___________________________________ HEALTH AND RETIREMENT STUDY, WAVE 2 Full Public Release, Version 1.00 June 18, 1998 ___________________________________ Section E: Children (N = 22930) ___________________________________ - The variables and codes in this codebook are a restructuring of questions from the original instrument. VAR # _____ HHID HHID HRS Household Identifier ____________________________________________________________ Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ HHID 22930 48807 23222 1 99587 W2SUBHH W2SUBHH HRS Wave 2 Sub-Household Identifier ____________________________________________________________ W2SUBHH Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 22106 1 396 2 307 3 121 PN PN Person Number (of child) ____________________________________________________________ For this file, "PN" is the Person Number of the child being referred to in the record. 203 records in the children file have person number values of "999". These cases have not yet been assigned person numbers for a variety of reasons. As an example, we are aware that some of these person numbers have not been assigned because the associated respondent is deceased. We will attempt to assign person numbers to these records in the near future, but in the meantime it is up to the analyst to decide how to deal with these special cases. Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ PN 22930 174 103 101 999 HHIDPN HHIDPN HRS Household ID + Person Number (of child) ____________________________________________________________ For this file, "HHIDPN" is the Household ID and Person Number of the child being referred to in the record. 203 records in the children file have person number values of "999". These cases have not yet been assigned person numbers for a variety of reasons. As an example, we are aware that some of these person numbers have not been assigned because the associated respondent is deceased. We will attempt to assign person numbers to these records in the near future, but in the meantime it is up to the analyst to decide how to deal with these special cases. Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ HHIDPN 22930 48807459 23222031 1201 99587999 RPN RPN Person Number (of Family Respondent) ____________________________________________________________ "RPN" is the Person Number of the Family Respondent who gave the data. RPN Code Frequency ------------------- 10 10845 11 146 20 6870 21 2 30 1746 31 2 40 3319 HHIDRPN HHIDRPN HRS Household ID + Person Number (of Family Respondent) ____________________________________________________________ "HHIDRPN" is the Household ID and Person Number of the Family Respondent who gave the data. Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ HHIDRPN 22930 48807304 23222031 1010 99587010 FAMFLAG Family Respondent Problem Flag _____________________________________________________________ The intent when collecting HRS2 was to have only one respondent in a household provide the family information; this person was dubbed the "Family Respondent". However, two types of problems occured: too many Family Respondents (more than one per household), and not enough Family Respondents (none in the household). Too many Family Respondents: In ten paired households (20 respondents), family information was given by more than one respondent, resulting in more than one Family Respondent per household. Unfortunately, the information given by each person was not always consistent, and so the solution to the problem is left to the user, and is best dealt with prior to analyzing the data. Not enough Family Respondents: This file does not contain records for households where there was no Family Respondent. 0. Child is associated with a household that contains one Family Respondent (no special attention needed) 1. Child is associated with a household that contains two Family Respondents (will require special attention by analyst) FAMFLAG Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 22823 1 107 KIDORDER KIDORDER Children: Original order of appearance. ____________________________________________________________ Indicates order in which children were listed in original flat file. Numbers are not necessarily consecutive. As an example, in a household with ten children mentioned, child number five may have been removed upon editing. The children that remain in the household would be listed as one through four and six through ten for this variable. 01-18. Order listed (1=first, 18=eighteenth) 00. Inap; not a child (is a stepchild) KIDORDER Code Frequency ----------------------- 1 6292 2 5723 3 4121 4 2677 5 1617 6 985 7 672 8 368 9 202 10 120 11 59 12 30 13 27 14 15 15 10 16 7 17 4 18 1 W8001 Sex _____________________________________________________________ 1. Male 2. Female 8. Don't Know; DK 9. Refused; RF 0. Inap W8001 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 38 1 11606 2 11235 9 51 W8002 E2. Age _____________________________________________________________ 1-97. Age 98. Don't Know; DK 99. Refused; RF 0. Inap Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ W8002 22930 31 8 0 98 W8003 Relation to R _____________________________________________________________ 1. Daughter 2. Step-Daughter 3. Son 4. Step-Son 8. Don't Know; DK 9. Refused; RF 0. Inap W8003 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 85 1 9709 2 1526 3 10009 4 1601 W8004 Problem Code _____________________________________________________________ 1. Ok 2. Don't keep in touch 3. Died 4. Not child of R or H/W/P 5. Change in name/Relationship to R 6. Child added to list 7. Other (F2 to specify) 8. Don't Konw; DK 9. Refused; RF 0. Inap W8004 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 37 1 21934 2 58 3 59 4 98 5 54 6 669 7 19 9 2 Kid10. In what month and year did (he/she) die? W8005 E1e. Month Died _____________________________________________________________ 1. Jan 2. Feb 3. Mar 4. Apr 5. May 6. Jun 7. Jul 8. Aug 9. Sep 10. Oct 11. Nov 12. Dec 98. Don't Know; DK 99. Refused; RF 0. Inap Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ W8005 22930 0 1 0 98 W8006 E1e. Year Died _____________________________________________________________ 1900-1995. Year 9998. Don't Know; DK 9999. Refused; RF 0000. Inap Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ W8006 22930 5 101 0 1994 W8007 E1f-g. Is this person a step-child of your spouse? _____________________________________________________________ 1. Yes 0. No W8007 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 22668 1 262 W8008 Stepchildren: Original order of appearance. ____________________________________________________________ Indicates order in which stepchildren were listed in original flat file. This value of this variable does not correspond to the value of variable "KIDORDER". 01-18. Order listed (1=first, 18=eighteenth) 00. Inap; not a stepchild (is a child) W8008 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 22668 1 95 2 73 3 46 4 25 5 10 6 7 7 4 8 1 9 1 Now I'd like to update our records for the children's current situation. If what I say about a child is incorrect, please tell me so we can change it. W8009 E3. Is (he/she) in school or not in school? _____________________________________________________________ 1. Is in school 5. Is not in school 8. Don't Know; DK 9. Refused; RF 0. Inap W8009 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 1744 1 2002 5 19146 8 32 9 6 W8010 E5. What is the highest grade or year of school (he/she) has completed? _____________________________________________________________ 1-11. 1st-11th grade 12. 12th grade or GED 13. 1 yr past high school 14. 2 yrs past high school 15. 3 yrs past high school 16. 4 yrs past high school 17. 5 or more yrs past high school 96. None 98. Don't Know; DK 99. Refused; RF 0. Inap Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ W8010 22930 12 4 0 17 W8011 E6. Is (he/she) working 30 or more hours per week, under 30 hours, or not at all? _____________________________________________________________ 1. Is working 30 or more hours per week 2. Is working under 30 hours a week 3. Is not working 8. Don't Know; DK 9. Refused; RF 0. Inap W8011 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 1819 1 14758 2 2030 3 3997 8 316 9 10 W8012 E7. Is (he/she) married now? _____________________________________________________________ 1. Is married 5. Is not married 8. Don't Know; DK 9. Refused; RF 0. Inap W8012 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 1748 1 11473 5 9633 8 72 9 4 W8013 E8. Does (he/she) have any children? _____________________________________________________________ 1. Has children 5. Does not have any children 8. Don't Know; DK 9. Refused; RF 0. Inap W8013 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 1739 1 12993 5 8145 8 50 9 3 W8014 E9. How many of (his/her) children are under age 18? _____________________________________________________________ 1-14. Number of children under age 18 15. Has 15 or more children under age 18 96. None under age 18 98. Don't Know; DK 99. Refused; RF 0. Inap Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ W8014 22930 1 3 0 98 W8015 E10. Does (he/she) own a home? _____________________________________________________________ 1. Owns a home 5. Does not own a home 8. Don't Know; DK 9. Refused; RF 0. Inap W8015 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 1817 1 8579 5 12402 8 126 9 6 W8016 E11. Is (he/she) living with you, temporarily away at school, or living somewhere else? _____________________________________________________________ 1. Is living with you 2. Is temporarily away at school 3. Is neither living with you nor away at school 8. Don't Know; DK 9. Refused; RF 0. Inap W8016 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 1720 1 2561 2 276 3 18367 9 6 W8017 E12. Did (he/she) move in with you, did you move in with (him/her), or have you always lived together? _____________________________________________________________ 1. (He/She) moved in with you 2. You moved in with (him/her) 3. Always live together 7. Other (specify) 8. Don't Know; DK 9. Refused; RF 0. Inap W8017 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 22124 1 353 2 19 3 404 7 28 8 1 9 1 W8018 E13. In what year did that move take place? _____________________________________________________________ 1900-1995. Year 9998. Don't Know; DK 9999. Refused; RF 0000. Inap Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ W8018 22930 50 469 0 9999 W8019 E14. Would you say the move was made to help (him/her) out, to help you out, or because it would be helpful to both of you? _____________________________________________________________ 1. Help (him/her) 2. Help you 3. Help both 8. Don't Know; DK 9. Refused; RF 0. Inap W8019 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 22538 1 285 2 19 3 74 8 10 9 4 W8020 E15. Does (he/she) live within 10 miles of you? _____________________________________________________________ 1. Lives within 10 miles of you 5. Does not live within 10 miles of you 8. Don't Know; DK 9. Refused; RF 0. Inap W8020 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 4589 1 7148 5 11160 8 32 9 1 W8021 E16. About how much was (his/her) total (family) income in 1993? _____________________________________________________________ NOTE: DO NOT PROBE DK 00000. None 1-9999994. Dollar Amount 9999997. More than $99,995 (Specify) [NOTE: This question originally only asked for values between $0 and $99,995. Based on comments, some values above $99,995 have been substituted, but not for all records.] 9999998. Don't Know; DK 9999999. Refused; RF 9999996. Inap Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ W8021 22930 7801353 4132488 0 9999999 W8022 E16a-E16c. Brackets ____________________________________________________________ Code E16a E16b E16c Bracket ---- ----- ----- ----- ------------------------ 1 Yes Yes Inap x > $40,000 2 Yes No Inap $40,000 >= x > $25,000 3 Yes DK/NA Inap x > $25,000 4 No Inap Yes $25,000 >= x > $10,000 5 No Inap No $10,000 >= x 6 No Inap DK/NA $25,000 >= x 7 DK/NA Inap Yes x > $10,000 8 DK/NA Inap No $10,000 >= x 9 DK/NA Inap DK/NA (no information) 0. Inap. W8022 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 9774 1 1947 2 2839 3 440 4 2825 5 1340 6 227 7 711 8 33 9 2794 W8023 E30. Not counting any shared housing or shared food, did this child receive financial assistance amounting to $100 or more in the past 12 months? BY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE WE MEAN GIVING MONEY, HELPING PAY BILLS, OR COVERING SPECIFIC TYPES OF COSTS SUCH AS THOSE FOR MEDICAL CARE OR INSURANCE, SCHOOLING, DOWN PAYMENT FOR A HOME, RENT,ETC. THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE CAN BE CONSIDERED SUPPORT, A GIFT OR A LOAN. _____________________________________________________________ For this variable, being greater than 0 means that the child in that record gave assistance of this sort. The number greater than 0 also relates the order in which they were mentioned for giving this sort of assistance. 01-18. First child to eighteenth child mentioned as giving this sort of assistance 00. Child was not mentioned as giving this sort of assistance W8023 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 17932 1 3023 2 1261 3 431 4 166 5 63 6 28 7 15 8 5 9 4 10 2 W8024 E30b. About how much money did that assistance amount to altogether in the past 12 months? _____________________________________________________________ NOTE: DO NOT PROBE DK 1-99994. Dollar Amount 99995. Total Support (No amount given) 99997. Other (Specify) 99998. Don't Know; DK 99999. Refused; RF 99996. Inap Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ W8024 22930 83774 36396 0 99999 W8025 E30c-E30e. Brackets ____________________________________________________________ Code E30c E30d E30e Bracket ---- ----- ----- ----- ------------------------ 1 Yes Yes Yes x > $5,000 2 Yes Yes No $5,000 >= x > $1,000 3 Yes Yes DK/NA x > $1,000 4 Yes No Inap $1,000 >= x > $500 5 Yes DK/NA Inap x > $500 6 No Inap Inap $500 >= x 7 DK/NA Inap Inap (no information) 0. Inap. W8025 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 22123 1 105 2 223 3 11 4 162 5 17 6 220 7 69 W8026 E32. Not counting any shared housing or shared food, did you [and your (husband/wife/partner)] receive financial assistance from this child amounting to $100 or more in the past 12 months? DO NOT INCLUDE INHERITANCES. _____________________________________________________________ For this variable, being greater than 0 means that the child in that record gave assistance of this sort. The number greater than 0 also relates the order in which they were mentioned for giving this sort of assistance. 01-18. First child to eighteenth child mentioned as giving this sort of assistance 00. Child was not mentioned as giving this sort of assistance W8026 Code Frequency ----------------------- 0 22108 1 481 2 173 3 76 4 45 5 23 6 11 7 8 8 4 9 1 W8027 E32b. About how much money did that assistance amount to altogether in the past 12 months? _____________________________________________________________ NOTE: DO NOT PROBE DK 1-99994. Dollar Amount 99995. Total Support (No amount given) 99997. Other (Specify) 99998. Don't Know; DK 99999. Refused; RF 99996. Inap Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------ W8027 22930 97533 15428 0 99999 W8028 E32c-E32e. Brackets ____________________________________________________________ Code E32c E32d E32e Bracket ---- ----- ----- ----- ------------------------ 1 Yes Yes Yes x > $5,000 2 Yes Yes No $5,000 >= x > $1,000 3 Yes Yes DK/NA x > $1,000 4 Yes No Inap $1,000 >= x > $500 5 Yes DK/NA Inap x > $500 6 No Inap Inap $500 >= x 7 DK/NA Inap Inap (no information) 0. Inap. W8028 Code Frequency --------------------- 0 22693 1 9 2 27 3 3 4 40 5 6 6 117 7 35