AHEAD 1993 (Wave 1) Documentation

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EIGHT MODULES (Random selection) MODULE 1 - RESILIENCYATTACHED TO MODULE 4--1/20/94 V4001 [RESP] M1-1. MODULE 1: RESILIENCY M1-1. INTRO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 251 Did module........................ 1 7971 INAP, MODULE NOT ASSIGNED M1-20. We are also interested in how older people react to difficult events. We want to know how people cope with such events and possibly how to help other people in similar situations. I will read you a list of events; please tell me if any of them have happened to you in the past five years. V4002 [RESP] M1-21. CHANGE RESIDENCE PAST 5 YEARS M1-21. During the past five years have you moved to a new residence or changed your living arrangements in some other way? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 YES............................ 1 207 NO............................. 5 0 DK............................. .D 0 RF............................. .R V4003 [RESP] M1-22. FINANCIAL PROBLEMS PAST 5 YEARS M1-22. During the past five years have you experienced something that caused serious financial problems or difficulties? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 YES............................ 1 237 NO............................. 5 0 DK............................. .D 0 RF............................. .R V4004 [RESP] M1-23. ROBBED/MUGGED PAST 5 YEARS M1-23. During the past five years have you been robbed, mugged, or had your home broken into while you were there? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 YES............................ 1 240 NO............................. 5 0 DK............................. .D 0 RF............................. .R V4005 [RESP] M1-24. RELATIVE/FRIEND INJ/ILL LAST 5 YR M1-24. Has a relative or friend who was very close to you had a serious injury or illness that started in the last five years? (DO NOT COUNT SPOUSE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93 YES............................ 1 158 NO............................. 5 2 DK............................. .D 0 RF............................. .R V4006 [RESP] M1-25. RELATIVE/FRIEND DIED PAST 5 YEARS M1-25. During the past five years has a relative or friend who was very close to you died? (DO NOT COUNT SPOUSE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 156 YES............................ 1 98 NO............................. 5 0 DK............................. .D 0 RF............................. .R V4007 [RESP] M1-26. R INJ/ILL LAST 5 YEARS M1-26. Have you, yourself, had a serious injury or illness that started in the last five years? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 YES............................ 1 186 NO............................. 5 2 DK............................. .D 0 RF............................. .R 7973 INAP V4008 [RESP] M1-27. SPOUSE INJ/ILL LAST 5 YEARS M1-27. [IF MARRIED:] Did your (spouse/partner) have a serious injury or illness that started in the last five years? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 YES............................ 1 97 NO............................. 5 0 DK............................. .D 0 RF............................. .R 8066 INAP, R NOT "MARRIED" V4009 [RESP] M1-28. SP DIED PAST 5YRS M1-28. During the past five years has your spouse died? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 YES............................ 1 200 NO............................. 5 0 DK............................. .D 1 RF............................. .R 8001 INAP V4010 [RESP] M1-29. R ANSWER YES TO ANY? M1-21- M1-28 M1-29. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 204 ANY "YES" ANSWER TO M1-21 TO M1-28.................. 1 32 NO EVENT HAPPENED TO R.......... 2 GO TO M1-END 7986 INAP M1-29a. INTERVIEWER: CHECK M1-21 TO M1-28 AND CIRCLE THE LAST QUESTION WHICH IS ANSWERED "YES" (CLOSEST TO THIS CHECKPOINT). THEN CIRCLE THE NUMBER OF THE ONE EVENT BELOW WHICH CORRESPONDS TO THAT QUESTION: V4011 [RESP] M1-29a. SERIOUS EVENT M1-29a. Event to be asked detail questions: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 1. your move to a new residence (or other change in your living arrangements) 0 2. the serious financial problems or difficulties that you experienced 2 3. the time that you were robbed or mugged 11 4. the serious illness or injury suffered by your close friend or relative 78 5. the death of your close friend or relative 34 6. your own serious injury or illness 49 7. the serious injury or illness suffered by your spouse 19 8. the death of your (husband/wife/partner) 8021 INAP, NO SERIOUS EVENT [V4010 NE 1] M1-30. I have a few questions about... [READ WORDS FROM EVENT CIRCLED IN M1-29a, PAGE 2]. V4020 [RESP] M1-30. SERIOUS EVENT: HOW LONG AGO M1-30. About how long ago did this happen (most recently)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 1 42 2 35 3 26 4 16 5 13 6 4 8 7 9 4 10 4 11 3 12+ 2 DK............................ .D 0 RF............................ .R 8019 INAP V4021 [RESP] M1-30a. SERIOUS EVENT: LONG AGO PERIOD M1-30a. PERIOD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 DAYS............................ 1 14 WEEKS........................... 2 54 MONTHS.......................... 3 134 YEARS........................... 4 0 DK.............................. .D 0 RF.............................. .R 8018 INAP, NO SERIOUS EVENT V4022 [RESP] M1-31. SERIOUS EVENT: KNOW ABOUT TO HAPP M1-31. Did you have any idea that this was about to happen? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 YES............................ 1 129 NO............................. 5 2 DK............................. .D 0 RF............................. .R 8007 INAP V4023 [RESP] M1-32. FEEL HOW MUCH WORSE AFTER EVENT M1-32. After (EVENT FROM M1-9a), how much worse did you feel than before it happened: a great deal, quite a bit, a little, or not at all? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 A GREAT DEAL................... 1 44 QUITE A BIT.................... 2 42 A LITTLE....................... 3 44 NOT AT ALL..................... 4 4 DK............................. .D 1 RF............................. .R 8006 INAP V4024 [RESP] M1-33. DISCOURAGED SINCE EVENT M1-33. How much more discouraged have you been; a great deal, quite a bit, a little, or not at all? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 A GREAT DEAL................... 1 26 QUITE A BIT.................... 2 50 A LITTLE....................... 3 63 NOT AT ALL..................... 4 4 DK............................. .D 1 RF............................. .R 8049 INAP V4025 [RESP] M1-34. DO EVERYDAY THINGS DIFFICULT M1-34. (After this happened), how much harder was it to get everyday things done; a great deal, quite a bit, a little, or not at all? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 A GREAT DEAL................... 1 29 QUITE A BIT.................... 2 44 A LITTLE....................... 3 69 NOT AT ALL..................... 4 1 DK............................. .D 1 RF............................. .R 8050 INAP V4026 [RESP] M1-35. EVENT LESS THAN 1 MONTH AGO? M1-35. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 EVENT LESS THAN A MONTH AGO.... 1 GO TO M1-END 161 ALL OTHERS..................... 2 8048 INAP V4027 [RESP] M1-35a. HOW LONG TO FEEL BETTER M1-35a. About how long did it take until you started to feel better again -- (was it a few days, a few weeks, a few months, about a year, more than a year), or haven't you started to feel better? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 FEW DAYS....................... 1 39 FEW WEEKS...................... 2 41 FEW MONTHS..................... 3 15 A YEAR......................... 4 10 MORE THAN A YEAR............... 5 25 NOT BETTER YET...................6 1 DK............................. .D 1 RF............................. .R 8064 INAP V4028 [RESP] M1-36. STOPPED IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES? M1-36. As a result of the event, have you stopped doing some activities that were important to you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 YES............................ 1 179 NO............................. 5 0 DK............................. .D 0 RF............................. .R 8005 INAP V4029 [RESP] M1-37. STARTED IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES? M1-37. As a result of the event, have you started doing some activities that have become important to you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 YES............................ 1 166 NO............................. 5 2 DK............................. .D 0 RF............................. .R 8005 INAP V4030 [RESP] M1-38. PERM CHNG FEELINGS ABOUT LIFE M1-38. Has this event made a permanent change in how you feel about your life? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 YES............................ 1 149 NO............................. 5 4 DK............................. .D 1 RF............................. .R 8005 INAP V4031 [RESP] M1-38a. CHANGE FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE M1-38a. Is that change for the better, or for the worse? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 BETTER......................... 1 20 WORSE.......................... 2 7 DK............................. .D 0 RF............................. .R 8160 INAP V4032 [RESP] M1-39. R CTRL THINGS HAPPEN M1-39. Now thinking about life in general and not this particular event anymore, how often do you feel that you have little control over the things that happen to you: most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME......... 1 60 SOME OF THE TIME............... 2 91 HARDLY EVER.................... 3 3 DK............................. .D 1 RF............................. .R 8006 INAP V4033 [RESP] M1-40. CAN CHANGE IMPORTANT THINGS M1-40. In general, how often do you feel that there is little you can do to change many of the important things in your life: most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME......... 1 81 SOME OF THE TIME............... 2 75 HARDLY EVER.................... 3 4 DK............................. .D 1 RF............................. .R 8007 INAP MODULE 2 - TIME USE V1984 [RESP] M2-1. MODULE 2: TIME USE M2-1. Although we have finished the interview, we would like to ask you a few additional experimental questions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 894 DO MODULE 2..................... 1 151 REFUSED MODULE.................. 9 GO TO M2-END 7177 INAP, NOT Module 2 V1985 [RESP] M2-2. HOME IMPROVEMENTS LAST 12 MOS M2-2. I have some questions about work you do to maintain or improve your home, yard, or automobile. During the last 12 months did you yourself do any painting, redecorating or repairs on your home? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 243 YES................................ 1 651 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF/NA.............................. .R 7328 INAP V1986 [RESP] M2-3. YARDWORK LAST 12 MOS M2-3. Did you yourself do any work in your yard or other areas outside your home? Please include things like mowing the lawn, weeding plants, or removing snow. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 490 YES................................ 1 404 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7328 INAP V1987 [RESP] M2-4. GROW/STORE/CAN FOOD LAST 12 MOS M2-4. Did you yourself grow, freeze or can any of your own food during the last 12 months? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 292 YES................................ 1 602 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7328 INAP V1988 [RESP] M2-5. REPAIR OWN AUTO LAST 12 MOS M2-5. Did you yourself do any repairs on a car or truck you own? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83 YES................................ 1 810 NO................................. 5 1 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7328 INAP V1989 [RESP] M2-6. # HOURS PREV ACTIVITIES LAST 12 MOS M2-6. Altogether, about how many hours did you spend doing these things during the last 12 months? Would you say less than 20 hours, up to 40 hours, up to 80 hours, up to 160 hours, or more than 160 hours in the year? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 172 LESS THAN 20....................... 1 115 UP TO 40........................... 2 111 UP TO 80........................... 3 71 UP TO 160.......................... 4 116 160+............................... 5 11 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7626 INAP, V1985-V1988 NONE YES V1990 [RESP] M2-7. VOLUNTEER FOR CHURCH LAST 12 MOS M2-7. Now let's talk about volunteer work you many have done during the last 12 months. Did you do volunteer work in the last year for a church, synagogue or other religious organization? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 188 YES................................ 1 706 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7328 INAP V1991 [RESP] M2-8. VOLUNTEER FOR SCHOOL LAST 12 MOS M2-8. Did you do volunteer work for a school or educational organization? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 YES................................ 1 848 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7328 INAP V1992 [RESP] M2-9. VOLUNTEER FOR SENIORS LAST 12 MOS M2-9. Did you do work last year for a senior citizen group or related organization? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103 YES................................ 1 790 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 1 RF................................. .R 7328 INAP V1993 [RESP] M2-10. VOLUNTEER OTHER LAST 12 MOS M2-10. In the last 12 months, did you do volunteer work for any other national or local organization, including United Fund, hospitals, and such? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 YES................................ 1 796 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7328 INAP V1994 [RESP] M2-11. # HOURS VOLUNTEER LAST 12 MOS M2-11. Altogether, about how many hours did you spend on volunteer work during the last 12 months? (Would you say less than 20 hours, up to 40 hours, up to 80 hours, up to 160 hours, or more than 160 hours in the year?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 LESS THAN 20....................... 1 46 UP TO 40........................... 2 39 UP TO 80........................... 3 48 UP TO 160.......................... 4 73 160+............................... 5 1 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7939 INAP, V1990-V1993 NONE YES V1995 [RESP] M2-12. HELP OTHERS TRANSPORT LAST 12 MOS M2-12. Now let's talk about help you may have given in the last year to friends, neighbors, or relatives who did not live with you. We are interested in help you provided for which you did not receive pay. During the last 12 months, did you provide transportation, shop or run errands for friends, neighbors or relatives who did not live with you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373 YES................................ 1 520 NO................................. 5 1 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7328 INAP V1996 [RESP] M2-13. HELP OTHERS HOUSEWORK LAST 12 MOS M2-13. Did you help others with their housework or with the upkeep of their home, car or other things? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135 YES................................ 1 759 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7328 INAP V1997 [RESP] M2-14. HELP OTHERS CHILDCARE LAST 12 MOS M2-14. In the last 12 months, did you do childcare without pay for persons not living in your household? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 182 YES................................ 1 712 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7328 INAP V1998 [RESP] M2-15. HELP OTHER THINGS LAST 12 MOS M2-15. Did you do any other things in the last 12 months to help neighbors, friends or relatives who did not live with you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 298 YES................................ 1 596 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7328 INAP V1999 [RESP] M2-16. # HOURS HELP LAST 12 MONTHS M2-16. Altogether, about how many hours did you spend doing these things during the last 12 months? (Would you say less than 20 hours, up to 40 hours, up to 80 hours, up to 160 hours, or more than 160 hours in the year?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 216 LESS THAN 20....................... 1 117 UP TO 40........................... 2 67 UP TO 80........................... 3 45 UP TO 160.......................... 4 62 160+............................... 5 9 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7706 INAP, V1995-1998 NONE YES M2-END. Thank you MODULE 3 - ADLs (LSOA2) V2013 [RESP] M3-0. MODULE 3: LSOA2 ADLs M3-0. Although we have finished the interview, we would like to ask you a few additional experimental questions. They are very similar to questions we have already asked you, but researchers are interested in how people respond when the questions are changed just a little. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 845 DO MODULE....................... 1 173 REFUSED MODULE.................. 9 GO TO M3-END 7204 INAP, MODULE 3 NOT RANDOM CHOICE M3-1. These questions are about how well you are able to do certain activities--by yourself and without using special equipment. V2015 [RESP] M3-2. BATHING DIFFICULTY M3-2. Because of a health or physical problem, do you have any difficulty bathing or showering? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 YES............................... 1 GO TO M3-3 792 NO................................ 5 GO TO M3-3 1 DON'T DO............................6 0 DK................................ .D GO TO M3-3 0 RF................................ .R GO TO M3-3 7377 INAP V2016 [RESP] M3-2a. HEALTH PROBLEM BATHING M3-2a. Is this because of a health or physical problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 YES................................ 1 0 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8221 INAP, V2015 NOT 6 V2017 [RESP] M3-3. DRESSING DIFFICULTY M3-3. Because of a health or physical problem, do you have any difficulty dressing? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 YES............................... 1 GO TO M3-4 803 NO................................ 5 GO TO M3-4 0 DON'T DO.......................... 6 1 DK................................ .D GO TO M3-4 0 RF................................ .R GO TO M3-4 7377 INAP V2018 [RESP] M3-3a. HEALTH PROBLEM DRESSING M3-3a. Is this because of a health or physical problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 YES................................ 1 0 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8221 INAP, V2017 NOT 6 V2019 [RESP] M3-4. EATING DIFFICULTY M3-4. (Because of a health or physical problem, do you have any difficulty) eating? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 YES............................... 1 GO TO M3-5 827 NO................................ 5 GO TO M3-5 0 DON'T DO............................6 0 DK................................ .D GO TO M3-5 0 RF................................ .R GO TO M3-5 7377 INAP V2020 [REMOVED] M3-4a. HEALTH PROBLEM EATING M3-4a. Is this because of a health or physical problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- YES................................ 1 NO................................. 5 DK................................. .D RF................................. .R INAP, V2019 NOT 6 V2021 [RESP] M3-5. IN/OUT OF BED DIFFICULTY M3-5. (Because of a health or physical problem, do you have any difficulty) getting in and out of bed or chairs? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 YES............................... 1 GO TO M3-6 787 NO................................ 5 GO TO M3-6 0 DON'T DO............................6 1 DK................................ .D GO TO M3-6 0 RF................................ .R GO TO M3-6 7377 INAP V2022 [RESP] M3-5a. HEALTH PROBLEM IN/OUT OF BED M3-5a. Is this because of a health or physical problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 YES................................ 1 0 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8221 INAP, V2021 NOT 6 V2023 [RESP] M3-6. WALKING DIFFICULTY M3-6. Because of a health or physical problem, do you have any difficulty walking? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 203 YES............................... 1 GO TO M3-7 640 NO................................ 5 GO TO M3-7 2 DON'T DO.......................... 6 0 DK................................ .D GO TO M3-7 0 RF................................ .R GO TO M3-7 7377 INAP V2024 [RESP] M3-6a. HEALTH PROBLEM WALKING M3-6a. Is this because of a health or physical problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 YES................................ 1 0 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8220 INAP, V2023 NOT 6 V2025 [RESP] M3-7. TOILET DIFFICULTY M3-7. (Because of a health or physical problem, do you have any difficulty) using the toilet, including getting to the toilet? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 YES.............................. 1 GO TO M3-2b 816 NO............................... 5 GO TO M3-2b 1 DON'T DO...........................6 0 DK............................... .D GO TO M3-2b 0 RF............................... .R GO TO M3-2b 7377 INAP V2026 [RESP] M3-7a. HEALTH PROBLEM TOILET M3-7a. Is this because of a health or physical problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 YES................................ 1 0 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8221 INAP, V2025 NOT 6 V2031 [RESP] M3-2b. BATHING HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY M3-2b. By yourself and without using special equipment, how much difficulty do you have bathing or showering--some, a lot, or are you unable to do it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 SOME............................. 1 7 A LOT............................ 2 12 UNABLE TO DO..................... 3 GO TO M3-2f 1 DK............................... .D 0 RF............................... .R 8169 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY BATHING [V2015=5/V2016=1] V2032 [RESP] M3-2c. BATHING TIRING M3-2c. When you do not have help or use special equipment, is bathing or showering by yourself very tiring? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 YES................................ 1 14 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8181 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY BATHING [V2015=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2031=3] V2033 [RESP] M3-2d. BATHING LONG TIME M3-2d. (When you do not have help or use special equipment,) does bathing or showering take a long time? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 YES................................ 1 15 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8181 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY BATHING [V2015=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2031=3] V2034 [RESP] M3-2e. BATHING PAINFUL M3-2e. Is bathing or showering very painful? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 YES................................ 1 32 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8181 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY BATHING [V2015=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2031=3] V2035 [RESP] M3-2f. BATHING HELP M3-2f. Do you receive help from another person in bathing or showering? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 YES................................ 1 27 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8169 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY BATHING [V2015=5] V2036 [RESP] M3-3b. DRESSING HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY M3-3b. By yourself and without using special equipment, how much difficulty do you have dressing--some, a lot, or are you unable to do it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 SOME............................. 1 6 A LOT............................ 2 2 UNABLE TO DO..................... 3 GO TO M3-3f 0 DK............................... .D 0 RF............................... .R 8180 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY DRESSING [V2017=5/V2018=1] V2037 [RESP] M3-3c. DRESSING TIRING M3-3c. When you do not have help or use special equipment, is dressing by yourself very tiring? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 YES................................ 1 14 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8182 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY DRESSING [V2017=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2036=3] V2038 [RESP] M3-3d. DRESSING LONG TIME M3-3d. Does dressing take a long time? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 YES................................ 1 17 NO................................. 5 1 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8182 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY DRESSING [V2017=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2036=3] V2039 [RESP] M3-3e. DRESSING PAINFUL M3-3e. Is dressing very painful? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 YES................................ 1 20 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8182 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY DRESSING [V2017=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2036=3] V2040 [RESP] M3-3f. DRESSING HELP M3-3f. Do you receive help from another person in dressing? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 YES................................ 1 19 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8180 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY DRESSING [V2017=5] V2042 [RESP] M3-4b. EATING HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY M3-4b. By yourself and without using special equipment, how much difficulty do you have eating--some, a lot, or are you unable to do it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 SOME............................. 1 0 A LOT............................ 2 2 UNABLE TO DO..................... 3 GO TO M3-4f 0 DK............................... .D 0 RF............................... .R 8204 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY EATING [V2019=5/V2020=1] V2043 [RESP] M3-4c. EATING TIRING M3-4c. When you do not have help or use special equipment, is eating by yourself very tiring? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 YES................................ 1 12 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8206 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY EATING [V2019=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2042=4] V2044 [RESP] M3-4d. EATING LONG TIME M3-4d. Does eating take a long time? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 YES................................ 1 8 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8206 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY EATING [V2019=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2042=4] V2045 [RESP] M3-4e. EATING PAINFUL M3-4e. Is eating very painful? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 YES................................ 1 15 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8206 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY EATING [V2019=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2042=4] V2046 [RESP] M3-4f. EATING HELP M3-4f. Do you receive help from another person in eating? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 YES................................ 1 11 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8204 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY EATING [V2019=5] V2047 [RESP] M3-5b. IN/OUT OF BED HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY M3-5b. By yourself and without using special equipment, how much difficulty do you have getting in or out of bed or chairs--some, a lot, or are you unable to do it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 SOME............................. 1 9 A LOT............................ 2 3 UNABLE TO DO..................... 3 GO TO M3-5f 0 DK............................... .D 0 RF............................... .R 8164 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY WITH BED [V2021=5/V2022=1] V2048 [RESP] M3-5c. IN/OUT OF BED TIRING M3-5c. When you do not have help or use special equipment, is getting in and out of bed or chairs by yourself very tiring? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 YES................................ 1 29 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8167 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY WITH BED [V2021=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2047=3] V2049 [RESP] M3-5d. IN/OUT OF BED LONG TIME M3-5d. Does getting in and out of bed or chairs take a long time? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 YES................................ 1 31 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8167 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY WITH BED [V2021=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2047=3] V2050 [RESP] M3-5e. IN/OUT OF BED PAINFUL M3-5e. Is getting in and out of bed or chairs very painful? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 YES................................ 1 25 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8167 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY WITH BED [V2021=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2047=3] V2051 [RESP] M3-5f. IN/OUT OF BED HELP M3-5f. Do you receive help from another person in getting in and out of bed or chairs? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 YES................................ 1 43 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8164 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY WITH BED [V2021=5] V2052 [RESP] M3-6b. WALKING HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY M3-6b. By yourself and without using special equipment, how much difficulty do you have walking--some, a lot, or are you unable to do it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139 SOME............................. 1 42 A LOT............................ 2 23 UNABLE TO DO...................... 3 GO TO M3-6f 1 DK............................... .D 0 RF............................... .R 8017 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY WITH WALKING [V2023=5] V2053 [RESP] M3-6c. WALKING TIRING M3-6c. When you do not have help or use special equipment, is walking by yourself very tiring? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 128 YES................................ 1 54 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8040 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY WITH WALKING [V2023=5] UNABLE TO DO [V2052=3] V2054 [RESP] M3-6d. WALKING LONG TIME M3-6d. Does walking take a long time? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116 YES................................ 1 65 NO................................. 5 1 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8040 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY WITH WALKING [V2023=5] UNABLE TO DO [V2052=3] V2055 [RESP] M3-6e. WALKING PAINFUL M3-6e. Is walking very painful? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92 YES................................ 1 90 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8040 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY WITH WALKING [V2023=5] UNABLE TO DO [V2052=3] V2056 [RESP] M3-6f. WALKING HELP M3-6f. Do you receive help from another person in walking? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 YES................................ 1 172 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8017 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY WITH WALKING [V2023=5] V2057 [RESP] M3-7b. TOILET HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY M3-7b. By yourself and without using special equipment, how much difficulty do you have using the toilet--some, a lot, or are you unable to do it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 SOME............................. 1 4 A LOT............................ 2 3 UNABLE TO DO..................... 3 GO TO M3-7f 1 DK............................... .D 1 RF............................... .R 8193 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY TOILET [V2025=5/V2026=1] V2058 [RESP] M3-7c. TOILET TIRING M3-7c. When you do not have help or use special equipment, is using the toilet, including getting to the toilet by yourself very tiring? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 YES................................ 1 15 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8196 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY TOILET [V2025=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2057=3] V2059 [RESP] M3-7d. TOILET LONG TIME M3-7d. Does using the toilet, including getting to the toilet by yourself take a long time? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 YES................................ 1 13 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8196 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY TOILET [V2025=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2057=3] V2060 [RESP] M3-7e. TOILET PAINFUL M3-7e. Is it very painful? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 YES................................ 1 15 NO................................. 5 1 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8196 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY TOILET [V2025=5], UNABLE TO DO [V2057=3] V2061 [RESP] M3-7f. TOILET HELP M3-7f. Do you receive help from another person in using the toilet, including getting to the toilet? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 YES................................ 1 24 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8193 INAP, NO DIFFICULTY TOILET [V2025=5], M3-END. Thank you. MODULE 4 - ADLs (HRS) V2083 [RESP] M4-0. MODULE 4: HRS ADLs M4-0. Although we have finished the interview, we would like to ask you a few additional experimental questions. They are very similar to questions we have already asked you, but researchers are interested in how people respond when the questions are changed just a little. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 915 DO MODULE 4..................... 1 188 REFUSED MODULE.................. 9 GO TO M4-END 7119 INAP, MODULE 4 NOT RANDOM CHOICE M4-1. I'd like to ask about your ability to do everyday activities without help. By help, I mean either the help of another person, including people who live with you, or the help of special equipment. IF R CAN NOT or DOES NOT DO AN ACTIVITY, MARK A "YES" FOR THAT ACTIVITY FOR F-T-F IW YOU MAY CHOOSE YES FOR AN ACTIVITY IF YOU CAN SEE THE R HAS PROBLEMS V2085 [RESP] M4-2. PROBLEM EATING W/OUT HELP M4-2. Do you have any problem eating without the help of another person or special equipment? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 YES................................ 1 904 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 1 RF................................. .R 7308 INAP V2086 [RESP] M4-3. PROBLEM IN/OUT BED W/OUT HELP M4-3. (Do you have any problem) Getting in or out of bed without help? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 YES................................ 1 880 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 2 RF................................. .R 7308 INAP V2087 [RESP] M4-4. PROBLEM IN/OUT CHAIRS W/OUT HELP M4-4. (Do you have any problem) Getting in or out of chairs without help? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 YES................................ 1 863 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 1 RF................................. .R 7308 INAP V2088 [RESP] M4-5. PROBLEM WALK INSIDE W/OUT HELP M4-5. (Do you have any problem) walking around inside without help? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 YES................................ 1 852 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 1 RF................................. .R 7308 INAP V2089 [RESP] M4-6. PROBLEM GOING OUTSIDE W/OUT HELP M4-6. (Do you have any problem) Going outside without the help of another person or special equipment? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115 YES................................ 1 796 NO................................. 5 2 DK................................. .D 1 RF................................. .R 7308 INAP V2090 [RESP] M4-7. PROBLEM DRESSING W/OUT HELP M4-7. (Do you have any problem) Dressing without help? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 YES................................ 1 871 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 1 RF................................. .R 7308 INAP V2091 [RESP] M4-8. PROBLEM BATHING W/OUT HELP M4-8. (Do you have any problem) Bathing without help? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 YES................................ 1 860 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 1 RF................................. .R 7308 INAP V2092 [RESP] M4-9. PROBLEM TOILET W/OUT HELP M4-9. (Do you have any problem) Getting to the bathroom or using the toilet? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 YES................................ 1 897 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 1 RF................................. .R 7308 INAP V2093 [RESP] M4-10. ACCIDENTS/INCONTINENCE M4-10. Do you have any accidents or any problem controlling bowel movements or urination? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115 YES................................ 1 797 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 2 RF................................. .R 7308 INAP V2098 [RESP] M4-12. PROBLEM 3 OR MORE MONTHS M4-12. You said that you have a problem with (IF YES): eating getting in and out of bed getting in and out of a chair walking inside going outside dressing bathing going to the toilet controlling urine Have you had (this problem/any of these problems) for 3 months or longer? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 205 YES............................. 1 GO TO M4-END 20 NO.............................. 5 2 DK.............................. .D 0 RF.............................. .R 7995 INAP, V2085-V2098 NONE YES V2099 [RESP] M4-12a. EXP PROBLEM LAST NEXT 3/+ MONTHS M4-12a. Do you expect that (this problem/any of these problems) will last for the next 3 months or longer? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 YES............................. 1 GO TO M4-END 8 NO.............................. 5 2 DK.............................. .D 0 RF.............................. .R 8200 INAP, PROBLEM LASTED 3+ MONTHS [V2098=1], NO PROBLEMS MARKED [V2085-V2098, NONE YES] V2100 [RESP] M4-12b. PROBLEM WILL HAVE LASTED 3/+ MOS M4-12b. Altogether, from beginning to end, will (this problem/any of these problems) have lasted 3 months or longer? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 YES................................ 1 5 NO................................. 5 3 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8212 INAP, NO PROBLEMS MARKED [V2085-V2098, NONE YES] PROBLEM LASTED 3+ MONTHS [V2098=1], PROBLEM WILL LAST 3 MORE MONTHS [V2099=1] M4-END Thank you MODULE 5 - SIMILARITIES V2108 [RESP] M5-1. MODULE 5: SIMILARITIES M5-1. Although we have finished the interview, we would like to ask you a few additional experimental questions. Researchers are interested in the way people think. To help with that, could you please tell me how some things are alike? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 810 DO MODULE 5..................... 1 188 REFUSED MODULE.................. R GO TO M5-END 7224 INAP, MODULE 5 NOT RANDOM CHOICE (These INAPs not shown in codebook marginals) V2110A1 [RESP] M5-2. SIMILARITIES-1 M5-2. In what way are an orange and a banana alike? * IF R SAYS "FRUIT", REPLY, "Thank you." * IF R GIVES A CORRECT ANSWER OTHER THAN "BOTH FRUIT", REPLY: "That's right, (you do eat them both). Also they are both fruit." * IF R GIVES AN ANSWER WHICH DOES NOT TELL HOW THEY ARE ALIKE, REPLY: "They are both fruit; you eat them both." GIVE NO FURTHER HELP ON SUBSEQUENT ITEMS. RECORD R'S ANSWER VERBATIM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 106 WRONG/DK.............................0 153 CONCRETE........................... 1 361 ABSTRACT........................... 2 185 RF................................. .R 7417 INAP V2110A2 [RESP] M5-3a. SIMILARITIES-2 M5-3a. (In what way are) a dog and a lion (alike?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 215 WRONG/DK.............................0 201 CONCRETE........................... 1 386 ABSTRACT........................... 2 6 RF................................. .R 7414 INAP V2110A3 [RESP] M5-3b. SIMILARITIES-3 M5-3b. (In what way are) an eye and an ear (alike?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 337 WRONG/DK.............................0 237 CONCRETE........................... 1 221 ABSTRACT........................... 2 10 RF................................. .R 7417 INAP V2110A4 [RESP] M5-3c. SIMILARITIES-4 M5-3c. (In what way are) an egg and a seed (alike?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 370 WRONG/DK.............................0 352 CONCRETE........................... 1 72 ABSTRACT........................... 2 11 RF................................. .R 7417 INAP V2110A5 [RESP] M5-3d. SIMILARITIES-5 M5-3d. (In what way are) air and water (alike?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 252 WRONG/DK.............................0 179 CONCRETE........................... 1 356 ABSTRACT........................... 2 18 RF................................. .R 7417 INAP V2110A6 [RESP] M5-3e. SIMILARITIES-6 M5-3e. (In what way are) a fly and a tree (alike?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 658 WRONG/DK.............................0 42 CONCRETE........................... 1 83 ABSTRACT........................... 2 22 RF................................. .R 7417 INAP V2112 [RESP] M5-6. CENSUS ADLS M5-6. Because of a health condition that has lasted for 6 or more months, do you have any difficulty going outside the home alone, for example to shop or visit a doctor's office? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 109 YES................................ 1 699 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 2 RF................................. .R 7412 INAP V2113 [RESP] M5-6a. CENSUS ADLS M5-6a. (Because of a health condition that has lasted for 6 or more months,) do you have any difficulty taking care of your own personal needs, such as bathing, dressing, or getting around inside the home? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 YES................................ 1 758 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 2 RF................................. .R 7412 INAP M5-END. Thank you MODULE 6 - QUALITY OF LIFE V2122 [RESP] M6-0. MODULE 6: QUALITY OF LIFE M6-0. Although we have finished the interview, we would like to ask you a few additional experimental questions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 858 DO MODULE....................... 1 173 REFUSED MODULE.................. .R GO TO M6-END 7191 INAP, MODULE 6 NOT RANDOM CHOICE V2123 [RESP] M6-1. FEEL HOPEFUL M6-1. How often do you feel hopeful; most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 636 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME............. 1 155 SOME OF THE TIME................... 2 57 HARDLY EVER........................ 3 10 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7364 INAP V2124 [RESP] M6-2. LOOK FORWARD M6-2. How often do you feel that you have much to look forward to; most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 549 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME............. 1 233 SOME OF THE TIME................... 2 67 HARDLY EVER........................ 3 8 DK................................. .D 1 RF................................. .R 7364 INAP V2125 [RESP] M6-3. FEEL VERY FEW GOALS M6-3. How often do you feel that you have very few goals; (most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 182 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME............. 1 283 SOME OF THE TIME................... 2 379 HARDLY EVER........................ 3 12 DK................................. .D 2 RF................................. .R 7364 INAP V2126 [RESP] M6-4. FEEL PUTTING IN TIME M6-4. How often do you feel that you are just putting in time for the rest of your life; (most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 155 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME............. 1 167 SOME OF THE TIME................... 2 520 HARDLY EVER........................ 3 13 DK................................. .D 3 RF................................. .R 7364 INAP V2127 [RESP] M6-5. FEEL ENJOYMENT IN PAST M6-5. How often do you feel that real enjoyments for your life are in the past; (most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 213 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME............. 1 223 SOME OF THE TIME................... 2 416 HARDLY EVER........................ 3 5 DK................................. .D 1 RF................................. .R 7364 INAP V2128 [RESP] M6-6. FEEL OK IF LIFE ENDED SOON M6-6. How often do you feel that you would not be bothered if your life ended soon; (most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME............. 1 142 SOME OF THE TIME................... 2 552 HARDLY EVER........................ 3 25 DK................................. .D 3 RF................................. .R 7364 INAP V2129 [RESP] M6-7. FEEL ACTIVITIES SEEM UNIMPORTANT M6-7. How often do your daily activities seem unimportant to you; (most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 121 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME............. 1 199 SOME OF THE TIME................... 2 525 HARDLY EVER........................ 3 9 DK................................. .D 4 RF................................. .R 7364 INAP, V2132 [RESP] M6-8. FEEL DONE ALL THERE IS M6-8. How often do you feel as if you have done all there is to do in life; (most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME............. 1 157 SOME OF THE TIME................... 2 562 HARDLY EVER........................ 3 8 DK................................. .D 5 RF................................. .R 7364 INAP V2133 [RESP] M6-9. FEEL LITTLE CONTROL M6-9. How often do you feel that you have little control over the things that happen to you; most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 227 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME............. 1 237 SOME OF THE TIME................... 2 379 HARDLY EVER........................ 3 10 DK................................. .D 5 RF................................. .R 7364 INAP V2134 [RESP] M6-10. FEEL NO WAY TO SOLVE PROBLEMS M6-10. How often do you feel that there is really no way that you can solve some of the problems you have; (most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 142 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME............. 1 244 SOME OF THE TIME................... 2 459 HARDLY EVER........................ 3 8 DK................................. .D 5 RF................................. .R 7364 INAP V2135 [RESP] M6-11. FEEL LITTLE CAN CHANGE M6-11. How often do you feel that there is little you can do to change many of the important things in your life; (most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 173 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME............. 1 268 SOME OF THE TIME................... 2 392 HARDLY EVER........................ 3 20 DK................................. .D 5 RF................................. .R 7364 INAP V2136 [RESP] M6-12. FEEL PUSHED AROUND M6-12. How often do you feel that you are being pushed around in life; (most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME............. 1 113 SOME OF THE TIME................... 2 711 HARDLY EVER........................ 3 4 DK................................. .D 4 RF................................. .R 7364 INAP V2137 [RESP] M6-13. FEEL FUTURE DEPENDS ON SELF M6-13. How often do you feel that what happens to you in the future mostly depends on you; (most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 578 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME............. 1 150 SOME OF THE TIME................... 2 112 HARDLY EVER........................ 3 14 DK................................. .D 4 RF................................. .R 7364 INAP V2138 [RESP] M6-14. FEEL MIND POWER M6-14. How often do you feel that you can do just anything you really set your mind to do; (most of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 522 MOST (ALL) OF THE TIME............. 1 237 SOME OF THE TIME................... 2 87 HARDLY EVER........................ 3 8 DK................................. .D 4 RF................................. .R 7364 INAP M6-END. Thank you. MODULE 7 - ADLs (IN-DEPTH) V2148 [RESP] M7-0. MODULE 7: IN-DEPTH ADLs M7-0. Although we have finished the interview, we would like to ask you a few additional experimental questions. They are very similar to questions we have already asked you, but researchers are interested in how people respond when the questions are changed just a little. These questions are about how you do certain activities of daily living. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 894 DO MODULE 7..................... 1 179 REFUSED MODULE.................. 9 GO TO M7-END 7149 INAP, MODULE 7 NOT RANDOM CHOICE V2149 [RESP] M7-1. BATH OR SHOWER OR OTHER M7-1. Do you usually take a bath, a shower, or do you wash yourself in another way? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 295 BATH............................. 1 GO TO M7-3 557 SHOWER........................... 2 40 OTHER..............................7 GO TO M7-7 1 DK............................... .D GO TO M7-11 1 RF............................... .R GO TO M7-11 7328 INAP V2150 [RESP] M7-2. TUB OR STALL SHOWER M7-2. Is your shower in the bathtub or do you have a walk-in shower (shower stall)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 345 BATHTUB............................ 1 211 WALK-IN/STALL...................... 2 0 DK................................. .D 1 RF................................. .R 7665 INAP, NOT TAKE SHOWERS [V2149 NE 2] V2151 [RESP] M7-3. USE GRAB BAR EVER M7-3. Do you ever use a grab bar when you take a bath or shower? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 171 YES............................... 1 682 NO................................ 5 GO TO M7-4 0 DK................................ .D GO TO M7-4 0 RF................................ .R GO TO M7-4 7369 INAP, OTHER HOW BATHE [V2149=7,.D/.R] V2152 [RESP] M7-3a. USE GRAB BAR HOW OFTEN M7-3a. How often do you use the grab bar; is it most of the time, some of the time or only occasionally? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 106 MOST OF TIME....................... 1 25 SOME OF TIME....................... 2 40 OCCASIONALLY....................... 3 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8051 INAP, [2151 NOT 1], OTHER, HOW BATHE [V2149=7] V2153 [RESP] M7-4. USE STOOL M7-4. Do you ever sit on a seat or stool when you take a bath or shower? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 YES............................... 1 772 NO................................ 5 GO TO M7-5 0 DK................................ .D GO TO M7-5 0 RF................................ .R GO TO M7-5 7369 INAP, DK/RF, OTHER-HOW BATHE [V2149=7,.D,.R] V2154 [RESP] M7-4a. USE STOOL HOW OFTEN M7-4a. How often do you use a seat or stool; is it most of the time, some of the time or only occasionally? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 MOST OF TIME....................... 1 10 SOME OF TIME....................... 2 17 OCCASIONALLY....................... 3 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8141 INAP, DK/RF, OTHER-HOW BATHE [V2149=7,.D,.R], NOT USE STOOL [V2153 NOT 1] V2155 [RESP] M7-5. BATH/SHOWER USE OTHER EQUIP M7-5. Is there anything (else) you use to help you when taking a bath or shower? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 YES............................... 1 809 NO................................ 5 GO TO M7-6 0 DK................................ .D GO TO M7-6 0 RF................................ .R GO TO M7-6 7369 INAP, DK/RF, OTHER-HOW BATHE [V2149=7,.D,.R] V2157 [RESP] M7-5b. OTHER EQUIP HOW OFTEN M7-5b. How often do you use that; is it most of the time, some of the time or only occasionally? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 MOST OF TIME....................... 1 3 SOME OF TIME....................... 2 4 OCCASIONALLY....................... 3 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8178 INAP, [V2155 NOT 1] V2158 [RESP] M7-6. HELP IN/OUT OF SHOWER/BATH M7-6. Does anyone ever help you get in or out of the bath or shower? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 YES............................... 1 822 NO................................ 5 GO TO M7-7 0 DK................................ .D GO TO M7-7 0 RF................................ .R GO TO M7-7 7369 INAP, DK/RF, OTHER HOW BATHE [V2149=7,.D,.R] V2159 [RESP] M7-6a. HELP IN/OUT HOW OFTEN M7-6a. How often does someone help you; is it most of the time, some of the time or only occasionally? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 MOST OF TIME....................... 1 5 SOME OF TIME....................... 2 7 OCCASIONALLY....................... 3 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8191 INAP, NO HELP IN/OUT [V2158 NOT 1] V2160 [RESP] M7-7. HELP WASH/DRY SELF M7-7. Does anyone ever help you to wash or dry off? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 YES............................... 1 860 NO................................ 5 GO TO M7-8 0 DK................................ .D GO TO M7-8 0 RF................................ .R GO TO M7-8 7330 INAP, DK/RF HOW BATHE [V2149 NOT .D,.R] V2161 [RESP] M7-7a. HELP WASH/DRY HOW OFTEN M7-7a. How often does someone help you; is it most of the time, some of the time or only occasionally? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 MOST OF TIME....................... 1 7 SOME OF TIME....................... 2 4 OCCASIONALLY....................... 3 1 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8189 INAP, NO HELP [V2160 NOT 1] V2162 [RESP] M7-8. BATHE WHEN SOMEONE AT HOME M7-8. Do you try to have someone home with you when you bathe? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115 YES............................... 1 777 NO................................ 5 GO TO M7-9 0 DK................................ .D GO TO M7-9 0 RF................................ .R GO TO M7-9 7330 INAP, DK/RF HOW BATHE, [V2149 = .D,.R] V2163 [RESP] M7-8a. BATHE SOMEONE AT HOME HOW OFTEN M7-8a. How often do you have someone home; is it most of the time, some of the time or only occasionally? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 MOST OF TIME....................... 1 9 SOME OF TIME....................... 2 6 OCCASIONALLY....................... 3 1 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8106 INAP, NOT HAVE SOMEONE WHEN BATHE [V2162 NOT 1] V2164 [RESP] M7-9. BATHE HOW OFTEN M7-9. How often do you bathe or shower; once or more each day, almost every day, 1-2 times a week, or less than once a week? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 458 ONCE A DAY (OR MORE)............... 1 255 ALMOST EVERY DAY................... 2 171 1-2 TIMES A WEEK................... 3 6 LESS THAN ONCE A WEEK.............. 5 0 DK................................. .D 2 RF................................. .R 7330 INAP, DK/RF HOW BATHE [V2149 NOT .D,.R] V2165 [RESP] M7-10. BATHE HOW MUCH TIME M7-10. About how much time does it usually take you for a bath or shower? Think of the time from when you start to bathe or shower until you are finished and dried off. IS it 5 minutes or less, 6-10 minutes, 11-15 minutes, 16-30 minutes, or more than a half hour? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 5 MINUTES OR LESS.................. 1 292 6-10 MINUTES....................... 2 244 11-15 MINUTES...................... 3 234 16-30 MINUTES...................... 5 45 MORE THAN HALF HOUR................ 5 7 DK................................. .D 1 RF................................. .R 7329 INAP, DK/RF HOW BATHE [V2149=.D,.R] V2193 [RESP] M7-11. MANAGE DAY-DAY AFFAIRS M7-11. Do you [and your (husband/wife/partner)] take care of your day-to-day financial affairs like paying bills, or does someone help you do that? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 814 R AND/OR SPOUSE DOES............. 1 GO TO M7-12 65 SOMEONE ELSE HELPS............... 2 14 SOMEONE ELSE DOES IT............. 3 0 DK............................... .D GO TO M7-12 1 RF............................... .R GO TO M7-12 7328 INAP V2194 [RESP] M7-11a. DAY-DAY AFFAIRS WHO HELPS M7-11a. Who helps you [and your (husband/wife/partner)] with that? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 CHILD/CHILD-IN-LAW/GRANDCHILD.... 1 14 OTHER RELATIVE................... 2 GO TO M7-12 13 OTHER PERSON..................... 3 GO TO M7-12 0 DK............................... .D GO TO M7-12 0 RF............................... .R GO TO M7-12 8143 INAP, R/SP DO FINANCES (DK/RF) [V2193 NE 2,3] V2195 [RESP] M7-11b. DAY-DAY AFFAIRS WHICH CHILD M7-11b. Which child is that? IF GRANDCHILD PROBE: Which child of yours is the parent of that grandchild? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- N PERSON NUMBER OF CHILD 16 120 NON-RESIDENT CHILD 6 130 2 140 5 150 2 170 18 410 HOUSEHOLD MEMBER (CHILD) 1 420 2 DK................................ .D 0 RF................................ .R 8170 INAP, R/SP DO FINANCES (DK/RF) [V2193 NE 2,3], NOT CHILD [V2194 NE 1] V2196 [RESP] M7-12. MANAGE SVGS/INVESTMENTS M7-12. Do you [and your (husband/wife/partner)] manage your savings and investments (yourself/yourselves), or does someone help you with that? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 737 R AND/OR SPOUSE MANAGES.......... 1 GO TO M7-13 64 SOMEONE ELSE HELPS............... 2 24 SOMEONE ELSE MANAGES............. 3 69 [VOL] NO SAVINGS/INVESTMENTS..... 5 GO TO M7-13 0 DK............................... .D GO TO M7-13 1 RF............................... .R GO TO M7-13 7327 INAP V2197 [RESP] M7-12a. SVGS/INVESTMENTS WHO HELPS M7-12a. Who helps you [and your (husband/wife/partner)] with that? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 CHILD/CHILD-IN-LAW/GRANDCHILD.... 1 7 OTHER RELATIVE................... 2 GO TO M7-13 38 OTHER............................ 3 GO TO M7-13 0 DK............................... .D GO TO M7-13 0 RF............................... .R GO TO M7-13 8134 INAP, NO ONE HELPS [V2196 NOT 2,3] V2198 [RESP] M7-12b. SVGS/INVESTMENTS WHICH CHILD M7-12b. Which child is that? IF GRANDCHILD PROBE: Which child of yours is the parent of that grandchild? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- N PERSON NUMBER OF CHILD 23 120 NON-RESIDENT CHILD 6 130 3 140 3 150 7 410 HOUSEHOLD MEMBER (CHILD) 1 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 8179 INAP, NO ONE HELPS [V2196 NOT 2,3]. NOT CHILD [V2197 NOT 1] V2199 [RESP] M7-13. MAJOR DECISION ASK FOR ADVICE M7-13. Suppose you were trying to decide whether to take out additional health insurance, or whether to move, or to make some large purchase like a car or vacation trip: Would you [and your (husband/wife/partner)] decide (yourself/yourselves), ask someone else for advice, or what? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 671 R AND/OR SPOUSE DECIDE,,........ 1 GO TO M7-end 220 ASK FOR ADVICE.................. 2 2 DK.............................. .D GO TO M7-end 2 RF.............................. .R GO TO M7-end 7327 INAP V2200 [RESP] M7-13a. MAJOR DECISIONS WHO HELPS M7-13a. Who would you [and your (husband/wife/partner)] ask for advice? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167 CHILD/CHILD-IN-LAW/GRANDCHILD... 1 30 OTHER RELATIVE.................. 2 GO TO M7-end 23 OTHER PERSON.................... 3 GO TO M7-end 0 DK.............................. .D GO TO M7-end 0 RF.............................. .R GO TO M7-end 8002 INAP, NOT ASK FOR ADVICE [V2199 NOT 2] V2201 [RESP] M7-13b. MAJOR DECISIONS WHICH CHILD M7-13b. Which child is that? IF GRANDCHILD PROBE: Which child of yours is the parent of that grandchild? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- N PERSON NUMBER OF CHILD 82 120 NON-RESIDENT CHILD 31 130 6 140 8 150 3 160 1 170 29 410 HOUSEHOLD MEMBER (CHILD) 2 420 4 DK................................. .D 1 RF................................. .R 8055 INAP, NOT ASKED FOR ADVICE [V2199 NOT 2], NOT CHILD [V22OO NOT 1] M7-END. Thank you. MODULE 9 - FINANCIAL PRESSURES V2212 [RESP] MODULE 9: FINANCIAL PRESSURES M9-1. Although we have finished the interview, we would like to ask you a few additional experimental questions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 920 DO MODULE 9..................... 1 155 REFUSED MODULE.................. 9 GO TO M9-END 7147 INAP, MODULE 9 NOT RANDOM CHOICE V2213 [RESP] M9-2. NOT ABLE PAY RENT/UTIL LAST 12 MOS M9-2. During the last 12 months did any of the following happen to you [or your (husband/wife/partner)] because you ran short of money? You weren't able to pay utilities bills or the rent on time? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 YES................................ 1 875 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7302 INAP V2214 [RESP] M9-3. CHEAPER FOOD LAST 12 MOS M9-3. you had to buy less expensive kinds of foods (in last 12 months)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 149 YES................................ 1 771 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7302 INAP V2215 [RESP] M9-4. NOT ABLE TO BUY MEDS LAST 12 MOS M9-4. you couldn't purchase medications that had been prescribed by a doctor (because you ran short of money)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 YES................................ 1 867 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7302 INAP V2216 [RESP] M9-5. UNABLE EAT OUT AS MUCH LAST 12 MOS M9-5. you weren't able to eat out as much as usual? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122 YES................................ 1 797 NO................................. 5 1 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7302 INAP V2217 [RESP] M9-6. PUT OFF SEEING DOCTOR LAST 12 MOS M9-6. you had to put off seeing a doctor even though you weren't feeling well? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 YES................................ 1 865 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7302 INAP V2218 [RESP] M9-7. NOT ABLE VACATION LAST 12 MOS M9-7. (Because you ran short of money) you didn't take as much vacation as usual? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130 YES................................ 1 789 NO................................. 5 1 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7302 INAP V2219 [RESP] M9-8. PUT OFF BUYING CAR LAST 12 MOS M9-8. (In the last 12 months) you put off buying a car (because you ran short of money)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 120 YES................................ 1 799 NO................................. 5 1 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7302 INAP V2220 [RESP] M9-9. NOT ABLE REPAIR HOME LAST 12 MOS M9-9. you skipped making needed repairs on your home? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118 YES................................ 1 801 NO................................. 5 1 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7302 INAP V2221 [RESP] M9-10. NOT ABLE TRAVEL LAST 12 MOS M9-10. (In the last 12 months) you cut down on the amount of travel you do (because you ran short of money)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 180 YES................................ 1 740 NO................................. 5 0 DK................................. .D 0 RF................................. .R 7302 INAP M9-11. There has been a good deal of discussion about making long-term care in a nursing home more accessible to older people. Do you think the following ideas are fair or unfair? V2226 [RESP] M9-11a. FAIR TO GIVE LNG TRM CARE TO ALL M9-11a. Do you think it is fair or unfair to require that long-term care in a nursing home be available to everyone who is eligible for medicare, and pay for the cost by reducing Social Security benefits? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 272 FAIR............................... 1 444 UNFAIR............................. 2 163 MIXED, PRO/CON..................... 3 37 DK................................. .D 4 RF................................. .R 7302 INAP V2227 [RESP] M9-11b. FAIR LNG TRM CARE IF VOLNTEER SS M9-11b. (Do you think it is fair or unfair) to make long-term care in a nursing home available on a volunteer basis to those willing to have their Social Security benefits reduced to pay for this protection? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 572 FAIR............................... 1 192 UNFAIR............................. 2 120 MIXED, PRO/CON..................... 3 32 DK................................. .D 4 RF................................. .R 7302 INAP V2228 [RESP] M9-11c. FAIR LNG TRM CARE TAX INCR M9-11c. (Is it fair or unfair) to make long-term care in a nursing home available to everyone, and pay for the cost with a tax increase on the general population? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 316 FAIR............................... 1 425 UNFAIR............................. 2 140 MIXED, PRO/CON..................... 3 31 DK................................. .D 8 RF................................. .R 7302 INAP V2229 [RESP] M9-11d. FAIR LNG TRM CARE LEAVE AS IS M9-11d. (Is it fair or unfair) to leave things as they are, so that people pay for their own nursing home care until their assets are used up? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 368 FAIR............................... 1 390 UNFAIR............................. 2 120 MIXED, PRO/CON..................... 3 33 DK................................. .D 9 RF................................. .R 7302 INAP M9-END. Thank you

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Wed Jun 16 15:41:21 1999