] IS (1) OR [Q427:CS31] IS (1); no financial respondent
D431 CS34.ANOTHER RESIDENCE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q431 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS34. Do you have any other house or apartment where you live for 2 or more months of the year? IF R REPORTS MORE THAN ONE ADDITIONAL RESIDENCE, ASK ABOUT THE ONE THEY USE MOST. ................................................................................ 81 1. YES 4803 5. NO 7. Other 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 338 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q420:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q422:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q426:CS30] IS (1); [Q422:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q427:CS31] IS (1); [Q423:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q426:CS30] IS (1); [Q423:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q427:CS31] IS (1); no financial respondent
D434M CS35.OTH RESIDENCE - REGION Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q10434 Type: Numeric Width: 2 Decimals: 0 User note: Code categories have been collapsed to protect respondent confidentiality. ................................................................................ 6 1. Northeast Region: New England Division (ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT) 9 2. Northeast Region: Middle Atlantic Division (NY, NJ, PA) 11 3. Midwest Region: East North Central Division (OH, IN, IL, MI, WI) 5 4. Midwest Region: West North Central Division (MN, IA, MO, ND, SD, NE, KS) 22 5. South Region: South Atlantic Division (DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, SC, GA, FL) 2 6. South Region: East South Central Division (KY, TN, AL, MS) 5 7. South Region: West South Central Division (AR, LA, OK, TX) 6 8. West Region: Mountain Division (MT, ID, WY, CO, NM, AZ, UT, NV) 4 9. West Region: Pacific Division (WA, OR, CA, AK, HI) 10. U.S., NA state 8 11. Foreign Country: Not in a Census Division (includes U.S. territories) 96. Same State (see questionnaire) 2 98. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 99. RF (refused) 5142 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q420:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q377:R FIN-NON V106] IS (NE 2) AND [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q422:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q426:CS30] IS (1); [Q422:CS27] IS (1) AND [Q427:CS31] IS (1); [Q423:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q426:CS30] IS (1); [Q423:CS28] IS (1) AND [Q427:CS31] IS (1); [Q431:CS34] IS (NE 1); no financial respondent
D438 CS36.MAIN RESIDENCE Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q438 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS36. Which is your main residence, your home in IF Q422 IS (1) OR Q423 IS (1) ((HH1 1st Address-City)/(HH1 1st Address- City)) ELSE Q426 IS (1) OR Q427 IS (1) ((HH1 2nd Address-City)/(HH1 2nd Address-City)) ELSE [Q430-CS33.CURRENT RESIDENCE] END or the one in IF (Q426 IS (1) OR Q427 IS (1)) AND (Q422 IS (1) OR Q423 IS (1)) ((HH1 2nd Address-City)/(HH1 2nd Address-City)) ELSE [Q434-CS35.OTH RESIDENCE CITY/STATE] END DEFINITION: MAIN RESIDENCE, ONE WHERE R SPENDS THE MOST TIME (MTY) ................................................................................ 215 1. HOME IN 1ST ADDRESS CITY 3 2. HOME IN CURRENT RESIDENCE CITY, STATE 23 3. HOME IN IST ADDRESS STATE 11 4. HOME IN OTHER RESIDENCE CITY, STATE 1 7. Other 1 8. DK (don't know); NA (not ascertained) 9. RF (refused) 4968 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q420:CS26] IS (5 OR DK OR RF); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q435:CS35a] IS (1)
D466 CS39.INTRO CHILD ROSTER-1 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q466 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS39. Now some questions about children IF Q240 IS (NE1) AND Q435 IS (2) and whether any are living with you in [Q439.] . ELSE Q240 IS (NE1) and whether any are living with you. END IF Q240 IS (1) INTERVIEWER: WHEN R LIVES IN NURSING HOME CHANGE ALL RESIDENT CODES IN CHILD GRID TO NONRESIDENT OR DIED. END User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D470 CS40.CHILD ROSTER-1 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q470 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS40. VERIFY AND UPDATE INFORMATION ON CHILDREN & THEIR SPOUSES. PROMPT QUESTIONS FOR NEW CHILDREN ARE IN Q X Qs. REL MARI SP SPOUSE SP R HH TO R SEX NAME LASTSTAT R HH NAME CHG IF Q388 IS (1) ' [Q6] for Q2(in Q469) 4 ( ' [Q10] 7 ( ' [Q9] 2 ( ' [Q7] 10 ( ' [Q8] 10 ( ' [Q12] 4 ( ' [Q13] ( ' [Q14] 10 ( ' [Q15] ( ELSE ' [Q6] for Q2(in Q469) 4 ( ' [Q11] 7 ( ' [Q9] 2 ( ' [Q7] 10 ( ' [Q8] 10 ( ' [Q12] 4 ( ' [Q13] ( ' [Q14] 10 ( ' [Q15] ( END Do you (or your) (husband/wife/partner) have any (other) children, step- children, or sons- or daughters-in-law? USE DOWN ARROW TO CHECK FOR MORE PERSONS ON THE GRID. WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED, PRESS F10 TO CONTINUE User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). ................................................................................ 5201 1. CONTINUE 21 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2); [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2)
D473 CS40-2.INTRO CHILD ROSTER-2 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q473 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS40-2. Now some questions about children and whether IF Q240 IS (NE1) AND Q435 IS (2) any are living with you in [Q439.] . ELSE any are living with you. END IF Q240 IS (1) INTERVIEWER: WHEN R LIVES IN NURSING HOME CHANGE ALL RESIDENT CODES IN CHILD GRID TO NONRESIDENT OR DIED. END User note: This question asked only of second household (Q203=2). This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D478 CS43.INTRO NCR ROSTER-1 Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q478 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS43. I also need to update information about (other) people IF Q240 IS (NE1) AND Q435 IS (2) living with you in your home in [Q439.] . ELSE Q240 IS (1) who lived with you back in (Wave 1 Interview Month-Year) . ELSE living with you in your home. END IF Q240 IS (1) INTERVIEWER: WHEN R LIVES IN NURSING HOME CHANGE ALL RESIDENT CODES IN GRID TO NONRESIDENT OR DIED. END User note: This question asked only of first household (Q203=1). This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
D484 CS45.INTRO Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q484 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 CS45. I also need to update information about (other) people IF Q240 IS (NE1) AND Q435 IS (2) living with you in your home in [Q439.] . ELSE Q240 IS (1) who lived with you back in (Wave 1 Interview Month-Year). ELSE living with you in your home. END IF Q240 IS (1) INTERVIEWER: WHEN R LIVES IN NURSING HOME CHANGE ALL RESIDENT CODES IN GRID TO NONRESIDENT OR DIED. END User note: This question asked only of second household (Q203=2). This preamble variable has been included in this data set in order to document questionnaire flow; all data values are blanks. ................................................................................ 5222 Blank. No data
ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS * if [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND {When Q3 is (0 OR 5) AND [Q6] IS (1 OR 2 OR 3)} then [D489.CS52 CKPT] = 1 * if [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND {When Q3 is (1) AND [Q6] IS (5)} then [D489.CS52 CKPT] = 1 * if [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (1) AND {When Q6 is (2 OR 4)} then [D489.CS52 CKPT] = 1 * if [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND {When Q44 is (0 OR 5) AND [Q47] IS (1 OR 2 OR 3)} then [D489.CS52 CKPT] = 1 * if [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND {When Q44 is (1) AND [Q47] IS (5)} then [D489.CS52 CKPT] = 1 * if [Q203:WHICH HH] IS (2) AND {When Q47 is (2 OR 4)} then [D489.CS52 CKPT] = 1 * if [Q1:HH ID] IS (GE 0 OR LE 0) then [D489.CS52 CKPT] = 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D489 CS52 CKPT Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q489 Type: Numeric Width: 1 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 4536 0. No change in residency 673 1. KID IS AWAY OR DIED;KID WAS NOT RESIDENT BEFORE AND NOW IS RES/AWAY/OTHER;IF KID WAS RESIDENT AND NOW IS NOT 13 Blank. INAP (Inapplicable); [Q220:WHICH IW 1ST R-2ND R] IS (NE 1)
DVERSION 1995 DATA RELEASE VERSION Section: CS Level: Household CAI Reference: Q20101 Type: Numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 ................................................................................ 1. Version 1, December 1999 5222 2. Version 2, May 2002
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